Риз Р. - Обработка естественного языка на Java - 2016
File List
- Риз Р. - Обработка естественного языка на Java - 2016.pdf 47.2 MB
- Code/Chapter 8/Twenty Thousands.txt 587.6 KB
- Code/Chapter 8/TestDocument.pdf 108.2 KB
- Code/Chapter 4/nbproject/build-impl.xml 77.5 KB
- Code/Chapter 5/Chapter5.java 19.2 KB
- Code/Chapter 3/Chapter3.java 18.0 KB
- Code/Chapter 2/Chapter2.java 17.2 KB
- Code/Chapter 6/Chapter6.java 16.3 KB
- Code/Chapter 8/TestDocument.docx 15.6 KB
- Code/Chapter 4/build/classes/packt/Chapter4.class 14.4 KB
- Code/Chapter 4/src/packt/Chapter4.java 13.8 KB
- Code/Chapter 7/Chapter7.java 13.7 KB
- Code/Chapter 2/PorterStemmer.java 13.3 KB
- Code/Chapter 4/old/Chapter4.java 13.2 KB
- Code/Chapter 8/Chapter8.java 12.8 KB
- Code/Chapter 6/en-animal.train 8.5 KB
- Code/Chapter 1/Chapter1.java 7.3 KB
- Code/Chapter 4/nbproject/project.properties 6.7 KB
- Code/Chapter 4/build/classes/packt/DictionaryChunker.class 3.8 KB
- Code/Chapter 4/src/packt/DictionaryChunker.java 3.8 KB
- Code/Chapter 4/build.xml 3.5 KB
- Code/Chapter 8/StopWords.java 2.6 KB
- Code/Chapter 4/build/classes/packt/TrainEntities.class 2.0 KB
- Code/Chapter 4/build/classes/packt/RunChunker.class 2.0 KB
- Code/Chapter 2/StopWords.java 1.8 KB
- Code/Chapter 4/src/packt/TrainEntities.java 1.6 KB
- Code/Chapter 6/en-animal.model 1.4 KB
- Code/Chapter 6/box.train 1.3 KB
- Code/Chapter 4/src/packt/RunChunker.java 1.1 KB
- Code/Chapter 8/stop-words_english_2_en.txt 1.1 KB
- Code/Chapter 4/modelFile 1.0 KB
- Code/Chapter 6/box.test 683 bytes
- Code/Chapter 4/build/classes/packt/EmailRegexChunker.class 600 bytes
- Code/Chapter 8/Word.java 574 bytes
- Code/Chapter 4/build/classes/packt/TimeRegexChunker.class 558 bytes
- Code/Chapter 4/src/packt/EmailRegexChunker.java 554 bytes
- Code/Chapter 4/nbproject/project.xml 517 bytes
- Code/Chapter 4/nbproject/private/private.xml 497 bytes
- Code/Chapter 4/nbproject/genfiles.properties 475 bytes
- Code/Chapter 7/President.java 458 bytes
- Code/Chapter 4/old/TimeRegexChunker.java 430 bytes
- Code/Chapter 4/src/packt/TimeRegexChunker.java 430 bytes
- Code/Chapter 4/en-ner-all.train 394 bytes
- Code/Chapter 4/en-ner-person.train 341 bytes
- Code/Chapter 4/en-ner-person.eval 270 bytes
- Code/Chapter 2/training-data.train 223 bytes
- Code/Chapter 8/Positions.java 202 bytes
- Code/Chapter 4/nbproject/private/private.properties 186 bytes
- Code/Chapter 2/MyTokenizerFactory.java 138 bytes
- Code/Chapter 6/box.prop 121 bytes
- Code/Readme.txt 93 bytes
- Code/Chapter 4/manifest.mf 85 bytes
- Code/Chapter 4/build/classes/.netbeans_automatic_build 0 bytes
- Code/Chapter 4/build/classes/.netbeans_update_resources 0 bytes
- Code/Chapter 4/nbproject/private/config.properties 0 bytes
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