Kotlin Android Development Masterclass
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/17 - Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/006 Volley JSON ObjectRequest.mp4 232.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/031 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Final Product.mp4 226.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/015 App - Chores - Deleting Chore.mp4 176.0 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/021 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Save Images to Firebase - Part 13.2.mp4 172.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/17 - Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/010 App - Recipe Finder -RecyclerAdapter.mp4 171.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/17 - Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/005 Volley JSON ArrayRequest.mp4 169.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/13 - Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/004 App - ImageFilter.mp4 168.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/006 App - Chores - Add and Retrieve a Chore.mp4 158.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/15 - Introduction to RecyclerViews - Advanced Android Widgets/006 RecyclerView - Part 3 - Code.mp4 155.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/010 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Create Account UI - Part 4.mp4 149.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/020 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Settings Get Image - Part 13.1.mp4 145.1 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/12 - Creating User Interface - TextViews, Buttons, EditTexts... and More UI Widgets/007 CheckBoxes in Android.mp4 138.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/004 Firebase - Login User With Email and Password.mp4 135.1 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/009 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Login - Part 3.mp4 133.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/013 App - Chores - Create Custom Popup.mp4 131.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/12 - Creating User Interface - TextViews, Buttons, EditTexts... and More UI Widgets/008 App- How Much You Weigh on ... Improved Version 2.mp4 131.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/029 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Setup Chat Activity - Part 19.mp4 131.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/17 - Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/004 Volley String Request.mp4 127.1 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/17 - Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/013 App - Recipe Finder - Final.mp4 122.5 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/016 App - Chores - Final Touches.mp4 121.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/15 - Introduction to RecyclerViews - Advanced Android Widgets/005 RecyclerView - Part 2 - UI.mp4 120.0 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/14 - Activities and Navigations/007 App - Animals Bio - Final.mp4 117.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/22 - Let's Build a Breathe App/002 User Interface Setup.mp4 117.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/028 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Chat Activity - Part 18.mp4 117.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/024 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Showing all Users - Part 14.2.mp4 113.1 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/012 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Login Users Code - Part 6.mp4 112.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/011 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Create Account - Part 5.mp4 111.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/12 - Creating User Interface - TextViews, Buttons, EditTexts... and More UI Widgets/010 App- How Much You Weigh on ... Improved Version 3 - Final.mp4 110.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/010 App - Chores - Recycler Adapter.mp4 110.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/025 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Tap and Show Dialog - Part 15.mp4 110.1 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/17 - Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/011 App - Recipe Finder - Parsing Recipies.mp4 109.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/19 - Let's Build a Developer Portfolio App/007 Wiring it all Up.mp4 106.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/026 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Populate Profile Picture - Part 16.mp4 106.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/20 - Build a Motivational App/006 Setup Fragments.mp4 105.1 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/12 - Creating User Interface - TextViews, Buttons, EditTexts... and More UI Widgets/009 App - Weight On.... Improved part 2.mp4 104.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/017 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Settings Screen Setup - Part 10.mp4 103.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/22 - Let's Build a Breathe App/005 Finalizing the App.mp4 102.1 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/018 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Settings Activity - Part 11.mp4 102.0 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/014 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - TabLayout ViewPager - Part 8.1.mp4 100.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/005 App - Chores - Database handler Class.mp4 98.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/19 - Let's Build a Developer Portfolio App/003 User Interface Setup.mp4 97.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/15 - Introduction to RecyclerViews - Advanced Android Widgets/002 How do Listviews Work - Adpaters and Listviews.mp4 96.1 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/17 - Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/012 App - Recipe Finder - Show Recipes on RecyclerVew.mp4 95.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/13 - Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/002 Adding Images to Our Apps - ImageViews.mp4 95.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/02 - Development Setup - Windows PC, MAC and Linux Ubuntu/004 Install Android Studio - Windows PC.mp4 95.5 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/003 Firebase - Save Objects and Use Push.mp4 95.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/027 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Create Item Message - Part 17.mp4 95.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/023 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Populate Users - Create Adapter - Part 14.1.mp4 94.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/12 - Creating User Interface - TextViews, Buttons, EditTexts... and More UI Widgets/006 App - How Much You Weigh on Other Planets.mp4 91.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/17 - Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/008 App - Recipe Finder - User Interface - Part 1.mp4 90.5 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/22 - Let's Build a Breathe App/003 Setup Animation Library.mp4 89.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/019 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Status Activity - Part 12.mp4 88.5 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/11 - Introduction to Android Studio and Development Setup/006 App - What's My Name.mp4 87.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/004 App - App - Chores - User Interface.mp4 87.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/17 - Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/009 App - Recipe Finder - User Interface - Part 2 - Listrow.mp4 87.0 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/12 - Creating User Interface - TextViews, Buttons, EditTexts... and More UI Widgets/002 TextViews, EditText and Buttons - Enter Name and Show name.mp4 86.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/008 App - Chores - Saving User Input to Database.mp4 85.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/11 - Introduction to Android Studio and Development Setup/004 Android Studio Quick Tour.mp4 82.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/001 Shared Preferences.mp4 81.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/007 App - Chores - Finalize CRUD Functions.mp4 81.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/022 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Settings Show Image and Set Images - Part 13.3.mp4 81.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/13 - Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/012 Styles and Themes in Android.mp4 80.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/13 - Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/013 Context in Android and Toast Class.mp4 79.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/20 - Build a Motivational App/003 Volley Library Setup and App Controller.mp4 78.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/15 - Introduction to RecyclerViews - Advanced Android Widgets/004 RecyclerView - Part 1 - UI.mp4 77.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/13 - Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/006 App - Random background Colors.mp4 77.0 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/014 App - Chores - Saving Chore From Popup.mp4 74.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/20 - Build a Motivational App/002 User Interface Setup.mp4 73.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/001 Firebase - Introduction to Cloud Based Services - Setup.mp4 73.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/009 Inheritance.mp4 73.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/20 - Build a Motivational App/007 Setup Fragments - Part 2.mp4 72.5 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/12 - Creating User Interface - TextViews, Buttons, EditTexts... and More UI Widgets/005 App - How Much You Weigh on Mars.mp4 72.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/19 - Let's Build a Developer Portfolio App/004 UI and TabLayout.mp4 70.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/02 - Development Setup - Windows PC, MAC and Linux Ubuntu/007 Install Android IntelliJ - Linux Ubuntu.mp4 70.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/20 - Build a Motivational App/008 Setup Fragments and Viewpager Class.mp4 70.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/22 - Let's Build a Breathe App/004 Setup Shared Preferences - Saving data on Device.mp4 69.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/009 App - Chores - Custom Listrow - User Inter face.mp4 67.5 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/030 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Sending and Showing Chats - Part 20.mp4 67.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/008 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Setup UI Finish Main Activity - Part 2.mp4 66.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/015 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - TabLayout ViewPager - Part 8.2.mp4 65.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/016 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Menu Settings and Logout - Part 9.mp4 62.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/19 - Let's Build a Developer Portfolio App/006 Setup PagerAdapter Class.mp4 62.0 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/20 - Build a Motivational App/005 Setup Data Classes.mp4 61.1 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/21 - Drawing on the Screen - Custom Views in Android/004 Custom TextViews.mp4 58.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/006 Let's Create our First Class.mp4 57.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/20 - Build a Motivational App/004 Fetching Data from the Remote API.mp4 56.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/011 App - Chores - Showing Chores on Recycler Adapter.mp4 56.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/010 Overloading Constructors.mp4 56.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/13 - Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/001 Adding Images to Our Apps - Why we Use Kotlin Extensions Plugin.mp4 55.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/06 - Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If, else, switch/003 Logical Operators (AND, OR, NOT).mp4 55.1 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/08 - Advanced OOP In Kotlin/002 Abstract Classes.mp4 54.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/11 - Introduction to Android Studio and Development Setup/005 Android Studio Tour - File Structure, Manifest, Strings.mp4 54.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/012 App - Chores - Adding Toolbar Add Button.mp4 54.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/20 - Build a Motivational App/010 Final Product - Motivational App.mp4 53.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/14 - Activities and Navigations/005 Passing data back to first Activity.mp4 53.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/007 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Setup UI - Part 1.mp4 52.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/20 - Build a Motivational App/009 Fix Previous Error!.mp4 52.5 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/11 - Introduction to Android Studio and Development Setup/001 Installing the Android Studio and Setup Kotlin and Run First App.mp4 52.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/11 - Introduction to Android Studio and Development Setup/002 UPDATE - Android Studio 3.0.mp4 51.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/02 - Development Setup - Windows PC, MAC and Linux Ubuntu/008 Installing Android Studio - Linux Ubuntu.mp4 50.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/21 - Drawing on the Screen - Custom Views in Android/003 Drawing Images - Bitmaps.mp4 50.5 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/005 Firebase - Create Account.mp4 50.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/11 - Introduction to Android Studio and Development Setup/008 String.xml, Manifest and Android Studio File.mp4 50.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/09 - Introduction to Arrays and Advanced Data Structures - Collections and More/004 Array Lists.mp4 49.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/002 Functions Return Types.mp4 49.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/14 - Activities and Navigations/006 App - Animals Bio - User Interface - Part I.mp4 48.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/13 - Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/008 Layouts - LinearLayout.mp4 48.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/21 - Drawing on the Screen - Custom Views in Android/002 Drawing Circles.mp4 47.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/011 Controlling Access to fields (Instance Variables - Properties).mp4 47.5 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/04 - Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/011 Kotlin - How to Read Input with readLine Method - App - Store Coversation.mp4 47.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/11 - Introduction to Android Studio and Development Setup/003 Running UPDATED Android Studio - No Extension Needed.mp4 46.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/013 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Check User - Login - Part 7.mp4 44.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/06 - Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If, else, switch/008 App - How Many Siblings.mp4 44.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/09 - Introduction to Arrays and Advanced Data Structures - Collections and More/005 Hashmaps.mp4 44.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/14 - Activities and Navigations/002 Activity lifecycle.mp4 44.1 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/09 - Introduction to Arrays and Advanced Data Structures - Collections and More/006 MapOf, Arrayof, MutableList.mp4 43.0 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/10 - Kotlin - Introduction to IO - Write, Read File - Storage/004 App - Writing a Reader-Write App.mp4 42.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/05 - Kotlin - Operations and Operators/007 How to Convert Between Data Types.mp4 42.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/006 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Demo.mp4 42.1 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/14 - Activities and Navigations/004 Passing Data between Activities.mp4 41.1 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/19 - Let's Build a Developer Portfolio App/005 Finalizing User Interface and Create Fragments.mp4 40.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/06 - Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If, else, switch/004 When Expression.mp4 40.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/11247344-Updated-ChatApp.zip 39.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/13 - Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/014 Debugging Your Code.mp4 39.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/10 - Kotlin - Introduction to IO - Write, Read File - Storage/001 Writing to Files (Text Files).mp4 39.0 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/06 - Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If, else, switch/005 For Loop.mp4 38.5 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/14 - Activities and Navigations/001 What's an Activity.mp4 38.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/12 - Creating User Interface - TextViews, Buttons, EditTexts... and More UI Widgets/001 Android Toast and Context Class.mp4 37.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/12 - Creating User Interface - TextViews, Buttons, EditTexts... and More UI Widgets/003 Enter Name and Show - Final.mp4 37.0 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/02 - Development Setup - Windows PC, MAC and Linux Ubuntu/003 Install IntelliJ IDEA - Windows PC.mp4 36.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/08 - Advanced OOP In Kotlin/003 Generic Classes.mp4 36.0 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/002 Firebase - Read Values from Fireabase Database.mp4 35.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/05 - Kotlin - Operations and Operators/006 Incrementing and Decrementing.mp4 35.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/22 - Let's Build a Breathe App/006 Final Product - Breathe App.mp4 33.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/15 - Introduction to RecyclerViews - Advanced Android Widgets/007 Adding Event Listeners to Each Row.mp4 33.0 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/04 - Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/005 Kotlin Variable type Int.mp4 32.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/001 Functions With Parameters.mp4 32.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/09 - Introduction to Arrays and Advanced Data Structures - Collections and More/002 Create Arrays and Iterate Through.mp4 30.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/06 - Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If, else, switch/002 If-else Statements and Conditional operators.mp4 30.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/05 - Kotlin - Operations and Operators/004 Kotlin - Division.mp4 30.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/14 - Activities and Navigations/003 Navigating from One Activity to Another.mp4 29.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/08 - Advanced OOP In Kotlin/004 Enums in Kotlin.mp4 29.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/19 - Let's Build a Developer Portfolio App/002 Theme and Colors - Branding.mp4 28.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/10 - Kotlin - Introduction to IO - Write, Read File - Storage/002 writing to File with User Input and Appending Characters.mp4 28.5 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/09 - Introduction to Arrays and Advanced Data Structures - Collections and More/003 Arrays - Part 2.mp4 27.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/13 - Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/009 RelativeLayouts.mp4 27.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/04 - Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/010 Kotlin - Difference between Var and Val Keywords.mp4 27.1 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/10 - Kotlin - Introduction to IO - Write, Read File - Storage/003 Reading from Text Files.mp4 27.0 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/01 - Getting Started/003 Where Should You Start.mp4 26.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/19 - Let's Build a Developer Portfolio App/11368076-DevPortfolioKotlin.zip 26.0 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/06 - Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If, else, switch/001 Conditional operators (,, ==, !=, =, =).mp4 25.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/007 Setters and Getters.mp4 25.1 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/02 - Development Setup - Windows PC, MAC and Linux Ubuntu/005 Install IntelliJ IDEA - MAC.mp4 24.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/06 - Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If, else, switch/007 Do while Loop.mp4 23.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/02 - Development Setup - Windows PC, MAC and Linux Ubuntu/002 Install Java JDK - Windows PC.mp4 23.5 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/13 - Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/010 TableRow Layout.mp4 23.1 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/08 - Advanced OOP In Kotlin/001 Interface Classes.mp4 22.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/03 - WATCH THIS - UPDATE Development Tools/001 IntelliJ Updates.mp4 22.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/20 - Build a Motivational App/11368072-MotivationalApp.zip 21.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/04 - Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/008 Kotlin - Variable type - Float.mp4 21.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/016 Overloading Operators + Challenge.mp4 21.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/004 Variable Scope.mp4 21.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/17 - Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/007 App - Recipe Finder - Demo.mp4 21.0 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/21 - Drawing on the Screen - Custom Views in Android/11368050-DrawPrimitives.zip 20.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/19 - Let's Build a Developer Portfolio App/008 Final Touches and Product.mp4 20.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/04 - Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/009 Kotlin Char Variable Types.mp4 20.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/003 App - Chores - Demo.mp4 18.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/003 Functions - No return Type, No parameters.mp4 18.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/22 - Let's Build a Breathe App/11368026-Breathe.zip 17.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/014 Inner Classes.mp4 17.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/02 - Development Setup - Windows PC, MAC and Linux Ubuntu/006 Install Java - Linux Ubuntu.mp4 17.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/03 - WATCH THIS - UPDATE Development Tools/002 Update to Kotlin 1.2.mp4 17.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/15 - Introduction to RecyclerViews - Advanced Android Widgets/001 Introduction to Listviews - Demo.mp4 16.0 MB
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- .pad/81 13.4 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/004 App - App - Chores - User Interface_en.vtt 12.6 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/011 App - Chores - Showing Chores on Recycler Adapter_en.vtt 12.5 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/13 - Creating User Interfaces - Part 2/014 Debugging Your Code_en.vtt 11.7 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/008 App - Chores - Saving User Input to Database_en.vtt 11.6 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/14 - Activities and Navigations/007 App - Animals Bio - Final_en.vtt 11.5 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/20 - Build a Motivational App/009 Fix Previous Error!_en.vtt 11.4 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/012 App - Chores - Adding Toolbar Add Button_en.vtt 11.4 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/06 - Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If, else, switch/008 App - How Many Siblings_en.vtt 11.4 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/19 - Let's Build a Developer Portfolio App/005 Finalizing User Interface and Create Fragments_en.vtt 11.3 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/20 - Build a Motivational App/006 Setup Fragments_en.vtt 11.3 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/09 - Introduction to Arrays and Advanced Data Structures - Collections and More/004 Array Lists_en.vtt 11.2 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/02 - Development Setup - Windows PC, MAC and Linux Ubuntu/008 Installing Android Studio - Linux Ubuntu_en.vtt 11.0 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/09 - Introduction to Arrays and Advanced Data Structures - Collections and More/006 MapOf, Arrayof, MutableList_en.vtt 10.9 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/007 App - Chores - Finalize CRUD Functions_en.vtt 10.9 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/06 - Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If, else, switch/005 For Loop_en.vtt 10.2 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/22 - Let's Build a Breathe App/005 Finalizing the App_en.vtt 10.2 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/007 Setters and Getters_en.vtt 7.3 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/10 - Kotlin - Introduction to IO - Write, Read File - Storage/003 Reading from Text Files_en.vtt 7.3 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/20 - Build a Motivational App/008 Setup Fragments and Viewpager Class_en.vtt 7.3 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/10 - Kotlin - Introduction to IO - Write, Read File - Storage/002 writing to File with User Input and Appending Characters_en.vtt 7.2 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/011 Controlling Access to fields (Instance Variables - Properties)_en.vtt 7.0 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/09 - Introduction to Arrays and Advanced Data Structures - Collections and More/005 Hashmaps_en.vtt 6.9 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/04 - Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/010 Kotlin - Difference between Var and Val Keywords_en.vtt 6.9 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/06 - Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If, else, switch/002 If-else Statements and Conditional operators_en.vtt 6.8 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/03 - WATCH THIS - UPDATE Development Tools/001 IntelliJ Updates_en.vtt 6.6 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/18 - Firebase - Cloud Based Application Development/013 WhatsApp Clone Chat App - Check User - Login - Part 7_en.vtt 6.5 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/01 - Getting Started/003 Where Should You Start_en.vtt 6.5 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/06 - Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If, else, switch/001 Conditional operators (,, ==, !=, =, =)_en.vtt 6.4 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/04 - Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/001 Write a Hello World program in Kotlin_en.vtt 6.3 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/09 - Introduction to Arrays and Advanced Data Structures - Collections and More/003 Arrays - Part 2_en.vtt 6.3 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/08 - Advanced OOP In Kotlin/004 Enums in Kotlin_en.vtt 6.3 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/21 - Drawing on the Screen - Custom Views in Android/001 Introduction to Drawing on Screen_en.vtt 6.2 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/04 - Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/004 Kotlin Variable type String_en.vtt 5.9 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/004 Variable Scope_en.vtt 5.9 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/05 - Kotlin - Operations and Operators/006 Incrementing and Decrementing_en.vtt 5.8 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/013 Nested Classes_en.vtt 5.4 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/005 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - OOP - What's a Class_en.vtt 5.3 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/06 - Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If, else, switch/007 Do while Loop_en.vtt 5.2 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/03 - WATCH THIS - UPDATE Development Tools/002 Update to Kotlin 1.2_en.vtt 5.2 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/015 Companion Object in Kotlin_en.vtt 5.0 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/06 - Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If, else, switch/006 While Loop_en.vtt 5.0 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/17 - Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/002 What's an Android Library_en.vtt 5.0 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/04 - Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/009 Kotlin Char Variable Types_en.vtt 4.6 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/04 - Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/006 Kotlin - Variable type - Double_en.vtt 4.5 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/23 - Bonus/001 More Courses By Paulo and More.html 4.0 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/04 - Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/008 Kotlin - Variable type - Float_en.vtt 4.0 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/04 - Introduction to Kotlin Programming Language/007 Kotlin Variable type Boolean_en.vtt 4.0 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/05 - Kotlin - Operations and Operators/005 Kotlin - Remainder_en.vtt 3.7 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/19 - Let's Build a Developer Portfolio App/008 Final Touches and Product_en.vtt 3.6 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/002 Introduction to Databases in Android - Kotlin - Sqlite_en.vtt 3.5 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/008 Inheritance - Introduction_en.vtt 3.4 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/07 - Introduction to Classes and Objects - Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin/003 Functions - No return Type, No parameters_en.vtt 3.2 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/02 - Development Setup - Windows PC, MAC and Linux Ubuntu/009 How to Import Kotlin CodeResources into IntelliJ_en.vtt 3.0 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/17 - Connecting to the World - Connecting and Consuming JSON data from the Internet/007 App - Recipe Finder - Demo_en.vtt 2.9 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/16 - Storage in Android and Kotlin - Sharedpreferences, Database - Internal Storage/003 App - Chores - Demo_en.vtt 2.7 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/22 - Let's Build a Breathe App/001 Intro to Breathe App_en.vtt 2.6 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/19 - Let's Build a Developer Portfolio App/001 Developer Portfolio App - Demo_en.vtt 2.1 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/06 - Kotlin Language - Decision Making - If, else, switch/009 CodeResource Files.html 268 bytes
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/08 - Advanced OOP In Kotlin/005 CodeResource Files.html 268 bytes
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/19 - Let's Build a Developer Portfolio App/009 Resources.html 20 bytes
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- [TutsNode.com] - Kotlin Android Development Masterclass/21 - Drawing on the Screen - Custom Views in Android/005 Resources.html 11 bytes
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