Гойя - Дали - Los Caprichos
File List
- 43 - Goya - Сон разума рождает чудовищ.jpg 268.0 KB
- 54 - Goya - The shy man.jpg 228.1 KB
- 40 - Goya - Which ill will he die of.jpg 216.3 KB
- 39 - Goya - As far back as his grandfather.jpg 213.5 KB
- 11 - Goya - Lads getting on with the job.jpg 213.3 KB
- 16 - Goya - Should God forgive her She was her mother.jpg 205.9 KB
- 06 - Goya - Nobody knows anybody.jpg 202.9 KB
- 65 - Goya - Whe is mother going.jpg 201.9 KB
- 07 - Goya - Even so he cannot make her out.jpg 201.4 KB
- 69 - Goya - Blow.jpg 200.4 KB
- 70 - Goya - Devout profession.jpg 200.1 KB
- 56 - Goya - Rising and falling.jpg 198.3 KB
- 37 - Goya - Will the student be wiser.jpg 197.5 KB
- 05 - Goya - Two of a kind.jpg 197.4 KB
- 57 - Goya - The lineage.jpg 197.3 KB
- 63 - Goya - Look how serious they are.jpg 197.0 KB
- 52 - Goya - What a tailor can do.jpg 196.4 KB
- 79 - Goya - Nobody has seen us.jpg 195.2 KB
- 47 - Goya - Present to the master.jpg 195.0 KB
- 19 - Goya - All will fall.jpg 194.6 KB
- 58 - Goya - Swallow it, dog.jpg 194.5 KB
- 18 - Goya - And his house is on fire.jpg 194.2 KB
- 42 - Goya - Thou who canst not.jpg 193.8 KB
- 02 - Goya - They say 'I will' and their hand give to the first comer.jpg 192.9 KB
- 46 - Goya - Correction.jpg 192.9 KB
- 80 - Goya - It is time.jpg 192.8 KB
- 10 - Goya - Love and death.jpg 190.1 KB
- 44 - Goya - They spin finely.jpg 189.8 KB
- 30 - Goya - Why hide them.jpg 188.4 KB
- 59 - Goya - And they still won't go.jpg 187.3 KB
- 48 - Goya - Squealers.jpg 187.2 KB
- 73 - Goya - It is better to be idle.jpg 187.1 KB
- 76 - Goya - Are you ..Well, as I was telling you . Eh! Be careful or .jpg 187.0 KB
- 74 - Goya - Don't scream, silly.jpg 186.4 KB
- 66 - Goya - There it goes.jpg 185.7 KB
- 75 - Goya - Is there no one to unite us.jpg 184.9 KB
- 41 - Goya - Neither more nor less.jpg 184.4 KB
- 78 - Goya - Let us go, they are waking.jpg 181.6 KB
- 21 - Goya - How they break her barrel.jpg 180.6 KB
- 77 - Goya - One to anothers.jpg 180.4 KB
- 61 - Goya - They have flown.jpg 180.3 KB
- 35 - Goya - She leaves him penniless.jpg 180.2 KB
- 24 - Goya - There was no help.jpg 180.0 KB
- 42 - Дали.jpg 179.9 KB
- 20 - Goya - They already go plucked.jpg 179.5 KB
- 33 - Goya - To the Count Palatine.jpg 178.8 KB
- 64 - Goya - Farewell.jpg 176.6 KB
- 49 - Goya - Little goblins.jpg 175.9 KB
- 12 - Goya - Out hunting for teeth.jpg 175.9 KB
- 15 - Goya - Fine advice.jpg 174.8 KB
- 50 - Goya - The chinchillas.jpg 174.1 KB
- 13 - Goya - They are warm.jpg 174.0 KB
- 45 - Goya - There is a lot to suck.jpg 173.3 KB
- 26 - Goya - Now they are sitting well.jpg 172.0 KB
- 55 - Goya - Till death.jpg 171.1 KB
- 72 - Goya - You won't escape.jpg 170.9 KB
- 60 - Goya - Trials.jpg 170.9 KB
- 23 - Goya - This dust.jpg 168.8 KB
- 14 - Goya - What a sacrifice.jpg 168.7 KB
- 67 - Goya - Wait till you have been anointed.jpg 167.7 KB
- 68 - Goya - Pretty teacher.jpg 167.5 KB
- 25 - Goya - He broke the pitcher.jpg 167.5 KB
- 29 - Goya - This certainly is reading.jpg 167.2 KB
- 38 - Goya - Bravissimo.jpg 165.1 KB
- 62 - Goya - Who could believe it!.jpg 165.0 KB
- 34 - Goya - Sleep overcomes them.jpg 162.5 KB
- 27 - Goya - Who is more overcome.jpg 161.6 KB
- 17 - Goya - She is well pulled down.jpg 161.2 KB
- 53 - Goya - What a golden beak.jpg 158.7 KB
- 51 - Goya - They spruce themselves up.jpg 158.4 KB
- 28 - Goya - Hush.jpg 158.3 KB
- 09 - Goya - Tantalus.jpg 158.1 KB
- 71 - Goya - If the day breaks, we go.jpg 157.9 KB
- 03 - Goya - Here comes the bogey-man.jpg 157.4 KB
- 31 - Goya - She prays for her.jpg 156.8 KB
- 08 - Goya - They carried her off.jpg 156.1 KB
- 32 - Goya - Because she was sensitive.jpg 151.5 KB
- 22 - Goya - Poor little women.jpg 149.9 KB
- 01 - Goya - Francisco Goya y Lucientes, Painter.jpg 140.4 KB
- 36 - Goya - Bad night.jpg 138.3 KB
- 04 - Goya - Nanny's boy.jpg 137.6 KB
- 39 - Дали - Капитан Немо.jpg 89.6 KB
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