iOS 10.1.1 + tvOS 10.0.1
File List
- iPhone_5.5_10.1.1_14B150_Restore (iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6S Plus).ipsw 2.5 GB
- iPhone_7Plus_10.1.1_14B150_Restore (iPhone 7 Plus).ipsw 2.4 GB
- iPhone_4.7_10.1.1_14B150_Restore (iPhone 6, iPhone 6S).ipsw 2.3 GB
- iPad_64bit_TouchID_10.1.1_14B150_Restore (iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3, iPad mini 4).ipsw 2.3 GB
- iPhone_7_10.1.1_14B150_Restore (iPhone 7).ipsw 2.3 GB
- iPadPro_12.9_10.1.1_14B150_Restore (12.9-inch iPad Pro).ipsw 2.2 GB
- iPad_64bit_10.1.1_14B150_Restore (iPad Air, iPad mini 2).ipsw 2.2 GB
- iPadPro_9.7_10.1.1_14B150_Restore (9.7-inch iPad Pro).ipsw 2.2 GB
- iPhoneSE_10.1.1_14B150_Restore (iPhone SE).ipsw 2.2 GB
- iPhone_4.0_64bit_10.1.1_14B150_Restore (iPhone 5S).ipsw 2.2 GB
- iPodtouch_10.1.1_14B150_Restore (iPod touch 6).ipsw 2.0 GB
- iPhone_4.0_32bit_10.1.1_14B150_Restore (iPhone 5, iPhone 5C).ipsw 1.8 GB
- iPad_32bit_10.1.1_14B150_Restore (iPad 4).ipsw 1.8 GB
- AppleTV5,3_10.0.1_14U71_Restore (Apple TV 4).ipsw 1.2 GB
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