Coursera - Craig Wright - Introduction to Classical Music
File List
- Week 2/6 - 2 - 6.2 - Musical Form.webm 209.3 MB
- Week 5/14 - 3 - 14.3 - The Requiem - 26-06.webm 146.6 MB
- Office Hours Videos/25 - 2 - Office Hours II.mp4 144.5 MB
- Office Hours Videos/25 - 3 - Office Hours III.mp4 139.4 MB
- week 4/10 - 2 - 10.2 - Cothen- Prelude and Fugue - 25-03.webm 132.9 MB
- Week 5/15 - 5 - 15.5 - The --Moonlight-- Sonata - 23-13.webm 130.2 MB
- Week 6/17 - 5 - 17.5 - Robert and Clara Schumann - 22-04.webm 129.9 MB
- Office Hours Videos/25 - 4 - From the TA!.mp4 129.9 MB
- Week 5/14 - 1 - 14.1 - Piano Concerto in D minor - 21-37.webm 125.6 MB
- Week 3/8 - 3 - 8.3 - Musical Instruments and Dances - 20-49.webm 125.3 MB
- Week 5/14 - 2 - 14.2 - Don Giovanni - 20-41.webm 124.1 MB
- Week 7/20 - 4 - 20.4 - Verdi-'s La triviata - 22-17.webm 122.1 MB
- Week 3/9 - 4 - 9.4 - Baroque Instruments and Orchestras - 21-15.webm 115.7 MB
- week 4/10 - 4 - 10.4 - Leipzig- The Church Cantada - 21-49.webm 111.7 MB
- week 4/11 - 4 - 11.4 Opera Seria- Julius Caesar - 18-44.webm 111.2 MB
- week 4/12 - 4 - 12.4 Franz Joseph Haydn and The Emperor - 20-04.webm 108.7 MB
- Week 2/5 - 3 - 5.3 - The Four Families of Instruments - 18-01.webm 107.5 MB
- Week 6/16 - 3 - 16.3 - Symphony No. 5 - 18-06.webm 100.9 MB
- Week 8/23 - 3 - 23.3 - Stravinsky and The Rite of Spring - 16-49.webm 95.1 MB
- Week 8/22 - 6 - 22.6 - Spanish Exoticism and the Spanish Tradition - 15-00.webm 91.4 MB
- Office Hours Videos/25 - 1 - Office Hours I.mp4 90.3 MB
- Week 5/13 - 4 - 13.4 - Sonata-Allegra Form- A Mozart Serenade - 14-54.webm 88.8 MB
- Week 1/3 - 8 - 3.8 - Phrase Structure in Music- Beethoven-'s Ode to Joy - 14-05.webm 85.2 MB
- week 4/11 - 5 - 11.5 Oratorio- Messiah - 13-20.webm 79.7 MB
- Week 8/24 - 2 - 24.2 - --A Gift to be Simple-- and Appalachian Spring - 19-18.webm 77.1 MB
- Week 7/19 - 2 - 19.2 - The Pianos of Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert - 13-18.webm 76.6 MB
- week 4/11 - 3 - 11.3 Royal Connections- Water Music and Fireworks - 12-46.webm 75.5 MB
- Week 1/2 - 4 - 2.4 - Hearing the Downbeat, Feeling the Emotion - 17-55.webm 74.0 MB
- Week 5/13 - 5 - 13.5 - Theme and Variations Form- A Surprise from Haydn - 12-12.webm 73.1 MB
- week 4/10 - 3 - 10.3 - Cothen- Brandenberg Concertos - 13-01.webm 72.4 MB
- Week 2/4 - 1 - 4.1 - Harmony- A Distinctly Western Phenomenon - 12-05.webm 71.6 MB
- Week 3/8 - 5 - 8.5 - Reformation and the Counter-Reformation - 15-20.webm 71.1 MB
- Week 2/4 - 2 - 4.2 - Chord Progressions and Cadences - 10-40.webm 65.6 MB
- Week 7/19 - 6 - 19.6 - Franz Liszt and the Etude - 13-59.webm 63.7 MB
- Week 8/23 - 4 - 23.4 - Schoenberg and Atonal Music - 11-21.webm 60.6 MB
- Week 1/2 - 3 - 2.3 - Rhythm- What is it- - 10-04.webm 60.1 MB
- Week 3/8 - 6 - 8.6 - The Madrigal - 14-17.webm 59.0 MB
- week 4/12 - 1 - 12.1 The Classical Period and Music - 10-47.webm 58.7 MB
- Week 7/20 - 7 - 20.7 - Wagner-'s Die Walküre - 10-38.webm 58.5 MB
- Week 6/17 - 4 - 17.4 - Schubert-'s Erlkönig - 12-49.webm 57.4 MB
- Week 1/2 - 1 - 2.1 - Beat, Meter, and Rhythm - 9-45.webm 57.1 MB
- Week 6/18 - 3 - 18.3 - Berlioz and his Symphonie Fantastque - 11-37.webm 54.8 MB
- Week 7/19 - 3 - 19.3 - The Pianos of Chopin and Liszt - 9-08.webm 54.2 MB
- Week 6/16 - 2 - 16.2 - Symphony No. 3, the --Eroica-- - 09-52.webm 53.2 MB
- Week 8/24 - 6 - 24.6 - The Ultimate Mystery of Music - 8-37.webm 50.9 MB
- Week 8/24 - 5 - 24.5 - Beyond Minimalism- John Adams - 9-54.webm 50.9 MB
- Week 6/16 - 4 - 16.4 - Beethoven-'s Gift to Music- SOUND - 10-41.webm 50.7 MB
- Week 7/19 - 1 - 19.1 - Fixed Pitch Keyboard Instruments- A Quick Review - 8-21.webm 50.0 MB
- Week 7/21 - 5 - 21.5 - The Gustav Mahler Sample - 15-16.mp4 49.9 MB
- Week 1/1 - 8 - 1.8 - Why we Like what we Like- It-'s Nature - 8-18.webm 49.8 MB
- Week 3/8 - 4 - 8.4 - The A Cappella Motet - 12-48.webm 49.7 MB
- Week 8/22 - 4 - 22.4 - Debussy-'s --Violes-- (Sails) for Piano - 10-00.webm 49.6 MB
- week 4/12 - 5 - 12.5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his Music - 21-28.mp4 49.4 MB
- Week 8/24 - 4 - 24.4 - When Less is More- Minimalism in Art and Music - 8-34.webm 49.0 MB
- Week 7/20 - 6 - 20.6 - Wagner and Bayreuth - 7-50.webm 45.9 MB
- Week 5/15 - 3 - 15.3 - Beethoven-'s Early Years - 07-30.webm 45.4 MB
- Week 5/15 - 1 - 15.1 - Mozart and Beethoven Compared - 08-52.webm 44.6 MB
- Week 8/22 - 3 - 22.3 - Debussy-'s --Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun--- 9-29.webm 44.4 MB
- Week 8/23 - 5 - 23.5 - Schoenberg and the Twelve-tone Music - 8-10.webm 44.1 MB
- week 4/11 - 1 - 11.1 Recap of Baroque Music - 8-50.webm 44.0 MB
- Week 3/7 - 5 - 7.5 - Early Polyphony - 7-14.webm 42.4 MB
- Week 5/13 - 6 - 13.6 - Rondo Form- Mozart as the Young Turk - 06-43.webm 41.5 MB
- Week 7/19 - 5 - 19.5 - Frédéric Chopin and the Nocturne - 6-41.webm 41.3 MB
- Week 7/21 - 3 - 21.3 - Musical Time Slows Down- The Grand Symphonic Gesture - 7-48.webm 40.4 MB
- Week 1/1 - 2 - 1.2 - Popular Music and Classical Music Compared - 6-41.webm 40.1 MB
- Week 8/22 - 2 - 22.2 - Claude Debussy-'s --Claire de lune-- - 11-04.webm 39.6 MB
- Week 7/21 - 1 - 21.1 - Introduction to the Romantic Orchestra - 8-34.webm 39.4 MB
- Week 8/23 - 1 - 23.1 - Introduction to Modernism - 7-20.webm 38.9 MB
- Week 8/24 - 1 - 24.1 - Simplifying Modernism- Aaron Copland - 6-58.webm 38.6 MB
- Week 1/1 - 4 - 1.4 - How do We Hear Music- Sound Waves and the Ear - 6-51.webm 38.4 MB
- Week 1/3 - 3 - 3.3 - Major and Minor Scales - 6-27.webm 38.4 MB
- Week 8/22 - 1 - 22.1 - Introduction to Impressionism - 10-37.webm 37.8 MB
- Week 2/6 - 3 - 6.3 - Musical Style.mp4 37.7 MB
- Week 5/15 - 4 - 15.4 - Growing Deafness and Disability - 06-20.webm 37.0 MB
- week 4/10 - 5 - 10.5 - Bach-'s Posthumous Reputation - 6-19.webm 36.9 MB
- Week 8/23 - 6 - 23.6 - The Challenge of (and antidote to) Modernism - 8-52.webm 36.7 MB
- Week 5/13 - 1 - 13.1 - Classical Venues- The Canon and the Musical Museum - 06-59.webm 36.7 MB
- Week 3/7 - 7 - 7.7 - Dance Music of the Court - 12-43.mp4 36.6 MB
- Week 7/20 - 3 - 20.3 - Verdi-'s Operas and his Dramaturgy - 5-44.webm 36.3 MB
- Week 1/1 - 1 - 1.1 - Introduction - 5-50.webm 35.7 MB
- Week 6/18 - 5 - 18.5 - Symphonie Fantastque. --Witches Sabbath-- - 10-17.webm 35.7 MB
- Week 2/6 - 1 - 6.1 - Musical Texture.mp4 34.6 MB
- Week 7/21 - 2 - 21.2 - Musical Instruments and the Industrial Revolution - 7-52.webm 34.0 MB
- Week 1/2 - 5 - 2.5 - Tempo (and how we feel about it) - 5-37.webm 33.7 MB
- Week 3/9 - 5 - 9.5 - A Baroque Favorite- Pachelbel-'s Canon - 5-43.webm 33.7 MB
- Week 6/16 - 5 - 16.5 - Beethoven Toward the End - 8-06.webm 33.7 MB
- Week 8/23 - 2 - 23.2 - Stravinsky and his Early Ballets rushes - 7-50.webm 33.1 MB
- Week 2/4 - 5 - 4.5 - Hearing the Harmony - 11-47.mp4 32.9 MB
- Week 5/13 - 3 - 13.3 - Ternary Form- The Mozart Sonata - 05-50.webm 32.7 MB
- Week 3/7 - 3 - 7.3 - Monasteries and Convents - 6-06.webm 32.4 MB
- Week 1/1 - 7 - 1.7 - It-'s nurture- The syntax of Western Music - 5-15.webm 32.3 MB
- Week 6/17 - 1 - 17.1 - Introduction to Romantic Music - 7-05.webm 32.2 MB
- Week 6/18 - 1 - 18.1 - How Do We Communicate in Sound- - 5-25.webm 31.6 MB
- Week 7/20 - 2 - 20.2 - Bel canto Opera - 6-28.webm 31.1 MB
- Week 3/9 - 1 - 9.1 - Introduction to Baroque Art and Music - 6-54.webm 31.0 MB
- week 4/11 - 2 - 11.2 Handel-'s Early Life & Arrival in London - 5-45.webm 30.9 MB
- Week 6/16 - 1 - 16.1 - The Three Periods of Beethoven - 05-07.webm 30.7 MB
- Week 6/18 - 2 - 18.2 - Musical Signifiers and the Language of Sound - 6-07.webm 30.5 MB
- Week 2/5 - 2 - 5.2 - Musorgsky Marks a Wagon Move in Music - 10-08.mp4 30.4 MB
- Week 7/20 - 5 - 20.5 - Wagner-'s Ring Cycle - 7-30.webm 30.2 MB
- Week 3/9 - 2 - 9.2 - Early Baroque Opera in Italy - 11-24.mp4 29.4 MB
- week 4/12 - 3 - 12.3 Vienna- City of Music - 6-47.webm 29.2 MB
- Week 1/1 - 3 - 1.3 - Music and Emotions - 4-50.webm 28.9 MB
- Week 1/2 - 2 - 2.2 - Introduction to Musical Notation - 5-43.webm 28.8 MB
- Week 3/8 - 2 - 8.2 - Humanism in Music - 5-41.webm 28.6 MB
- Week 3/7 - 1 - 7.1 - Introduction to the Middle Ages - 4-57.webm 27.7 MB
- Week 5/15 - 2 - 15.2 - Beethoven and the Romantic Genius - 06-38.webm 27.6 MB
- week 4/10 - 1 - 10.1 - Bach the Young Man and Organist - 6-58.webm 27.1 MB
- Week 7/19 - 4 - 19.4 - From Wagner-'s Piano to the Steinway of America - 10-49.mp4 27.0 MB
- Week 3/8 - 1 - 8.1 - Introduction to the Renaissance - 4-30.webm 26.8 MB
- Week 2/5 - 1 - 5.1- Why Do Instruments Sound Differently, One From Another- - 10-29.mp4 26.3 MB
- Week 6/17 - 3 - 17.3 - Sketch of the Life and Music of Franz Schubert - 2-52.mp4 26.2 MB
- Week 1/3 - 5 - 3.5 - How We Feel about the Music- Mode and Mood - 5-02.webm 25.8 MB
- Week 6/16 - 6 - 16.6 - The Late Period and --Ode to Joy-- - 04-30.webm 25.6 MB
- Week 1/3 - 2 - 3.2 - Melodic Notation and Scales - 8-59.mp4 25.4 MB
- Week 2/4 - 4 - 4.4 - Major and Minor Triads - 8-58.mp4 25.4 MB
- Week 1/3 - 4 - 3.4 - The Chromatic Scale - 4-09.webm 24.7 MB
- Week 7/20 - 1 - 20.1 - Introduction to the 19th Century Opera - 5-14.webm 23.6 MB
- Week 8/22 - 5 - 22.5 - Impressionism and Exoticism - 5-26.webm 23.4 MB
- Week 3/9 - 3 - 9.3 - Early Baroque Opera in London - 13-26.mp4 23.2 MB
- Week 3/7 - 4 - 7.4 - The Chant of Hildegard of Bingen - 4-44.webm 23.1 MB
- Week 6/17 - 2 - 17.2 - Domestic Music-Making of the Middle Class - 3-04.webm 22.7 MB
- Week 2/5 - 4 - 5.4 - Building a Symphony Orchestra - 12-43.mp4 22.6 MB
- Week 7/21 - 4 - 21.4 - Bigger Orchestra, Bigger Concert Halls - 4-26.webm 22.5 MB
- Week 2/4 - 3 - 4.3 - Melody and Harmony Working Together - 7-10.mp4 21.0 MB
- Week 1/3 - 7 - 3.7 - Modulation- Changing the Tonic (of the Key) - 9-01.mp4 20.3 MB
- Week 3/9 - 6 - 9.6 - Vivaldi- The --Spring-- Concerto - 13-31.mp4 20.0 MB
- Week 6/18 - 6 - 18.6 - Do You Speak Fluent Program Music- - 6-22.webm 19.8 MB
- Week 1/3 - 1 - 3.1 - What is Melody - 3-03.webm 18.9 MB
- week 4/12 - 2 - 12.2 Introduction to Classical Music Style - 10-38.mp4 18.7 MB
- Week 5/13 - 2 - 13.2 - Genres and Forms - 06-13.webm 18.7 MB
- Week 1/1 - 6 - 1.6 - Why we Like what we Like- It-'s Nurture - 3-02.webm 17.9 MB
- Week 6/18 - 4 - 18.4 - Symphonie Fantastque, --March to the Scaffold-- - 4-43.webm 17.1 MB
- Week 8/22 - 7 - 22.7 - From Post Impressionism to Modernism - 6-22.webm 16.7 MB
- Week 1/3 - 6 - 3.6 - Melodic Structure- The Tonic - 2-41.webm 16.5 MB
- Week 3/7 - 6 - 7.6 - Polyphony at the Cathedral of Reims- Machaut-'s Messe de Nostre Dame - 8-10.mp4 16.1 MB
- Week 3/7 - 2 - 7.2 - Gregorian Chant - 7-10.mp4 14.3 MB
- Week 1/1 - 5 - 1.5 - Music Thrills Us, Music Chills Us - 2-02.webm 12.0 MB
- Week 8/24 - 3 - 24.3 - Postmodernism - 3-44.webm 11.6 MB
- Week 1/TA introduction - 046.mp4 3.1 MB
- Office Hours Videos/25 - 3 - Office Hours 55.9 KB
- Week 8/25 - 3 - Office Hours 55.9 KB
- Office Hours Videos/25 - 2 - Office Hours II .srt 43.0 KB
- Week 8/25 - 2 - Office Hours II .srt 43.0 KB
- Office Hours Videos/25 - 1 - Office Hours I .srt 37.5 KB
- Week 8/25 - 1 - Office Hours I .srt 37.5 KB
- Office Hours Videos/25 - 4 - From the TA! .srt 36.5 KB
- Week 2/6 - 2 - 6.2 - Musical 36.1 KB
- week 4/10 - 2 - 10.2 - Cothen- Prelude and Fugue - 32.8 KB
- Week 5/14 - 3 - 14.3 - The Requiem - 28.7 KB
- Week 3/8 - 3 - 8.3 - Musical Instruments and Dances - 25.8 KB
- week 4/12 - 5 - 12.5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his Music - 25.5 KB
- Week 3/9 - 4 - 9.4 - Baroque Instruments and Orchestras - 25.4 KB
- Week 5/15 - 5 - 15.5 - The --Moonlight-- Sonata - 24.6 KB
- Week 5/14 - 1 - 14.1 - Piano Concerto in D minor - 24.3 KB
- week 4/10 - 4 - 10.4 - Leipzig- The Church Cantada - 24.0 KB
- Week 2/5 - 3 - 5.3 - The Four Families of Instruments - 21.8 KB
- Week 5/14 - 2 - 14.2 - Don Giovanni - 20.9 KB
- week 4/12 - 4 - 12.4 Franz Joseph Haydn and The Emperor - 20.6 KB
- Week 8/24 - 2 - 24.2 - --A Gift to be Simple-- and Appalachian Spring - 19.8 KB
- Week 6/17 - 5 - 17.5 - Robert and Clara Schumann - 19.8 KB
- Week 1/2 - 4 - 2.4 - Hearing the Downbeat, Feeling the Emotion - 19.7 KB
- Week 7/20 - 4 - 20.4 - Verdi-'s La triviata - 19.7 KB
- Week 6/16 - 3 - 16.3 - Symphony No. 5 - 19.5 KB
- Week 3/7 - 7 - 7.7 - Dance Music of the Court - 18.2 KB
- Week 8/22 - 6 - 22.6 - Spanish Exoticism and the Spanish Tradition - 18.0 KB
- Week 5/13 - 4 - 13.4 - Sonata-Allegra Form- A Mozart Serenade - 17.8 KB
- Week 8/23 - 3 - 23.3 - Stravinsky and The Rite of Spring - 17.5 KB
- Week 1/3 - 8 - 3.8 - Phrase Structure in Music- Beethoven-'s Ode to Joy - 16.4 KB
- week 4/11 - 4 - 11.4 Opera Seria- Julius Caesar - 15.9 KB
- Week 3/9 - 6 - 9.6 - Vivaldi- The --Spring-- Concerto - 15.7 KB
- Week 3/8 - 6 - 8.6 - The Madrigal - 15.3 KB
- Week 2/6 - 3 - 6.3 - Musical 15.0 KB
- week 4/11 - 3 - 11.3 Royal Connections- Water Music and Fireworks - 14.5 KB
- week 4/11 - 5 - 11.5 Oratorio- Messiah - 14.0 KB
- Week 3/8 - 5 - 8.5 - Reformation and the Counter-Reformation - 13.8 KB
- Week 6/18 - 3 - 18.3 - Berlioz and his Symphonie Fantastque - 13.3 KB
- week 4/10 - 3 - 10.3 - Cothen- Brandenberg Concertos - 13.3 KB
- week 4/12 - 2 - 12.2 Introduction to Classical Music Style - 13.1 KB
- Week 7/19 - 2 - 19.2 - The Pianos of Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert - 13.0 KB
- Week 7/19 - 6 - 19.6 - Franz Liszt and the Etude - 12.8 KB
- Week 2/6 - 1 - 6.1 - Musical 12.5 KB
- Week 5/13 - 5 - 13.5 - Theme and Variations Form- A Surprise from Haydn - 12.5 KB
- Week 3/8 - 4 - 8.4 - The A Cappella Motet - 12.4 KB
- Week 2/5 - 4 - 5.4 - Building a Symphony Orchestra - 12.3 KB
- Week 2/5 - 1 - 5.1- Why Do Instruments Sound Differently, One From Another- - 12.3 KB
- Week 1/3 - 2 - 3.2 - Melodic Notation and Scales - 12.2 KB
- Week 8/22 - 2 - 22.2 - Claude Debussy-'s --Claire de lune-- - 12.2 KB
- Week 2/4 - 1 - 4.1 - Harmony- A Distinctly Western Phenomenon - 11.6 KB
- Week 2/5 - 2 - 5.2 - Musorgsky Marks a Wagon Move in Music - 11.6 KB
- Week 8/22 - 1 - 22.1 - Introduction to Impressionism - 11.6 KB
- Week 3/9 - 3 - 9.3 - Early Baroque Opera in London - 11.6 KB
- Week 7/19 - 4 - 19.4 - From Wagner-'s Piano to the Steinway of America - 11.5 KB
- week 4/12 - 1 - 12.1 The Classical Period and Music - 11.3 KB
- Week 6/17 - 4 - 17.4 - Schubert-'s Erlkönig - 11.3 KB
- Week 2/4 - 2 - 4.2 - Chord Progressions and Cadences - 11.3 KB
- Week 6/16 - 5 - 16.5 - Beethoven Toward the End - 11.1 KB
- Week 6/16 - 4 - 16.4 - Beethoven-'s Gift to Music- SOUND - 11.0 KB
- Week 2/4 - 5 - 4.5 - Hearing the Harmony - 11.0 KB
- Week 8/23 - 4 - 23.4 - Schoenberg and Atonal Music - 10.8 KB
- Week 5/15 - 1 - 15.1 - Mozart and Beethoven Compared - 10.7 KB
- Week 3/9 - 2 - 9.2 - Early Baroque Opera in Italy - 10.4 KB
- Week 6/17 - 3 - 17.3 - Sketch of the Life and Music of Franz Schubert - 9.9 KB
- Week 1/3 - 7 - 3.7 - Modulation- Changing the Tonic (of the Key) - 9.8 KB
- Week 1/2 - 3 - 2.3 - Rhythm- What is it- - 9.7 KB
- Week 8/23 - 5 - 23.5 - Schoenberg and the Twelve-tone Music - 9.6 KB
- Week 6/16 - 2 - 16.2 - Symphony No. 3, the --Eroica-- - 9.6 KB
- Week 7/19 - 1 - 19.1 - Fixed Pitch Keyboard Instruments- A Quick Review - 9.5 KB
- Week 5/13 - 1 - 13.1 - Classical Venues- The Canon and the Musical Museum - 9.3 KB
- Week 7/21 - 5 - 21.5 - The Gustav Mahler Sample - 9.2 KB
- Week 3/7 - 6 - 7.6 - Polyphony at the Cathedral of Reims- Machaut-'s Messe de Nostre Dame - 9.2 KB
- Week 7/20 - 5 - 20.5 - Wagner-'s Ring Cycle - 8.9 KB
- Week 5/13 - 6 - 13.6 - Rondo Form- Mozart as the Young Turk - 8.7 KB
- Week 8/24 - 5 - 24.5 - Beyond Minimalism- John Adams - 8.7 KB
- Week 1/2 - 1 - 2.1 - Beat, Meter, and Rhythm - 8.7 KB
- Week 1/1 - 4 - 1.4 - How do We Hear Music- Sound Waves and the Ear - 8.6 KB
- Week 7/20 - 6 - 20.6 - Wagner and Bayreuth - 8.4 KB
- Week 2/4 - 4 - 4.4 - Major and Minor Triads - 8.4 KB
- Week 1/3 - 3 - 3.3 - Major and Minor Scales - 8.3 KB
- Week 5/15 - 3 - 15.3 - Beethoven-'s Early Years - 8.2 KB
- week 4/11 - 1 - 11.1 Recap of Baroque Music - 8.2 KB
- week 4/12 - 3 - 12.3 Vienna- City of Music - 8.2 KB
- Week 5/13 - 2 - 13.2 - Genres and Forms - 8.1 KB
- Week 3/9 - 1 - 9.1 - Introduction to Baroque Art and Music - 8.0 KB
- Week 3/7 - 3 - 7.3 - Monasteries and Convents - 8.0 KB
- Week 1/1 - 8 - 1.8 - Why we Like what we Like- It-'s Nature - 7.9 KB
- Week 8/23 - 1 - 23.1 - Introduction to Modernism - 7.8 KB
- Week 8/23 - 2 - 23.2 - Stravinsky and his Early Ballets rushes - 7.8 KB
- Week 3/7 - 2 - 7.2 - Gregorian Chant - 7.8 KB
- Week 6/18 - 5 - 18.5 - Symphonie Fantastque. --Witches Sabbath-- - 7.7 KB
- Week 8/24 - 4 - 24.4 - When Less is More- Minimalism in Art and Music - 7.7 KB
- Week 8/22 - 4 - 22.4 - Debussy-'s --Violes-- (Sails) for Piano - 7.7 KB
- Week 3/7 - 5 - 7.5 - Early Polyphony - 7.6 KB
- Week 5/15 - 2 - 15.2 - Beethoven and the Romantic Genius - 7.5 KB
- week 4/10 - 5 - 10.5 - Bach-'s Posthumous Reputation - 7.5 KB
- Week 7/19 - 3 - 19.3 - The Pianos of Chopin and Liszt - 7.5 KB
- Week 8/24 - 6 - 24.6 - The Ultimate Mystery of Music - 7.4 KB
- week 4/10 - 1 - 10.1 - Bach the Young Man and Organist - 7.3 KB
- Week 1/1 - 2 - 1.2 - Popular Music and Classical Music Compared - 7.2 KB
- Week 2/4 - 3 - 4.3 - Melody and Harmony Working Together - 7.1 KB
- Week 5/15 - 4 - 15.4 - Growing Deafness and Disability - 7.0 KB
- Week 7/21 - 2 - 21.2 - Musical Instruments and the Industrial Revolution - 6.9 KB
- Week 8/24 - 1 - 24.1 - Simplifying Modernism- Aaron Copland - 6.9 KB
- Week 8/22 - 3 - 22.3 - Debussy-'s --Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun--- 6.9 KB
- Week 8/23 - 6 - 23.6 - The Challenge of (and antidote to) Modernism - 6.8 KB
- Week 3/8 - 2 - 8.2 - Humanism in Music - 6.8 KB
- week 4/11 - 2 - 11.2 Handel-'s Early Life & Arrival in London - 6.7 KB
- Week 7/21 - 1 - 21.1 - Introduction to the Romantic Orchestra - 6.7 KB
- Week 7/20 - 2 - 20.2 - Bel canto Opera - 6.7 KB
- Week 1/2 - 2 - 2.2 - Introduction to Musical Notation - 6.6 KB
- Week 6/18 - 1 - 18.1 - How Do We Communicate in Sound- - 6.4 KB
- Week 3/7 - 1 - 7.1 - Introduction to the Middle Ages - 6.4 KB
- Week 7/20 - 1 - 20.1 - Introduction to the 19th Century Opera - 6.3 KB
- Week 3/9 - 5 - 9.5 - A Baroque Favorite- Pachelbel-'s Canon - 6.3 KB
- Week 5/13 - 3 - 13.3 - Ternary Form- The Mozart Sonata - 6.3 KB
- Week 7/20 - 3 - 20.3 - Verdi-'s Operas and his Dramaturgy - 6.1 KB
- Week 8/22 - 7 - 22.7 - From Post Impressionism to Modernism - 6.1 KB
- Week 8/22 - 5 - 22.5 - Impressionism and Exoticism - 6.0 KB
- Week 1/1 - 7 - 1.7 - It-'s nurture- The syntax of Western Music - 6.0 KB
- Week 6/18 - 2 - 18.2 - Musical Signifiers and the Language of Sound - 6.0 KB
- Week 6/17 - 1 - 17.1 - Introduction to Romantic Music - 5.8 KB
- Week 1/3 - 5 - 3.5 - How We Feel about the Music- Mode and Mood - 5.6 KB
- Week 7/21 - 3 - 21.3 - Musical Time Slows Down- The Grand Symphonic Gesture - 5.5 KB
- Week 7/19 - 5 - 19.5 - Frédéric Chopin and the Nocturne - 5.5 KB
- Week 1/2 - 5 - 2.5 - Tempo (and how we feel about it) - 5.5 KB
- Week 3/8 - 1 - 8.1 - Introduction to the Renaissance - 5.2 KB
- Week 1/1 - 1 - 1.1 - Introduction - 5.2 KB
- Week 6/16 - 1 - 16.1 - The Three Periods of Beethoven - 5.1 KB
- Week 7/20 - 7 - 20.7 - Wagner-'s Die Walküre - 5.1 KB
- Week 1/1 - 3 - 1.3 - Music and Emotions - 5.0 KB
- Week 6/17 - 2 - 17.2 - Domestic Music-Making of the Middle Class - 4.6 KB
- Week 7/21 - 4 - 21.4 - Bigger Orchestra, Bigger Concert Halls - 4.4 KB
- Week 6/18 - 6 - 18.6 - Do You Speak Fluent Program Music- - 4.3 KB
- Week 8/24 - 3 - 24.3 - Postmodernism - 4.1 KB
- Week 6/18 - 4 - 18.4 - Symphonie Fantastque, --March to the Scaffold-- - 4.0 KB
- Week 3/7 - 4 - 7.4 - The Chant of Hildegard of Bingen - 4.0 KB
- Week 1/3 - 4 - 3.4 - The Chromatic Scale - 3.9 KB
- Week 1/3 - 6 - 3.6 - Melodic Structure- The Tonic - 3.4 KB
- Week 6/16 - 6 - 16.6 - The Late Period and --Ode to Joy-- - 3.3 KB
- Week 1/3 - 1 - 3.1 - What is Melody - 2.6 KB
- Week 1/1 - 6 - 1.6 - Why we Like what we Like- It-'s Nurture - 2.6 KB
- Week 1/1 - 5 - 1.5 - Music Thrills Us, Music Chills Us - 2.5 KB
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