Lecture Notes in Physics Monographs
File List
- LNPM55 Friedrich H Busse; Stefan C Müller - Evolution of spontaneous structures in dissipative continuous systems (1998).djvu 11.9 MB
- LNPM04 Radyadour K Zeytounian - Mécanique des fluides fondamentale (1991).djvu 7.5 MB
- LNPM11 Arthur Yaghjian - Relativistic dynamics of a charged sphere- updating the Lorentz-Abraham model (1992).pdf 7.4 MB
- LNPM53 Mohamed Gad-el-Hak; Andrew Pollard; Jean-Paul Bonnet - Flow control - fundamentals and practices (1998).djvu 7.2 MB
- LNPM01 Heinrich Hora - Plasmas at high temperature and density (1991).pdf 7.1 MB
- LNPM66 Francesco Calogero - Classical many-body problems amenable to exact treatments (2001).djvu 6.2 MB
- LNPM71 Stefan Odenbach - Magnetoviscous effects in ferrofluids (2002).pdf 6.0 MB
- LNPM19 Samuel D Bogan; Mark K Hinders - Interface effects in elastic wave scattering (1994).pdf 5.7 MB
- LNPM58 J Daillant; Alain Gibaud - X-ray and neutron reflectivity - principles and applications (1999).djvu 5.6 MB
- LNPM49 M Zak; J P Zbilut; R E Meyers - From instability to intelligence - complexity and predictability in nonlinear dynamics (1997).djvu 5.1 MB
- LNPM37 Stephen Childress; Andrew D Gilbert - Stretch, twist, fold - the fast dynamo (1995).djvu 4.8 MB
- LNPM62 Jorge Berger; Jacob Rubinstein (eds.) - Connectivity and superconductivity (2000).pdf 3.9 MB
- LNPM24 Alexandre Ern; Vincent Giovangigli - Multicomponent transport algorithms (1994).djvu 3.9 MB
- LNPM39 Ludwig Pittner - Algebraic foundations of non-commutative differential geometry and quantum groups (1996).djvu 3.8 MB
- LNPM63 Richard J Szabo - Equivariant cohomology and localization of path integrals (2000).djvu 3.8 MB
- LNPM43 Martin Schottenloher - A mathematical introduction to conformal field theory (1997).pdf 3.7 MB
- LNPM60 J Timothy Londergan; John P Carini; David P Murdock - Binding and scattering in two-dimensional systems (1999).djvu 3.6 MB
- LNPM15 Norbert Peters; Bernd Rogg - Reduced kinetic mechanisms for applications in combustion systems (1993).djvu 3.6 MB
- LNPM12 Giampiero Esposito - Quantum gravity, quantum cosmology and Lorentzian geometries [2nd ed.] (1994).djvu 3.6 MB
- LNPM65 Michel Hénon - Generating families in the restricted three-body problem 2 - Quantitative study of bifurcations (2001).djvu 3.5 MB
- LNPM59 Marcus Kriele - Spacetime - foundations of general relativity and differential geometry (1999).djvu 3.4 MB
- LNPM57 Giampaolo Cicogna; Guiseppe Gaeta - Symmetry and perturbation theory in nonlinear dynamics (1999).djvu 3.3 MB
- LNPM56 Rudolf Haussmann - Self-consistent quantum field theory and bosonization for strongly correlated electron systems (1999).djvu 3.2 MB
- LNPM54 Yasuyuki Suzuki; Kálmán Varga - Stochastic variational approach to quantum-mechanical few-body problems (1998).djvu 3.2 MB
- LNPM52 Michel Hénon - Generating families in the restricted three-body problem (1997).djvu 3.1 MB
- LNPM23 V S Viswanath; Gerhard Muller - The recursion method - application to many-body dynamics (1994).djvu 2.9 MB
- LNPM72 J G Muga; R Sala Mayato; I L Egusquiza - Time in quantum mechanics (2002).djvu 2.8 MB
- LNPM20 Elcio Abdalla; et al - 2D-gravity in non-critical strings - discrete and continuum approaches (1994).djvu 2.6 MB
- LNPM69 Wilfried Staude - Laser-strophometry - high-resolution techniques for velocity gradient measurements in fluid flows (2001).pdf 2.6 MB
- LNPM05 R Kh Zeytounian - Meteorological fluid dynamics (1991).djvu 2.6 MB
- LNPM46 M Camenzind - Les noyaux actifs de galaxies - galaxies de Seyfert, QSO, quasars, lacertides et radiogalaxies (1997).djvu 2.6 MB
- LNPM18 Howard Carmichael - An open systems approach to quantum optics (1993).djvu 2.5 MB
- LNPM38 J Gonzalez; M A Martin-Delgado; G Sierra; A H Vozmediano - Quantum electron liquids and high-Tc superconductivity (1995).djvu 2.4 MB
- LNPM03 A Heck; J M Perdang (eds.) - Applying fractals in astronomy (1991).djvu 2.4 MB
- LNPM31 Paul Busch; Marian Grabowski; Pekka Lahti - Operational quantum physics (1995).djvu 2.3 MB
- LNPM73 Heike Emmerich - The diffuse interface approach in materials science (2003).pdf 2.3 MB
- LNPM45 Mauro Ferrari; et al (eds.) - Advances in doublet mechanics (1997).djvu 2.3 MB
- LNPM30 Allan J Greer; William J Kossler - Low magnetic fields in anisotropic superconductors (1995).djvu 2.2 MB
- LNPM34 Res Jost - Das Märchen vom Elfenbeinernen Turm. Reden und Aufsätze (1995).djvu 2.2 MB
- LNPM26 M Dineykhan; et al - Oscillator representation in quantum physics (1995).djvu 2.1 MB
- LNPM16 P Christe; M Henkel - Introduction to conformal invariance and its applications to critical phenomena (1993).djvu 2.0 MB
- LNPM67 A S Holevo - Statistical structure of quantum theory (2001).djvu 2.0 MB
- LNPM70 Piotr T Chruściel; Jacek Jezierski; Jerzy Kijowski - A Hamiltonian field theory in the radiating regime (2002).djvu 2.0 MB
- LNPM42 P Bouwknegt; Jim McCarthy; Krzysztof Pilch - The W_3 algebra - modules, semi-infinite cohomology and BV algebras (1996).djvu 1.9 MB
- LNPM09 Mikio Namiki - Stochastic quantization (1992).djvu 1.9 MB
- LNPM61 Volker Perlick - Ray optics, Fermat's principle, and applications to general relativity (2000).djvu 1.8 MB
- LNPM47 Leonid M Zubov - Nonlinear theory of dislocations and disclinations in elastic bodies (1997).djvu 1.7 MB
- LNPM41 B K Chakrabarti; A Dutta; P Sen - Quantum Ising phases and transitions in transverse Ising models (1996).djvu 1.7 MB
- LNPM50 Jan Ambjørn; Mauro Carfora; Annalisa Marzuoli - The geometry of dynamical triangulations (1997).djvu 1.7 MB
- LNPM48 Peter Kopietz - Bosonization of interacting fermions in arbitrary dimensions (1997).pdf 1.7 MB
- LNPM36 Gerald Dunne - Self-dual Chern-Simons theories (1995).djvu 1.6 MB
- LNPM21 Gennady P Berman; Evgeny N Bulgakov; Darryl D Holm - Crossover-time in quantum boson and spin systems (1994).djvu 1.5 MB
- LNPM32 Louis de Broglie - Diverses questions de mécanique et de thermodynamique classiques et relativistes (1995).djvu 1.5 MB
- LNPM29 C Bendjaballah - Introduction to photon communication (1995).djvu 1.5 MB
- LNPM27 Johnny T Ottesen - Infinite dimensional groups and algebras in quantum physics (1995).djvu 1.4 MB
- LNPM40 Hans-Jürgen Borchers - Translation group and particle representations in quantum field theory (1996).djvu 1.4 MB
- LNPM44 Alexander Bach - Indistinguishable classical particles (1997).djvu 1.3 MB
- LNPM35 E Elizalde - Ten physical applications of spectral zeta functions (1995).djvu 1.3 MB
- LNPM08 Daniele Funaro - Polynomial approximation of differential equations (1992).djvu 1.3 MB
- LNPM28 O Piguet; Silvio P Sorella - Algebraic renormalization - perturbative renormalization, symmetries and anomalies (1995).djvu 1.3 MB
- LNPM13 M Klein; A Knauf - Classical planar scattering by Coulombic potentials (1992).djvu 1.3 MB
- LNPM02 Paul Busch; Pekka Lahti; Peter Mittelstaedt - The quantum theory of measurement [2nd ed.] (1996).djvu 1.3 MB
- LNPM25 Aleksandr V Bogdanov; et al - Interaction of gases with surfaces (1995).djvu 1.2 MB
- LNPM51 Giovanni Landi - An introduction to noncommutative spaces and their geometries (1997).pdf 1.1 MB
- LNPM07 Giuseppe Morandi - The role of topology in classical and quantum physics (1992).djvu 1.1 MB
- LNPM22 Max-Olivier Hongler - Chaotic and stochastic behaviour in automatic production lines (1994).djvu 1.0 MB
- LNPM17 Martin Schoen - Computer simulation of condensed phases in complex geometries (1993).djvu 1.0 MB
- LNPM64 Ivan G Avramidi - Heat kernel and quantum gravity (2000).djvu 1.0 MB
- LNPM14 Alberto Lerda - Anyons - quantum mechanics of particles with fractional statistics (1992).djvu 975.6 KB
- LNPM68 Nir Polonsky - Supersymmetry - structure and phenomena - extensions of the standard model (2001).pdf 883.6 KB
- LNPM06 N M J Woodhouse - Special relativity (1992).djvu 820.1 KB
- LNPM33 Reinhard Alkofer; Hugo Reinhardt - Chiral quark dynamics (1995).djvu 809.0 KB
- LNPM10 Jens Hoppe - Lectures on integrable systems (1992).djvu 804.6 KB
- lnpm_list.txt 7.4 KB
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