2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD3 - Obnoxious+Demos [1990]+Hangin' On The Telephone+Zzur (Singles)+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.3)/07 - Codes Of Conformity.mp3 21.1 MB
1990 - Obnoxious/07 - Codes Of Conformity.mp3 21.0 MB
1989 - The Fear [Vinyl version]/05 - The Fear.mp3 18.9 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD2 - The Fear+Demos [1989]++Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.2)/05 - The Fear.mp3 18.8 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD2 - The Fear+Demos [1989]++Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.2)/12 - The Fear (Demo).mp3 18.7 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD2 - The Fear+Demos [1989]++Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.2)/11 - Blind Aggresion (Demo).mp3 18.2 MB
1989 - The Fear [Vinyl version]/Covers/Back.jpg 17.7 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD3 - Obnoxious+Demos [1990]+Hangin' On The Telephone+Zzur (Singles)+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.3)/03 - Thoughtful Sleep.mp3 17.0 MB
2015 - Blind Aggression (Single) [Live at The Astoria, London, UK 08.03.1989]/01 - Blind Aggression (Live).mp3 17.0 MB
1989 - The Fear [Vinyl version]/Covers/Front.jpg 16.9 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD3 - Obnoxious+Demos [1990]+Hangin' On The Telephone+Zzur (Singles)+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.3)/06 - My Open Mind.mp3 11.0 MB
1990 - Obnoxious/06 - My Open Mind.mp3 11.0 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD2 - The Fear+Demos [1989]++Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.2)/03 - Insane Ecstasy.mp3 11.0 MB
1989 - The Fear [Vinyl version]/03 - Insane Ecstasy.mp3 10.9 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD3 - Obnoxious+Demos [1990]+Hangin' On The Telephone+Zzur (Singles)+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.3)/10 - Motherly Love (Live).mp3 10.9 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD3 - Obnoxious+Demos [1990]+Hangin' On The Telephone+Zzur (Singles)+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.3)/13 - Three Year War.mp3 10.8 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/17 - Sabbath medley (Rehearsal).mp3 10.7 MB
1987 - Moshkinstein (EP) [LP version 1988]/06 - Chaos (Lambs To The Slaughter).mp3 10.6 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/06 - Chaos (Lambs To The Slaughter).mp3 10.4 MB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/03 - Motherly Love (Demo).mp3 8.3 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/01 - Goddess.mp3 8.3 MB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/10 - Reflection Of Truths (Demo).mp3 8.2 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD3 - Obnoxious+Demos [1990]+Hangin' On The Telephone+Zzur (Singles)+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.3)/17 - Satanika With H - A Mother's Love.mp3 7.9 MB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/05 - R.F.Y.S. (Demo).mp3 7.4 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD3 - Obnoxious+Demos [1990]+Hangin' On The Telephone+Zzur (Singles)+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.3)/11 - Warriors Of Genghis Khan (Live) [Bad News Cover].mp3 7.2 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/19 - Goddess (Live).mp3 7.0 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD3 - Obnoxious+Demos [1990]+Hangin' On The Telephone+Zzur (Singles)+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.3)/12 - The Joke's On Us.mp3 6.8 MB
1989 - Hangin' on the Telephone (Single)/02 - Motherly Love (Live).mp3 6.7 MB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/14 - The Joke's On Us.mp3 6.6 MB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/09 - Sabbath Medley.mp3 6.6 MB
1987 - Moshkinstein (EP) [LP version 1988]/Covers/Sleeve front.jpg 6.4 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/18 - All I See (Live).mp3 6.1 MB
1990 - Obnoxious/04 - You Are Your Enemy.mp3 6.1 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD3 - Obnoxious+Demos [1990]+Hangin' On The Telephone+Zzur (Singles)+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.3)/04 - You Are Your Enemy.mp3 6.0 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD3 - Obnoxious+Demos [1990]+Hangin' On The Telephone+Zzur (Singles)+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.3)/08 - This Is Serious.mp3 5.6 MB
1990 - Obnoxious/08 - This Is Serious.mp3 5.6 MB
1989 - Humanoia (EP)/01 - Humanoia.mp3 5.5 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/13 - The Burial (Demo).mp3 5.3 MB
1990 - Obnoxious/Covers/Front+Inside.jpg 4.8 MB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/02 - Bully Boy Lucifer's Hammer (Demo).mp3 4.6 MB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/12 - Warriors Of Genghis Khan (Live) [Bad News Cover].mp3 4.5 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD3 - Obnoxious+Demos [1990]+Hangin' On The Telephone+Zzur (Singles)+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.3)/16 - Zzur Mix.mp3 4.5 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/16 - The Argument (Rehearsal).mp3 4.5 MB
1989 - Hangin' on the Telephone (Single)/03 - Warriors Of Ghengis Khan (Live) [Bad News Cover].mp3 4.4 MB
1990 - Obnoxious/Covers/Booklet 1.jpg 4.3 MB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/13 - Three Year War.mp3 4.2 MB
2014 - Obnoxious Demos (Demo 1990)/02 - Hangin' On The Telephone [Nerves Cover].mp3 4.0 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD3 - Obnoxious+Demos [1990]+Hangin' On The Telephone+Zzur (Singles)+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.3)/09 - Hangin' On The Telephone [Nerves Cover].mp3 3.9 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/11 - Two Minded Take Over (Demo).mp3 3.7 MB
1990 - Obnoxious/Covers/Booklet 2.jpg 3.7 MB
1989 - Humanoia (EP)/02 - All I See (Live).mp3 3.7 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD3 - Obnoxious+Demos [1990]+Hangin' On The Telephone+Zzur (Singles)+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.3)/14 - Big White Teeth.mp3 3.6 MB
1990 - Obnoxious/Covers/Booklet 3.jpg 3.6 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD3 - Obnoxious+Demos [1990]+Hangin' On The Telephone+Zzur (Singles)+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.3)/18 - Bully Boy (Live).mp3 3.1 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/15 - Magic Roundabout (Rehearsal).mp3 3.0 MB
1987 - Moshkinstein (EP) [LP version 1988]/Covers/Merch list.jpg 3.0 MB
1990 - Obnoxious/Covers/Back.jpg 2.9 MB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/08 - The Argument.mp3 2.8 MB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/17 - Zzur Mix.mp3 2.8 MB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/11 - Hangin' On The Telephone [The Nerves Cover].mp3 2.5 MB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/04 - Two Minded Takeover (Demo).mp3 2.4 MB
1989 - Hangin' on the Telephone (Single)/01 - Hangin' On The Telephone [Nerves Cover].mp3 2.4 MB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/15 - Big White Teeth.mp3 2.3 MB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/07 - Magic Roundabout.mp3 2.0 MB
1990 - Obnoxious/Covers/CD.jpg 1.8 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/14 - Amnesiac (Rehearsal).mp3 1.8 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/Booklet_12-13.jpg 1.8 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/Booklet_18-19.jpg 1.7 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/Booklet_6-7.jpg 1.7 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/Booklet_10-11.jpg 1.7 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/Booklet_8-9.jpg 1.7 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/Booklet_1-20.jpg 1.6 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/Booklet_14-15.jpg 1.4 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/Booklet_2-3.jpg 1.4 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/Booklet_16-17.jpg 1.4 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/Booklet_4-5.jpg 1.3 MB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/06 - Amnesiac.mp3 1.2 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/Cover.jpg 1.2 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/Cover Inside.jpg 1.1 MB
1989 - The Fear [Vinyl version]/Covers/Side A.jpg 1.1 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/Back Inside.jpg 1.0 MB
1989 - The Fear [Vinyl version]/Covers/Side B.jpg 1.0 MB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/Back.jpg 1022.7 KB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD2 - The Fear+Demos [1989]++Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.2)/01 - You Never Know.mp3 975.9 KB
1987 - Moshkinstein (EP) [LP version 1988]/Covers/Apple A.jpg 959.2 KB
1989 - The Fear [Vinyl version]/01 - You Never Know (W.T.N.W.S.).mp3 953.0 KB
1987 - Moshkinstein (EP) [LP version 1988]/Covers/Apple B.jpg 946.1 KB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/CD2.jpg 670.4 KB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD2 - The Fear+Demos [1989]++Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.2)/Cover.jpg 670.4 KB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/CD3.jpg 665.8 KB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD3 - Obnoxious+Demos [1990]+Hangin' On The Telephone+Zzur (Singles)+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.3)/Cover.jpg 665.8 KB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/CD1.jpg 645.0 KB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/01 - Intro (Demo).mp3 540.0 KB
1989 - Hangin' on the Telephone (Single)/Covers/Front.JPG 449.3 KB
1989 - Hangin' on the Telephone (Single)/Cover.JPG 449.3 KB
1989 - Hangin' on the Telephone (Single)/Covers/Back.JPG 418.5 KB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/16 - Zzur.mp3 301.2 KB
1989 - Hangin' on the Telephone (Single)/Covers/Side A.JPG 245.2 KB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD3 - Obnoxious+Demos [1990]+Hangin' On The Telephone+Zzur (Singles)+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.3)/15 - Zzur.mp3 233.1 KB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/Covers/Booklet 1.jpg 161.3 KB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/Cover.jpg 159.8 KB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/Matrix CD2.jpg 156.8 KB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/Matrix CD1.jpg 153.2 KB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/Covers/Front.jpg 151.1 KB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Covers/Matrix CD3.jpg 144.9 KB
1990 - Kerrang! Plastic Explosive [Split with Testament]/Cover.jpg 139.2 KB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/Covers/Inside.jpg 138.3 KB
1989 - The Fear [Vinyl version]/Cover.jpg 135.4 KB
1989 - The Fear [Vinyl version]/Covers/Inside 1.jpg 129.2 KB
2015 - Blind Aggression (Single) [Live at The Astoria, London, UK 08.03.1989]/Cover.jpg 127.5 KB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/Covers/Back.jpg 122.9 KB
1989 - Humanoia (EP)/Covers/Side 1.jpg 121.5 KB
1989 - Humanoia (EP)/Covers/Front.jpg 117.4 KB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/Covers/Booklet 2.jpg 116.5 KB
1989 - Humanoia (EP)/Covers/Back.jpg 116.2 KB
1990 - Obnoxious/Cover.jpg 115.8 KB
Logo.png 113.3 KB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/Covers/Booklet 5.jpg 105.3 KB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/Covers/Booklet 4.jpg 102.9 KB
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/Cover.jpg 102.0 KB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/Covers/Booklet 6.jpg 97.9 KB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/Covers/CD.jpg 96.0 KB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/Covers/Booklet 3.jpg 91.4 KB
1987 - Moshkinstein (EP) [LP version 1988]/Cover.jpg 87.6 KB
1989 - The Fear [Vinyl version]/Covers/Inside 2.jpg 87.4 KB
1989 - Hangin' on the Telephone (Single)/Covers/Side B.jpg 79.8 KB
band.jpeg 59.2 KB
1989 - Humanoia (EP)/Cover.jpg 47.5 KB
1990 - Obnoxious/Covers/Image.jpg 39.5 KB
2015 - Plan Of The Damned (Single)/Cover.jpg 19.6 KB
1991 - The Worst of Acid Reign [Comp]/tracklist.txt 845 bytes
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD3 - Obnoxious+Demos [1990]+Hangin' On The Telephone+Zzur (Singles)+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.3)/tracklist.txt 167 bytes
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD1 - Moshkinstein (EP)+Demos [1987]+Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.1)/tracklist.txt 139 bytes
2014 - The Apple Core Archives CD2 - The Fear+Demos [1989]++Humanoia (EP) [1989] (Pt.2)/tracklist.txt 89 bytes
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