[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Android App Development Masterclass using Kotlin
File List
- 12. TaskTimer App/9. uriMatcher.mp4 240.5 MB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/4. Finish ViewModel Changes.mp4 219.8 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/16. Cursor and Navigation.mp4 207.4 MB
- 8. The YouTube app/12. Implementing Intents and Challenge.mp4 206.7 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/23. Menu Groups - Code.mp4 201.4 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/24. Challenge Solution.mp4 197.0 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/24. The Add Edit Fragment.mp4 195.0 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/26. Checking Permissions at Runtime.mp4 194.1 MB
- 6. Calculator App/12. Bug Fix Challlenge and Save State.mp4 186.8 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/27. Multi-pane Displays.mp4 182.3 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/25. Permissions.mp4 176.5 MB
- 6. Calculator App/3. Continue with Interface.mp4 175.7 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/31. Logging the Fragment Lifecycle.mp4 171.6 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/8. The ContentProvider.mp4 169.2 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/18. Testing Bulk Update and Delete.mp4 168.9 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/18. Android File System.mp4 167.5 MB
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/9. Enable VT-X in BIOS.mp4 160.5 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/30. Intents, setData and Uris.mp4 155.4 MB
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/8. SDK Configuration Continued.mp4 149.8 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/17. Testing Insert and Update.mp4 143.9 MB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/8. Implement ViewModel.mp4 143.0 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/15. Create Table Add Data and Test.mp4 142.4 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/25. Loop Challenge.mp4 132.6 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/16. Update and Delete.mp4 127.5 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/25. Swapping Fragments.mp4 125.5 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/32. Android SDK Gradle and Kotlin Updates.mp4 125.1 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/20. Setting up the Emulators.mp4 125.0 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/9. Classes.mp4 124.5 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/13. The Button Counter App.mp4 123.6 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/15. Coding Button Counter App.mp4 122.4 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/12. Register the ContentProvider.mp4 122.2 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/22. Add Edit Layout.mp4 122.0 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/22. The ContactsContract.mp4 120.4 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/7. onUpgrade and Testing.mp4 120.1 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/13. Using appendWhereEscapeString.mp4 120.1 MB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/3. Using a ViewModel.mp4 119.7 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/24. Retrieving Data with a ContentResolver.mp4 119.4 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/4. Constraints and Resizing.mp4 118.7 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/11. The Content URI.mp4 118.3 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/27. Testing the App.mp4 118.2 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/38. Saving the Task Details.mp4 117.7 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/27. Material Design.mp4 117.1 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/1. The TaskTimer Application.mp4 116.1 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/28. Enabling Two-pane Mode.mp4 115.6 MB
- 6. Calculator App/15. Fixing Landscape Layout.mp4 115.0 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/15. for Loops.mp4 114.8 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/19. Main Menu UI.mp4 112.9 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/6. String Concatenation and Interpolation.mp4 111.7 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/14. Basic SQL in Android.mp4 111.2 MB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/9. Final Changes.mp4 110.4 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/20. Task UI Layout.mp4 109.4 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/24. Logging the Activity Lifecycle.mp4 108.5 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/15. Content Provider Insert.mp4 108.4 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/37. Completing the AddEdit UI.mp4 104.7 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/32. Namespaces.mp4 104.5 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/29. The Fragment Lifecycle Part 1.mp4 102.3 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/43. Telling Fibs.mp4 101.2 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/29. More on Snackbars.mp4 99.2 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/2. Database Setup.mp4 99.0 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/28. Avoiding Crashes Snackbars and a Challenge.mp4 98.1 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/18. Inheritance.mp4 96.8 MB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/7. ViewModel with Top 10 Downloader.mp4 94.6 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/26. Multi-pane Fragments.mp4 94.3 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/23. The Kotlin Data Class.mp4 89.5 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/14. Mime Types in the Content Provider.mp4 88.0 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/6. Singleton AppDatabase Class.mp4 87.4 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/23. ContentResolver and Abstraction.mp4 86.3 MB
- 3. Hello World Android App/2. Android Studio Templates.mp4 86.0 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/21. Contact Provider App Layout.mp4 84.8 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/33. Up and Back Navigation for Fragments.mp4 84.1 MB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/5. Exposing LiveData.mp4 83.5 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/39. Test Saving.mp4 81.5 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/20. Testing and Challenge.mp4 78.9 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/5. Create SQL for Tasks Table.mp4 78.4 MB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/6. Swapping the ViewModel.mp4 77.4 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/20. Inheritance Continued.mp4 76.4 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/6. Inner Lines within a Widget.mp4 75.4 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/31. Problems Storing State.mp4 74.3 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/36. Back Navigation.mp4 69.8 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/4. AppDatabase Class.mp4 68.5 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/35. Removing the Up Button.mp4 66.8 MB
- 8. The YouTube app/4. Google API Key.mp4 66.6 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/33. Test Scripts Challenge and Cleanup.mp4 62.8 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/10. GetFlickJsonData class.mp4 62.1 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/11. GetFlickrJsonData class continued.mp4 60.5 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/7. Android Permissions.mp4 60.0 MB
- 6. Calculator App/1. Demo Calculator App.mp4 59.4 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/11. Challenge.mp4 59.4 MB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/10. App Testing.mp4 59.2 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/32. Remove Saving of State.mp4 54.8 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/6. Reading the Data.mp4 54.1 MB
- 1. Introduction and Course Information/3. Introduction to Android.mp4 54.0 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/29. AppCompat - Backwards Compatibility.mp4 53.6 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/30. The Fragment Lifecycle Part 2.mp4 52.4 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/21. RecyclerItemClickListener.mp4 51.9 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/3. Json and Mini challenge.mp4 51.5 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/14. Code Changes for Array Adapter.mp4 49.1 MB
- 6. Calculator App/6. Comparing FIles with Diff.mp4 48.2 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/10. Parsing the Data.mp4 48.1 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/24. Serializable.mp4 45.7 MB
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/5. Linux - Install Android Studio.mp4 45.6 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/34. Object can have More than One Type.mp4 45.1 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/2. Flick App and Feeds.mp4 44.7 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/22. GestureDetector.mp4 43.7 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/8. CallBacks.mp4 43.7 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/21. Task List Items Constraints.mp4 43.5 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/18. Improving the Adapter.mp4 42.8 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/21. Adding A Menu - Code.mp4 42.2 MB
- 8. The YouTube app/14. More Error Handling.mp4 41.6 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/3. Tasks Contract Class.mp4 41.4 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/17. Custom Adapter Code.mp4 40.7 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/18. Recyclerview Adapter.mp4 40.1 MB
- 6. Calculator App/8. Coding the Calculator.mp4 39.1 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/23. Displaying the full photo.mp4 39.1 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/8. Writing Idiomatic Kotlin.mp4 38.5 MB
- 8. The YouTube app/1. Setup.mp4 38.3 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/14. toString Challenge.mp4 37.9 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/4. Log Tag and Companion Objects.mp4 37.2 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/7. Downloading the JSON.mp4 36.2 MB
- 8. The YouTube app/7. onInitializationSuccess Method.mp4 36.2 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/19. onBindViewHolder and Picasso.mp4 36.1 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/19. ViewHolder Pattern.mp4 35.9 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/11. Create Xml Parse Function.mp4 35.9 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/8. Conditions.mp4 35.8 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/14. RecyclerView Layouts.mp4 35.7 MB
- 12. TaskTimer App/10. Updating Build Files.mp4 35.6 MB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/2. Androids ViewModel Class.mp4 35.5 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/17. Nested Layouts.mp4 34.9 MB
- 3. Hello World Android App/5. Tour of Android Studio.mp4 34.9 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/12. Uri Builder.mp4 34.4 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/39. SearchView.mp4 34.1 MB
- 8. The YouTube app/6. The YouTube Player.mp4 33.9 MB
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/7. Configure Android SDK on all Three Platforms.mp4 33.6 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/31. Custom Style Sheets.mp4 33.6 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/12. Testing the App.mp4 33.6 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/12. Wild Cards and Views.mp4 33.2 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/18. Testing and Challenge Time.mp4 33.2 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/40. More on SearchView.mp4 33.1 MB
- 6. Calculator App/18. Add Neg Button to Portrait.mp4 32.4 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/25. Activity Lifecycle in Action.mp4 32.4 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/33. Other Material Design Changes.mp4 32.3 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/5. Download the RSS Feed.mp4 31.9 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/9. Sqlite Querying Data.mp4 31.5 MB
- 3. Hello World Android App/6. Setting Up a Virtual Device.mp4 31.5 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/22. The Activity Lifecycle.mp4 31.4 MB
- 3. Hello World Android App/4. Hello World.mp4 31.4 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/22. while Loops.mp4 31.3 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/10. Order By and Joins.mp4 31.0 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/16. for Encapsulation and Private Properties.mp4 30.6 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/10. Objects and Instances.mp4 30.3 MB
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/1. Windows - Install Android Studio.mp4 30.2 MB
- 6. Calculator App/10. Write Perform Operation Function.mp4 29.9 MB
- 8. The YouTube app/11. Extending Youtube App Code.mp4 29.9 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/13. ListView and ArrayAdapter.mp4 29.6 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/11. More Complex Joins.mp4 29.4 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/26. Saving and Restoring Instance State.mp4 29.1 MB
- 8. The YouTube app/8. Adding Listeners.mp4 28.8 MB
- 8. The YouTube app/2. YouTube Activity.mp4 28.8 MB
- 6. Calculator App/11. Bug Fix and Code Improvements.mp4 28.8 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/41. SearchView Events.mp4 28.1 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/30. Style Sheets.mp4 28.0 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/6. Download JSON - doInBackground.mp4 27.8 MB
- 3. Hello World Android App/8. Running on a physical Android device.mp4 27.8 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/42. SharedPreferences.mp4 27.4 MB
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/4. Mac - Install Android Studio.mp4 27.3 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/13. Flickr Browser User Inferface.mp4 26.8 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/2. Kotlin Tutorial Setup.mp4 26.7 MB
- 6. Calculator App/4. Fine Tuning the Layout.mp4 26.4 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/13. More on Lists.mp4 26.3 MB
- 6. Calculator App/2. Calculator Interface Setup.mp4 26.2 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/1. Introduction.mp4 25.8 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/28. More on Material Design.mp4 25.6 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/12. Add Scrolling Capabilities.mp4 25.4 MB
- 8. The YouTube app/3. Adding Widgets Dynamically.mp4 25.3 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/13. Housekeeping and Challenge.mp4 25.2 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/1. Introduction.mp4 25.0 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/16. Create Custom Adapter.mp4 24.6 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/16. findViewById and r Class.mp4 24.4 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/5. More on Variables and Types.mp4 24.2 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/23. for Loop Revisited.mp4 24.2 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/3. The Constraint Layout.mp4 23.8 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/4. Variables and Types.mp4 23.6 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/7. val and var and more on Declarations.mp4 23.4 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/12. Lists.mp4 22.8 MB
- 6. Calculator App/14. Guidelines.mp4 22.5 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/1. Introduction.mp4 22.5 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/26. Parcelable.mp4 22.5 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/3. Logging and Logcat.mp4 22.4 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/2. AsyncTask.mp4 22.2 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/14. Finish Layout.mp4 22.1 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/15. onDestroy and Asynctask.mp4 22.1 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/20. Associate Adapter to Recyclerview.mp4 21.7 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/19. More on Inheritance.mp4 21.7 MB
- 3. Hello World Android App/7. Running on an emulator.mp4 21.7 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/7. Introduction to Sqlite.mp4 21.6 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/20. Adding a Menu - Layout.mp4 21.5 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/21. Further Inheritance.mp4 21.1 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/37. String Resources Placeholders.mp4 21.1 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/19. Extending the Button App.mp4 20.6 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/16. Search and PhotoDetail Activities.mp4 20.5 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/2. Setup Play Project.mp4 20.4 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/9. Project Diagram and Photo Class.mp4 20.2 MB
- 8. The YouTube app/9. Improving the Player.mp4 19.7 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/22. Menu Groups - Layout.mp4 19.6 MB
- 3. Hello World Android App/3. More on Android Templates.mp4 19.1 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/23. The Logcat Pane.mp4 19.1 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/8. More on the Constraints.mp4 19.1 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/10. Baseline Constraints.mp4 19.0 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/35. Differences in API Levels.mp4 18.9 MB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/1. Introduction.mp4 18.9 MB
- 6. Calculator App/5. Create Landscape Layout.mp4 18.8 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/19. Content Providers.mp4 18.3 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/3. Kotlin Tutorial 1.mp4 18.2 MB
- 8. The YouTube app/5. Add Key to Code.mp4 18.1 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/5. Command Line and Path Setup for Mac.mp4 18.0 MB
- 6. Calculator App/17. Code Changes for Neg Button.mp4 17.6 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/17. Overloading Functions.mp4 17.5 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/8. More SQL with Sqlite.mp4 17.4 MB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/9. More Idiomatic Kotlin.mp4 17.4 MB
- 6. Calculator App/7. Comparing Directories.mp4 17.3 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/7. Layouts on Different Devices.mp4 17.2 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/36. String Resources.mp4 17.2 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/4. Command Line and Path Setup for Windows.mp4 16.7 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/25. Modify Photo Details Activity.mp4 16.5 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/3. Database Terminology.mp4 16.3 MB
- 6. Calculator App/13. Widget References in Kotlin.mp4 14.8 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/15. Finishing Browse Layout.mp4 14.5 MB
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/6. Java Development Kit for Linux (32Bit Users Only!).mp4 14.3 MB
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/3. Java Development Kit for Windows (32Bit Users Only!).mp4 14.3 MB
- 6. Calculator App/9. Add onClickListeners.mp4 14.2 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/38. Adding the Search Feature.mp4 13.9 MB
- 8. The YouTube app/13. Challenge Solution.mp4 13.7 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/17. Events and setonclicklistener.mp4 13.6 MB
- 6. Calculator App/16. Add Neg Button to Layout.mp4 13.3 MB
- 1. Introduction and Course Information/2. The Udemy Interface.mp4 13.2 MB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/24. do while Loop.mp4 13.0 MB
- 8. The YouTube app/10. Extending App Layouts.mp4 12.9 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/6. Command Line and Path Setup for Ubuntu Linux.mp4 12.3 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/5. Positioning Widgets.mp4 12.3 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/21. Fixing Kotlin Gradle Issues.mp4 10.4 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/11. Constraining Widgets.mp4 9.4 MB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/2. Introduction to Databases.mp4 9.3 MB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/1. Introduction.mp4 7.1 MB
- 13. Bonus Material/1. Bonus - Please Watch!.mp4 6.9 MB
- 1. Introduction and Course Information/1. Introduction.mp4 4.2 MB
- 3. Hello World Android App/1. Introduction.mp4 3.1 MB
- 5. The Button Counter App/26.3 ButtonClickCounter.zip.zip 141.9 KB
- 6. Calculator App/8. Coding the Calculator.vtt 40.3 KB
- 1. Introduction and Course Information/3. Introduction to Android.vtt 39.4 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/3. The Constraint Layout.vtt 39.4 KB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/4. Finish ViewModel Changes.vtt 38.1 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/9. uriMatcher.vtt 37.8 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/7. Android Permissions.vtt 37.7 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/6. Reading the Data.vtt 37.4 KB
- 8. The YouTube app/1. Setup.vtt 36.5 KB
- 6. Calculator App/18. Add Neg Button to Portrait.vtt 36.3 KB
- 13. Bonus Material/3. Source Code.html 36.0 KB
- 6. Calculator App/12. Bug Fix Challlenge and Save State.vtt 35.8 KB
- 3. Hello World Android App/5. Tour of Android Studio.vtt 35.4 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/1. The TaskTimer Application.vtt 34.9 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/24. The Add Edit Fragment.vtt 34.1 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/9. Classes.vtt 33.7 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/22. Add Edit Layout.vtt 33.4 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/8. Conditions.vtt 32.8 KB
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/5. Linux - Install Android Studio.vtt 32.8 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/10. Parsing the Data.vtt 32.7 KB
- 6. Calculator App/6. Comparing FIles with Diff.vtt 32.5 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/14. Code Changes for Array Adapter.vtt 31.0 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/4. Constraints and Resizing.vtt 30.9 KB
- 6. Calculator App/2. Calculator Interface Setup.vtt 30.2 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/25. Activity Lifecycle in Action.vtt 29.9 KB
- 3. Hello World Android App/6. Setting Up a Virtual Device.vtt 29.8 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/19. Main Menu UI.vtt 29.7 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/17. Custom Adapter Code.vtt 29.5 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/8. The ContentProvider.vtt 29.3 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/26. Saving and Restoring Instance State.vtt 29.1 KB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/8. Implement ViewModel.vtt 29.0 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/13. The Button Counter App.vtt 29.0 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/15. Coding Button Counter App.vtt 28.7 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/22. The Activity Lifecycle.vtt 28.7 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/18. Testing and Challenge Time.vtt 28.6 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/21. Adding A Menu - Code.vtt 28.3 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/2. AsyncTask.vtt 27.8 KB
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/9. Enable VT-X in BIOS.vtt 27.8 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/23. Menu Groups - Code.vtt 27.8 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/26. Multi-pane Fragments.vtt 27.7 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/18. Testing Bulk Update and Delete.vtt 27.6 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/31. Logging the Fragment Lifecycle.vtt 27.6 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/12. Add Scrolling Capabilities.vtt 27.4 KB
- 6. Calculator App/3. Continue with Interface.vtt 27.3 KB
- 6. Calculator App/10. Write Perform Operation Function.vtt 27.1 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/22. while Loops.vtt 27.0 KB
- 3. Hello World Android App/4. Hello World.vtt 27.0 KB
- 3. Hello World Android App/8. Running on a physical Android device.vtt 26.9 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/20. Task UI Layout.vtt 26.8 KB
- 6. Calculator App/14. Guidelines.vtt 26.7 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/27. Multi-pane Displays.vtt 26.5 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/24. Challenge Solution.vtt 26.4 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/8. Writing Idiomatic Kotlin.vtt 26.4 KB
- 8. The YouTube app/12. Implementing Intents and Challenge.vtt 26.3 KB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/3. Using a ViewModel.vtt 26.0 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/10. GetFlickJsonData class.vtt 25.9 KB
- 6. Calculator App/11. Bug Fix and Code Improvements.vtt 25.7 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/10. Objects and Instances.vtt 25.7 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/5. Download the RSS Feed.vtt 25.5 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/30. Intents, setData and Uris.vtt 25.3 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/8. More on the Constraints.vtt 25.1 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/29. The Fragment Lifecycle Part 1.vtt 24.5 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/13. Using appendWhereEscapeString.vtt 24.5 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/11. Create Xml Parse Function.vtt 24.4 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/18. Inheritance.vtt 24.3 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/11. GetFlickrJsonData class continued.vtt 24.1 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/14. Finish Layout.vtt 23.8 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/23. The Kotlin Data Class.vtt 23.8 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/18. Improving the Adapter.vtt 23.8 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/16. findViewById and r Class.vtt 23.7 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/13. ListView and ArrayAdapter.vtt 23.6 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/2. Setup Play Project.vtt 23.4 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/20. Setting up the Emulators.vtt 23.1 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/25. Loop Challenge.vtt 23.1 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/12. Register the ContentProvider.vtt 23.0 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/17. Nested Layouts.vtt 23.0 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/16. Cursor and Navigation.vtt 22.8 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/11. The Content URI.vtt 22.7 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/25. Swapping Fragments.vtt 22.6 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/17. Testing Insert and Update.vtt 22.6 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/2. Flick App and Feeds.vtt 22.4 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/19. ViewHolder Pattern.vtt 22.4 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/15. for Loops.vtt 22.2 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/32. Android SDK Gradle and Kotlin Updates.vtt 22.1 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/6. String Concatenation and Interpolation.vtt 22.0 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/18. Android File System.vtt 22.0 KB
- 6. Calculator App/15. Fixing Landscape Layout.vtt 21.9 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/16. Update and Delete.vtt 21.6 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/13. More on Lists.vtt 21.5 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/21. RecyclerItemClickListener.vtt 21.4 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/8. CallBacks.vtt 21.3 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/1. Introduction.vtt 21.2 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/16. for Encapsulation and Private Properties.vtt 21.2 KB
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/7. Configure Android SDK on all Three Platforms.vtt 21.1 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/4. Log Tag and Companion Objects.vtt 21.1 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/29. More on Snackbars.vtt 21.0 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/5. More on Variables and Types.vtt 21.0 KB
- 3. Hello World Android App/7. Running on an emulator.vtt 21.0 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/9. Sqlite Querying Data.vtt 20.9 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/4. Variables and Types.vtt 20.9 KB
- 8. The YouTube app/2. YouTube Activity.vtt 20.8 KB
- 8. The YouTube app/14. More Error Handling.vtt 20.8 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/10. Order By and Joins.vtt 20.6 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/2. Database Setup.vtt 20.6 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/18. Recyclerview Adapter.vtt 20.6 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/16. Create Custom Adapter.vtt 20.5 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/19. Extending the Button App.vtt 20.4 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/12. Lists.vtt 20.3 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/7. Layouts on Different Devices.vtt 20.2 KB
- 8. The YouTube app/6. The YouTube Player.vtt 20.0 KB
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/8. SDK Configuration Continued.vtt 20.0 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/3. Json and Mini challenge.vtt 20.0 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/14. RecyclerView Layouts.vtt 19.8 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/6. Singleton AppDatabase Class.vtt 19.8 KB
- 6. Calculator App/4. Fine Tuning the Layout.vtt 19.7 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/2. Kotlin Tutorial Setup.vtt 19.7 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/7. onUpgrade and Testing.vtt 19.7 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/12. Wild Cards and Views.vtt 19.7 KB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/7. ViewModel with Top 10 Downloader.vtt 19.6 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/10. Baseline Constraints.vtt 19.4 KB
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/1. Windows - Install Android Studio.vtt 19.4 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/7. val and var and more on Declarations.vtt 19.3 KB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/9. Final Changes.vtt 19.2 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/24. Serializable.vtt 19.1 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/23. Displaying the full photo.vtt 19.1 KB
- 8. The YouTube app/7. onInitializationSuccess Method.vtt 18.9 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/22. Menu Groups - Layout.vtt 18.9 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/26. Checking Permissions at Runtime.vtt 18.5 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/12. Testing the App.vtt 18.5 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/6. Inner Lines within a Widget.vtt 18.5 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/3. Kotlin Tutorial 1.vtt 18.3 KB
- 8. The YouTube app/4. Google API Key.vtt 18.3 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/22. GestureDetector.vtt 18.0 KB
- 3. Hello World Android App/3. More on Android Templates.vtt 18.0 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/25. Permissions.vtt 17.9 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/13. Flickr Browser User Inferface.vtt 17.9 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/37. Completing the AddEdit UI.vtt 17.9 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/20. Adding a Menu - Layout.vtt 17.9 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/19. onBindViewHolder and Picasso.vtt 17.8 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/27. Material Design.vtt 17.8 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/24. Logging the Activity Lifecycle.vtt 17.7 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/7. Downloading the JSON.vtt 17.7 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/19. More on Inheritance.vtt 17.4 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/28. Enabling Two-pane Mode.vtt 17.3 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/21. Further Inheritance.vtt 17.2 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/39. SearchView.vtt 17.2 KB
- 8. The YouTube app/11. Extending Youtube App Code.vtt 16.9 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/4. AppDatabase Class.vtt 16.9 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/5. Create SQL for Tasks Table.vtt 16.8 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/23. The Logcat Pane.vtt 16.8 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/20. Inheritance Continued.vtt 16.8 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/31. Custom Style Sheets.vtt 16.8 KB
- 6. Calculator App/7. Comparing Directories.vtt 16.8 KB
- 3. Hello World Android App/2. Android Studio Templates.vtt 16.7 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/14. Mime Types in the Content Provider.vtt 16.5 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/17. Overloading Functions.vtt 15.9 KB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/5. Exposing LiveData.vtt 15.9 KB
- 6. Calculator App/5. Create Landscape Layout.vtt 15.7 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/30. Style Sheets.vtt 15.6 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/23. for Loop Revisited.vtt 15.6 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/15. Content Provider Insert.vtt 15.5 KB
- 8. The YouTube app/8. Adding Listeners.vtt 15.4 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/3. Database Terminology.vtt 15.1 KB
- 6. Calculator App/17. Code Changes for Neg Button.vtt 15.1 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/38. Saving the Task Details.vtt 15.0 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/6. Download JSON - doInBackground.vtt 15.0 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/17. Events and setonclicklistener.vtt 15.0 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/32. Namespaces.vtt 14.9 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/3. Logging and Logcat.vtt 14.8 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/4. Command Line and Path Setup for Windows.vtt 14.8 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/11. More Complex Joins.vtt 14.8 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/12. Uri Builder.vtt 14.7 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/40. More on SearchView.vtt 14.5 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/7. Introduction to Sqlite.vtt 14.5 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/33. Test Scripts Challenge and Cleanup.vtt 14.4 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/36. String Resources.vtt 14.4 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/14. Basic SQL in Android.vtt 14.3 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/13. Housekeeping and Challenge.vtt 14.2 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/39. Test Saving.vtt 14.2 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/5. Positioning Widgets.vtt 14.2 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/30. The Fragment Lifecycle Part 2.vtt 14.0 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/15. Create Table Add Data and Test.vtt 14.0 KB
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/4. Mac - Install Android Studio.vtt 13.9 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/33. Up and Back Navigation for Fragments.vtt 13.9 KB
- 6. Calculator App/16. Add Neg Button to Layout.vtt 13.8 KB
- 1. Introduction and Course Information/2. The Udemy Interface.vtt 13.7 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/15. onDestroy and Asynctask.vtt 13.7 KB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/6. Swapping the ViewModel.vtt 13.5 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/8. More SQL with Sqlite.vtt 13.5 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/9. More Idiomatic Kotlin.vtt 13.5 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/28. More on Material Design.vtt 13.3 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/22. The ContactsContract.vtt 13.3 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/37. String Resources Placeholders.vtt 13.0 KB
- 8. The YouTube app/3. Adding Widgets Dynamically.vtt 12.9 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/20. Testing and Challenge.vtt 12.8 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/3. Tasks Contract Class.vtt 12.6 KB
- 6. Calculator App/13. Widget References in Kotlin.vtt 12.5 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/33. Other Material Design Changes.vtt 12.3 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/11. Challenge.vtt 12.2 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/42. SharedPreferences.vtt 12.2 KB
- 8. The YouTube app/5. Add Key to Code.vtt 12.2 KB
- 6. Calculator App/9. Add onClickListeners.vtt 12.1 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/41. SearchView Events.vtt 12.0 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/27. Testing the App.vtt 11.9 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/16. Search and PhotoDetail Activities.vtt 11.9 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/36. Back Navigation.vtt 11.8 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/31. Problems Storing State.vtt 11.7 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/5. Command Line and Path Setup for Mac.vtt 11.7 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/35. Differences in API Levels.vtt 11.5 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/24. Retrieving Data with a ContentResolver.vtt 11.4 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/26. Parcelable.vtt 11.3 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/35. Removing the Up Button.vtt 11.2 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/21. Task List Items Constraints.vtt 11.2 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/9. Project Diagram and Photo Class.vtt 11.2 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/11. Constraining Widgets.vtt 11.1 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/43. Telling Fibs.vtt 10.6 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/21. Contact Provider App Layout.vtt 10.4 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/23. ContentResolver and Abstraction.vtt 10.3 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/28. Avoiding Crashes Snackbars and a Challenge.vtt 10.1 KB
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/3. Java Development Kit for Windows (32Bit Users Only!).vtt 10.0 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/24. do while Loop.vtt 9.4 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/6. Command Line and Path Setup for Ubuntu Linux.vtt 9.3 KB
- 6. Calculator App/1. Demo Calculator App.vtt 9.3 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/29. AppCompat - Backwards Compatibility.vtt 9.3 KB
- 8. The YouTube app/9. Improving the Player.vtt 9.1 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/2. Introduction to Databases.vtt 8.7 KB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/10. App Testing.vtt 8.3 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/20. Associate Adapter to Recyclerview.vtt 8.2 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/14. toString Challenge.vtt 7.8 KB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/2. Androids ViewModel Class.vtt 7.8 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/32. Remove Saving of State.vtt 7.7 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/15. Finishing Browse Layout.vtt 7.7 KB
- 8. The YouTube app/13. Challenge Solution.vtt 7.7 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/21. Fixing Kotlin Gradle Issues.vtt 7.6 KB
- 8. The YouTube app/10. Extending App Layouts.vtt 7.6 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/34. Object can have More than One Type.vtt 7.0 KB
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/6. Java Development Kit for Linux (32Bit Users Only!).vtt 6.9 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/25. Modify Photo Details Activity.vtt 6.9 KB
- 12. TaskTimer App/10. Updating Build Files.vtt 6.6 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/1. Introduction.vtt 6.4 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/38. Adding the Search Feature.vtt 6.4 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/1. Introduction.vtt 4.5 KB
- 1. Introduction and Course Information/1. Introduction.vtt 4.0 KB
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/1. Introduction.vtt 3.9 KB
- 1. Introduction and Course Information/4. FAQ.html 3.9 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/19. Content Providers.vtt 3.5 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/17. Correction.html 3.3 KB
- 5. The Button Counter App/9. Layout Designer rendering error.html 3.0 KB
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/1. Introduction.vtt 2.4 KB
- 9. Flickr Browser App/5. Kotlin top-level constants.html 1.9 KB
- 13. Bonus Material/2. Check Out My Other 36 Udemy Courses!.html 1.5 KB
- 13. Bonus Material/1. Bonus - Please Watch!.vtt 1.5 KB
- 3. Hello World Android App/1. Introduction.vtt 1.3 KB
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/1. FAQ for Android Studio 3.3.html 1.3 KB
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/4. Important note for API 28 and the Top 10 Downloader.html 1.2 KB
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/2. Do you need to download the Java development Kit.html 461 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/34. Missing Style Editor video.html 326 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/6.1 YouTubeInitializationResult.html 185 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/12.1 YouTubeStandalonePlayer.html 181 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/21.4 RecyclerView.SimpleOnItemTouchListener.html 170 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/21.5 RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener.html 164 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/3.3 Feeds with tags Android,Oreo,SDK.html 162 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/14.1 ContentProvider.html 161 bytes
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/8.2 ViewModel Overview.html 158 bytes
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/21.1 Link for Top 10 Paid Applications.html 158 bytes
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/21.3 Link for Top 10 Free Applications.html 158 bytes
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/5.2 Apple RSS feed url.html 158 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/22.1 GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener.html 158 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/33.2 Smart casts and nullability in single-threaded contexts.html 154 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/23.3 Method count on Kotlin data class and features.html 153 bytes
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/19.1 Hold View Objects in a View Holder.html 150 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/3.2 Flickr Feeds tagmode any.html 150 bytes
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/21.2 Link for Top 10 Songs.html 147 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/8.2 Creating a content provider.html 144 bytes
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/23.2 Redundant Downloads are Redundant.html 144 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/3.1 object-declarations.html 143 bytes
- 6. Calculator App/14.2 Guideline.html 142 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/14.1 Source code - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android - Basic SQL in Android.html 141 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/15.1 Source code - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android - Create Table Add Data and Test.html 141 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/21.1 Source code - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android - Contact Provider App Layout.html 141 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/22.1 Source code - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android - The ContactsContract.html 141 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/24.1 Source code - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android - Retrieving Data with a ContentResolver.html 141 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/25.1 Source code - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android - Permissions.html 141 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/26.2 Source code - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android - Checking Permissions at Runtime.html 141 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/27.1 Source code - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android - Testing the App.html 141 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/28.1 Challenge - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android - Avoiding Crashes Snackbars and a Challenge.html 141 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/28.2 Source code - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android - Avoiding Crashes Snackbars and a Challenge.html 141 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/29.1 Source code - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android - More on Snackbars.html 141 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/30.2 Source code - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android - Intents, setData and Uris.html 141 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/31.1 Source code - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android - Problems Storing State.html 141 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/32.1 Source code - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android - Remove Saving of State.html 141 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/33.2 Source code - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android - Test Scripts Challenge and Cleanup.html 141 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/9.1 music.zip.html 141 bytes
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/10.1 Source code - ViewModel and LiveData - App Testing.html 141 bytes
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/3.1 Source code - ViewModel and LiveData - Using a ViewModel.html 141 bytes
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/4.2 Source code - ViewModel and LiveData - Finish ViewModel Changes.html 141 bytes
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/5.1 Source code - ViewModel and LiveData - Exposing LiveData.html 141 bytes
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/6.1 Source code - ViewModel and LiveData - Swapping the ViewModel.html 141 bytes
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/7.1 Source code - ViewModel and LiveData - ViewModel with Top 10 Downloader.html 141 bytes
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/8.1 Source code - ViewModel and LiveData - Implement ViewModel.html 141 bytes
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/9.2 Source code - ViewModel and LiveData - Final Changes.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/10.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Updating Build Files.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/11.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - The Content URI.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/12.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Register the ContentProvider.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/13.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Using appendWhereEscapeString.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/14.2 Source code - TaskTimer App - Mime Types in the Content Provider.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/14.3 extracode-TaskTimer-App-Mime-Types-in-the-Content-Provider.txt.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/14.4 Challenge-TaskTimer-App-Mime-Types-in-the-Content-Provider.txt.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/15.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Content Provider Insert.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/16.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Update and Delete.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/17.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Testing Insert and Update.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/18.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Testing Bulk Update and Delete.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/19.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Main Menu UI.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/2.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Database Setup.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/2.2 TaskTimer-DB-Structure.png.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/20.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Task UI Layout.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/20.3 Challenge-TaskTimer-App-Task-UI-Layout.txt.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/21.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Task List Items Constraints.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/22.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Add Edit Layout.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/22.2 Challenge-TaskTimer-App-Add-Edit-Layout.txt.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/23.4 Source code - TaskTimer App - The Kotlin Data Class.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/24.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - The Add Edit Fragment.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/25.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Swapping Fragments.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/26.2 Source code - TaskTimer App - Multi-pane Fragments.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/27.2 Source code - TaskTimer App - Multi-pane Displays.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/28.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Enabling Two-pane Mode.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/3.2 Source code - TaskTimer App - Tasks Contract Class.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/31.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Logging the Fragment Lifecycle.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/31.2 Fragments-lifecycle-callbacks.txt.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/32.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Android SDK Gradle and Kotlin Updates.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/33.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Up and Back Navigation for Fragments.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/34.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Object can have More than One Type.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/35.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Removing the Up Button.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/36.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Back Navigation.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/37.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Completing the AddEdit UI.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/38.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Saving the Task Details.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/39.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Test Saving.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/4.2 Source code - TaskTimer App - AppDatabase Class.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/5.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - Create SQL for Tasks Table.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/6.2 Source code - TaskTimer App - Singleton AppDatabase Class.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/7.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - onUpgrade and Testing.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/8.1 Source code - TaskTimer App - The ContentProvider.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/9.1 Resource-code-uriMatcher.txt.html 141 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/9.2 Source code - TaskTimer App - uriMatcher.html 141 bytes
- 3. Hello World Android App/3.1 Source code - Hello World Android App - More on Android Templates.html 141 bytes
- 3. Hello World Android App/5.1 Source code - Hello World Android App - Tour of Android Studio.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/10.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - Objects and Instances.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/12.2 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - Lists.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/13.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - More on Lists.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/14.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - toString Challenge.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/15.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - for Loops.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/16.2 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - for Encapsulation and Private Properties.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/17.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - Overloading Functions.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/18.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - Inheritance.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/19.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - More on Inheritance.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/2.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - Kotlin Tutorial Setup.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/20.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - Inheritance Continued.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/21.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - Further Inheritance.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/22.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - while Loops.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/23.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - for Loop Revisited.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/24.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - do while Loop.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/25.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - Loop Challenge.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/3.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - Kotlin Tutorial 1.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/4.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - Variables and Types.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/5.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - More on Variables and Types.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/6.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - String Concatenation and Interpolation.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/7.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - val and var and more on Declarations.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/8.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - Conditions.html 141 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/9.1 Source code - Kotlin Tutorials - Classes.html 141 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/10.1 text.txt.html 141 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/10.2 Source code - The Button Counter App - Baseline Constraints.html 141 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/11.1 Source code - The Button Counter App - Constraining Widgets.html 141 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/12.1 Source code - The Button Counter App - Add Scrolling Capabilities.html 141 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/13.1 Source code - The Button Counter App - The Button Counter App.html 141 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/14.1 Source code - The Button Counter App - Finish Layout.html 141 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/2.1 ball_640x480.jpg.html 141 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/2.2 ball_100x100.jpg.html 141 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/26.4 The Activity Lifecycle.html 141 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/3.1 Source code - The Button Counter App - The Constraint Layout.html 141 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/4.1 Source code - The Button Counter App - Constraints and Resizing.html 141 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/5.1 Source code - The Button Counter App - Positioning Widgets.html 141 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/6.1 Source code - The Button Counter App - Inner Lines within a Widget.html 141 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/7.1 Source code - The Button Counter App - Layouts on Different Devices.html 141 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/8.1 Source code - The Button Counter App - More on the Constraints.html 141 bytes
- 6. Calculator App/1.1 Source code - Calculator App - Demo Calculator App.html 141 bytes
- 6. Calculator App/10.1 Source code - Calculator App - Write Perform Operation Function.html 141 bytes
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- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/18.1 Source code - The Top 10 Downloader App - Improving the Adapter.html 141 bytes
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- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/6.1 Source code - The Top 10 Downloader App - Reading the Data.html 141 bytes
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- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/9.1 Source code - The Top 10 Downloader App - More Idiomatic Kotlin.html 141 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/10.1 Source code - The YouTube app - Extending App Layouts.html 141 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/11.1 Source code - The YouTube app - Extending Youtube App Code.html 141 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/12.4 Source code - The YouTube app - Implementing Intents and Challenge.html 141 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/13.1 Source code - The YouTube app - Challenge Solution.html 141 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/14.1 Source code - The YouTube app - More Error Handling.html 141 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/2.1 Source code - The YouTube app - YouTube Activity.html 141 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/3.1 Source code - The YouTube app - Adding Widgets Dynamically.html 141 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/5.2 Source code - The YouTube app - Add Key to Code.html 141 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/6.2 Source code - The YouTube app - The YouTube Player.html 141 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/7.1 Source code - The YouTube app - onInitializationSuccess Method.html 141 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/8.1 Source code - The YouTube app - Adding Listeners.html 141 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/9.1 Source code - The YouTube app - Improving the Player.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/11.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - GetFlickrJsonData class continued.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/12.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Uri Builder.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/13.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Flickr Browser User Inferface.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/14.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - RecyclerView Layouts.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/15.2 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Finishing Browse Layout.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/16.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Search and PhotoDetail Activities.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/17.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Nested Layouts.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/18.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Recyclerview Adapter.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/19.2 Source code - Flickr Browser App - onBindViewHolder and Picasso.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/20.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Associate Adapter to Recyclerview.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/21.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - RecyclerItemClickListener.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/22.2 Source code - Flickr Browser App - GestureDetector.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/23.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Displaying the full photo.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/24.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Serializable.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/25.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Modify Photo Details Activity.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/26.2 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Parcelable.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/31.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Custom Style Sheets.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/32.2 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Namespaces.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/33.2 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Other Material Design Changes.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/35.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Differences in API Levels.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/36.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - String Resources.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/37.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - String Resources Placeholders.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/38.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Adding the Search Feature.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/39.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - SearchView.html 141 bytes
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- 9. Flickr Browser App/40.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - More on SearchView.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/41.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - SearchView Events.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/42.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - SharedPreferences.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/43.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Telling Fibs.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/6.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Download JSON - doInBackground.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/7.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - Downloading the JSON.html 141 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/8.1 Source code - Flickr Browser App - CallBacks.html 141 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/5.2 ImageView.ScaleType.html 140 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/17.2 CardView.html 140 bytes
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/9.1 NonNull LiveData with Kotlin extension.html 138 bytes
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/4.1 Hello World, AndroidX.html 136 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/6.1 Kotlin singletons with argument.html 136 bytes
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/9.2 BIOS 2.html 135 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/13.2 provider.html 134 bytes
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/10.1 XmlPullParser.html 134 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/21.3 GestureDetector.html 134 bytes
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/2.1 ViewModel.html 133 bytes
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/13.3 ArrayAdapter.html 133 bytes
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/17.1 ArrayAdapter.html 133 bytes
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/17.2 LayoutInflater.html 133 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/32.1 colorPrimary.html 133 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/32.4 Style Resource.html 133 bytes
- [FCS Forum].url 133 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/7.2 Supporting Different Densities.html 132 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/10.1 org.json.html 130 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/15.1 ImageView.html 130 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/35.2 ImageView.html 130 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/26.1 Activities.html 129 bytes
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/17.3 Context.html 129 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/1.1 Material Design.html 129 bytes
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/3.2 LiveData overview.html 128 bytes
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/6.2 BufferedReader.html 128 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/12.2 Intents and Intent Filters.html 128 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/12.3 Intent.html 128 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/21.2 Getting your clicks on RecyclerView.html 128 bytes
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/1.1 Model–view–viewmodel.html 127 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/26.3 FrameLayout.html 127 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/12.1 Class ArrayListE.html 127 bytes
- [FreeCourseSite.com].url 127 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/26.2 Activity.html 126 bytes
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/2.1 AsyncTask.html 126 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/26.1 Fragments - Example.html 125 bytes
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/9.5 BIOS 1.html 125 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/24.2 Serializable Objects.html 125 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/25.2 Permissions Overview.html 124 bytes
- 4. Kotlin Tutorials/16.1 Visibility Modifiers.html 124 bytes
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/13.1 View.html 123 bytes
- [CourseClub.NET].url 123 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/26.1 Request App Permissions.html 122 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/30.1 Request App Permissions.html 122 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/33.1 Request App Permissions.html 122 bytes
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/9.3 BIOS 4.html 122 bytes
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/7.1 Working with System Permissions.html 122 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/29.1 Support Library.html 122 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/26.3 Kotlin Serialization.html 119 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/32.3 Styles and Themes.html 118 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/33.1 android_material_design_colours.xml.html 118 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/25.2 Fragments.html 117 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/27.1 Fragments.html 117 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/29.1 Fragments.html 117 bytes
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/23.1 Menus.html 117 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/23.2 Data Classes.html 116 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/2.3 photos_public.gne.html 116 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/4.1 Documenting Kotlin Code.html 114 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/1.1 YouTube Android Player API.html 114 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/20.2 Style guide.html 111 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/10.2 Photo Source URLs.html 111 bytes
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/5.1 Install Android Studio page.html 110 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/26.1 GitHub kotlinx.serialization.html 108 bytes
- 5. The Button Counter App/15.1 Developer Android Studio Guide.html 107 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/23.1 [AS3.0] Android extensions, Parcelable editor shows warning about incomplete implementation on a class with Parcelize annotation.html 106 bytes
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/19.3 Google IO 2010 - The world of ListView.html 104 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/5.1 The Complete Java Developer Course.html 104 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/29.2 Github android-lifecycle.html 101 bytes
- 12. TaskTimer App/30.1 Github android-lifecycle.html 101 bytes
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/1.1 developer.android.com site.html 101 bytes
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/9.1 If VT-x virtualization technology is locked or disabled on your Mac.html 101 bytes
- 11. ViewModel and LiveData/6.2 IEEE 754.html 99 bytes
- 8. The YouTube app/4.1 Google APIs.html 99 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/3.1 Flickr Feeds.html 99 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/2.2 Flickr Feeds.html 98 bytes
- 6. Calculator App/8.2 GitHub Google StyleGuide.html 97 bytes
- 1. Introduction and Course Information/3.1 Open Handset Alliance.html 96 bytes
- 10. Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/9.2 Autoincrement In SQLite.html 95 bytes
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/9.4 BIOS 3.html 95 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/14.2 Material Icons.html 93 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/19.1 Picasso.html 93 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/27.1 Material Design.html 92 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/28.1 Material Palette.html 92 bytes
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/4.1 developer.android.com site.html 90 bytes
- 3. Hello World Android App/6.1 Genymotion Site.html 88 bytes
- 2. Downloading and Installing the Necessary Tools/3.1 Oracle Site.html 84 bytes
- 7. The Top 10 Downloader App/10.2 XML Pull Parsing.html 84 bytes
- 9. Flickr Browser App/2.1 Flickr Site.html 84 bytes
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