Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging
File List
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/03 Chapter 3_ Debugging, Unit-Testing and Timing/024 Timing.mp4 161.4 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/02 Chapter 2_ Coding Guidelines and Docstrings/009 Code Linter_ Pylint - Part 2.mp4 153.7 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/04 Chapter 4_ Packaging/029 Package for our Vector Class.mp4 153.0 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/03 Chapter 3_ Debugging, Unit-Testing and Timing/023 Debugging in VS Code.mp4 144.8 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/02 Chapter 2_ Coding Guidelines and Docstrings/019 Type Annotations and Mypy - Part 2.mp4 128.8 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/03 Chapter 3_ Debugging, Unit-Testing and Timing/026 Unit-Testing.mp4 128.4 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/02 Chapter 2_ Coding Guidelines and Docstrings/008 Code Linter_ Pylint - Part 1.mp4 120.7 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/04 Chapter 4_ Packaging/037 Github Workflows and Pre-Commit.mp4 117.8 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/02 Chapter 2_ Coding Guidelines and Docstrings/011 Tool_ isort.mp4 117.5 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/02 Chapter 2_ Coding Guidelines and Docstrings/006 PEP8 Coding Guidelines - Part 1.mp4 113.3 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/02 Chapter 2_ Coding Guidelines and Docstrings/018 Type Annotations and Mypy - Part 1.mp4 102.6 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/02 Chapter 2_ Coding Guidelines and Docstrings/010 Code Linter_ Flake8.mp4 94.7 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/01 Chapter 1_ Introduction and Software/005 Setup Visual Studio Code.mp4 92.3 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/03 Chapter 3_ Debugging, Unit-Testing and Timing/025 Profiling.mp4 87.8 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/02 Chapter 2_ Coding Guidelines and Docstrings/020 Type Annotations and Mypy - Part 3.mp4 82.6 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/04 Chapter 4_ Packaging/030 HTML Documentation with Mkdocs.mp4 81.6 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/04 Chapter 4_ Packaging/034 More to Unit-Tests.mp4 79.8 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/02 Chapter 2_ Coding Guidelines and Docstrings/017 Code Linter_ Pydocstyle.mp4 72.0 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/04 Chapter 4_ Packaging/033 Makefile and Requirements.mp4 70.5 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/04 Chapter 4_ Packaging/032 Github Repository and GitHub Pages.mp4 66.7 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/02 Chapter 2_ Coding Guidelines and Docstrings/014 Docstring_ Numpy Style.mp4 66.5 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/02 Chapter 2_ Coding Guidelines and Docstrings/007 PEP8 Coding Guidelines - Part 2.mp4 66.1 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/04 Chapter 4_ Packaging/028 Modules and Packages - Part 2.mp4 65.1 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/02 Chapter 2_ Coding Guidelines and Docstrings/012 Formatter_ Autopep8.mp4 63.6 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/04 Chapter 4_ Packaging/027 Modules and Packages - Part 1.mp4 63.1 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/02 Chapter 2_ Coding Guidelines and Docstrings/013 Formatter_ Black.mp4 61.1 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/04 Chapter 4_ Packaging/036 Code Coverage.mp4 59.7 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/01 Chapter 1_ Introduction and Software/004 Setup the Python Environment.mp4 58.7 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/02 Chapter 2_ Coding Guidelines and Docstrings/022 Setup the tools in vscode.mp4 41.3 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/02 Chapter 2_ Coding Guidelines and Docstrings/021 Config files for the tools.mp4 41.0 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/02 Chapter 2_ Coding Guidelines and Docstrings/015 Docstring_ ReST (Sphinx) Style.mp4 32.9 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/02 Chapter 2_ Coding Guidelines and Docstrings/016 Docstring_ Google Style.mp4 27.9 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/04 Chapter 4_ Packaging/035 Python Test Explorer.mp4 27.8 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/01 Chapter 1_ Introduction and Software/001 Introduction to the course.mp4 21.1 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/01 Chapter 1_ Introduction and Software/002 Course manual.mp4 20.5 MB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/05 Chapter 5_ Course conclusion/038 Course conclusion.mp4 12.0 MB
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- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/01 Chapter 1_ Introduction and Software/003 Note_ Materials and Software.html 2.4 KB
- [] - Python Coding Guidelines, Tooling, Testing and Packaging/04 Chapter 4_ Packaging/031 Install Make and Git.html 1.6 KB
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