Poetry Books Collection - Vol 2 (Art Ebooks)
File List
- Europe/France/Guillaume Apollinaire - Calligrammes.pdf 119.3 MB
- Asia/As Through A Veil - Mystical Poetry in Islam.pdf 79.1 MB
- Asia/China/China - 3000 Years of Art and Literature (Art Ebook).pdf 64.3 MB
- Asia/Persia/A V. Williams Jackson - From Constantinople to the home of Omar Khayyam.pdf 62.5 MB
- USA/Thoreau Henry David/[Joel_Myerson]_The_Cambridge_Companion_to_Henry_Da(Bookos.org).pdf 58.9 MB
- USA/Thoreau Henry David/The Writings of Henry David Thoreau in 20 Volumes Vol.5.pdf 58.5 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Callimachus/[Callimachus,_Lycophron,_Aratus] Callimachus Hymn.pdf 52.9 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Percy Bysshe Shelley/Shelley's Prometheus Unbound.pdf 52.0 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Contemporary Irish Poetry An Anthology.pdf 47.9 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Horace/Horace - the Epistles.pdf 45.9 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/English Verse with Russian Translation XX Century.pdf 45.3 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Robert Browning/Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 13.pdf 44.4 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Percy Bysshe Shelley/Shelley's Process - Radical Transference and the Development of His Major Works.pdf 44.4 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Virgil/Virgil's Aeneid - Cosmos and Imperium.pdf 43.8 MB
- South America/Peru/Cesar Vallejo - Complete Poetry.epub 43.2 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Shakespeare/The Cambridge Shakespeare Vol 9.pdf 41.1 MB
- USA/American Yiddish Poetry - A bilingual anthology.pdf 40.2 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/English Verse with Russian Translation XIV-XIX Century.pdf 37.8 MB
- Europe/Italian poetry/Dante Alighieri/Dante Aligheri - Inferno (trans Zapulla).pdf 35.7 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/William Blake/Fearful Symmetry - A Study of William Blake.pdf 35.5 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Ausonius/Ausonius, Vol 1 Hugh G. Evelyn-White (Translator).pdf 34.9 MB
- Europe/Italian poetry/Dante Alighieri/Dante Aligheri - Paradiso (trans Mandelbaum).pdf 34.7 MB
- Asia/Arabia/The Wine Song in Classical Arabic Poetry.pdf 34.6 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Thomas Hardy/Thomas Hardy - Distance and Desire.pdf 34.0 MB
- The treasure of poetry.pdf 33.8 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Nonnas/Nonnos Nonnos Dionysiaca, Volume I, Books 1-15 Loeb Classical Library No. 344.pdf 33.6 MB
- Surrealist Painters and Poets - An Anthology (Art Ebook).pdf 31.8 MB
- Riley, Denise (ed) - Poets on writing, Britain 1970-1991.pdf 31.0 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Alexander Pope/Alexander Pope - The Major Works.pdf 30.8 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Aristotle/Aristotle Poetics.pdf 28.9 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Robert Browning/Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 08.pdf 28.9 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Catullus/Catullus - Poems of Catullus trans Peter Wigham, The.pdf 28.7 MB
- Jones, Emrys (ed) - New Oxford Book of Sixteenth Century Verse, The.pdf 28.6 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/J.M. Edmonds ed. Lyra Graeca, Volume III Corinna, Bacchylides, Timotheus, etc. Loeb Classical Library No. 144 1927.pdf 27.4 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Ovid/Brill's Companion to Ovid.pdf 27.2 MB
- Bernstein, Charles & others - Close Listening.pdf 26.9 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/John Donne/Poetry of John Donne, Vol 7 part 1.pdf 26.7 MB
- South America/Brasil/Bandeira, Manuel - This Earth That Sky.pdf 26.5 MB
- Asia/India/Ramanujan, AK - Collected Essays.pdf 26.1 MB
- USA/Pound, Ezra - Cantos, The.pdf 25.2 MB
- USA/Wallace Stevens/The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens.pdf 25.1 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Virgil/The Cambridge Companion to Virgil.pdf 25.0 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Robert Browning/Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 06.pdf 24.4 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Oppian, Colluthus, Tryphiodorus Oppian, Colluthus, Tryphiodorus Loeb Classical Library No. 219 1928.pdf 24.0 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Robert Browning/Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 02.pdf 23.7 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Nonnas/Nonnos Nonnos Dionysiaca, Volume II, Books 16-35 Loeb Classical Library No. 354 1940.pdf 23.1 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Nonnas/Nonnos Nonnos Dionysiaca, Volume III, Books 36-48 Loeb Classical Library No. 356 1940.pdf 21.5 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Statius/Statius - Volume I - Silvae, Thebaid I-IV.pdf 21.3 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/The Greek Anthology Vol 1, Books I-VI.pdf 21.0 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Apollonius of Rhodes/A Companion to APOLLONIUS RHODIUS.pdf 20.8 MB
- Asia/Turkey/Turkic Oral Epic Poetry Tradition.pdf 20.6 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/pindar/John Sandys Odes of Pindar, Including the Principal Fragments Loeb Classical Library, No 56 .pdf 20.3 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Robert Browning/Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 07.pdf 20.3 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Sidonius/Sidonius - Poems. Letters, Books 1-2.pdf 20.1 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Percy Bysshe Shelley/Shelley's Goddess - Maternity, Language, Subjectivity.pdf 20.0 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Milton/The Cambridge Companion to Milton.pdf 19.3 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Horace/Horace (Eduard Fraenkel).pdf 19.2 MB
- Australia/The Cambridge Companion to Australian Literature.pdf 19.1 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/J.M. Edmonds ed. Lyra Graeca, Volume I Terpander, Alcman, Sappho and Alcaeus Loeb Classical Library No. 142.pdf 18.8 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/The Greek Anthology Vol 2, Books VII-VIII.pdf 18.6 MB
- Cultures of Modernism - Marianne Moore, Mina Loy, and Else Lasker-Schuler.pdf 18.4 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Statius/Statius - Volume II Thebaid V-XII, Achilleid I-II.pdf 18.1 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Silius Italicus/Silius Italicus - Punica, Volume II.pdf 17.6 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Martial/Martial - Epigrams, Volume II Books 6-10.pdf 17.3 MB
- The Cambridge Companion to Modernism.pdf 17.2 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Robert Browning/Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 04.pdf 17.2 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Martial/Martial - Epigrams, Volume I Spectacles, Books 1-5.pdf 17.2 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Derek Walcott/Patricia Ismond Abandoning Dead Metaphors The Caribbean Phase of Derek Walcotts Poetry 2001.pdf 16.9 MB
- Asia/Persia/Illustrated Poetry and Epic Images - Persian Painting of the 1330s and 1340s.pdf 16.9 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Robert Browning/Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 09.pdf 16.7 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Ovid/Ovid - Heroides and Amores.pdf 16.6 MB
- Europe/The Medieval Poet as Voyeur.pdf 16.3 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/J.M. Edmonds ed. Lyra Graeca, Volume II Stesichorus, Ibycus, Anacreon and Simonides Loeb Classical Library No. 143 1924.pdf 16.2 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Robert Browning/Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 16.pdf 16.0 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Silius Italicus/Silius Italicus - Punica, Volume I.pdf 15.9 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Robert Browning/Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 05.pdf 15.9 MB
- Europe/Italian poetry/Veronica Franco - Poems and Selected Letters.pdf 15.7 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Thomas Hardy/Palgrave Advances in Thomas Hardy.pdf 15.5 MB
- The Poetry Handbook.pdf 15.5 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Edmund Spenser/Kenneth J. Larsen, Edmund Spenser Edmund Spensers Amoretti and Epithalamion A Critical Edition Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 1997.pdf 15.4 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Hesiod/Hesiod, Hugh G. Evelyn-White Hesiod The Homeric Hymns and Homerica Loeb Classical Library #57 1932.pdf 15.4 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/W. H. Auden/Auden, WH - Dyer's Hand and Other Essays, The.pdf 15.3 MB
- USA/Terrell, Carroll - Companion to The Cantos of Ezra Pound, Vol 2 Cantos 74 to 120, A.pdf 15.3 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/The Cambridge Companion to Greek Lyric.pdf 15.3 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Ovid/Ovid Tristia. Ex Ponto.pdf 15.2 MB
- Europe/Eros and performativity in the alfresco symposium. Poetry and pottery from Greece to Rome.pdf 15.1 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/The Greek Anthology Vol 3, Book IX.pdf 15.0 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Samuel Johnson/Greg Clingham The Cambridge Companion to Samuel Johnson Cambridge Companions to Literature 1997.pdf 14.9 MB
- USA/Thoreau Henry David/A Historical Guide to Henry David Thoreau.pdf 14.9 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Robert Browning/Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 03.pdf 14.8 MB
- USA/TS Eliot/The Cambridge Companion to T. S. Eliot.pdf 14.6 MB
- The Poetry Oracle - Ask a Question and Find Your Fate.pdf 14.5 MB
- Asia/China/The Birth of China Seen Through Poetry.pdf 14.4 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Wilde/The Cambridge Companion to Oscar Wilde Cambridge Companions to Literature.pdf 14.3 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Virgil/Virgil - Aeneid, trans by Allen Mandelbaum.pdf 14.2 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Geoffrey Hill/Hassan, Ann - Annotations to Geoffrey Hill's Speech Speech.pdf 13.9 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Theocritus, Bion, Moschus, J. M. Edmonds ed. Greek Bucolic Poets Theocritus. Bion. Moschus Loeb Classical Library No. 28 1919.pdf 13.9 MB
- Life – The Play of Life on the Stage of the World in Fine Arts, Stage-Play, and Literature (R.S. Thomas inside).pdf 13.8 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Virgil/Virgil - Aeneid, trans by Edward McCrorie.pdf 13.7 MB
- USA/Swenson, May - Centaur Childrens Book.pdf 13.5 MB
- Juvenal, Persius Juvenal and Persius Loeb Classical Library.pdf 13.5 MB
- Europe/Italian poetry/Lucrezia Tornabuoni de Medici Sacred Narratives.pdf 13.5 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Ausonius/Ausonius Vol 2, Hugh G. Evelyn White Translator Ausonius Volume 2, Books 18-20 Loeb Classical Library 1921.pdf 13.4 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/John Donne/Joe Nutt John Donne The Poems Analysing Texts 1999 (1).pdf 13.3 MB
- Asia/Japan/The Tales of Ise.pdf 13.3 MB
- USA/The Poets of Tin Pan Alley - A History of America's Great Lyricists.pdf 12.9 MB
- Directions in Biblical Hebrew Poetry.pdf 12.8 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/The Greek Anthology Vol 4, Book X-XII.pdf 12.8 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/The Greek Anthology Vol 5, Books XIII-XVI.pdf 12.7 MB
- Africa/African Oral Epic Poetry - Praising the Deeds of a Mythic Hero.pdf 12.7 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Christopher Marlowe/Christopher Marlowe - The Complete poems and Translations.pdf 12.7 MB
- Europe/Russia/Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - A Poem by Mayakovsky.pdf 12.6 MB
- USA/Empson, William - Seven Types of Ambiguity.pdf 12.4 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Rural Life in Eighteenth-Century English Poetry.pdf 12.3 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Propertius/Propertius Elegies.pdf 12.1 MB
- Europe/Italian poetry/Lucrezia Marinella The Nobility and Excellence of Women and the Defects and Vices of Men The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe 2000.pdf 12.0 MB
- Africa/Oral Poetry and Somali Nationalism.pdf 11.4 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Prudentius/Prudentius, Volume I Liber Cathemerinon, Apotheosis, Hamartigenia, Psychomachia, Contra orationem Symmachi I.pdf 11.4 MB
- Europe/Russia/Pushkin & Nabokov trans - Eugene Onegin Vol 3 of 4.pdf 11.2 MB
- Europe/Germany/Goethe/Goethe - The Poet and the Age, Vol I - The Poetry of Desire (1749-1790).pdf 11.2 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/W.B. Yeats/W. B. Yeats - Mythologies.pdf 11.1 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Ovid/The Poet and the Prince - Ovid and Augustan Discourse.pdf 11.1 MB
- Europe/Russia/Pushkin & Nabokov trans - Eugene Onegin Vol 2 of 4.pdf 10.7 MB
- Europe/Russia/Mayakovsky - Selected Verse.pdf 10.7 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Virgil/Virgil, Volume II - Aeneid Books 7-12, Appendix Vergiliana.pdf 10.6 MB
- Europe/France/Baudelaire/Untimely Beggar - Poverty and Power from Baudelaire to Benjamin.pdf 10.4 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Wordsworth/Poetic Occasion from Milton to Wordsworth.pdf 10.3 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Lanyer - A Renaissance Woman Poet 1999.pdf 10.3 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Prudentius/Prudentius, Volume II Contra orationem Symmachi II, Peristephanon Liber, Tituli Historiarum, Epilogus.pdf 10.2 MB
- Europe/Russia/Pushkin & Nabokov trans - Eugene Onegin Vol 4 of 4.pdf 10.0 MB
- Asia/Tibet/Milarepa.pdf 10.0 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/An Historical Study of Athenian Verse Epitaphs from VI through IV BC.pdf 10.0 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/William Blake/William Blake by Arthur Symons.pdf 10.0 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Sappho (trans Lombardo) - Poems and Fragments.pdf 10.0 MB
- Europe/Russia/Pushkin & Nabokov trans - Eugene Onegin Vol 1 of 4.pdf 9.9 MB
- Europe/Spain/Martin A. Coleman The Essential Santayana Selected Writings 2009.pdf 9.7 MB
- USA/Elisabeth Bishop/Elizabeth Bishop The Restraints of Language 1993.pdf 9.5 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Claudian/Claudian Volume II.pdf 9.4 MB
- Europe/France/Verlaine, Paul - One Hundred and One Poems (trans Shapiro).pdf 9.3 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Lucretius/The Cambridge Companion to Lucretius.pdf 9.1 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Shakespeare/William Shakespeare - Shakespeares Sonnets, Arden Shakespeare.pdf 8.8 MB
- USA/William Faulkner/The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner.pdf 8.7 MB
- USA/Pound, Ezra - Letters of Ezra Pound to James Joyce, The.pdf 8.6 MB
- Asia/India/Haksar, AND - Treasury of Sanskrit Poetry in English Translation, A.pdf 8.6 MB
- USA/Ginsberg, Allen - Poetics Practicum.pdf 8.6 MB
- USA/Williams, William Carlos - Spring and All (1923).pdf 8.5 MB
- Europe/Italian poetry/Olympia Fulvia Morata The Complete Writings of an Italian Heretic The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe 2003.pdf 8.5 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Coleridge/Coleridge and German Philosophy The Poet in the Land of Logic.pdf 8.5 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Claudian/Claudian Volume I.pdf 8.3 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Raffel, Burton & Alexandra Olsen - Poems and Prose from Old English.pdf 8.0 MB
- Canada/Carson, Anne - Decreation.pdf 7.8 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Sappho, Alcaeus, David A. Campbell Greek Lyric Sappho and Alcaeus Loeb Classical Library No. 142 1982.pdf 7.7 MB
- Dorn, Ed & Joseph Richey (Editor) - Ed Dorn Live Lectures, Interviews, and Outtakes.pdf 7.7 MB
- Europe/Russia/Sergei Esenin - Selected Poetry.pdf 7.6 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/William Blake/William Blake and the Body.pdf 7.4 MB
- Europe/France/Baudelaire/Baudelaire and the Art of Memory.pdf 7.4 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Ovid/Ovids Metamorphoses - Oxford Approaches to Classical Literature.pdf 7.4 MB
- Asia/India/Mahabharata - Sauptikaparvan, The Massacre at Night (Oxford World Classics).pdf 7.3 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Virgil/Virgils Augustan Epic.pdf 7.3 MB
- Europe/France/Baudelaire/Charles Baudelaire - Les Fleurs Du Mal.pdf 7.2 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/W.B. Yeats/Critical Companion to William Butler Yeats A Literary Reference to His Life and Work.pdf 7.0 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Christopher Marlowe/Christopher Marlowe - Poet and Spy.pdf 7.0 MB
- Asia/China/The Art of Chinese Poetry.pdf 7.0 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Ovid/Ovid - The Metamorphoses.pdf 6.9 MB
- Europe/Germany/Bertolt Brecht, Reinhold Grimm editor Poetry and Prose Bertolt Brecht 2003.pdf 6.9 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Barnstone, Willis - Ancient Greek Lyrics.pdf 6.8 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Edmund Spenser/Edmund Spenser The Faerie Queene Books I-VI 2006.pdf 6.7 MB
- Europe/Italian poetry/Vittoria Colonna/Vittoria Colonna - Sonnets for Michelangelo.pdf 6.6 MB
- Africa/Rosemoney (Eds.) - Black, Brown, & Beige Surrealist Writings from Africa and the Diaspora.pdf 6.4 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Lines of Enquiry - Studies in Latin Poetry.pdf 6.3 MB
- USA/Killian, Kevin - Action Kylie.pdf 6.3 MB
- Europe/Beyond the Flesh - Alexander Blok, Zinaida Gippius, and the Symbolist Sublimation of Sex.pdf 6.3 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Hesiod/Hesiod Volume I, Theogony. Works and Days. Testimonia Loeb Classical Library No. 57N.pdf 6.3 MB
- Europe/France/Baudelaire/Walter Benjamin - The Writer of Modern Life - Essays on Charles Baudelaire.pdf 6.2 MB
- Europe/Jeanette R. Malkin Verbal Violence in Contemporary Drama From Handke to Shepard .pdf 6.1 MB
- USA/Wright, Jay - Guide Signs, Books One and Two, The.pdf 6.0 MB
- Europe/Poland/Milosz, Czeslaw - Poezje wybrane (Selected poems).pdf 6.0 MB
- Asia/India/Mohan, Soumitra - Luqman Ali.pdf 5.9 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Wordsworth/Landscape, Liberty and Authority Poetry, Criticism and Politics from Thomson to Wordsworth Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-Century English Literatur.pdf 5.8 MB
- South America/Cuba/Weiss, Mark (ed) - Whole Island Six Decades of Cuban Poetry, The.pdf 5.8 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Apollonius of Rhodes/The Argonautica of Apollonius.pdf 5.7 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Coleridge/Poetry Realized in Nature - Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Early Nineteenth-Century Science.pdf 5.7 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Genre in Hellenistic poetry.pdf 5.6 MB
- Asia/Tibet/Tsundue, Tenzin - Kora Stories and Poems.pdf 5.6 MB
- USA/Young, Stephanie - Picture Palace.pdf 5.5 MB
- Asia/Ugaritic Narrative Poetry - Writings from the Ancient World.pdf 5.5 MB
- Europe/France/Baudelaire/Baudelaire and Schizoanalysis - The Socio-Poetics of Modernism.pdf 5.4 MB
- Europe/Spain/Lorca/Federico Bonaddio A Companion to Federico García Lorca Monografías A 2007.pdf 5.4 MB
- Europe/Greece/C.P. Cavafy - The Collected Poems with parallel Greek text.pdf 5.3 MB
- Europe/Russia/Raymond Cooke Velimir Khlebnikov A Critical Study Cambridge Studies in Russian Literature 1987.pdf 5.2 MB
- The Poets Companion - A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry.pdf 5.1 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Homer/The Songs of Homer.pdf 4.9 MB
- South America/Chile/Zurita, Raul (trans Anna Deeny) - Purgatory.pdf 4.9 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Catullus/Gaius Valerius Catullus The Poems of Catullus A Bilingual Edition 2005.pdf 4.8 MB
- McCaffery, Steve - Prior to Meaning, The Protosemantic and Poetics.pdf 4.8 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Samuel Beckett/Samuel Beckett British and Irish Authors.pdf 4.7 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Lucretius/Oxford Readings in Lucretius.pdf 4.6 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/pindar/Pindar - Odes trans. Richmond Lattimore.pdf 4.6 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Thomas Moore/Thomas Moore Source Book.pdf 4.5 MB
- Europe/France/Broome & Chesters (eds) - Anthology of Modern French Poetry 1850 to 1950, An.pdf 4.5 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Coleridge/Merton Christen The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge Notebooks 1819-1826 1990.pdf 4.4 MB
- USA/William Faulkner/Critical Companion to William Faulkner - A Literary Reference to His Life And Work.pdf 4.4 MB
- Asia/palestina/Mahmoud Darwish - If I were another.pdf 4.4 MB
- Paula R. Feldman, Daniel Robinson A Century of Sonnets The Romantic-Era Revival 1750-1850 1999.pdf 4.4 MB
- USA/Vakunta, Peter - Majunga Tok Poems in Pidgin English (Cameroon).pdf 4.4 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Virgil/Virgil - Aeneid, trans by Frederic Ahl.pdf 4.4 MB
- Europe/France/Gaston Bachelard The Poetics of Space 1994.pdf 4.3 MB
- Asia/Bronner, Yigal - Extreme Poetry Simultaneous Narration in South Asian Poetry.pdf 4.3 MB
- A-T. Tymieniecka Sharing Poetic Expressions Beauty, Sublime, Mysticism in Islamic and Occidental Culture 2011.pdf 4.2 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/William Blake/A Blake Dictionary - The Ideas and Symbols of William Blake.epub 4.2 MB
- Europe/Germany/Isabella van Elferen Mystical Love in the German Baroque Theology, Poetry, Music Contextual Bach Studies 2009.pdf 4.2 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Shakespeare/A Companion to Shakespeares Sonnets.pdf 4.2 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Virgil/A Commentary on Virgil Eclogues.pdf 4.1 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Thomas Hardy/Rosemari Morgan Cancelled Words Rediscovering Thomas Hardy 1992.pdf 3.9 MB
- Europe/France/Baudelaire/Baudelaire by Jean-Paul Sartre.pdf 3.9 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Wilde/Oscar Wilde - Blooms Classic Critical Views.pdf 3.9 MB
- Europe/Spain/George Santayana Literary Philosopher.pdf 3.9 MB
- Europe/Italian poetry/Dante Alighieri/dante-divine-comedy-hell-illustrations.epub 3.8 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Samuel Beckett/All Sturm and no Drang. Beckett and Romanticism. Beckett at Reading.pdf 3.8 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Sophocles - Electra.pdf 3.7 MB
- USA/Spicer, Jack - My Vocabulary Did This To Me Collected Poems.pdf 3.7 MB
- USA/Lin, Tan - Seven Controlled Vocabularies and Obituaries 2004 The Joy of Cooking.pdf 3.6 MB
- USA/Barnstone, Willis - We Jews and Blacks Memoir With Poems.pdf 3.6 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Ted Hughes/The Laughter of Foxes, Second Edition - A Study of Ted Hughes (Liverpool University Press - Liverpool English Texts & Studies.pdf 3.6 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Wordsworth/William Wordsworth - The Critical Heritage, Volume I 1793-1820.pdf 3.6 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Horace/A Companion to Horace.pdf 3.6 MB
- Asia/Arabia/A Youth's Thoughts -Wael Hussein Bobsait.pdf 3.5 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Homer/Matthew Arnold On Translating Homer .pdf 3.5 MB
- Jeremy Black etc (eds) - Literature of Ancient Sumer, The.pdf 3.5 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Ovid/The Cambridge Companion to Ovid.pdf 3.5 MB
- Europe/Spain/Neruda_and_Vallejo.epub 3.5 MB
- USA/A bird in Lincoln Tomb and other poems.pdf 3.4 MB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Homer/The Cambridge Companion to Homer.pdf 3.4 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Ovid/Ovid - Fasti.pdf 3.4 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Horace/A Commentary on Horace Odes Book III.pdf 3.4 MB
- Staying Alive_ Real Poems for Unreal Times - Neil Astley.pdf 3.3 MB
- Asia/India/Kolatkar, Arun - Jejuri.pdf 3.3 MB
- Asia/India/McDermott, Rachel Fell (trans) - Singing to the Goddess Poems to Kali and Uma from Bengal.pdf 3.3 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Maxwell, Glyn - Boys at Twilight Poems 1990 to 1995.pdf 3.3 MB
- Europe/Sandor Weores, Ferenc Juhasz (trans Edwin Morgan) - Selected Poems.pdf 3.3 MB
- Religious Poetry in Vernacular Syriac from Northern Iraq 17th-20th Centuries. An Anthology 2011.pdf 3.2 MB
- Europe/France/Francis Ponge The Voice of Things 1974.pdf 3.2 MB
- Europe/France/Baudelaire/Between Baudelaire and Mallarme.pdf 3.2 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Samuel Johnson/Samuel Johnson, John Mullan The Lives of the Poets A Selection Oxford Worlds Classics 2009.pdf 3.1 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/William Blake/William Blakes America A Prophecy and Europe A Prophecy.pdf 3.1 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Ovid/A Companion to Ovid.pdf 3.1 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Catullus/A Companion to Catullus 2007.pdf 3.1 MB
- Asia/Arabia/Stetkeyvich, Suzanne Pinckney (trans) - Mantle abic Praise Poems to the Prophet Muhammad, The.pdf 3.1 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/William Blake/William Blake The Critical Heritage.pdf 3.1 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/British poetry before 1600.pdf 3.1 MB
- SOUS LES PAVES - Sous Les Paves 3.pdf 3.1 MB
- Europe/Germany/Rilke/Rilke - The Poet's Guide.epub 3.1 MB
- USA/Young, Kevin - Jelly Roll.pdf 3.0 MB
- Funkhouser, Christopher - Prehistoric Digital Poetry An Archaeology of Forms.pdf 3.0 MB
- Europe/France/Jacqueline Pascal A Rule for Children and Other Writings The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe 2003.pdf 3.0 MB
- Europe/Italian poetry/Francesco Petrarca/Victoria Kirkham, Armando Maggi Petrarch A Critical Guide to the Complete Works 2009.pdf 3.0 MB
- Europe/Russia/A Coat of Many Colors Osip Mandelstam and His Mythologies of Self-Presentation.pdf 3.0 MB
- USA/Wallace Stevens/Wallace Stevens and the Aesthetics of Abstraction.pdf 2.8 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Thomas Hardy/Thomas Hardy The Critical Heritage.pdf 2.8 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Alexander Pope/The Complete Critical Guide to Alexander Pope Complete Critical Guide to Alexander Pope.pdf 2.8 MB
- USA/Whitman, Walt - Leaves of Grass First and Death-Bed Editions.epub 2.8 MB
- USA/Kuenstler, Frank - 13 and a Half Poems.pdf 2.8 MB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Virgil/The Virgilian Tradition The First Fifteen Hundred Years.pdf 2.8 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Percy Bysshe Shelley/Shelleys Music.pdf 2.7 MB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Samuel Johnson/Robert J. Mayhew Landscape, Literature and English Religious Culture, 1660-1800 Samuel Johnson and Languages of Natural Description Studies in Modern History 2004.pdf 2.7 MB
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- Canada/Margaret Atwood/The Cambridge Companion to Margaret Atwood.pdf 892.1 KB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Homer/Homer - The Odyssey Blooms Guides.pdf 891.3 KB
- USA/Hua, Uyen - asl.pdf 884.9 KB
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- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Samuel Beckett/The Cambridge Introduction to Samuel Beckett Cambridge Introductions to Literature.pdf 871.1 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Shakespeare/Cliffs Notes on Shakespeares Sonnets.pdf 866.7 KB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Horace/Horaces Carmen Saeculare - Ritual Magic and the Poets Art.pdf 862.3 KB
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- Europe/Beowulf (Bloom's Guides).pdf 847.8 KB
- USA/William Faulkner/Student Companion to William Faulkner.pdf 846.2 KB
- USA/Paglia, Camille - Break Blow Burn.pdf 846.0 KB
- Europe/Italian poetry/Francesco Petrarca/Edoardo Zuccato Petrarch in Romantic England 2008.pdf 835.9 KB
- Europe/An Anthology of Ancient and Medieval Womans Song.pdf 830.3 KB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Virgil/King of the Wood - The Sacrificial Victor in Virgils Aeneid.pdf 823.1 KB
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- Asia/Persia/The Sufi Path of Love - The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi.epub 817.0 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Moore, Nicholas - Spleen.pdf 808.7 KB
- USA/Elisabeth Bishop/Joanne Feit Diehl Elizabeth Bishop and Marianne Moore 1993.pdf 805.7 KB
- Europe/France/LAubespine, Madeleine de - Selected Poems and Translations.pdf 799.3 KB
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- Europe/On Creaturely Life - Rilke, Benjamin, Sebald.pdf 790.2 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Robert Browning/The poet Robert Browning and his kinsfolk.epub 775.6 KB
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- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Coleridge/Coleridge and the Crisis of Reason.pdf 772.9 KB
- Quid 20 - April 2010.pdf 771.9 KB
- Canada/Margaret Atwood/Margaret Atwoods - the Handmaids Tale Blooms Guides.pdf 771.7 KB
- USA/Elisabeth Bishop/God and Elizabeth Bishop Meditations on Religion and Poetry 2005.pdf 761.7 KB
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- USA/Hillman, Brenda - Practical Water.pdf 744.5 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Seamus Heaney/Seamus Heaney Searches for Answers.pdf 742.4 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Wordsworth/The Cambridge Introduction to William Wordsworth.pdf 741.8 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Shakespeare/Shakespeares Sonnets Blackwell Introductions to Literature.pdf 741.3 KB
- Europe/Italian poetry/Ungaretti, Giuseppe - Selected Poems.pdf 736.4 KB
- A Chorus Of Complaints.pdf 732.2 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Lewis, Gwyneth - Sunbathing in the Rain, A Cheerful Book on Depression.pdf 731.4 KB
- Europe/Romania/Sovereignties in Question - The Poetics of Paul Celan.pdf 731.3 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Percy Bysshe Shelley/Shelley and Vitality.pdf 730.8 KB
- USA/Bly, Robert - Eating the Honey of Words.pdf 727.9 KB
- Greek Christian poetry in classical forms. The Codex of Visions from the Bodmer Papyrus and the melding of literary traditions.pdf 727.9 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Ben Jonson/Ben Jonson A Sourcebook.pdf 723.5 KB
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- Europe/Italian poetry/Agamben, Giorgio - End of the Poem, The.pdf 711.5 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Coleridge/Coleridge and Shelley.pdf 695.1 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Percy Bysshe Shelley/Coleridge and Shelley.pdf 695.1 KB
- Europe/France/Darnton, Robert - Poetry and the Police Communication Networks in Eighteenth-Century Paris.pdf 688.3 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/William Blake/Romantic Consciousness Blake to Mary Shelley.pdf 687.4 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Byron/Byron - Routledge Guides to Literature.pdf 687.0 KB
- Europe/Portugal/Camoes, Luis de - Selected Sonnets.pdf 680.3 KB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/pindar/Pindar - Odes trans. Anthony Verity.pdf 672.9 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Ted Hughes/Ovid, Ted Hughes Tales from Ovid 1999.pdf 668.3 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Wordsworth/William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge Lyrical Ballads 2007.pdf 665.1 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Rosalind Smith Sonnets and the English Woman Writer, 1560-1621 The Politics of Absence Early Modern Literature in History 2005.pdf 660.1 KB
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- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/John Donne/Poetry of Contemplation John Donne, George Herbert, Henry Vaughan, and the Modern Period 1990.epub 645.6 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Ali, Kazim - Bright Felon.pdf 636.8 KB
- Scharf, Michael - For Kid Rock.pdf 631.1 KB
- Asia/Japan/Ueda, Makoto - Far Beyond the Field.pdf 621.0 KB
- USA/Starbuck, George - Works Poems Selected from Five Decades, The.pdf 619.5 KB
- Asia/India/Kalidasa - Messenger Poems.pdf 617.0 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Caddel & Quartermain (eds) - Other British and Irish poetry since 1970.epub 612.4 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/John Clare/John Clare A Literary Life.pdf 608.7 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/John Skelton/John Skelton, The Critical Heritage.pdf 607.7 KB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Lucretius/Lucretius On the Nature of Things.pdf 606.3 KB
- USA/Swensen, Cole - Try.pdf 604.2 KB
- USA/Hoover, Paul - Fables of Representation Essays.pdf 602.7 KB
- Africa/Rampolokeng, Lesego - Blackheart_ Epilogue to Insanity.pdf 602.6 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/William Blake/William Blake on Self and Soul.pdf 572.5 KB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Virgil/Virgil - Georgics.pdf 570.5 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Sir Walter Scott/Walter Scott--Minstrelsy of the scottish border, Vol 2.pdf 568.1 KB
- Europe/Portugal/Fernando Pessoa 35 Sonnets.pdf 565.1 KB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Homer/Plato through Homer Poetry and Philosophy in the Cosmological Dialogues.pdf 563.9 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Alexander Pope/Alexander Pope - The Rape of the Lock.pdf 559.9 KB
- Canada/Partridge, Elise - Chameleon Hours.pdf 557.1 KB
- USA/Walt Whitman, Sculley Bradley, Harold W. Blodgett, Arthur Golden, William White Leaves of Grass A Textual Variorum of the Printed Poems, Volume II 1860-1867 2008.epub 555.8 KB
- Asia/Iran/Hafiz - Angels Knocking on the Tavern Door Thirty Poems, The.pdf 549.2 KB
- Europe/Ancient Greece/Hine, Daryl - Puerilities, Erotic Epigrams of the Greek Anthology.pdf 548.8 KB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Poetic Interplay, Catullus and Horace.pdf 538.0 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/John Gardner The alliterative Morte Arthure- The owl and the nightingale, and five other Middle English poems in a modernized version 1973.epub 535.2 KB
- USA/Wilson, Emily - Micrographia.pdf 534.0 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Wilde/Oscar Wilde - Poems (collected from Poetry Sites).pdf 525.5 KB
- Europe/Germany/Novalis - Hymns to the Night.pdf 523.8 KB
- Asia/India/Pritchett, Frances W. - Nets of awareness Urdu poetry and its critics.epub 516.1 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/John Donne/Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions.pdf 512.8 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/W.B. Yeats/Yeats - A Book of Irish Verse.pdf 498.3 KB
- Asia/Sayed, Afzal Ahmed - Rococo and Other Worlds.pdf 484.0 KB
- USA/Antin, David - I Never Knew What Time it Was.pdf 470.1 KB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Horace/Horace (trans Kaimowitz) - Odes of Horace, The.pdf 470.0 KB
- Europe/France/Gorode, Dewe - Sharing As Custom Provides Selected Poems.pdf 469.4 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Seamus Heaney/Heaney, Seamus - Collected Poems (1999).epub 462.0 KB
- Europe/Italian poetry/Francesco Petrarca/Aldo S. Bernardo Petrarch, Laura, and the Triumphs 1974.epub 455.2 KB
- USA/Volkman, Karen - Spar (Iowa Poetry Prize)(2002).pdf 444.7 KB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Virgil/Virgil - Georgics (Yale New Classics).pdf 441.8 KB
- USA/Share, Don - Harmonia.pdf 441.0 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Shakespeare/Life in the Sonnets - Shakespeare Now!.pdf 440.4 KB
- Europe/Portugal/Caiero, Alberto (Pessoa) - Complete Poems.pdf 435.1 KB
- USA/Porco, Alessandro - Augustine in Carthage and Other Poems.pdf 416.5 KB
- USA/Polito, Robert - Hollywood and God.pdf 415.9 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Dublin in the Age of William Butler Yeats and James Joyce.epub 414.5 KB
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- USA/Kenneth Koch/Koch, Kenneth - Sun Out Selected Poems 1952-1954.pdf 413.1 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/O Donaghue, John - Conamara Blues.pdf 405.7 KB
- USA/Wallace Stevens/Things Merely Are - Philosophy in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens.pdf 401.6 KB
- South America/Argentina/Jorge Luis Borges This Craft of Verse Charles Eliot Norton Lectures 1967-1968 2000.pdf 400.0 KB
- USA/Spahr, Juliana - This Connection of Everyone With Lungs.pdf 395.3 KB
- USA/Paul G. Zolbrod-Reading the voice_ Native American oral poetry on the page-University of Utah Press (1995).epub 380.0 KB
- Canada/Cohen, Leonard - Spice Box of Earth, The.pdf 379.5 KB
- Europe/Ancient Rome/Virgil/Fathers and Sons in Virgils Aeneid - Tum Genitor Natum.epub 369.7 KB
- Scharf, Michael - Telemachiad.pdf 369.0 KB
- USA/Lerner, Ben - Leaving the Atocha Station.epub 359.4 KB
- Manning, Maurice - Lawrence Booth's Book of Visions.pdf 355.5 KB
- Europe/Germany/WG Sebald - After Nature.pdf 353.6 KB
- Africa/Achebe, Chinua - Collected Poems.pdf 350.7 KB
- eliot-how-lisa-loved-the-king-illustrations.epub 349.7 KB
- USA/Guest, Paul - My Index of Slightly Horrifying Knowledge.pdf 349.1 KB
- USA/Thoreau Henry David/Thoreau Henry David Poems of Nature .epub 344.0 KB
- 100 Greatest Poems.pdf 341.5 KB
- Canada/Noble, Charles - Death Drive Through Gaia Paris.pdf 341.4 KB
- Europe/Germany/Rilke/The Best of Rilke - 72 Form Translations with Facing Originals, Commentary, and Compact Biography.epub 298.7 KB
- A poets heart.pdf 293.9 KB
- USA/Gilbert, Jack - Refusing Heaven.pdf 291.3 KB
- Europe/Portugal/Pessoa, Fernando - Collected Poems of Alvaro de Campos 2, The.pdf 280.8 KB
- USA/Knott, Bill - Poems for Death.pdf 276.8 KB
- USA/Scalapino, Leslie - Public World Syntactically Impermanence, The.epub 272.1 KB
- Canada/Cohen, Leonard - Energy of Slaves.pdf 271.8 KB
- USA/Kenneth Koch/Koch, Kenneth - Possible World.pdf 268.9 KB
- USA/Spahr, Juliana - Response.pdf 267.4 KB
- Asia/India/Sridala Swami - Reluctant Survivor, A.pdf 254.7 KB
- USA/Brock, Broido, Lucie - Trouble in Mind.pdf 241.4 KB
- USA/McHugh, Heather - Hinge & Sign poems 1968 1993.epub 234.5 KB
- USA/Mary Oliver-The Truro Bear and Other Adventures - Poems and Essays.pdf 228.2 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Sir Walter Scott/Sir Walter Scott - Lady of the lake.epub 224.5 KB
- Europe/Portugal/Campion, Peter - Lions, The.pdf 216.9 KB
- USA/Johnson, Ronald - Book of the Green Man, The.pdf 213.9 KB
- Scharf, Michael - Verite.pdf 212.1 KB
- Africa/Capildeo, Vahni - Undraining Sea.pdf 209.0 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Shakespeare/William Shakespeare Sonnets I-CLIV.pdf 204.4 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Sir Walter Scott/Sir Walter Scott by George Saintsbury.epub 203.2 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Percy Bysshe Shelley/Cliffs Notes on Keats and Shelley.epub 196.8 KB
- USA/Mehigan, Joshua - Optimist, The.pdf 184.7 KB
- USA/Komunyakaa, Yusef - Thieves of Paradise.epub 182.3 KB
- USA/Rodefer, Stephen - Four Lectures.pdf 180.1 KB
- Asia/The Prophet.pdf 175.6 KB
- Eclogues Through the Ages. The Evolution of Pastoral Poetry.pdf 175.0 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Sir Walter Scott/Sir Walter Scott.epub 156.8 KB
- USA/Hillman, Brenda - Loose Sugar.epub 146.5 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Byron, Lord - Byron Selection by Paul Muldoon, A.epub 144.2 KB
- USA/Bedient, Calvin - Candy Necklace.epub 139.5 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/John Keats/John Keats poems published in 1820.epub 139.1 KB
- USA/Wright, Franz - Walking to Marthas Vineyard.pdf 134.8 KB
- Asia/India/Rabindrath Tagore/Gitanjali.pdf 131.3 KB
- Europe/Austria/Peter Handke Don Juan His Own Version 2011.epub 124.2 KB
- Asia/India/Rabindrath Tagore/Creative Unity.epub 115.7 KB
- Europe/anonymous-beowulf.epub 115.3 KB
- USA/Dickey, James - Eagle's Mile, The.epub 115.2 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Sir Walter Scott/Sir Walter Scott and the Border Minstrelsy.epub 112.6 KB
- Europe/France/Albiach, Anne Marie - Two Poems Flammigere and the Line the Loss.pdf 110.3 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Hopkins, Gerard Manley - Poems.epub 109.9 KB
- Europe/France/Royet-Journoud, Claude - Theory of Prepositions.pdf 108.4 KB
- Asia/Holmstrom, Lakshmi trans - Contemporary Tamil Poetry.pdf 107.3 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Ted Hughes/Ted Hughes Lupercal 1973.pdf 99.7 KB
- USA/Komunyakaa, Yusef - Magic City.epub 95.6 KB
- Asia/India/Rabindrath Tagore/Fruit Gathering .pdf 94.3 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Seamus Heaney/Heaney, Seamus - North.epub 86.7 KB
- Europe/lang-helen-of-troy.epub 77.3 KB
- Europe/France/Baudelaire/The ghost.pdf 74.8 KB
- USA/Frost, Robert - North of Boston.epub 72.9 KB
- USA/carroll-phantasmagoria-and-other-poems.epub 61.1 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/huxley-defeat-of-youth-and-other-poems.epub 59.2 KB
- USA/Hirshfield, Jane - heart of Haiku, The.epub 58.0 KB
- Europe/France/Valery, Paul - Monsieur Teste.epub 56.6 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Paterson, Don - Best Thought Worst Thought.epub 56.2 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Robert Browning/Robert Browning - Christmas eve.epub 51.8 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Sir Walter Scott/Some Poems by Sir Walter Scott.epub 47.1 KB
- USA/carroll-hunting-of-the-snark.epub 30.1 KB
- Europe/England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Robert Browning/Robert Browning - Childe Roland to the dark tower came.epub 18.6 KB
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