IRC bookz 2013-10
File List
- 2013/2013-10-10/The Clemente Family - Clemente- The True Legacy of an Undying Hero (retail) (epub).epub 91.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Thomas B Costain - 30 Stories to Remember (siPDF).pdf 91.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Irwin Shaw - The Young Lions (siPDF).pdf 82.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Celeste De Blasis - The Tiger's Woman (siPDF).pdf 77.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/J Leslie Mitchell - Three Go Back (cbr).cbr 63.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Thomas B Costain - Stories to Remember - vol 01 (siPDF).pdf 62.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/F Scott Fitzgerald - Gatsby Girls- Short Stories from the Post (retail) (epub).epub 55.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Robert D San Souci - The Well at the End of the World (retail) (pdf).pdf 53.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Star Wars - The Making of Return of the Jedi- The Definitive Story - J W Rinzler (epub).epub 52.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Thomas B Costain - The Black Rose (siPDF).pdf 48.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Ward Jenkins - San Francisco, Baby! (retail) (pdf).pdf 48.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Sophie Bell - [The Ultra Violets 01] - The Ultra Violets (retail) (epub).epub 47.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Phyllis A Whitney - Poinciana (siPDF).pdf 47.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Tyndale House - Life Application Study Bible KJV (retail) (epub).epub 45.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Kate Messner - Over and Under the Snow (retail) (pdf).pdf 42.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Anton Rippon - Hitler's Olympics- The Story of the 1936 Nazi Games (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 42.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Edith Bishop Sherman - Milady at Arms (siPDF).pdf 40.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Bernelda Wheeler - Where Did You Get Your Moccasins (retail) (pdf).pdf 38.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Evelyn Sibley Lampman - The Bounces of Cynthiann' (siPDF).pdf 38.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Lavinia R Davis - The Secret of Donkey Island (siPDF).pdf 38.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Chaim M Rosenberg - America at the Fair- Chicago's 1893 World's Columbian Exposition (retail) (epub).epub 37.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Lavinia R Davis - Island City- Adventures in Old New York (siPDF).pdf 37.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/One Direction - Where We Are (Our Band, Our Story) (1D) (epub).epub 34.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Kate Bernheimer (ed) - xo Orpheus- Fifty New Myths (v5.0) (epub).epub 34.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Edith Bishop Sherman - Mistress Madcap (siPDF).pdf 34.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Jack O'Brien - [Silver Chief 02] - Silver Chief to the Rescue (siPDF).pdf 34.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Vivian Breck - Hoofbeats on the Trail (siPDF).pdf 33.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Roderick MacFarquhar & Michael Schoenhals - Mao's Last Revolution (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 33.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Kim Newman - Jago (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 31.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Colin Escott - The Grand Ole Opry- The Making of an American Icon (retail) (epub).epub 31.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Andrew Lang - [Fairy Book 01] - The Blue Fairy Book (Dover Classics) (retail) (epub).epub 30.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Evelyn Sibley Lampman - Captain Apple's Ghost (siPDF).pdf 30.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Adrien Stoutenburg - River Duel (siPDF).pdf 30.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Evelyn Sibley Lampman - The Tilted Sombrero (siPDF).pdf 30.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Hilary McKay - [Lulu 03] - Lulu and the Cat in the Bag (retail) (epub).epub 29.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/David Stahel - Kiev 1941- Hitler's Battle for Supremacy in the East (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 29.5 MB
- FileList_All.txt 28.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jeffrey Brown - Cat Getting Out of a Bag and Other Observations (epub).epub 27.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Sophie Bell - [The Ultra Violets 02] - Power to the Purple (retail) (epub).epub 27.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Mebane Holoman Burgwyn - Moonflower (siPDF).pdf 27.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Norman Davies - Vanished Kingdoms- The Rise and Fall of States and Nations (retail) (epub).epub 26.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Charise Mericle Harper - [Just Grace 05] - Just Grace and the Snack Attack (retail) (pdf).pdf 26.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Edith Bishop Sherman - Polly What's-Her-Name (siPDF).pdf 25.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/John Ramsland - Venturing Into No Man's Land - Joseph Maxwell VC World I Hero (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 25.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Mebane Holoman Burgwyn - True Love for Jenny (siPDF).pdf 24.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Seth G Jones - Hunting in the Shadows- The Pursuit of Al Qa'ida Since 9-11 (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 24.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Ethan A Russell - Let It Bleed- The Rolling Stones, Altamont, and the End of the Sixties (epub).epub 24.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Lavinia R Davis - Donkey Detectives (siPDF).pdf 24.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/William Roetzheim (ed) - The Giant Book of Bedtime Stories- Classic Nursery Rhymes, Bible Stories, Fables, Proverbs, and Stories (retail) (epub).epub 24.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Cora Cheney - The Case of the Iceland dogs (siPDF).pdf 24.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Vance Randolph - Who Blowed up the Church House and Other Ozark Folk Tales (siPDF).pdf 23.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Greg Sestero & Tom Bissell - The Disaster Artist- My Life Inside The Room, the Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made (epub).epub 23.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Andrew Lang - [Fairy Book 05] - The Pink Fairy Book (Dover) (retail) (epub).epub 23.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Alexander Levitsky (ed) - Worlds Apart- An Anthology of Russian Fantasy and Science Fiction (siPDF) (v1.0) (pdf).pdf 23.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Alison Lester - [Horse Crazy 02] - The Circus Horse (retail) (pdf).pdf 23.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Cora Cheney - The Incredible Deborah- A Story Based on the Life of Deborah Sampson (siPDF).pdf 23.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Allen Say - The Bicycle Man (retail) (epub).epub 23.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Michael Rosenbaum - 6 Tires, No Plan- The Impossible Journey of the Most Inspirational Leader That (Almost) Nobody Knows (retail) (epub).epub 22.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Eve Bunting - Our Library (retail) (epub).epub 22.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Evelyn Sibley Lampman - The Year of Small Shadow (siPDF).pdf 22.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Eugenia Stone - Robin Hood's Arrow (siPDF).pdf 21.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Mebane Holoman Burgwyn - Hunters' Hideout (siPDF).pdf 21.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Kiki Thorpe - [Never Girls 03] - A Dandelion Wish (retail) (epub).epub 21.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Ruth Nichols - A Walk Out of the World (siPDF).pdf 21.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Lavinia R Davis - It Happened on a Holiday (siPDF).pdf 21.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ellis Weiner - [Templeton Twins 02] - The Templeton Twins Make a Scene (retail) (pdf).pdf 21.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Rotterly Ghoulstone - [Undead Ed 02] - Undead Ed and the Demon Freakshow (retail) (epub).epub 20.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Allan Stratton - The Grave Robber's Apprentice (retail) (epub).epub 20.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jeanne Birdsall - Flora's Very Windy Day (retail) (epub).epub 20.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Martin W Sandler - The Impossible Rescue- The True Story of an Amazing Arctic Adventure (retail) (epub).epub 20.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Ruth Chew - The Wishing Tree (siPDF).pdf 20.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Cora Cheney - The Treasures of Lin Li-ti (siPDF).pdf 19.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Abigail Reynolds - [Pemberley Variations 09] - Mr Darcy's Noble Connections (image pdf).pdf 19.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/William Pene du Bois - The 3 (Three) Policemen, or, Young Bottsford of Farbe Island (siPDF).pdf 19.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Rob Reger - [Emily the Strange 04] - Piece of Mind (retail) (epub).epub 19.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Shane Ross - The Bankers- How the Banks Brought Ireland to Its Knees (retail) (epub).epub 19.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Wilson Gage - The Secret of Fiery Gorge (siPDF).pdf 19.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/William Sleator - [Thailand 01] - The Spirit House (siPDF).pdf 18.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Deron R Hicks - [Letterford Mysteries 02] - Tower of the Five Orders (retail) (epub).epub 18.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Juan Williams - Eyes on the Prize- America's Civil Rights Years, 1954-1965 (retail) (epub).epub 18.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Luke McCallin - [Gregor Reinhardt 01] - The Man from Berlin (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 18.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Jennifer Niven - Ada Blackjack- A True Story of Survival in the Arctic (retail) (epub).epub 18.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/William Sleator - [Boxes 01] - The Boxes (siPDF).pdf 18.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Barbara Egbert - Zero Days- Real Life Adventure on the Pacific Crest Trail (retail) (epub).epub 17.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Vance Randolph - The Devil's Pretty Daughter and Other Ozark Folk Tales (siPDF).pdf 17.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Joe Nickell - The Science of Miracles- Investigating the Incredible (retail) (epub).epub 17.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Alan Weisman - Countdown- Our Last, Best Hope for a Future on Earth (epub).epub 17.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Cora Cheney - Rendezvous in Singapore (siPDF).pdf 17.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Lauren Myracle - The Infinite Moment of Us (epub).epub 17.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Christopher Simon Sykes - David Hockney- The Biography, 1937-1975- A Rake's Progress (retail) (epub).epub 17.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-12/John Montgomery - [Foxy 01] - Foxy (siPDF).pdf 17.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-19/David Frawley - Gods, Sages and Kings- Vedic Secrets of Ancient Civilization (pdf).pdf 16.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Greg Sestero & Tom Bissell - The Disaster Artist- My Life Inside The Room, the Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made (mobi).mobi 16.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Betty White - Betty & Friends- My Life at the Zoo (retail) (epub).epub 16.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Michael Azerrad - Come As You Are- The Story of Nirvana (epub).epub 16.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/R J Gadney - The Woman in Silk (retail) (epub).epub 16.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Meindert DeJong - The Tower by the Sea (siPDF).pdf 16.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Anna Myers - The Keeping Room (retail) (epub).epub 16.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-12/John Montgomery - [Foxy 02] - My Friend Foxy (siPDF).pdf 15.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Ruth Chew - The Hidden Cave (siPDF).pdf 15.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Paul Stewart & Chris Riddell - [Wyrmeweald 02] - Bloodhoney (retail) (epub).epub 15.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Zarghuna Kargar - Dear Zari- The Secret Lives of the Women of Afghanistan (retail) (pdf).pdf 15.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Robert Rankin - [Japanese Devil Fish Girl 04] - The Chickens of Atlantis and Other Foul and Filthy Fiends (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 15.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Robert Munsch - 50 Below Zero (retail) (pdf).pdf 15.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Robert Kershaw - It Never Snows in September- The German View of Market-Garden and The Battle of Arnhem, September 1944 (pdf).pdf 15.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Cora Cheney - Plantation Doll (siPDF).pdf 15.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Vivian Breck - White Water (siPDF).pdf 15.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Peter Normanton - The Mammoth Book of Slasher Movies (mobi).mobi 15.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Laurence Maslon & Michael Kantor - Make 'Em Laugh- The Funny Business of America (retail) (epub).epub 15.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Cora Cheney - Key of Gold (siPDF).pdf 15.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Gregory Rogers - The Hero of Little Street (retail) (pdf).pdf 15.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/James Scott - The War Below- The Story of Three Submarines That Battled Japan (epub).epub 15.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2013 - Dave Eggers (ed) (retail) (epub).epub 15.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Vicki Berger Erwin - Jamie and the Mystery Quilt (siPDF).pdf 15.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Journals 01 - Eando Kline 01] - The Compass Stone- The Collected Journals of Eando Kline - James L Sutter (ed) (epub).epub 15.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Eric Foner - Forever Free- The Story of Emancipation and Reconstruction (retail) (epub).epub 14.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Ragnar Benson - David's Tool Kit- A Citizen's Guide to Taking Out Big Brother's Heavy Weapons (pdf).pdf 14.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Jacqueline Resnick - [Misfit Menagerie 01] - The Daring Escape of the Misfit Menagerie (retail) (epub).epub 14.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Paul Stewart & Chris Riddell - [Wyrmeweald 03] - Bone Trail (retail) (epub).epub 14.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Tone Almhjell - The Twistrose Key (retail) (epub).epub 14.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/John Egerton - Speak Now Against the Day- The Generation Before the Civil Rights Movement in the South (retail) (epub).epub 14.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Hywel Williams - The Age of Chivalry- The Story of Medieval Europe, 1000 to 1500 (epub).epub 14.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Alberto Manguel - A History of Reading (retail) (epub).epub 13.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Allen Salkin - From Scratch- Inside the Food Network- Big Personalities, High Drama- the Extraordinary Behind-the-Scenes Story (epub).epub 13.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Gyles Brandreth - The Great Book of Optical Illusions (mobi).mobi 13.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/J Chris Roselius - Magic Johnson- Basketball Star & Entrepreneur (pdf).pdf 13.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-12/John Montgomery - [Foxy 03] - Foxy and the Badgers (siPDF).pdf 12.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Lavinia R Davis - Janey's Fortune (siPDF).pdf 12.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jim Lacey & Williamson Murray - Moment of Battle- The Twenty Clashes That Changed the World (retail) (epub).epub 12.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Peter Normanton - The Mammoth Book of Slasher Movies (epub).epub 12.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Richard Holmes - Falling Upwards- How We Took to the Air (epub).epub 12.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Elia Kazan - A Life (retail) (epub).epub 12.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Henry Winkler & Lin Oliver - [Hank Zipzer 14] - The Life of Me (Enter at Your Own Risk) (retail) (epub).epub 12.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Doctor Who - The Writer's Tale - The Final Chapter - Russell T Davies (pdf).pdf 12.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Steve Wheeler - [A Fury of Aces 02] - Crystal Venom (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 12.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Artur Frank - [STALKER - Diary 01] - Captives of the Zone (mobi).mobi 12.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Robert Dryden - Jane Austen for Beginners (epub).epub 12.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Bob Stanley - Yeah Yeah Yeah- The Story of Modern Pop (epub).epub 11.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Graham Nash - Wild Tales- A Rock & Roll Life (epub).epub 11.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Laban Carrick Hill - American Dreaming- How Youth Changed America in the '60s (epub).epub 11.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Margaret McNamara - George Washington's Birthday- A Mostly True Tale (retail) (epub).epub 11.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Ken Corday - The Days of Our Lives- The True Story of One Family's Dream and the Untold History of Days of Our Lives (retail) (pdf).pdf 11.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Robert Munsch - I Have to Go! (retail) (pdf).pdf 11.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jack Gantos - [Rotten Ralph 09] - The Nine Lives of Rotten Ralph (retail) (epub).epub 11.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Kitty Burns Florey - Script and Scribble- The Rise and Fall of Handwriting (epub).epub 11.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Annie Barrows - [Ivy and Bean 10] - Ivy + Bean Take the Case (retail) (pdf).pdf 11.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Carol Beach York - The Look-Alike Girl (siPDF).pdf 11.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Henry Bushkin - Johnny Carson (mobi).mobi 11.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Graham Nash - Wild Tales- A Rock & Roll Life (mobi).mobi 10.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Nancy Krulik - [Katie Kazoo Switcheroo 36] - All's Fair (retail) (epub).epub 10.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Vicki Berger Erwin - [Elizabeth Bryan Mystery 06] - The Secret in the Old Book (siPDF).pdf 10.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Fintan O'Toole - A History of Ireland in 100 Objects (retail) (epub).epub 10.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Frank Murphy - George Washington and the General's Dog [Step Into Reading 3] (epub).epub 10.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Richard Dawkins - An Appetite for Wonder- The Making of a Scientist (epub).epub 10.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/David B Roosevelt - Grandmere- A Personal History of Eleanor Roosevelt (retail) (epub).epub 10.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/F L Wallace - Address Centauri (cbr).cbr 10.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/David Sinclair - Hall of Mirrors (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 10.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Jill Lepore - Book of Ages- The Life and Opinions of Jane Franklin (retail) (epub).epub 10.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/James Carnac - The Autobiography of Jack the Ripper- In His Own Words, the Confession of the World's Most Infamous Killer (epub).epub 10.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Zlatan Ibrahimovic - I Am Zlatan Ibrahimovic (epub).epub 10.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Rudolf Erich Raspe - The Travels and Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen (Melville House) (epub).epub 10.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Nick Earls & Terry Whidborne - [Word Hunters 01] - The Curious Dictionary (retail) (pdf).pdf 10.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Beth E Levy - Frontier Figures- American Music and the Mythology of the American West (retail) (epub).epub 9.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Steve Vogel - Through the Perilous Fight- Six Weeks That Saved the Nation (retail) (epub).epub 9.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Novel 16 - Count Varian Jeggare 11] - King of Chaos (epub).epub 9.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Michael Delaney - [Obi 03] - Obi, Gerbil on a School Trip! (retail) (epub).epub 9.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Cora Cheney - The Mystery of the Disappearing Cars (siPDF).pdf 9.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Evelyn A Crowe - Reunited [HS-570, Women Who Dare] (image epub).epub 9.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/L Bob Rovetch - [Hot Dog and Bob 03] - Hot Dog and Bob and the Dangerously Dizzy Attack of the Hypno Hamsters (retail) (epub).epub 9.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Paul Stenning - AC-DC - Two Sides to Every Glory- The Complete Biography (pdf).pdf 9.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Debby Atwell - River (retail) (epub).epub 9.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Donald Richie - The Japan Journals- 1947-2004 (v5.0) (epub).epub 9.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Artur Frank - [STALKER - Diary 01] - Captives of the Zone (epub).epub 9.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lucy Hughes-Hallett - Gabriele D'Annunzio- Poet, Seducer, and Preacher of War (retail) (epub).epub 9.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Jonelle Patrick - [Only in Tokyo Mystery 03] - Idolmaker (v5.0) (epub).epub 9.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Jonelle Patrick - [Only in Tokyo Mystery 01] - Nightshade (v5.0) (epub).epub 9.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Rotterly Ghoulstone - [Undead Ed 01] - Undead Ed (retail) (epub).epub 9.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Zlatan Ibrahimovic - I Am Zlatan Ibrahimovic (mobi).mobi 9.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Arthur Herman - The Cave and the Light- Plato Versus Aristotle, and the Struggle for the Soul of Western Civilization (retail) (epub).epub 9.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Peter McCambridge - The History of Montreal- The Story of Great North American City (retail) (epub).epub 9.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Anne Edwards - Judy Garland- A Biography (epub).epub 9.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/John Bemelmans Marciano - The Nine Lives of Alexander Baddenfield (retail) (epub).epub 8.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/David A Adler - [Cam Jansen 33] - Cam Jansen and the Spaghetti Max Mystery (retail) (epub).epub 8.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Tommy Mottola - Hitmaker- The Man and His Music (retail) (epub).epub 8.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Shawn K Stout - [Penelope Crumb 03] - Penelope Crumb Finds Her Luck (retail) (epub).epub 8.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/James Stevenson - [Mud Flat Friends] - The Mud Flat Mystery (retail) (epub).epub 8.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Skylanders - [Spyro's Adventure] - The Machine of Doom - Cavan Scott (retail) (epub).epub 8.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kevin Cook - Flip- The Inside Story of TV's First Black Superstar (retail) (epub).epub 8.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Roger Duvoisin - Veronica (retail) (epub).epub 8.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Adrian Fogelin - [Neighborhood Novel 02] - Anna Casey's Place in the World (retail) (pdf).pdf 8.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Ruth Chew - Three Witch Tales (The Witch's Buttons; Witch's Cat; The Witch's Garden) (retail) (epub).epub 8.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/William Pene du Bois - The Twenty-One Balloons (Penguin Modern Classics) (retail) (epub).epub 8.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Cora Cheney - The Doll of Lilac Valley (siPDF).pdf 8.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Paul Galdone - The Little Red Hen (retail) (epub).epub 8.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Novel 14] - Pirate's Honor - Chris A Jackson (epub).epub 8.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Giada De Laurentiis - [Recipe for Adventure 01] - Naples! (retail) (epub).epub 8.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Adam Jacot de Boinod - I Never Knew There Was a Word for It (retail) (epub).epub 8.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Allen Say - The Sign Painter (retail) (epub).epub 8.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Shawn K Stout - [Penelope Crumb 02] - Penelope Crumb Never Forgets (retail) (epub).epub 8.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Alberto Manguel - The Library at Night (retail) (epub).epub 8.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/CeeLo Green - Everybody's Brother- My Story (epub).epub 8.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Laurel Snyder - Good Night, Laila Tov (retail) (epub).epub 7.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dennis Lee - The Cat and the Wizard (epub).epub 7.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Richard Peck - The Mouse with the Question Mark Tail (retail) (epub).epub 7.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Stephen Hawking - My Brief History (retail) (epub).epub 7.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/David Brandon & Alan Brooke - Shadows in the Steam- The Haunted Railways of Britain (epub).epub 7.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Stanley I Kutler - The Wars of Watergate- The Last Crisis of Richard Nixon (retail) (epub).epub 7.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Dan Yaccarino - All the Way to America- The Story of a Big Italian Family and a Little Shovel (retail) (epub).epub 7.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/David McCullagh - The Reluctant Taoiseach- A Biography of John A Costello (retail) (epub).epub 7.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Martin Edwards (ed) - Deadly Pleasures- A Crime Writers' Association Anthology (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 7.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Allen Say - Tree of Cranes (retail) (epub).epub 7.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Berenstain Bears - Chapter Books - The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Run-Amuck Robot (retail) (epub).epub 7.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Jeffery Deaver - [Kathryn Dance 01-02] - Kathryn Dance Boxed Set (Roadside Crosses; The Sleeping Doll; The Cold Moon) (retail) (epub).epub 7.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Robert K Massie - The Romanovs- The Final Chapter (retail) (epub).epub 7.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Joe Nickell - Real-Life X-Files- Investigating the Paranormal (pdf).pdf 7.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Stephen Jimenez - The Book of Matt- Hidden Truths About the Murder of Matthew Shepard (epub).epub 7.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Jennifer Saunders - Bonkers- My Life in Laughs (epub).epub 7.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/J R R Tolkien - [Lord of the Rings 01-03] - The Lord of the Rings (50th Anniversary ed) (epub).epub 7.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Star Wars - [Insider 145] - Constant Spirit - Jennifer Heddle (cbr).cbr 6.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Katie McGarry - [Pushing the Limits 03] - Crash Into You (pdf).pdf 6.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Richard Keegan - Butt Seriously- First Time Out on the Iron Butt Rally- An Irishman's Story (retail) (epub).epub 6.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Konrad Lorenz - King Solomon's Ring- New Light on Animal Ways (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 6.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Arthur Roth - The Castaway (siPDF).pdf 6.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Frederick Kempe - Berlin 1961- Kennedy, Khrushchev, and the Most Dangerous Place on Earth (epub).epub 6.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Joe Maxwell - Hell's Bells & Mademoiselles (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 6.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/B James Gladstone - The Man Who Seduced Hollywood- The Life and Loves of Greg Bautzer, Tinseltown's Most Powerful Lawyer (retail) (pdf).pdf 6.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Laurie Friedman - [Mallory 10] - Step Fourth, Mallory! (retail) (pdf).pdf 6.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Walter Cronkite IV - Cronkite's War- His World War II Letters Home (retail) (epub).epub 6.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Matthew Condon - Three Crooked Kings (retail) (epub).epub 6.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Carolyn See - Dreaming- Hard Luck and Good Times in America (retail) (epub).epub 6.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Javier Marias - Dark Back of Time (retail) (epub).epub 6.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Marci Peschke - [Kylie Jean 07] - Singing Queen (retail) (pdf).pdf 6.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Kenn Nesbitt - The Ultimate Top Secret Guide to Taking Over the World (pdf).pdf 6.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Kate Messner - Over and Under the Snow (retail) (epub).epub 6.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ron Roy - [Calendar Mysteries 09] - September Sneakers (retail) (epub).epub 6.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Konrad Lorenz - King Solomon's Ring- New Light on Animal Ways (v5.0) (epub).epub 6.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jean-Christophe Valtat - [The Mysteries of New Venice 02] - Luminous Chaos (epub).epub 6.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Andrew Beasley - [The Battles of Ben Kingdom 02] - The Feast of Ravens (retail) (epub).epub 6.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jesse Florea & Mike Yorkey - Playing With Purpose- Mariano Rivera (epub).epub 6.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Elizabeth and Allan Zola Kronzek - The Sorcerer's Companion- A Guide to the Magical World of Harry Potter (3e) (mobi).mobi 6.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/The Tale of the Heike (tr Royall Tyler) (Penguin Classics) (epub).epub 6.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Paul Jessup - Werewolves- A Journal of Transformation (epub).epub 6.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/James Adair - Rowing After the White Whale- A Crossing of the Indian Ocean by Hand (epub).epub 6.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Iza Trapani - Froggie Went A-Courtin' (retail) (pdf).pdf 6.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Bel Kaufman - Love, Etc (retail) (epub).epub 6.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Mark Fainaru-Wada & Steve Fainaru - League of Denial- The NFL, Concussions and the Battle for the Truth (epub).epub 6.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Elizabeth and Allan Zola Kronzek - The Sorcerer's Companion- A Guide to the Magical World of Harry Potter (3e) (epub).epub 6.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/J M Barrie - Peter Pan (Modern Library) (retail) (epub).epub 6.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Louise Firth - Colin the Crocodile (pdf).pdf 5.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Romeo Alaeff - I'll Be Dead by the Time You Read This- The Existential Life of Animals (retail) (epub).epub 5.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Paulette Jiles - Lighthouse Island (mobi).mobi 5.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Simon Winchester - The Men Who United the States- America's Explorers, Inventors, Eccentrics and Mavericks (epub).epub 5.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mary Pope Osborne - [Magic Tree House 50 - Merlin Mission 22] - Hurry Up, Houdini! (retail) (epub).epub 5.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Patricia Volk - Shocked- My Mother, Schiaparelli, and Me (epub).epub 5.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Marci Peschke - [Kylie Jean 05] - Dancing Queen (retail) (pdf).pdf 5.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Douglas Hofstadter & Emmanuel Sander - Surfaces and Essences- Analogy as the Fuel and Fire of Thinking (retail) (pdf).pdf 5.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Skylanders - [Mask of Power 01] - Spyro versus the Mega Monsters - Onk Beakman (retail) (epub).epub 5.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Poptropica - Skullduggery Island - Adrianne Ambrose (retail) (epub).epub 5.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Gervase Phinn - A Load of Old Tripe (retail) (epub).epub 5.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Amy Harmon - Making Faces (mobi).mobi 5.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Allen Say - The Boy in the Garden (retail) (epub).epub 5.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Joe Nickell - Unsolved History- Investigating Mysteries of the Past (pdf).pdf 5.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Linda Tucker - Saving the White Lions- One Woman's Battle for Africa's Most Sacred Animal (retail) (epub).epub 5.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Elisabeth Luard - My Life as a Wife- Love, Liquor and What to Do About Other Women (retail) (epub).epub 5.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Clara Claiborne Park - Exiting Nirvana- My Daughter's Life with Autism (retail) (epub).epub 5.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Nathan Bransford - [Jacob Wonderbar 02] - Jacob Wonderbar for President of the Universe (retail) (epub).epub 5.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jean-Christophe Valtat - [The Mysteries of New Venice 02] - Luminous Chaos (mobi).mobi 5.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jane Yolen - [Commander Toad 05] - Commander Toad and the Intergalactic Spy (retail) (epub).epub 5.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Horse Diaries 08 - Black Cloud - Patricia Hermes (retail) (epub).epub 5.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Erin McKean - That's Amore! The Language of Love for Lovers of Language (retail) (epub).epub 5.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Robert Louis Stevenson - A Child's Garden of Verses (Puffin Classics) (retail) (epub).epub 5.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Dan Gutman - [My Weird School - Special 02] - Deck the Halls, We're Off the Walls! (retail) (epub).epub 5.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jane Yolen - [Commander Toad 02] - Commander Toad and the Planet of the Grapes (retail) (epub).epub 5.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Marci Peschke - [Kylie Jean 06] - Football Queen (retail) (pdf).pdf 5.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Geraldine McCaughrean - The Middle of Nowhere (retail) (epub).epub 5.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Gyles Brandreth - The Great Book of Optical Illusions (epub).epub 5.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Patsi Bale Cox - The Garth Factor- The Career Behind Country's Big Boom (retail) (epub).epub 5.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Marci Peschke - [Kylie Jean 08] - Spelling Queen (retail) (pdf).pdf 5.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Iza Trapani - Row Row Row Your Boat (retail) (pdf).pdf 5.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Colin Escott - Hank Williams- The Biography (v5.0) (epub).epub 5.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Horse Diaries 09 - Tennessee Rose - Jane Kendall (retail) (epub).epub 5.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Peter Blauner - The Last Good Day (v5.0) (epub).epub 5.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [The Genius Files 03] - You Only Die Twice (retail) (epub).epub 5.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Laurie Friedman - [Mallory 20] - Play It Again, Mallory (retail) (pdf).pdf 5.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Charles Emmerson - 1913- In Search of the World Before the Great War (epub).epub 5.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Journals 04 - Ollix Kaddar 01] - Prodigal Sons - James L Sutter (ed) (epub).epub 5.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Peter Blauner - Slipping into Darkness (v5.0) (epub).epub 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Sid Fleischman - [McBroom] - McBroom's Zoo (siPDF).pdf 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Lauren Carr - [Mac Faraday Mystery 04] - Blast from the Past (epub).epub 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Sue Bentley - [Magic Ponies] - A New Friend (retail) (epub).epub 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Linda Phillips Teitel - Angus MacMouse Brings Down the House (retail) (epub).epub 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Lauren Carr - [Mac Faraday Mystery 04] - Blast from the Past (azw3).azw3 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Clyde Robert Bulla - The Secret Valley (retail) (epub).epub 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Robert D San Souci - [Short & Shivery 02] - More Short & Shivery- Thirty Terrifying Tales (retail) (epub).epub 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Horse Diaries 10 - Darcy - Whitney Sanderson (retail) (epub).epub 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/L Bob Rovetch - [Hot Dog and Bob 05] - Hot Dog and Bob and the Surprisingly Slobbery Attack of the Dog-Wash Doggies (retail) (epub).epub 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Katy Kelly - [Melonhead 01] - Melonhead (retail) (epub).epub 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Bruce Buffer - It's Time! My 360-Degree View of the UFC (retail) (epub).epub 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ruth Krauss - I Can Fly [Little Golden Book] (retail) (epub).epub 4.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Richard Peck - Strays Like Us (retail) (pdf).pdf 4.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Terry Pratchett - [Discworld] - Turtle Recall- The Discworld Companion, So Far - Stephen Briggs (epub).epub 4.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Joe Nickell - The Mystery Chronicles- More Real-Life X-Files (epub).epub 4.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Michael Crichton - [Jurassic Park 01] - Jurassic Park (v5.0) (epub).epub 4.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Diana Cooper - [Tara and Ash-ting 01] - The Magical Adventures of Tara and the Talking Kitten (retail) (epub).epub 4.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Jorge G Cataneda - Companero- The Life and Death of Che Guevara (epub).epub 4.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Alison Lurie - The Truth About Lorin Jones (v5.0) (epub).epub 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Ben Martin - Samurai Awakening (retail) (epub).epub 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Horse Diaries 03 - Koda - Patricia Hermes (retail) (epub).epub 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Jennifer Ann Mann - Sunny Sweet Is So Not Sorry (retail) (epub).epub 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Horse Diaries 04 - Maestoso Petra - Jane Kendall (retail) (epub).epub 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Alison Lurie - The War Between the Tates (v5.0) (epub).epub 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Julia Lovell - The Opium War- Drugs, Dreams and the Making of China (epub).epub 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Novel 13 - Alaeron & Rodrick 04] - Liar's Blade - Tim Pratt (epub).epub 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Horse Diaries 07 - Risky Chance - Alison Hart (retail) (epub).epub 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Jean Ure - Sugar and Spice (retail) (epub).epub 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Ronnie Rowbotham - [Kirabo 01] - Kirabo (retail) (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Kate Bernheimer (ed) - xo Orpheus- Fifty New Myths (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jim Glendinning - Footloose Scot- Travels in a Time of Change (retail) (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Gerald Astor - The Bloody Forest- Battle for the Huertgen- September 1944-January 1945 (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Journals 05 - Xhasi 01] - Plague of Light - Robin D Laws (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/L Bob Rovetch - [Hot Dog and Bob 02] - Hot Dog and Bob and the Particularly Pesky Attack of the Pencil People (retail) (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Shelly Sanders - [Rachel 01] - Rachel's Secret (retail) (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Rita Mae Brown - [Mrs Murphy 22] - The Litter of the Law (v5.0) (epub).epub 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/E J Altbacker - [Shark Wars 03] - Into the Abyss (retail) (epub).epub 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Liisa Ladouceur - Encyclopedia Gothica (mobi).mobi 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Douglas Hofstadter & Emmanuel Sander - Surfaces and Essences- Analogy as the Fuel and Fire of Thinking (retail) (epub).epub 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Peter Edwards - Unrepentant- The Strange and (sometimes) Terrible Life of Lorne Campbell, Satan's Choice and Hells Angels Biker (retail) (epub).epub 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Clyde Robert Bulla - Pirate's Promise (retail) (epub).epub 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/James Morgan - If These Walls Had Ears- The Biography of a House (retail) (epub).epub 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Tom Reddy - The Race for the Aras (retail) (epub).epub 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Laura Joy Rennert - [Royal Princess Academy 01] - Dragon Dreams (retail) (epub).epub 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Steve Voake - [Daisy Dawson 07] - Daisy Dawson at the Beach (retail) (epub).epub 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Pearl S Buck - The Eternal Wonder (epub).epub 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Mary Ann Hoberman - I Like Old Clothes (retail) (epub).epub 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Horse Diaries 05 - Golden Sun - Whitney Sanderson (retail) (epub).epub 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Kristin Cashore - [Seven Kingdoms 03] - Bitterblue (retail) (epub).epub 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Reggie Jackson - Becoming Mr October (retail) (epub).epub 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Bob Balaban - [Creature from the Seventh Grade 02] - Sink or Swim (retail) (epub).epub 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Horse Diaries 01 - Elska - Catherine Hapka (retail) (epub).epub 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Anne Mendelson - Milk- The Surprising Story of Milk Through the Ages (retail) (epub).epub 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Olivier Dunrea - [Gossie & Friends 05] - Peedie (retail) (epub).epub 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Donald H Wolfe - The Last Days of Marilyn Monroe (retail) (epub).epub 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lisa Samson - [Enchanted Attic 04] - Wrestling with Tom Sawyer (retail) (epub).epub 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Olivier Dunrea - [Gossie & Friends 01] - Gossie (retail) (epub).epub 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Horse Diaries 02 - Bell's Star - Alison Hart (retail) (epub).epub 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Lynn A Coleman - Courting Holly [HSNG-1062] (azw3).azw3 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jean Ure - [Diary 03] - Fruit and Nutcase (retail) (epub).epub 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Fred Chappell - Dagon (epub).epub 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Rachel Caine - [Morganville Vampires 15] - Daylighters (ARC) (pdf).pdf 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Stuart Woods - Blue Water, Green Skipper- A Memoir of Sailing Alone Across the Atlantic (epub).epub 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Annie Barrows - [Ivy and Bean 10] - Ivy + Bean Take the Case (retail) (epub).epub 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Ping Fu - Bend, Not Break- A Life in Two Worlds (retail) (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Leonard C Dog - Crow Dog- Four Generations of Sioux Medicine Men (retail) (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Emily Jenkins - [Invisible Inkling 01] - Invisible Inkling (retail) (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Adele Griffin - [Witch Twins 02] - Witch Twins at Camp Bliss (retail) (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Olivier Dunrea - [Gossie & Friends] - BooBoo (retail) (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Paula Broadwell & Vernon Loeb - All In- The Education of General David Petraeus (retail) (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Donald J Sobol - [Encyclopedia Brown 28] - The Case of the Soccer Scheme (retail) (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Katie Beers - Buried Memories- Katie Beers' Story (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Ann Spencer - Alone at Sea- The Adventures of Joshua Slocum (retail) (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Journals 02 - Channa Ti 01] - Dark Tapestry - Elaine Cunningham (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Erin Healy - The Baker's Wife (pdf).pdf 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Erich von Daniken - Chariots of the Gods- Unsolved Mysteries of the Past (retail) (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Peter Popham - The Lady and the Peacock- The Life of Aung San Suu Kyi (retail) (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Journals 06 - Laurel Cylphra 01] - Guilty Blood - F Wesley Schneider (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Journals 03 - Count Varian Jeggare 02] - Hell's Pawns - Dave Gross (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Randy Palmer - Paul Blaisdell, Monster Maker- A Biography of the B Movie Makeup and Special Effects Artist (mobi).mobi 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Janet Browne - Charles Darwin- A Biography, Vol 2- The Power of Place (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jessica Verday - [Hollow] - The Beautiful and the Damned (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Eleanor Catton - The Luminaries (v5.0) (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Ruth Chew - What the Witch Left (retail) (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Laurie Myers - Guinea Pigs Don't Talk (retail) (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Journals 07 - Count Varian Jeggare 06] - Husks - Dave Gross (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-26/John Kobler - Capone- The Life and World of Al Capone (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/J R R Tolkien - [Lord of the Rings 01-03] - The Lord of the Rings (50th Anniversary ed) (mobi).mobi 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Samantha Wheeler - Smooch & Rose (retail) (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Randall Silvis - Heart So Hungry- A Woman's Extraordinary Journey into the Labrador Wilderness (retail) (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Robert P Colwell - The Pentium Chronicles- The People, Passion, and Politics Behind Intel's Landmark Chips (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/L Bob Rovetch - [Hot Dog and Bob 01] - Hot Dog and Bob and the Seriously Scary Attack of the Evil Alien Pizza Person (retail) (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/David Kenny & Noirin Hegarty (ed) - The Trib- Highlights from the Sunday Tribune (retail) (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Ruth Chew - No Such Thing as a Witch (retail) (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/E J Altbacker - [Shark Wars 05] - Enemy of Oceans (retail) (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/A D Scott - [Joanne Ross 04] - North Sea Requiem (retail) (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Rene Foss - Around the World in a Bad Mood! Confessions of a Flight Attendant (retail) (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Sally Warner - [EllRay Jakes 03] - EllRay Jakes Walks the Plank! (retail) (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Olivier Dunrea - [Gossie & Friends] - Ollie's Easter Eggs (retail) (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Bob Balaban - [Creature from the Seventh Grade 01] - Boy or Beast (retail) (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jerry McGinley - A Goal for Joaquin (retail) (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Paulette Jiles - Lighthouse Island (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/C Alexander London - [Accidental Adventure 02] - We Dine With Cannibals (retail) (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Randy Palmer - Paul Blaisdell, Monster Maker- A Biography of the B Movie Makeup and Special Effects Artist (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Ellen Pratt - Amy and the Cloud Basket (siPDF).pdf 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Sam Weller - The Bradbury Chronicles- The Life of Ray Bradbury (mobi).mobi 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Anna Sheehan - A Long, Long Sleep (retail) (pdf).pdf 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lisa Samson - [Enchanted Attic 01] - Facing the Hunchback of Notre Dame (retail) (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Anthony Summers - The Arrogance of Power- The Secret World of Richard Nixon (mobi).mobi 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Steve Stevenson - [Agatha- Girl of Mystery 01] - The Curse of the Pharaoh (retail) (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/L Bob Rovetch - [Hot Dog and Bob 04] - Hot Dog and Bob and the Exceptionally Eggy Attack of the Game Gators (retail) (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Max Hastings - Overlord- D-Day and the Battle for Normandy (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Steve Stevenson - [Agatha- Girl of Mystery 02] - The Pearl of Bengal (retail) (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Olivier Dunrea - [Gossie & Friends] - Ollie the Stomper (retail) (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Shehan Karunatilaka - The Legend of Pradeep Mathew (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Gail Carson Levine - Forgive Me, I Meant to Do It- False Apology Poems (retail) (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Konrad Lorenz - King Solomon's Ring- New Light on Animal Ways (retail) (pdf).pdf 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Donal Keenan - Brothers in Sport- GAA (retail) (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/David Riley Bertsch - [Jake Trent 01] - Death Canyon (retail) (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/J C Greenburg - [Andrew Lost 12] - In the Ice Age (retail) (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Sam Weller - The Bradbury Chronicles- The Life of Ray Bradbury (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jean Ure - [Diary 09] - Boys Beware (retail) (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Darren Shan - [Zom-B 05] - Zom-B Baby (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Aimee Carter - [Blackcoat Rebellion 01] - Pawn (pdf).pdf 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/J C Greenburg - [Andrew Lost 17] - In the Desert (retail) (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Chris Jones - Out of Orbit- Three Astronauts Who Lost Their Ride Home (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Raymond Federman & George Chambers - The Twilight of the Bums (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Mary Soames - A Daughter's Tale- The Memoir of Winston Churchill's Youngest Child (mobi).mobi 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Deborah Spungen - And I Don't Want to Live This Life- A Mother's Story of Her Daughter's Murder (retail) (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/G M Dyrek - [The Seer and the Scribe 01] - Spear of Destiny (retail) (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Marc Morris - The Norman Conquest- The Battle of Hastings and the Fall of Anglo-Saxon England (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Benjamin Hulme-Cross - [Dark Hunter 03] - The Marsh Demon (retail) (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Robert J Harris & Jane Yolen - [Young Heroes 02] - Hippolyta and the Curse of the Amazons (retail) (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mary O'Rourke - Just Mary- A Political Memoir from Mary O'Rourke (retail) (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Elizabeth Gowing - Travels In Blood and Honey- Becoming a Beekeeper in Kosovo (retail) (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Liisa Ladouceur - Encyclopedia Gothica (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Robert J Harris & Jane Yolen - [Young Heroes 01] - Odysseus in the Serpent Maze (retail) (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Novel 11 - Count Varian Jeggare 09] - Queen of Thorns - Dave Gross (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Courtney Sheinmel - [Stella Batts 04] - A Case of the Meanies (retail) (pdf).pdf 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Joan Kayse - [Patrician 02] - The Patrician's Fortune (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Robert J Harris & Jane Yolen - [Young Heroes 03] - Atalanta and the Arcadian Beast (retail) (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sean McMeekin - July 1914- Countdown to War (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Robert Treskillard - [The Merlin Spiral 02] - Merlin's Shadow (retail) (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Courtney Sheinmel - [Stella Batts 01] - Stella Batts Needs a New Name (retail) (pdf).pdf 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/John Flanagan - [Ranger's Apprentice 11] - The Royal Ranger (retail) (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Novel 09 - Isiem 01] - Nightglass - Liane Merciel (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Heidi Schnakenberg - Kid Carolina- R J Reynolds Jr, a Tobacco Fortune, and the Mysterious Death of a Southern Icon (retail) (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Richard H Smith - The Joy of Pain- Schadenfreude and the Dark Side of Human Nature (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/David Jason - My Life (mobi).mobi 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Chloe Ryder - [Princess Ponies 01] - A Magical Friend (retail) (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Gerald Astor - The Bloody Forest- Battle for the Huertgen- September 1944-January 1945 (mobi).mobi 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Judy Delton - [Pee Wee Scouts 40] - A Big Box of Memories (retail) (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Andrea Cheng - [Anna Wong 02] - The Year of the Baby (azw3).azw3 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/M Sobel Spirn - Poison Plate (retail) (pdf).pdf 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/John Sandford - [Lucas Davenport 11-15] - Easy, Chosen, Mortal, Naked, Hidden Prey (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Keith Graves - Frank Was a Monster Who Wanted to Dance (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Kate Bernheimer (ed) - xo Orpheus- Fifty New Myths (mobi).mobi 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Mina Carter - [Imperial Princes 01] - Prince's Courtesan [Etopia] (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Michael Haag - The Tragedy of the Templars- The Rise and Fall of the Crusader States (retail) (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/J C Greenburg - [Andrew Lost 16] - In Uncle Al (retail) (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Katherine Roberts - [Pendragon Legacy 01] - Sword of Light (retail) (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Erica Jong - Sugar in My Bowl- Real Women Write About Real Sex (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jeff Guinn - How Mrs Claus Saved Christmas (retail) (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Chris Matthews - Tip and the Gipper- When Politics Worked (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jean Ure - [Frankie Foster 03] - Freaks Out! (retail) (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Daniel Defoe - The Storm (Penguin Classics) (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/E J Altbacker - [Shark Wars 04] - Kingdom of the Deep (retail) (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Walter Wangerin Jr - [Chauntecleer the Rooster 02] - The Second Book of the Dun Cow- Lamentations (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Jordan Weisman & Mel Odom - [Lost Souls 01] - Burning Sky (retail) (pdf).pdf 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Sarah Bruni - The Night Gwen Stacy Died (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Horse Diaries 06 - Yatimah - Catherine Hapka (retail) (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Marc Morris - The Norman Conquest- The Battle of Hastings and the Fall of Anglo-Saxon England (mobi).mobi 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Erica Jong - Fanny (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Donald Richie - This Scorching Earth (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Gervase Phinn - [Dales] - Road to the Dales- The Story of a Yorkshire Lad (retail) (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Raymond Sokolov - Steal the Menu- A Memoir of Forty Years in Food (retail) (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [Baseball Card Adventure 11] - Ted & Me (retail) (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Adam-Troy Castro - [Gustav Gloom 01] - Gustav Gloom and the People Taker (retail) (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Brendan Clerkin - No Hurry in Africa (retail) (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Suzanne Corso - The Suite Life (retail) (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Julia Lovell - The Opium War- Drugs, Dreams and the Making of China (mobi).mobi 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Eric Ives - The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Natsuo Kirino - Out (pdf).pdf 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Chuck Black - [Kingdom 05] - Kingdom's Quest (retail) (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Guy Gavriel Kay - [Fionavar Tapestry 02] - The Wandering Fire (retail) (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Kevin Kremer - Are You Smarter Than a Flying Gator (retail) (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Max Hastings - Catastrophe 1914- Europe Goes to War (retail) (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/E J Altbacker - [Shark Wars 06] - The Last Emprex (retail) (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/David Blistein - David's Inferno- My Journey Through the Dark Wood of Depression (retail) (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sandra Neil Wallace - Muckers (retail) (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Michael Landon Jr & Cindy Kelly - Traces of Mercy (retail) (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Eric Berlin - [The Puzzling World of Winston Breen 03] - The Puzzler's Mansion (retail) (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Fisher Amelie - [Seven Deadly 02] - Greed (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Art Farkas - Letters to Ebay- Hilarious Auctions, Crazy Emails, and Bongos for Grandma (retail) (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Gervase Phinn - Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Stars (retail) (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/L B Simmons - [Mending Hearts 02] - Running in Place (mobi).mobi 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Megan McCafferty - [Jessica Darling 05] - Perfect Fifths (retail) (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/John Foxjohn - Killer Nurse (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Shauna Allen - [Cupid Chronicles 02] - The Halo Effect (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/C Alexander London - [Accidental Adventure 03] - We Give a Squid a Wedgie (retail) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Journals 10] - The Bonedust Dolls - Kevin Andrew Murphy (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Marcia Lynn McClure - The Fragrance of Her Name (retail) (pdf).pdf 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Janet Morris - [Heroes in Hell 13] - Lawyers in Hell - Chris Morris (mobi).mobi 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Shintaro Ishihara - Season of Violence (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/John Glassie - A Man of Misconceptions- The Life of an Eccentric in an Age of Change (retail) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Charnan Simon - Shattered Star [Surviving Southside] (retail) (pdf).pdf 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Olivier Dunrea - [Gossie & Friends] - Gossie Plays Hide and Seek (retail) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jacqueline Pearce - Flood Warning (retail) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Catherynne M Valente - [Fairyland 02] - The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Melina Marchetta - [Lumatere Chronicles 03] - Quintana of Charyn (retail) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Tony Iommi - Iron Man- My Journey through Heaven and Hell with Black Sabbath (mobi).mobi 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Lizbeth Selvig - The Rancher and the Rock Star (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Tony Burgess - The n-Body Problem (mobi).mobi 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Jamie Quaid - [Saturn's Daughter 02] - Damn Him to Hell (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Larry Harris - And Party Every Day- The Inside Story of Casablanca Records (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/A Scandalous Regency Christmas - Christine Merrill, Marguerite Kaye, Annie Burrows, Barbara Monajem, Linda Skye (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Mike Ashley (ed) - The Time Machines- The Story of the Science Fiction Pulp Magazines to 1950 (pdf).pdf 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Chuck Black - [Kingdom 02] - Kingdom's Hope (retail) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Guy Gavriel Kay - [Fionavar Tapestry 03] - The Darkest Road (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [The Genius Files 01] - Mission Unstoppable (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Christopher Reeve - Still Me (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sally Mandel - Quinn (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Francesca Simon - The Sleeping Army (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Zeinab Abul-Magd - Imagined Empires- A History of Revolt in Egypt (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Tony Iommi - Iron Man- My Journey through Heaven and Hell with Black Sabbath (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Melina Marchetta - [Lumatere Chronicles 01] - Finnikin of the Rock (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Sable Hunter - [Hell Yeah! (McCoy) 04] - A Brown Eyed Handsome Man (kf8 mobi).mobi 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lois Lowry - A Summer to Die (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Kevin Henkes - Margaret & Taylor (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Alex Ferguson - My Autobiography (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Novel 08 - Alaeron & Rodrick 02] - City of the Fallen Sky - Tim Pratt (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kenneth Oppel - [Silverwing 01] - Silverwing (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Donald Barthelme - Sixty Stories (pdf).pdf 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/John Sandford - [Lucas Davenport 06-10] - Night, Mind, Sudden, Secret, Certain Prey (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Daniel Boyarin - The Jewish Gospels- The Story of the Jewish Christ (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Evonne Wareham - Never Coming Home (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/A J Stern - [Frankly, Frannie 09] - Here Comes the Trouble! (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Mark Sundeen - The Man Who Quit Money (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Sharon Creech - Chasing Redbird (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/R L Stine - [Rotten School 03] - The Good, the Bad and the Very Slimy (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Chuck Black - [Kingdom 06] - Kingdom's Reign (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Chuck Black - [Kingdom 04] - Kingdom's Call (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Sable Hunter - [Hell Yeah! (McCoy) 04] - A Brown Eyed Handsome Man (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Matt Thomas - A Breach in Death (pdf).pdf 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Hugo Awards - [Shorts 01] - The Short Stories - Volume One (1946-1984) (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Martha Alexander - [Oliver 03] - When the New Baby Comes, I'm Moving Out (siPDF).pdf 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Anne O'Brien - Puritan Bride [HH-762, MHR-906] (retail) (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Christina Rossetti - Goblin Market (Dover) (retail) (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Pam Grier - Foxy- My Life in Three Acts- A Memoir (retail) (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Erin Arvedlund - Madoff- The Man Who Stole 65 Billion (retail) (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/David Beckett - The Cana Mystery (azw3).azw3 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/David Beckett - The Cana Mystery (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Gervase Phinn - A Wayne in a Manger (retail) (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Guy Gavriel Kay - [Fionavar Tapestry 01] - The Summer Tree (retail) (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Melina Marchetta - [Lumatere Chronicles 02] - Froi of the Exiles (retail) (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mary Renault - [Greece 01 - Theseus 01] - The King Must Die (retail) (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Bill Bryson - One Summer- America, 1927 (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Paty Jager - [Halsey Brothers 01-05] - Marshall; Outlaw; Miner; Doctor; Logger in Petticoats (mobi).mobi 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Shelley K Wall - Chloe's Secret (azw3).azw3 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Sandra Dengler - [Australian Destiny 02] - Power of Pinjarra (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Serdar Yegulalp - Flight of the Vajra (mobi).mobi 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy 27] - The Unremembered Empire- A light in the darkness - Dan Abnett (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/J Thorn - Evil Origins (Reversting- The Inevitable Horror; Preta's Realm- The Haunting; The Seventh Seal; Voices from Beyond; Raising Zombies) (mobi).mobi 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Kat Falls - [Fetch 01] - Inhuman (mobi).mobi 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mary Renault - The Nature of Alexander (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/C Alexander London - [Accidental Adventure 04] - We Sled With Dragons (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Thomas Fleming - A Disease in the Public Mind- A New Understanding of Why We Fought the Civil War (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mary Renault - The Charioteer (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Rob Elliott - Zoolarious Animal Jokes for Kids (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Poptropica - Astro-Knights Island - Tracey West (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/J Scott Savage - [Case File 13 02] - Making the Team (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mary Renault - [Greece 03] - The Praise Singer (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Johanna Hurwitz - The Cold and Hot Winter (retail) (pdf).pdf 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Louise Allen - Regency Rumours [HH, MHR] (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Linda Sue Park - Seesaw Girl (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Erica Jong - Shylock's Daughter (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Carter Alan - Radio Free Boston- The Rise and Fall of WBCN (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Sandra Dengler - [Australian Destiny 03] - Taste of Victory (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Joseph Gatch - The Adventures of Phineas Frakture (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lois Lowry - [Sam Krupnik 04] - Zooman Sam (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Tuvia Tenenbom - I Sleep in Hitler's Room- An American Jew Visits Germany (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Casse Narome - [Memory Keepers 01] - Death Knows My Name (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Shelley K Wall - Chloe's Secret (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tricia Goyer - [Seven Brides for Seven Bachelors 02] - The Promise Box (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Clyde Robert Bulla - A Lion to Guard Us (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Chuck Black - [Kingdom 03] - Kingdom's Edge (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/M C Grant - [Dixie Flynn 02] - Devil with a Gun (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/George R R Martin & Gardner Dozois (ed) - Old Mars (retail) (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Stephenie Meyer - [Twilight 01-04] - The Twilight Saga Collection (Twilight; New Moon; Eclipse; Breaking Dawn) (mobi).mobi 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mary Renault - [Greece 02 - Theseus 02] - The Bull from the Sea (retail) (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain - [Harper, Sophie and Kate 01] - Bass Ackwards and Belly Up (retail) (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Hakan Ostlundh - The Viper (retail) (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/David Jason - My Life (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Rick Riordan - [Heroes of Olympus 04] - The House of Hades (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Novel 05 - Count Varian Jeggare 07] - Master of Devils - Dave Gross (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Amy Harmon - Making Faces (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mary Renault - [Greece 04] - The Last of the Wine (retail) (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Eleanor Wood - [Gemini Rising 02] - Gemini Falling (retail) (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kevin Kremer - The Most Amazing Halloween Ever (retail) (pdf).pdf 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Richard H Smith - The Joy of Pain- Schadenfreude and the Dark Side of Human Nature (mobi).mobi 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Linda Lee Chaikin - [Dawn of Hawaii 03] - Jewel of the Pacific (retail) (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Erich Auerbach - Mimesis- The Representation of Reality in Western Literature (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Andy Riley - Wine Makes Mommy Clever (retail) (pdf).pdf 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Larry Kane - When They Were Boys- The True Story of the Beatles' Rise to the Top (retail) (pdf).pdf 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Gabriel Doherty & Dermot Keogh - 1916- The Long Revolution (retail) (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Novel 04 - Hendregan 02] - The Worldwound Gambit - Robin D Laws (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Barry Gifford - [Pillow Book of Francis Reeves 01] - Landscape with Traveler (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/John Irving - A Son of the Circus (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Marguerite Henry - Justin Morgan Had a Horse (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Adam Jacot de Boinod - The Wonder of Whiffling- And other extraordinary words in the English language (retail) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Christa J Kinde - [Threshold 02] - The Hidden Deep (retail) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Tony Burgess - The n-Body Problem (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Susan Carlisle - The Wallflower's Secret [HMED-590, NYC Angels 04] (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Monica McKayhan - [Indigo 05] - Deal With It [TRU] (mobi).mobi 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Chuck Black - [Kingdom 01] - Kingdom's Dawn (retail) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Luanne Rice - How We Started (retail) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lisa Cohen - All We Know- Three Lives (mobi).mobi 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Erica Jong - Becoming Light- Poems- New and Selected (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Stephen R Donaldson - [Thomas Covenant 10 - Last Chronicles 04] - The Last Dark (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ted L Nancy - Letters from a Nut (pdf).pdf 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Faery Worlds - Tara Maya, Elle Casey, J L Bryan, Anthea Sharp, Jenna Elizabeth Johnson, Alexia Purdy (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Frances Hodgson Burnett - A Little Princess (Penguin) (retail) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Dean Pitchford - Nickel Bay Nick (retail) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Scott Lynch - [Gentleman Bastards 03] - The Republic of Thieves (retail) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Paul Marshall & Nina Shea - Silenced- How Apostasy and Blasphemy Codes are Choking Freedom Worldwide (mobi).mobi 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Lionel Barber (ed) - Lunch With the FT- 52 Classic Interviews (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Meg Waite Clayton - [Wednesday 02] - The Wednesday Daughters (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Robert Dallek - Camelot's Court- Inside the Kennedy White House (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Heather Graham - [Camerons Saga - Civil War 03] - And One Rode West (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Chris Jones - Out of Orbit- Three Astronauts Who Lost Their Ride Home (mobi).mobi 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Camp Club Girls 16 - Kate and the Wyoming Fossil Fiasco - Janice Hanna (retail) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Juliet Grey - [Marie Antoinette 03] - Confessions of Marie Antoinette (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Yukio Mishima - The Temple of the Golden Pavilion (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/N D Wilson - [Ashtown Burials 03] - Empire of Bones (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ali Sparkes - [SWITCH 01] - Spider Stampede (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Rosanne Parry - Second Fiddle (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Anne Rice - [Wolf Gift Chronicles 02] - The Wolves of Midwinter (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/J Thorn - Evil Origins (Reversting- The Inevitable Horror; Preta's Realm- The Haunting; The Seventh Seal; Voices from Beyond; Raising Zombies) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Marguerite Henry - Justin Morgan Had a Horse (mobi).mobi 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mary Beth Temple - Hooked for Life- Adventures of a Crochet Zealot (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Aladdin and Other Tales from the Arabian Nights (tr N J Dawood) (Puffin Classics) (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Rivka Solomon (ed) - That Takes Ovaries! Bold Females and Their Brazen Acts (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lois Walfrid Johnson - [Freedom Seekers 01] - Escape Into the Night (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Allen Say - Allison (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Jo Baker - Longbourn (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Thomas O'Malley - This Magnificent Desolation (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Marshall Ulrich - Running on Empty- An Ultramarathoner's Record-Setting Run Across America (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/H W Brands - Andrew Jackson- His Life and Times (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Novel 07 - Kunzle 02] - Song of the Serpent - Hugh Matthews (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Kendra C Highley - Sidelined (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Joni Folger - [Tangled Vines Mystery 01] - Grapes of Death (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Laura Joh Rowland - [Sano Ichiro 01] - Shinju (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Clive Cussler & Craig Dirgo - The Sea Hunters II - More True Adventures with Famous Shipwrecks (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tricia Goyer - [Seven Brides for Seven Bachelors 01] - The Memory Jar (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Michael Delaney - [Obi 02] - Obi, Gerbil on a Mission! (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/K Michael Wright - [Angelslayer 01] - The Winnowing War (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Erik Larson - Isaac's Storm- A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Elizabeth Gilbert - The Signature of All Things (mobi).mobi 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Lynn Flewelling - [Nightrunner 02] - Stalking Darkness (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Laura Powell - [Game of Triumphs 01] - The Game of Triumphs (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Jesmyn Ward - Men We Reaped- A Memoir (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Wendi Sotis - All Hallow's Eve (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jacquelyn Frank - [Nightwalkers 05] - Noah (retail) (pdf).pdf 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stefan Kornelius - Angela Merkel- The Chancellor and Her World- The Authorized Biography (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Cathy Cassidy - Love, Peace and Chocolate (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Bruce Chatwin - In Patagonia (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Jane Kirkpatrick - Where Lilacs Still Bloom (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lisa Cohen - All We Know- Three Lives (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Robb Pearlman - Nerd Haiku (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Robert Mason - Chickenhawk (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Paty Jager - [Halsey Brothers 01-05] - Marshall; Outlaw; Miner; Doctor; Logger in Petticoats (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [My Weird School 14] - Miss Holly Is Too Jolly! (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Karen Mercury - The Strangely Wonderful Tale of Count Balashazy (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Anthony Summers - The Arrogance of Power- The Secret World of Richard Nixon (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Alexis Ohanian - Without Their Permission- How the 21st Century Will Be Made, Not Managed (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Lee Billings - Five Billion Years of Solitude- The Search for Life Among the Stars (mobi).mobi 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Blake Snyder - Save the Cat! Goes to the Movies- The Screenwriter's Guide to Every Story Ever Told (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Salma Abdelnour - Jasmine and Fire- A Bittersweet Year in Beirut (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lisa Manuel - Fortune's Kiss (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/J R Rain - [Vampire for Hire 03-04] - American Vampire & Moon Child (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Cherish D'Angelo - Lancelot's Lady (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Christie Rich - [Elemental Enmity 01] - Five (b) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/J R Ward - [Fallen Angels 05] - Possession (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jeff Benedict & Armen Keteyian - The System- The Glory and Scandal of Big-Time College Football (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [Baseball Card Adventure 03] - Babe & Me (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Tina Susedik - Riding for Love (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Luis J Rodriguez - Always Running- La Vida Loca- Gang Days in LA (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Shelley Pearsall - Crooked River (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Wayne Johnston - The Son of a Certain Woman (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Turney Duff - The Buy Side- A Wall Street Trader's Tale of Spectacular Excess (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/John Grisham - [Jake Brigance 02] - Sycamore Row (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Celia Bryce - Anthem for Jackson Dawes (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Stephen R Donaldson - [Thomas Covenant 04 - Second Chronicles 01] - The Wounded Land (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Paty Jager - [Halsey Brothers 01-05] - Marshall; Outlaw; Miner; Doctor; Logger in Petticoats (html).rar 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/E J Findorff - Unhinged (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Michael D Lemonick - Mirror Earth- The Search for Our Planet's Twin (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Linda Gerber - [Lights, Camera, Cassidy 01] - Celebrity (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Anne Graham Lotz - Wounded by God's People- Discovering How God's Love Heals Our Hearts (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Amanda Flower - [Andi Boggs 01] - Andi Unexpected (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Star Wars - [Insider 145] - Constant Spirit - Jennifer Heddle (pdf).pdf 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Aleksandar Hemon - The Question of Bruno- Stories (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Marjorie Jones - [The Lighthorseman 02] - The Flyer (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Lynn Flewelling - [Nightrunner 01] - Luck in the Shadows (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Alan Dean Foster - [Pip and Flinx 14] - Flinx Transcendent (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Stephen R Donaldson - [Thomas Covenant 06 - Second Chronicles 03] - White Gold Wielder (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Donalyn Miller - The Book Whisperer- Awakening the Inner Reader in Every Child (mobi).mobi 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Robert Ludlum - The Chancellor Manuscript (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Jennifer Maitlen - Rachel's Redemption (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Hanan al-Shaykh - One Thousand and One Nights (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Laura Joh Rowland - [Sano Ichiro 03] - The Way of the Traitor (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Kristen Tracy - Too Cool for This School (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Beth J Harpaz - 13 Is the New 18 - And Other Things My Children Taught Me-While I Was Having a Nervous Breakdown Being Their Mother (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/K H LeMoyne - [The Guardians of Eden 01] - Betrayal's Shadow (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Linda Gerber - [Lights, Camera, Cassidy 04] - Drama (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Sisters in Time 21-24 - American Triumph, 1934-1945 - The Dust Bowl, World War II, and Ultimate Victory (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Geoffrey Trease - Mission to Marathon [Flashbacks] (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Donna Jo Napoli - [Sly the Sleuth 02] - Sly the Sleuth and the Sports Mysteries (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Laurie Plissner - Louder Than Words (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Monica McKayhan - [Indigo 03] - The Pact [TRU] (mobi).mobi 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kenneth Oppel - [Silverwing 03] - Sunwing (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/David Graeber - The Democracy Project- A History, A Crisis, A Movement (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Karin Tanabe - The List (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Christine Carroll - The Senator's Daughter (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/A D Trosper - [Dragon's Call 01] - Embers at Galdrilene (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Susan Juby - Bright's Light (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Amy Carol Reeves - [Ripper 02] - Renegade (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Joe Moscheo - The Gospel Side of Elvis (retail) (pdf).pdf 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Nancy Thayer - Summer Breeze (b) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Alexander Cockburn - A Colossal Wreck- A Road Trip Through Political Scandal, Corruption, and American Culture (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Matthew McElligott & Larry Tuxbury - [Benjamin Franklinstein 01] - Benjamin Franklinstein Lives! (retail) (pdf).pdf 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Adam Gidwitz - [Grimm 03] - The Grimm Conclusion (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [My Weird School Daze 04] - Coach Hyatt Is a Riot! (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/James Dashner - [The Mortality Doctrine 01] - The Eye of Minds (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/K R Richards - [Lords of Avalon 03] - Lords of Retribution (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Bruce Duffy - Disaster Was My God (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tekla Dennison Miller - [Chad Wilbank 02] - Inevitable Sentences (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kelly McKain - [Pony Camp Diaries] - Chloe and Cracker (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Eric Nylund - [The Resisters 03] - Titan Base (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Yelana Black - Dance of Shadows (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Lee Billings - Five Billion Years of Solitude- The Search for Life Among the Stars (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Valerie Sherrard - [Shelby Belgarden Mystery 05] - Eyes of a Stalker (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Maggie McGinnis - Accidental Cowgirl (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Richard Price - Freedomland (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Rebecca Eckler - [Dear Apple 02] - Apple's Angst (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [The Genius Files 02] - Never Say Genius (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Jared C Wilson - Otherworld (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ruth Rendell - [Inspector Wexford 23] - The Vault (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Will Thomas - [Barker and Llewelyn 05] - The Black Hand (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Solomon Northup - Twelve Years a Slave (Enhanced) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Max Hastings - Bomber Command (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Sholem Aleichem - Tevye the Dairyman & The Railroad Stories (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Alice Munro - Selected Stories (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Harper Lee - To Kill a Mockingbird (pdf).pdf 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Julie Johnston - Little Red Lies (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sinclair McKay - The Secret Lives of Codebreakers- The Men and Women Who Cracked the Enigma Code at Bletchley Park (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Leia Shaw - [Shadows of Destiny 01] - Destiny Divided (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Dennis McFarland - Nostalgia (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Tyndale House - The One Year Bible KJV (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Adriana Trigiani - Don't Sing at the Table- Life Lessons from My Grandmothers (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Kate Saunders - The Whizz Pop Chocolate Shop (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Sandra Chastain - The Judge and the Gypsy [LS-512] (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Grace Livingston Hill - Ladybird [GLH-55] (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Nick Stafford - Armistice (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Megan Frampton - What Not to Bare (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/George Johnson - The Cancer Chronicles- Unlocking Medicine's Deepest Mystery (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Angela Thirkell - Three Houses (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Don J Snyder - Walking with Jack- A Father's Journey to Become His Son's Caddie (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/George Bishop - The Night of the Comet (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Justin St Germain - Son of a Gun- A Memoir (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Eve Bunting - [Pirate 02] - The Voyage of the Sea Wolf (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Caroline Lawrence - [Western Mystery 01] - The Case of the Deadly Desperados (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sean McMeekin - The Berlin-Baghdad Express- The Ottoman Empire and Germany's Bid for World Power (pdf).pdf 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Carol Ann Rinzler - Leonardo's Foot- How 10 Toes, 52 Bones, and 66 Muscles Shaped the Human World (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/David Iserson - Firecracker (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Joan Lowery Nixon - Whispers from the Dead (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/James Baldwin - The Cross of Redemption- Uncollected Writings (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Valerie Sherrard - [Shelby Belgarden Mystery 01] - Out of the Ashes (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Catherynne M Valente - [Fairyland 03] - The Girl Who Soared Over Fairyland and Cut the Moon in Two (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Robert B Reich - Tales of a New America- The Anxious Liberal's Guide to the Future (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [Baseball Card Adventure 07] - Satch & Me (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Grace Livingston Hill - Matched Pearls [GLH-30] (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Grace Livingston Hill - The Beloved Stranger [GLH-44] (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Marjorie Jones - The Jewel and the Sword (retail) (pdf).pdf 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Eric Walters - Power Play (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Marie Manilla - Still Life with Plums- Short Stories (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Brenda Cooper - [Ruby's Song 02] - The Diamond Deep (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Randall B Woods - Shadow Warrior- William Egan Colby and the CIA (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ruth Rendell - [Inspector Wexford 16] - Simisola (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Obert Skye - [Pillage 01] - Pillage (mobi).mobi 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Luke Barr - Provence, 1970- M F K Fisher, Julia Child, James Beard, and the Reinvention of American Taste (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Louise Steinman - The Souvenir- A Daughter Discovers Her Father's War (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Hugo Awards - [Shorts 02] - The Short Stories - Volume Two (1985-2006) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Lavanya Sankaran - The Hope Factory (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Israel Gutman - Resistance- The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Annie Murphy - Forbidden Fruit- My Secret Love Affair with Ireland's Most Powerful Bishop (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Patrick McCabe - Call Me the Breeze (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Nick Offerman - Paddle Your Own Canoe- One Man's Fundamentals for Delicious Living (retail) (azw3).azw3 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Anna Myers - Hoggee (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Camp Club Girls 05 - Kate's Philadelphia Frenzy - Janice Hanna (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Annemarie O'Brien - Lara's Gift (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Grace Livingston Hill - Duskin [GLH-81] (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Camp Club Girls 10 - Kate's Vermont Venture - Janice Hanna (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Eric M Jackson - The PayPal Wars- Battles with eBay, the Media, the Mafia, and the Rest of Planet Earth (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Bill Myers - [TJ and the Time Stumblers 02] - AAAARGH!!! (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Gaynor Arnold - Girl in a Blue Dress (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Julia Hughes - [Celtic Cousins' Adventures 02] - A Ripple in Time (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Michael Grant - [BZRK 00.5] - BZRK Origins (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Dan Vyleta - Pavel & I (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Mark Charan Newton - [Drakenfeld 01] - Drakenfeld (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Marcia Lynn McClure - Beneath the Honeysuckle Vine (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Patrick McCabe - Winterwood (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Davie Henderson - Tomorrow's World (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Stephen R Donaldson - [Thomas Covenant 05 - Second Chronicles 02] - The One Tree (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Victoria Houston - [Loon Lake Fishing Mystery 13] - Dead Insider (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Monica McKayhan - [Indigo 05] - Deal With It [TRU] (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Richard Satterlie - [Agnes Hahn 02] - Imola (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Creston Mapes - [Crittendon Files 02] - Poison Town (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tekla Dennison Miller - [Chad Wilbank 01] - Life Sentences (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Davide Longo - The Last Man Standing (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Carol Clippinger - Open Court (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Camp Club Girls 11 - McKenzie's Oregon Operation - Shari Barr (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Catherine Coulter - [FBI 11-15] - Double Take; TailSpin; KnockOut; Whiplash; Split Second (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Charles Blackstone - Vintage Attraction (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Eva Wiseman - My Canary Yellow Star (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Katherine Roberts - [Pendragon Legacy 04] - Grail of Stars (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/John Sandford - [Lucas Davenport 16-20] - Broken, Invisible, Phantom, Wicked, Storm Prey (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Mike A Lancaster - The Future We Left Behind (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Helen Dunmore - With Your Crooked Heart (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Jonathan Keates - Handel- The Man and His Music (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Linda Press Wulf - The Night of the Burning (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Carole Enahoro - Doing Dangerously Well (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Vanora Bennett - Blood Royal (The Queen's Lover) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Joseph M Labaki - A Riffian's Tune (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Diane Ackerman - A Natural History of the Senses (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jon Sharpe - [The Trailsman 375] - Texas Swamp Fever (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [My Weird School Daze 01] - Mrs Dole Is Out of Control! (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Donalyn Miller - The Book Whisperer- Awakening the Inner Reader in Every Child (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Gianrico Carofiglio - The Silence of the Wave (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/D M Thomas - The White Hotel (siPDF).pdf 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Grace Livingston Hill - Kerry [GLH-5] (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Charles Ritchie - An Appetite for Life- The Education of a Young Diarist, 1924-1927 (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sharon Potts - In Their Blood (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kenneth Oppel - The Live-Forever Machine (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Liz Worth - PostApoc (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Matt Greene - Ostrich (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Brian Lucey & Charles Larkin & Constantin Gurdgiev (ed) - What If Ireland Defaults (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Mamie Till-Mobley & Christopher Benson - Death of Innocence- The Story of the Hate Crime That Changed America (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Jenny Telfer Chaplin - Love and Sorrow (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stargate - [Fandemonium - SG1 11] - The Barque of Heaven - Suzanne Wood (mobi).mobi 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Katherine Holubitsky - Alone at Ninety Foot (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Colin McAdam - A Beautiful Truth (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Laini Giles - Love Lies Bleeding (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Lauraine Snelling & Kathleen Damp Wright - [SAVE Squad 01] - Dog Daze (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Star Wars - [Insider 145] - Constant Spirit - Jennifer Heddle (mobi).mobi 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Vera Nazarian - [Compass Rose 01.5] - Three Names of the Hidden God (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/J Thorn - Voices From Beyond- Volume 1 (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Robert Specht - Tisha- The Story of a Young Teacher in the Alaska Wilderness (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [Baseball Card Adventure 05] - Mickey & Me (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Go Girl - Boy Friend - Meredith Badger (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Ted Sanders - No Animals We Could Name- Stories (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Tom Kratman - [Desert Called Peace 05] - Come and Take Them (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [Baseball Card Adventure 01] - Honus & Me (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Diane Farr - The Girl Code- The Secret Language of Single Women (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Penny Jordan - [Jet Set Wives 02-03] - High Society (Expecting the Playboy's Heir; Blackmailing the Society Bride) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Richard Satterlie - [Agnes Hahn 01] - Agnes Hahn (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Dave Eggers - The Circle (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Pattiann Rogers - Holy Heathen Rhapsody (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Brett Lott - The Hunt Club (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Colleen Craig - Afrika (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Tim Wendel - High Heat- The Secret History of the Fastball and the Improbable Search for the Fastest Pitcher of All Time (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/M K Asante - Buck- A Memoir (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Robert Wilson - [Bruce Medway 04] - A Darkening Stain (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Shann Ray - American Masculine- Stories (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Richard Dooling - Brain Storm (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Peter Blauner - The Intruder (azw3).azw3 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Andrea Spalding - Finders Keepers (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Beth Goobie - Hello, Groin (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain - [Harper, Sophie and Kate 02] - Footfree and Fancyloose (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jin Yong - Smiling, Proud Wanderer - vol 02 (mobi).mobi 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Benjamin Svetkey - Leading Man (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Eric Walters - End of Days (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ruth Rendell - [Inspector Wexford 19] - The Babes in the Wood (CA) (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Rebecca Eckler - [Dear Apple 01] - Rotten Apple (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Ad Hudler - Southern Living (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Rose Victory - [Eagle 01] - Eagle Lady (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Chloe Ryder - [Princess Ponies 02] - A Dream Come True (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Susan King - [Celtic Nights - Lady of Legend 01] - The Stone Maiden (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Tiphanie Yanique - How to Escape from a Leper Colony (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Michael Walters - [Inspector Nergui 02] - The Adversary (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/James R Benn - [Billy Boyle World War II Mystery 08] - A Blind Goddess (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Stephenie Meyer - [Twilight 01-04] - The Twilight Saga Collection (Twilight; New Moon; Eclipse; Breaking Dawn) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Valerie Sherrard - [Shelby Belgarden Mystery 04] - Hiding in Plain Sight (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Leslie Margolis - [Maggie Brooklyn Mystery 03] - The Secrets at the Chocolate Mansion (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Susan King - [Celtic Nights - Lady of Legend 02] - The Swan Maiden (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Gervase Phinn - [Dales 04] - Up and Down in the Dales (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Charles Jackson - The Lost Weekend (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Stephanie S Tolan - Listen! (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Susan King - [Celtic Nights - Lady of Legend 03] - The Sword Maiden (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Gervase Phinn - All These Lonely People (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Alyson Hagy - Snow, Ashes (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Jeffery Deaver - [Rune 02] - Death of a Blue Movie Star (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Katherine Dunn - Geek Love (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Stefan Petrucha - Ripper (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Deanna Sue Tompkins - Blue Mountain Passion (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Anne O'Brien - The Runaway Heiress [HH-811, MHR-890] (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Carl Hiaasen - [Skink 03] - Stormy Weather (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [My Weird School 20] - Mr Louie Is Screwy! (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Danny Wallace - Friends Like These- My Worldwide Quest to Find My Best Childhood Friends (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Cindy Spencer Pape - [Heroes of Stones 01] - Stone and Earth [EC] (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Patrick McCabe - The Holy City (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Linda Gerber - [Lights, Camera, Cassidy 02] - Paparazzi (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Kate Donovan - Harmless Error (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [My Weird School Daze 02] - Mr Sunny Is Funny! (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Star Wars - [Insider 145] - Constant Spirit - Jennifer Heddle (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Ruth Rendell - [Inspector Wexford 20] - End in Tears (CA) (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Laura Joh Rowland - [Sano Ichiro 02] - Bundori (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Alison Stewart - First Class- The Legacy of Dunbar, America's First Black Public High School (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Howard Odentz - Dead (A Lot) (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Randall Kennedy - For Discrimination- Race, Affirmative Action, and the Law (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Fergal Keane - Road of Bones- The Epic Siege of Kohima 1944 (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Matthew Ward - The Fantastic Family Whipple (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Robert B Reich - Aftershock- The Next Economy and America's Future (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Ruth Rendell - [Inspector Wexford 22] - The Monster in the Box (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ruth Rendell - [Inspector Wexford 21] - Not in the Flesh (CA) (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Guy Gavriel Kay - [Under Heaven 02] - River of Stars (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Ian Stewart & Jack Cohen - [Lifesoul Cherisher 02] - Heaven (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Janice Repka - The Stupendous Dodgeball Fiasco (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Robert B Parker - [Spenser 12] - A Catskill Eagle (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stargate - [Fandemonium - SG1 04] - City of the Gods - Sonny Whitelaw (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/David Yeadon - At the Edge of Ireland- Seasons on the Beara Peninsula (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Robert Orben - 2500 Jokes to Start 'Em Laughing (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Charles Ritchie - The Siren Years- A Canadian Diplomat Abroad, 1937-1945 (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/J Leslie Mitchell - Three Go Back (v1.0) (html).rar 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Nathaniel Burns - The Secret of Willow Castle (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jeff Probst - [Stranded 01] - Stranded (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Deanna Kizis - How to Meet Cute Boys (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Herta Muller - The Passport (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Alice Munro - Open Secrets (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Mark Charan Newton - [Drakenfeld 01] - Drakenfeld (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Erin Dionne - Moxie and the Art of Rule Breaking- A 14 Day Mystery (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Matthew Dicks - Something Missing (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 22.6] - Shutdown (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sharon Potts - In Their Blood (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Alice Munro - Runaway (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Robin McKinley - Pegasus (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Lauren Marrero - Seducing the Laird (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Sholem Aleichem & Hannah Berman - Stempenyu- A Jewish Romance (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Kate McMullan - [Dragon Slayers' Academy 20] - School's Out Forever! (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Nora Roberts - [Cousins O'Dwyer 01] - Dark Witch (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 14] - The Leper's Bell (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Joseph M Labaki - A Riffian's Tune (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Elizabeth McCracken - The Giant's House (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/John Updike - Gertrude and Claudius (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Carrie Brown - The Last First Day (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Steven Arntson - The Wrap-up List (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lore Segal - Half the Kingdom (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Obert Skye - [Pillage 01] - Pillage (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Javier Cercas - The Tenant and The Motive (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Emma Thompson - [Nanny McPhee 02] - Nanny McPhee Returns (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Heidi Ayarbe - Wanted (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/F E Campbell - Cathy [HOM, HIT 126] (pdf).pdf 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Melissa Mohr - Holy Sh_t- A Brief History of Swearing (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Valerie Sherrard - [Shelby Belgarden Mystery 02] - In Too Deep (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Claudio Magris - Blindly (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Aristophanes - Frogs and Other Plays (Penguin Classics) (tr David Barrett, Shomit Dutta) (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Carrie Mesrobian - Sex and Violence (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Bill Dugan - Texas Drive (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Carola Dunn - [Cornish Mystery 02] - A Colourful Death (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Bart Jones - Hugo! - The Hugo Chavez Story from Mud Hut to Perpetual Revolution (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Monica McKayhan - [Indigo 03] - The Pact [TRU] (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Josef Skvorecky - The Bass Saxophone (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Ben Kane - [Hannibal 02] - Fields of Blood (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Kevin P Keating - The Natural Order of Things (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Camp Club Girls 18 - McKenzie's Branson Brainteaser - Shari Barr (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Dennis Foon - Double or Nothing (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Anne O'Brien - [The Faringdon Scandals 02] - The Outrageous Debutante [HH-781, MHR-961] (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Rockstar Romance Boxed Set - Adriana Hunter, Arabella Quinn, Clara Bayard, Emme Rollins, et al (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [Baseball Card Adventure 02] - Jackie & Me (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Andy Rooney - Not That You Asked (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Kevin Henkes - Two Under Par (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jakob Arjouni - [Kayankaya 05] - Brother Kemal (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Maya Rodale - [Wallflower 01] - The Wicked Wallflower (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Carlene Thompson - Share No Secrets (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Christopher A Vaca - And Along Came Jake (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Candace Fleming - [Aesop Elementary School 01] - The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary School (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/John D Randall - The Yellowstone Conundrum (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Charles Ritchie - Storm Signals- More Undiplomatic Diaries, 1962-1971 (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Charles Ritchie - Diplomatic Passport- More Undiplomatic Diaries, 1946-1962 (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Mario Calabresi - Pushing Past the Night- Coming to Terms with Italy's Terrorist Past (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Carlene Thompson - Since You've Been Gone (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Sally Warner - [EllRay Jakes 04] - EllRay Jakes the Dragon Slayer (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Elizabeth Cohen - The Hypothetical Girl (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Said Sayrafiezadeh - Brief Encounters with the Enemy (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/David Lomax - Backward Glass (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kate Elliott - [Jaran 03] - His Conquering Sword (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Scott Westerfeld - [Leviathan 01] - Leviathan (fix ch 35) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Anne Rice - [Wolf Gift Chronicles 02] - The Wolves of Midwinter (mobi).mobi 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Heather Vogel Frederick - [The Mother-Daughter Book Club 04] - Pies & Prejudice (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/George Vecsey - Baseball- A History of America's Favorite Game (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-12/David Shields - Dead Languages (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Kevin Henkes - Protecting Marie (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Martha Alexander - [Oliver 01] - Nobody Asked ME If I Wanted a Baby Sister (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-31/K T Grant - A Bid for Love [Decadent, 1NS 88 MM] (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Lauraine Snelling - [Secret Refuge 02] - Sisters of the Confederacy (mobi).mobi 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Rupa Bajwa - The Sari Shop (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Linda Gerber - [Lights, Camera, Cassidy 03] - Hacked (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/T C Boyle - The Road to Wellville (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Brad Thor - [Scot Harvath 05] - Takedown (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Alice Munro - The Beggar Maid (Who Do You Think You Are) (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kristen Tracy - Camille McPhee Fell Under the Bus (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Kali Willows - Designing Passion [Decadent, 1NS 38] (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Catherine Cooper - [The Adventures of Jack Brenin 04] - The Lost Treasure of Annwn (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Helen Dunmore - House of Orphans (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Amanda Parkyn - Roses Under the Miombo Trees- An English Girl in Rhodesia (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/L B Simmons - [Mending Hearts 02] - Running in Place (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Barbara Park - [Don't Make Me Smile 01] - Don't Make Me Smile (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Ben Kane - [Hannibal 01.5] - Hannibal- The Patrol (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Thatcher Robinson - White Ginger (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Helen MacInnes - While Still We Live (The Unconquerable) (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Candace Fleming - [Aesop Elementary School 02] - The Fabled Fifth Graders of Aesop Elementary School (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Paul Davidson - The Lost Blogs- From Jesus to Jim Morrison (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ruth Rendell - [Inspector Wexford 07] - Murder Being Once Done (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Loren Coleman - Bigfoot! The True Story of Apes in America (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Michael Shaara - For Love of the Game (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jenn Reese - [Above World 02] - Mirage (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Sabrina Flynn - [Legends of Fyrsta 01] - A Thread in the Tangle (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Alice Walker - Anything We Love Can Be Saved- A Writer's Activism (retail) (azw3).azw3 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Artie Lange - Crash and Burn (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Simon Jordan - Be Careful What You Wish For (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Malala Yousafzai - I am Malala- The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban (mobi).mobi 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Valerie Sherrard - [Shelby Belgarden Mystery 03] - Chasing Shadows (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Matt de la Pena - Curse of the Ancients [Infinity Ring 04] (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Carrie Mac - Pain & Wastings (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Gabriel Garcia Marquez - The General in His Labyrinth (pdf).pdf 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Robert Boswell - The Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards- Stories (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Peter Brown Hoffmeister - Graphic the Valley (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Joyce Hansen - [Obi and Easter 03] - The Heart Calls Home (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Valerie Sherrard - [Shelby Belgarden Mystery 06] - Searching for Yesterday (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Allen Say - Emma's Rug (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Sigmund Brouwer - Sewer Rats (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Elizabeth Cody Kimmel - [Forever Four 04] - Staying in Tune (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Andrea Cheng - [Anna Wong 02] - The Year of the Baby (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Andrei Makine - The Life of an Unknown Man (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Donna Jo Napoli - [Sly the Sleuth 03] - Sly the Sleuth and the Food Mysteries (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Liz Gallagher - The Opposite of Invisible (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Roy Jacobsen - Child Wonder (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/John Sandford - [Kidd 01-04] - The Fool's Run; The Empress File; The Devil's Code; The Hanged Man's Song (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Billionaire Romance Boxed Set - Julia Kent, Krista Lakes, Adriana Hunter, et al (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Mark Forsyth - The Etymologicon- A Circular Stroll through the Hidden Connections of the English Language (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Erik P Harlow - [Voyage of the Sanguine Shadow 01-02] - Shadow Galactic & Shadow Divided (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Danielle Staub - The Naked Truth- The Real Story Behind the Real Housewife of New Jersey- In Her Own Words (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/LouAnne Johnson - Muchacho (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Justin Lee Mitchell - [Mirrors of the World] - Shalilayo (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Marian Babson - Only the Cat Knows (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Ker Dukey - The Broken (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Thomas Maier - Masters of Sex- The Life and Times of William Masters and Virginia Johnson (pdf).pdf 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Joan Lennon - The Seventh Tide (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jessica Verday - [Hollow] - The Beautiful and the Damned (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sigmund Brouwer - [Sports Mystery 01] - Maverick Mania- Soccer (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Anne O'Brien - The Forbidden Queen (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Marilyn French - Her Mother's Daughter (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Heather Vogel Frederick - [The Mother-Daughter Book Club 01] - The Mother-Daughter Book Club (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Rupa Bajwa - The Sari Shop (azw3).azw3 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tyler Whitesides - [Janitors 02] - Secrets of New Forest Academy (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Flann O'Brien - At Swim-Two-Birds (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Vivi Andrews - [Karmic Consultants 07] - Naughty Karma [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Jennifer Johnson - A Family Reunited [HSNG-1067] (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Heather Vogel Frederick - [The Mother-Daughter Book Club 02] - Much Ado About Anne (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Kevin Barry - There Are Little Kingdoms- Stories (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/David Mamet - True and False- Heresy and Common Sense for the Actor (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jayne Rylon - [Men in Blue 04] - Spread Your Wings [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Catherynne M Valente - [Fairyland 01] - The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland- In a Ship of Her Own Making (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Victor Hugo - Les Miserables (Movie Tie-in) (tr Norman Denny) (Penguin) (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Thomas Bernhard - Wittgenstein's Nephew (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Sue Hallgarth - [Willa Cather and Edith Lewis Mystery 01] - On the Rocks (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Robin Palmer - [Yours Truly, Lucy B Parker 05] - For Better or For Worse (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Catherine Fisher - Darkhenge (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [Baseball Card Adventure 08] - Jim & Me (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Christopher Knight & Alan Butler - Who Built the Moon (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Fuyumi Ono - [The Twelve Kingdoms 05] - The Wings of Dreams (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Rachelle McCalla - The Secret Princess; Rhonda Gibson - Taming the Texan; Shannon Farrington - An Unlikely Union; Winnie Griggs - A Family for Christmas (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Sharon Olds - One Secret Thing (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Anne McCaffrey - [Freedom 03] - Freedom's Challenge (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Mark T Barnes - [Echoes of the Empire 02] - The Obsidian Heart (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Cynthia Freeman - The Last Princess (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Stuart Woods - [Stone Barrington 18-20] - Lucid Intervals; Strategic Moves; Bel-Air Dead (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Jerome K Jerome - Three Men in a Boat (Penguin Classics) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Dan Gutman - [My Weirder School 09] - Ms Sue Has No Clue! (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Katherine Roberts - [Pendragon Legacy 03] - Crown of Dreams (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Robert R McCammon - Boy's Life (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Denise Hunter - [Nantucket 01-03] - Surrender Bay; The Convenient Groom; Seaside Letters (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Lisa T Bergren - [Grand Tour 03] - Glittering Promises (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Robert C O'Brien - The Silver Crown (pdf).pdf 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Rebecca Alexander - The Secrets of Life and Death (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Ioana Lee - The Cherry Blossom Rarely Smiles- A Memoir (azw3).azw3 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Diane Hoh - Blindfold (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Alan E Nourse - Trouble on Titan (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Kevin Henkes - Return to Sender (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Charles G West - Mark of the Hunter (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Maggie Pearson - A Slip in Time [Flashbacks] (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Berlie Doherty - Dear Nobody (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Tom Smith - A Seaside Practice- Tales of a Scottish Country Doctor (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Nora Roberts - [Novels of Nora Roberts 04] - Blue Smoke; Angels Fall; High Noon; Tribute (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Terry Mancour - [Spellmonger 03] - Magelord (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Veronica Roth - [Divergent 01-03] - Divergent; Insurgent; Allegiant (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Dee Henderson - Unspoken (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/William Tenn - Time Waits for Winthrop (Winthrop Was Stubborn) (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Elise K Ackers - [Homeland 02] - Ask Me for Tomorrow (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Darren Shan - [Zom-B 05] - Zom-B Baby (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/A J Cronin - Dr Finlay's Casebook (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Matthew J Kirby - Cave of Wonders [Infinity Ring 05] (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Ray Aldridge - [Emancipator 01-03] - The Pharaoh Contract; Emperor of Everything; The Orpheus Machine (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Armen Pogharian - [Misaligned 02] - The Silver Scepter (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jin Yong - A Deadly Secret (Requiem of Ling Sing & Secret of the Linked Cities) (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Ann H Gabhart - [Rosey Corner 02] - Small Town Girl (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Caroline Lawrence - [Western Mystery 02] - P K Pinkerton and the Case of the Petrified Man (Good-Looking Corpse) (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Paula Danziger - [Amber Brown 05] - Forever Amber Brown (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Philip Mirowski - Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste- How Neoliberalism Survived the Financial Meltdown (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Marilyn Brant - The Road to You (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Diane Hoh - Prom Date (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Heather H Howard - Chore Whore- Adventures of a Celebrity Personal Assistant (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/John Townsend - The Secret Message (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Jane Yolen - The Magic Three of Solatia [MagicQuest 08] (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jin Yong - Smiling, Proud Wanderer - vol 01 (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Bernadette Rowley - The Lady's Choice (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Elizabeth Cody Kimmel - [Forever Four 02] - Leading Ladies (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Heather Vogel Frederick - [The Mother-Daughter Book Club 03] - Dear Pen Pal (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Jane Yolen - The Wizard of Washington Square (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Debbie Viguie - [Witch Hunt 02] - The Last Grave (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Joyce Carol Oates - [Gothic Saga 02] - A Bloodsmoor Romance (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/D P Lyle - [Dub Walker 02] - Hot Lights, Cold Steel (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Ray Black - Cannibals- The Most Unthinkable and Heinous Crimes (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Serdar Yegulalp - Flight of the Vajra (azw3).azw3 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jean Ure - The Puppy Present (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Nora Roberts - [Novels of Nora Roberts 05] - Black Hills; The Search; Chasing Fire (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Diane Hoh - Funhouse (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Paula Danziger - [Amber Brown 04] - Amber Brown Wants Extra Credit (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Ben Kane - [Hannibal 02] - Fields of Blood (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [Baseball Card Adventure 04] - Shoeless Joe & Me (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/James Lincoln Collier - It's Murder at St Basket's (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Samuel Shem - The Spirit of the Place (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sara Daniel - Wyatt's Guilt [Calliope, Finally Ever After 06] (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Cary Fagan - A Bird's Eye (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Alan Shephard & Deke Slayton - Moon Shot- The Inside Story of America's Apollo Moon Landings (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ellis Weiner & Barbara Davilman - How to Raise a Jewish Dog (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Nora Roberts - [Cousins O'Dwyer 01] - Dark Witch (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Robin Palmer - [Yours Truly, Lucy B Parker 04] - Take My Advice (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/John Irving - A Son of the Circus (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Kevin Henkes - Words of Stone (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/AlTonya Washington - The Doctor's Private Visit [HKR-171] (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Genna Rulon - [For You 01] - Only for You (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jared Diamond - Collapse- How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (Revised) (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jin Yong - Smiling, Proud Wanderer - vol 03 (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Lucy Ellmann - Mimi (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Shelley Peterson - Stagestruck (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Sara Blaedel - [Louise Rick 03] - Only One Life (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Maurice Druon - [The Accursed Kings 01] - The Iron King (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/David Lodge - [Campus 01-03] - The Campus Trilogy (Changing Places; Small World; Nice Work) (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Shirley Rousseau Murphy - [Dragonbards 03] - The Dragonbards (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Marissa Carmel - Strip Me Bare (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Lesley Downer - The Last Concubine (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Alaa Al Aswany - On the State of Egypt- What Made the Revolution Inevitable (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Bill Dugan - Gun Play at Cross Creek (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Justin Lee Mitchell - [Mirrors of the World] - Gorinthians (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Dixie Lynn Dwyer - [Power Surge- The Billionaire Club 02] - A Billion to One [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jennifer Harlow - [FREAKS Squad Investigation 03] - Death Takes a Holiday (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Fiona Palmer - The Family Farm (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Lou Aronica (ed) - I Never Thought I'd See You Again (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Kelly Gardiner - [Isabella Hawkins 02] - The Sultan's Eyes (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/A G Billig - Four Doors and Other Stories (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jon Sharpe - [The Trailsman 373] - Utah Terror (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Novel 10 - Hendregan 03] - Blood of the City - Robin D Laws (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/J Maarten Troost - Headhunters on My Doorstep- A True Treasure Island Ghost Story (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/J Anderson Coats - The Wicked and the Just (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Nicole Zoltack - Masked Love (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Erin Bow - Sorrow's Knot (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Dixie Lynn Dwyer - [Power Surge- The Billionaire Club 02] - A Billion to One [Siren Menage Everlasting] (pdf).pdf 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Katie Jennings - [So Fell the Sparrow 00.5] - Gypsy of Spirits (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jin Yong - Smiling, Proud Wanderer - vol 04 (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Maggie Robinson - [Ladies Unlaced 02] - In the Heart of the Highlander (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Star Wars - Republic Commando - Prima Official Strategy Guide - The Tale of the Aiwha Pod - Ryan Kaufman (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Jake Needham - The Big Mango (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Maggie Robinson - [Ladies Unlaced 02] - In the Heart of the Highlander (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/S J Harper - [Fallen Siren 01] - Cursed (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Allyson K Abbott - [Mack's Bar Mystery 01] - Murder on the Rocks (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Megan Atwood - [The Paranormalists 04] - The Bridge of Death (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Sarah Pinborough - [Fairy Tale] - Beauty (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Amanda Gray - Endless (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Michael Grant - [The Magnificent 12 04] - The Power (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Becca C Smith - [Riser Saga 01-03] - Riser; Reaper; Ripper (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Deborah Challinor - [Children of War 01] - Tamar (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Philippa Pearce - Tom's Midnight Garden (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Riley Mackenzie - Beautifully Awake (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Philippa Pearce - Tom's Midnight Garden (azw3).azw3 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Malala Yousafzai - I am Malala- The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Cynthia Freeman - The Last Princess (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Diane Awerbuck & Louis Greenberg (ed) - The Ghost-Eater and Other Stories (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Sally Beauman - Dark Angel (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [Baseball Card Adventure 10] - Roberto & Me (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Cynthia Freeman - Come Pour the Wine (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Gregory Urbach - Custer at the Alamo (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Alicia White - [Novikov Clan 04] - Third Time's a Charm [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/A Grosvenor Square Christmas - Anna Campbell, Shana Galen, Kate Noble, Vanessa Kelly (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Star Wars - Republic Commando - Prima Official Strategy Guide - The Tale of the Aiwha Pod - Ryan Kaufman (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sarah Dessen - The Truth About Forever (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Marilyn Brant - The Road to You (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Toni Aleo - Let It Be Me (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ann Hood - [Treasure Chest 06] - Queen Liliuokalani- Royal Prisoner (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/A M Homes - The Safety of Objects- Stories (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Marilyn French - The Bleeding Heart (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Nathan L Henry - Good Behavior- A Memoir (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Marilyn Todd - [Claudia Seferius 10] - Widow's Pique (pdf).pdf 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Wendy Corsi Staub - The Good Sister (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Elaine Wolf - Camp (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Joyce Livingston - [Rodeo Hearts 03] - Preacher Wore a Gun (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Frederick Nebel - Tough as Nails- The Complete Cases of Donahue from the Pages of Black Mask (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Jeffery Deaver - Edge (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Kate Elliott as Alis Rasmussen - [Highroad 01] - Passage of Stars (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Diana Wynne Jones - [Magids 01] - Deep Secret (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Rachelle Delaney - [Ship of Lost Souls 03] - The Hunt for the Panther (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Novel 02 - Declan & Ellasif 01] - Winter Witch - Elaine Cunningham (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Garry Ryan - Blackbirds (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/David Ruffle - Holmes and Watson- End Peace (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Keith Hollihan - Flagged Victor (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Stuart Woods - [Ed Eagle 02-04] - Short Straw; Santa Fe Dead; Santa Fe Edge (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Marilyn French - Our Father (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jake Logan - [Slocum Giant 2013] - Slocum and the Silver City Harlot (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/William Ross - Bamboo Terror- A Thrilling Tale of Vietnamese Espionage (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Teresa Flavin - [Blackhope Enigma 03] - The Shadow Lantern (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Chelsea M Cameron - [Surrender Saga 01] - Sweet Surrendering (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/David Hair - [Moontide 02] - The Scarlet Tides (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Lemony Snicket - [All the Wrong Questions 02] - When Did You See Her Last (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Gena Showalter - [Otherworld Assassin 02] - Black and Blue (b) (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Rachelle McCalla - The Secret Princess; Rhonda Gibson - Taming the Texan; Shannon Farrington - An Unlikely Union; Winnie Griggs - A Family for Christmas (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Julia London - The Bridesmaid (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Lauraine Snelling - [Secret Refuge 02] - Sisters of the Confederacy (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Laurie Graham - The Future Homemakers of America (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Melissa Mohr - Holy Sh_t- A Brief History of Swearing (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Mercedes Lackey - [Secret World Chronicle 03] - Revolution - Cody Martin, Dennis Lee, Veronica Giguere (ARC) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Marilyn French - A Season in Hell- A Memoir (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Elizabeth Marshall Thomas - A Million Years with You- A Memoir of Life Observed (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Colette Maitland - Keeping the Peace (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Daniel Stern - The Girl with the Glass Heart (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Lynn A Coleman - Courting Holly [HSNG-1062] (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Bella Jeanisse - Wicked End (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Amy Raby - [Hearts and Thrones 02] - Spy's Honor (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Anna Quon - Low (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Lauren Kate - [Teardrop 01] - Teardrop (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Nicholas Andrefsky - Caring for Mary- One Caregiver's Humorous Dialogues With A Demented Old Italian Woman (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Brenda Novak - Through the Smoke (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/H Ward - Helpless (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Maria Coletta McLean - My Father Came from Italy- A Memoir (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Meg London - [Sweet Nothings Lingerie Mystery 02] - Laced With Poison (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Lauren Carr - [Mac Faraday Mystery 06] - The Lady Who Cried Murder (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Curtis Jobling - [Wereworld 06] - War of the Werelords (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Robin McKinley - Shadows (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Marjan Kamali - Together Tea (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Will Self - Walking to Hollywood- Memories of Before the Fall (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Marilyn Todd - [Claudia Seferius 07] - Dream Boat (pdf).pdf 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Samuel Beckett - Company, Ill Seen Ill Said, Worstward Ho, Stirings Still (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Brad Stone - The Everything Store- Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Tara Sullivan - Golden Boy (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Veronica Roth - [Divergent 01-03] - Divergent; Insurgent; Allegiant (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Ruth Clampett - Animate Me (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Rowena Cory Daniells - [Chronicles of King Rolen's Kin 04] - King Breaker (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Ian McDonald - [Chaga 01] - Chaga (Evolution's Shore) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Josh Chetwynd - How the Hot Dog Found Its Bun- Accidental Discoveries and Unexpected Inspirations That Shape What We Eat and Drink (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Katherine Webb - A Half-Forgotten Song (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Ian McDonald - [Chaga 02] - Kirinya (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Dale Furse - [Wexkia 01] - Curse (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Martin Kihn - House of Lies- How Management Consultants Steal Your Watch and Then Tell You the Time (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Paul Lieberman - Gangster Squad- Covert Cops, the Mob, and the Battle for Los Angeles (kf8 mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Natalie D Richards - Six Months Later (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Jane Ashford - Three Graces [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Michael Grant - [The Magnificent 12 04] - The Power (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Hanna Martine - [Highland Games 01] - Long Shot (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Mia Catherine - [Consequences 01] - Unexpected Consequences [TEB] (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tim Robinson - Setting Foot on the Shores of Connemara and Other Writings (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Paula Danziger - [Amber Brown 02] - You Can't Eat Your Chicken Pox, Amber Brown (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Vaughn Heppner - [Invasion America 04] - Invasion- New York (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Cynthia Freeman - Always and Forever (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Linda Byler - [Lancaster Burning 02] - Davey's Daughter (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/John Lutz - [Frank Quinn 08] - Twist (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Marilyn Todd - [Claudia Seferius 09] - Second Act (pdf).pdf 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Anne Nesbet - [Cabinet of Earths 02] - A Box of Gargoyles (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Lizzy Ford - [Voodoo Nights 01] - Cursed (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Malorie Blackman - The Stuff of Nightmares (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Maya Rodale - [Wallflower 01] - The Wicked Wallflower (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Adam Mansbach - Rage Is Back (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Kevin Henkes - The Zebra Wall (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Kevin Henkes - The Birthday Room (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sylvia Nasar - A Beautiful Mind (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Heating Up the Holidays - Lisa Renee Jones, Mary Ann Rivers, Serena Bell [LS] (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Skip Shmuley - Hell Is for Real, Too- A Middle-Aged Accountant's Astounding Story of His Trip to Hell and Back (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Ben Jeapes - [Ark 01] - His Majesty's Starship (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Sharon Kay Penman - [Welsh Princes 01] - Here Be Dragons (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/James W Ziskin - [Ellie Stone Mystery 01] - Styx & Stone (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Bec McMaster - [London Steampunk 03] - My Lady Quicksilver (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Peter Lerangis - [Seven Wonders 02] - Lost in Babylon (ARC) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Sawyer Bennett - [Off 05] - Off Chance (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Audrey Schulman - Three Weeks in December (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Pamela Sherwood - A Song at Twilight (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Deborah Wiles - Love, Ruby Lavender (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Kate Elliott - [Jaran 04] - The Law of Becoming (retail) (azw3).azw3 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Hanna Martine - [Highland Games 01] - Long Shot (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Rachel Firasek - [Tears of Sin 01] - Drowning (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Rockstar Romance Boxed Set - Adriana Hunter, Arabella Quinn, Clara Bayard, Emme Rollins, et al (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Christy Dorrity - [The Geis 01] - Awakening (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Kathleen Varn - Ameera Unveiled (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Marilyn Todd - [Claudia Seferius 11] - Stone Cold (pdf).pdf 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/A B Yehoshua - A Late Divorce (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Christy Dorrity - [The Geis 01] - Awakening (azw3).azw3 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/A B Yehoshua - Five Seasons (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Neta and Dave Jackson - [Windy City Neighbors 02] - Derailed (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Suzanne Harper - [The Unseen World of Poppy Malone 03] - A Mischief of Mermaids (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lois Lowry - [Sam Krupnik 03] - See You Around, Sam! (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Jackie Joyner-Kersee - A Kind of Grace- The Autobiography of the World's Greatest Female Athlete (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Stuart Woods - [Stone Barrington 27] - Doing Hard Time (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Sarah Pinborough - [Fairy Tale] - Poison (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Maurice Druon - [The Accursed Kings 03] - The Poisoned Crown (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Suzanne Woods Fisher - [Inn at Eagle Hill 01] - The Letters (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Ivan Doig - Winter Brothers- A Season at the Edge of America (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Dan Poblocki - The Haunting of Gabriel Ashe (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mindy Weisel - Daughters of Absence- Transforming a Legacy of Loss (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Kim Newman - The Quorum (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sean McMeekin - History's Greatest Heist- The Looting of Russia by the Bolsheviks (pdf).pdf 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Louisa Hall - The Carriage House (pdf).pdf 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Gini Koch - [Katherine Katt 07] - Alien in the House (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Amanda Gray - Endless (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Alberto Mussa - The Mystery of Rio (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [Baseball Card Adventure 06] - Abner & Me (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Catherine Fisher - Darkwater (Darkwater Hall) (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Paula Harrison - [Rescue Princesses 06] - The Magic Rings (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Lou Aronica (ed) - I Never Thought I'd See You Again (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Cameron Judd - Colter's Path (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Stephanie Lehmann - Astor Place Vintage (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy ss] - Scorched Earth - Nick Kyme (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Eric McMeins - [The Inherited War 01] - Retribution (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Stephen R Donaldson - [Thomas Covenant 08 - Last Chronicles 02] - Fatal Revenant (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Seth Greenland - The Angry Buddhist (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Fuyumi Ono - [The Twelve Kingdoms 05] - The Wings of Dreams (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Terry Mancour - [Spellmonger 02] - Warmage (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Brian Yansky - [Jesse 02] - Homicidal Aliens and Other Disappointments (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Rita Williams-Garcia - [Delphine 01] - One Crazy Summer (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Rae Brooks - Divided (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Marilyn Todd - [Claudia Seferius 08] - Dark Horse (pdf).pdf 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lana Krumwiede - [Psi Chronicles 02] - Archon (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Karen Krossing - Cut the Lights (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Brad Thor - [Scot Harvath 01] - The Lions of Lucerne (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Vladimir Duran - [A Rising Knight 01 - Everything That Has an End 01] - Carnage (remastered) (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 17] - A Prayer for the Damned (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Molly Harper - [Bluegrass 02] - Rhythm and Bluegrass (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Elmore Leonard - 52 Pickup (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Ryk E Spoor - [Grand Central Arena 02] - Spheres of Influence (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/R Lynn - The Chariots Slave (bad conversion) (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Hank Davis (ed) - A Cosmic Christmas (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stargate - [Fandemonium - SG1 05 - Honor 02] - The Cost of Honor - Sally Malcolm (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Caroline Alexander - The War That Killed Achilles- The True Story of Homer's Iliad and the Trojan War (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Steve Bein - [Fated Blades 02] - Year of the Demon (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Marilyn Todd - [Claudia Seferius 12] - Sour Grapes (pdf).pdf 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Stephen W Bennett - [Koban 03] - The Rise of the Kobani (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Thomas Tryon - All That Glitters (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/AlTonya Washington - As Good as the First Time [HKR-196, Kimani Hotties] (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Marilyn Todd - [Claudia Seferius 13] - Scorpion Rising (pdf).pdf 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Eric Flint - [Assiti Shards 17] - 1636- Seas of Fortune - Iver Cooper (ARC) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Elizabeth Goddard - Love in the Air [HSNG-1063] (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/William Faulkner - Soldiers' Pay (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Lauren Layne - Isn't She Lovely (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Nancy Rue - [Reluctant Prophet 03] - Too Far to Say Far Enough (azw3).azw3 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Arturo Perez-Reverte - The Club Dumas (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Steve Bein - [Fated Blades 02] - Year of the Demon (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Maggie McGinnis - Accidental Cowgirl (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Josin L McQuein - Premeditated (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/M V Kallai - [Tripple Chronicles 01] - Eternity Rising (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Roger Hutchinson - The Silent Weaver- The Extraordinary Life and Work of Angus MacPhee (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/David Dalglish - [Shadowdance 01] - A Dance of Cloaks (re-release) (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Sharon Kay Penman - [Welsh Princes 02] - Falls the Shadow (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/John V Madormo - [Charlie Collier, Snoop for Hire 02] - The Camp Phoenix Caper (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jacqueline Carey - [Agent of Hel 02] - Autumn Bones (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Donna Tartt - The Goldfinch (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Alex Hughes - [Mindspace Investigations 01] - Clean (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Brad Thor - [Scot Harvath 06] - The First Commandment (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Marisa Carroll - Strangers When We Meet [Cooper's Corner 03] (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Mindy Starns Clark & John Campbell Clark - Echoes of Titanic (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Brian Farrey - [Vengekeep Prophecies 02] - The Shadowhand Covenant (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Cheryl Wyatt - [Wings of Refuge 03] - Ready-Made Family [LI-490] (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Thom Wheeler - One Steppe Beyond- Across Russia in a VW Camper (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Wendy Sparrow - How To Bring Your Love Life Back from the Dead (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Naomi King - [Home at Cedar Creek 02] - Rosemary Opens Her Heart (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/John Gilstrap - [Jonathan Grave] - Soft Targets (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Ingrid Law - [Savvy 02] - Scumble (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Kathleen Varn - Ameera Unveiled (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/L A Bressett - [Vengeful Honor 01] - Wild Chase (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Steven Law - [El Paso Way 01] - El Paso Way (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Liesel Schwarz - [Chronicles of Light and Shadow 02] - A Clockwork Heart (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Richard L Mabry - Heart Failure (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kirsty McKay - [Undead 02] - Unfed (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Laurie Halse Anderson - [Vet Volunteers 15] - Helping Hands (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Robert Greenfield - Dark Star- An Oral Biography of Jerry Garcia (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Christos Tsiolkas - Barracuda (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Peter Abrahams - [The Outlaws of Sherwood Street 01] - Robbie Forester and the Outlaws of Sherwood Street (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Tabor Evans - [Longarm 419] - Longarm and the Arapaho Hellcat (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Jo Nesbo - [Harry Hole 10] - Police (US) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Michelle Mankin - [Tempest 01] - Irresistible Refrain (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Paul Christopher - [Templar 08] - Lost City of the Templars (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ann Hood - [Treasure Chest 04] - Prince of Air (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Chris Bohjalian - Skeletons at the Feast (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Brad Thor - [Scot Harvath 04] - Blowback (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Tessa Teevan - [Explosive 01] - Ignite (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Thomas Tryon - Harvest Home (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Silas House & Jason Howard - Something's Rising- Appalachians Fighting Mountaintop Removal (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Bill Coffin - Pax Morgana (pdf).pdf 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Anne Sweazy-Kulj - The Thing With Feathers (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Heather Vogel Frederick - [The Mother-Daughter Book Club 05] - Home for the Holidays (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Monica McKayhan - [Premiere High 01] - Ambitious [TRU] (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Paul Christopher - And Hell Followed With Him (v5.0) (pdf).pdf 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jon Sharpe - [The Trailsman 376] - New Mexico Madman (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Amanda Ashby - [Sophie's Mixed-Up Magic 03] - Out of Sight (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Isabella Alan - [Amish Quilt Shop Mystery 01] - Murder, Plain and Simple (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Thomas Tryon - Lady (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Anne Williams - Criminal Masterminds- Evil Geniuses of the World of Crime (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Ray Aldridge - [Emancipator 01-03] - The Pharaoh Contract; Emperor of Everything; The Orpheus Machine (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Brad Thor - [Scot Harvath 02] - Path of the Assassin (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Ray Black - Born to be Killers- The Complexity of Abnormal Human Behaviour (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Jane Ashford - Three Graces [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Brad Thor - [Scot Harvath 03] - State of the Union (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Ann T Bugg - [Before Happily Ever After 01] - Through the Mirror and Into Snow (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Catherine Kean - Medieval Rogues (A Knight's Vengeance; My Lady's Treasure; Bound By His Kiss) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Selden Edwards - [Eleanor Burden 02] - The Lost Prince (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Sara Paretsky - [V I Warshawski 16] - Critical Mass (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Roger Hutchinson - The Soap Man- Lewis, Harris and Lord Leverhulme (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Tariq Ali - [Islam 01] - Shadows of the Pomegranate Tree (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Mary B Morrison - [If I Can't Have You 02] - I'd Rather Be With You (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Mack Maloney - [Superhawks 04] - Strike Force Delta (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Howard Zinn - A People's History of the United States (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Will Self - Walking to Hollywood- Memories of Before the Fall (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Rebecca Berto - [Pulling Me Under 01] - Pulling Me Under (azw3).azw3 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Nancy Martin - [Blackbird Sisters Mystery 09] - Little Black Book of Murder (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Ros Barber - The Marlowe Papers (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Donald Richie - Japanese Portraits- Pictures of Different People (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Annie Jocoby - [Illusions 01-03] - Beautifu; Deeper; End of Illusions (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Francine Prose - Bigfoot Dreams (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Maureen Ash - [Templar Knight 07] - The Canterbury Murders (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Joseph Monninger - Margaret from Maine (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/William W Johnstone - [Mountain Man 30] - Trek of the Mountain Man (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Maurice Druon - [The Accursed Kings 02] - The Strangled Queen (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Polly Shulman - [Grimm Legacy 02] - The Wells Bequest (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Kate Elliott - [Jaran 04] - The Law of Becoming (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Dr Who - [BBC New Series 31] - Judgement of the Judoon - Colin Brake (pdf).pdf 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Sharon Kay Penman - [Welsh Princes 03] - The Reckoning (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Tish Cohen - The Truth About Delilah Blue (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sophie Hannah - [Waterhouse and Zailer 06] - The Other Woman's House (Lasting Damage) (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Deborah Challinor - [Children of War 02] - White Feathers (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Paula Danziger - [Amber Brown 01] - Amber Brown Is Not a Crayon (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Warhammer 40,000 - [Angels of Death 24] - The Thrill of the Hunt - Anthony Reynolds (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Ann H Gabhart - [Shaker 05] - The Gifted (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Douglas Niles & Michael Dobson - Fox On the Rhine (v3.0) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Laura Morrigan - [Call of the Wilde Mystery 01] - Woof at the Door (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Katie Rose - [Appleton Sisters 02.5] - Mistletoe and Magic (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Kay Honeyman - The Fire Horse Girl (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Daniel Arenson - Moth (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Suzanne McKenna Link - Saving Toby (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Valerie Twombly - [Immortal Guardians 01] - Eternal Flame [Resplendence] (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Marie Etzler - County Line Road (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Penny Jordan - [Perfect Chrightons 08-09] - Her One and Only (The Perfect Father; A Perfect Night) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/David Ashton - [Inspector McLevy 04] - Nor Will He Sleep (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Claire McGowan - The Lost (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Ann H Gabhart - [Shaker] - Christmas at Harmony Hill (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Joseph Robert Lewis - [Other Earth 04-06 - Europa 01-03] - Europa (Omar the Immortal; Freya the Huntress; Wren the Fox Witch) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Dan Beachy-Quick - Wonderful Investigations- Essays, Meditations, Tales (v5.0) (pdf).pdf 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Harlan Coben - No Second Chance; Just One Look; Promise Me (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Megan Frampton - What Not to Bare (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Alethea Kontis - [Enchanted 02] - Hero (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Rita Williams-Garcia - [Delphine 02] - PS Be Eleven (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/David Bradley - Chaneysville Incident (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Mike Shepherd - [Kris Longknife 11] - Defender (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Ty Hutchinson - [Darby Stansfield 01-03] - Chop Suey; Stroganov; Loco Moco; The St Petersburg Confessions (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Emily Purdy - The Fallen Queen (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [My Weird School 07] - Mrs Cooney Is Loony! (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Molly Harper - [Bluegrass 02] - Rhythm and Bluegrass (azw3).azw3 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Karina Halle - [Devil's 02] - The Devil's Reprise (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Janet Edwards - [Earth Girl 01] - Earth Girl (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Robert West - [The Star-Fighters of Murphy Street 03] - Escape from the Drooling Octopod! (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Robert Boswell - Tumbledown (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Warhammer 40,000 - [Angels of Death 22] - Rite of Pain - Nick Kyme (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Charles Palliser - Rustication (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Erich Kastner - [Emil and the Detectives 01] - Emil and the Detectives (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Lori Nelson Spielman - The Life List (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/A Vampire Bundle (Real Vamps Don't Drink O-Neg; When Darkness Comes; The Real Werewives of Vampire County; Hunted by the Others) (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/James S McEwan - [Hammer's War 01] - Forging the Hammer (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/David Hair - [Moontide 02] - The Scarlet Tides (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [My Weird School 01] - Miss Daisy Is Crazy! (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Joseph Robert Lewis - [Other Earth 04-06 - Europa 01-03] - Europa (Omar the Immortal; Freya the Huntress; Wren the Fox Witch) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Dan Simmons - The Abominable (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/John Gilstrap - [Jonathan Grave] - Soft Targets (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Joan Bauer - Sticks (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Steve Watkins - Juvie (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Ruth Clampett - Animate Me (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Ted Dekker - [Stephen Carter 01] - Outlaw (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Kim Askew & Amy Helmes - [Twisted Lit 01] - Tempestuous (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Pamela Sherwood - A Song at Twilight (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Nick Offerman - Paddle Your Own Canoe- One Man's Fundamentals for Delicious Living (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Frank Gannon - Midlife Irish- Discovering My Family and Myself (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Charles Grodin - How I Got to Be Whoever It Is I Am (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Beth Shriver - [Touch of Grace 01] - Annie's Truth (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Kim Harrington - [Sleuth or Dare 02] - Sleepover Stakeout (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Gloria Skurzynski & Alane Ferguson - [Mystery in Our National Park 03] - Cliff-Hanger- Mesa Verde (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Tariq Ali - [Islam 02] - The Book of Saladin (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina (tr Richard Pevear, Larissa Volokhonsky) (Penguin Classics) (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/F Paul Wilson - [Repairman Jack - Early Years 02] - Dark City (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Dara Ames - Haunting Astrid [Blushing] (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/David Bradley - South Street (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [My Weird School 10] - Mr Docker Is Off His Rocker! (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Allyson K Abbott - [Mack's Bar Mystery 01] - Murder on the Rocks (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Chris Collett - [DI Tom Mariner 06] - Blood and Stone (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Anne McCaffrey - [Freedom 02] - Freedom's Choice (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Sharon Glassman - Love, Santa- A Different Kind of Christmas Story (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Julie A Richman - [Needing Moore 02] - Moore to Lose (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Sharon G Flake - Pinned (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Serdar Yegulalp - Flight of the Vajra (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Anton Strout - [Spellmason Chronicles 02] - Stonecast (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/James Reasoner - [Redemption 03] - Trackdown (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Dean Koontz - Wilderness (b) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Marilyn French - My Summer with George (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Linda Byler - [Lancaster Burning 02] - Davey's Daughter (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Aimee E Liu - Face (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Cynthia Kadohata - The Thing About Luck (azw3).azw3 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Warhammer 40,000 - [Angels of Death 23] - Trophies - Cavan Scott (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Polly Shulman - [Grimm Legacy 02] - The Wells Bequest (lit).lit 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/John Irving - A Widow for One Year (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Tariq Ali - [Islam 03] - The Stone Woman (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/June Kramin - Come and Talk to Me (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Aleatha Romig - [Consequences 03] - Convicted (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Frances FitzGerald - Fire in the Lake- The Vietnamese and the Americans in Vietnam (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Cleo Peitsche - [Office Toy 03] - Company Vacation [MF] (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/A J Hartley - [Darwen Arkwright 03] - Darwen Arkwright and the School of Shadows (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Francine Prose - Hunters and Gatherers (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/William Richter - [Dark Eyes 02] - Tiger (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Rebecca Neason - [Aghamore 01] - The Thirteenth Scroll (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-23/A Rosaria - At Arms (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Deb Kastner - [e-mail Order Brides 03] - Meeting Mr Right [LI-766] (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Phyllis Smallman - [Singer Brown 01] - Long Gone Man (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Debbie Macomber - Starry Night (azw3).azw3 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 300] - The Long Arm of the Law (pdf).pdf 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Jennifer Ryan - [The Hunted 04] - Chasing Morgan (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Noelle Hancock - My Year with Eleanor (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Erik P Harlow - [Voyage of the Sanguine Shadow 01-02] - Shadow Galactic & Shadow Divided (azw).azw 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jeane Westin - The Spymaster's Daughter (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Thad Ziolkowski - Wichita (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Anne O'Brien - The King's Concubine- A Novel of Alice Perrers (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Secret Santa - Fern Michaels, Marie Bostwick, Laura Levine, Cindy Myers (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Bill Myers - [TJ and the Time Stumblers 01] - New Kid Catastrophes (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Francine Prose - Primitive People (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Evangeline Walton - She Walks in Darkness (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Maire Claremont - [Mad Passions 02] - Lady in Red (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Tracy Wolff - Tie Me Down [MF] (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Bec McMaster - [London Steampunk 03] - My Lady Quicksilver (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Hanna Jansen - Over a Thousand Hills I Walk with You (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Emily Brightwell - [Mrs Jeffries 31] - Mrs Jeffries Turns the Tide (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-18/K B Laugheed - The Spirit Keeper (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-08/David Lodge - [Campus 01-03] - The Campus Trilogy (Changing Places; Small World; Nice Work) (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Mark Urban - Task Force Black- The Explosive True Story of the SAS and the Secret War in Iraq (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-05/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 302] - The Friends of Wild Bill Hickok (pdf).pdf 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Shirley Rousseau Murphy - [Dragonbards 01] - Nightpool (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Ian Thomas Healy - [Just Cause Universe 01] - Just Cause- Revised & Expanded Edition (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Leigh Perry - [Family Skeleton Mystery 01] - A Skeleton in the Family (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Marisa Carroll - Family Practice [HHW-98] (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Madeleine George - The Difference Between You and Me (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-30/A Scandalous Regency Christmas - Christine Merrill, Marguerite Kaye, Annie Burrows, Barbara Monajem, Linda Skye (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Tariq Ali - [Islam 04] - A Sultan in Palermo (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Charlaine Harris - [Sookie Stackhouse] - After Dead- What Came Next in the World of Sookie Stackhouse (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Rochelle Alers - [Cavanaugh Island 03] - Haven Creek (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Tracy Wolff - Full Exposure [MF] (epub).epub 1023.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Polly Shulman - [Grimm Legacy 02] - The Wells Bequest (epub).epub 1023.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Francine Prose - Blue Angel (v5.0) (epub).epub 1022.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Josh Hilden - [The Shores of the Dead 01-03] - The Rising; The Journey; The Final Stand (azw3).azw3 1021.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Norah Vincent - Thy Neighbor (retail) (epub).epub 1020.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Renee Reynolds - [The Lords of Oxford 01] - Lord Love a Duke (mobi).mobi 1019.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Alison Littlewood - Path of Needles (epub).epub 1016.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Alison Littlewood - Path of Needles (mobi).mobi 1015.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Laurina C Osborne - Take Me As I Am (mobi).mobi 1015.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Heather Vogel Frederick - [The Mother-Daughter Book Club 06] - Wish You Were Eyre (epub).epub 1014.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/David Lodge - [Campus 01-03] - The Campus Trilogy (Changing Places; Small World; Nice Work) (epub).epub 1013.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Rosemary Aubert - Terminal Grill (v5.0) (epub).epub 1012.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/William W Johnstone - [Ashes 04] - Blood in the Ashes (retail) (pdf).pdf 1012.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [My Weird School 12] - Ms Todd Is Odd! (retail) (epub).epub 1012.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Ian McDonald - [Chaga 02.5] - Tendeleo's Story (epub).epub 1012.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Chuck Palahniuk - [Damned 02] - Doomed (epub).epub 1011.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Jon Messenger - [World Aflame 02] - Flame Caller (mobi).mobi 1011.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Tracey West & Katherine Noll - [Aly & AJ's Rock 'n' Roll Mysteries 04] - Nashville Nights (retail) (epub).epub 1011.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Maggie Stiefvater - [Raven Cycle 02] - The Dream Thieves (mobi).mobi 1010.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Nancy Rue - [Reluctant Prophet 03] - Too Far to Say Far Enough (epub).epub 1010.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Darren Shan - [Zom-B 05] - Zom-B Baby (epub).epub 1009.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 375] - The Thousand-Mile Chase (retail) (epub).epub 1008.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Liesel Schwarz - [Chronicles of Light and Shadow 02] - A Clockwork Heart (epub).epub 1008.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Jon Sharpe - [The Trailsman 377] - Bounty Hunt (retail) (epub).epub 1008.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/50 Cent - Playground- The Mostly True Story of a Former Bully (retail) (epub).epub 1007.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Francine Prose - Household Saints (v5.0) (epub).epub 1006.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Dale Cramer - [Daughters of Caleb Bender 03] - Though Mountains Fall (mobi).mobi 1006.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [My Weird School 11] - Mrs Kormel Is Not Normal! (retail) (epub).epub 1006.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Catherynne M Valente - Six-Gun Snow White (v5.0b) (epub).epub 1004.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Josef Skvorecky - The Republic of Whores- A Fragment from the Time of the Cults (retail) (mobi).mobi 1004.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kelly Jamieson - [Heller Brother Hockey 05] - Offside (mobi).mobi 1003.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Brad Thor - [Scot Harvath 07] - The Last Patriot (epub).epub 1002.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Stephen W Bennett - [Koban 01] - Koban (mobi).mobi 1001.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [My Weird School 08] - Ms LaGrange Is Strange! (retail) (epub).epub 999.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Vivi Andrews - [Karmic Consultants 07] - Naughty Karma [Samhain] (epub).epub 999.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Sharon Pape - [Crystal Shop Mystery 01] - Alibis and Amethysts (epub).epub 998.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Kassy Tayler - [Ashes Trilogy 02] - Shadows of Glass (mobi).mobi 998.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Debora Coty - [Distant Shore 02] - Billowing Sails (retail) (pdf).pdf 998.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Michael D Lemonick - Mirror Earth- The Search for Our Planet's Twin (mobi).mobi 996.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Francine Prose - Women and Children First- Stories (v5.0) (epub).epub 996.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Michael J Zummo - [D'Mok Revival 01] - Awakening (mobi).mobi 993.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Christina Lauren - [Beautiful Bastard 03] - Beautiful Player [MF] (epub).epub 993.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Judith E French - [Fortune 01] - Fortune's Mistress (mobi).mobi 992.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Conn Iggulden - [Wars of the Roses 01] - Stormbird (mobi).mobi 992.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Freya Robertson - [Elemental Wars 01] - Heartwood (ARC) (mobi).mobi 992.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Maxine Barry - His Last Gamble (retail) (epub).epub 992.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jayne Ann Krentz as Stephanie James - Gambler's Woman [SD-115] (retail) (pdf).pdf 992.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [My Weird School 05] - Miss Small Is off the Wall! (retail) (epub).epub 991.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Francine Prose - Judah the Pious (v5.0) (epub).epub 991.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sandra Brown - French Silk (retail) (epub).epub 990.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/John V Madormo - [Charlie Collier, Snoop for Hire 03] - The Copycat Caper (retail) (epub).epub 988.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tabor Evans - [Longarm 408] - Longarm and the Banker's Daughter (retail) (epub).epub 988.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/A Grosvenor Square Christmas - Anna Campbell, Shana Galen, Kate Noble, Vanessa Kelly (epub).epub 987.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/L E Modesitt Jr - The One-Eyed Man (mobi).mobi 986.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Daniel Arenson - Moth (epub).epub 985.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Dakota Harrison - Breathless (epub).epub 983.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Simon Scarrow - [Cato 12] - The Blood Crows (mobi).mobi 982.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Garry Ryan - Blackbirds (epub).epub 981.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Ophelia London - Definitely, Maybe in Love (mobi).mobi 981.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/James Wesley Rawles - [Patriots 04] - Expatriates (retail) (epub).epub 981.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Edward Keenan - Some Great Idea- Good Neighbourhoods, Crazy Politics and the Invention of Toronto (retail) (epub).epub 980.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Kate Brian - [Shadowlands 02] - Hereafter (epub).epub 980.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Colleen Hoover - Finding Cinderella (epub).epub 980.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Allen Steele - Rude Astronauts (v5.0) (epub).epub 979.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Sandra Brown - Unspeakable (retail) (epub).epub 978.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Kelly Gardiner - [Isabella Hawkins 01] - Act of Faith (epub).epub 978.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/David Dalglish - [Shadowdance 01] - A Dance of Cloaks (re-release) (epub).epub 975.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Elizabeth Finn - Unforgiven (mobi).mobi 975.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Bill Myers - [TJ and the Time Stumblers 01] - New Kid Catastrophes (epub).epub 975.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/John Cleland - The Memoirs of Fanny Hill (Joe Books) [MF] (v5.0) (epub).epub 975.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Sharon Kay Penman - [Welsh Princes 01] - Here Be Dragons (epub).epub 974.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Catherine Anderson - Coming Up Roses (rtf).rtf 974.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Hunter Shea - Sinister Entity (v5.0) (epub).epub 974.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Wayne Shorey - The Little Yokozuna (retail) (epub).epub 973.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Edith Pattou - [Songs of Eirren 02] - Fire Arrow (retail) (epub).epub 972.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Brigitte Gabriel - Because They Hate- A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America (mobi).mobi 969.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Megan Derr - [Lost Gods 01] - Treasure (retail) (epub).epub 967.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Michael Walters - [Inspector Nergui 03] - The Outcast (v5.0) (epub).epub 967.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Melissa Collins - [Love 03] - Let Love Heal (mobi).mobi 967.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jean-Jacques Rousseau - The Confessions (Penguin Classics) (mobi).mobi 966.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/S E Culpepper - [Liaisons 03] - Lost Won [MM] (pdf).pdf 966.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ann Hood - [Treasure Chest 03] - Jewel of the East (retail) (epub).epub 965.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Sawyer Bennett - If I Return [The 12 NA's of Christmas] (mobi).mobi 965.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Mary Connealy - [Trouble in Texas 02] - Fired Up (retail) (epub).epub 964.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Carolyn Marsden - Starfields (retail) (epub).epub 963.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Alexander McCall Smith - [No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency 14] - The Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon (mobi).mobi 963.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Adam Nevill - House of Small Shadows (mobi).mobi 962.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Nicola Hudson - Curve (mobi).mobi 962.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/James Calbraith - [The Year of the Dragon 01] - The Shadow of Black Wings (mobi).mobi 962.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Martin Goodman - Ectopia (retail) (epub).epub 961.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Simon Lelic - The Child Who (mobi).mobi 961.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Erin Hunter - [Survivors 03] - Darkness Falls (retail) (epub).epub 961.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Sarah Black - [General 02] - The General and the Elephant Clock of Al-Jazari [Dreamspinner MM] (epub).epub 959.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/J L Brooks - Rotten (epub).epub 959.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Elizabeth George - [Inspector Lynley 18] - Just One Evil Act (epub).epub 959.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Jake Halpern & Peter Kujawinski - [Dormia 03] - Shadow Tree (retail) (epub).epub 958.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Ellie Rollins - Zip (retail) (epub).epub 958.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Lauren Carr - [Mac Faraday Mystery 04] - Blast from the Past (mobi).mobi 957.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Daniel Serrano - Gunmetal Black (retail) (epub).epub 956.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Ian Thomas Healy - [Just Cause Universe 03] - Day of the Destroyer (mobi).mobi 955.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Naomi King - [Home at Cedar Creek 02] - Rosemary Opens Her Heart (epub).epub 954.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Susan King - [Celtic Nights - Lady of Legend 01] - The Stone Maiden (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 954.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/John Speed - The Temple Dancer (epub).epub 951.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Rebecca Berto - [Pulling Me Under 01] - Pulling Me Under (epub).epub 948.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Mark Slouka - The Visible World (retail) (epub).epub 947.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Nancy Geary - Misfortune (retail) (epub).epub 947.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Susan King - [Celtic Nights - Lady of Legend 02] - The Swan Maiden (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 947.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Star Wars - Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas - Musings of an Ithorian - Bob Carrau (cbr).cbr 946.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Robert West - [The Star-Fighters of Murphy Street 01] - There's a Spaceship in My Tree! (retail) (epub).epub 946.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Thomas Tryon - Night Magic (v5.0) (epub).epub 945.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Kimberly Newton Fusco - Beholding Bee (mobi).mobi 944.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kresley Cole - [Arcana Chronicles 02] - Endless Knight (epub).epub 942.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Ralph Cotton - Valley of the Gun (retail) (epub).epub 942.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Mia Michelle - [Rose of Thorne 01] - Rose of Thorne (mobi).mobi 941.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Cathleen Armstrong - [A Place to Call Home 01] - Welcome to Last Chance (retail) (epub).epub 941.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Bernard Schaffer - [Guns of Seneca 6 Saga 01] - Guns of Seneca 6 (mobi).mobi 940.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Foz Meadows - [Rare 02] - The Key to Starveldt (epub).epub 940.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tabor Evans - [Longarm 411] - Longarm and the Deadwood Shoot-Out (retail) (epub).epub 938.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Anne Lyle - [Night's Masque 03] - Prince of Lies (mobi).mobi 938.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Corey Ann Haydu - OCD Love Story (ARC) (epub).epub 938.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Melvin Burgess - Billy Elliot (epub).epub 936.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [My Weird School 06] - Mr Hynde Is Out of His Mind! (retail) (epub).epub 936.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Collin Wilcox - [Alan Bernhardt 03] - Except for the Bones (v5.0) (epub).epub 935.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/F L Wallace - Address Centauri (mobi).mobi 934.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/J R Ward - [Fallen Angels 05] - Possession (mobi).mobi 934.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Alan E Nourse - Trouble on Titan.rar 934.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Terie Garrison - [Dragonspawn Cycle 02] - WinterMaejic (retail) (epub).epub 934.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jo Knowles - [Jumping Off Swings 01] - Jumping Off Swings (retail) (epub).epub 933.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Kari Luna - The Theory of Everything (retail) (epub).epub 933.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Rae Brooks - Divided (epub).epub 932.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Erich Kastner - [Emil and the Detectives 01] - Emil and the Detectives (retail) (epub).epub 930.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tim Robinson - My Time in Space (retail) (epub).epub 928.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Kim Newman - The Quorum (epub).epub 927.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Rodman Philbrick - Freak the Mighty (epub).epub 926.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Ian Bell - Time Out of Mind (Once Upon a Time)- The Lives of Bob Dylan (epub).epub 925.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Allie Larkin - Why Can't I Be You (retail) (epub).epub 925.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Vicki Delany - [Constable Molly Smith Mystery 05] - Among the Departed (retail) (epub).epub 925.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Ralph Compton - Brimstone Trail - Marcus Galloway (retail) (epub).epub 924.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Emily Brightwell - [Mrs Jeffries 01] - The Inspector and Mrs Jeffries (mobi).mobi 924.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Sierra Dean - [Secret McQueen 06] - Secret Unleashed (epub).epub 924.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/C D Reiss - [Los Angeles Nights (Songs of Submission) 07] - Sing [MF] (epub).epub 923.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Homer Hickam - Red Helmet (retail) (epub).epub 923.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Barbara Allan - [Trash 'n' Treasures Mystery 07.5] - Antiques Slay Ride (retail) (epub).epub 922.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Cara McKenna - Unbound (mobi).mobi 922.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Lester Dent - Lady Afraid (v5.0) (epub).epub 922.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Francine Prose - The Glorious Ones (v5.0) (epub).epub 922.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Eve Bunting - [Pirate 01] - The Pirate Captain's Daughter (retail) (pdf).pdf 922.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Anjali Banerjee - Enchanting Lily (retail) (epub).epub 921.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Thomas Tryon - Crowned Heads (v5.0) (epub).epub 921.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lauren Dane - [Brown Siblings 06] - Drawn Together (mobi).mobi 921.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Geoffrey Girard - [Cain 01] - Project Cain (mobi).mobi 921.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Brittney Musick - [Strange and Beautiful 01] - Infinite (mobi).mobi 920.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Sam Crescent - [Rock Wood Pack 02] - Bound to Be Taken [Siren Classic] (mobi).mobi 920.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Helene Gremillon - The Confidant (retail) (epub).epub 920.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Beth Ehemann - [Cranberry Inn 01] - Room For You (mobi).mobi 920.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Rose Riker - Righteous Obsession (mobi).mobi 919.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Jessica Sorensen - [The Secret 03] - The Temptation of Lila and Ethan (epub).epub 919.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Brad Thor - [Scot Harvath 08] - The Apostle (v4.0b) (epub).epub 919.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/William W and J A Johnstone - [Family Jensen 02] - Helltown Massacre (retail) (epub).epub 919.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Barbara Nadel - [Hakim and Arnold Mystery 01] - A Private Business (epub).epub 918.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/J L Witterick - My Mother's Secret (v5.0) (epub).epub 918.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Joseph R G DeMarco - [Marco Fontana 01] - Murder on Camac (pdf).pdf 916.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Ted Dekker - [Stephen Carter 01] - Outlaw (epub).epub 916.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Stephen W Bennett - [Koban 02] - The Mark of Koban (mobi).mobi 915.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Anne C Voorhoeve - My Family for the War (retail) (epub).epub 914.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Eric Berlin - [The Puzzling World of Winston Breen 01] - The Puzzling World of Winston Breen (epub).epub 913.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Tariq Ali - [Islam 05] - Night of the Golden Butterfly (epub).epub 912.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Judith Kelly - Rock Me Gently- A True Story of a Convent Childhood (retail) (epub).epub 912.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Alan E Nourse - Trouble on Titan (epub).epub 912.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Robert West - [The Star-Fighters of Murphy Street 02] - Attack of the Spider Bots (retail) (epub).epub 912.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Kate Elliott - [Jaran 03] - His Conquering Sword (retail) (azw3).azw3 911.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Meg Rosoff - Picture Me Gone (mobi).mobi 911.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tabor Evans - [Longarm Double 04 (007-008)] - Legend With a Six-Gun (Longarm and the High-Graders & Longarm and the Nesters) (retail) (epub).epub 909.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Susan King - [Celtic Nights - Lady of Legend 03] - The Sword Maiden (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 909.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/J Wesley Bush - Knox's Irregulars (mobi).mobi 908.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Meg Rosoff - Picture Me Gone (epub).epub 908.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Marco Rubio - An American Son- A Memoir (epub).epub 908.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Justin Lee Mitchell - [Mirrors of the World] - Shalilayo (epub).epub 907.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Mary Burton - [Texas Rangers 02] - No Escape (retail) (epub).epub 906.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Marianne Ellis - [Amish Seasons 01] - Summer Promise (retail) (epub).epub 906.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Kim Harrington - [Sleuth or Dare 03] - Framed & Dangerous (retail) (epub).epub 906.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Gregory Urbach - Custer at the Alamo (epub).epub 906.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Sean Platt & David Wright - Z 2135 (mobi).mobi 905.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Jon Messenger - [World Aflame 02] - Flame Caller (epub).epub 905.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Eva Marie Everson - [Cedar Key 02] - Waiting for Sunrise (retail) (epub).epub 905.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Stephen Baxter - [Time's Tapestry 02] - Conqueror (retail) (epub).epub 903.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Jennifer Melzer - Heart and Home (epub).epub 903.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Betty G Birney - [Humphrey 09] - Winter According to Humphrey (retail) (epub).epub 903.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Jessica Prince - Nightmares from Within (mobi).mobi 902.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lauren Dane - [Brown Siblings 06] - Drawn Together (epub).epub 901.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Shirley Jackson - Come Along with Me- Classic Short Stories and an Unfinished Novel (retail) (epub).epub 901.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Barbara Nadel - [Hakim and Arnold Mystery 01] - A Private Business (mobi).mobi 900.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/T Greenwood - Bodies of Water (retail) (epub).epub 899.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Roberto Ampuero - The Neruda Case (retail) (epub).epub 899.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Jeremy Robinson - [Jack Sigler 02] - Omega - Sean Ellis (mobi).mobi 898.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Becca C Smith - [Riser Saga 01-03] - Riser; Reaper; Ripper (epub).epub 898.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/William W and J A Johnstone - The Blood of Patriots (retail) (epub).epub 898.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Emily Snow - [Devoured 01.5] - Absorbed [MF] (mobi).mobi 897.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/M J Fields - [Love 01] - Blue Love (mobi).mobi 896.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Mary B Morrison - [If I Can't Have You 02] - If I Can't Have You (epub).epub 896.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Sharon Kay Penman - [Welsh Princes 02] - Falls the Shadow (epub).epub 896.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Douglas Rushkoff - Exit Strategy- The Original Version (retail) (epub).epub 895.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Sugar Jamison - [Perfect Fit 01] - Dangerous Curves Ahead (mobi).mobi 895.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Carlene Thompson - To the Grave (retail) (epub).epub 894.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Thea Devine - Night Moves [HT-760; MSR-16] (retail) (epub).epub 893.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [My Weird School 04] - Ms Hannah Is Bananas! (retail) (epub).epub 893.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/R Overbeck - Leave No Child Behind (retail) (epub).epub 892.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Kerry Greenwood - [Phryne Fisher 20] - Murder and Mendelssohn (epub).epub 892.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Sally Beauman - The Sisters Mortland (The Landscape of Love) (v5.0) (epub).epub 891.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Peter Moore Smith - Raveling (retail) (epub).epub 888.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Natalie D Richards - Six Months Later (epub).epub 888.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jake Logan - [Slocum 409] - Slocum and the Glitter Girls at Gravel Gulch (retail) (epub).epub 888.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Secret Santa - Fern Michaels, Marie Bostwick, Laura Levine, Cindy Myers (epub).epub 887.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/James K Decker - The Burn Zone (retail) (epub).epub 887.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Yan Lianke - Dream of Ding Village (epub).epub 887.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tabor Evans - [Longarm 410] - Longarm and the Deadly Restitution (retail) (epub).epub 887.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Theresa Caputo - There's More to Life Than This- Healing Messages, Remarkable Stories from the Long Island Medium (epub).epub 887.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Richard Denoncourt - Ascendant- The Complete Edition (mobi).mobi 887.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Lynn Raye Harris - [Hostile Operations Team 01.5] - Hot Mess (epub).epub 886.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/RaShelle Workman - [Immortal Essence 00.5-02] - Immortal Essence Box Set (Aligned; Exiled; Beguiled) (mobi).mobi 886.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Chudney Ross - Lone Bean (retail) (epub).epub 886.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Roger McDonald - Mr Darwin's Shooter (epub).epub 886.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Anne Forsyth - Under the Bridges (retail) (epub).epub 885.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lauren Lipton - Mating Rituals of the North American WASP (retail) (epub).epub 884.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Khaled Hosseini - A Thousand Splendid Suns (retail) (epub).epub 884.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Joe Abercrombie - [The First Law 02] - Before They Are Hanged (v5.2) (mobi).mobi 883.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/K Larsen - Tug of War (mobi).mobi 883.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Ted Dekker - [Martyr's Song 00] - The Martyr's Song (retail) (epub).epub 883.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Randall Silvis - Mysticus (v4.0) (html).html 883.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Caitlin Moran - Moranthology (epub).epub 883.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Scott O'Dell - The Dark Canoe (retail) (epub).epub 882.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Gena Showalter - [Otherworld Assassin 02] - Black and Blue (b) (epub).epub 881.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Katie Ashley - [Runaway Train 02] - Beat of the Heart (mobi).mobi 881.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Charles Palliser - Rustication (epub).epub 881.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Helen Macinnes - North from Rome (v5.0) (epub).epub 879.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Larry Crane - A Bridge to Treachery- From Extortion to Terror (mobi).mobi 879.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Michael Phillips - Angel Harp (mobi).mobi 877.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Phoebe Conn - [Hearts of Liberty 01] - Savage Destiny (Beloved) (mobi).mobi 876.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Rosie Schaap - Drinking With Men- A Memoir (retail) (epub).epub 876.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/M S Willis - [Estate 01] - Madeleine Abducted (mobi).mobi 876.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Desmond Ellis - The Undergardeners (retail) (epub).epub 875.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Lisa Gardner as Alicia Scott - [Family Secrets 02] - MacNamara's Woman [SIM-813] (epub).epub 875.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tabor Evans - [Longarm 413] - Longarm and 'Kid' Bodie (retail) (epub).epub 875.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Eve Harris - The Marrying of Chani Kaufman (epub).epub 874.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Sandy Rideout - Torch (mobi).mobi 874.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Connie Barnes Rose - Road to Thunder Hill (mobi).mobi 873.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Nic Bennett - Dead Cat Bounce (retail) (epub).epub 873.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Lauren Nicolle Taylor - The Woodlands (mobi).mobi 873.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/A Bertram Chandler - [John Grimes Saga Omnibus 04] - Ride the Star Winds.epub 873.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jayne Rylon - [Men in Blue 04] - Spread Your Wings [Samhain] (epub).epub 873.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Kelly Oram - [Supernaturals 01] - Chameleon (epub).epub 872.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Mike Maden - [Troy Pearce 01] - Drone (mobi).mobi 872.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jody Shields - The Fig Eater (retail) (epub).epub 871.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Lexi Hunt - 50 Shades of Erotica- Mega Collection of 50 Erotic Stories [MF] (azw3).azw3 871.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Amanda Ashby - [Sophie's Mixed-Up Magic 01] - Wishful Thinking (retail) (epub).epub 867.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Kassy Tayler - [Ashes Trilogy 02] - Shadows of Glass (epub).epub 867.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Kate Manning - My Notorious Life (mobi).mobi 867.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Heather Graham as Shannon Drake - [Vampire 04] - Realm of Shadows (mobi).mobi 866.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Bertrice Small - [Silk Merchant's Daughters 03] - Lucianna (mobi).mobi 865.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Beverly Jenkins - Night Song (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 865.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Rob Donovan - [Ballad of Frindoth 01] - Ritual of the Stones (azw3).azw3 864.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Nathan Filer - The Shock of the Fall (Special edition) (epub).epub 864.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Karen Harper - Below the Surface (retail) (epub).epub 864.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Luanne Rice - Blue Moon (retail) (epub).epub 863.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jake Halpern & Peter Kujawinski - [Dormia 01] - Dormia (retail) (epub).epub 863.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Erin Celello - Learning to Stay (retail) (epub).epub 862.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Karen Essex - [Kleopatra 01] - Kleopatra (retail) (epub).epub 862.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tricia Goyer - [Seven Brides for Seven Bachelors 02] - The Promise Box (mobi).mobi 862.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Louisa Hall - The Carriage House (epub).epub 861.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Judith E French - [Fortune 01] - Fortune's Mistress (epub).epub 860.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Carrie Butler - [Mark of Nexus 02] - Courage (mobi).mobi 859.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Tricia Goyer - By the Light of the Silvery Moon (mobi).mobi 859.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jennifer Domenico - [Sunflower 03] - Forever in Bloom (mobi).mobi 859.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Janette Kenny - [One Real 01] - One Real Cowboy (pdf).pdf 858.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Ann Leckie - [Imperial Radch 01] - Ancillary Justice (epub).epub 858.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jon Scieszka - [Time Warp Trio TV 02] - Lewis and Clark and Jodie, Freddi, and Samantha (retail) (epub).epub 857.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Riley Mackenzie - Beautifully Awake (epub).epub 857.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/L L Collins - Living Again (epub).epub 856.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Stephen Baxter - [Time's Tapestry 01] - Emperor (retail) (epub).epub 855.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/William W & J A Johnstone - The Bleeding Edge (retail) (epub).epub 855.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Carolyn Brown - [Cowboys and Brides 02] - The Cowboy's Christmas Baby (mobi).mobi 855.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Bernard Schaffer - [Guns of Seneca 6 Saga 01] - Guns of Seneca 6 (azw3).azw3 855.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Ian Thomas Healy - [Just Cause Universe 02] - The Archmage (mobi).mobi 852.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Jean Hanff Korelitz - The Sabbathday River (retail) (epub).epub 852.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Alexander McCall Smith - [No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency 14] - The Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon (epub).epub 851.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Mark Edward Hall - [Blue Light 02] - Soul Thief (mobi).mobi 851.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sharon Short - My One Square Inch of Alaska (retail) (epub).epub 850.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Mathew Klickstein - Slimed! An Oral History of Nickelodeon's Golden Age (epub).epub 850.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Bernard Schaffer - [Guns of Seneca 6 Saga 01] - Guns of Seneca 6 (epub).epub 850.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Brad Thor - [Scot Harvath 10] - Full Black (b) (epub).epub 849.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/C C Brown - [Fraternizing 01] - Fraternizing (mobi).mobi 849.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Karen Essex - Stealing Athena (mobi).mobi 848.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kim Karr - [Connections 02] - Torn (epub).epub 848.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Bill Barich - Long Way Home- On the Trail of Steinbeck's America (retail) (epub).epub 847.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Ted M Dunagan - A Yellow Watermelon (retail) (epub).epub 846.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Rowena Cory Daniells - [Chronicles of King Rolen's Kin 04] - King Breaker (epub).epub 845.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Caroline Stellings - The Manager (retail) (epub).epub 845.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Declan Kiberd - Inventing Ireland- The Literature of a Modern Nation (retail) (epub).epub 845.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/James Mallory - [Merlin 01] - The Old Magic (retail) (epub).epub 844.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Julia London - The Bridesmaid (epub).epub 844.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Francine Prose - Sicilian Odyssey (v5.0) (epub).epub 844.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Mina Bennett - Shelter Me (epub).epub 843.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Gail Eastwood - The Persistent Earl [SRR] (retail) (epub).epub 843.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Sandy Frances Duncan & George Szanto - [Islands Investigations International 04] - Always Love a Villain on San Juan Island (v5.0) (epub).epub 842.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Christopher Hilton - Hitler's Olympics- The 1936 Berlin Olympic Games (retail) (epub).epub 842.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Trice Hickman - Unexpected Interruptions (retail) (epub).epub 842.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Joe Abercrombie - [The First Law 02] - Before They Are Hanged (v5.2) (epub).epub 842.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/James Dashner - [The Mortality Doctrine 01] - The Eye of Minds (mobi).mobi 842.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Maggie Stiefvater - [Raven Cycle 02] - The Dream Thieves (epub).epub 841.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/L M Preston - [The Pack 01] - The Pack (retail) (epub).epub 841.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Jennifer Ryan - [The Hunted 04] - Chasing Morgan (epub).epub 840.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Eugen Ruge - In Times of Fading Light (v5.0) (epub).epub 840.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/L L Muir - [Scarlet Plumiere 01] - Blood for Ink (epub).epub 840.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Emily Snow - [Devoured 01.5] - Absorbed [MF] (epub).epub 840.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Keith M Donaldson - [Laura Wolfe 02] - Senate Cloakroom Cabal (v5.0) (epub).epub 839.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [My Weird School 02] - Mr Klutz Is Nuts! (retail) (epub).epub 839.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Emily Brightwell - [Mrs Jeffries 05] - Mrs Jeffries on the Ball (mobi).mobi 838.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/A Bertram Chandler - [John Grimes Saga Omnibus 03] - Galactic Courier.epub 838.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Pamela Schoenewaldt - Swimming in the Moon (v5.0) (epub).epub 838.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Nicole Reed - [Ruining] - Wasted Heart (mobi).mobi 837.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Leah Fleming - The Captain's Daughter (mobi).mobi 837.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/David Manuel - [Faith Abbey 03] - A Matter of Time (retail) (epub).epub 837.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Abigail Padgett - [Blue McCarron 02] - The Last Blue Plate Special (retail) (epub).epub 836.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/William W and J A Johnstone - [Phoenix Rising 03] - Day of Judgment (retail) (epub).epub 835.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Lisa Gardner as Alicia Scott - [Family Secrets 02] - MacNamara's Woman [SIM-813] (mobi).mobi 835.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Lisi Harrison - Pretenders (epub).epub 834.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/David Roberts - [Lord Edward Corinth and Verity Browne 05] - The More Deceived (retail) (epub).epub 834.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jo Carlisle - [Lords of Pleasure 02] - Desire After Dark (retail) (epub).epub 834.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/David Graham - Incitement (mobi).mobi 833.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/L E Modesitt Jr - The One-Eyed Man (epub).epub 832.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 132 (mobi).mobi 830.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Paul Kidd - A Whisper of Wings (mobi).mobi 829.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/C D Verhoff - [Galatia 00] - Red the First (Wakeland's War) (epub).epub 829.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Michael Donovan - Behind Closed Doors (v5.0) (epub).epub 828.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Coreene Callahan - [Dragonfury 04] - Fury of Desire (mobi).mobi 828.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Jill Shalvis - Merry and Bright (mobi).mobi 828.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Aaron Sorkin - The Farnsworth Invention (pdf).pdf 828.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Sherman Alexie - The Toughest Indian in the World (v5.0) (epub).epub 828.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/David Drake & Janet Morris - [ARC Riders 02] - The Fourth Rome (retail) (epub).epub 828.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Maggie Anton - [Rav Hisda's Daughter 01] - Apprentice (retail) (epub).epub 828.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Nick Cole - [Wasteland Saga 01-03] - Old Man and the Wasteland; The Savage Boy; The Road is a River (mobi).mobi 828.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Marie-Nicole Ryan - [Loving the Lawman 02] - Taming Talia (retail) (epub).epub 827.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Laura Joh Rowland - [Sano Ichiro 17] - The Shogun's Daughter (azw3).azw3 827.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jeramey Kraatz - [The Cloak Society 02] - Villains Rising (retail) (epub).epub 826.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mischa Hiller - Shake Off (retail) (epub).epub 826.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Collin Wilcox - [Alan Bernhardt 02] - Silent Witness (v5.0) (epub).epub 826.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Serdar Ozkan - The Missing Rose (retail) (epub).epub 825.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Tara Rose - [Passion Peak, Colorado 04] - Chasing Felicity [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 825.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Lori Avocato - [Pauline Sokol 03] - One Dead Under the Cuckoo's Nest (epub).epub 824.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Lauren Blakely - Far Too Tempting (epub).epub 823.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Primula Bond - [Unbreakable 01] - The Silver Chain [MF] (mobi).mobi 823.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/F Paul Wilson - [Repairman Jack - Early Years 02] - Dark City (mobi).mobi 823.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Molly Harper - [Bluegrass 02] - Rhythm and Bluegrass (epub).epub 823.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Sudhir Venkatesh - Floating City- A Rogue Sociologist Lost and Found in New York's Underground Economy (epub).epub 822.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/A M Hudson - [Dark Secrets 04] - Lies in Blood (mobi).mobi 822.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 376] - Trail to Shasta (retail) (epub).epub 822.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Lorraine Johnson-Coleman - Just Plain Folks (retail) (epub).epub 822.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Rachelle Delaney - [Ship of Lost Souls 02] - The Guardians of Island X (retail) (epub).epub 822.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Peter Brandvold - [Rusty Spurr 01] - The Last Lawman (retail) (epub).epub 821.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Adam Nevill - House of Small Shadows (epub).epub 821.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jessica Clare - [Billionaire Boys Club 03] - The Wrong Billionaire's Bed [MF] (mobi).mobi 821.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jackie Ivie - Laird of Ballanclaire (epub).epub 821.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Mark Childress - Georgia Bottoms (retail) (epub).epub 820.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Jane Porter - [Brennan Sisters 02] - The Good Daughter (retail) (epub).epub 819.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Sharon Kay Penman - [Welsh Princes 03] - The Reckoning (epub).epub 818.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Chris Karlsen - [Knights in Time 03] - Knight Blindness (epub).epub 817.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - [My Weird School 03] - Mrs Roopy Is Loopy! (retail) (epub).epub 817.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ralph Cotton - Lookout Hill (retail) (epub).epub 817.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Cheryl Rainfield - Stained (retail) (epub).epub 816.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Ross King - Defiant Spirits- The Modernist Revolution of the Group of Seven (retail) (epub).epub 816.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Maxine Barry - Moth to the Flame (retail) (epub).epub 816.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Jacob Whaler - [Data 01] - Stones (azw3).azw3 816.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Simon Scarrow - [Cato 12] - The Blood Crows (epub).epub 816.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ben Stroud - Byzantium- Stories (retail) (epub).epub 816.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Jon E Lewis (ed) - The Mammoth Book of Westerns (epub).epub 815.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Robin Cook - [Stapleton-Montgomery 06] - Crisis (retail) (epub).epub 815.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Herbie Brennan - [Shadow Project 02] - The Doomsday Box (retail) (epub).epub 814.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Carissa Phelps - Runaway Girl- Escaping Life on the Streets, One Helping Hand at a Time (retail) (epub).epub 813.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Douglas Niles & Michael Dobson - Fox On the Rhine (v3.0) (epub).epub 812.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Stephen W Bennett - [Koban 03] - The Rise of the Kobani (epub).epub 812.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Jess Dee - [Speed 03] - Rhythm of My Heart [Samhain] (epub).epub 812.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Michael Lister - [John Jordan Mystery 02] - Blood of the Lamb (mobi).mobi 812.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/James Aitcheson - [Conquest 03] - Knights of the Hawk (mobi).mobi 811.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/William W and J A Johnstone - Suicide Mission (retail) (epub).epub 811.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Maxine McArthur - Less Than Human (retail) (epub).epub 811.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Dan Simmons - The Abominable (epub).epub 811.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Elizabeth Gilbert - The Signature of All Things (epub).epub 811.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Collin Wilcox - [Alan Bernhardt 05] - Full Circle (v5.0) (epub).epub 810.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/William W and J A Johnstone - [Luke Jensen 02] - Dead Shot (retail) (epub).epub 810.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Ralph Compton - Tucker's Reckoning - Matthew P Mayo (retail) (epub).epub 810.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Carol Smith - Family Reunion (retail) (epub).epub 810.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Linda Poitevin - [The Grigori Legacy 03] - Sins of the Lost (retail) (epub).epub 809.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Sherri L Lewis - The List (retail) (epub).epub 809.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Karl Kofoed - [Jupiter's Reef 01] - Jupiter's Reef (v5.0) (epub).epub 809.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Veronica Roth - [Divergent 03] - Allegiant (retail) (epub).epub 809.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Angela Richardson - [Pieces of Lies 03] - All the Pieces (mobi).mobi 809.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/PrettyTOUGH 01 - PrettyTOUGH - Nicole Leigh Shepherd (retail) (epub).epub 809.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Chris T Kat - [Jeff Woods 01] - Attachment Strings [Dreamweaver MM] (v5.0) (epub).epub 808.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Bella Stumbo - Until the Twelfth of Never (azw3).azw3 807.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Alexia Brue - Cathedrals of the Flesh- My Search for the Perfect Bath (retail) (epub).epub 807.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Gabbie S Duran - [Unspoken 01] - Unspoken Memories (mobi).mobi 806.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stargate - [Fandemonium - SG1 03 - Honor 01] - A Matter of Honor - Sally Malcolm (mobi).mobi 806.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Jacob Whaler - [Data 01] - Stones (mobi).mobi 806.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Yang Erche Namu - Leaving Mother Lake- A Girlhood at the Edge of the World (retail) (epub).epub 806.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Michael E Glasscock III - [Round Rock 02] - The Trial of Dr Kate (ARC) (epub).epub 806.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Lloyd Harry-Davis - [Worlds & Secrets 01] - Preternatural (azw3).azw3 805.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Joyz W Riter - [Dana Cartwright Mission 03] - Kal-King (mobi).mobi 805.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Cathryn Cade - [Club 3 01] - She's All In [Samhain] (epub).epub 805.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Kathie Giorgio - The Home for Wayward Clocks (retail) (epub).epub 805.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Robert Spencer - Not Peace but a Sword- The Great Chasm Between Christianity and Islam (mobi).mobi 804.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Janie Chang - Three Souls (v5.0) (epub).epub 803.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Diane Hammond - Friday's Harbor (mobi).mobi 803.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jeffrey Burger - [Wings of Steele 01] - Destination Unknown (epub).epub 803.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/James Baldwin - The Cross of Redemption- Uncollected Writings (mobi).mobi 803.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Megan Shepherd - [Madman's Daughter 01] - The Madman's Daughter (retail) (epub).epub 803.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Jeanine Cummins - The Crooked Branch (retail) (epub).epub 803.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/David Drake - [Raj Whitehall (The General) 09] - The Heretic - Tony Daniel (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 802.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/William W Johnstone - [Blood Bond 15] - Arizona Ambush - J A Johnstone (retail) (epub).epub 801.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Steve Pemberton - A Chance in the World- An Orphan Boy, a Mysterious Past, and How He Found a Place Called Home (retail) (epub).epub 800.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Warhammer 40,000 - [Angels of Death 25] - Crown of Thorns - Peter Fehervari (epub).epub 799.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Lisa Graff - Double Dog Dare (retail) (epub).epub 799.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 371] - Town of Two Women (retail) (epub).epub 799.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Stefan Bachmann - [Peculiar 02] - The Whatnot (retail) (epub).epub 799.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Laurie Graham - The Great Husband Hunt (retail) (epub).epub 798.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Connie Barnes Rose - Road to Thunder Hill (v5.0) (epub).epub 797.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Paul Johnson - Darwin- Portrait of a Genius (retail) (epub).epub 797.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Terry Mancour - [Spellmonger 01] - Spellmonger (epub).epub 797.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/John Macrae - The Vengeance Man (mobi).mobi 797.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Desmond Bagley - [Max Stafford 01-02] - Flyaway & Windfall (retail) (epub).epub 796.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Katherine Kurtz - Two Crowns for America (v0.9) (epub).epub 794.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Tessa Teevan - [Explosive 01] - Ignite (epub).epub 793.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/T R Briar - Realm Wraith (mobi).mobi 793.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Allen Steele - Angel of Europa (retail) (epub).epub 792.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jessica Clare - [Billionaire Boys Club 03] - The Wrong Billionaire's Bed [MF] (epub).epub 792.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Collin Wilcox - Spellbinder (epub).epub 791.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Shannon Messenger - [Keeper of the Lost Cities 02] - Exile (mobi).mobi 791.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/William W Johnstone - [Blood Valley 01] - Blood Valley (retail) (epub).epub 791.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Manel Loureiro - [Apocalypse Z 02] - Dark Days (epub).epub 791.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Cynthia Kadohata - The Thing About Luck (epub).epub 791.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Desmond Bagley - Wyatt's Hurricane & Bahama Crisis (retail) (epub).epub 790.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Rahimeh Andalibian - The Rose Hotel (mobi).mobi 790.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Felicity Young - [Stevie Hooper 03] - Take Out (epub).epub 790.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Peter James - Alchemist (epub).epub 790.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Tim Cody - [Subject Nightingale 01] - Birth and Death (mobi).mobi 789.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Brandilyn and Amberly Collins - [Rayne Tour 02] - Last Breath (v5.0) (epub).epub 789.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Marvin Kaye - [Hilary Quayle 03] - Bullets for Macbeth (retail) (epub).epub 787.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Emil Ostrovski - The Paradox of Vertical Flight (retail) (epub).epub 787.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jake Logan - [Slocum 406] - Slocum and the Hellfire Harem (retail) (epub).epub 787.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Lynda Hunt - One for the Murphys (retail) (epub).epub 787.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Valerie S Malmont - [Tori Miracle 01] - Death Pays the Rose Rent (mobi).mobi 786.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Marvin Kaye - [Hilary Quayle 05] - The Soap Opera Slaughters (retail) (epub).epub 786.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Nicky Jayne - Embracing Life (mobi).mobi 785.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Diane Hammond - Friday's Harbor (epub).epub 784.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Mia Marlowe as Diana Groe - [Songs of the North 03] - Silk Dreams (epub).epub 784.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Stacey Lynn - [Just One Song 02] - Just One Week (mobi).mobi 784.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Laura Joh Rowland - [Sano Ichiro 17] - The Shogun's Daughter (epub).epub 783.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Stacia Kane - [Downside Ghosts 05.5] - Close to You (epub).epub 783.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Sandra Heath - Mally [SRR] (retail) (epub).epub 783.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Cathy Ace - [Cait Morgan Mystery 02] - The Corpse With the Golden Nose (v5.0) (epub).epub 783.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Judith Roth - Serendipity and Me (retail) (epub).epub 783.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/RaShelle Workman - [Immortal Essence 00.5-02] - Immortal Essence Box Set (Aligned; Exiled; Beguiled) (epub).epub 783.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Katherine Paterson - The Same Stuff as Stars (retail) (epub).epub 783.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Janet Reid - Granny Rags (retail) (epub).epub 782.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/James D Best - Tempest at Dawn (mobi).mobi 782.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/A E Rought - [Broken 02] - Tainted (epub).epub 782.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Stephanie Hemphill - Hideous Love- The Story of the Girl Who Wrote Frankenstein (retail) (epub).epub 782.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jon Scieszka - [Time Warp Trio TV 03] - Wushu Were Here (retail) (epub).epub 781.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Estelle Ryan - [Genevieve Lenard 01] - The Gauguin Connection (mobi).mobi 781.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/William X Kienzle - [Father Koesler 06] - Kill and Tell (mobi).mobi 780.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ovidia Yu - Aunty Lee's Delights (v5.0) (epub).epub 779.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Carey Heywood - [Him 02] - Her (mobi).mobi 779.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/William W Johnstone - [Mountain Man 03] - Trail of the Mountain Man (retail) (epub).epub 779.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Gennifer Albin - [Crewel World 02] - Altered (mobi).mobi 778.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Mary Ellen Taylor - [Union Street Bakery 01] - The Union Street Bakery (retail) (epub).epub 778.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Laurie Halse Anderson - [Seeds of America 02] - Forge (azw3).azw3 777.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Eleanor Prescott - [Alice Brown 02] - Alice Brown's Lessons in the Curious Art of Dating (v5.0) (epub).epub 777.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Blake Snyder - Save the Cat! Strikes Back- More Trouble for Screenwriters to Get Into and Out Of (epub).epub 777.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Dexter Dias - False Witness (retail) (epub).epub 776.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Robert Day - [Nexus Wars Saga 02] - Ashar'an Rising (mobi).mobi 776.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Marie Hermanson - The Devil's Sanctuary (v5.0) (epub).epub 776.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Stewart Felkel - Encounters (azw3).azw3 775.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Katherine Dunn - Geek Love (mobi).mobi 775.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Sherri L Lewis - [Soul 01] - My Soul Cries Out (retail) (epub).epub 775.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Monica Luke - WorrlgenHall (epub).epub 775.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Kathleen McCleary - Leaving Haven (epub).epub 775.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Warhammer 40,000 - [Angels of Death 24] - The Thrill of the Hunt - Anthony Reynolds (epub).epub 774.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Alec Nevala-Lee - [Icon Thief 03] - Eternal Empire (v5.0) (epub).epub 774.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Dixie Lynn Dwyer - [The American Soldier Collection 05] - The Greatest Fight of All [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 774.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Claire Zorn - The Sky So Heavy (epub).epub 774.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Grace Carroll - [Accessories Mystery 03] - Murder After a Fashion (epub).epub 774.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Jeremiah Healy - [John Francis Cuddy 04] - Swan Dive (retail) (epub).epub 773.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Anthony Riches - [Empire 06] - The Eagle's Vengeance (mobi).mobi 773.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/R Lynn - The Chariots Slave (bad conversion) (epub).epub 772.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Brandilyn and Amberly Collins - [Rayne Tour 03] - Final Touch (retail) (epub).epub 772.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Dean R Koontz - [Frankenstein 01] - Prodigal Son (retail) (epub).epub 772.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Emma L Adams - [Darkworld 01] - Darkness Watching (epub).epub 771.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Cheryl Douglas - [Texas Titans 01] - Strike Out (epub).epub 771.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/J A Johnstone - [The Loner 01] - The Loner (retail) (epub).epub 771.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Ken Dryden - The Game (mobi).mobi 770.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Alon Shalev - [Wycaan Master 03] - Ashbar (epub).epub 770.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Magan Vernon - The Only One (mobi).mobi 770.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/David O Stewart - The Lincoln Deception (v5.0) (epub).epub 770.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Paige Shelton - [Country Cooking School Mystery 03] - If Bread Could Rise to the Occasion (epub).epub 770.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Lexi Ryan - [New Hope 02] - Wish I May (mobi).mobi 769.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Maggie Brendan - [Blue Willow Brides 03] - Perfectly Matched (epub).epub 769.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Sarah Michelle Lynch - [The Chambermaid's Tales 01] - A Fine Profession [MF] (azw3).azw3 768.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Marjorie Kowalski Cole - Correcting the Landscape (retail) (epub).epub 768.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Ian Flitcroft - The Reluctant Cannibals (epub).epub 768.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Priscilla Cummings - The Journey Back (retail) (epub).epub 767.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Christine Wenger - [Comfort Food Mystery 01] - Do or Diner (retail) (epub).epub 767.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Elora Carmen Shore - [Legends of the Nelessar] - Alexis- Revelation and Revolution (mobi).mobi 766.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Sabrina Elkins - Stir Me Up (mobi).mobi 766.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Shayla Black & Rhyannon Byrd - Wicked and Dangerous (Wicked All Night & Make Me Yours) (mobi).mobi 764.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Kevin Henkes - The Year of Billy Miller (retail) (epub).epub 764.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Lauren Royal - [Jewel 01] - Amethyst (mobi).mobi 763.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Lelaina Landis - [Just Me & You 01] - Something About You (mobi).mobi 763.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Conn Iggulden - [Wars of the Roses 01] - Stormbird (epub).epub 762.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/A Bertram Chandler - [John Grimes Saga Omnibus 02] - First Command.epub 762.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Meda Ryan - Tom Barry- IRA Freedom Fighter (retail) (epub).epub 761.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Warhammer 40,000 - [Angels of Death 27] - Bitter Salvage - Nick Kyme (epub).epub 761.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Collin Wilcox - [Stephen Drake 01] - The Black Door (v5.0) (epub).epub 761.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Drew Magary - Men with Balls- The Professional Athlete's Handbook (retail) (azw3).azw3 761.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Marvin Kaye - [Hilary Quayle 01] - A Lively Game of Death (retail) (epub).epub 760.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Jeff Hart - Eat, Brains, Love (mobi).mobi 760.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Tracy Wolff - [Shaken Dirty 01] - Crash Into Me (epub).epub 760.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Chris Willrich - [Gaunt and Bone 01] - The Scroll of Years (mobi).mobi 760.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Susan Hill Long - Whistle in the Dark (retail) (pdf).pdf 760.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Penny Reid - [Knitting in the City 02] - Friends Without Benefits (mobi).mobi 759.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Raymond Federman - My Body in Nine Parts (v5.0) (epub).epub 759.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Mindy Starns Clark & John Campbell Clark - Echoes of Titanic (epub).epub 759.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kresley Cole - [Arcana Chronicles 02] - Endless Knight (mobi).mobi 759.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Paul Marshall & Nina Shea - Silenced- How Apostasy and Blasphemy Codes are Choking Freedom Worldwide (epub).epub 758.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Neal Asher - [Cormac 01] - Gridlinked (v5.1) (epub).epub 758.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Karen Essex - Leonardo's Swans (mobi).mobi 758.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Carolyn McCray & Ben Hopkin - [Darc Murders 01] - 9th Circle (mobi).mobi 758.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Annabel Davis-Goff - This Cold Country (v5.0) (epub).epub 758.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Linda Olsson - The Memory of Love (retail) (epub).epub 758.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Nicholas Pileggi - Wiseguy- Life in a Mafia Family (azw3).azw3 757.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/James Brady - Fashion Show, or, the Adventures of Bingo Marsh (retail) (epub).epub 757.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Gabriel Doherty & Dermot Keogh (ed) - De Valera's Irelands (retail) (epub).epub 756.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ralph Compton - Down on Gila River - Joseph A West (retail) (epub).epub 756.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Rene Folsom - [Cornerstone 01] - Shuttered Affections (mobi).mobi 756.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Missy Johnson - [Beautiful Rose 01] - Beautiful Rose (mobi).mobi 755.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Colleen Hoover - Finding Cinderella (mobi).mobi 755.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Warhammer 40,000 - [Angels of Death 22] - Rite of Pain - Nick Kyme (epub).epub 754.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Sherman Alexie - War Dances (v5.0) (epub).epub 753.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Thomas Rath - [The Master of the Tane 02] - Night Calls the Raven (mobi).mobi 753.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Kathleen Morgan - [These Highland Hills 04] - As High as the Heavens (mobi).mobi 753.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Dixie Lynn Dwyer - [Power Surge- The Billionaire Club 02] - A Billion to One [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 753.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Lyn Miller-Lachmann - Rogue (retail) (epub).epub 752.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Jane Yolen & Adam Stemple - BUG (Big Ugly Guy) (retail) (epub).epub 752.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Charles Belfoure - The Paris Architect (mobi).mobi 752.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Seamus Heaney - Opened Ground- Poems 1966-1996 (retail) (epub).epub 752.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Anna Jarzab - [Many-Worlds Trilogy 01] - Tandem (epub).epub 752.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/S Eva Necks - White is for Virgins (mobi).mobi 751.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Glynis Whiting - [Nosey Parker Mystery 01] - A Nose for Death (v5.0) (epub).epub 751.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Erin Quinn - Echoes (mobi).mobi 751.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jim Nisbet - The Spider's Cage (retail) (epub).epub 750.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Freya Robertson - [Elemental Wars 01] - Heartwood (ARC) (epub).epub 750.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Suzie O'Connell - [Northstar Angels 01] - Mountain Angel (mobi).mobi 749.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Mindy Starns Clark & Leslie Gould - [Women of Lancaster County 04] - The Amish Seamstress (epub).epub 748.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Erika Marks - The Mermaid Collector (retail) (epub).epub 748.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Sue Fortin - United States of Love (mobi).mobi 748.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Delia Sherman - [Neef 01] - Changeling (retail) (epub).epub 748.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Peter Sasgen - Hellcats- The Epic Story of World War II's Most Daring Submarine Raid (retail) (epub).epub 747.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Rebecca Zanetti - [Dark Protectors 06] - Shadowed (mobi).mobi 747.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Dany LaFerriere - The World is Moving Around Me- A Memoir of the Haiti Earthquake (retail) (epub).epub 747.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Lindsay Armstrong - Reluctant Wife [HP-1071, MB-2775] (rtf).rtf 746.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/James Kahn - The Goonies (retail) (epub).epub 746.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Paul Lussier - Last Refuge of Scoundrels (retail) (epub).epub 746.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Laura Joh Rowland - [Sano Ichiro 15] - The Ronin's Mistress (epub).epub 746.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Marvin Kaye - [Hilary Quayle 04] - The Laurel and Hardy Murders (retail) (epub).epub 745.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Stephen Baxter - [Time's Tapestry 03] - Navigator (retail) (epub).epub 745.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Max Gladstone - [Craft Sequence 02] - Two Serpents Rise (mobi).mobi 744.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Jeffery Deaver - [Lincoln Rhyme 10] - The Kill Room (retail) (epub).epub 744.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Rita Herron - [Bachelor Pact 01-03] - Marry Me, Maddie; Sleepless in Savannah, I Love Lucy (epub).epub 744.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Helen Macinnes - Message from Malaga (v5.0) (epub).epub 744.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Sean Williams & Shane Dix - [Orphans 03] - Heirs of Earth (epub).epub 743.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Mercedes Lackey - [Valdemar - Collegium Chronicles 05] - Bastion (mobi).mobi 743.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Rob Donovan - [Ballad of Frindoth 01] - Ritual of the Stones (mobi).mobi 743.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Evelyn Waugh - Vile Bodies (retail) (epub).epub 742.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Lin Oliver - [Almost Identical 03] - Double-Crossed (retail) (epub).epub 742.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Melanie Shawn - [Crossroads 04] - My Everything- Seth & Amber (epub).epub 741.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Candace Schuler - [Heart of the City 01] - One Night With You (mobi).mobi 741.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Dixie Lynn Dwyer - [Power Surge- The Billionaire Club 02] - A Billion to One [Siren Menage Everlasting] (html).html 741.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Pamela Tracy - Love Finds You in Sunflower, Kansas (retail) (epub).epub 740.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Laurence O'Bryan - [Puzzle 01] - The Istanbul Puzzle (mobi).mobi 740.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Sarah Bumpus - [Students of the Game 01] - Students of the Game (mobi).mobi 739.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Janice Weber - [Leslie Frost 02] - Hot Ticket (retail) (epub).epub 739.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Amanda Ashby - [Sophie's Mixed-Up Magic 02] - Under a Spell (retail) (epub).epub 738.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Annie Jocoby - [Illusions 01-03] - Beautifu; Deeper; End of Illusions (epub).epub 737.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Kathleen McCleary - Leaving Haven (mobi).mobi 737.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Lexi Hunt - 50 Shades of Erotica- Mega Collection of 50 Erotic Stories [MF] (mobi).mobi 737.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/L A Bressett - [Vengeful Honor 01] - Wild Chase (epub).epub 736.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Paul Pipkin - The Fan-Shaped Destiny of William Seabrook- A Romance of Many Worlds (retail) (epub).epub 736.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/William W Johnstone - [Eagles 17] - Carnage of Eagles - J A Johnstone (retail) (epub).epub 736.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Justin Lee Mitchell - [Mirrors of the World] - Gorinthians (epub).epub 736.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/David Bell - Never Come Back (epub).epub 735.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mika Brzezinski - Obsessed- America's Food Addiction, and My Own (epub).epub 735.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Heather Thurmeier - [Meadow Ridge 02] - Love on Landing (epub).epub 734.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Carol Antoinette Peacock - Red Thread Sisters (retail) (epub).epub 733.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Chelsea M Cameron - [Surrender Saga 01] - Sweet Surrendering (epub).epub 733.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Simon Cheshire - [Saxby Smart- Private Detective 07] - The Poisoned Arrow (retail) (epub).epub 732.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Eden Butler - [Seeking Serenity 01] - Chasing Serenity (mobi).mobi 732.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Erle Stanley Gardner as A A Fair - [Donald Lam and Bertha Cool 11] - Fools Die On Friday (mobi).mobi 732.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ann Hood - [Treasure Chest 01] - Angel of the Battlefield (retail) (epub).epub 731.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Amanda Quick - [Ladies of Lantern Street 02] - The Mystery Woman (retail) (epub).epub 731.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Naomi King - [Home at Cedar Creek 01] - Abby Finds Her Calling (mobi).mobi 731.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Wally Lamb - We Are Water (epub).epub 731.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Terry Spear - [Highlander Medieval 05] - The Highlander (mobi).mobi 731.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Susan Kietzman - The Good Life (retail) (epub).epub 730.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Selene Chardou - [Lovers 02] - In Too Deep (mobi).mobi 730.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Toby Barlow - Babayaga (mobi).mobi 730.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Mark Gimenez - [John Bookman 01] - Con Law (epub).epub 730.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Leanne Davis - [Sister Series 01] - The Other Sister (azw3).azw3 730.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Martina Cole - Revenge (v1.0) (mobi).mobi 729.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Sarah Fine - [Guards of the Shadowlands 02] - Fractured (azw3).azw3 728.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Suzannah Dunn - The Confession of Katherine Howard (epub).epub 728.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Raine Thomas - Meant For Her (mobi).mobi 728.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Nathan Gottlieb - [Frank Boff Mystery 03] - The Killer Sex Game (mobi).mobi 727.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Alicia White - [Novikov Clan 04] - Third Time's a Charm [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 726.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Hank Davis (ed) - A Cosmic Christmas 2 You (v5.0) (epub).epub 726.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Melissa Collins - [Love 03] - Let Love Heal (epub).epub 726.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Brenda Novak - Through the Smoke (mobi).mobi 726.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/PrettyTOUGH 06 - Fifteen Love - Nicole Leigh Shepherd (retail) (epub).epub 725.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Joyce and Jim Lavene - [Pet Psychic Mystery 01] - Telltale Turtle (mobi).mobi 725.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Gin Phillips - The Hidden Summer (retail) (epub).epub 725.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jake Logan - [Slocum 407] - Slocum and the Spirit Bear (retail) (epub).epub 724.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Jake Logan - [Slocum 416] - Slocum and the Thunderbird (retail) (epub).epub 724.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Warhammer 40,000 - [Angels of Death 28] - Vigil - James Swallow (epub).epub 724.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Kim Harrington - [Sleuth or Dare 01] - Partners in Crime (retail) (epub).epub 724.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Marcus Johnson - [Freedom Saga 01] - Heaven's Light (mobi).mobi 723.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/John Mooney - The Torso in the Canal- The Inside Story on Ireland's Most Grotesque Killing (retail) (epub).epub 723.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Stewart Felkel - Encounters (mobi).mobi 723.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Antoine Rouaud - [The Book and The Sword 01] - The Path of Anger (epub).epub 723.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Karl Kofoed - [Jupiter's Reef 02] - Farthest Reef (v5.0) (epub).epub 721.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Marilyn Pappano - Somebody's Hero [SIM-1427, MI-642] (v5.0) (epub).epub 721.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Amanda Lee - [Embroidery Mystery 06] - Cross-Stitch Before Dying (epub).epub 721.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Brenda Hampton - [Naughty 05] - Too Naughty (epub).epub 720.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Jennifer Echols - [Stargazer 02] - Playing Dirty (mobi).mobi 719.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Gerbrand Bakker - Ten White Geese (retail) (epub).epub 719.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Doug Peterson - The Puzzle People (retail) (epub).epub 719.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Stephen W Bennett - [Koban 01] - Koban (epub).epub 718.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Patricia MacLachlan - Kindred Souls (retail) (epub).epub 717.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Raymond Khoury - [Last Templar 04] - Rasputin's Shadow (mobi).mobi 717.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Michelle Graves - [The Chronicles of Izzy 01] - See How She Runs (mobi).mobi 717.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Anne Lyle - [Night's Masque 03] - Prince of Lies (epub).epub 717.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Roland DeForrest - [Dirk and Honey 01] - The Erotic Quest of Dirk and Honey [MF] (retail) (epub).epub 716.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/R D Power - Taylor Made Owens (mobi).mobi 716.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Gerri Russell - [Highland Bachelor 01] - A Laird for Christmas (epub).epub 715.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/William J Craig - Last Rites- The Final Days of the Boston Mob Wars (retail) (epub).epub 714.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Sean Williams & Shane Dix - [Orphans 02] - Orphans of Earth (epub).epub 714.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Warhammer 40,000 - [Angels of Death 23] - Trophies - Cavan Scott (epub).epub 714.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Beverly Jenkins - Night Song (v5.0) (epub).epub 714.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/James W Jorgensen - Do Not Go Gentle (v5.0) (epub).epub 714.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/David Thewlis - The Late Hector Kipling (epub).epub 714.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Ben Peller - Living the Gimmick (retail) (epub).epub 713.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Shayla Black & Rhyannon Byrd - Wicked and Dangerous (Wicked All Night & Make Me Yours) (epub).epub 713.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Nancy Mitford - Frederick the Great (retail) (epub).epub 712.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/M V Kallai - [Tripple Chronicles 01] - Eternity Rising (azw3).azw3 712.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Shyam Selvadurai - Cinnamon Gardens (mobi).mobi 711.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Will Self - Grey Area- And Other Stories (mobi).mobi 710.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Elizabeth Hoyt - [Maiden Lane 06] - Duke of Midnight (mobi).mobi 710.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Joelle Anthony - The Right and the Real (retail) (epub).epub 710.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Halo [eXtasy] (mobi).mobi 709.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tabor Evans - [Longarm 412] - Longarm and the Cry of the Wolf (retail) (epub).epub 709.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Stephen Baxter - [Time's Tapestry 04] - Weaver (retail) (epub).epub 709.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/M T Pope - May the Best Man Win (retail) (epub).epub 709.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Celia Jerome - [Willow Tate 05] - Sand Witches in the Hamptons (retail) (epub).epub 708.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/S M Welles - To Ocean's End (mobi).mobi 708.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Margaret Daley - [Heart of the Amazon 02] - Buried Secrets [LIS-72] (retail) (epub).epub 708.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Ralph L Wahlstrom - Kesh (retail) (epub).epub 707.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Kip Gayden - Miscarriage of Justice (retail) (epub).epub 707.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Wren Figueiro - Atancia (mobi).mobi 706.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Matt Stephens - The Lostkind (mobi).mobi 706.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Erik P Harlow - [Voyage of the Sanguine Shadow 01-02] - Shadow Galactic & Shadow Divided (epub).epub 706.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Meg Benjamin - [Medium 01] - Medium Well (retail) (epub).epub 706.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jourdyn Kelly - [Eve Sumptor 02] - Flawed Perfection (mobi).mobi 705.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Alex T Kolter - [On Galaxy's Edge 01] - Ascendance (mobi).mobi 705.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Stephanie Feagan - [Mephisto Covenant 01] - Only You (mobi).mobi 705.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/E G Foley - [The Gryphon Chronicles 03] - The Dark Portal (mobi).mobi 705.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Darynda Jones - [Darklight 03] - Death, and the Girl He Loves (epub).epub 705.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Jo Nesbo - [Harry Hole 10] - Police (US) (mobi).mobi 705.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Kat Falls - [Fetch 01] - Inhuman (epub).epub 705.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Helen MacInnes - Neither Five Nor Three (v5.0) (epub).epub 704.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Jeff Wheeler - Silverkin (mobi).mobi 704.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Dennis Cooper - [George Miles Cycle 02] - Frisk (mobi).mobi 703.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Go Girl - Best Christmas Ever - Rowan McAuley (retail) (epub).epub 703.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Warhammer 40,000 - [Angels of Death 26] - By Artifice, Alone - George Mann (epub).epub 702.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Lauren Layne - Isn't She Lovely (mobi).mobi 702.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Dee Ellis - MasterStroke (mobi).mobi 702.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 372] - The Missing Patriarch (retail) (epub).epub 702.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Ronald Wintrick - The Vampire-Alien Chronicles (mobi).mobi 702.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Katalyn Sage - [Legions of Fate 01] - The Highlander's Curse (mobi).mobi 702.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Sharon Page - [Blood 07] - Blood Curse (mobi).mobi 701.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Deb Kemper - Full Mackintosh (mobi).mobi 701.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Love Belvin - [Love's Improbable Possibility 03] - Love UnCharted (mobi).mobi 701.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Regina Hart - [Brooklyn Monarchs 01] - Fast Break (epub).epub 701.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Rachel Keener - The Memory Thief (retail) (epub).epub 701.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Kristin Harmel - Italian for Beginners (retail) (epub).epub 701.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Susan Kearney - [Heat 01] - Lunar Heat (Island Heat) (mobi).mobi 700.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Gerri Russell - [Highland Bachelor 01] - A Laird for Christmas (mobi).mobi 699.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Heather Swain - Josie Griffin Is Not a Vampire (retail) (epub).epub 699.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Ariel Djanikian - The Office of Mercy (retail) (epub).epub 699.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Bella Jeanisse - Wicked End (epub).epub 699.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Cornelia Read - [Madeline Dare 04] - Valley of Ashes (epub).epub 698.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Ayse Kulin - Last Train to Istanbul (mobi).mobi 698.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Patrick Hamilton - The Slaves of Solitude (mobi).mobi 696.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Diane Leyne - [Club Libertine 08] - Submission 101 [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 696.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Andrew E Kaufman - Darkness & Shadows (epub).epub 696.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Irene Hannon - [Private Justice 02] - Trapped (epub).epub 696.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Helaine Mario - Firebird (epub).epub 696.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Amy Rose Capetta - Entangled (retail) (epub).epub 696.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Nalini Singh - [Guild Hunter 06] - Archangel's Legion (epub).epub 695.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Kanal Basu - The Yellow Emperor's Cure (retail) (epub).epub 695.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Andre Dubus - The Lieutenant (retail) (mobi).mobi 695.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Lin Oliver - [Almost Identical 02] - Two-Faced (retail) (epub).epub 694.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Carolyn Brown - [Cowboys and Brides 02] - The Cowboy's Christmas Baby (epub).epub 694.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Kaitlin O'Riley - [Hamilton Sisters 05] - His By Christmas (mobi).mobi 694.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Anupama Chopra - King of Bollywood- Shah Rukh Khan and the Seductive World of Indian Cinema (retail) (pdf).pdf 694.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Rebecca Lynn - [Iris 01] - Release (mobi).mobi 694.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Douglas R Brown - [The Light of Epertase 01] - Legends Reborn (epub).epub 694.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/James Mills - The Hearing (retail) (epub).epub 693.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jeff Probst - [Stranded 02] - Trial by Fire (retail) (epub).epub 693.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Laurence O'Bryan - [Puzzle 03] - The Manhattan Puzzle (epub).epub 693.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Dervla Murphy - Full Tilt- Ireland to India With a Bicycle (retail) (epub).epub 693.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Cindy Gerard - The Way Home (mobi).mobi 692.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Josh Hilden - [The Shores of the Dead 01-03] - The Rising; The Journey; The Final Stand (mobi).mobi 692.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tracey Devlyn - [Nexus 03] - A Lady's Secret Weapon (mobi).mobi 692.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Amanda Young & Raymond Young Jr - [History of Ondar 02] - Awake the Cullers (mobi).mobi 692.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Star Wars - Republic Commando - Prima Official Strategy Guide - The Tale of the Aiwha Pod - Ryan Kaufman (cbr).cbr 691.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Amanda Forester - [Highlander 03.5] - The Highland Bride's Choice (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 691.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Laura Restrepo - The Dark Bride (v5.0) (epub).epub 691.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Francine du Plessix Gray - The Queen's Lover (retail) (epub).epub 691.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Marcus Johnson - [Freedom Saga 02] - Freedom's Bell (mobi).mobi 690.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/John Koetsier - No Other Gods (mobi).mobi 690.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Joffre White - [Frog 02] - Frog and the Sandspiders of Aridian (retail) (epub).epub 690.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Hebby Roman - The Best Bet (mobi).mobi 690.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Paige Toon - The Longest Holiday (mobi).mobi 690.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Evelyn Waugh - [Sword of Honor 01-03] - Sword of Honor (Men at Arms; Officers and Gentlemen; Unconditional Surrender) (ARC) (epub).epub 689.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Colin Martin - Welcome to Hell- One Man's Fight for Life Inside the Bangkok Hilton (retail) (epub).epub 689.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Peter Abrahams - [The Outlaws of Sherwood Street 02] - Giving to the Poor (retail) (epub).epub 689.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Lena Nicole - [The One] - The One Left Behind (mobi).mobi 689.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Lin Oliver - [Almost Identical 01] - Almost Identical (retail) (epub).epub 689.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Dani Lovell - [Sexy 02] - Sexy Summers (mobi).mobi 689.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Edna Ferber - So Big (retail) (epub).epub 688.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tabor Evans - [Longarm 408] - Longarm and the Sins of Laughing Lyle (retail) (epub).epub 687.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/James Rollins & Rebecca Cantrell - [Order of the Sanguines 01.5] - Blood Brothers (epub).epub 687.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/O M Grey - Avalon Revamped (mobi).mobi 687.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Laurence O'Bryan - [Puzzle 02] - The Jerusalem Puzzle (mobi).mobi 687.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Andrea Young - Finny and the Boy from Horse Mountain (retail) (epub).epub 686.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Katie Cotugno - How to Love (epub).epub 685.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Susan S Kelly - Even Now (retail) (epub).epub 685.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Christopher Fowler - Plastic (mobi).mobi 685.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Evelyn Waugh - The Loved One (retail) (epub).epub 684.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Gary Gibson - [Shoal 02] - Nova War (v5.1) (mobi).mobi 683.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Sarah Fine - [Guards of the Shadowlands 02] - Fractured (mobi).mobi 683.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Fiona Paul - [The Secrets of the Eternal Rose 03] - Starling (epub).epub 683.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Amy Myers - [Car Detective 04] - Classic Mistake (epub).epub 682.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Michael R Underwood - [Geekomancers 02] - Celebromancy (epub).epub 682.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Nancy Hopper - A Walk in the Wilderness (mobi).mobi 681.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Marvin Kaye - [Hilary Quayle 02] - The Grand Ole Opry Murders (The Country Music Murders) (retail) (epub).epub 681.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Mark Howard - Sleeper Seven (mobi).mobi 681.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Robert B Parker - [Spenser 41] - Silent Night - Helen Brann (epub).epub 681.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Veronica Rossi - [Under the Never Sky 03] - Into the Still Blue (ARC) (epub).epub 681.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Jacob Whaler - [Data 01] - Stones (epub).epub 680.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Caridad Pineiro - [Reborn 02] - To Love and Serve (mobi).mobi 680.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Catherine Astolfo - Sweet Karoline (mobi).mobi 680.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Waverly Curtis - [Barking Detective Mystery 03] - The Big Chihuahua (epub).epub 680.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Hank Davis (ed) - A Cosmic Christmas (v5.0) (epub).epub 679.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Collin Wilcox - [LT Hastings 08] - The Third Victim (v5.0) (epub).epub 679.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/K D Grace as Grace Marshall - [Executive Decision 03] - The Exhibition [Xcite] (mobi).mobi 678.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Frankie Valente - Learning to Dance Again (mobi).mobi 678.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Noire - [The Misadventures of Mink LaRue 02] - Sexy Little Liar (retail) (epub).epub 678.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Sean Williams & Shane Dix - [Orphans 01] - Echoes of Earth (epub).epub 677.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Jacquie Underdown - Beautiful Illusion (mobi).mobi 677.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Rebecca Zanetti - [Dark Protectors 06] - Shadowed (azw3).azw3 676.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Mike Coony - Fearless Finn's Murderous Adventure (mobi).mobi 676.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Danni McGriffith - [Love Is Not Enough 01] - The Cedar Tree (mobi).mobi 675.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Beth Neff - Getting Somewhere (retail) (epub).epub 675.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Mike Baron - Whack Job (v5.0) (epub).epub 674.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Thomas Cahill - The Gifts of the Jews- How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels (mobi).mobi 674.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Rose Pressey - [Halloween LaVeau 03] - Third Time's a Charm (mobi).mobi 673.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Margaret Peterson Haddix - [Missing 06] - Risked (epub).epub 673.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Alex George - A Good American (retail) (epub).epub 672.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jasmine Haynes - The Naughty Corner (mobi).mobi 672.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Evelyn Waugh - Helena (retail) (epub).epub 672.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Gerald Seymour - Timebomb (retail) (epub).epub 671.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Julia Amante - Evenings at the Argentine Club (retail) (epub).epub 670.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Stephanie Elmas - The Room Beyond (mobi).mobi 669.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Trilby Kent - Silent Noon (retail) (epub).epub 669.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Tammy Coons - The Wannabes (mobi).mobi 669.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Kristine Mason - [CORE Shadow 03] - Shadow of Vengeance (epub).epub 669.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Lacy Crawford - Early Decision (azw3).azw3 669.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Honor James - [The Royal Wolves 03] - Crowning Glory [Siren Allure] (mobi).mobi 669.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Laszlo Krasznahorkai - Seiobo There Below (mobi).mobi 668.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kerstin Gier - [Ruby Red 03] - Emerald Green (mobi).mobi 668.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Lara Sweety - [MacClain Family 01] - Faded Cotton [MF] (mobi).mobi 667.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Barry Lancet - [Jim Brodie 01] - Japantown (epub).epub 667.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Anne Cleeland - [Acton and Doyle Scotland Yard Mystery 01] - Murder in Thrall (retail) (epub).epub 666.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jake Needham - [Inspector Samuel Tay 02] - The Umbrella Man (retail) (epub).epub 666.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Anna Zaires - [The Krinar Chronicles 03] - Close Remembrance [MF] (mobi).mobi 666.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lilith Saintcrow - [Dante Valentine 01] - Working for the Devil (v5.0) (epub).epub 666.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Beth Ehemann - [Cranberry Inn 01] - Room For You (epub).epub 665.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Cait London - [Freedom Valley 03] - Gabriel's Gift [SD-1357, Man of the Month] (mobi).mobi 665.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Anne Ursu - [Breadcrumbs 02] - The Real Boy (epub).epub 665.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Stephanie Keyes - [Star Child 02] - The Fallen Stars (mobi).mobi 665.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Michael Sears - [Jason Stafford 02] - Mortal Bonds (azw3).azw3 664.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Lacy Crawford - Early Decision (mobi).mobi 664.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Robin Cook - [Stapleton-Montgomery 07] - Critical (retail) (epub).epub 664.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Mike Coony - Fearless Finn's Murderous Adventure (azw3).azw3 664.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Jessica Ferguson - The Last Daughter [Tales of the Scrimshaw Doll] (epub).epub 663.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/P C and Kristin Cast - [House of Night 11] - Revealed (mobi).mobi 663.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Livia J Washburn - [Fresh-Baked Mystery 07] - Wedding Cake Killer (mobi).mobi 663.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Neal Asher - [Cormac 01] - Gridlinked (v5.1) (mobi).mobi 663.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kitty B Florey - Five Questions (retail) (epub).epub 663.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Bill Geist - Fore! Play- The Last American Male Takes up Golf (retail) (epub).epub 663.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Patrick Ellsworth Taylor - The Martian Pendant (azw3).azw3 662.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Michelle Diener - Banquet of Lies (mobi).mobi 662.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Neal Shusterman - [Unwind 03] - UnSouled (mobi).mobi 662.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Alan M Dershowitz - Just Revenge (retail) (epub).epub 661.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Thomas Lipinski - [Carroll Dorsey Mystery 01] - The Fall-Down Artist (v5.0) (epub).epub 661.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/K D Lamb - The Puppetmasters (mobi).mobi 661.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Dani Lovell - [Sexy 02] - Sexy Summers (azw3).azw3 661.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Liz Worth - PostApoc (mobi).mobi 661.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Barbara Taylor Bradford - [Emma Harte 04] - Emma's Secret (mobi).mobi 661.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Bill Carson - Nemesis- John Kane's Revenge (mobi).mobi 661.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ian Rogers - Aces (v5.0) (epub).epub 660.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Anna Loan-Wilsey - [Hattie Davish Mystery 02] - Anything But Civil (retail) (epub).epub 659.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Ann Aguirre - [Razorland 03] - Horde (mobi).mobi 658.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Peter James - [Roy Grace 09] - Dead Man's Time (US) (mobi).mobi 658.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Nell Freudenberger - The Dissident (retail) (epub).epub 657.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jennifer Domenico - [Sunflower 03] - Forever in Bloom (epub).epub 657.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Lizzy Ford - [Voodoo Nights 01] - Cursed (epub).epub 657.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/David Graham - Incitement (epub).epub 657.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith - Giant 16] - The Further Adventures of James Butler Hickok (retail) (epub).epub 657.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/George Bishop - Letter to My Daughter (mobi).mobi 657.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Ray Black - Born to be Killers- The Complexity of Abnormal Human Behaviour (epub).epub 657.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/John V Madormo - [Charlie Collier, Snoop for Hire 01] - The Homemade Stuffing Caper (retail) (epub).epub 657.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Helen MacInnes - Snare of the Hunter (v5.0) (epub).epub 656.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/John Ringo - [Black Tide Rising 02] - To Sail a Darkling Sea (ARC) (mobi).mobi 656.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/David Drayer - Something Fierce (mobi).mobi 656.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 02] - Death on the Docks (mobi).mobi 655.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Brenda Hampton - [Naughty 06] - Naughty No More (v5.0) (epub).epub 655.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [Culinary Mystery 08] - Tres Leches Cupcakes (mobi).mobi 655.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Jill Patten - Toxic Secrets (mobi).mobi 655.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/William L Deandrea - [Clifford Driscoll 03] - Azrael (v5.0) (epub).epub 655.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ian Rogers - Cabin D (v5.0) (epub).epub 654.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Micol Ostow - Family (retail) (epub).epub 654.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Sharon Hamilton - [SEAL Brotherhood 03] - SEAL Under Covers (mobi).mobi 654.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Kate Manning - My Notorious Life (epub).epub 654.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Rose Riker - Righteous Obsession (epub).epub 654.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Ayaan Hirsi Ali - The Caged Virgin - An Emancipation Proclamation for Women and Islam (mobi).mobi 654.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Helen MacInnes - The Double Image (v5.0) (epub).epub 653.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Beverly Taylor - [Sweetest Day Romance 01] - Sweetest Desires (azw3).azw3 653.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Michelle Lynn - [The Invisibles 02] - Let Me In (mobi).mobi 652.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Margie Broschinsky - Summer In Iron Springs (mobi).mobi 652.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Jeff Hart - Eat, Brains, Love (epub).epub 652.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ian Rogers - The Candle (v5.0) (epub).epub 652.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Allison DuBois - Talk to Me- What the dead whisper in your ear (epub).epub 651.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Marni Mann - [Shadows 02] - Seductive Secrecy (mobi).mobi 651.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/David Drake - [Raj Whitehall (The General) 09] - The Heretic - Tony Daniel (v5.0) (epub).epub 651.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 06] - City of Blood (mobi).mobi 651.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Marion Lennox - Miracle on Kaimotu Island & Alison Roberts - Always the Hero [MMED2-114] (epub).epub 651.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Rachel Firasek - [Tears of Sin 01] - Drowning (epub).epub 650.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Stewart Felkel - Encounters (epub).epub 650.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Scarlet Wilson - [Rebels with a Cause 01] - The Maverick Doctor & About That Night [MMED2-113] (epub).epub 648.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/John Connolly - [Samuel Johnson 03] - The Creeps (mobi).mobi 648.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Margaret Irwin - The Galliard (epub).epub 648.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian - [Burn for Burn 02] - Fire With Fire (epub).epub 648.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Tony Hillerman - [Leaphorn & Chee] - Spider Woman's Daughter - Anne Hillerman (mobi).mobi 647.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Fiona Paul - [The Secrets of the Eternal Rose 03] - Starling (mobi).mobi 647.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Leo Tolstoy - The Sebastopol Sketches (tr David McDuff) (Penguin) (mobi).mobi 647.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Tillie Cole - Sweet Home (mobi).mobi 647.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Maxine Barry - Altered Images (retail) (epub).epub 647.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Geoffrey Girard - [Cain 01] - Project Cain (epub).epub 646.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/David MacFarlane - The Figures of Beauty (v5.0) (epub).epub 646.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Vladimir Duran - [A Rising Knight 01 - Everything That Has an End 01] - Carnage (remastered) (epub).epub 645.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Darynda Jones - [Darklight 03] - Death, and the Girl He Loves (mobi).mobi 645.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Mike Baron - Skorpio (v5.0) (epub).epub 645.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Go Girl - The Worst Gymnast - Thalia Kalkipsakis (retail) (epub).epub 645.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/John Barnes - [Jak Jinnaka 02] - A Princess of the Aerie (retail) (epub).epub 645.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Vicki Lewis Thompson - Double Exposure [HT-881, Cooper's Corner 02] (mobi).mobi 644.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Ben Jeapes - [Ark 01] - His Majesty's Starship (v5.0) (epub).epub 644.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Kristine Cayne - [Six-Alarm Sexy 02] - Everything Bared [MF] (mobi).mobi 644.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Gayle Eden - Illara's Champion (epub).epub 644.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Bridget Denise Bundy - [Bruce Family 01-05] - Burdens; Betrayal; Battle; Bond; Beginnings of the Bruces (mobi).mobi 643.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Wren Figueiro - Atancia (azw3).azw3 643.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Robert Bryndza - [Coco Pinchard 02] - Coco Pinchard's Big Fat Tipsy Wedding (mobi).mobi 643.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Peter Blauner - The Final Testament [BiblioMystery] (v5.0) (epub).epub 643.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Katherine Stone - The Cinderella Hour (mobi).mobi 643.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Gennifer Albin - [Crewel World 02] - Altered (epub).epub 642.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Allison Brennan - [Lucy Kincaid 07] - Cold Snap (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 642.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Jenny Telfer Chaplin - In Loving Memory (epub).epub 642.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Joyce and Jim Lavene - [Pet Psychic Mystery 01] - Telltale Turtle (epub).epub 641.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Lisa Olsen - [The Company 01] - The Company of Shadows (mobi).mobi 640.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Susanna Gregory - [Matthew Bartholomew 05] - A Wicked Deed (mobi).mobi 640.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Cassandra Parkin - The Summer We All Ran Away (epub).epub 640.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Justen Hunter - [The American Arcane 01] - West Coast Witch (mobi).mobi 640.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Alex Dryden - [Finn 04] - Death in Siberia (epub).epub 640.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Robert Grossbach - Going in Style (retail) (epub).epub 639.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Shannon Mayer - Ninety-Eight (mobi).mobi 638.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Brittney Musick - [Strange and Beautiful 01] - Infinite (epub).epub 638.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Julie Lessman - [Daughters of Boston 01] - A Passion Most Pure (b) (mobi).mobi 638.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Terie Garrison - [Dragonspawn Cycle 04] - SummerDanse (retail) (epub).epub 637.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Devon Hartford - [The Story of Samantha Smith 02] - Reckless (mobi).mobi 637.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Rosie Sultan - Helen Keller in Love (retail) (epub).epub 636.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Michael G Munz - [New Aeneid Cycle 02] - A Memory in the Black (mobi).mobi 636.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Estelle Ryan - [Genevieve Lenard 01] - The Gauguin Connection (epub).epub 636.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Storm Constantine - [Grigori 01] - Stalking Tender Prey (retail) (epub).epub 636.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Jennifer Davis - [Sway 01] - Sway (mobi).mobi 635.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Wafa Sultan - A God Who Hates- The Courageous Woman Who Inflamed the Muslim World Speaks Out Against the Evils of Islam (mobi).mobi 635.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tracy Hickman - [Annals of Drakis 03] - Blood of the Emperor (retail) (epub).epub 635.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Patrick Carman - [Floors 02] - 3 Below (mobi).mobi 635.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Terie Garrison - [Dragonspawn Cycle 03] - SpringFire (retail) (epub).epub 635.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jeffrey Burger - [Wings of Steele 02] - Flight of Freedom (epub).epub 634.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Ellen Dye - Ending Up (mobi).mobi 634.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Michael Walters - [Inspector Nergui 01] - The Shadow Walker (v5.0) (epub).epub 634.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Kim Purcell - Trafficked (retail) (epub).epub 634.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Lynnie Purcell - [The Watchers 04] - The Last (mobi).mobi 633.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Ana Fawkes - [By His Command 09] - His Heart (bad conversion) [MF] (epub).epub 633.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jeffrey A Carver - [Star Rigger 05] - Dragon Rigger (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 633.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Brenda Hampton - [Naughty 03] - It's Juicy, No Matter How You Slice It (Change Don't Always Come) (v5.0) (epub).epub 632.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Nicole Reed - [Ruining] - Wasted Heart (epub).epub 632.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Maire Claremont - [Mad Passions 02] - Lady in Red (epub).epub 632.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Wilbur Smith - [Hector Cross 02] - Vicious Circle (mobi).mobi 632.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/The Billionaire's Matchmaker - Shirley Jump, Susan Meier, Jackie Braun, Barbara Wallace (mobi).mobi 631.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Ainslie Paton - White Balance (mobi).mobi 631.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Ed and Lois Smart - Bringing Elizabeth Home- A Journey of Faith and Hope (epub).epub 631.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Claude Izner - [Victor Legris Mystery 05] - In the Shadows of Paris (The Predator of Batignolles) (retail) (epub).epub 630.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/J C Reed - [Surrender Your Love 03] - Treasure Your Love (mobi).mobi 630.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Chris Evans - [Iron Elves 01] - A Darkness Forged in Fire (mobi).mobi 630.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Elia Mirca - [Heroine 02] - California Dreamin' (mobi).mobi 630.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/John Ritter - Fenway Fever (retail) (epub).epub 630.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield (Dover Thrift) (v5.0) (epub).epub 629.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Guy Mankowski - Letters from Yelena (retail) (epub).epub 629.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Matt Christopher - Long Stretch at First Base (retail) (epub).epub 629.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/James D Doss - [Charlie Moon 05] - The Night Visitor (retail) (epub).epub 628.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Emily Purdy - A Court Affair (epub).epub 628.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Lloyd Harry-Davis - [Worlds & Secrets 01] - Preternatural (mobi).mobi 628.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Breena Wilde - [Blurred Lines 07] - False Lines [MF] (mobi).mobi 628.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jackie Nacht - [Knavish Sprites 01] - Taming Sweet Puck [eXtasy MM] (pdf).pdf 628.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/M Stratton - [Storm 01] - After the Storm (mobi).mobi 628.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Michelle Jackson - Two Days in Biarritz (mobi).mobi 627.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/B A Morton - Bedlam (mobi).mobi 627.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Yehoshue Perle - Everyday Jews- Scenes From a Vanished Life (v5.0) (epub).epub 627.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jeffrey A Carver - [Star Rigger 06] - Eternity's End (epub).epub 627.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Melissa Marr - [Wicked Lovely] - Desert Tales (mobi).mobi 626.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Sarah Pinborough - [Fairy Tale] - Charm (epub).epub 626.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Kasey Millstead - [Down Under Cowboys 02] - Sky Cowboy (mobi).mobi 626.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Margaret Irwin - [Elizabeth I 01] - Young Bess (epub).epub 626.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/David Beckett - The Cana Mystery (mobi).mobi 625.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Charles Belfoure - The Paris Architect (epub).epub 625.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Isabella Alan - [Amish Quilt Shop Mystery 00.5] - Plainly Murder (b) (epub).epub 625.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [Culinary Mystery 07] - Banana Split (mobi).mobi 624.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/John Barnes - [Jak Jinnaka 03] - In the Hall of the Martian King (retail) (epub).epub 624.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/John Corwin - [Overworld Chronicles 05] - Twisted Sister of Mine (mobi).mobi 624.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Erica Hutchings - [Rumour Mill 01] - Delicious [MF] (mobi).mobi 624.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Amanda Young & Raymond Young Jr - [History of Ondar 02] - Awake the Cullers (azw3).azw3 624.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Nancy Kress - [Crossfire 02] - Crucible (mobi).mobi 624.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Katherine Catmull - Summer and Bird (retail) (epub).epub 624.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Cheryl Bolen - One Golden Ring (retail) (epub).epub 623.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Sandi Tan - The Black Isle (epub).epub 623.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Kerry Heavens - [Just Human 02] - Still Human (mobi).mobi 623.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Anne O'Brien - The King's Concubine- A Novel of Alice Perrers (retail) (epub).epub 623.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/T R Briar - Realm Wraith (epub).epub 622.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Michael Flynn - [January Dancer 04] - On the Razor's Edge (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 622.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Donna Grant - [Dark Warriors 08] - Midnight's Promise (azw3).azw3 622.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Gwendolyn Zepeda - Lone Star Legend (retail) (epub).epub 622.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Michael W Sherer - [Blake Sanders 02] - Night Tide (mobi).mobi 621.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Sarah Michelle Lynch - [The Chambermaid's Tales 01] - A Fine Profession [MF] (mobi).mobi 621.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Chauntelle Baughman - [DarqRealm 01] - Magick Marked (mobi).mobi 621.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Laura Joh Rowland - [Sano Ichiro 02] - Bundori (mobi).mobi 621.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Fiona Neill - What the Nanny Saw (retail) (epub).epub 621.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 11] - Death in the Air (mobi).mobi 620.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Ana Fawkes - [By His Command 07] - His Taste (bad conversion) [MF] (epub).epub 620.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Amanda Prowse - Clover's Child (mobi).mobi 620.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Ellen Crosby - [Sophie Medina Mysteries 01] - Multiple Exposure (epub).epub 620.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Monte Dutton - Haul A-- and Turn Left- The Wit and Wisdom of NASCAR (retail) (epub).epub 619.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Sue Lange - The Perpetual Motion Club (epub).epub 619.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Lani Lynn Vale - [FreeBirds 02] - Highway Don't Care (mobi).mobi 619.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Cooper McKenzie - [Cougarlicious 03] - Cougar Desires [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 619.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Dannika Dark - [Seven 01] - Seven Years (mobi).mobi 618.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Alfie Crow - Rant (v5.0) (epub).epub 618.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Lauren Nicolle Taylor - The Woodlands (epub).epub 618.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/John Macrae - The Vengeance Man (epub).epub 618.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Coreene Callahan - [Dragonfury 04] - Fury of Desire (epub).epub 618.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/James Patterson & Maxine Paetro - [Teen Detective 02] - Confessions- The Private School Murders (epub).epub 618.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/D P Lyle - [Royal Pains 02] - Sick Rich (retail) (epub).epub 618.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jenny Lyn Bader & Bill Brazell - He Meant, She Meant- The Definitive Male, Female Dictionary (retail) (epub).epub 618.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Lisa Eugene - Surrender My Love (mobi).mobi 617.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Shannon Messenger - [Keeper of the Lost Cities 02] - Exile (epub).epub 617.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Rachelle Ayala - [Chance for Love 03] - Knowing Vera (mobi).mobi 617.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Rachael Wade - [Preservation 03] - Declaration (epub).epub 617.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Chris Walker - [Nomadic Sky 01] - The Tiger-Headed Horseman (retail) (epub).epub 617.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Laura and Tom McNeal - Zipped (retail) (epub).epub 617.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Lily Dalton - [One Scandalous Season 01] - Never Desire a Duke (mobi).mobi 616.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 09] - The Killing Connection (mobi).mobi 616.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Nick Cole - [Wasteland Saga 01-03] - Old Man and the Wasteland; The Savage Boy; The Road is a River (epub).epub 616.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Joseph Gatch - The Adventures of Phineas Frakture (mobi).mobi 615.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 05] - Family Skeletons (mobi).mobi 615.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Ann Hood - [Treasure Chest 05] - Brave Warrior (retail) (epub).epub 615.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Joanna Scott - Everybody Loves Somebody (retail) (epub).epub 615.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Michael Carroll - [New Heroes Prequel 03] - Stronger- A Super Human Clash (retail) (epub).epub 614.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Suzanne McKenna Link - Saving Toby (epub).epub 614.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/David Nobbs - [Henry Pratt 04] - Pratt a Manger (retail) (epub).epub 614.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Scott Turow - [Kindle County 09] - Identical (mobi).mobi 613.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Amelia Kahaney - The Brokenhearted (mobi).mobi 613.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Jeffrey Archer - The Collected Short Stories (retail) (epub).epub 613.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Erin Downing - Cheating on Myself (azw3).azw3 613.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Alexandra Bracken - [Darkest Minds 02] - Never Fade (epub).epub 613.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Nicholas Kaufmann - Dying Is My Business (mobi).mobi 612.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Rosie Rushton - [Jane Austen in the 21st Century 05] - Echoes of Love (retail) (epub).epub 612.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Donna Grant - [Dark Warriors 08] - Midnight's Promise (mobi).mobi 612.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Christina Moore - Two Evils (mobi).mobi 612.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Alice Brown - [Vampires Among Us 01] - Vampires Among Us [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 612.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 12] - The Dealer of Death (mobi).mobi 612.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Richard North Patterson - [Martha's Vineyard] - Loss of Innocence (epub).epub 612.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Simonetta Agnello - The Nun (retail) (epub).epub 612.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Kat Carlton - Two Lies and a Spy (epub).epub 612.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Greg Strandberg - [Jongurian Trilogy 01] - The Jongurian Mission (epub).epub 612.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Karen Sue Burns - In Hot Pursuit (retail) (epub).epub 611.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Laurence O'Bryan - [Puzzle 01] - The Istanbul Puzzle (epub).epub 611.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Stephanie Keyes - [Star Child 02] - The Fallen Stars (epub).epub 610.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Bella Jewel - [MC Sinners 03] - Knights' Sinner [MF] (epub).epub 610.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Marcia Lynn McClure - The Haunting of Autumn Lake (mobi).mobi 610.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Amanda Forester - [Highlander 03.5] - The Highland Bride's Choice (v5.0) (epub).epub 610.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jasmine Haynes - The Naughty Corner (epub).epub 610.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Nathan Gottlieb - [Frank Boff Mystery 03] - The Killer Sex Game (epub).epub 610.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lara Lacombe - Deadly Contact [SIM-1778] (mobi).mobi 610.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Casey Kelleher - Heartless (mobi).mobi 609.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/S E Culpepper - [Liaisons 01] - Private Eye- Rafe and Jeremy [MM] (pdf).pdf 609.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Dave Duncan - [The Starfolk 01] - King of Swords (mobi).mobi 609.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Julie Lessman - A Light in the Window (mobi).mobi 609.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Ema Volf - Reaching Eden (mobi).mobi 609.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Max Gladstone - [Craft Sequence 02] - Two Serpents Rise (epub).epub 608.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Michael C Grumley - Breakthrough (mobi).mobi 608.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Eric Beetner - The Devil Doesn't Want Me (retail) (epub).epub 608.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tracy Hickman - [Annals of Drakis 01] - Song of the Dragon (retail) (epub).epub 608.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Nicola Haken - [Take My Hand 01] - Take My Hand (mobi).mobi 607.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/The Best American Travel Writing 2013 - Elizabeth Gilbert (ed) (epub).epub 607.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Leonard Rosen - [Henri Poincare 02] - The Tenth Witness (v5.0) (epub).epub 607.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/W Richard Lawrence - [Agents in His Service 01] - Fatal Transaction (azw3).azw3 607.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Nicky Jayne - Embracing Life (epub).epub 607.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Sigal Ehrlich - [Stark 01] - Layers (mobi).mobi 607.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/A Bertram Chandler - [John Grimes Saga Omnibus 01] - To The Galactic Rim.epub 607.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Zoe Dawson - Brave [The 12 NA's of Christmas] (mobi).mobi 607.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Jessica Prince - Nightmares from Within (epub).epub 607.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Cheryl Douglas - [Texas Titans 01] - Strike Out (mobi).mobi 607.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Alexandra Anthony - [Vampire Destiny - Series Companion 01] - Odyssey (mobi).mobi 606.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Desmond Bagley - The Tightrope Men & The Enemy (retail) (epub).epub 606.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tim Clissold - Mr China (retail) (epub).epub 606.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Roger Pearce - Agent of the State (mobi).mobi 606.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/John Sandford - [Lucas Davenport 09] - Secret Prey (retail) (azw3).azw3 605.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Barbara Ashford - [Maggie Graham 02] - Spellcrossed (retail) (epub).epub 605.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Meghan Quinn - [Hot-Lanta 01] - Caught Looking (azw3).azw3 605.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Jeffery Deaver - Edge (retail) (mobi).mobi 605.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Christy Dorrity - [The Geis 01] - Awakening (epub).epub 605.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Mary Elizabeth Coen - Love & The Goddess (mobi).mobi 605.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jennifer Ashley - [Highland Pleasures 06] - The Wicked Deeds of Daniel Mackenzie (epub).epub 605.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Zack Love - Sex in the Title- A Comedy about Dating, Sex, and Romance in NYC (back when phones weren't so smart) (azw3).azw3 605.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Diane Alberts - On One Condition (pdf).pdf 604.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 10] - The Blood of Strangers (mobi).mobi 604.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 07] - Massacre at Russian River (mobi).mobi 604.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Vanessa Wells - Seventeen Stones (azw3).azw3 604.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/William Peter Blatty - [Exorcist 01] - The Exorcist (retail) (epub).epub 604.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Wilson Casey - Firsts- Origins of Everyday Things That Changed the World (mobi).mobi 604.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Kristine Mason - [CORE Shadow 02] - Shadow of Perception (epub).epub 604.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Jeanne McDonald - [The Truth in Lies Saga 01] - The Truth in Lies (mobi).mobi 604.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/D L Bogdan - The Forgotten Queen (mobi).mobi 604.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Tom Vanderbilt - Traffic- Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us) (retail) (epub).epub 604.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Chris Willrich - [Gaunt and Bone 01] - The Scroll of Years (epub).epub 603.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Manel Loureiro - [Apocalypse Z 02] - Dark Days (mobi).mobi 603.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Michael J Zummo - [D'Mok Revival 01] - Awakening (azw3).azw3 603.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Eric McMeins - [The Inherited War 01] - Retribution (epub).epub 602.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Michael Dean - The Enemy Within (mobi).mobi 602.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Dorothy Eden - Darkwater (The Bird in the Chimney) (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 602.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Robert A Carter - [Nicholas Barlow Mystery 01] - Final Edit (retail) (epub).epub 602.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Laura Resau - Red Glass (retail) (epub).epub 601.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Troy Stoops - Dividing Earth (mobi).mobi 601.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Katherine Webb - The Misbegotten (epub).epub 601.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/LaTonya Mason - Good to Me (retail) (epub).epub 601.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Avenging Enjel [eXtasy] (pdf).pdf 600.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Bill Wallace - Dead Men Walking- Life on Death Row (retail) (epub).epub 600.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ron Rash - Serena (retail) (epub).epub 600.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Dawn Atkins - Two Can Play (mobi).mobi 600.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kathleen O'Neal Gear - [Black Falcon 01] - It Sleeps in Me (retail) (epub).epub 600.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Stephanie Jaye Evans - [Sugar Land Mystery 02] - Safe from Harm (retail) (epub).epub 600.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Tracey West & Katherine Noll - [Aly & AJ's Rock 'n' Roll Mysteries 03] - Singing in Seattle (retail) (epub).epub 600.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jeffe Kennedy - [Covenant of Thorns 02] - Rogue's Possession (mobi).mobi 600.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler - The Monsters- Mary Shelley and the Curse of Frankenstein (retail) (epub).epub 600.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Emma Newman - [The Split Worlds 03] - All is Fair (epub).epub 600.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Romy Sommer - The Trouble with Mojitos (mobi).mobi 600.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Wren Figueiro - Atancia (epub).epub 599.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Collin Wilcox - Spellbinder (mobi).mobi 599.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Jonathan Santlofer (ed) - Inherit the Dead (Ken Bruen, John Connolly, Val McDermid, et al) (mobi).mobi 599.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Francois Lelord - [Hector's Journeys 03] - Hector and the Search for Lost Time (Hector Finds Time) (retail) (epub).epub 599.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Desmond Bagley - The Spoilers & Juggernaut (retail) (epub).epub 599.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Helen Fielding - [Bridget Jones 03] - Mad About the Boy (epub).epub 599.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Taryn A Taylor - Mr Wrong (mobi).mobi 598.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Dianne Duvall - [The Immortal Guardians 04] - Darkness Rises (mobi).mobi 598.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Brenda Hill - Beyond the Quiet (azw3).azw3 598.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Bill Myers - [The Elijah Project 01] - On the Run - James Riordan (mobi).mobi 598.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Sue MacKay - You, Me and a Family & Anne Fraser - Cinderella of Harley Street [MMED2-102] (epub).epub 598.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Joe Abercrombie - [The First Law 02] - Before They Are Hanged (v5.2) (html).rar 597.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Phoebe Conn - [Hearts of Liberty 01] - Savage Destiny (Beloved) (epub).epub 596.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jacqueline Yallop - Obedience (retail) (epub).epub 596.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Keith McCafferty - [Sean Stranahan 01] - The Royal Wulff Murders (retail) (epub).epub 596.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Lani Diane Rich - [Daly Sisters 02] - Wish You Were Here (mobi).mobi 596.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Penny Reid - [Knitting in the City 02] - Friends Without Benefits (epub).epub 596.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Dawn Robertson - Hers [MF] (mobi).mobi 596.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/James Aitcheson - [Conquest 03] - Knights of the Hawk (epub).epub 596.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jake Logan - [Slocum 405] - Slocum and the Diamond City Affair (retail) (epub).epub 595.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Lauren Kate - [Teardrop 01] - Teardrop (mobi).mobi 595.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Terie Garrison - [Dragonspawn Cycle 01] - AutumnQuest (retail) (epub).epub 595.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Melissa Solis - [Soul Keeper 03] - My Soul to Save (mobi).mobi 595.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Sterling E Lanier - [Brigadier Ffellows 01] - The Peculiar Exploits of Brigadier Ffellowes (epub).epub 595.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Larry Alexander - Shadows In the Jungle- The Alamo Scouts Behind Japanese Lines In World War II (retail) (epub).epub 595.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/James Dobson & Kurt Bruner - [Fatherless 02] - Childless (v5.0) (epub).epub 595.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Love Letters - Volume 6 - Cowboy's Command - Maggie Wells, Ginny Glass, Emily Cale, Christina Thacher [Carina] (mobi).mobi 594.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Rosalind James - [The Kincaids 02] - Nothing Personal (mobi).mobi 594.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Jack Wolf - The Tale of Raw Head and Bloody Bones (retail) (epub).epub 594.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jo Davis - [Torn Between Two Lovers 01] - Raw (epub).epub 594.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Alaa Al Aswany - On the State of Egypt- What Made the Revolution Inevitable (mobi).mobi 594.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Storm Constantine - Burying the Shadow (retail) (epub).epub 594.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Caias Ward - The Only Brother (retail) (epub).epub 594.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Erin Downing - Cheating on Myself (mobi).mobi 594.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Tyrese Gibson - How to Get Out of Your Own Way (retail) (epub).epub 594.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Jane Casey - The Missing (mobi).mobi 594.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Adam Langer - The Salinger Contract (v5.0) (epub).epub 593.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Ellen Dye - Ending Up (azw3).azw3 593.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/F L Jacob - Have I Told You (epub).epub 593.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Leanne Davis - [Sister Series 01] - The Other Sister (mobi).mobi 592.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Wendy Markham - If Only in My Dreams (mobi).mobi 592.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/E R Brown - [Crime in Cascadia Mystery 01] - Almost Criminal (retail) (epub).epub 592.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Joanna Kavenna - The Ice Museum- In Search of the Lost Land of Thule (retail) (epub).epub 591.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Sloan Johnson - [Isthmus Alliance 02] - Unexpected Protector (mobi).mobi 591.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Leah Fleming - The Captain's Daughter (epub).epub 591.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kevin Barry - Dark Lies the Island (epub).epub 590.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Ayse Kulin - Last Train to Istanbul (epub).epub 590.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Tracy St John - [Kalquor 08] - Alien Caged [MF] (mobi).mobi 590.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Sal Lizard - Being Santa Claus- What I Learned About the True Meaning of Christmas (retail) (epub).epub 589.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Tanya Taimanglo - Secret Shopper (mobi).mobi 589.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Anna Smith - The Homecoming (mobi).mobi 588.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Star Wars - Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas - Musings of an Ithorian - Bob Carrau (mobi).mobi 587.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Patrick Ellsworth Taylor - The Martian Pendant (mobi).mobi 587.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 04] - The Mexico Kill (mobi).mobi 587.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Lily Tuck - I Married You for Happiness (epub).epub 587.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/James McBride - The Color of Water- A Black Man's Tribute to His White Mother (retail) (epub).epub 587.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Craig Johnson - [Walt Longmire 10] - Spirit of Steamboat (epub).epub 587.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Charles Sheehan-Miles - [Thompson Sisters] - Falling Stars (azw3).azw3 587.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Julie A Richman - [Needing Moore 02] - Moore to Lose (epub).epub 586.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Lucinda Rosenfeld - I'm So Happy for You (retail) (epub).epub 586.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Seleste deLaney - Seducing Her Rival (mobi).mobi 586.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Elizabeth Lynn Casey - [Southern Sewing Circle 08] - Remnants of Murder (mobi).mobi 586.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Ramez Naam - [Nexus 02] - Crux (v5.0) (epub).epub 585.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Nic Widhalm - The Tenth Order (mobi).mobi 585.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Cassandra Clark - [Abbess of Meaux Mystery 01] - Hangman Blind (epub).epub 585.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Diane Perkins - The Marriage Bargain (retail) (epub).epub 585.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Paul Kidd - A Whisper of Wings (epub).epub 585.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Nigel Latta - Into the Darklands (epub).epub 584.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Laura Lee Guhrke - [American Heiress in London 01] - When the Marquess Met His Match (epub).epub 584.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Tianna Xander - [Dragon Bound 06] - The Spirit Dragon [eXtasy] (pdf).pdf 584.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Esri Allbritten - [Gigi Chihuahua Mystery 02] - The Portrait of Doreene Gray (v5.0) (epub).epub 584.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Simon Doonan - The Asylum- A Collage of Couture Reminiscences- And Hysteria (epub).epub 584.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Gayle Eden - Ronan's Bride (epub).epub 584.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Chelsea M Cameron - Christmas Catch [The 12 NA's of Christmas] (mobi).mobi 584.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman - [Dragonships of Vindras 03] - Rage of the Dragon (epub).epub 584.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/W H Vega - Falling Harder (mobi).mobi 584.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/David Leavitt - The Indian Clerk (epub).epub 583.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Stephen W Bennett - [Koban 02] - The Mark of Koban (epub).epub 583.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 03] - The Long Death (mobi).mobi 583.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Angela Stephens - One Last Dance (mobi).mobi 583.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Roselynn Reyes - [Touched by an Angel 01] - My Sweet Escape (mobi).mobi 583.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 01] - Duel for Cannons (mobi).mobi 582.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 08] - Hatchet Men (mobi).mobi 582.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Ryk Brown - [The Frontiers Saga 09] - Resistance (kf8 mobi).mobi 582.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Catherine Kean - Medieval Rogues (A Knight's Vengeance; My Lady's Treasure; Bound By His Kiss) (epub).epub 582.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Kimberly Dean - Solace in Scandal (epub).epub 582.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Shayla Black, Jenna Jacob, Isabella LaPearl - [The Doms of Her Life 02] - The Young and the Submissive [MF] (mobi).mobi 582.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Sawyer Bennett - [Off 05] - Off Chance (epub).epub 582.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Gabriel Rosenstock - The Confessions of Henry Hooter the Third- Poems for Owlish Children (retail) (epub).epub 582.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Peggy Henderson - [Yellowstone Romance 02] - Yellowstone Redemption (epub).epub 582.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/S K Hartley - [Bad Boy 01] - Finding You (epub).epub 581.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Tom Clancy, Steve Pieczenik - [Net Force 03] - Night Moves - Steve Perry (retail) (epub).epub 581.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Laurie Halse Anderson - [Vet Volunteers 12] - End of the Race (retail) (epub).epub 581.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/K Larsen - Tug of War (epub).epub 580.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Lynn Coady - Hellgoing- Stories (epub).epub 580.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Amanda Young & Raymond Young Jr - [History of Ondar 02] - Awake the Cullers (epub).epub 580.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Donina Lynn - [Rock Services 01] - Arms of Serenity [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 579.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Allison Brennan - [Lucy Kincaid 07] - Cold Snap (v5.0) (epub).epub 579.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Emma Raveling - [Ondine Quartet 03] - Crest (epub).epub 579.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Adriane Leigh - [Mourning 02] - Light in Mourning (mobi).mobi 579.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Shoma Narayanan - The One She Was Warned About [KISS-40] (mobi).mobi 579.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Alan M Dershowitz - The Genesis of Justice- Ten Stories of Biblical Injustice (retail) (epub).epub 579.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/John Koetsier - No Other Gods (epub).epub 579.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/David Drayer - Something Fierce (azw3).azw3 578.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Karen Joy Fowler - Sarah Canary (epub).epub 578.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Zenina Masters - [Shifting Crossroads 09] - Little Prick [eXtasy] (pdf).pdf 578.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Katie Alender - Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer (bad conversion) (epub).epub 578.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Linda Carroll-Bradd - Rekindled Dreams (mobi).mobi 578.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Dora Machado - [Stonewiser 02] - Stonewiser- The Call of the Stone (wrong cover) (epub).epub 578.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/David Estes - [Dwellers Saga 04] - The Earth Dwellers (mobi).mobi 578.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Parinoush Saniee - The Book of Fate (retail) (epub).epub 577.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Laura Lippman - What the Dead Know (Little Sister) (v5.0) (epub).epub 577.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Sheena Binkley - Our Love (mobi).mobi 577.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Anthony Riches - [Empire 06] - The Eagle's Vengeance (epub).epub 577.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tabor Evans - [Longarm 399] - Longarm and the Grand Canyon Murders (retail) (epub).epub 576.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Kate Douglas - Carved in Stone (mobi).mobi 576.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Kim Carmichael - [Indelibly Marked 01] - Permanent (mobi).mobi 576.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Lexi Hunt - 50 Shades of Erotica- Mega Collection of 50 Erotic Stories [MF] (epub).epub 576.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tricia Goyer - [Seven Brides for Seven Bachelors 01] - The Memory Jar (mobi).mobi 575.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Kate Emerson - Royal Inheritance (epub).epub 575.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Paul Reiser - Familyhood (epub).epub 575.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Isabelle Peterson - [Dream 01] - Ditching the Dream [MF] (azw3).azw3 575.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [Culinary Mystery 06] - Pumpkin Roll (mobi).mobi 574.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Katherine Vickery as Kathryn Kramer - [De Bron Saga 01] - Desire of the Heart (epub).epub 574.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Martina Cole - Revenge (v1.0) (epub).epub 574.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Raine Anthony - Phoenix (mobi).mobi 573.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Christina Smith - [Affinity 01] - Fated Dreams (mobi).mobi 573.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Riley Adams - [Memphis Barbeque Mystery 04] - Rubbed Out (mobi).mobi 573.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Kim Wright - [City of Mystery 03] - City of Silence (mobi).mobi 572.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sarah Dessen - The Truth About Forever (retail) (epub).epub 571.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Patrick Hamilton - The Slaves of Solitude (epub).epub 571.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 02] - Death on the Docks (epub).epub 571.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Margaret Mahy - The Changeover- A Supernatural Romance (v1.0) (rtf).rtf 570.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Lani Diane Rich - [Daly Sisters 01] - Crazy In Love (mobi).mobi 570.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Rozsa Gaston - Paris Adieu- Coming of Age in the City of Light (mobi).mobi 570.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Laurence O'Bryan - [Puzzle 02] - The Jerusalem Puzzle (epub).epub 570.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Barbara Metzger - Greetings of the Season and Other Stories (mobi).mobi 569.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Robert Littell - Vicious Circle (retail) (epub).epub 569.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Creston Mapes - [Rock Star Chronicles 02] - Full Tilt (mobi).mobi 569.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Donna Kauffman - [Bachelors of Blueberry Cove 01] - Pelican Point (mobi).mobi 569.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Shannon Duffy - Gabriel Stone and the Divinity of Valta (retail) (epub).epub 569.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Kristina Shook - Girl Act (mobi).mobi 569.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Cynthia Flood - Red Girl Rat Boy (v5.0) (epub).epub 569.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kim Karr - [Connections 02] - Torn (mobi).mobi 569.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jo Davis - [Torn Between Two Lovers 01] - Raw (mobi).mobi 569.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Carter Crocker - The Last of the Gullivers (retail) (epub).epub 568.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Raymond Khoury - [Last Templar 04] - Rasputin's Shadow (epub).epub 568.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Matthew Dicks - Something Missing (mobi).mobi 568.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ann Hood - [Treasure Chest 02] - Little Lion (retail) (epub).epub 567.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Katia Lief - [Karin Schaeffer 04] - The Money Kill (Dead Rich) (epub).epub 567.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Mimi Foster - [Thunder On the Mountain 01] - Thunder Snow (mobi).mobi 567.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Lia Slater - Hands Off [MF] (epub).epub 567.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Alison Cherry - Red (mobi).mobi 566.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Robert McCammon - I Travel by Night (v5.0) (epub).epub 566.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Jeanne M Dams - [Hilda Johansson 05] - Crimson Snow (retail) (epub).epub 566.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stargate - [Fandemonium - SGA 11] - Angelus - Peter J Evans (mobi).mobi 566.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Elizabeth Amelia Barrington - The Hungry House (mobi).mobi 566.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Zack Love - Sex in the Title- A Comedy about Dating, Sex, and Romance in NYC (back when phones weren't so smart) (mobi).mobi 566.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Kersten Hamilton - [Goblin Wars 03] - When the Stars Threw Down Their Spears (mobi).mobi 565.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 234] - Deadly Business (pdf).pdf 564.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Melissa Andrea - [Darkness Trinity 02] - The Grace in Darkness (epub).epub 564.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Malcolm Gladwell - David and Goliath- Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants (epub).epub 564.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Chauntelle Baughman - [DarqRealm 02] - Fate Forsaken (mobi).mobi 564.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Foz Meadows - [Rare 01] - Solace & Grief (epub).epub 564.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Mark Edward Hall - [Blue Light 02] - Soul Thief (epub).epub 563.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jackie Nacht - [Holiday Jobs That Don't Suck 03] - Paper Cuts Mistletoe [eXtasy MM] (pdf).pdf 563.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/S M Welles - To Ocean's End (azw3).azw3 563.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Chris Little - The Darkness of Shadows (mobi).mobi 563.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dana Mentink - [Finny's Nose Mystery 01] - Trouble Up Finny's Nose (mobi).mobi 563.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Helen MacInnes - Pray for a Brave Heart (v5.0) (epub).epub 562.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mariah Stewart - A Different Light (mobi).mobi 562.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Nicky Wells - [Rock Star Romance 03] - Sophie's Encore (mobi).mobi 562.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Tawny Taylor as Tamryn Ward - This Crazy Little Thing (mobi).mobi 561.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Catriona McPherson - As She Left It (mobi).mobi 561.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Gaynor Arnold - After Such Kindness (mobi).mobi 561.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Matthew Formby - Love on the NHS (mobi).mobi 561.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/C C Brown - [Fraternizing 01] - Fraternizing (epub).epub 561.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Rob Donovan - [Ballad of Frindoth 01] - Ritual of the Stones (epub).epub 560.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Christopher Rice - The Heaven's Rise (v5.0) (epub).epub 560.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stargate - [Fandemonium - SG1 08] - Alliances - Karen Miller (mobi).mobi 560.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 06] - City of Blood (epub).epub 560.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Sherryl Woods - Temptation (mobi).mobi 560.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Anne Forsyth - The Baker's Daughter (retail) (epub).epub 559.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Dorothy Eden - Winterwood (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 559.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/K Rowe - [Dar's Adventures in Space 01] - Space Crazy (mobi).mobi 559.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Cynthia Lee Cartier - [St Gabriel 01] - My Way Home (mobi).mobi 559.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Peter Robinson - It's My Party- A Republican's Messy Love Affair with the GOP (retail) (epub).epub 559.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Laura Joh Rowland - [Sano Ichiro 17] - The Shogun's Daughter (mobi).mobi 558.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stargate - [Fandemonium - SGA 18 - Legacy 03] - Allegiance - Melissa Scott, Amy Griswold (mobi).mobi 558.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Stephen Davis - More Room in a Broken Heart- The True Adventures of Carly Simon (epub).epub 558.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Caroline de Margerie - American Lady- The Life of Susan Mary Alsop (retail) (epub).epub 558.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Chloe Lang - [Wilde, Nevada 02] - Her Three Wilde Champion Men [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 558.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Maddie Taylor - [Club Decadence 02] - You Said Forever [Blushing] (mobi).mobi 558.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Lea Nolan - [The Hoodoo Apprentice 02] - Allure (mobi).mobi 558.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Deanna Wadsworth - Accidentally Beautiful [Decadent, 1NS 94 MM] (epub).epub 558.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Danielle Steel - Going Home (epub).epub 557.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/James L Conway - In Cold Blonde (mobi).mobi 557.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jane Eagland - Wild Song (retail) (pdf).pdf 557.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Brandon J Huckabay - Dawn of the Mad (mobi).mobi 557.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan Gutman - Johnny Hangtime (retail) (epub).epub 557.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Heating Up the Holidays - Lisa Renee Jones, Mary Ann Rivers, Serena Bell [LS] (mobi).mobi 557.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Tabor Evans - [Longarm 245] - Longarm and the Vanishing Virgin (retail) (epub).epub 557.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Bill Crider - [Sheriff Dan Rhodes Mystery 19] - Murder of a Beauty Shop Queen (retail) (epub).epub 556.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Heather McCollum - [The Dragonfly Chronicles 04] - Surrender (mobi).mobi 556.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Jaz Primo - [Sunset Vampire 04] - Wicked Sunset (mobi).mobi 556.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Aaron Slade - [Soul Light Chronicles 01] - ColorBlind (bad conversion) (mobi).mobi 555.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/M A Card-Mina - [Amulets of Andarrin 01] - The Amulets (mobi).mobi 555.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Maya Wood - The Lost Hearts (mobi).mobi 555.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Dani Lovell - [Sexy 02] - Sexy Summers (epub).epub 555.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Christopher G Nuttall - [The Empire's Corps 07] - Reality Check (mobi).mobi 555.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Carolyn Haywood - [Penny 02] - Penny and Peter (retail) (epub).epub 555.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Siena Colmer - Flight (mobi).mobi 555.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Milly Taiden - [Sassy Mate 01] - Scent of a Mate (epub).epub 555.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Carrie Ann Ryan - [Dante's Circle 03] - An Unlucky Moon [MF] (mobi).mobi 555.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tracy Hickman - [Annals of Drakis 02] - Citadels of the Lost (retail) (epub).epub 554.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sally Spencer - [Inspector Blackstone 10] - Blackstone and the Endgame (mobi).mobi 554.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/George Pelecanos - [Spero Lucas 02] - The Double (mobi).mobi 554.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Delia Colvin - [Sibylline 03] - The Last Oracle (epub).epub 554.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jillian Hart - [McKaslin Clan 05] - Holiday Homecoming [LI-272] (retail) (epub).epub 554.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Margaret Weis (ed) - A Dragon-Lover's Treasury of the Fantastic (retail) (epub).epub 554.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Donald Fagen - Eminent Hipsters (retail) (epub).epub 554.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Karen Erickson - [Game for It 02] - Game for Trouble (mobi).mobi 554.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/David Wellington - [Jim Chapel Mission 01.5] - Myrmidon (retail) (epub).epub 554.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Janet Morris - [Heroes in Hell 13] - Lawyers in Hell - Chris Morris (epub).epub 553.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Raymond Lamont-Brown - Carnegie- The Richest Man in the World (retail) (epub).epub 553.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Lila Felix - Seeking Havok (epub).epub 553.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Sheila O'Connor - Keeping Safe the Stars (retail) (epub).epub 553.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Michelle Horst - [Vaalbara 01] - Vaalbara- Visions & Shadows (mobi).mobi 553.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Kevin George - [Cryo-Man 01] - Cryo-Man (mobi).mobi 553.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/S James Nelson - [The Van Bender Archives 01] - Van Bender and the Burning Emblems (mobi).mobi 553.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Ella Laroche - Biker Class (mobi).mobi 553.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Esmeralda Santiago - Almost a Woman- A Memoir (retail) (epub).epub 553.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/B E Laine - [Broken 01] - Broken Pieces (azw3).azw3 552.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Penelope Ward - Jake Undone (mobi).mobi 552.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Emily Brightwell - [Mrs Jeffries 17] - Mrs Jeffries Pleads Her Case (mobi).mobi 552.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Robin Maxwell - Signora da Vinci (epub).epub 551.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Stacey Lynn - [Just One Song 02] - Just One Week (epub).epub 551.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Julia Quinn - [Smythe-Smith 03] - The Sum of All Kisses (mobi).mobi 550.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Mia Michelle - [Rose of Thorne 01] - Rose of Thorne (epub).epub 550.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Larisa Anderson - The Millionaire's Convenient Bride [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 550.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Gaynor Arnold - After Such Kindness (epub).epub 550.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/K D Lamb - The Puppetmasters (azw3).azw3 550.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Rebecca Zanetti - [Dark Protectors 06] - Shadowed (epub).epub 550.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Becca Van - [Elite Dragoons 03] - Loving Prue [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 549.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Piper Shelly - [Grover Beach Team 03] - T is for, He's a TOTAL Jerk (mobi).mobi 549.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Georgina Troy - [Jersey Romance 01] - A Jersey Kiss (mobi).mobi 549.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Leonard Foglia & David Richards - [Sudarium 01] - The Surrogate (mobi).mobi 549.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Molly McAdams - [Forgiving Lies 01] - Forgiving Lies (mobi).mobi 549.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Kenya Wright - [Dark Art Mystery 01] - The Muse (mobi).mobi 549.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Victoria Hamilton - [Merry Muffin Mystery 01] - Bran New Death (epub).epub 548.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/R D Power - Taylor Made Owens (epub).epub 548.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jake Logan - [Slocum 408] - Slocum and the Grizzly Flats Killers (retail) (epub).epub 548.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Vicki Lewis Thompson - Double Exposure [HT-881, Cooper's Corner 02] (epub).epub 548.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Wilson Casey - Firsts- Origins of Everyday Things That Changed the World (epub).epub 548.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Michael Lister - [John Jordan Mystery 01] - Power in the Blood (mobi).mobi 548.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Ian Alexander - [Sojourner Saga 01] - Once We Were Kings (epub).epub 548.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Jenny Lane - Family Secrets (azw3).azw3 548.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/E G Foley - [The Gryphon Chronicles 03] - The Dark Portal (epub).epub 548.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/J M Sevilla - [Marked 01] - The Missing Link (mobi).mobi 548.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Gillian Andrews - [Ammonite Galaxy 01] - Valhai (mobi).mobi 547.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Erika Holzer - Freedom Bridge (mobi).mobi 547.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Karen Rock - Wish Me Tomorrow [HHW-106] (retail) (epub).epub 547.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Matthew Timion - Leaving Salt Lake City- A Memoir (mobi).mobi 547.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/John Sandford - [Lucas Davenport 05] - Winter Prey (The Iceman) (retail) (azw3).azw3 547.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Laurie Halse Anderson - [Vet Volunteers 11] - Masks (retail) (epub).epub 546.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Tibby Armstrong - Public Relations [Loose Id] (mobi).mobi 546.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Laura Lippman - Hints of Heloise- Three Stories (v5.0) (epub).epub 546.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Brenda Hampton - [Naughty 04] - Naughty by Nature (v5.0) (epub).epub 546.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Nancy Pickard - The Virgin of Small Plains (mobi).mobi 546.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Mike Coony - Fearless Finn's Murderous Adventure (epub).epub 546.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Dave Duncan - [The Starfolk 01] - King of Swords (epub).epub 546.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Amber Lynn Natusch - Undertow (mobi).mobi 546.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Bill Frist - A Heart to Serve- The Passion to Bring Health, Hope, and Healing (retail) (epub).epub 546.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Mattie York - Panties for Sale (mobi).mobi 545.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/J J Connolly - [Layer Cake 02] - Viva La Madness (epub).epub 545.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Sherry Thomas - [Elemental 01] - The Burning Sky (retail) (epub).epub 545.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Keith McCafferty - [Sean Stranahan 02] - The Gray Ghost Murders (retail) (epub).epub 545.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Lisa Olsen - [The Company 01] - The Company of Shadows (epub).epub 545.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Pavarti K Tyler - Consumed by Love (mobi).mobi 545.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Barry Jonsberg - Am I Right or Am I Right (retail) (epub).epub 545.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Beverly Preston - [Mathews-Clemmins Family 01] - Shayla's Story (mobi).mobi 545.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Michael Dean - The Enemy Within (azw3).azw3 544.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Peter James - [Roy Grace 09] - Dead Man's Time (US) (epub).epub 544.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/James Mallory - [Merlin 03] - The End of Magic (retail) (epub).epub 544.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Victoria Blisse - Sharing Nicely [MF] (mobi).mobi 544.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/William Peter Blatty - [Exorcist 01] - The Exorcist (retail) (mobi).mobi 544.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jen Ashton - Turds in the Punch Bowl (A Story of No Ordinary Friendship) (mobi).mobi 543.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Robin Shaw - [Paloma's Edge 02] - Here With Me (mobi).mobi 543.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Vanessa Wells - Seventeen Stones (mobi).mobi 543.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/David Jackson - [Callum Doyle 03] - Marked (epub).epub 543.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Rachel Rae - Ripping Pages (mobi).mobi 543.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Megan Derr - [Lost Gods 03] - Stone Rose (retail) (epub).epub 543.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Meg Maguire - [Wilinski's Fight Academy 03] - Driving Her Wild [HBZ-773, MBZ-370] (mobi).mobi 543.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Philip Cox - Last Man's Head (mobi).mobi 543.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Patrice Michelle - [Brightest Kind of Darkness 03] - Destiny (epub).epub 543.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Simon Lelic - The Child Who (epub).epub 542.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Dennis Cooper - [George Miles Cycle 02] - Frisk (epub).epub 542.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Robert Day - [Nexus Wars Saga 02] - Ashar'an Rising (epub).epub 542.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Nenia Campbell - [The IMA 03] - Locked and Loaded (mobi).mobi 542.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Nicholas Sansbury Smith - [Tisaian Chronicles 01] - The Biomass Revolution (mobi).mobi 541.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Lauren Blakely - Far Too Tempting (mobi).mobi 541.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Nora James - Dark Oil (mobi).mobi 541.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Becca Jameson - [Wolf Gathering 01] - Tarnished (epub).epub 541.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Sterling E Lanier - [Brigadier Ffellows 02] - The Curious Quests of Brigadier Ffellowes (mobi).mobi 541.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Naomi King - [Home at Cedar Creek 01] - Abby Finds Her Calling (epub).epub 541.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Megan McCafferty - [Jessica Darling 03] - Charmed Thirds (retail) (epub).epub 541.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stargate - [Fandemonium - SG1 10] - Relativity - James Swallow (mobi).mobi 541.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Charles L McCain - An Honorable German (retail) (epub).epub 541.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Carol Smith - Friends for Life (Darkening Echoes) (retail) (epub).epub 541.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Scarlett Edwards - Never Let Go (mobi).mobi 541.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Cassandra Clark - [Abbess of Meaux Mystery 03] - The Law of Angels (epub).epub 540.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/John Sandford - [Lucas Davenport 12] - Chosen Prey (retail) (azw3).azw3 540.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lexi Blake - [Masters and Mercenaries 05] - Love and Let Die [MF] (mobi).mobi 540.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Lee Smith - Guests on Earth (epub).epub 540.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Michelle Levigne - [Zygradon Chronicles 04] - Lady Warhawk (retail) (epub).epub 539.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Joseph R G DeMarco - [Marco Fontana 01] - Murder on Camac (mobi).mobi 539.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Beverly Taylor - [Sweetest Day Romance 01] - Sweetest Desires (mobi).mobi 539.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Bella Forrest - [A Shade of Vampire 05] - A Blaze of Sun (azw3).azw3 539.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tony Taylor - Fishing the River of Time (retail) (epub).epub 539.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Anne Rutherford - [Restoration Mystery 01] - The Opening Night Murder (mobi).mobi 539.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Jacqui Rose - Dishonour (mobi).mobi 538.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/S Eva Necks - White is for Virgins (epub).epub 538.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Aiden James - [Judas Chronicles 04] - The Dragon Coins (mobi).mobi 538.1 KB
- FileList2013-10.txt 537.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Candace Havens - Her Last Best Fling [HBZ-774] (mobi).mobi 537.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Sybille Steinbacher - Auschwitz- A History (epub).epub 537.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Brenda Hampton - [Naughty 01] - Two's Enough, Three's a Crowd (v5.0) (epub).epub 537.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Tristan Vick - [Bitten 01] - Bitten (mobi).mobi 537.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Ann Lauterbach - Under the Sign (v5.0) (epub).epub 537.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Jennifer Ransom - Come Down In Time (mobi).mobi 537.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dana Mentink - [Finny's Nose Mystery 03] - Treasure Under Finny's Nose (mobi).mobi 537.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Toby Venables - [Hunter of Sherwood 01] - Knight of Shadows (v5.0) (epub).epub 537.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Susan Oloier - Outcast (mobi).mobi 536.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Leslie A Kelly - [Veronica Sloan 01] - Don't Look Away (mobi).mobi 536.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/R J Kaiser - Glamour Puss (v5.0) (epub).epub 536.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Essie Summers - [Challowsford 01] - Nurse Abroad (The Lark in the Meadow; The Long Journey) [HR-625, MB-1407] (epub).epub 536.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 11] - Death in the Air (epub).epub 536.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Penny Reid - [Knitting in the City 02] - Friends Without Benefits (azw3).azw3 536.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/K T Grant - [Dark Path 01] - The Gate [MF] (mobi).mobi 535.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Karl Kofoed - [Jupiter's Reef 03] - Infinite Reef (v5.0) (epub).epub 535.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Iris Johansen - [Eve Duncan 24] - Silencing Eve (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 535.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Vella Munn - The Man from Forever [SIM-695] (retail) (epub).epub 535.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [Culinary Mystery 10] - Rocky Road (mobi).mobi 534.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Hazel Holt - [Sheila Malory 20] - Mrs Malory and a Necessary End (mobi).mobi 534.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jen Ashton - Turds in the Punch Bowl (A Story of No Ordinary Friendship) (azw3).azw3 534.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Bridget Denise Bundy - [Bruce Family 01-05] - Burdens; Betrayal; Battle; Bond; Beginnings of the Bruces (epub).epub 534.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Elizabeth Hoyt - [Maiden Lane 06] - Duke of Midnight (epub).epub 534.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/S M Welles - To Ocean's End (epub).epub 534.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/M K Schiller - The Do-Over [Loose Id] (mobi).mobi 534.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Rakesh Satyal - Blue Boy (mobi).mobi 533.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Erika Marks - Little Gale Gumbo (retail) (epub).epub 533.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Alan Garner - [Alderley 01] - The Weirdstone of Brisingamen (epub).epub 533.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Seanan McGuire - Indexing - Episode 01-12 of 12 (mobi).mobi 533.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Josh Chetwynd - How the Hot Dog Found Its Bun- Accidental Discoveries and Unexpected Inspirations That Shape What We Eat and Drink (epub).epub 533.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Sydney M Cooper - [Forsaken Lands 01] - Tragedy (mobi).mobi 533.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Amber Kallyn - [Heart of a Vampire 04] - Magicstorm (epub).epub 532.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Michelle Levigne - [Zygradon Chronicles 03] - Three Drops of Blood (retail) (epub).epub 532.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Ross Thomas - [Mac McCorkle 04] - Twilight at Mac's Place (mobi).mobi 532.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Valerie Bowman - [Secret Brides 03] - Secrets of a Scandalous Marriage (mobi).mobi 532.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Daphne du Bois - The Scoundrel's Secret Siren (mobi).mobi 532.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Joy Spraycar - Changing of the Glads (mobi).mobi 532.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Ellen Dye - Ending Up (epub).epub 532.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Scott McElhaney - Dominion (mobi).mobi 532.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/B A Morton - Bedlam (epub).epub 532.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Summer Jordan - A Tangled Web [MF] (mobi).mobi 531.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Ralph Compton - [Danny Duggin 04] - Death Along the Cimarron - Ralph Cotton (retail) (epub).epub 531.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Vickie McKeehan - [Pelican Pointe 02] - Hidden Moon Bay (epub).epub 531.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stargate - [Fandemonium - SGA 10] - Nightfall - James Swallow (mobi).mobi 531.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Michelle Levigne - [Zygradon Chronicles 01] - Zygradon (retail) (epub).epub 531.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Sierra Dean - [Secret McQueen 06] - Secret Unleashed (mobi).mobi 530.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Toby Barlow - Babayaga (epub).epub 530.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Julie Kagawa - [Iron Fey - Call of the Forgotten 02] - The Iron Traitor (mobi).mobi 530.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Michael Wallace - [Righteous 04] - The Blessed and the Damned (mobi).mobi 530.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Emily Jane Trent - [Adam & Ella 03] - Cherished (mobi).mobi 530.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Gabbie S Duran - [Unspoken 01] - Unspoken Memories (epub).epub 530.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 09] - The Killing Connection (epub).epub 529.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Sarah Fine - [Guards of the Shadowlands 02] - Fractured (epub).epub 529.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lexi Blake - [Thieves 02] - Steal the Day (mobi).mobi 529.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Sun Chara - Manhattan Millionaire's Cinderella (mobi).mobi 529.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Willow Sears - Witch Hunter (mobi).mobi 529.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Desmond Bagley - High Citadel & Landslide (retail) (epub).epub 529.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 05] - Family Skeletons (epub).epub 529.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/J R Ward - [Black Dagger Brotherhood 04] - Lover Revealed (retail) (epub).epub 529.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/James S McEwan - [Hammer's War 01] - Forging the Hammer (epub).epub 529.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Dani April - Morgan's Mates [Siren Menage Amour] (epub).epub 529.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Bobby Hutchinson - [Running Wild 02] - Are You Lonesome Tonight (mobi).mobi 529.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 12] - The Dealer of Death (epub).epub 529.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Catherine Bybee - [Not Quite 03] - Not Quite Enough (mobi).mobi 528.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/P C and Kristin Cast - [House of Night 11] - Revealed (retail) (epub).epub 528.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Lila Munro - [Steele Clips 02] - A Compromising Position (epub).epub 528.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [Culinary Mystery 08] - Tres Leches Cupcakes (epub).epub 527.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Beth Yarnall - [Pleasure at Home] - Rush (mobi).mobi 527.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/B T Narro - [The Rhythm of Rivalry 02] - Bastial Steel (epub).epub 527.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Pamela Crane - The Admirer's Secret (mobi).mobi 527.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Carol Goodman - Blythewood (bad conversion) (azw3).azw3 527.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Sonia Faleiro - Beautiful Thing- Inside the Secret World of Bombay's Dance Bars (retail) (epub).epub 527.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Charles Cumming - A Foreign Country (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 526.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Barbara Taylor Bradford - [House of Deravenel 01] - The Ravenscar Dynasty (retail) (epub).epub 526.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Michelle Scott - [Bit Parts 01] - Stage Fright (mobi).mobi 526.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Paige Toon - The Longest Holiday (epub).epub 526.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Tori de Clare - Either Side of Midnight (mobi).mobi 525.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/John Sandford - [Lucas Davenport 04] - Silent Prey (retail) (azw3).azw3 525.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Tara Rose - [The Alpha Legend 01] - Captured by Two Alphas [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 525.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Joyce and Jim Lavene - [Missing Pieces Mystery 04] - A Haunting Dream (mobi).mobi 524.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pauline Rowson - [DI Andy Horton 09] - Undercurrent (epub).epub 524.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Halo [eXtasy] (epub).epub 524.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Erin M Leaf - Mr Rockstar [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 524.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [Culinary Mystery 05] - Blackberry Crumble (mobi).mobi 524.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Bobby Hutchinson - [Running Wild 03] - Make Me a Match (mobi).mobi 524.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Zadie Smith - On Beauty (retail) (epub).epub 523.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Rosie Best - [Shapeshifters of London 01] - Skulk (mobi).mobi 523.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Monroe Marla - [Wolf's Pass Shifters 01] - Nessa's Two Shifters [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 523.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Ian Flitcroft - The Reluctant Cannibals (mobi).mobi 523.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Neal Shusterman - [Unwind 03] - UnSouled (epub).epub 523.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Lawrence Watt-Evans - [Ethshar 01] - The Misenchanted Sword (v5.0) (epub).epub 523.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Richard Denoncourt - Ascendant- The Complete Edition (epub).epub 522.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Eve Langlais - [Cyborgs- More than Machines 03] - B785 (epub).epub 522.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Kathy Foley - Baby You're a Star- The Rise and Rise of Pop Svengali Louis Walsh (retail) (epub).epub 522.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Kathi Appelt - The True Blue Scouts of Sugar Man Swamp (azw3).azw3 522.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/John Sandford - [Lucas Davenport 03] - Eyes of Prey (retail) (azw3).azw3 521.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Johnny B Truant - [Fat Vampire 06] - Survival of the Fattest (mobi).mobi 521.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Shelly Crane - [Wide Awake 02] - Wide Spaces (mobi).mobi 521.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Ben Peller - [Shawn Michals 02] - To Live and Love In LA (retail) (mobi).mobi 521.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Kathi S Barton - [Samuel's Pride 01] - Samuel (mobi).mobi 521.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Lauren Royal - [Jewel 01] - Amethyst (epub).epub 521.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/A Meredith Walters - [Find You in the Dark 02.5] - Warmth in Ice [The 12 NA's of Christmas] (mobi).mobi 521.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Amanda Bennett - Faithless (mobi).mobi 520.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/London Miller - [Volkov Bratva 01] - In the Beginning (mobi).mobi 520.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Leo Tolstoy - The Sebastopol Sketches (tr David McDuff) (Penguin) (epub).epub 520.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/James Carlos Blake - Handsome Harry (mobi).mobi 520.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Yan Lianke - Serve the People! (mobi).mobi 520.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dana Mentink - [Finny's Nose Mystery 02] - Fog Over Finny's Nose (mobi).mobi 520.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Elizabeth Finn - Unforgiven (epub).epub 519.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Robert A Rupp - Buck Fever (mobi).mobi 519.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/M M Kin - Seeds - vol 03 (mobi).mobi 519.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 10] - The Blood of Strangers (epub).epub 519.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Isabel Sharpe - Back in Service [HBZ-771, Uniformly Hot 11] (mobi).mobi 519.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/B J Daniels - [Beartooth, Montana 03] - Forsaken (mobi).mobi 519.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jory Sherman - [Sidewinder 03] - Nest of Vipers (retail) (epub).epub 518.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Taylor Morris - [Hello, Gorgeous! 03] - Tangled (retail) (epub).epub 518.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Ally Shields - [Guardian Witch 04] - Blood and Fire (mobi).mobi 518.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Emma Meade - Under the Desert Moon (retail) (epub).epub 518.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/T J Bennett - Dark Angel (mobi).mobi 517.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Eliot Pattison - [Mystery of Colonial America 03] - Original Death (epub).epub 517.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Ophelia London - Definitely, Maybe in Love (epub).epub 517.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Barbara Taylor Bradford - [Emma Harte 04] - Emma's Secret (epub).epub 517.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Sharon Page - [Blood 07] - Blood Curse (epub).epub 516.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Tillie Cole - Sweet Home (epub).epub 516.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 07] - Massacre at Russian River (epub).epub 516.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Carla Hanna - [Starlet 01] - Starlet's Web (mobi).mobi 515.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Nicola Hudson - Curve (epub).epub 515.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/B E Laine - [Broken 01] - Broken Pieces (epub).epub 515.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/David Mason - The Pope's Bookbinder- A Memoir (retail) (epub).epub 514.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Senan Molony - The Irish Aboard Titanic (retail) (epub).epub 514.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Georgia Cates - [Vampire Agape 03] - Blood Doll (mobi).mobi 514.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jackie Nacht - [Holiday Jobs That Don't Suck 02] - Full Disclosure on Black Friday [eXtasy MM] (pdf).pdf 514.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Lacey Thorn - [Pleasures 05] - Roped for Pleasure [Resplendence] (mobi).mobi 514.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Joseph A Turkot - [Black Hull Season 01-02] - Black Hull- The Complete Novel (epub).epub 514.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Michael G Munz - [New Aeneid Cycle 02] - A Memory in the Black (epub).epub 513.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Laurie Halse Anderson - [Vet Volunteers 13] - New Beginnings (retail) (epub).epub 513.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/James Carroll - Prince of Peace (v5.0) (epub).epub 513.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lindsay McKenna - Silent Witness (retail) (epub).epub 513.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Meg Gray - The Teacher (mobi).mobi 513.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/K T Hastings - Fame and Glory (mobi).mobi 513.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Mercedes Lackey - [Valdemar - Collegium Chronicles 05] - Bastion (epub).epub 512.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Richard Babcock - Are You Happy Now (mobi).mobi 512.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Elissa Wald - The Secret Lives of Married Women [HCC-113] (v5.0) (epub).epub 512.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Barbara Ross - [Maine Clambake Mystery 01] - Clammed Up (azw3).azw3 512.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jonathan Yanez - [Elite 02] - The Trials (mobi).mobi 512.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/M S Willis - [Estate 01] - Madeleine Abducted (epub).epub 512.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Breena Wilde - Frosted Midnight (mobi).mobi 512.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Meghan Quinn - [Warbler's Point 01] - Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (mobi).mobi 511.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Sharon Lee & Steve Miller - [Liaden Universe 16] - Trade Secret (v5.0) (epub).epub 511.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Juliet Waldron - Angel's Flight (mobi).mobi 511.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Ann Aguirre - [Razorland 03] - Horde (epub).epub 511.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jeff Gunhus - [Templar Chronicles 03] - Jack Templar and the Lord of the Vampires (mobi).mobi 511.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Peter Moore Smith - Los Angeles (retail) (epub).epub 511.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Chelsea M Campbell - [Renegade X 02] - The Trials of Renegade X (mobi).mobi 510.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/M V Kallai - [Tripple Chronicles 01] - Eternity Rising (epub).epub 510.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Megan Derr - [Lost Gods 04] - Poison (retail) (epub).epub 510.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Connie Brockway - Hot Dish (epub).epub 510.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Therese Pautz - Rain and Revelation (mobi).mobi 510.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Michael Erickston - [Voyages of the Solar Wind 01] - A Fire in Heaven (mobi).mobi 510.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Christi Barth - [Aisle Bound 03] - Friends to Lovers (mobi).mobi 510.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Brenda Hampton - [Naughty 02] - My Way or the Highway (My Way or No Way) (v5.0) (epub).epub 510.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Beth Albright - [Sassy Belles 02] - Wedding Belles (retail) (epub).epub 509.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/T R Briar - Realm Wraith (azw3).azw3 509.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Terri Osburn - [Anchor Island 02] - Up to the Challenge (mobi).mobi 509.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/David Roberts - [Lord Edward Corinth and Verity Browne 04] - Dangerous Sea (retail) (epub).epub 509.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Sarah Black - [General 01] - The General and the Horse-Lord [Dreamspinner MM] (mobi).mobi 509.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Joyce and Jim Lavene - [Missing Pieces Mystery 04] - A Haunting Dream (epub).epub 509.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Carol A Spradling - Shades of Gray (mobi).mobi 509.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Michele G Miller - Last Call (mobi).mobi 508.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Chris Grabenstein - [John Ceepak 03] - Whack-a-Mole (mobi).mobi 508.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Clay Reynolds - Of Snakes & Sex & Playing in the Rain- Random Thoughts on Harmful Things (v5.0) (epub).epub 508.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Barbara Nadel - [Hakim and Arnold Mystery 02] - An Act of Kindness (mobi).mobi 508.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Bridget Denise Bundy - [Bruce Family 01-05] - Burdens; Betrayal; Battle; Bond; Beginnings of the Bruces (azw3).azw3 508.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Curt Weeden & Richard Marek - Book of Nathan (mobi).mobi 508.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Kate Pearce - [Triad 01] - The Power of Three [MF] (mobi).mobi 508.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Alexandra Potter - You're Not the One (retail) (epub).epub 508.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Kali Willows - Terminal Lust [Decadent, 1NS 80] (epub).epub 507.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Robison Wells - [Blackout 01] - Blackout (epub).epub 507.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Sarah Bumpus - [Students of the Game 01] - Students of the Game (epub).epub 507.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Chris Grabenstein - [John Ceepak 01] - Tilt-a-Whirl (mobi).mobi 507.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/A A King - [Precious Gems] - Diamond in the Rough (mobi).mobi 507.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Kathy Love - [HOT 03] - Devilishly Wicked (mobi).mobi 507.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Lauren Carr - [Mac Faraday Mystery 01] - It's Murder, My Son (mobi).mobi 507.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Anne McCaffrey - [Freedom 01] - Freedom's Landing (retail) (epub).epub 507.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/L P Dover - [Second Chances 02] - Trusting You (epub).epub 507.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Dan Donovan - Passages from Our Times- An Essay-Drama of American History 1998-2010 (retail) (epub).epub 506.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Cecilia Dominic - [The Lycanthropy Files 01] - The Mountain's Shadow (mobi).mobi 506.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Allison Chase - [Her Majesty's Secret Servants 02] - Recklessly Yours (epub).epub 506.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Aury Dobsyn - [Loyalty 01] - Plead Forgiveness (epub).epub 506.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Chloe Lang - [Doms of Destiny, Colorado 05] - Tamed by Texans [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 506.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Tracy Wolff - Tie Me Down [MF] (mobi).mobi 505.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Leanne Davis - [Sister Series 01] - The Other Sister (epub).epub 505.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Angela McCallister - [Immortalis 02] - Bad Cop (azw3).azw3 505.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/K D Lamb - The Puppetmasters (epub).epub 505.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Lynnie Purcell - [The Watchers 03] - The Saints (mobi).mobi 505.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Jeremy Robinson - [Jack Sigler 02] - Omega - Sean Ellis (epub).epub 505.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/S E Culpepper - [Liaisons 04] - Fall Apart [MM] (mobi).mobi 504.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Loretta Hill - [Girl 02] - The Girl in the Hard Hat (epub).epub 503.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Gary Gibson - [Shoal 02] - Nova War (v5.1) (html).rar 503.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Conor McCabe - Sins of the Father- Tracing the Decisions that Shaped the Irish Economy (retail) (epub).epub 503.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Emme Rollins - Meeting Trouble (mobi).mobi 502.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Marie Higgins - Dreaming of You (mobi).mobi 502.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Carol Goodman - Blythewood (bad conversion) (epub).epub 502.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Jacklyn Brady - [Piece of Cake Mystery 04] - The Cakes of Wrath (mobi).mobi 502.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jim DeFelice as James Ferro - [Hogs 05] - Target Saddam (mobi).mobi 502.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Virginia Kelly - In the Arms of a Stranger (mobi).mobi 501.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Danielle Steel - Winners (azw3).azw3 501.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Brenda Hill - Beyond the Quiet (mobi).mobi 501.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/John Sandford - [Virgil Flowers 07] - Storm Front (epub).epub 501.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Felicity Young - [Doctor Dody McCleland 02] - Antidote to Murder (epub).epub 501.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Kristin Miller - [Seattle Wolf Pack 02] - Four Weddings and a Werewolf (azw3).azw3 501.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jane Livingston - One with the Wind [MF] (mobi).mobi 501.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Gail Carson Levine - Dave at Night (retail) (epub).epub 501.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Christopher Fowler - Plastic (epub).epub 501.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Gena Showalter - [Otherworld Assassin 02] - Black and Blue (epub).epub 501.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Gretchen Galway - Love Handles (mobi).mobi 501.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Sara Furlong-Burr - [Enigma Black 02] - Vendetta Nation (azw3).azw3 500.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Neil White - Next to Die (mobi).mobi 500.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Liz Carlyle - In Love With a Wicked Man (epub).epub 500.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Clare O'Donohue - [Kate Conway Mystery 02] - Life Without Parole (epub).epub 500.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Jason Bryan - City of Singles (mobi).mobi 500.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Laura Lippman - [Tess Monaghan 07] - The Last Place (v5.0) (epub).epub 500.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Crystal Cierlak - [The Romance of Nick and Layla 01-03] - Walk Away; Sorry; White Flag (mobi).mobi 500.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Dorothy Eden - Whistle for the Crows (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 500.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/James D Best - Tempest at Dawn (epub).epub 500.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/S M Reine - [Ascension 03] - Ruled by Steel (mobi).mobi 499.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Emma Lai - [Star-Taken 01] - First Take (mobi).mobi 499.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Colleen Thompson - The Colton Heir [SIM-1776, The Coltons of Wyoming] (mobi).mobi 499.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Kathleen Morgan - [These Highland Hills 04] - As High as the Heavens (epub).epub 499.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Lindsey Piper - [Dragon Kings 02] - Blood Warrior (epub).epub 499.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Chris Pourteau - Shadows Burned In (mobi).mobi 498.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Teresa Mummert - [White Trash 02] - White Trash Damaged (epub).epub 498.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Lisa Swann - Rocked by a Billionaire - vol 01 [MF] (mobi).mobi 498.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Sean Platt & David Wright - Z 2135 (epub).epub 498.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 08] - Hatchet Men (epub).epub 498.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Thomas Rath - [The Master of the Tane 02] - Night Calls the Raven (epub).epub 498.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Neal Asher - [Cormac 01] - Gridlinked (v5.1) (html).rar 498.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Megan Derr - [Lost Gods 05] - Chaos (retail) (epub).epub 497.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Halo [eXtasy] (pdf).pdf 497.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Jessica Ingro - [Love Square 02] - His Ever After (mobi).mobi 497.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Amanda Flower - [Appleseed Creek Mystery 03] - A Plain Disappearance (mobi).mobi 497.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Tori Minard - [Avery's Crossing] - Rush (mobi).mobi 497.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Marcia Lynn McClure - The Haunting of Autumn Lake (epub).epub 497.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Joyce and Jim Lavene - [Missing Pieces Mystery 05] - A Finder's Fee (mobi).mobi 497.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Tarah R Hamilton - Copperback (mobi).mobi 496.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Thomas Cahill - The Gifts of the Jews- How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels (epub).epub 496.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dani Harper - [Dark Wolf 01] - First Bite (epub).epub 496.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Justen Hunter - [The American Arcane 01] - West Coast Witch (epub).epub 496.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Stephanie Keyes - [Star Child 01] - The Star Child (mobi).mobi 496.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Star Wars - Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas - Musings of an Ithorian - Bob Carrau (epub).epub 496.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Lisa Wingate - [Blue Sky Hills 03] - Beyond Summer (v5.0) (epub).epub 496.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Maxine Barry - A Matter of Trust (retail) (epub).epub 496.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Thomma Lyn Grindstaff - Maestro (mobi).mobi 495.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Shoma Narayanan - The One She Was Warned About [KISS-40] (epub).epub 495.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Silence Welder - Seven Days [MF] (mobi).mobi 495.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jojo Moyes - Windfallen (Foreign Fruit) (epub).epub 495.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Michelle Levigne - [Zygradon Chronicles 05] - The Rift War (retail) (epub).epub 495.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/James Hayman - [Mike McCabe 03] - Darkness First (v5.0) (epub).epub 495.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Katie Reus - [Deadly Ops 01] - Targeted (epub).epub 494.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lara Lacombe - Deadly Contact [SIM-1778] (epub).epub 494.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Will Self - My Idea of Fun (mobi).mobi 494.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lorraine Wilson - [Ski Season 02] - Secrets of a Chalet Girl (mobi).mobi 494.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Troy Stoops - Dividing Earth (azw3).azw3 494.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Love N Joy - Honey Flavored Tears (mobi).mobi 494.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Esther Freud - Love Falls (retail) (epub).epub 494.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Tony Hillerman - [Leaphorn & Chee] - Spider Woman's Daughter - Anne Hillerman (epub).epub 494.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Colin Falconer - Seraglio (epub).epub 494.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Alec Nevala-Lee - [Icon Thief 01] - The Icon Thief (v5.0) (epub).epub 494.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Richard Bowes - If Angels Fight (v5.0) (epub).epub 493.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Felix Francis - Dick Francis's Bloodline (retail) (epub).epub 493.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Natasha Sparks - [French Affair 01-04] - The French Affair; The French General; The French Marquis; The French Emperor (mobi).mobi 493.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Melanie Codina - [Real Love 02] - Love Resisted (mobi).mobi 493.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Edlyn Reynolds - [Gods of Old 01] - Ares [MF] (mobi).mobi 493.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Ceri Clark - Children of the Elementi (mobi).mobi 493.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Nicholas Sansbury Smith - [Tisaian Chronicles 01] - The Biomass Revolution (azw3).azw3 493.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Skyla Madi - [Guardian Angel 01.5] - Your Guardian Angel (Uncut) (mobi).mobi 493.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Andrea Kane - [Forensic Instincts 03] - The Stranger You Know (mobi).mobi 492.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Leah Moore - Kismet (mobi).mobi 492.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Haleigh Lovell - [Vivian's List 01] - Vivian's List [MF] (mobi).mobi 492.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Bertrice Small - [Silk Merchant's Daughters 03] - Lucianna (epub).epub 492.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 01] - Duel for Cannons (epub).epub 492.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Ema Volf - Reaching Eden (epub).epub 492.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Elizabeth Otto - [Paint River Ranch 01] - Tempting the Cowboy (mobi).mobi 492.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jon McGoran - Drift (mobi).mobi 492.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Vickie McKeehan - [Skye Cree 01] - The Bones of Others (epub).epub 492.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Marcie A Bridges - Tough Love (epub).epub 492.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Barbara Taylor Bradford - [House of Deravenel 02] - Heirs of Ravenscar (The Heir) (retail) (epub).epub 491.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 04] - The Mexico Kill (epub).epub 491.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Tracy Wolff - Full Exposure [MF] (mobi).mobi 491.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Simon Mawer - The Girl Who Fell From the Sky (Trapeze) (mobi).mobi 491.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Kaitlyn Oruska - [Haven 02] - The Heart of a Girl (mobi).mobi 491.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Danielle Steel - Winners (mobi).mobi 490.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Scott Turow - [Kindle County 09] - Identical (epub).epub 490.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/James Conway - The Last Trade (retail) (epub).epub 490.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Heather Hildenbrand - A Risk Worth Taking (mobi).mobi 490.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Carrie Butler - [Mark of Nexus 02] - Courage (epub).epub 490.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tricia Goyer - [Big Sky 01] - Beside Still Waters (mobi).mobi 490.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Patrick Carman - [Floors 02] - 3 Below (epub).epub 490.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dane Hartman - [Dirty Harry 03] - The Long Death (epub).epub 490.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Lydia Michaels - Simple Man [Secret Cravings] (mobi).mobi 489.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Cindy Gerard - The Way Home (epub).epub 489.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jackie Nacht - [Holiday Jobs That Don't Suck 01] - Bewitched at the Pumpkin Patch [eXtasy MM] (pdf).pdf 489.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Shayla Black - [Wicked Lovers 03] - Delicious (mobi).mobi 489.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Elia Mirca - [Heroine 01] - The Husband's Cologne (mobi).mobi 489.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Carol Cassella - Oxygen (mobi).mobi 489.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Herbie Brennan - [Shadow Project 01] - The Shadow Project (retail) (epub).epub 489.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Jacqueline Levine - Spiral (mobi).mobi 489.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Ross Thomas - [Mac McCorkle 01] - The Cold War Swap (mobi).mobi 489.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Jeffery Deaver - Watchlist (retail) (epub).epub 489.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Brian O'Connell - Wasted- A Sober Journey Through Drunken Ireland (retail) (epub).epub 488.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Jonathan Santlofer (ed) - Inherit the Dead (Ken Bruen, John Connolly, Val McDermid, et al) (epub).epub 488.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sarah Weinman (ed) - Troubled Daughters, Twisted Wives- Stories from the Trailblazers of Domestic Suspense (retail) (epub).epub 488.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Douglas Lindsay - [Thomas Hutton 02] - A Plague of Crows (mobi).mobi 488.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/James L Rubart - [Well Spring 02] - Memory's Door (epub).epub 488.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Frederik Pohl - Alternating Currents (v1.0) (epub).epub 488.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/James Mallory - [Merlin 02] - The King's Wizard (retail) (epub).epub 488.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Sue Fortin - United States of Love (epub).epub 488.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Vanessa Grant - [Gabriola Island 01] - With Strings Attached [HP-1528, MB-3537] (b) (mobi).mobi 488.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Chris Crutcher - Angry Management (retail) (epub).epub 488.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Sholem Aleichem - The Letters of Menakhem-Mendl and Sheyne-Sheyndl & Motl, the Cantor's Son (v5.0) (epub).epub 487.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Liane Moriarty - The Last Anniversary (epub).epub 487.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Chantal Fernando - Maybe This Time (epub).epub 487.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Chris Grabenstein - [John Ceepak 02] - Mad Mouse (mobi).mobi 487.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Brian Reeve - Dark Intent (mobi).mobi 487.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Cara Summers - No Desire Denied [HBZ-772, MBZ-369, Forbidden Fantasies] (mobi).mobi 487.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/J C Emery - [Bayonet Scars 01] - Ride (mobi).mobi 487.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Mindy Klasky - [Jane Madison Academy 01] - Single Witch's Survival Guide (mobi).mobi 487.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Elizabeth Lynn Casey - [Southern Sewing Circle 08] - Remnants of Murder (epub).epub 486.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Mary Simses - The Irresistible Blueberry Bakeshop & Cafe (v5.0) (epub).epub 486.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Stephen Rebello - Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho (epub).epub 486.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Aubrey Rose - [Werewolf 03] - Human Shifter (epub).epub 486.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Alexandra Bracken - [Darkest Minds 01] - The Darkest Minds (epub).epub 486.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Glenna Maynard - I'm with You (azw3).azw3 486.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Heather A Buchman - [Crested Butte 01] - And Then You Fall (mobi).mobi 486.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Ellery Adams - [Books by the Bay Mystery 05] - Poisoned Prose (mobi).mobi 486.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Barbara Shoup - Everything You Want (retail) (epub).epub 486.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Luke Preston - [Tom Bishop Rampage 01] - Dark City Blue (mobi).mobi 486.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jourdyn Kelly - [Eve Sumptor 02] - Flawed Perfection (epub).epub 486.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Elisabeth Naughton - [Aegis Security] - First Exposure (mobi).mobi 485.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Robert Wilson - The Company of Strangers (v5.0) (epub).epub 485.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Sam Crescent - [Cape Falls 05] - Moving On [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 485.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/P J Day & Elizabeth Basque - [Mercedes Cruz 01] - Mercy's Magic (mobi).mobi 485.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Cassie Allee - Taking Risks (mobi).mobi 485.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Nic Widhalm - The Tenth Order (azw3).azw3 485.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Rosie Genova - [Italian Kitchen Mystery 01] - Murder and Marinara (epub).epub 485.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Linda L Creel - [Angel-Blood 02] - Fall from Grace (mobi).mobi 485.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Diane Dooley - Mako's Bounty [Decadent, 1NS 95] (epub).epub 485.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Anne Oliver - Mistletoe Not Required [KISS-37] (mobi).mobi 485.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Lexi Ryan - [New Hope 02] - Wish I May (epub).epub 484.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Selena Laurence - [Hiding from Love 00.5] - Camouflaged (mobi).mobi 484.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Carolyn McCray & Ben Hopkin - [Darc Murders 03] - 5th Pentagram (epub).epub 484.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Desmond Bagley - The Golden Keel & The Vivero Letter (retail) (epub).epub 484.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Martin H Greenberg & Jennifer Brozek - Human for a Day (retail) (epub).epub 484.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Chris Evans - [Iron Elves 01] - A Darkness Forged in Fire (epub).epub 484.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stargate - [Fandemonium - SG1 13] - Hydra - Holly Scott, Jaimie Duncan (mobi).mobi 484.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Janet Mullany - Tell Me More [Spice] (mobi).mobi 484.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Doris O'Connor - The Housewife and the Film Star [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 484.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Laura Lippman - [Tess Monaghan 01] - Baltimore Blues (v5.0) (epub).epub 484.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Robert Traver - Anatomy of a Murder (retail) (epub).epub 484.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Honor James - [The Royal Wolves 03] - Crowning Glory [Siren Allure] (epub).epub 484.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Nix Knox - The Mormon and the Dom [MM] (mobi).mobi 484.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Elena Kincaid - [Made in Heaven 01] - Three Made in Heaven [Siren Menage Amour] (epub).epub 483.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Dixie Lynn Dwyer - [Power Surge- The Billionaire Club 03] - Their Sweet Desire [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 483.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jonathan Kellerman - [Alex Delaware 15] - Flesh and Blood (retail) (epub).epub 483.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/James Swain - [Jack Carpenter 01] - Midnight Rambler (v5.0b) (epub).epub 483.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ann Bauer - The Forever Marriage (retail) (epub).epub 483.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Myrna Mackenzie - Saving Cinderella! [HR-4175, MNR-228, Girls' Weekend in Vegas] (epub).epub 483.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Jennifer Ransom - Come Down In Time (epub).epub 482.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kathleen Flinn - The Sharper Your Knife, the Less You Cry- At the World's Most Famous Cooking School (v5.0) (epub).epub 482.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Jeffery Deaver - A Maiden's Grave (retail) (epub).epub 482.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Sara Furlong-Burr - [Enigma Black 02] - Vendetta Nation (mobi).mobi 482.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Kaitlin O'Riley - [Hamilton Sisters 05] - His By Christmas (epub).epub 482.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Loucinda McGary - Dead Girl in a Green Dress (mobi).mobi 482.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Jane Jamison - [Men for Hire 03] - Cowboy Rough [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 482.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/AnnaLisa Grant - Next to Me (mobi).mobi 481.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [Culinary Mystery 09] - Baked Alaska (mobi).mobi 481.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/John Connolly - [Samuel Johnson 03] - The Creeps (epub).epub 481.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Paige Cameron - [Wives for the Western Billionaires 09] - Enticed by the Billionaire Cowboy [Siren Everlasting Classic] (epub).epub 481.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Melissa Luznicky Garrett - Blood Type (mobi).mobi 481.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Laura Lippman - The Book Thing [BiblioMystery] (v5.0) (epub).epub 481.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Ian Thomas Healy - [Just Cause Universe 01] - Just Cause- Revised & Expanded Edition (epub).epub 481.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/David Drayer - Something Fierce (epub).epub 481.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Inspector Rostnikov 09] - Hard Currency (mobi).mobi 481.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/William Stacey - Black Monastery (epub).epub 481.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Tymber Dalton - Two Geeks and Their Girl [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 480.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Elia Mirca - [Heroine 02] - California Dreamin' (azw3).azw3 480.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Beverly Long - Stay With Me (mobi).mobi 480.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Nicola May - Let Love Win (mobi).mobi 480.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Jordan Cooke - [The Show 01] - Pilot Episode (retail) (epub).epub 480.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Sandy Rideout - Torch (epub).epub 480.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Elizabeth Rose & Tina Pollick - Shadow of Hope (mobi).mobi 479.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Dale Allan - A Prayer for the Devil (epub).epub 479.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Merlot Montana - Sunrise for Two [MF] (mobi).mobi 479.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Dani Harper - [Dark Wolf 01] - First Bite (mobi).mobi 479.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Emily Jane Trent - [Adam & Ella 02] - Charmed (mobi).mobi 479.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Thomas Hanna - The Far-Out Show (retail) (epub).epub 479.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Heidi Joy Tretheway - Tattoo Thief (epub).epub 479.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Laszlo Krasznahorkai - Seiobo There Below (epub).epub 479.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Patrick Carman - [Floors 01] - Floors (mobi).mobi 479.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Mary Elizabeth Coen - Love & The Goddess (epub).epub 479.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Michelle de Kretser - The Lost Dog (epub).epub 478.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/John Corwin - [Overworld Chronicles 05] - Twisted Sister of Mine (epub).epub 478.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/R Lynn - [Descendants Saga 01] - Descendants (mobi).mobi 478.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Elliott Kay - Poor Man's Fight (epub).epub 478.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Ace Collins - Darkness Before Dawn (epub).epub 478.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Beverly Jenkins - Before the Dawn (retail) (epub).epub 478.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Kelly Oram - [Jamie Baker 02] - More Than Jamie Baker (epub).epub 478.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Lourdes Bernabe - [Jolene 01] - All of Her Men [MF] (mobi).mobi 477.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Chris Little - The Darkness of Shadows (epub).epub 477.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lore Segal - Half the Kingdom (mobi).mobi 477.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Richard Parry - Night's Favour (epub).epub 477.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Pavarti K Tyler - Consumed by Love (epub).epub 477.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Erin Downing - Cheating on Myself (epub).epub 477.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Kevin George - [Cryo-Man 01] - Cryo-Man (azw3).azw3 477.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Tom Bunevich - Senior Prank (retail) (epub).epub 477.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Lee Davidson - [Satellite 01] - Satellite (mobi).mobi 476.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Kristin Levine - The Lions of Little Rock (retail) (epub).epub 476.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Sarah Michelle Lynch - [The Chambermaid's Tales 01] - A Fine Profession [MF] (epub).epub 476.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sharon Potts - Someone's Watching (mobi).mobi 475.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Bobby Hutchinson - [Running Wild 02] - Are You Lonesome Tonight (azw3).azw3 475.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Melanie Wilber - [Moments in Paradise 01] - October Joy (mobi).mobi 475.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Jeanne M Dams - [Hilda Johansson 06] - Indigo Christmas (retail) (epub).epub 475.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Geoffrey Gudgion - Saxon's Bane (mobi).mobi 475.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Chad Kultgen - The Lie (mobi).mobi 475.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Stevan Mena - Transience (mobi).mobi 475.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/W Richard Lawrence - [Agents in His Service 01] - Fatal Transaction (mobi).mobi 475.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Desmond Bagley - [Slade 01-02] - Running Blind & The Freedom Trap (The Mackintosh Man) (retail) (epub).epub 474.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Travis Adams Irish - She Is Risen- The Gun Control Case Studies (mobi).mobi 474.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Tiffany Toto - The Pandora Affair (epub).epub 474.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Lisa Mondello - [Dakota Hearts 01] - Her Dakota Man (mobi).mobi 474.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Kate Hanney - Someone Different (mobi).mobi 474.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Stella Russell - A Foreign Affair (mobi).mobi 474.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Robin Cook - [Stapleton-Montgomery 03] - Chromosome 6 (retail) (epub).epub 474.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Amber Garza - Winning Me Over (mobi).mobi 474.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Mary Gillgannon - The Conqueror (Tara O'Dell - The Saxon's Daughter) (epub).epub 473.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Bella Forrest - [A Shade of Vampire 05] - A Blaze of Sun (mobi).mobi 473.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/John Ringo - [Black Tide Rising 02] - To Sail a Darkling Sea (ARC) (epub).epub 473.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Diego De Silva - I Hadn't Understood (retail) (epub).epub 473.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jackie Nacht - [Holiday Jobs That Don't Suck 04] - Cupids and Wardrobe Malfunctions [eXtasy MM] (pdf).pdf 473.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Doris Piserchia - The Deadly Sky (epub).epub 472.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/James L Conway - In Cold Blonde (azw3).azw3 472.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Keri Lake - [Sons of Wrath 02] - Soul Resurrected (epub).epub 472.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Christopher G Nuttall - The Invasion of 1950 (epub).epub 471.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Angela McCallister - [Immortalis 02] - Bad Cop (mobi).mobi 471.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Angela Devine - The Bride of Santa Barbara [HPS-15, MB-4013] (retail) (epub).epub 471.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Evangeline Walton - She Walks in Darkness (mobi).mobi 471.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Melissa Marr - [Wicked Lovely] - Desert Tales (epub).epub 471.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/D L Bogdan - The Forgotten Queen (epub).epub 471.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Heidi Ayarbe - Wanted (mobi).mobi 471.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Mary-Ann Tirone Smith - Masters of Illusion (retail) (epub).epub 470.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/K W Jeter - [Kim Oh 01] - Real Dangerous Girl (mobi).mobi 470.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Isabella Brooke - [Love Is The Law 01] - Hidden Heart (mobi).mobi 470.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Darryl Wimberley - Kaleidoscope (mobi).mobi 470.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Robyn Peterman - [Hot Damned 01] - Fashionably Dead (epub).epub 470.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Laura Joh Rowland - [Sano Ichiro 07] - The Pillow Book of Lady Wisteria (retail) (epub).epub 470.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Kaitlyn Hoyt - [Prophesized 02] - Scorching Secrets (epub).epub 470.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner - [Starbound 01] - These Broken Stars (ARC) (mobi).mobi 469.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [Culinary Mystery 07] - Banana Split (epub).epub 469.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 15] - Whispers of the Dead (epub).epub 469.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Stella Duffy - [Empress Theodora 01] - Theodora- Actress, Empress, Whore (epub).epub 469.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Annie Nicholas - [Angler 03] - Release [MF] (mobi).mobi 469.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Nola Sarina & Emily Faith - Wild Hyacinthe (mobi).mobi 469.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Delia Steele - Broken [MF] (mobi).mobi 468.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Phaedra Weldon - [Zoe Martinique 06.1] - Dark Time (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 468.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/L A Kelley - The Naughty List (mobi).mobi 468.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Cora Carmack - [Losing It 03] - Finding It (epub).epub 468.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Michelle L Levigne - [Neighborlee, Ohio] - Have Yourself a Faerie Little Christmas (retail) (epub).epub 468.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Paige Cameron - [Wives for the Western Billionaires 08] - The Intriguing Billionaire Cowboy [Siren Everlasting Classic] (epub).epub 468.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Missy Johnson - [Beautiful Rose 01] - Beautiful Rose (epub).epub 467.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Susan Wittig Albert - [Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter 08] - The Tale of Castle Cottage (mobi).mobi 467.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Bronwyn Parry - Darkening Skies (epub).epub 467.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Don Keith - War Beneath the Waves- A True Story of Courage and Leadership Aboard a World War II Submarine (retail) (epub).epub 467.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Morticia Knight - [Gin and Jazz 02] - Razzle Dazzle [TEB MM] (mobi).mobi 467.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/J D Rivera - Guarded (mobi).mobi 467.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Ayn Rand - The Early Ayn Rand- A Selection from Her Unpublished Fiction (Revised ed) (retail) (epub).epub 467.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Peggy Henderson - [Yellowstone Romance 01] - Yellowstone Heart Song (epub).epub 467.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/James Kimmel Jr - The Trial of Fallen Angels (epub).epub 467.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/James Carroll - Memorial Bridge (v5.0) (epub).epub 467.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Roger Pearce - Agent of the State (epub).epub 467.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Inspector Rostnikov 10] - Blood and Rubles (mobi).mobi 467.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Angela Jordan - [Dark Angel 02] - His Dark Desires [MF] (mobi).mobi 466.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jennifer Anne - As Luck Would Have It [MF] (mobi).mobi 466.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Dorothy Eden - Waiting for Willa (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 466.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Caris Roane - [Men in Chains 01] - Born in Chains (mobi).mobi 466.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Teresa Noelle Roberts - [Duals and Donovans - The Different 03] - Cougar's Courage [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 466.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kenneth W Starr - First Among Equals- The Supreme Court in American Life (retail) (epub).epub 465.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/AlTonya Washington - Every Chance I Get [HKR-223, Kimani Hotties] (retail) (epub).epub 465.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/S Anders - Just a Couple Ex's Blindsided (mobi).mobi 465.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tony Hillerman - [Leaphorn & Chee 12] - The Fallen Man (retail) (epub).epub 465.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Maya Banks - [Tangled Hearts 01] - Theirs to Keep (epub).epub 465.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Brandon J Huckabay - Dawn of the Mad (epub).epub 465.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Ty Johnston - [Ursian Chronicles - Kobalos 01] - City of Rogues (epub).epub 465.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Randall Silvis - The Boy Who Shoots Crows (retail) (epub).epub 465.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Megan Noelle - [For You 02] - Fighting for You (mobi).mobi 465.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Delia Parr - [Candlewood Trilogy 02] - Refining Emma (mobi).mobi 464.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Robert a Heinlein - I Will Fear No Evil (v5.0) (epub).epub 464.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/John Tristan - The Adorned (mobi).mobi 464.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Iris Murdoch - The Nice and the Good (retail) (epub).epub 464.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Shirley Martin - [Avador 02] - Night Shadows (mobi).mobi 464.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Elise Marion - The Groom (mobi).mobi 464.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Kathleen Brooks - [Bluegrass Brothers 05] - Secrets Collide (mobi).mobi 464.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Beverly Barton - [Griffin Powell 01] - After Dark (retail) (epub).epub 464.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Chris Van Hakes - Lost and Found (mobi).mobi 463.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Kristin Miller - [Seattle Wolf Pack 02] - Four Weddings and a Werewolf (mobi).mobi 463.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/C J Miller - Protecting His Princess [SIM-1777] (mobi).mobi 463.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Megan McCafferty - [Jessica Darling 04] - Fourth Comings (retail) (epub).epub 463.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Megan McCafferty - [Jessica Darling 02] - Second Helpings (retail) (epub).epub 463.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Tabor Evans - [Longarm 244] - Longarm and the Devil's Sister (retail) (epub).epub 462.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Nigel Findley - [The Possibility Wars] - Out of Nippon (mobi).mobi 462.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Edward Fays - A Grandparent's Gift of Love- True Stories of Comfort, Hope, and Wisdom (retail) (epub).epub 462.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Rosie Rushton - [Jane Austen in the 21st Century 04] - Love, Lies and Lizzie (retail) (epub).epub 462.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Taylor Brooks - The Philanthropist and the Paratrooper [Siren Everlasting Classic ManLove] (epub).epub 462.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Amy Gregory - [Racing to Love 04] - Alex's Destiny (mobi).mobi 462.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Kate Douglas - Carved in Stone (epub).epub 462.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Jessica Grey - [Fairytale 02] - Atone (mobi).mobi 462.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Lacy Crawford - Early Decision (epub).epub 462.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Lynnie Purcell - [The Watchers 02] - The Seekers (mobi).mobi 462.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Rob Elliott - Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids (retail) (epub).epub 461.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/LuAnne Rice - [Summer's Child 01] - Summer's Child (epub).epub 461.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/John Brunner - The Sheep Look Up (epub).epub 461.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Barbara Ross - [Maine Clambake Mystery 01] - Clammed Up (mobi).mobi 461.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Viola Grace - Bride of Fire [eXtasy] (pdf).pdf 461.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Sheila Connolly - [Orchard Mystery 07] - Golden Malicious (mobi).mobi 461.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Elia Mirca - [Heroine 02] - California Dreamin' (epub).epub 460.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Morgan Callan Rogers - Red Ruby Heart in a Cold Blue Sea (retail) (epub).epub 460.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/John Katzenbach - Red 1-2-3 (bad conversion) (mobi).mobi 460.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Jon Bassoff - Corrosion (mobi).mobi 460.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Meredith Whitford - Love's Will (mobi).mobi 460.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jeffrey A Carver - [Star Rigger 05] - Dragon Rigger (v5.0) (epub).epub 460.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Christina Smith - [Affinity 01] - Fated Dreams (epub).epub 460.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Karen Anders - The Bare Facts [HBZ-22; MBZ-18] (retail) (epub).epub 459.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Mattie York - Panties for Sale (epub).epub 459.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Beverly Long - Here With Me (mobi).mobi 459.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Donnee Patrese - Diary of a Wanted Woman [MF] (mobi).mobi 459.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Ella Sheridan - Dirty Little Secret [Loose Id] (mobi).mobi 459.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Aksel Bakunts - The Dark Valley (epub).epub 459.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Ursula Whistler - Big Bad Easy (mobi).mobi 459.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/John Brunner - The Jagged Orbit (epub).epub 458.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Patrick Ellsworth Taylor - The Martian Pendant (epub).epub 458.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Kathleen George - [Pittsburgh Homicide 06] - Simple (retail) (epub).epub 458.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stargate - [Fandemonium - SGA 12] - Dead End - Chris Wraight (mobi).mobi 457.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/T A Hardenbrook - Running Home (mobi).mobi 457.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Veronica Roth - [Divergent 03] - Allegiant (epub).epub 457.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Robin Cook - Seizure (retail) (epub).epub 457.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Casse Narome - [Memory Keepers 01] - Death Knows My Name (mobi).mobi 457.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Syrie James - The Missing Manuscript of Jane Austen (epub).epub 457.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 20] - The Dove of Death (epub).epub 457.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Peter Clement - [Richard Steel 01] - Mutant (retail) (epub).epub 457.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Sherwood Smith - Whispered Magics (retail) (epub).epub 457.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Dale Cramer - [Daughters of Caleb Bender 03] - Though Mountains Fall (epub).epub 457.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Jessica Grey - [Fairytale 01] - Awake (mobi).mobi 457.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Ashley Edward Miller & Zack Stentz - Colin Fischer (retail) (epub).epub 457.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Cara McKenna - Unbound (epub).epub 456.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Lelaina Landis - [Just Me & You 01] - Something About You (epub).epub 456.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Amelia Kahaney - The Brokenhearted (epub).epub 456.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Charlotte Mendelson - Almost English (mobi).mobi 456.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Lloyd Harry-Davis - [Worlds & Secrets 01] - Preternatural (epub).epub 456.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Carey Heywood - [Him 02] - Her (epub).epub 456.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Padgett Powell - Typical- Stories (retail) (epub).epub 456.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Roger A Caras - Going for the Blue- Inside the World of Show Dogs and Dog Shows (retail) (epub).epub 456.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Erin McCarthy - [True Believers 02] - Sweet (epub).epub 456.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Inspector Rostnikov 05] - A Cold Red Sunrise (mobi).mobi 456.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jez Strider - Lovely (mobi).mobi 455.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Ken Dryden - The Game (epub).epub 455.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Janis Thomas - Something New (retail) (epub).epub 455.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/C J Hockenberry - [Southern Romance Monthly 01] - October Ghosts (mobi).mobi 455.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Carla Norton - The Edge of Normal (mobi).mobi 455.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Jennifer Lyon - [Plus One Chronicles 03] - Obsession [MF] (mobi).mobi 455.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Erica Bauermeister - [School of Essential Ingredients 02] - The Lost Art of Mixing (mobi).mobi 455.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/A J Dalton - [Chronicles of a Cosmic Warlord 01] - Empire of the Saviours (v5.0) (epub).epub 455.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Cassie Page - [Darling Valley Mystery 01] - Armoires and Arsenic (mobi).mobi 455.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Mary M Hall-Rayford - My Father's Gift (mobi).mobi 455.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/C S Janey - [Love 01] - Love Renewed (mobi).mobi 455.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Krista Lakes - Burned (mobi).mobi 454.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Laura Landon - A Risk Worth Taking (epub).epub 454.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Beverly Long - Yesterday's Magic (mobi).mobi 454.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Celia Jerome - [Willow Tate 04] - Life Guards in the Hamptons (retail) (epub).epub 454.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Ava Smith - Cursed (mobi).mobi 454.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Ty Hutchinson - [Abby Kane 01] - Corktown (mobi).mobi 454.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Noelle Adams - [A Negotiated Marriage 02] - Revival (mobi).mobi 454.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Candace Havens - Her Last Best Fling [HBZ-774] (epub).epub 454.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Wilton Barnhardt - Lookaway, Lookaway (epub).epub 454.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/J A Howell - [The Possess Saga 01] - Possess (mobi).mobi 453.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Aleah Barley - Leaving Las Vegas (mobi).mobi 453.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Angela Jordan - [Dark Angel 03] - A Violent Love Affair [MF] (mobi).mobi 453.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Ayr Bray - Magnetic (mobi).mobi 453.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Robb Forman Dew - Fortunate Lives (retail) (epub).epub 453.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Alan Spencer - Coin-Operated Machines (mobi).mobi 453.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jeffrey A Carver - [Star Rigger 04] - Dragons in the Star (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 453.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/John Koetsier - No Other Gods (azw3).azw3 453.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/James L Conway - In Cold Blonde (epub).epub 453.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Philip Cox - Last Man's Head (epub).epub 453.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/R S Burnett - [Finding My Way 02] - Bet Me (azw3).azw3 453.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lawrence Light & Meredith Anthony - Ladykiller (mobi).mobi 453.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Sylvia Day - [Shadow Stalkers 03] - Blood and Roses (mobi).mobi 452.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Linda L Creel - [Angel-Blood 03] - Esra's Prohpecy (mobi).mobi 452.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Shauna Hart - [Blood Bond 01] - Bonds of Blood [MF] (azw3).azw3 452.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tracey Devlyn - [Nexus 03] - A Lady's Secret Weapon (epub).epub 452.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Stella Duffy - [Empress Theodora 02] - The Purple Shroud (epub).epub 451.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Kim Wright - [City of Mystery 03] - City of Silence (azw3).azw3 451.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Marie Force - [McCarthys of Gansett Island 01] - Maid for Love (b) (mobi).mobi 451.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Sheila Webster Boneham - [Animals in Focus Mystery 02] - The Money Bird (epub).epub 451.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Michelle de Kretser - The Hamilton Case (retail) (epub).epub 451.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Garrison Keillor - We Are Still Married- Stories and Letters (retail) (epub).epub 451.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Sydney Landon - [Danver's 04] - Fighting for You (epub).epub 451.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/John Sandford - Dead Watch (retail) (epub).epub 450.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Riley Adams - [Memphis Barbeque Mystery 04] - Rubbed Out (epub).epub 450.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Michael Gruber - The Return (epub).epub 450.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Nancy Kress - [Crossfire 02] - Crucible (epub).epub 450.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Charlaine Harris & Toni L P Kelner (ed) - Wolfsbane and Mistletoe (retail) (epub).epub 450.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dakota Madison - [Fire on Ice 02] - The Playmaker (mobi).mobi 450.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Alan F Troop - [Dragon DelaSangre 03] - The Seadragon's Daughter (mobi).mobi 450.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Shelley Freydont - [Celebration Bay Mystery 02] - Silent Knife (epub).epub 449.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Christina Freeburn - [Faith Hunter Scrap This Mystery 02] - Designed to Death (mobi).mobi 449.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Emily Brightwell - [Mrs Jeffries 30] - Mrs Jeffries Defends Her Own (epub).epub 449.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Joyz W Riter - [Dana Cartwright Mission 03] - Kal-King (azw3).azw3 449.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Jenny Telfer Chaplin - [Fortunes 01] - Fortunes of the Heart (The Kinnons of Candleriggs) (epub).epub 449.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Alex Lidell - The Cadet of Tildor (mobi).mobi 449.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Ashea S Goldson - [Joy 01] - Joy Comes in the Morning (retail) (epub).epub 449.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Marilyn Baron - Significant Others (mobi).mobi 449.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Claudy Conn - [Legend 04] - Free Falling (mobi).mobi 449.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Charles Cumming - A Foreign Country (v5.0) (epub).epub 449.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Carolyne Aarsen - [Home to Harley Creek 04] - Homecoming Reunion [LI-752] (mobi).mobi 449.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/K D Peters - Feathers (mobi).mobi 448.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Angela Richardson - [Pieces of Lies 03] - All the Pieces (epub).epub 448.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Annie Seaton - [Affair 03] - Outback Affair (mobi).mobi 448.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ralph Compton - [Trail Drive 25] - The Omaha Trail - Jory Sherman (retail) (epub).epub 448.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Josh Shoemake - Planet Willie (mobi).mobi 448.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Emme Rollins - [Dear Rockstar 02] - Lucky Girl (mobi).mobi 448.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Jordan Belcher - [Status 01] - Status (mobi).mobi 448.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Dan Mahoney - [Brian McKenna 04] - Once In, Never Out (retail) (epub).epub 448.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Julie Lessman - A Light in the Window (epub).epub 447.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Cassandra Clare - [The Bane Chronicles 07] - The Fall of the Hotel Dumort - Maureen Johnson (epub).epub 447.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Nic Widhalm - The Tenth Order (epub).epub 447.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pulp - Texas Rangers.47.04.Ranch of Whispering Shadows - Donald Bayne Hobart (pdf).pdf 447.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Kelly Eileen Hake - [Prairie Promise 01] - The Bride Bargain (mobi).mobi 447.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jayne Ann Krentz - All Night Long (retail) (epub).epub 447.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Carol Hutton - Eternal Journey (retail) (epub).epub 447.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Tina Susedik - Riding for Love (mobi).mobi 447.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Mike Maden - [Troy Pearce 01] - Drone (epub).epub 447.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/T E D Klein - Collected Stories (v3.0) (epub).epub 447.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Cassia Leo - [Carrier Spirits 01] - Parallel Spirits (epub).epub 446.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Michael Dean - The Enemy Within (epub).epub 446.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Cathryn Cade - [Club 3 01] - She's All In [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 446.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Sue Ann Jaffarian - [Granny Apples 03.5] - The Silent Ghost (mobi).mobi 446.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Lauren Hope - Screaming To Be Solved (mobi).mobi 446.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Rachel Harris - [Love and Games 02] - Seven Day Fiance (mobi).mobi 446.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Micalea Smeltzer - [Outsider 02] - Insider (mobi).mobi 445.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/John Sandford - The Night Crew (epub).epub 445.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jake Adler - [Nemedian 01] - The Wizard's Magic Kingdom (epub).epub 445.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Patrick Carman - [Floors 01] - Floors (epub).epub 445.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Julie Farley - [New Ever After 01] - The New Ever After (mobi).mobi 445.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Yukio Mishima - The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea (epub).epub 445.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Chelsea Ballinger - [Pierce Family 01] - Love and Hate (mobi).mobi 445.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Jay Antani - The Leaving of Things (azw3).azw3 444.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Mia Marlowe - [Spirit of the Highlands 01] - Plaid Tidings (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 444.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Jill Conner Browne - [Sweet Potato Queens 02] - God Save the Sweet Potato Queens (retail) (epub).epub 444.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Nancy Kricorian - All the Light There Was (mobi).mobi 444.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Michelle Diener - Banquet of Lies (epub).epub 444.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Beth Ciotta - [Cupcake Lovers 03] - Anything but Love (mobi).mobi 444.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Olivia Mayfield - [Inheritance 01] - The Inheritance Part I (mobi).mobi 444.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Meg Maguire - [Wilinski's Fight Academy 03] - Driving Her Wild [HBZ-773, MBZ-370] (epub).epub 444.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Winnie Griggs - [Texas Grooms 01] - Handpicked Husband [LIH-151] (mobi).mobi 443.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lorraine Wilson - [Ski Season 01] - Confessions of a Chalet Girl (mobi).mobi 443.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Stephanie Keyes - [Star Child 01] - The Star Child (epub).epub 443.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Luke Preston - [Tom Bishop Rampage 01] - Dark City Blue (azw3).azw3 443.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Janice Graham - [Flint Hills 01] - Firebird (mobi).mobi 443.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Laurie Halse Anderson - [Seeds of America 02] - Forge (epub).epub 443.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Allison Crews - Antithesis (mobi).mobi 443.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/George R R Martin - In the House of the Worm (v5.0) (epub).epub 443.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Pamela Fryer - The Lost Finder (mobi).mobi 443.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jennifer R Hubbard - Until It Hurts to Stop (mobi).mobi 443.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Nicholas Kaufmann - Dying Is My Business (epub).epub 443.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Mark Helprin - Refiner's Fire (retail) (epub).epub 443.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Joyce and Jim Lavene - [Missing Pieces Mystery 05] - A Finder's Fee (epub).epub 443.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Jenna Jameson & Hope Tarr - Sugar [MF] (azw3).azw3 442.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/K J Hargan - [Wealdland Stories 01] - The Last Elf of Lanis (epub).epub 442.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/T Glen Coughlin - One Shot Away- A Wrestling Story (retail) (epub).epub 442.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Lena Nicole - [The One] - The One Left Behind (epub).epub 442.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Edmond Barrett - [Nameless War 02] - The Landfall Campaign (epub).epub 442.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lindsay McKenna & Merline Lovelace - Course of Action (Out of Harm's Way & Any Time, Any Place) [SIM-1775] (mobi).mobi 441.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Kim Wright - [City of Mystery 03] - City of Silence (epub).epub 441.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Isabella Rae - [Atlanta Affair 01] - A Workplace Affair (mobi).mobi 441.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Sophia Gray - [Blue Ridge 01-04] - The New Boy; The Search; Escape; Last Chance (mobi).mobi 441.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Bobby Dennis Jr - [Kane Family Saga 01] - Bloodline of a Kane (mobi).mobi 441.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jen Ashton - Turds in the Punch Bowl (A Story of No Ordinary Friendship) (epub).epub 441.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Emma Miller - [Hannah's Daughters 03] - Anna's Gift [LI-663] (retail) (epub).epub 441.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Jane Casey - The Missing (epub).epub 441.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Tamar Myers - [Pennsylvania Dutch 03] - No Use Dying Over Spilled Milk (mobi).mobi 441.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Lou Allin - Contingency Plan (epub).epub 440.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Kristine McCord - The Santa Society (mobi).mobi 440.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Brenda Jackson - [Bennett 01] - A Family Reunion (epub).epub 440.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Jordanna East - [Blood for Blood 0.5] - Blood in the Past (mobi).mobi 440.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Eve Langlais - Crazy- Vampire Love (revised) (mobi).mobi 440.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Anna Smith - Screams in the Dark (mobi).mobi 440.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Jacklyn Brady - [Piece of Cake Mystery 04] - The Cakes of Wrath (epub).epub 440.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Sharon Hamilton - [SEAL Brotherhood 03] - SEAL Under Covers (epub).epub 440.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Olivia Bruner - The Minivan Years- Celebrating the Hectic Joys of Motherhood (retail) (epub).epub 440.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Kami Garcia - [Legion 01] - Unbreakable (epub).epub 440.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Sharon Creech - Replay (retail) (azw3).azw3 440.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Christopher Golden - [Shadow Saga 06] - The Graves of Saints (mobi).mobi 440.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Tim Cody - [Subject Nightingale 01] - Birth and Death (epub).epub 440.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Elle Jordan - Infatuated (mobi).mobi 439.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Dara Ames - Haunting Astrid [Blushing] (mobi).mobi 439.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Alex Archer - [Rogue Angel 44] - Blood Cursed (mobi).mobi 439.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Peter Robinson - [Inspector Banks 01] - Gallows View (retail) (epub).epub 439.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [Culinary Mystery 02] - English Trifle (mobi).mobi 439.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Henry Kuttner - The Book of Iod - Robert M Price, Robert Bloch, Lin Carter (mobi).mobi 439.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/M K Schiller - The Do-Over [Loose Id] (epub).epub 439.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/September Roberts - Sweet Chemistry [LSB] (mobi).mobi 439.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Carl Hiaasen - [Skink 02] - Native Tongue (retail) (epub).epub 439.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Dani Alexander - Shattered Glass [MM] (retail) (epub).epub 439.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Mary Kay Andrews - [Southern 04] - Christmas Bliss (mobi).mobi 439.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Leslie A Kelly - [Veronica Sloan 01] - Don't Look Away (azw3).azw3 439.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Maddie Taylor - [Club Decadence 04] - Little Light of Mine [Blushing] (mobi).mobi 439.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Clara Bayard - [Rockstar 07] - Rocked in the Dark [MF] (mobi).mobi 438.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Bobby Hutchinson - [Running Wild 02] - Are You Lonesome Tonight (epub).epub 438.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Shannon Richard - [Country Roads 02] - Undeniable (epub).epub 438.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Tina Mcelroy Ansa - The Hand I Fan With (epub).epub 438.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/R J Sable - [With You 02] - Stronger with You [MF] (epub).epub 438.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kelly Jamieson - [Heller Brother Hockey 05] - Offside (epub).epub 438.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Rick Gualtieri - [The Tome of Bill] - Sunset Strip (mobi).mobi 438.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/S James Nelson - [The Van Bender Archives 01] - Van Bender and the Burning Emblems (epub).epub 438.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Tristan Vick - [Bitten 01] - Bitten (epub).epub 438.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Matthew Timion - Leaving Salt Lake City- A Memoir (epub).epub 437.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Gary Gibson - [Shoal 02] - Nova War (v5.1) (epub).epub 437.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/L Marie Adeline - [SECRET 02] - SECRET Shared [MF] (mobi).mobi 437.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [Culinary Mystery 04] - Key Lime Pie (mobi).mobi 437.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Rick Stein - Under a Mackerel Sky- A Memoir (corruption) (mobi).mobi 437.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Alan Kaufman - Drunken Angel (retail) (epub).epub 437.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/C K Laurence - The Mystery of Jessica Benson (mobi).mobi 437.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Tish Cohen - Little Black Lies (retail) (epub).epub 436.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Renee Reynolds - [The Lords of Oxford 01] - Lord Love a Duke (epub).epub 436.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Inspector Rostnikov 08] - Death of a Russian Priest (mobi).mobi 436.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Alan Eisenstock - The Kindergarten Wars- The Battle to Get into America's Best Private Schools (retail) (epub).epub 436.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Ronn Elmore - Mercy, Mercy Me (retail) (epub).epub 436.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Inspector Rostnikov 04] - A Fine Red Rain (mobi).mobi 436.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Nick S Thomas - [Battle Earth 08] - Battle Earth VIII (mobi).mobi 436.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/D M Sharp - [Olivia Carter 01] - Olivia's Trek (mobi).mobi 436.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Pulp - G-Men Detective.44.09.Murder in the Movies - Ted Coughlan (pdf).pdf 436.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Mira Grant - [Parasitology 01] - Parasite (epub).epub 436.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Vaughn Heppner - [Invasion America 04] - Invasion- New York (epub).epub 436.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Kristine Cayne - [Six-Alarm Sexy 02] - Everything Bared [MF] (epub).epub 436.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Melanie Milburne - Their Most Forbidden Fling [HMED-591, MMED-1661] (epub).epub 436.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Robert Littell - Sweet Reason (retail) (epub).epub 435.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jackie Nacht - [Holiday Jobs That Don't Suck 05] - Pink Bunny Ears, Seriously [eXtasy MM] (pdf).pdf 435.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Susan Kearney - [Heat 01] - Lunar Heat (Island Heat) (epub).epub 435.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Anya Seton - The Hearth and Eagle (v5.0) (epub).epub 435.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Peg Sutherland - [Hometown Reunion] - Love and War (retail) (epub).epub 435.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Shar Dimick - [Lake of the Pines] - Take a Deep Breath (mobi).mobi 435.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Susan Leigh Carlton - [Trace Atkins Family 02] - Rebecca Atkins, Attorney at Love (The Daughter of the Lonely Cowboy) (mobi).mobi 435.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Geoffrey Gudgion - Saxon's Bane (epub).epub 435.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Laura Ruby - I'm Not Julia Roberts (retail) (epub).epub 434.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Robert K Tanenbaum - [Butch Karp and Marlene Ciampi 24] - Bad Faith (epub).epub 434.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Mary Ellen Gorry - [Vampire Chronicle 01] - After the Fall (mobi).mobi 434.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Mindy McGinnis - Not a Drop to Drink (mobi).mobi 434.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Dana Sachs - The Secret of the Nightingale Palace (v5.0) (epub).epub 434.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Joy Spraycar - Changing of the Glads (azw3).azw3 434.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Ella Col - [Save Me 02] - Broken (mobi).mobi 434.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Amanda Hughes - Beyond the Cliffs of Kerry (epub).epub 434.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Cora Harrison - [Debutantes 02] - In Love (mobi).mobi 434.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Susan Wittig Albert - [Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter 08] - The Tale of Castle Cottage (epub).epub 434.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Nikki Logan - His Until Midnight [KISS-39] (mobi).mobi 433.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Jennifer Kaufman & Karen Mack - Literacy and Longing in LA (Book Lover) (retail) (epub).epub 433.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Rowyn Ashby - Inside Out [Etopia] (epub).epub 433.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Yan Lianke - Serve the People! (epub).epub 433.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Anna Smith - Spit Against the Wind (mobi).mobi 433.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Craig McLay - Deadline (mobi).mobi 433.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Melissa Brodsky - [Threads of Fate 01] - Adina Falling (azw3).azw3 433.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Opal Carew as Amber Carew - The Cinderella Obsession (mobi).mobi 433.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Raine English - [Tempted 01] - Date with a Vampire (mobi).mobi 432.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Therese Pautz - Rain and Revelation (azw3).azw3 432.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Charles G West - A Man Called Sunday (retail) (epub).epub 432.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jaron Lee Knuth - Level Zero (v5.0) (azw3).azw3 432.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Delia Colvin - [Sibylline 02] - The Symbolon (epub).epub 432.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Mindy Raf - The Symptoms of My Insanity (retail) (epub).epub 432.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Anna MacLean - [Louisa May Alcott Mystery 03] - Louisa and the Crystal Gazer (retail) (epub).epub 432.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Kathleen Kent - The Outcasts (epub).epub 432.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Sandra Parshall - [Rachel Goddard Mystery 02] - Disturbing the Dead (epub).epub 431.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Jennifer Seasons - [Diamonds and Dugouts 03] - Throwing Heat (mobi).mobi 431.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Kathryn Le Veque - [The Titans 02] - The Legend (epub).epub 431.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Cassandra Clare - [The Bane Chronicles 07] - The Fall of the Hotel Dumort - Maureen Johnson (mobi).mobi 430.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Sterling E Lanier - [Brigadier Ffellows 02] - The Curious Quests of Brigadier Ffellowes (epub).epub 430.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Cate Price - [Deadly Notion Mystery 01] - Going Through the Notions (epub).epub 430.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jane Green - Tempting Fate (mobi).mobi 430.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Tigris Eden - [Shadow Unit 02] - Burned In Shadows (mobi).mobi 430.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Terri Schiavo's Family - A Life That Matters- The Legacy of Terri Schiavo- A Lesson for Us All (retail) (epub).epub 430.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Catherine Astolfo - Sweet Karoline (epub).epub 430.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Luca Rossi - Galactic Energies (mobi).mobi 430.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Matt Stephens - The Lostkind (epub).epub 430.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/A M Hudson - [Dark Secrets 04] - Lies in Blood (epub).epub 430.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Isabel Sharpe - Back in Service [HBZ-771, Uniformly Hot 11] (epub).epub 429.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Stevan Mena - Transience (azw3).azw3 429.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Rachel Schurig - Escape In You (mobi).mobi 429.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Josh Hilden - [The Shores of the Dead 01-03] - The Rising; The Journey; The Final Stand (epub).epub 429.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Joanne Rock - Vanquished by the Viking [HHU] (epub).epub 429.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jordan Baker - [The Book of One 04] - A Child of Fire (epub).epub 429.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Julie Lessman - [Daughters of Boston 01] - A Passion Most Pure (b) (epub).epub 428.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Robin Bielman - [Secret Wishes 02] - Her Accidental Boyfriend (mobi).mobi 428.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Kate Pearce - [Soul Justice 02] - Death Bringer (mobi).mobi 428.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sally Spencer - [Inspector Blackstone 10] - Blackstone and the Endgame (epub).epub 428.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Cooper McKenzie - [Cougarlicious 02] - Cougar Needs [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 428.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stargate - [Fandemonium - SG1 14] - Valhalla - Tim Waggoner (mobi).mobi 428.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Thomas Caplan - The Spy Who Jumped Off the Screen (retail) (epub).epub 428.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Rhonda Woodward - A Hint of Scandal [SRR] (retail) (epub).epub 428.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Deborah Sharp - [Mace Bauer 05] - Mama Gets Trashed (epub).epub 427.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Paddy Cummins - Dream Valley (mobi).mobi 427.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/India Lee - [Hidden Gem 04] - Every Pearl Has Its Oyster (epub).epub 427.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Marly Swick - Evening News (retail) (epub).epub 427.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Lang Leav - Love & Misadventure (epub).epub 427.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Marianne Harden - [Rylie Keyes Mystery 01] - Malicious Mischief (mobi).mobi 427.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/B A Tortuga - [Roughstock - Season Two] - What She Wants [Torquere] (epub).epub 427.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Yuri Rytkheu - The Chukchi Bible (retail) (epub).epub 427.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Alaska Angelini - [Masters of Darkness 01] - Their Dark Hunter [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 427.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Roseanne Dowell - It's Only Make Believe (azw3).azw3 427.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Dave Eggers, et al (ed) - Created in Darkness by Troubled Americans- The Best of McSweeney's Humor Category (retail) (epub).epub 427.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jessica Gray - Destroyed Dreams (mobi).mobi 427.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Lea Nolan - [The Hoodoo Apprentice 02] - Allure (epub).epub 426.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Steph Bennion - [Hollow Moon 02] - Paw-Prints of the Gods (epub).epub 426.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Vanessa Wells - Seventeen Stones (epub).epub 426.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Dr Who - [BBC New Series 28] - Beautiful Chaos - Gary Russell (mobi).mobi 426.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Chandler Burr - You or Someone Like You (epub).epub 426.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Thomas G LaCorte - 6 Miles With Courage (mobi).mobi 426.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Noelle Adams - Seducing the Enemy (mobi).mobi 426.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Venessa Kimball - [Piercing the Fold 01] - Piercing the Fold (mobi).mobi 425.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Donna Grant - [Dark Warriors 08] - Midnight's Promise (epub).epub 425.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Maya Wood - The Lost Hearts (epub).epub 425.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Tracy St John - [Kalquor 08] - Alien Caged [MF] (epub).epub 425.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Michelle Levigne - [Zygradon Chronicles 02] - Braenlicach (retail) (epub).epub 425.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Selena Wolfcastlin - [Gothos 01] - A Kiss of Darkness (mobi).mobi 425.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Kaitlyn Hoyt - [Prophesized 03] - Descending Darkness (mobi).mobi 425.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/S B Roozenboom - A Taste of Silver (b) (mobi).mobi 425.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Sarra Cannon - [Fairhope 02.5] - A Season for Hope [The 12 NA's of Christmas] (mobi).mobi 425.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/D J Ridgway - [The Tessellation Saga 02] - The One (epub).epub 425.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Harper Bentley - [True Love 01] - Discovering Us (mobi).mobi 425.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Paddy Cummins - Dream Valley (azw3).azw3 424.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Troy Stoops - Dividing Earth (epub).epub 424.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Cecilia Dominic - [The Lycanthropy Files 01] - The Mountain's Shadow (epub).epub 424.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Lee Smith - Fair and Tender Ladies (v5.0) (epub).epub 424.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Eileen Munro - As I Lay Me Down to Sleep- A Devastating True Story of Neglect and Abuse (mobi).mobi 424.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Allyson Young - [Club Pleasure 05] - Fulfilled [Siren Menage Amour] (epub).epub 424.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Amanda Sandton - [Coup de Foudre 02] - Waking the Wolf (mobi).mobi 424.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Ellie R Hunter - [Incurable Hearts 02] - Eternal Hearts (mobi).mobi 423.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Emma Shortt - [End of Days Love 01] - Waking Up Dead (epub).epub 423.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/David Leavitt - Martin Bauman- or, A Sure Thing (v5.0) (epub).epub 423.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Lori Copeland - Forever Ashley (mobi).mobi 423.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Rosalind James - [The Kincaids 01] - Welcome to Paradise (epub).epub 423.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/John Gaspard - [Eli Marks Mystery 01] - The Ambitious Card (mobi).mobi 423.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Morticia Knight - [Gin and Jazz 01] - Hollywood Bound [TEB MM] (mobi).mobi 422.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/K J Bell - [Irreparable 02] - Irreversible Damage (mobi).mobi 422.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Addison Moore - [3AM Kisses 02] - Winter Kisses [The 12 NA's of Christmas] (epub).epub 422.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Nina Smith - Hailstone (mobi).mobi 422.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Katie Hayoz - Untethered (mobi).mobi 422.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jennifer Harlow - [FREAKS Squad Investigation 03] - Death Takes a Holiday (epub).epub 422.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Will Self - Tough, Tough Toys for Tough, Tough Boys (mobi).mobi 422.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [Culinary Mystery 03] - Devil's Food Cake (mobi).mobi 421.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lisa Orchard - [The Super Spies 03] - The Super Spies and the Pied Piper (retail) (epub).epub 421.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Tianna Xander - [Dragon Bound 05] - The Water Dragon [eXtasy] (pdf).pdf 421.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Sharyn McCrumb - [Ballad 04] - The Rosewood Casket (epub).epub 421.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Lynn Red - [The Alpha's Kiss 01] - Change For Me (mobi).mobi 421.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Kevin George - [Cryo-Man 01] - Cryo-Man (epub).epub 421.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Perry Rhodan 0149 - [Cycle 03 - The Posbis 50] - Battle for the World of a Hundred Suns (v1.0) (doc).doc 421.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Rachelle Ayala - [Chance for Love 03] - Knowing Vera (epub).epub 420.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Nate Kenyon - Day One (mobi).mobi 420.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Sadie Grubor - Falling Stars (eissue 2013) (epub).epub 420.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/David Khara - [Consortium Thriller 01] - The Bleiberg Project (mobi).mobi 420.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Magan Vernon - The Only One (epub).epub 420.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Richard Wadholm - Astronomy (v5.0) (epub).epub 420.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Anna Jeffrey - [Strayhorns 01] - Lone Star Woman (epub).epub 419.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Linda Lee Peterson - The Devil's Interval (retail) (epub).epub 419.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Rebecca Fjelland Davis - Chasing AllieCat (retail) (epub).epub 419.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Jenny Telfer Chaplin - [Fortunes 01] - Fortunes of the Heart (The Kinnons of Candleriggs) (mobi).mobi 419.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Diane Craver - [Dreams of Plain Daughters 01] - A Joyful Break (mobi).mobi 419.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Melissa Brodsky - [Threads of Fate 01] - Adina Falling (mobi).mobi 419.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Olivia Goldsmith - Bad Boy (epub).epub 419.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Mellie George - [Bad Blooded Rebel 01] - Rebel (mobi).mobi 419.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 06] - Killing Time (epub).epub 419.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Chandin Whitten - [Beautiful 02] - Beautiful Misery [MF] (mobi).mobi 419.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Edlyn Reynolds - [Gods of Old 01] - Ares [MF] (epub).epub 419.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stargate - [Fandemonium - SGA 18 - Legacy 03] - Allegiance - Melissa Scott, Amy Griswold (epub).epub 418.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Christopher G Nuttall - [The Empire's Corps 07] - Reality Check (epub).epub 418.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Tom Clancy - [EndWar 03] - The Missing - Peter Telep (epub).epub 418.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Zack Love - Sex in the Title- A Comedy about Dating, Sex, and Romance in NYC (back when phones weren't so smart) (epub).epub 418.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/William X Kienzle - [Father Koesler 06] - Kill and Tell (epub).epub 418.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Debra Webb - See Her Die (mobi).mobi 417.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ella Dominguez - This Love's Not for Sale [MF] (mobi).mobi 417.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Samanthe Beck - [McCade Brothers 02] - Falling for the Marine (mobi).mobi 417.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Joy Spraycar - Changing of the Glads (epub).epub 417.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Dr Who - [BBC New Series 25] - Ghosts of India - Mark Morris (mobi).mobi 417.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Rosie Rushton - [Leehampton 03] - How Could You Do This to Me, Mum (retail) (epub).epub 417.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Jorn Lier Horst - [William Wisting Mystery 02] - Closed for Winter (epub).epub 417.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Inspector Rostnikov 14] - Murder on the Trans-Siberian Express (mobi).mobi 417.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/James Carroll - The City Below (v5.0) (epub).epub 417.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Mark Urban - Task Force Black- The Explosive True Story of the SAS and the Secret War in Iraq (epub).epub 416.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Anna Randol - [Sinners 03] - Sins of a Wicked Princess (epub).epub 416.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Carla Hanna - [Starlet 01] - Starlet's Web (epub).epub 416.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Lisa Wingate - [Blue Sky Hills 04] - Dandelion Summer (v5.0) (epub).epub 416.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 13] - Badger's Moon (epub).epub 416.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Georgina Troy - [Jersey Romance 01] - A Jersey Kiss (epub).epub 416.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Elisabeth Naughton - [Aegis Security] - First Exposure (epub).epub 416.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Edith DuBois - Love Is Hell- A Valentine's Story, Book 2 [Siren Menage Everlasting, Male Order Texas] (epub).epub 416.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Rene Folsom - [Cornerstone 01] - Shuttered Affections (epub).epub 416.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Sally Mandel - Out of the Blue (epub).epub 416.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Inspector Rostnikov 13] - Fall of a Cosmonaut (mobi).mobi 416.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Sofie Kelly - [Magical Cats Mystery 05] - Final Catcall (mobi).mobi 415.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [Culinary Mystery 10] - Rocky Road (epub).epub 415.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Diane Stanley - [Molly 03] - The Princess of Cortova (retail) (epub).epub 415.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Inspector Rostnikov 12] - Dog Who Bit a Policeman (mobi).mobi 415.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Eden Butler - [Seeking Serenity 01] - Chasing Serenity (epub).epub 415.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Jennifer Leeland - Declaration to Submit [Loose Id] (mobi).mobi 415.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/John Sandford - [Virgil Flowers 02] - Heat Lightning (epub).epub 415.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Guy Haley - Champion of Mars (epub).epub 414.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Emily Brightwell - [Mrs Jeffries 04] - Mrs Jeffries Takes Stock (mobi).mobi 414.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/James Brady - [Beecher Stowe and Lady Alex Dunraven 01] - Further Lane (retail) (epub).epub 414.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Nicole Zoltack - Masked Love (epub).epub 414.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Matt Hilton - [Joe Hunter 07] - No Going Back (epub).epub 414.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jackie Nacht - [Knavish Sprites 02] - Enamored to a Fool [eXtasy MM] (pdf).pdf 414.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Nickie Seidler - A Tattered Love (mobi).mobi 414.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Robyn Scott - Twenty Chickens for a Saddle- The Story of an African Childhood (epub).epub 414.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Rozsa Gaston - Dog Sitters (retail) (epub).epub 414.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Elizabeth Hunter - [Irin Chronicles 01] - The Scribe (epub).epub 414.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jeffe Kennedy - [Covenant of Thorns 02] - Rogue's Possession (epub).epub 414.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Ashe Barker - [The Dark Side 01.5] - The Dark Art of Persuasion [TEB] (epub).epub 413.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Michele Shriver - Finding Forever (mobi).mobi 413.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Denise Daisy - [Haret 01] - The Haret (mobi).mobi 413.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Diane Roth - [Texas Wildfire 01] - The Other Brooks Boy (mobi).mobi 413.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lucy J Whittaker - Look At Your Future (mobi).mobi 413.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Cassandra Clark - [Abbess of Meaux Mystery 02] - The Red Velvet Turnshoe (epub).epub 413.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Lisa Olsen - [The Company 01] - The Company of Shadows (azw3).azw3 413.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Kylie Logan - [Chili Cook-Off Mystery 01] - Chili Con Carnage (mobi).mobi 413.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Kristine Mason - [CORE Shadow 01] - Shadow of Danger (epub).epub 413.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/R H Vesely - Connections (mobi).mobi 413.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Grayson Cole - Inside Out (epub).epub 413.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Patsy Brookshire - Threads (retail) (epub).epub 413.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stargate - [Fandemonium - SGA 11] - Angelus - Peter J Evans (epub).epub 412.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Michael Lister - [John Jordan Mystery 01] - Power in the Blood (epub).epub 412.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Tonya Burrows - [Wilde Security 02] - Wilde for Her (mobi).mobi 412.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/P T Deutermann - Ghosts of Bungo Suido (epub).epub 412.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Trish Milburn - Out of the Night [NOCT-170] (mobi).mobi 412.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Kersten Hamilton - [Goblin Wars 03] - When the Stars Threw Down Their Spears (epub).epub 412.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Wendy Markham - If Only in My Dreams (epub).epub 412.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Breena Wilde - [Blurred Lines 07] - False Lines [MF] (epub).epub 412.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/JaQuavis Coleman - [Dopeman 01] - The Dopeman's Wife (azw3).azw3 412.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Debra Webb - Bone Deep (mobi).mobi 412.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Liz Reinhardt & Steph Campbell - [Lengths 04.5] - Riptides (azw3).azw3 412.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Dr Who - [BBC New Series 29] - The Eyeless - Lance Parkin (mobi).mobi 412.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Tracy Sharp - Spooked (epub).epub 412.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Carlene Thompson - The Way You Look Tonight (retail) (epub).epub 412.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Mark Teppo - [The Court of Lies 02] - The Hollow Prince (v5.0) (epub).epub 411.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/David Jackson - [Callum Doyle 02] - The Helper (epub).epub 411.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Linda Sue Park - The Kite Fighters (retail) (epub).epub 411.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/M H Young - Close (mobi).mobi 411.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Eva Stachniak - Garden of Venus (Dancing with Kings) (epub).epub 411.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Nicola May - Let Love Win (epub).epub 411.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Frank Leslie - The Bells of El Diablo (retail) (epub).epub 411.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Edith DuBois - Love Is Hell- A Valentine's Story, Book 1 [Siren Menage Everlasting, Male Order Texas] (epub).epub 410.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Devon Hartford - [The Story of Samantha Smith 02] - Reckless (epub).epub 410.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Inspector Rostnikov 11] - Tarnished Icons (mobi).mobi 410.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Tabitha Levin - Trance (mobi).mobi 410.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Delaina Lake - [The Best Days 01] - Catalyst (mobi).mobi 410.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/John R Tunis - [Brooklyn Dodgers 02] - World Series (retail) (epub).epub 410.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Love N Joy - Honey Flavored Tears (epub).epub 410.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Stevan Mena - Transience (epub).epub 409.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/M L Young - Tethered (mobi).mobi 409.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Katie Cotugno - How to Love (mobi).mobi 409.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/T L Shreffler - [Cat's Eye 01] - Sora's Quest (revised) (epub).epub 409.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/John Skipp & Cody Goodfellow - Jake's Wake (mobi).mobi 409.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Julia Quinn - [Smythe-Smith 03] - The Sum of All Kisses (epub).epub 409.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/James Swain - [Peter Warlock 02] - Shadow People (epub).epub 409.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [Culinary Mystery 06] - Pumpkin Roll (epub).epub 409.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Rebecca Avery - [Riding With Honor 05] - Unexpected Ride (mobi).mobi 409.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Matthew Hall - A Doctor at War- The Story of Colonel Martin Herford- the Most Decorated Doctor of World War II (retail) (epub).epub 409.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Laurien Berenson - [Melanie Travis 07] - Unleashed (epub).epub 409.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Iain Rob Wright - Sea Sick (b) (mobi).mobi 409.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Cheryl Persons - [Love Conquers All 01] - Following Your Heart (epub).epub 408.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Wilbur Smith - [Hector Cross 02] - Vicious Circle (epub).epub 408.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Dianne Duvall - [The Immortal Guardians 04] - Darkness Rises (epub).epub 408.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/M J Rodgers - [Justice, Inc 01] - Beauty vs the Beast [HI-335, MI-109] (retail) (epub).epub 408.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Jill Sanders - [Pride 06] - Red Hot Christmas (mobi).mobi 408.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Matthew Formby - Love on the NHS (epub).epub 408.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Tigris Eden - [Shadow Unit 02] - Burned In Shadows (azw3).azw3 408.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Robert Paine - [The Dead Road 01-04] - The Complete Collection (Isolation; Maybridge; Stockton; Survival) (mobi).mobi 408.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Matthew Timion - Leaving Salt Lake City- A Memoir (azw3).azw3 407.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Beverly Taylor - [Sweetest Day Romance 01] - Sweetest Desires (epub).epub 407.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Leo Bonanno - The Hunt Chronicles Volume 1 (mobi).mobi 407.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Kenya Wright - [Dark Art Mystery 01] - The Muse (epub).epub 407.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan McCurrigan - My Honor Flight (mobi).mobi 407.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Wendy Wax - [Beach 02] - Ocean Beach (retail) (epub).epub 407.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Miranda Dickinson - Take a Look at Me Now (epub).epub 407.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jennifer L Armentrout as J Lynn - [Wait for You 01.5] - Trust in Me (mobi).mobi 406.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Elizabeth Lennox - [Thorpe Brothers 01] - His Captive Lover (mobi).mobi 406.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Emily Brightwell - [Mrs Jeffries 07] - Mrs Jeffries Plays the Cook (mobi).mobi 406.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Delia Colvin - [Sibylline 01] - The Sibylline Oracle (b) (epub).epub 406.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Phaedra Weldon - [Zoe Martinique 06.1] - Dark Time (v5.0) (epub).epub 406.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Nate Jackson - Slow Getting Up- A Story of NFL Survival from the Bottom of the Pile (epub).epub 406.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Donna Andrews - [Meg Langslow 16] - Duck the Halls (mobi).mobi 406.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/H M Ward - [Arrangement 11] - The Arrangement 11 (mobi).mobi 406.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/K A Hambly - [The Rise of the New Bloods 01] - From Dark Beginnings (mobi).mobi 406.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Amanda Ashley - [Vampire 02] - After Sundown (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 406.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Tasha Alexander - [Emily Ashton 08] - Behind the Shattered Glass (mobi).mobi 406.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Brian Reeve - Dark Intent (epub).epub 406.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Perry Rhodan 0147 - [Cycle 03 - The Posbis 48] - The Machines Run Amok (v1.0) (doc).doc 406.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Joanna Higgins - Waiting for the Queen (retail) (epub).epub 406.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Victoria Lexington - Sex and the Social Network (mobi).mobi 405.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Joeann Hart - Float (v5.0) (epub).epub 405.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/William Stacey - Black Monastery (mobi).mobi 405.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Susan Meier - A Father for Her Triplets & Her Pregnancy Surprise [MCH2-126] (epub).epub 405.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Michelle Horst - [Vaalbara 01] - Vaalbara- Visions & Shadows (epub).epub 405.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Anne Rutherford - [Restoration Mystery 01] - The Opening Night Murder (epub).epub 404.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jonathan Randall - [Cave Dwellers 01] - Cave Dwellers (mobi).mobi 404.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Kristan Higgins - [Blue Heron 02] - The Perfect Match (epub).epub 404.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Julia Harper - [Hot 01] - Hot (retail) (epub).epub 404.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Gina Linko - Indigo (mobi).mobi 404.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Anne Kyle - Touch Me Once (mobi).mobi 404.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Emily Brightwell - [Mrs Jeffries 06] - Mrs Jeffries on the Trail (mobi).mobi 404.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Raphael Selbourne - Beauty (v5.0) (epub).epub 403.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Piper Shelly - [Grover Beach Team 03] - T is for, He's a TOTAL Jerk (epub).epub 403.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Cheryl Ann Smith - [School for Brides 05] - The Wife He Always Wanted (epub).epub 403.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Brigitte Gabriel - Because They Hate- A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America (epub).epub 403.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Nicholas Sansbury Smith - [Tisaian Chronicles 01] - The Biomass Revolution (epub).epub 403.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Robert Grieve Black - Across the Bridge (mobi).mobi 403.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Darryl Wimberley - Kaleidoscope (epub).epub 403.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Vicky Loebel - Speakeasy Dead (mobi).mobi 403.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Susanne Marie Knight - One Wife Too Many (retail) (epub).epub 403.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Lisa Kessler - [Moon 02] - Hunter's Moon (epub).epub 402.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Ann Collins - Battlescars (mobi).mobi 402.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Brooklyn Skye - [Stripped 01] - Stripped (mobi).mobi 402.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Julie Kagawa - [Iron Fey - Call of the Forgotten 02] - The Iron Traitor (epub).epub 402.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Sheila Connolly - [Orchard Mystery 07] - Golden Malicious (epub).epub 402.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Christobel Kent - [Sandro Cellini 01] - The Drowning River (A Time of Mourning) (epub).epub 402.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jana Richards - First and Again (mobi).mobi 402.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Jared Paul - The Collie Murders (mobi).mobi 402.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Bobby Hutchinson - [Running Wild 03] - Make Me a Match (epub).epub 402.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Fiona McFarlane - The Night Guest (mobi).mobi 401.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Lizzy Ford - [Hidden Evil 01] - Hear No (mobi).mobi 401.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Christine Desmet - [Fudge Shop Mystery 01] - First-Degree Fudge (epub).epub 401.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Christi Snow - [When the Mission Ends 04] - When Love Intrudes (mobi).mobi 401.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Brenda Hill - Beyond the Quiet (epub).epub 401.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Roseanne Dowell - It's Only Make Believe (mobi).mobi 401.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Carlos Ruiz Zafon - Marina (mobi).mobi 401.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/B D Rowe - Crashing Into You (mobi).mobi 401.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Juliet Waldron - Angel's Flight (azw3).azw3 401.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Rhys Bowen - [Molly Murphy 12] - The Family Way (epub).epub 401.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Bobby Dennis Jr - [Kane Family Saga 01] - Bloodline of a Kane (epub).epub 400.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Cara Summers - No Desire Denied [HBZ-772, MBZ-369, Forbidden Fantasies] (epub).epub 400.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Hailey Abbott - Boy Crazy (retail) (epub).epub 400.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pulp - Thrilling Detective.48.04.Murder in Red - C S Montanye (pdf).pdf 400.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Evie Knight - [In Bed with the Enemy 01] - Ariel's Song [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 400.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Jason Bryan - City of Singles (epub).epub 400.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Anne Oliver - Mistletoe Not Required [KISS-37] (epub).epub 399.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Neal Shusterman - [Dark Fusion 03] - Duckling Ugly (retail) (epub).epub 399.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/F G Cottam - The Memory of Trees (retail) (epub).epub 399.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Tarah R Hamilton - Copperback (azw3).azw3 399.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Steve Martini - [Paul Madriani 03] - Undue Influence (retail) (epub).epub 399.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Marian Babson - Whiskers and Smoke (A Trail of Ashes) (retail) (epub).epub 399.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Amanda Ashley - A Whisper of Eternity (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 399.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/James D Doss - [Charlie Moon 11] - Stone Butterfly (retail) (epub).epub 399.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Diana Nixon - Hate at First Sight (mobi).mobi 399.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Lee Smith - The Devil's Dream (v5.0) (epub).epub 399.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Monroe Marla - [Wolf's Pass Shifters 01] - Nessa's Two Shifters [Siren Menage Everlasting] (pdf).pdf 399.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Jill Paterson - [Fitzjohn Mystery 03] - Once Upon a Lie (mobi).mobi 398.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Sarah Elizabeth - [Misjudged 02] - Misplaced Trust (mobi).mobi 398.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Dawn Robertson - Hers [MF] (epub).epub 398.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Eric Bishop-Potter - Jimmy, Mrs Fisher and Me (mobi).mobi 398.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Glenn G Thater - [Harbingers of Doom 01-02] - Gateway to Nifleheim & The Fallen Angle (retail) (epub).epub 398.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Perry Rhodan 0146 - [Cycle 03 - The Posbis 47] - Behind the Wall of Time (v1.0) (doc).doc 398.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Tarah R Hamilton - Copperback (epub).epub 397.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Elia Mirca - [Heroine 01] - The Husband's Cologne (azw3).azw3 397.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Theresa Paolo - (Never) Again (epub).epub 397.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Jenny Lane - Family Secrets (mobi).mobi 397.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Karin Tabke - [Chronicles of Katrina 02] - Double Dare (epub).epub 397.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Erika Holzer - Freedom Bridge (epub).epub 397.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Jenika Snow - [Wylde Bears 02] - A Fox Between the Bear's Sheets [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 397.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Jay Antani - The Leaving of Things (epub).epub 397.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Jaz Primo - [Sunset Vampire 04] - Wicked Sunset (epub).epub 397.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/P J Day - [King's Blood 04] - Vampire Descent (mobi).mobi 397.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Ingrid Jonach - When the World was Flat (and We Were in Love) (retail) (epub).epub 397.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Perry Rhodan 0148 - [Cycle 03 - The Posbis 49] - Leap Into the Intercosmos (v1.0) (doc).doc 397.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Erin Thomas - Haze (retail) (epub).epub 396.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Emily Brightwell - [Mrs Jeffries 03] - The Ghost and Mrs Jeffries (mobi).mobi 396.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sylvia Day - [Shadow Stalkers 03] - Blood and Roses (epub).epub 396.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Shelley Shepard Gray - [Days of Redemption 03] - Eventide (mobi).mobi 396.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Tyler Whitesides - [Janitors 03] - Curse of the Broomstaff (mobi).mobi 396.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Michael Wallace - [Righteous 04] - The Blessed and the Damned (epub).epub 396.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Ian Thomas Healy - [Just Cause Universe 03] - Day of the Destroyer (epub).epub 396.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Alex Fynn & Kevin Whitcher - Arsenal- The Making of a Modern Superclub (retail) (epub).epub 396.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Creston Mapes - [Rock Star Chronicles 02] - Full Tilt (epub).epub 396.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Callie Sparks - Hot Water (mobi).mobi 395.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Ashe Barker - [The Dark Side 03] - Darkest [TEB] (mobi).mobi 395.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Alice Munro - Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage (retail) (epub).epub 395.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Christina Freeburn - [Faith Hunter Scrap This Mystery 01] - Cropped to Death (mobi).mobi 395.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Marilyn Todd - [Claudia Seferius 02] - Virgin Territory (retail) (epub).epub 395.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Catherine Bybee - [Not Quite 03] - Not Quite Enough (epub).epub 395.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Joel Chandler Harris - Nights with Uncle Remus (retail) (epub).epub 394.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Ellery Adams - [Books by the Bay Mystery 05] - Poisoned Prose (epub).epub 394.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ruth Rendell - [Inspector Wexford 19] - The Babes in the Wood (US) (retail) (epub).epub 394.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Perrine Leblanc - Kolia (v5.0) (epub).epub 394.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Emily Brightwell - [Mrs Jeffries 08] - Mrs Jeffries and the Missing Alibi (mobi).mobi 394.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Priscilla West - [The Surrender 02] - Secret Surrender [MF] (mobi).mobi 394.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Katie Ashley - [Runaway Train 02] - Beat of the Heart (epub).epub 394.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Rayne Bexley - Her Forbidden Affair [HDP] (mobi).mobi 393.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/W H Vega - Falling Harder (epub).epub 393.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Linsey Lanier - Steal My Heart (mobi).mobi 393.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Cassie Page - [Darling Valley Mystery 01] - Armoires and Arsenic (epub).epub 393.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Disney - [Club Penguin - Pick Your Path 08] - Agent Rookie's Secret Mission - Tracey West (retail) (epub).epub 393.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Fabio Bueno - [Singularity 01] - Wicked Sense (mobi).mobi 393.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Shauna Hart - [Blood Bond 01] - Bonds of Blood [MF] (mobi).mobi 393.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Jason Bryan - City of Singles (azw3).azw3 393.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Leslie A Kelly - [Veronica Sloan 01] - Don't Look Away (epub).epub 393.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jeremy Whittle - Bad Blood- The Secret Life of the Tour de France (retail) (epub).epub 393.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Viola Grace - [Nexus Chronicles] - Turning Night [eXtasy] (pdf).pdf 393.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Colleen Thompson - The Colton Heir [SIM-1776, The Coltons of Wyoming] (epub).epub 393.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Barbara Metzger - Greetings of the Season and Other Stories (epub).epub 392.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Alex T Kolter - [On Galaxy's Edge 01] - Ascendance (epub).epub 392.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Allan Stratton - Curse of the Dream Witch (retail) (epub).epub 392.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Bronwyn Parry - [Dungirri] - Dark Country (epub).epub 392.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/S A Bodeen - [The Compound 02] - The Fallout (mobi).mobi 392.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Susan Leigh Carlton - [Trace Atkins Family 02] - Rebecca Atkins, Attorney at Love (The Daughter of the Lonely Cowboy) (epub).epub 392.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Susan Jane Gilman - Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress- Tales of Growing Up Groovy and Clueless (retail) (epub).epub 392.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Lily Dalton - [One Scandalous Season 01] - Never Desire a Duke (epub).epub 391.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Kelley York - Made of Stars (mobi).mobi 391.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Candace Schuler - [Heart of the City 01] - One Night With You (epub).epub 391.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Monica Alexander - [Forcing Gravity 02] - Gravity Happens (epub).epub 391.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Marta Perry - [Pleasant Valley 03] - Anna's Return (mobi).mobi 391.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Thomas O'Malley - In the Province of Saints (retail) (epub).epub 391.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Michael J Zummo - [D'Mok Revival 01] - Awakening (epub).epub 391.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 07] - Shallow Grave (epub).epub 391.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Anna J Evans - [Wickedly Ever After 01] - Wickedly Ever After [MF] (mobi).mobi 390.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Joshua Dalzelle - [Omega Force 03] - Savage Homecoming (mobi).mobi 390.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Mary B Morrison - [The Honey Diaries 01] - Sweeter Than Honey (epub).epub 390.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Brighton Hill - [Watermagic 04] - Blueisland (mobi).mobi 390.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/J D Rivera - Guarded (epub).epub 390.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Sorell Oates - [British Billionaires 01] - Exclusive Love (mobi).mobi 390.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Kingsley Amis - [Jim Dixon 01] - Lucky Jim (retail) (epub).epub 390.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Shannon Curtis - [McCormack Security Agency 03] - For Her Eyes Only (epub).epub 389.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Jaspira Noel - [The Business Affair 01] - Forever Mine (mobi).mobi 389.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Nicole Hildreth - 186 Miles (mobi).mobi 389.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Lucy Lacefield - The Season of Shay and Dane (mobi).mobi 389.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jennifer R Hubbard - Until It Hurts to Stop (epub).epub 389.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Michael Dalrymple - [Mistakes Return 01] - Shaping Magic (mobi).mobi 389.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/K W Jeter - [Kim Oh 02] - Real Dangerous Job (mobi).mobi 389.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Suzie O'Connell - [Northstar Angels 01] - Mountain Angel (epub).epub 389.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Martin V Parece II - [Cor Chronicles 04] - Gods and Steel (epub).epub 389.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/John le Carre - Our Game (retail) (epub).epub 389.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Rebecca Lynn - [Iris 01] - Release (epub).epub 389.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/David Leadbeater - [Matt Drake 06] - The Swords of Babylon (epub).epub 388.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Leslie J Sherrod - Like Sheep Gone Astray (retail) (epub).epub 388.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Sarah Black - [General 01] - The General and the Horse-Lord [Dreamspinner MM] (epub).epub 388.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Marie Higgins - Dreaming of You (epub).epub 388.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Emily Brightwell - [Mrs Jeffries 20] - Mrs Jeffries and the Silent Knight (mobi).mobi 388.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Sascha Illyvich - The Playground [Decadent, 1NS 79] (epub).epub 388.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Mary Alice Monroe - Sweetgrass (epub).epub 388.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Simon Mawer - The Girl Who Fell From the Sky (Trapeze) (epub).epub 388.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Rebecca Lee Smith - A Shadow on the Ground (mobi).mobi 388.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Juliet Waldron - Angel's Flight (epub).epub 388.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Luke Preston - [Tom Bishop Rampage 01] - Dark City Blue (epub).epub 388.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Sandra Parshall - [Rachel Goddard Mystery 04] - Under the Dog Star (epub).epub 387.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Jodi Thomas - Easy on the Heart (mobi).mobi 387.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Wendy Mass - [Willow Falls 02] - Finally (mobi).mobi 387.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Nora James - Dark Oil (epub).epub 387.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Kate Brian - Fake Boyfriend (epub).epub 387.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Alma Alexander - [Jin-Shei 02] - The Embers of Heaven (epub).epub 387.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Liz Schulte - [Guardian 02] - Choices (epub).epub 387.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Shauna McGuiness - Frankie in Paris (mobi).mobi 387.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Tymber Dalton - Two Geeks and Their Girl [Siren Menage Everlasting] (prc).prc 387.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Sholem Aleichem - Tevye the Dairyman & Motl, the Cantor's Son (v5.0) (epub).epub 387.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Brenda Hampton - [Naughty 05] - Too Naughty (mobi).mobi 387.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Bella Forrest - [A Shade of Vampire 05] - A Blaze of Sun (epub).epub 387.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 15] - Whispers of the Dead (b) (epub).epub 387.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/L L Muir - [Scarlet Plumiere 02] - Bones for Bread (epub).epub 386.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Rebecca Gilise - Bid Me Now (mobi).mobi 386.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Naomi Ragen - Sisters Weiss (epub).epub 386.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/M Ann Jacoby - Life After Genius (retail) (epub).epub 386.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/R Lynn - [Descendants Saga 01] - Descendants (epub).epub 386.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Philip Cox - Last Man's Head (azw3).azw3 386.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Brian Herbert & Marie Landis - Memorymakers (v5.0) (epub).epub 385.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Ginny Atkinson - [Savioe Family 01] - Tangled Up In You (mobi).mobi 385.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lexi Blake - [Thieves 02] - Steal the Day (epub).epub 385.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Cherie Reich - [The Fate Challenges 00.5] - Magna's Plea (mobi).mobi 385.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Kathy Otten - An Ordinary Angel (pdf).pdf 385.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Martin Dugard - The Last Voyage of Columbus (epub).epub 384.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/David Fleming - The Saturday Boy (retail) (epub).epub 384.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/P C Doherty - [Amerotke 05] - The Assassins of Isis (retail) (epub).epub 384.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Joshua Grasso - [The Chronicles of Hildigrim Blackbeard 01] - The Count of the Living Death (mobi).mobi 384.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Juli Valenti - A Little Broken (epub).epub 384.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Annie Nicholas - [Angler 03] - Release [MF] (epub).epub 384.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Martin V Parece II - [Cor Chronicles 03] - Darkness and Steel (mobi).mobi 384.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Tobin Wells - [A Porter Brown Journey 01] - The Hand of Mercy (azw3).azw3 384.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jennifer Ransom - Hand-Me-Down Love (mobi).mobi 384.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Rayne E Golay - The Wooden Chair (epub).epub 383.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Barbara Ross - [Maine Clambake Mystery 01] - Clammed Up (epub).epub 383.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Chad Kultgen - The Lie (epub).epub 383.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Neil White - Next to Die (epub).epub 383.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Stephanie Witter - By My Side (mobi).mobi 383.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Sam Crescent - [Shifters 01] - Against All Odds [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 383.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Jeanne McDonald - [The Truth in Lies Saga 01] - The Truth in Lies (epub).epub 383.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Varian Krylov - Hurt [eXcessica] (bad conversion) (epub).epub 383.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/James Bond - Solo - William Boyd (mobi).mobi 383.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Dannika Dark - [Seven 01] - Seven Years (epub).epub 382.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Kasey Millstead - [Down Under Cowboys 02] - Sky Cowboy (epub).epub 382.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/James Carlos Blake - The Killings of Stanley Ketchel (mobi).mobi 382.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Marta Perry - [Pleasant Valley 01] - Leah's Choice (mobi).mobi 382.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Marian Keyes - [Walsh Family 04] - Anybody Out There (retail) (mobi).mobi 382.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Sierra Rose - [Ashly Roberts Saga 02] - My Despicable Ex- Book 2 (epub).epub 382.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Shelley Adina - [Magnificent Devices 05] - A Lady of Resources (mobi).mobi 382.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Claire McGowan - The Lost (epub).epub 381.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Cynthia Eden - [Mine 03] - Mine To Hold (mobi).mobi 381.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sofia Bane - Rough and Ready- Rough Sex Bundle (To Catch a Thief; Dominating the Billionaire; Anything But Vanilla) [MF] (pdf).pdf 381.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Laurina C Osborne - Take Me As I Am (epub).epub 381.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stargate - [Fandemonium - SGA 10] - Nightfall - James Swallow (epub).epub 381.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Kristin Flynn - Saving Georgia (mobi).mobi 381.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Elizabeth Cody Kimmel - [Forever Four 03] - Stories from New York (retail) (epub).epub 381.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Melanie Wilber - [Moments in Paradise 01] - October Joy (epub).epub 381.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/D M Dewey - Dandyland Diaries - vol 01 [MF] (mobi).mobi 381.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/John Schettler - [Kirov 08] - Armageddon (epub).epub 381.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Alan Spencer - Coin-Operated Machines (epub).epub 381.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Carlene Thompson - Tonight You're Mine (retail) (epub).epub 381.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Casey Peeler - [Full Circle 01] - No Turning Back (mobi).mobi 380.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Lori Nelson Spielman - The Life List (epub).epub 380.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Stephanie Feagan - [Mephisto Covenant 01] - Only You (epub).epub 380.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Melanie Shawn - [Red Hot Private Eye 02] - Friction (mobi).mobi 380.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Catriona McPherson - As She Left It (epub).epub 380.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Pavarti K Tyler - Consumed by Love (azw3).azw3 380.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Amanda Carlson - [Jessica McClain 03] - Cold Blooded (epub).epub 380.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 341] - The Bandit Princess (mobi).mobi 380.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Emily Brightwell - [Mrs Jeffries 21] - Mrs Jeffries Appeals the Verdict (mobi).mobi 380.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Ann Aguirre - [Sirantha Jax 02] - Wanderlust (epub).epub 380.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Lexi Buchanan - [McKenzie Brothers 02] - Rapture [MF] (mobi).mobi 380.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Linda L Creel - [Angel-Blood 02] - Fall from Grace (azw3).azw3 380.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/C R Moss - [Sunset 01] - Sunset Desires [Decadent, 1NS 087] (epub).epub 380.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Paul Grossman - [Willi Kraus 02] - Children of Wrath (retail) (epub).epub 380.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/T R Harris - [The Human Chronicles 06 - Part Two 01] - Cain's Crusaders (epub).epub 380.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Jennifer Echols - [Stargazer 02] - Playing Dirty (epub).epub 380.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Colleen Masters - [Revved 01] - Full Throttle (mobi).mobi 380.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Elizabeth Royte - Garbage Land- On the Secret Trail of Trash (retail) (epub).epub 380.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Jon Stock - [Daniel Marchant 02] - Games Traitors Play (retail) (epub).epub 380.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Vina Jackson - [Eighty Days - Companion 03] - Mistress of Night and Dawn [MF] (epub).epub 380.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Erik Christian - [The Original Vampire 01] - OV (azw3).azw3 379.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Lisa Wingate - [Tending Roses 03] - The Language of Sycamores (retail) (epub).epub 379.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Michael Lister - [John Jordan Mystery 02] - Blood of the Lamb (epub).epub 379.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Emily Brightwell - [Mrs Jeffries 18] - Mrs Jeffries Sweeps the Chimney (mobi).mobi 379.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Jill Patten - Toxic Secrets (epub).epub 379.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Miranda P Charles - [Secret Dreams 01] - Secret Words (mobi).mobi 379.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Joseph R G DeMarco - [Marco Fontana 02] - Body on Pine (retail) (epub).epub 379.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Lexie Ray - [Runaway 01] - Stronger (mobi).mobi 379.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Seanan McGuire - Indexing - Episode 01-12 of 12 (epub).epub 379.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Sarah Tork - [Xander Barns 02] - Wanted Always (mobi).mobi 379.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jessica Florence - Surviving Valentine (mobi).mobi 379.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/B J Daniels - [Beartooth, Montana 03] - Forsaken (epub).epub 379.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Will Self - Grey Area- And Other Stories (epub).epub 379.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Chris Pourteau - Shadows Burned In (epub).epub 378.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Paige Cameron - [Wives for the Western Billionaires 08] - The Intriguing Billionaire Cowboy [Siren Everlasting Classic] (prc).prc 378.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Alison Tyler - [A Story of Submission 01] - Dark Secret Love [Black Lace] (mobi).mobi 378.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Erin Mayes - [Nicky Beets 01] - Bigger (mobi).mobi 378.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Ian Thomas Healy - [Just Cause Universe 02] - The Archmage (epub).epub 378.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Helen Harper - [Blood Destiny 05] - Bloodlust (mobi).mobi 378.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Violet Gray - The Vampire's Submissive [MF] (mobi).mobi 378.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Carl Weber - The Man in 3B (epub).epub 378.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jackie Nacht - [Moon Compound 01] - Full Moon Lockdown [eXtasy MM] (mobi).mobi 378.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Isabella Bearden - [Chance 01] - A Second Chance (mobi).mobi 377.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Sara Wolf - [Arranged 02] - Disarranged (mobi).mobi 377.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Nick Tanner - [Inspector Saito Mystery 02] - Hidden Nexus (epub).epub 377.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/David Khara - [Consortium Thriller 01] - The Bleiberg Project (epub).epub 377.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Timothy Miller - Awoken (retail) (epub).epub 377.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Melissa Foster - [Love in Bloom 04 - The Bradens 01] - Lovers at Heart (epub).epub 377.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Carolyn Brown - [Drifters and Dreamers 01] - Morning Glory (epub).epub 377.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Steve Weddle - Country Hardball (mobi).mobi 377.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jackie Nacht - [Moon Compound 02] - Full Moon Feral [eXtasy MM] (mobi).mobi 377.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Chauntelle Baughman - [DarqRealm 01] - Magick Marked (epub).epub 377.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 16] - Master of Souls (epub).epub 376.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Amanda Flower - [Appleseed Creek Mystery 03] - A Plain Disappearance (epub).epub 376.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Maeve Binchy - Quentins (retail) (epub).epub 376.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Edward Bunker - Little Boy Blue (retail) (epub).epub 376.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Romy Sommer - The Trouble with Mojitos (epub).epub 376.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Michael C Grumley - Breakthrough (epub).epub 376.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/April Brookshire - [Beware of Bad Boy 01] - Beware of Bad Boy (mobi).mobi 376.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Nancy Pickard - The Virgin of Small Plains (epub).epub 376.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Bruce Jay Bloom - Nice Place for a Murder (mobi).mobi 376.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Mark Howard - Sleeper Seven (epub).epub 376.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Ainslie Paton - White Balance (epub).epub 376.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dr Who - [BBC New Series 47] - Touched by an Angel - Jonathan Morris (mobi).mobi 376.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Stella Russell - A Foreign Affair (epub).epub 376.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Bethany-Kris - A Mile High [Evernight] (epub).epub 376.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Lynnette Hallberg - Moonlight, Motorcycles and Bad Boys (epub).epub 376.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/R H Vesely - Connections (epub).epub 375.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Graham Landrum - [Borderville 01] - The Famous DAR Murder Mystery (retail) (epub).epub 375.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Anne Fraser - The Wife He Never Forgot [HMED-619, Men of Honor] (mobi).mobi 375.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Norah McClintock - One Way (retail) (epub).epub 375.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Coleen Kwan - Baiting the Boss (mobi).mobi 375.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tom Holt - Ye Gods! (v1.2) (epub).epub 375.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Tawny Taylor as Tamryn Ward - This Crazy Little Thing (epub).epub 375.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Nola Sarina & Emily Faith - Wild Hyacinthe (epub).epub 375.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Danielle Steel - Winners (epub).epub 375.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/David Vann - Goat Mountain (mobi).mobi 375.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Ally Shields - [Guardian Witch 04] - Blood and Fire (epub).epub 375.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Rebecca Elise - [Subzero 02] - Always in my Heart (mobi).mobi 375.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lauren Keller - [Contractual Obligation 01-03] - The Contract; Closing the Deal; High Risk (mobi).mobi 375.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Cristi Taijeron - [Endless Horizon Pirate Stories 01] - Justified Treason (epub).epub 374.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Greta van der Rol - [Morgan Selwood 01] - Morgan's Choice (epub).epub 374.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Cynthia Lee Cartier - [St Gabriel 01] - My Way Home (epub).epub 374.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Chelsea M Cameron - Christmas Catch [The 12 NA's of Christmas] (epub).epub 374.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Barbara Taylor Bradford - [House of Deravenel 03] - Being Elizabeth (retail) (epub).epub 374.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Kien Nguyen - Le Colonial (retail) (epub).epub 374.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Charles Stross - Glasshouse (retail) (epub).epub 374.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Shelley Costa - [Italian Restaurant Mystery 01] - You Cannoli Die Once (mobi).mobi 373.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Emily Brightwell - [Mrs Jeffries 19] - Mrs Jeffries Stalks the Hunter (mobi).mobi 373.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Dawn Atkins - Two Can Play (epub).epub 373.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jon McGoran - Drift (epub).epub 373.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Anya Seton - The Turquoise (v5.0) (epub).epub 373.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jeanne M Dams - [Dorothy Martin 08] - Sins Out of School [WWM-474] (retail) (epub).epub 373.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Kathi Appelt - The True Blue Scouts of Sugar Man Swamp (epub).epub 373.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 04] - The Subtle Serpent (epub).epub 373.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/J D McKenna - [Winterhaven 01] - The Dead Familiar (mobi).mobi 372.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Vicki Delany - Burden of Memory (retail) (epub).epub 372.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Serenity Woods - Two Passionate Proposals (mobi).mobi 372.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/LaVerne Thompson - Come To Me (mobi).mobi 372.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Lauren Lipton - It's About Your Husband (retail) (epub).epub 372.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Abbey Polidori - [Wolf Call 01] - Logan's Calling (mobi).mobi 372.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Kristine McCord - The Santa Society (epub).epub 372.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Isabel Sharpe - Knit in Comfort (retail) (epub).epub 372.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Emma Brown - [The Madison Files 04] - Case Closed (mobi).mobi 372.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Olivia Mayfield - [Inheritance 03] - The Inheritance Part III (mobi).mobi 372.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Richard Price - Lush Life (v5.0) (epub).epub 372.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Chris Simms - [DC Iona Khan 01] - Scratch Deeper (retail) (epub).epub 372.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Valerie Bowman - [Secret Brides 03] - Secrets of a Scandalous Marriage (epub).epub 372.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Theresa Romain - [Season 03] - Season for Scandal (v5.0) (epub).epub 371.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mata Elliott - Forgivin' Ain't Forgettin' (retail) (epub).epub 371.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Lori Wick - [Kensington Chronicles 04] - The Knight and the Dove (epub).epub 371.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Dominique Wilkins - 7-10 (mobi).mobi 371.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Brenda Novak - [Whiskey Creek 05] - Take Me Home for Christmas (epub).epub 371.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Donna Kauffman - [Bachelors of Blueberry Cove 01] - Pelican Point (epub).epub 371.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Raine Thomas - Meant For Her (epub).epub 371.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/D L Smith - The Miracles of Santo Fico (retail) (epub).epub 371.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Taylor Morris - [Hello, Gorgeous! 04] - Swept Up (retail) (epub).epub 371.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Leonard Foglia & David Richards - [Sudarium 01] - The Surrogate (epub).epub 371.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mariah Stewart - A Different Light (epub).epub 371.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/S E Hinton - That Was Then, This Is Now (retail) (epub).epub 370.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Jennifer Ransom - Come Down In Time (azw3).azw3 370.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/P J Lincoln - In the Sunshine (mobi).mobi 370.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Primula Bond - [Unbreakable 01] - The Silver Chain [MF] (epub).epub 370.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/D W Buffa - [Joseph Antonelli 04] - The Legacy (retail) (epub).epub 370.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Natasha Moore - [Her Royal Romance 01] - Her Royal Masquerade (mobi).mobi 370.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Janice Graham - [Flint Hills 01] - Firebird (azw3).azw3 370.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Devon Herrera - [Universe 02] - Dark Universe (mobi).mobi 370.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Kate Avery Ellison - [Frost Chronicles 05] - Aeralis (mobi).mobi 370.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Sara Furlong-Burr - [Enigma Black 02] - Vendetta Nation (epub).epub 370.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Luca Rossi - Galactic Energies (epub).epub 370.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Helen Styles - [Love- Lost & Found 01] - A Sudden Engagement (mobi).mobi 369.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 323] - A Daughter's Revenge (pdf).pdf 369.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/John Christopher - [Tripods 02] - The City of Gold and Lead (azw3).azw3 369.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Azure Boone - [Broken 04] - Broken Free [MF] (mobi).mobi 369.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pulp - Popular Detective.45.06.The Witness Share - Joe Archibald (pdf).pdf 369.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/W Richard Lawrence - [Agents in His Service 01] - Fatal Transaction (epub).epub 369.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Carola Dunn - [Cornish Mystery 03] - The Valley of the Shadow (epub).epub 369.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Sarah Cate Anstey - Dion- His Life and Mine (mobi).mobi 369.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Josh Shoemake - Planet Willie (epub).epub 369.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Christi Barth - [Aisle Bound 03] - Friends to Lovers (epub).epub 369.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Kim Green - Live a Little (retail) (epub).epub 369.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Adriane Leigh - [Mourning 02] - Light in Mourning (epub).epub 369.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/David Khara - [Consortium Thriller 01] - The Bleiberg Project (azw3).azw3 369.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Charlotte Gordon - Mistress Bradstreet- The Untold Life of America's First Poet (retail) (epub).epub 369.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Molly McAdams - [Forgiving Lies 01] - Forgiving Lies (epub).epub 369.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/K D Peters - Feathers (azw3).azw3 368.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Mia Catherine - [Consequences 01] - Unexpected Consequences [TEB] (epub).epub 368.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 21] - The Chalice of Blood (epub).epub 368.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Diane Scott Lewis - The Defiant Lady Pencavel (mobi).mobi 368.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Kathleen Collins - [Realm Walker 01] - Realm Walker (mobi).mobi 368.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Tara Rose - [The Alpha Legend 01] - Captured by Two Alphas [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 368.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Joe Peronne Jr - [Matt Davis 01] - As the Twig is Bent (retail) (epub).epub 368.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Alanea Alder - [Kindred of Arkadia 03] - Fated for Forever [Siren Classic ManLove] (epub).epub 368.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Kathleen Brooks - [Bluegrass Brothers 05] - Secrets Collide (epub).epub 368.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Caro Fraser - [Caper Court 08] - Errors of Judgment (v5.0) (epub).epub 368.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Ross Thomas - The Fools in Town Are on Our Side (retail) (epub).epub 368.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/John Gaspard - [Eli Marks Mystery 01] - The Ambitious Card (epub).epub 368.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Katherine Stone - The Cinderella Hour (epub).epub 368.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Michelle M Pillow - [Dragon Lords 07] - The Reluctant Lord (mobi).mobi 368.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Steve Lowe & Alan McArthur - Is It Just Me or Is Everything Shit- Insanely Annoying Modern Things (retail) (epub).epub 367.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Maria Edgeworth - The Absentee (Duke Classics) (v5.0) (epub).epub 367.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Martin V Parece II - [Cor Chronicles 02] - Fire and Steel (mobi).mobi 367.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Shelli Stevens - [Savage 03] - Savage Revenge [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 367.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Randy and Riley Messer - Circle of Seven- Meeting of the Keepers (mobi).mobi 367.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Ella Dominguez - [Continental Affair 02] - Continental Beginnings [MF] (mobi).mobi 367.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [Culinary Mystery 05] - Blackberry Crumble (epub).epub 367.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Rachel Rae - Ripping Pages (epub).epub 367.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Anna Zaires - [The Krinar Chronicles 03] - Close Remembrance [MF] (epub).epub 367.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ed McMahon - For Laughing Out Loud- My Life and Good Times (retail) (epub).epub 366.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Teresa Noelle Roberts - [Duals and Donovans - The Different 03] - Cougar's Courage [Samhain] (epub).epub 366.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Annemarie Hartnett - All To Myself (mobi).mobi 366.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Love Belvin - [Love's Improbable Possibility 03] - Love UnCharted (epub).epub 366.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Shirley Rousseau Murphy - [Children of Ynell 01-02] - The Shattered Stone (The Ring of Fire; The Wolf Bell) (retail) (epub).epub 366.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Jessica Grey - [Fairytale 02] - Atone (epub).epub 366.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lexi Blake - [Masters and Mercenaries 05] - Love and Let Die [MF] (epub).epub 366.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/John Christopher - [Tripods 00] - When the Tripods Came (azw3).azw3 365.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Komal Kant - Wrong Side of Town (mobi).mobi 365.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Erica Hutchings - [Rumour Mill 01] - Delicious [MF] (epub).epub 365.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 06] - Valley of the Shadow (epub).epub 365.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ruth Rendell - [Inspector Wexford 15] - Kissing the Gunner's Daughter (retail) (epub).epub 365.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/J Gordon Smith - [Southern California Wine Country 02] - Crushing (mobi).mobi 365.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Kelly Gendron - [TroubleMaker 01] - Broken Fences (azw3).azw3 365.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Patrice Sarath - The Unexpected Miss Bennet (retail) (epub).epub 365.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/J B Leigh - An Impossible Secret (mobi).mobi 365.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Carolyn Hart - [Bailey Ruth 04] - Ghost Gone Wild (epub).epub 365.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Julia Harper - [Hot 02] - For the Love of Pete (retail) (epub).epub 365.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Dr Who - [BBC New Series 28] - Beautiful Chaos - Gary Russell (epub).epub 364.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Adam Gittlin - The Deal (retail) (epub).epub 364.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Jewel Quinlan - Rock Star Ex [Evernight] (epub).epub 364.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Phil Sloan - Cigarettes and Alcohol- Confessions of a Stag Weekend (mobi).mobi 364.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Christina Moore - Two Evils (epub).epub 364.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Sandra McDonald - [Wondjina 03] - The Stars Blue Yonder (epub).epub 364.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/James Carlos Blake - Handsome Harry (epub).epub 364.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Shirley Martin - [Avador 02] - Night Shadows (azw3).azw3 364.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lori Foster - [Buckhorn Brothers 03-04] - Forever Buckhorn (Gabe; Jordan) (retail) (epub).epub 364.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Patricia Keyson - The Magic Touch (mobi).mobi 364.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Kate Evangelista - [Reaper 02] - UnReap My Heart (epub).epub 364.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Kiera Zane - [My Sweet Billionaire Love Story 01] - Paris Was The Place I Met My Billionaire Lover (mobi).mobi 364.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Liv Bennett - [Pursuit 02] - The Pursuit of Passion (epub).epub 364.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Alex Archer - [Rogue Angel 41] - Staff of Judea (retail) (epub).epub 364.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/P L Baldwin - Being Invisible (mobi).mobi 364.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Julia Buckley - [Teddy Thurber Mystery 01] - The Ghosts of Lovely Women (mobi).mobi 363.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Linsey Lanier - [Miranda's Rights 01] - Someone Else's Daughter (epub).epub 363.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Shannon Mayer - Ninety-Eight (epub).epub 363.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Olivia Mayfield - [Inheritance 02] - The Inheritance Part II (mobi).mobi 363.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Michael E Bell - Onekka- The Tragedy of Jaqui Fennet (mobi).mobi 363.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Susan Illene - [Sensor 02] - Darkness Taunts (epub).epub 363.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/John Tristan - The Adorned (epub).epub 363.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ruth Rendell - [Inspector Wexford 21] - Not in the Flesh (US) (retail) (epub).epub 363.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Tim Meyer - Less Than Human (mobi).mobi 363.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Beth Shriver - [Touch of Grace 01] - Annie's Truth (epub).epub 363.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Debbie Viguie - [Witch Hunt 01] - The Thirteenth Sacrifice (retail) (epub).epub 363.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Melissa Brodsky - [Threads of Fate 01] - Adina Falling (epub).epub 363.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/A Homespun Regency Christmas - Carla Kelly, Emma Jensen, Sandra Heath, Amanda McCabe (retail) (epub).epub 363.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Hazel St James - [Redemption 02] - Being With You (mobi).mobi 362.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/N J Walters - [Hades' Carnival 04] - Howl of the Wolf [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 362.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Terri Osburn - [Anchor Island 02] - Up to the Challenge (epub).epub 362.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Juli Alexander - [Stirring Up Trouble 02] - Trouble's Brewing (mobi).mobi 362.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Trinity Blacio - [Masters of the Cats 02] - Dee's Hard Limits [MF] (mobi).mobi 362.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Storm Constantine - Mythophidia- A Collection of Stories (retail) (epub).epub 362.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Noelle Adams - [A Negotiated Marriage 02] - Revival (epub).epub 362.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Erica Bauermeister - [School of Essential Ingredients 02] - The Lost Art of Mixing (epub).epub 362.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jeffrey A Carver - [Star Rigger 04] - Dragons in the Star (v5.0) (epub).epub 362.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Linda V Palmer - Operation Normal (retail) (epub).epub 362.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Megan Squires - The Rules of Regret (mobi).mobi 361.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Robert Elmer - [Young Underground 08] - Touch the Sky (mobi).mobi 361.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Christina Freeburn - [Faith Hunter Scrap This Mystery 01] - Cropped to Death (epub).epub 361.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Tracey Ward - [Quarantined 01] - Until the End (azw3).azw3 361.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Linda L Creel - [Angel-Blood 03] - Esra's Prohpecy (azw3).azw3 361.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Jacqueline Levine - Spiral (epub).epub 361.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Glenna Maynard - I'm with You (epub).epub 361.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Lynne Silver - Rapture [Spice Briefs] (epub).epub 360.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Chanse Lowell - Knots [Mayhem] (epub).epub 360.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Ellie Bay - [Borealis 01] - Outlander [MF] (mobi).mobi 360.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Angela Carter - Wise Children (epub).epub 360.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Richard Price - Ladies' Man (mobi).mobi 360.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Hebby Roman - The Best Bet (epub).epub 360.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Erin Quinn - Echoes (epub).epub 360.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Kyle West - [The Wasteland Chronicles 01] - Apocalypse (mobi).mobi 360.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Doranna Durgin - [Demon Blade 02] - Claimed by the Demon [NOCT-169] (mobi).mobi 360.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Sandra Parshall - [Rachel Goddard Mystery 05] - Bleeding Through (epub).epub 360.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Richard Kadrey - Dead Set (mobi).mobi 359.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Janice Graham - [Flint Hills 01] - Firebird (epub).epub 359.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Laurence Dahners - Bonesetter (epub).epub 359.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Dorothy Eden - Darkwater (The Bird in the Chimney) (v5.0) (epub).epub 359.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Sherryl Woods - Temptation (epub).epub 359.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Mindy Klasky - [Jane Madison Academy 01] - Single Witch's Survival Guide (epub).epub 359.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Emily Brightwell - [Mrs Jeffries 24] - Mrs Jeffries Holds the Trump (mobi).mobi 359.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Alan Gordon - [Fools' Guild Mystery 01] - Thirteenth Night (retail) (epub).epub 359.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [Culinary Mystery 09] - Baked Alaska (epub).epub 359.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Shayla Black, Jenna Jacob, Isabella LaPearl - [The Doms of Her Life 02] - The Young and the Submissive [MF] (epub).epub 358.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Lauren Hope - Screaming To Be Solved (epub).epub 358.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/G G Vandagriff - Rescuing Rosalind (mobi).mobi 358.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Thomas Snowder - The Legend of Princess Wildheart (mobi).mobi 358.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Ashe Barker - [The Dark Side 01.5] - The Dark Art of Persuasion [TEB] (mobi).mobi 358.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Danni McGriffith - [Love Is Not Enough 01] - The Cedar Tree (epub).epub 357.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Sofie Kelly - [Magical Cats Mystery 05] - Final Catcall (epub).epub 357.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Roseanne Dowell - All In the Family (azw3).azw3 357.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/F L Wallace - Address Centauri (epub).epub 357.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Tiffany Allee - [From the Files of the Otherworlder Enforcement Agency 04] - Vampire Games (mobi).mobi 357.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Sean Black - [Ryan Lock 04.5] - Lock & Load (mobi).mobi 357.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Inspector Rostnikov 01] - Death of a Dissident (Rostnikov's Corpse) (mobi).mobi 357.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Ursula Whistler - Big Bad Easy (epub).epub 357.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Luca Rossi - Galactic Energies (azw3).azw3 357.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Katie Jennings - [So Fell the Sparrow 00.5] - Gypsy of Spirits (epub).epub 357.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Josh Shoemake - Planet Willie (azw3).azw3 356.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Sky Corgan - [Fifty Shades of BDSM 01-04] - Meeting; Resisting; Seducing; Taming Jack Kemble [MF] (mobi).mobi 356.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Barbara Ismail - [Kain Songket Mysteries 02] - Princess Play (v5.0) (epub).epub 356.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stefan Gates - In the Danger Zone (retail) (epub).epub 356.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Breena Wilde - Frosted Midnight (epub).epub 356.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Ella Morris - Forever Entwined (mobi).mobi 356.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Joyz W Riter - [Dana Cartwright Mission 03] - Kal-King (epub).epub 356.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Dr Who - [BBC New Series 25] - Ghosts of India - Mark Morris (epub).epub 356.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Shelly Crane - [Wide Awake 02] - Wide Spaces (epub).epub 356.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Robin Cook - Toxin (retail) (epub).epub 356.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Sandy James - [Alliance of the Amazons 02] - The Impetuous Amazon (retail) (epub).epub 356.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Gillian Crook - One Split Second (retail) (epub).epub 356.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Anya Seton - My Theodosia (v5.0) (epub).epub 356.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Curt Weeden & Richard Marek - Book of Nathan (epub).epub 356.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Dan Chaon - You Remind Me of Me (epub).epub 356.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Cate Masters - Tonight You Belong To Me [Decadent, 1NS 91] (epub).epub 355.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/A D Evans - [Glasgow Crime] - Miracle On the Clyde (mobi).mobi 355.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Hazel Holt - [Sheila Malory 06] - Superfluous Death (Mrs Malory Wonders Why) (mobi).mobi 355.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Martin Fossum - Beyond Asimios- Part 4 (mobi).mobi 355.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Taylor Morris - [Hello, Gorgeous! 05] - Do's and Don'ts (retail) (epub).epub 355.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Joseph R G DeMarco - [Marco Fontana 03] - Crimes on Latimer- From the Early Cases of Marco Fontana (retail) (epub).epub 355.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/K D Grace as Grace Marshall - [Executive Decision 03] - The Exhibition [Xcite] (epub).epub 355.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/O M Grey - Avalon Revamped (epub).epub 355.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Travis Adams Irish - She Is Risen- The Gun Control Case Studies (epub).epub 355.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Jordanna East - [Blood for Blood 0.5] - Blood in the Past (epub).epub 355.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Iris Johansen - [Eve Duncan 24] - Silencing Eve (v5.0) (epub).epub 355.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Mack Maloney - [Superhawks 02] - Strike Force Bravo (retail) (epub).epub 355.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Claudia J Kennedy - Generally Speaking- A Memoir by the First Woman Promoted to Three-Star General (retail) (epub).epub 354.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Destiny Blaine - Naughty Neighbors [Carnal Passions] (mobi).mobi 354.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Tobin Wells - [A Porter Brown Journey 01] - The Hand of Mercy (mobi).mobi 354.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kat VonSant - [The Millionaire's Social Club 02] - Sinful Pleasure [MF] (mobi).mobi 354.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Kelly McClymer - [Once Upon a Wedding 05] - The Next Best Bride [Zebra- Ballad] (epub).epub 354.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Gabriel Garcia Marquez - The General in His Labyrinth (epub).epub 354.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Whitney Gracia Williams - [Mid Life Love 02] - Mid Life Love- At Last [MF] (epub).epub 354.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Julie Farley - [New Ever After 01] - The New Ever After (epub).epub 354.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/The Billionaire's Matchmaker - Shirley Jump, Susan Meier, Jackie Braun, Barbara Wallace (epub).epub 354.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Kelly Favor - [For His Pleasure 17] - Under His Command [MF] (mobi).mobi 354.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Luke Alden - Happy Birthday Eternity (mobi).mobi 354.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Alice Munro - Lives of Girls and Women (retail) (epub).epub 354.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Lani Diane Rich - Ex and the Single Girl (mobi).mobi 354.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Anne Clinard Barnhill - At the Mercy of the Queen (epub).epub 353.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Bruce Alexander - [Sir John Fielding 08] - Smuggler's Moon (retail) (epub).epub 353.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Josie Belle - [Good Buy Girls 03] - Buried in Bargains (mobi).mobi 353.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Laurien Berenson - [Melanie Travis 08] - Once Bitten (epub).epub 353.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Lisa Eugene - Surrender My Love (epub).epub 353.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Laurie London - [Iron Portal 01] - Assassin's Touch (mobi).mobi 353.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Rhonda Woodward - Lady Emma's Dilemma [SRR] (retail) (epub).epub 353.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Sandi Ault - [Wild 01] - Wild Indigo (retail) (epub).epub 353.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 13] - Body Line (epub).epub 353.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/David Estes - [Dwellers Saga 04] - The Earth Dwellers (epub).epub 353.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Tammy Coons - The Wannabes (epub).epub 353.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Dee Ellis - MasterStroke (epub).epub 353.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Richard Babcock - Are You Happy Now (epub).epub 353.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Lissa Kasey - [Dominion 03] - Conviction [Dreamspinner MM] (epub).epub 352.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/P S Brown - Hide and Seek (mobi).mobi 352.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Eric Dezenhall - Spinning Dixie (retail) (epub).epub 352.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lindsay McKenna & Merline Lovelace - Course of Action (Out of Harm's Way & Any Time, Any Place) [SIM-1775] (epub).epub 352.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Jesse Lasky - [Revenge 01] - Schooled in Revenge (epub).epub 352.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Sarah Caudwell - [Hilary Tamar 03] - The Sirens Sang of Murder (UK) (retail) (epub).epub 352.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Gretchen Galway - Love Handles (epub).epub 352.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/David Estes - [Dwellers - Country Saga 03] - Water & Storm Country (epub).epub 352.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Aubrey Rose - [Werewolf 03] - Human Shifter (mobi).mobi 352.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Susan Carroll as Serena Richards - Rendezvous (retail) (epub).epub 352.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jack Lacey - [Missing 01] - American Crow (epub).epub 351.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Isabelle Peterson - [Dream 01] - Ditching the Dream [MF] (epub).epub 351.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Michele Bachmann - Core of Conviction- My Story (retail) (epub).epub 351.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Dorothy McFalls - Taken by Moonlight (epub).epub 351.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Jamie Begley - [The VIP Room 01] - Teased [MF] (mobi).mobi 351.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Angeline Kace - [Vampire Born 02] - Enemy Within (epub).epub 351.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Nicole Flockton - Seducing Phoebe (mobi).mobi 351.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jackie Nacht - [Holiday Jobs That Don't Suck 08] - Steamy Cider and Apples [eXtasy MM] (pdf).pdf 351.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Charlotte and Aaron Elkins - [Alix London 02] - A Cruise to Die For (epub).epub 351.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Arya Cole - [In The Fast Lane 01] - Boosted (mobi).mobi 351.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Beverly Long - Yesterday's Magic (html).rar 351.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Annie Nicholas - [Chronicles of Eorthe 01] - Scent of Salvation (epub).epub 351.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Alex Lidell - The Cadet of Tildor (epub).epub 351.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Robert Bryndza - [Coco Pinchard 02] - Coco Pinchard's Big Fat Tipsy Wedding (epub).epub 351.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Richard Mason - The World of Suzie Wong (retail) (epub).epub 351.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Barbara Nadel - [Hakim and Arnold Mystery 02] - An Act of Kindness (epub).epub 351.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Barry Clifford - The Lost Fleet- The Discovery of a Sunken Armada from the Golden Age of Piracy (retail) (epub).epub 351.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Diane Leyne - [Libertine Island 03] - The Runaway Sub [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 351.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Robert Elmer - [Young Underground 08] - Touch the Sky (azw3).azw3 351.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Evelyn Waugh - [Sword of Honor 03] - Unconditional Surrender (The End of the Battle) (ARC) (epub).epub 351.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Robert Paine - [The Dead Road 01-04] - The Complete Collection (Isolation; Maybridge; Stockton; Survival) (epub).epub 350.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Claire Firth - [Regency Undone] - The Reluctant Bride [MF] (mobi).mobi 350.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Katherine Vickery - Flame Across the Highlands (epub).epub 350.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Venessa Kimball - [Piercing the Fold 02] - Surfacing the Rim (epub).epub 350.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Laura Joh Rowland - [Sano Ichiro 10] - The Assassin's Touch (retail) (epub).epub 350.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Kerry Northe - [Hot Set 01] - Playing with Fidelity (epub).epub 350.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Liz Reinhardt & Steph Campbell - [Lengths 04.5] - Riptides (epub).epub 350.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Lea Griffith - [No Mercy 01] - Bullet to the Heart (epub).epub 350.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/John Lescroart - [Auguste Lupa 02] - Rasputin's Revenge (retail) (epub).epub 350.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 374] - Deadly Election (retail) (epub).epub 350.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Judy Nickles - [Penelope Pembroke Mystery 02] - The Stubborn Schoolhouse Spirit (epub).epub 350.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/M J Fields - [Love 01] - Blue Love (epub).epub 349.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Mary Ellen Gorry - [Vampire Chronicle 01] - After the Fall (epub).epub 349.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Matt Hilton - [Joe Hunter 08] - Rules of Honour (epub).epub 349.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Liam Durcan - Garcia's Heart (retail) (epub).epub 349.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Sugar Jamison - [Perfect Fit 01] - Dangerous Curves Ahead (epub).epub 349.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Stephanie Elmas - The Room Beyond (epub).epub 349.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Anna MacLean - [Louisa May Alcott Mystery 02] - Louisa and the Country Bachelor (retail) (epub).epub 349.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Chelsea M Campbell - [Renegade X 02] - The Trials of Renegade X (epub).epub 349.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Tigris Eden - [Shadow Unit 02] - Burned In Shadows (epub).epub 349.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/B V Larson - Steel World (epub).epub 349.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Ed Baldwin - The Devil On Chardonnay (mobi).mobi 349.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Daisy Fields - [The Amish of Lancaster County 02] - Faith and Trust in Lancaster (mobi).mobi 348.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sangeeta Bhargava - After the Storm (retail) (epub).epub 348.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Olivia Mayfield - [Inheritance 03] - The Inheritance Part III (azw3).azw3 348.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Chauntelle Baughman - [DarqRealm 02] - Fate Forsaken (epub).epub 348.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/James Brady - [Beecher Stowe and Lady Alex Dunraven 04] - A Hamptons Christmas (retail) (epub).epub 348.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/M H O'Hara - Sex and the Confession Box [MF] (mobi).mobi 348.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Therese Pautz - Rain and Revelation (epub).epub 348.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Madison Kent - Sweet Sins (epub).epub 348.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/George Pelecanos - [Spero Lucas 02] - The Double (epub).epub 348.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Ellis Avery - The Last Nude (retail) (epub).epub 347.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Karen McConnell - A Girl Called Karen- A True Story of Sex Abuse and Resilience (epub).epub 347.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 07] - The Monk Who Vanished (epub).epub 347.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Delia Steele - Broken [MF] (epub).epub 347.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Larry D Sweazy - [Josiah Wolfe 04] - The Cougar's Prey (retail) (epub).epub 347.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Michael M Farnsworth - Diary of an Angel (azw3).azw3 347.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Fritz Leiber - [Fafhrd and Gray Mouser 08] - Swords Against the Shadowland - Robin Wayne Bailey (b) (epub).epub 347.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Kelly McClymer - [Once Upon a Wedding 02] - The Star-Crossed Bride [Zebra- Ballad] (epub).epub 347.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/M Stratton - [Storm 01] - After the Storm (epub).epub 347.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Beth Ciotta - [Cupcake Lovers 03.5] - Some Kind of Wonderful (mobi).mobi 347.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Andy Szpuk - Sliding On the Snow Stone (azw3).azw3 347.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Fran Louise - Having Nathan's Baby (mobi).mobi 347.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Steve Hamilton - Night Work (mobi).mobi 347.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Guy Adams - [Heaven's Gate 02] - Once Upon a Time in Hell (mobi).mobi 346.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Kelly McClymer - [Once Upon a Wedding 04] - The Infamous Bride [Zebra- Ballad] (epub).epub 346.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Daphne du Bois - The Scoundrel's Secret Siren (epub).epub 346.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Belinda Elkaim - [Has Cupid Gone Mad 02] - Round N Around We Go (mobi).mobi 346.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Kelly Jones - The Woman Who Heard Color (retail) (epub).epub 346.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Audrey Stover - Coming Home (mobi).mobi 346.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Sara Reinke - [Netherworlde 01] - Forsaken (mobi).mobi 346.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Alan F Troop - [Dragon DelaSangre 03] - The Seadragon's Daughter (epub).epub 346.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Kathy Love - [HOT 03] - Devilishly Wicked (epub).epub 346.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Terry Spear - [Highlander Medieval 05] - The Highlander (epub).epub 346.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Gwynne Forster - [Harrington 02] - After the Loving [Arabesque] (retail) (epub).epub 346.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Drew Adams - Ghost Reaper Episode 2 (mobi).mobi 345.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 19] - The Council of the Cursed (epub).epub 345.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Sarah Tork - [Young Annabelle 01] - Young Annabelle (epub).epub 345.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Taylor Storm - [Who 03] - Who Loves Her (mobi).mobi 345.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Charlotte Mendelson - Almost English (epub).epub 345.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Erika Rhys - [On the Brink 01] - On the Brink (mobi).mobi 345.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Elizabeth Essex - [Reckless Brides 03.5] - The Scandal Before Christmas (epub).epub 345.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/C J Miller - Protecting His Princess [SIM-1777] (epub).epub 345.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Iain Rob Wright - Sea Sick (b) (epub).epub 345.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/S E Culpepper - [Liaisons 04] - Fall Apart [MM] (epub).epub 344.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Ellie Dean - [Beach View Boarding House 04] - Where the Heart Lies (epub).epub 344.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Kerry Newcomb - Mad Morgan (retail) (epub).epub 344.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jonathan Randall - [Cave Dwellers 01] - Cave Dwellers (azw3).azw3 344.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Anthony Powell - [Dance to the Music of Time 06] - The Kindly Ones (v3.0) (mobi).mobi 344.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/B Kristin McMichael - [Blue Eyes 03] - Winning the Legend (epub).epub 344.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/John R Tunis - [Brooklyn Dodgers 06] - Highpockets (retail) (epub).epub 344.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/George R R Martin - The Glass Flower (v5.0) (epub).epub 344.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Hazel Osmond - Who's Afraid of Mr Wolfe (epub).epub 344.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Inspector Rostnikov 07] - Rostnikov's Vacation (mobi).mobi 344.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Erin Celello - Miracle Beach (retail) (epub).epub 344.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lorilyn Roberts - Children of Dreams- An Adoption Memoir (epub).epub 344.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Evelyn Waugh - [Sword of Honor 02] - Officers and Gentlemen (ARC) (epub).epub 344.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Taylor Storm - [Who 02] - Who Loves Them (mobi).mobi 343.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Paddy Cummins - Dream Valley (epub).epub 343.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Ella Laroche - Biker Class (epub).epub 343.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/T Ryle Dwyer - The Squad- And the Intelligence Operations of Michael Collins (retail) (epub).epub 343.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Ella Price - [Romeo's Secrets 02] - Romeo's Secrets- vol 2 [MF] (mobi).mobi 343.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Sadie Romero - [Complicity Cycle 01] - Eager to Learn (mobi).mobi 343.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Charlene Weir - [Susan Wren 06] - Up in Smoke (retail) (epub).epub 343.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Beth Albright - [Sassy Belles 03] - Sleigh Belles (retail) (epub).epub 343.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Mia Marlowe - [Spirit of the Highlands 01] - Plaid Tidings (v5.0) (epub).epub 343.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Chloe Lang - [Doms of Destiny, Colorado 05] - Tamed by Texans [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 343.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Sigal Ehrlich - [Stark 01] - Layers (epub).epub 343.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/J A Huss - [Rook and Ronin 03] - Panic (mobi).mobi 343.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Nancy Herkness - Shower of Stars (epub).epub 343.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/John R Tunis - Grand National (retail) (epub).epub 342.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Gayle Trent - [Daphne Martin 04] - Battered to Death (bad conversion) (epub).epub 342.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Cindi Madsen - Cinderella Screwed Me Over (epub).epub 342.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Martin V Parece II - [Cor Chronicles 03] - Darkness and Steel (epub).epub 342.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Henry Kuttner - The Book of Iod - Robert M Price, Robert Bloch, Lin Carter (epub).epub 342.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/J Wesley Bush - Knox's Irregulars (epub).epub 342.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Emma Brown - [The Madison Files 04] - Case Closed (epub).epub 342.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Marie Force - [McCarthys of Gansett Island 01] - Maid for Love (b) (epub).epub 342.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/PrettyTOUGH 05 - Making Waves - Nicole Leigh Shepherd (retail) (epub).epub 342.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/June Shaw - [Cealie Gunther Mystery 02] - Killer Cousins (v5.0) (epub).epub 342.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/JaQuavis Coleman - [Dopeman 01] - The Dopeman's Wife (epub).epub 342.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/A Meredith Walters - [Find You in the Dark 02.5] - Warmth in Ice [The 12 NA's of Christmas] (epub).epub 342.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jarkko Sipila - [Helsinki Homicide 03] - Nothing but the Truth (v5.0) (epub).epub 342.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jami Davenport - [Seattle Lumberjacks 04.5] - Christmas Break (mobi).mobi 342.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jasmin Rosemberg - How the Other Half Hamptons (retail) (epub).epub 342.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Roman Koidl - The Eternal Intern (mobi).mobi 342.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/David J Schow - Upgunned (retail) (epub).epub 341.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lucy Ellis - A Dangerous Solace [HP-3189, MMR-1343] (mobi).mobi 341.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Kylie Logan - [Chili Cook-Off Mystery 01] - Chili Con Carnage (epub).epub 341.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Faith Sullivan - [Heartbeat 03] - I Am Yours (mobi).mobi 341.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Dr Who - [BBC New Series 29] - The Eyeless - Lance Parkin (epub).epub 341.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Rita Clay Estrada - Love Me, Love My Bed [HT-595, Wrong Bed 04] (epub).epub 341.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Tasha Alexander - [Emily Ashton 08] - Behind the Shattered Glass (epub).epub 341.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Fiona Palmer - The Road Home (epub).epub 341.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Peter Tremayne - An Ensuing Evil and Others (b) (epub).epub 341.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Lindsay Armstrong - Accidental Nanny [HP-1986, MBP-76, Nanny Wanted] (epub).epub 341.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Gemma Brocato - Cooking Up Love (epub).epub 341.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Seanan McGuire - Indexing - Episode 01-11 of 12 (epub).epub 341.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Rachel Dunning - [Naive Mistakes 03] - West-End Boys [MF] (mobi).mobi 341.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Hazel Gower - [The Bears 03] - Hers [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 341.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Alan Dean Foster - [Pip and Flinx 08] - Flinx's Folly (mobi).mobi 340.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Courtney B Jones - The Corollaria (mobi).mobi 340.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Megan Bryce - [A Temporary Engagement 02] - Some Like It Ruthless (epub).epub 340.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Bernard Schaffer - [Guns of Seneca 6 Saga 03] - Magnificent Guns of Seneca 6 (mobi).mobi 340.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Mack Maloney - [Superhawks 03] - Strike Force Charlie (retail) (epub).epub 340.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Skyla Madi - [Guardian Angel 01.5] - Your Guardian Angel (Uncut) (epub).epub 340.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Clarissa Wild - [The Billionaire's Bet 04] - A Final Game [MF] (mobi).mobi 340.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lyn Cote - [Wilderness Brides 01] - Their Frontier Family [LIH-159] (retail) (epub).epub 340.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Ralph Compton - [Buck Fletcher 01] - Showdown at Two-Bit Creek - Joseph A West (retail) (epub).epub 340.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Tracy Cooper-Posey - [Destiny's Trinities 01] - Beth's Acceptance (azw3).azw3 339.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Jack Parker - [Gracie Greene 01] - Sudden Anger (epub).epub 339.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/S Celi - The Palms (mobi).mobi 339.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Elle Dawson - [Re-Connections 01] - The Anniversary Gift (mobi).mobi 339.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Carol Cassella - Oxygen (epub).epub 339.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Nancy Thayer - A Nantucket Christmas (mobi).mobi 339.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ruth Rendell - [Inspector Wexford 20] - End in Tears (retail) (epub).epub 339.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Jenna Byrnes - Reckless [MF] (mobi).mobi 339.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Naughty Tricks and Sinful Treats - Milly Taiden, April Angel, Rachel Firasek, Jennifer James (mobi).mobi 339.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Robin Cook - Sphinx (retail) (epub).epub 339.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Dan Beachy-Quick - An Impenetrable Screen of Purest Sky (v5.0) (epub).epub 339.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 05] - The Spider's Web (epub).epub 338.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Dorothy Eden - Winterwood (v5.0) (epub).epub 338.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Sabrina Darby - Private Research [MF] (mobi).mobi 338.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Doris O'Connor - Under the Alpha's Protection [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 338.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/E Hughes - Business as Usual (mobi).mobi 338.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Roz Denny Fox - Someone to Watch Over Me [HS-1108] (epub).epub 338.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Pamela Fryer - The Lost Finder (azw3).azw3 338.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Celestine Vaite - [Materena Mahi 01] - Frangipani (retail) (epub).epub 338.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Sorell Oates - I Kissed a Playboy (mobi).mobi 338.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Kevin J Anderson & Neil Peart - Drumbeats (v5.0) (epub).epub 338.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/C J Cherryh - [Rusalka 01] - Rusalka (v1.3) (epub).epub 338.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Lizzy Ford - [Hidden Evil 01] - Hear No (epub).epub 338.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Randy and Riley Messer - Circle of Seven- Meeting of the Keepers (azw3).azw3 337.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Mindy Wilde - [Billionaire Submission 01] - Training [MF] (mobi).mobi 337.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Sheena Binkley - Our Love (epub).epub 337.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Carla Norton - The Edge of Normal (epub).epub 337.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Sarah Andrews - [Em Hansen 11] - Rock Bottom (epub).epub 337.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Nina Smith - Hailstone (epub).epub 337.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Shirlee McCoy - Tracking Justice [LIS-323, Texas K-9 Unit 01] (mobi).mobi 337.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Megan McCafferty - [Jessica Darling 01] - Sloppy Firsts (retail) (epub).epub 337.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Frankie Valente - Learning to Dance Again (epub).epub 337.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Inspector Rostnikov 06] - The Man Who Walked Like a Bear (mobi).mobi 337.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Nikki Logan - His Until Midnight [KISS-39] (epub).epub 337.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Jamie Canosa - [Fight or Flight 02] - Now or Never (mobi).mobi 337.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Tori de Clare - Either Side of Midnight (epub).epub 337.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Rosalind James - [The Kincaids 02] - Nothing Personal (epub).epub 337.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Roseanne Dowell - All In the Family (mobi).mobi 337.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Paula Guran (ed) - Once Upon a Time- New Fairy Tales (epub).epub 337.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Denise Swanson - [Scumble River Mystery 16] - Murder of a Stacked Librarian (epub).epub 337.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Anna Smith - Screams in the Dark (epub).epub 336.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/George R R Martin - A Song for Lya (v5.0) (epub).epub 336.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/P J Day - [King's Blood 04] - Vampire Descent (azw3).azw3 336.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Judy Blume - Smart Women (kf8 mobi).mobi 336.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/K A Hambly - [The Rise of the New Bloods 01] - From Dark Beginnings (azw3).azw3 336.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Shayla Black - [Wicked Lovers 03] - Delicious (epub).epub 336.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Darlene Ryan - Pieces of Me (retail) (epub).epub 336.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Thomas H Cook - Fatherhood and Other Stories (v5.0) (epub).epub 335.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stargate - [Fandemonium - SGA 12] - Dead End - Chris Wraight (epub).epub 335.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Erin Mayes - [Nicky Beets 01] - Bigger (azw3).azw3 335.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Emily McKee - [Beautiful 02] - A Beautiful Mess (epub).epub 335.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jake Logan - [Slocum 396] - Slocum and the Scavenger Trail (retail) (epub).epub 335.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Michael Goins - Killer Diamonds (mobi).mobi 335.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sharon Potts - Someone's Watching (epub).epub 335.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Daisy Fields - [The Amish of Lancaster County 01] - Faith and Hope in Lancaster (mobi).mobi 335.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Thomas Greanias - [The Alignment 01] - Ingress (mobi).mobi 335.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Robert Littell - Mother Russia (retail) (epub).epub 335.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Lauren Carr - [Mac Faraday Mystery 02] - Old Loves Die Hard (mobi).mobi 335.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Gerard Macdonald - The Prisoner's Wife (retail) (epub).epub 334.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Z B Burroughs - The Consort (mobi).mobi 334.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Cheryl McIntyre - [Sometimes Never 03] - Long After (epub).epub 334.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/John Christopher - [Tripods 03] - The Pool of Fire (azw3).azw3 334.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/D M Dewey - Dandyland Diaries - vol 01 [MF] (epub).epub 334.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Michael W Sherer - [Blake Sanders 02] - Night Tide (epub).epub 334.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Sable Hunter - [Hell Yeah! (McCoy) 04] - A Brown Eyed Handsome Man (mobi).mobi 334.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Maggie Mitchell - [Muses Across Time 01] - Chasing Terpsichore [TEB] (mobi).mobi 334.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Venessa Kimball - [Piercing the Fold 01] - Piercing the Fold (epub).epub 334.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Robert A Rupp - Buck Fever (epub).epub 334.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Jenny Telfer Chaplin - Hopes and Sorrow (epub).epub 333.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Sun Chara - Manhattan Millionaire's Cinderella (epub).epub 333.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Penny Reid - [Knitting in the City 01] - Neanderthal Seeks Human (epub).epub 333.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Joseph Bruchac - Sacajawea- The Story of Bird Woman and the Lewis and Clark Expeditio (retail) (epub).epub 333.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Peter Robinson - [Inspector Banks 06] - Wednesday's Child (retail) (epub).epub 333.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Taylor Morris - [Hello, Gorgeous! 02] - Foiled (retail) (epub).epub 333.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Michelle Scott - [Bit Parts 01] - Stage Fright (epub).epub 333.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Larry C James - Fixing Hell- An Army Psychologist Confronts Abu Ghraib (retail) (epub).epub 333.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Robert Kirkman & Jay Bonansinga - [The Walking Dead 03] - The Fall of the Governor- Part One (epub).epub 333.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Michelle Graves - [The Chronicles of Izzy 01] - See How She Runs (epub).epub 333.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Goldie Taylor - The January Girl (retail) (epub).epub 333.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Alex Archer - [Rogue Angel 44] - Blood Cursed (retail) (epub).epub 333.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/J T Cameron - [No Limits 01] - Break My Fall (epub).epub 333.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Howard Engel - [Benny Cooperman 06] - A Victim Must Be Found (retail) (epub).epub 333.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Heather Hildenbrand - A Risk Worth Taking (epub).epub 333.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ruth Rendell - [Inspector Wexford 14] - The Veiled One (retail) (epub).epub 333.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/John Skipp & Cody Goodfellow - Jake's Wake (epub).epub 333.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Eliza Jane - [In Too Deep 01] - In Too Deep (mobi).mobi 332.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Hallway Diaries - Felicia Pride, Debbie Rigaud, Karen Valentin [TRU] (retail) (epub).epub 332.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Janet Taylor Lisle - Highway Cats (retail) (epub).epub 332.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Linda Kelsey - Fifty Is Not a Four-Letter Word (retail) (epub).epub 332.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Linda L Creel - [Angel-Blood 02] - Fall from Grace (epub).epub 332.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/HelenKay Dimon - Everything You Need to Know (mobi).mobi 332.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Serena Grey - [A Dangerous Man 03] - Claim (mobi).mobi 332.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan McCurrigan - My Honor Flight (azw3).azw3 332.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Shelley K Wall - Chloe's Secret (mobi).mobi 332.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/John Searles - Boy Still Missing (retail) (epub).epub 332.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/K T Grant - [Dark Path 01] - The Gate [MF] (epub).epub 332.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Claudy Conn - [Legend 04] - Free Falling (epub).epub 332.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Andrea Kane - [Forensic Instincts 03] - The Stranger You Know (epub).epub 332.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Verna Clay - [Romance on the Ranch 04] - Candy Kisses (mobi).mobi 331.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/India Lee - [Hidden Gem 05] - Diamonds Are Forever (epub).epub 331.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/K D Peters - Feathers (epub).epub 331.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Christyne Butler - The Maverick's Summer Love [SSE-2275, Montana Mavericks- Rust Creek Cowboys 02] (mobi).mobi 331.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Suzanne Enoch - [Scandalous Highlanders 00.5] - One Hot Scot (mobi).mobi 331.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Dani April - Morgan's Mates [Siren Menage Amour] (mobi).mobi 331.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Jared Paul - The Collie Murders (azw3).azw3 331.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Peggy Bird - [Second Chances 05] - Believing Again (mobi).mobi 331.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Eric Walters - Trapped in Ice (retail) (epub).epub 331.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Jessica Pine - Just a Small Town Girl (mobi).mobi 331.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 133 (pdf).pdf 331.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Edwina J White - Those Angstrom Men! (mobi).mobi 331.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Carolyne Aarsen - [Home to Harley Creek 04] - Homecoming Reunion [LI-752] (epub).epub 331.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Yasushi Inoue - The Izu Dancer and Other Stories (The Counterfeiter; Obasute; The Full Moon) (mobi).mobi 331.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Jon Stock - [Daniel Marchant 01] - Dead Spy Running (retail) (epub).epub 331.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dan McCurrigan - My Honor Flight (epub).epub 331.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/S E Culpepper - [Liaisons 02] - Question Mark [MM] (epub).epub 331.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Regency Christmas Wishes - Sandra Heath, Emma Jensen, Carla Kelly, Edith Layton, Barbara Metzger (retail) (epub).epub 331.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Nix Knox - The Mormon and the Dom [MM] (epub).epub 331.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Nicola Haken - [Take My Hand 01] - Take My Hand (epub).epub 330.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Amelia Rose - [Longren Family 03] - Cowboy Heart (mobi).mobi 330.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Sterling E Lanier - [Brigadier Ffellows 01] - The Peculiar Exploits of Brigadier Ffellowes (rtf).rtf 330.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/C J Cherryh - [Rusalka 02] - Chernevog (v1.2) (epub).epub 330.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Tricia Goyer - By the Light of the Silvery Moon (epub).epub 330.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/J M Sevilla - [Marked 01] - The Missing Link (epub).epub 330.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Kelli Stanley - [Nox Dormienda 01] - Nox Dormienda (A Long Night for Sleeping) (epub).epub 330.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jeffrey A Carver - [Star Rigger 02] - Star Rigger's Way (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 330.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Zoe Strachan - Ever Fallen in Love (retail) (epub).epub 330.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Tianna Xander - [Dragon Bound 01.5] - Seduction of the Golden Dragon [eXtasy] (pdf).pdf 330.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jackie Nacht - [Moon Compound 02] - Full Moon Feral [eXtasy MM] (epub).epub 330.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/L A Kelley - The Naughty List (epub).epub 330.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/T J Bennett - Dark Angel (epub).epub 330.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Craig McLay - Deadline (epub).epub 330.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Erykah Wyck - Learning to Submit [Decadent, 1NS 69] (epub).epub 329.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tara Sue Me - [Submissive 03] - The Training [MF] (epub).epub 329.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Jared Paul - The Collie Murders (epub).epub 329.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Carol Finch - Not Just Another Cowboy [SSE-1242, MSE-1272] (epub).epub 329.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Cristin Harber - [Titan 01] - Winters Heat (epub).epub 329.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Desiree Holt - [Night Seekers 04] - Branded by Lust [EC Twilight] (mobi).mobi 329.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Kristina Knight - Mr Right Now [Lyrical] (mobi).mobi 329.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Ansley Adams - Act V (epub).epub 329.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Lou Dubose & Jake Bernstein - Vice- Dick Cheney and the Hijacking of the American Presidency (retail) (epub).epub 329.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Sky Corgan - [His Indecent Lessons 02] - His Indecent Lessons 2 [MF] (mobi).mobi 329.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Kathleen Collins - [Realm Walker 01] - Realm Walker (azw3).azw3 329.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Kelly McClymer - [Once Upon a Wedding 03] - The Unintended Bride [Zebra- Ballad] (epub).epub 329.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jackie Nacht - [Moon Compound 01] - Full Moon Lockdown [eXtasy MM] (epub).epub 329.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Eliza Brown - Saving Stella (mobi).mobi 329.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Pamela Fryer - The Lost Finder (epub).epub 329.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Jessica Lemmon - [Love in the Balance 02] - Hard to Handle (epub).epub 329.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Priscilla West - [The Surrender 02] - Secret Surrender [MF] (epub).epub 329.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Debbie Dee - Tiy and the Prince of Egypt (epub).epub 328.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/D M Thomas - The White Hotel (epub).epub 328.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Rachel Keener - The Killing Tree (retail) (epub).epub 328.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Frederick Forsyth - The Odessa File (retail) (epub).epub 328.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Ross Thomas - [Mac McCorkle 04] - Twilight at Mac's Place (epub).epub 328.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Tabatha Vargo - [Blow Hole Boys 02] - Finding Faith (epub).epub 328.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Beverly Long - Here With Me (html).rar 328.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Thomas Tryon - The Other (v5.0) (epub).epub 328.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Katherine Vickery as Kathryn Kramer - [De Bron Saga 02] - Arrow to the Heart (Lady Outlaw [ZL]) (epub).epub 328.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Ana Blaze - A Late Thaw (mobi).mobi 328.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Evie Matthews - Accidental Parents (mobi).mobi 328.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Kerry Newcomb - The Red Ripper (retail) (epub).epub 327.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Elizabeth Spann Craig - [Myrtle Clover Mystery 05] - Death at a Drop-In (epub).epub 327.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Sawyer Bennett - If I Return [The 12 NA's of Christmas] (epub).epub 327.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Cynthia Harrison - [Blue Lake 01] - Blue Heaven (mobi).mobi 327.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Elia Mirca - [Heroine 01] - The Husband's Cologne (epub).epub 327.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Silver Smyth - [String Quartet 01] - The Eunuch's Ward [MF] (mobi).mobi 327.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/M A Card-Mina - [Amulets of Andarrin 01] - The Amulets (epub).epub 327.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Sydney Somers - [Pendragon Gargoyles 04] - Primal Temptation [Samhain] (epub).epub 327.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Pulp - Ten Detective Aces.37.05.Killers Must Advertise - H. H. Stinson (pdf).pdf 327.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/AnnaLisa Grant - Next to Me (epub).epub 327.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/E E Burke - Kate's Outlaw [Steam! Romance and Rails] (mobi).mobi 327.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Betsy Byars - Keeper of the Doves (retail) (epub).epub 327.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Christine D'Abo - [Friends and Benefits 02] - Club Wonderland [MF] (mobi).mobi 327.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/David Estes - [Dwellers - Country Saga 02] - Ice Country (epub).epub 326.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Aubrey Rose - [Werewolf 02] - Perfect Mate (mobi).mobi 326.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Laurie Calkhoven - [Boys of Wartime 03] - Michael at the Invasion of France, 1943 (retail) (epub).epub 326.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Angela McCallister - [Immortalis 02] - Bad Cop (epub).epub 326.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/JoAnne Kenrick - Dracula's Kiss [Decadent, 1NS 48] (epub).epub 326.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Diane Craver - [Dreams of Plain Daughters 01] - A Joyful Break (azw3).azw3 326.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Eric Walters - Shattered (retail) (epub).epub 326.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Sandra Parshall - [Rachel Goddard Mystery 03] - Broken Places (epub).epub 326.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Natalie Acres - [Cowboy Boots 06] - Cowboy Boots and Uncensored Behavior [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 326.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Nimmu - Wings (mobi).mobi 325.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Nancy Hopper - A Walk in the Wilderness (epub).epub 325.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Catherine Kean - My Lady's Treasure (epub).epub 325.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jami Davenport - [Seattle Lumberjacks 04] - Backfield in Motion (epub).epub 325.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Shirley Martin - [Avador 02] - Night Shadows (epub).epub 325.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/J A Howell - [The Possess Saga 01] - Possess (epub).epub 325.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Nate Kenyon - Day One (epub).epub 325.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Shane Morgan - [Impossibly 01] - Impossibly Love (mobi).mobi 325.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Michael M Farnsworth - Diary of an Angel (mobi).mobi 325.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Paul Reiser - Babyhood (retail) (epub).epub 325.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Shirley Martin - Midnight for Morgana (mobi).mobi 325.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Valerie Twombly - [Immortal Guardians 01] - Eternal Flame [Resplendence] (epub).epub 325.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Melanie Milburne - [Those Scandalous Caffarellis 03] - Never Gamble with a Caffarelli [HP-3188, MMR-1345] (mobi).mobi 325.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Laura Lippman - [Tess Monaghan 10] - Another Thing to Fall (v5.0) (epub).epub 325.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Suzie Carr - A New Leash on Life (mobi).mobi 325.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Inspector Rostnikov 15] - People Who Walk in Darkness (mobi).mobi 325.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Victoria Lexington - Sex and the Social Network (epub).epub 325.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Michael Jeffrey Lee - Something in My Eye- Stories (v5.0) (epub).epub 325.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Laura Lippman - [Tess Monaghan 05] - The Sugar House (v5.0) (epub).epub 325.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 03] - Suffer Little Children (epub).epub 324.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Tanya Taimanglo - Secret Shopper (epub).epub 324.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Jeff Shelby - [Joe Tyler 03] - Thread of Betrayal (epub).epub 324.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Beverly Long - Stay With Me (html).rar 324.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Valerie Hansen - Explosive Secrets [LIS-335, Texas K-9 Unit 04] (mobi).mobi 324.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Jennifer Maitlen - Rachel's Redemption (mobi).mobi 324.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Janet Mullany - Tell Me More [Spice] (epub).epub 324.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Selena Laurence - [Hiding from Love 00.5] - Camouflaged (epub).epub 324.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Liam McIlvanney - [Conway 02] - Where the Dead Men Go (v5.0) (epub).epub 324.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/John R Tunis - [Brooklyn Dodgers 03] - Keystone Kids (retail) (epub).epub 324.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/C N Lary - [Atlantis Unearthed 01] - Touched by Fire (mobi).mobi 324.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Katheryn Lane - [The Desert Sheikh] - A Bride for the Sheikh (mobi).mobi 324.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jennie Lucas - The Consequences of That Night [HP-3187, MMR-1340, At His Service 05] (mobi).mobi 324.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Linda Carroll-Bradd - Rekindled Dreams (epub).epub 324.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Tara Brown - [Light 02] - The Four Horsemen (mobi).mobi 324.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Penelope Ward - Jake Undone (epub).epub 324.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Rosie Rushton - [Jane Austen in the 21st Century 03] - Secret Schemes and Daring Dreams (retail) (epub).epub 324.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Stephen Finucan - Foreigners (retail) (epub).epub 324.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jack Wilder - The Missionary (epub).epub 323.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Jack Parker - [Gracie Greene 02] - Accidentally on Purpose (epub).epub 323.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Michael Wallace - [Righteous 02] - Mighty and Strong (mobi).mobi 323.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Kristin Miller - [Seattle Wolf Pack 02] - Four Weddings and a Werewolf (epub).epub 323.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Lou Allin - [Holly Martin 01] - And On the Surface Die (epub).epub 323.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Devan Sagliani - [Undead LA 01] - Undead LA (epub).epub 323.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Diane Craver - [Dreams of Plain Daughters 01] - A Joyful Break (epub).epub 323.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Joshua Grasso - [The Chronicles of Hildigrim Blackbeard 01] - The Count of the Living Death (epub).epub 323.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/A J Carella - [The Game 02] - Game On (mobi).mobi 323.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tara Pammi - [The Sensational Stanton Sisters 02] - A Touch of Temptation [HP-3192, MMR-1342] (mobi).mobi 323.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Valerie Hansen - [The Defenders 02] - Threat of Darkness [LIS-295] (retail) (epub).epub 323.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Rebecca Tope - [Lake District Mystery 01] - The Windermere Witness (epub).epub 323.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Samantha Chase - A Touch of Heaven (epub).epub 322.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/S E Smith - [Lords of Kassis 03] - Jo's Journey (epub).epub 322.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Jill Sanders - [Secret 04] - Secret Passions (epub).epub 322.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dr Who - [BBC New Series 47] - Touched by an Angel - Jonathan Morris (epub).epub 322.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Jeff Holmes - Forever (mobi).mobi 322.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Martha McPhee - L'America (v5.0) (epub).epub 322.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Simone Elkeles - [Wild Cards 01] - Wild Cards (epub).epub 322.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Lauren Carr - [Lovers in Crime Mystery 01] - Dead on Ice (mobi).mobi 322.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/George R R Martin - Portraits of His Children (v5.0) (epub).epub 322.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Patricia Hagan - My Child, Our Child [SSE-1277, MSE-1320] (epub).epub 322.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jane Green - Tempting Fate (epub).epub 322.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Meredith Whitford - Love's Will (epub).epub 322.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Joe Peronne Jr - [Matt Davis 02] - Opening Day (retail) (epub).epub 322.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Devon Matthews - Angel in the Rain (epub).epub 322.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Fritz Leiber - [Fafhrd and Gray Mouser 07] - The Knight and Knave of Swords (Farewell to Lankhmar) (epub).epub 322.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/John Ashford - The Elevator - Part 1 [MF] (mobi).mobi 322.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Take Me Out - Elley Arden, Alicia Hunter Pace, Leslie P Garcia, Bea Moon (mobi).mobi 322.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Karen Stivali - [Meant To Be] - All I Need (mobi).mobi 322.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Melissa Jagears - [Unexpected Brides 00.5] - Love by the Letter (epub).epub 322.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Lisa Wingate - [Blue Sky Hills 02] - The Summer Kitchen (v5.0) (epub).epub 321.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Trinity Night - [Spellbound 04] - Enraptured [MF] (mobi).mobi 321.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Rebecca Tope - [Lake District Mystery 02] - The Ambleside Alibi (epub).epub 321.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Mindy McGinnis - Not a Drop to Drink (epub).epub 321.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Addison Moore - Beautiful Oblivion (epub).epub 321.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lyndon Stacey - Murder in Mind (retail) (epub).epub 321.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/L Sandifer - After the Wedding (mobi).mobi 321.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/K J Larsen - [Cat DeLuca 03] - Some Like It Hot (retail) (epub).epub 321.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Anne Marsh - [Blue Moon Brides 03] - Claimed by the Pack [MF] (epub).epub 321.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Shauna Hart - [Blood Bond 01] - Bonds of Blood [MF] (epub).epub 321.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Karolyn James - [Brothers of Rock 05] - Last Song (mobi).mobi 321.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Pat Warren - Stand-In Father [SIM-855] (epub).epub 321.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Rosie Best - [Shapeshifters of London 01] - Skulk (epub).epub 321.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Robyn Harding - Chronicles of a Mid-Life Crisis (retail) (epub).epub 321.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lily George & Hannah Alexander - Captain of Her Heart (Captain of Her Heart; A Father's Sins) [LIH-126] (retail) (epub).epub 321.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Evan Roskos - Dr Bird's Advice for Sad Poets (mobi).mobi 321.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Cristin Harber - [Titan 03] - Westin's Chase (epub).epub 321.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Susan Juby - Another Kind of Cowboy (retail) (epub).epub 321.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/K A Hambly - [The Rise of the New Bloods 01] - From Dark Beginnings (epub).epub 321.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sharon Dunn - Guard Duty [LIS-331, Texas K-9 Unit 03] (mobi).mobi 320.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Katia Lief - Five Days in Summer (Five Days to Die) (epub).epub 320.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Sarah Caudwell - [Hilary Tamar 01] - Thus Was Adonis Murdered (UK) (retail) (epub).epub 320.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Michael Wallace - [Righteous 03] - The Wicked (mobi).mobi 320.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Lindsay Armstrong - Reluctant Wife [HP-1071, MB-2775] (epub).epub 320.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Will Self - My Idea of Fun (epub).epub 320.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Teri Fowler - One Night in His Custody [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 320.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jennifer Jagger - The Girl Who Can't Deny- A Story of Dominance and Submission [MF] (mobi).mobi 320.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Anthony Powell - [Dance to the Music of Time 04] - At Lady Molly's (v3.0) (mobi).mobi 320.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 341] - The Bandit Princess (epub).epub 320.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Abigail Snow - [Royal Expat 01] - Seduced (mobi).mobi 320.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Sarah Gilman - Ghosts of the Falls (mobi).mobi 320.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Winnie Griggs - [Texas Grooms 01] - Handpicked Husband [LIH-151] (epub).epub 320.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/P S Brown - Hide and Seek (azw3).azw3 320.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Kimberly Newton Fusco - Beholding Bee (epub).epub 320.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Charlene Weir - [Susan Wren 04] - Murder- Take Two (retail) (epub).epub 320.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/J M Fosberg - [Half-Dwarf Prince 01] - The Half-Dwarf Prince (epub).epub 320.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Katalyn Sage - [Legions of Fate 01] - The Highlander's Curse (epub).epub 320.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jeff Gunhus - [Templar Chronicles 03] - Jack Templar and the Lord of the Vampires (epub).epub 319.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Joan Lingard - The Kiss (v5.0) (epub).epub 319.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Liz Schulte - [Guardian 03] - Consequences (epub).epub 319.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/S M Reine - [Ascension 02] - Oaths of Blood (epub).epub 319.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Isabella Kole - Accepting His Terms (mobi).mobi 319.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lawrence Light & Meredith Anthony - Ladykiller (epub).epub 319.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Donna Andrews - [Meg Langslow 16] - Duck the Halls (epub).epub 319.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Kim Carmichael - [Indelibly Marked 01] - Permanent (epub).epub 319.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Eve Gaddy - Cowboy Come Home [HS-903, Home on the Ranch] (epub).epub 319.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Drew Adams - Ghost Reaper Episode 2 (epub).epub 319.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Rachel Brimble - A Man Like Him [HS-1869] (epub).epub 319.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Felicity Young - [Stevie Hooper 02] - Harum Scarum (epub).epub 318.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Angela Stephens - One Last Dance (epub).epub 318.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Martin Fossum - Beyond Asimios- Part 4 (epub).epub 318.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Michael Craft - [Claire Gray Mystery 03] - Desert Winter (retail) (epub).epub 318.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Sara Rosett - [On the Run 03] - Deceptive (mobi).mobi 318.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Allison Parr - [New York Leopards 02] - Running Back (epub).epub 318.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/M Leighton - [Wild Ones 01.5] - Wild Child (mobi).mobi 318.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Karen Jones - From My Window (mobi).mobi 318.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Chloe Young - The Beach House (mobi).mobi 318.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Shelley Adina - [Magnificent Devices 05] - A Lady of Resources (epub).epub 318.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Ginger Scott - [Waiting on the Sidelines 02] - Going Long (epub).epub 318.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [Culinary Mystery 02] - English Trifle (epub).epub 318.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Olga Toprover - The President is No More [russian-english] (mobi).mobi 318.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/J C Emery - [Men with Badges 02] - The Switch (epub).epub 318.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Ralph Compton - [Sundown Riders 05] - Whiskey River (retail) (epub).epub 318.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Livia J Washburn - [Fresh-Baked Mystery 07] - Wedding Cake Killer (epub).epub 318.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Chandin Whitten - [Beautiful 02] - Beautiful Misery [MF] (epub).epub 318.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Mary Kay Andrews - [Southern 04] - Christmas Bliss (epub).epub 317.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Inspector Rostnikov 16] - A Whisper to the Living (mobi).mobi 317.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Karen Rose - [Baltimore 03.5] - Broken Silence (mobi).mobi 317.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Mark Joseph - The Wild Card (retail) (epub).epub 317.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Charlotte and Aaron Elkins - [Alix London 01] - A Dangerous Talent (epub).epub 317.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Lee Moore - [The Gardeners 03] - Sharing Sisters [MF] (mobi).mobi 317.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Emma Brown - [Sweet Harmony 01-04] - Sweet Harmony- The Complete Collection (The Intro; The Verse; The Chorus; The Encore) (mobi).mobi 317.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [Culinary Mystery 04] - Key Lime Pie (epub).epub 317.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Amanda Lance - [Wanted 02] - Conviction (epub).epub 317.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Robert Brumm - Black Water Creek (mobi).mobi 317.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Laura Drake - Her Road Home [HS-1870] (epub).epub 317.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/J S Abilene - [List 01] - Kiss List (epub).epub 317.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ralph Cotton - Wildfire (retail) (epub).epub 317.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pulp - Detective Novels.42.10.Death on Deposit - Frank Johnson (pdf).pdf 317.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Morticia Knight - [Gin and Jazz 01] - Hollywood Bound [TEB MM] (epub).epub 316.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Sydney M Cooper - [Forsaken Lands 01] - Tragedy (epub).epub 316.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/The Three Doctors (Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, Rameck Hunt) - The Pact- Three Young Men Make a Promise and Fulfill a Dream (retail) (epub).epub 316.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Elizabeth J Duncan - [Penny Brannigan 05] - Never Laugh as a Hearse Goes By (mobi).mobi 316.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Heather Chase - In Service to the Billionaire (mobi).mobi 316.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Elizabeth Amelia Barrington - The Hungry House (epub).epub 316.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Linsey Lanier - Steal My Heart (azw3).azw3 316.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Alice Toby - The Accidental Honeymoon (mobi).mobi 316.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [The Newport Ladies Book Club 01] - Daisy (epub).epub 316.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lee Smith - Oral History (retail) (epub).epub 316.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 132 (pdf).pdf 315.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Linsey Lanier - Steal My Heart (epub).epub 315.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Ashley Christine - [Meadowlarks 03] - Endless (mobi).mobi 315.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Anna Nicholas - A Lizard In My Luggage- Mayfair To Mallorca In One Easy Move (retail) (epub).epub 315.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Rachel Aukes - [Deadland 01] - 100 Days in Deadland (epub).epub 315.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Emma Raveling - [Ondine Quartet 02.2] - Chevalier (epub).epub 315.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Kelley York - Made of Stars (epub).epub 315.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Scarlett Edwards - Never Let Go (epub).epub 315.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Ty Hutchinson - [Abby Kane 01] - Corktown (epub).epub 315.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Ellie Grant - Plum Deadly (epub).epub 315.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Avery Gale - [Club Isola 02] - Healing Holly [Siren Menage Amour] (mobi).mobi 315.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Nick S Thomas - [Battle Earth 08] - Battle Earth VIII (epub).epub 315.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Christina Freeburn - [Faith Hunter Scrap This Mystery 02] - Designed to Death (epub).epub 315.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/J B Peterson - [Wahaya 01] - Birth of the Wolf (azw3).azw3 315.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Deborah Challinor - Union Belle (epub).epub 315.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Jael Wye - Ice Red (retail) (epub).epub 315.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Judy Nickles - [Penelope Pembroke Mystery 03] - The Feed Store Floozy (epub).epub 315.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Caridad Pineiro - [Reborn 02] - To Love and Serve (epub).epub 315.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Josefina Lopez - Hungry Woman in Paris (retail) (epub).epub 314.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Michelle Jackson - Two Days in Biarritz (epub).epub 314.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Iris Johansen - [Santa Flores 02] - No Red Roses [LS-44] (mobi).mobi 314.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Judy Nickles - [Penelope Pembroke Mystery 04] - The Possum Hollow Hullabaloo (epub).epub 314.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Heather McCollum - [The Dragonfly Chronicles 04] - Surrender (epub).epub 314.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Margie Broschinsky - Summer In Iron Springs (epub).epub 314.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Tibby Armstrong - Public Relations [Loose Id] (epub).epub 314.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Jessica Ingro - [Love Square 02] - His Ever After (epub).epub 314.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Rhian Cahill - [Only You 01] - All Of You [MF] (mobi).mobi 314.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Michele Callahan - [Timewalker Chronicles 01] - Red Night (mobi).mobi 314.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Hazel Holt - [Sheila Malory 07] - Death of a Dean (mobi).mobi 314.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Annastaysia Savage - Any Witch Way (retail) (epub).epub 313.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/S M Reine - [Ascension 03] - Ruled by Steel (epub).epub 313.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Josi S Kilpack - [Culinary Mystery 03] - Devil's Food Cake (epub).epub 313.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Ann Goering - [Glendale 03] - Promising Forever (mobi).mobi 313.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Anne Conley - [Stories of Serendipity] - Falling for Him (mobi).mobi 313.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Larry Crane - A Bridge to Treachery- From Extortion to Terror (epub).epub 313.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Beverly Long - Yesterday's Magic (epub).epub 313.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Niall Teasdale - [Aneka Jansen 01] - Steel Beneath the Skin (epub).epub 312.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Linda Weaver Clarke - The Rebels of Cordovia (epub).epub 312.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/J B Peterson - [Wahaya 01] - Birth of the Wolf (mobi).mobi 312.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Dorothy L Sayers & Jill Paton Walsh - [Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane 03] - The Attenbury Emeralds (epub).epub 312.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Lee Moore - [The Gardeners 01] - Sister in Law [MF] (mobi).mobi 312.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Judy Nickles - [Penelope Pembroke Mystery 01] - The Bogus Biker (epub).epub 312.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Mischief - Paranormal Erotica - Rose de Fer, Scarlet Rush, Giselle Renarde, et al [MF] (mobi).mobi 312.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Aileen Fish - [Danby Summons] - The Viscount's Sweet Temptation (mobi).mobi 312.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Darryl Wimberley - [Detective Barrett Raines Mystery 03] - Strawman's Hammock (retail) (epub).epub 312.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Jill Shalvis - Merry and Bright (epub).epub 312.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Fabio Bueno - [Singularity 01] - Wicked Sense (epub).epub 312.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Marisa Carroll - Unexpected Son (retail) (epub).epub 312.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Sharon Creech - Replay (epub).epub 312.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Terry Spear - [Highlander Medieval 04] - Taming the Wild Highlander (mobi).mobi 312.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Molly Beth Griffin - Silhouette of a Sparrow (retail) (epub).epub 312.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/James Bond - Solo - William Boyd (epub).epub 311.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Eliza Gayle - The Billionaire's Demon (Dirty Deeds) [MF] (mobi).mobi 311.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Kerry Heavens - [Just Human 02] - Still Human (epub).epub 311.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Patricia Hall - [Kate O'Donnell 02] - Death Trap (epub).epub 311.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Diane Scott Lewis - The Defiant Lady Pencavel (epub).epub 311.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Morticia Knight - [Gin and Jazz 02] - Razzle Dazzle [TEB MM] (epub).epub 311.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 08] - Blood Sinister (epub).epub 311.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Tracy Sharp - Spooked (mobi).mobi 311.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Alexandra Anthony - [Vampire Destiny - Series Companion 01] - Odyssey (epub).epub 311.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/J J Holden - [Life After 04] - Life After- Episode Four (mobi).mobi 311.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/J C Emery - [Bayonet Scars 01] - Ride (epub).epub 311.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Eden Myles - [The Dollhouse Society 07] - Isabelle [MF] (mobi).mobi 311.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Michelle Lynn - [The Invisibles 02] - Let Me In (epub).epub 311.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Loree Lough - [A Child to Love 01] - Raising Connor [HHW-108] (retail) (epub).epub 311.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Mary Gray - The Dollhouse Asylum (epub).epub 311.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Beverly Montgomery - A Burning Secret (mobi).mobi 310.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Marni Mann - [Shadows 02] - Seductive Secrecy (epub).epub 310.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jackie Nacht - [Holiday Jobs That Don't Suck 07] - The Firecracker and the Rocket [eXtasy MM] (pdf).pdf 310.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Lucy Monroe - Million Dollar Christmas Proposal [HP-3185, MMR-1339] (epub).epub 310.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Tiffany Nicole Smith - [The Silver Scythe Chronicles 01.03] - Naomi Grim Part 3 (epub).epub 310.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Cassie Harte - I Did Tell, I Did- The True Story of a Little Girl Betrayed (mobi).mobi 310.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Greg Krehbiel - The Witch's Promise (azw3).azw3 310.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/David Jackson - [Callum Doyle 01] - Pariah (epub).epub 310.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Rebecca Gilise - Bid Me Now (azw3).azw3 310.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Joanna Fulford - The Caged Countess [HHS-347; MHR-1401] (retail) (epub).epub 310.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Kaitlyn Hoyt - [Prophesized 03] - Descending Darkness (epub).epub 310.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Charlene Weir - [Susan Wren 07] - Edge of Midnight (retail) (epub).epub 310.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Chris Van Hakes - Lost and Found (epub).epub 310.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Jane A Adams - [Naomi Blake 08] - Secrets (v5.0) (epub).epub 310.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Judith Cutler - [Sophie Rivers 01] - Dying Fall (retail) (epub).epub 310.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Mark Sundeen - The Man Who Quit Money (mobi).mobi 310.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Katia Lief - [Karin Schaeffer 02] - Next Time You See Me (Hide and Seek) (epub).epub 310.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/K W Jeter - [Kim Oh 02] - Real Dangerous Job (epub).epub 310.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Elena Kincaid - [Made in Heaven 01] - Three Made in Heaven [Siren Menage Amour] (mobi).mobi 310.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Catherine Anderson - Coming Up Roses (epub).epub 310.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Beverly Long - Stay With Me (epub).epub 309.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Marianne Harden - [Rylie Keyes Mystery 01] - Malicious Mischief (epub).epub 309.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Graham Masterton - Community (v5.0) (epub).epub 309.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Jeffery Deaver - [Lincoln Rhyme ss] - A Textbook Case (UK) (retail) (epub).epub 309.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Regina Tittel - [Ozark Durham 01] - Abandoned Hearts (mobi).mobi 309.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Hazel Holt - [Sheila Malory 05] - Murder on Campus (Mrs Malory- Detective in Residence) (mobi).mobi 309.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Tabitha Levin - In His Sails (mobi).mobi 309.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Beverly Long - Here With Me (epub).epub 309.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Alice Munro - The Moons of Jupiter (retail) (epub).epub 308.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Ellen Dominick - Little Lola [MF] (mobi).mobi 308.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Monica James - [I Surrender 02] - Surrender to Me (epub).epub 308.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Theodore Judson - Hell Can Wait (epub).epub 308.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Choire Sicha - Very Recent History- An Entirely Factual Account of a Year (c. AD 2009) in a Large City (epub).epub 308.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Linda L Creel - [Angel-Blood 03] - Esra's Prohpecy (epub).epub 308.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Anne O'Brien - Conquering Knight, Captive Lady [HH-938, MHR-1126] (epub).epub 308.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jasmine Austin Moore - Undercover Secrets, Untold Lies (v5.0) (epub).epub 308.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Sara Young - My Enemy's Cradle (v5.0) (epub).epub 308.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Fritz Leiber - [Fafhrd and Gray Mouser 05] - The Swords of Lankhmar (epub).epub 308.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Robin Shaw - [Paloma's Edge 02] - Here With Me (epub).epub 308.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 17 [MF] (epub).epub 308.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Maryrose Wood - [Morgan Rawlinson 01] - Why I Let My Hair Grow Out (retail) (epub).epub 308.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Michael Wallace - [Righteous 02] - Mighty and Strong (epub).epub 308.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Douglas Lindsay - [Thomas Hutton 02] - A Plague of Crows (epub).epub 307.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Lexxie Couper - [Heart of Fame 04] - Steady Beat [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 307.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Sophia Gray - [Blue Ridge 03] - Escape (mobi).mobi 307.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Elise Koepke - The Locket (epub).epub 307.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Lorna Byrne - Angels in My Hair (retail) (epub).epub 307.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Vanessa Grant - [Gabriola Island 01] - With Strings Attached [HP-1528, MB-3537] (b) (epub).epub 307.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Douglas Reeman - The Iron Pirate (epub).epub 307.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Neicey Ford - All I Want is Forever (mobi).mobi 307.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Hazel Gower - [The Bears 03] - Hers [Evernight] (epub).epub 306.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Eric Walters - Royal Ransom (retail) (epub).epub 306.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Geeta Kingsley - [Homespun 01] - Faith, Hope & Love [SR-726] (epub).epub 306.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Virginia Kelly - In the Arms of a Stranger (epub).epub 306.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Dawne Dominique - Cream of the Crop [MF] (mobi).mobi 306.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Carlos Ruiz Zafon - Marina (epub).epub 306.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Celina Reyer - Reclaiming Her Alpha (mobi).mobi 306.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Lisa J Edwards - A Dog Named Boo- How One Dog and One Woman Rescued Each Other (retail) (epub).epub 306.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Jane K Cleland - [Josie Prescott Antiques 07] - Dolled Up for Murder (v5.0) (epub).epub 306.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Joelle Charbonneau - [Rebecca Robbins 04] - Skating Under the Wire (epub).epub 306.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jessie M - Eighteen Summers [MF] (mobi).mobi 306.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Miranda P Charles - [Secret Dreams 01] - Secret Words (azw3).azw3 306.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lauren DeStefano - [Internment Chronicles 01] - Perfect Ruin (epub).epub 305.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Cat Devon - [Entity 02.5] - The Entity Who Came for Christmas (mobi).mobi 305.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Mitchell Bartoy - [Pete Caudill 01] - The Devil's Own Rag Doll (retail) (epub).epub 305.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 18] - Dancing With Demons (epub).epub 305.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Renee Rose - The Reddington Scandal [Stormy Night] (mobi).mobi 305.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Christopher Golden - [Shadow Saga 06] - The Graves of Saints (epub).epub 305.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Miranda Rush - [Amish Heart 01] - Amish Heart [MF] (mobi).mobi 305.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/J D Anders - [Dale Jackson 02] - Red and the Roofers [MF] (mobi).mobi 305.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Alex Archer - [Rogue Angel 44] - Blood Cursed (epub).epub 305.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Frederick Forsyth - No Comebacks (epub).epub 305.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ella Dominguez - This Love's Not for Sale [MF] (epub).epub 305.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Sara K - The Darkness Within (mobi).mobi 305.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Elaine Szewczyk - I'm with Stupid (retail) (epub).epub 305.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Felicity Young - [Stevie Hooper 01] - An Easeful Death (epub).epub 305.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Anne Marsh - [Blue Moon Brides 03] - Claimed by the Pack [MF] (mobi).mobi 305.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Kay David - Marriage to a Stranger [HS-1045, MSU-86] (epub).epub 305.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Rebecca Gilise - Bid Me Now (epub).epub 304.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Judy Blume - [Fudge 01] - Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing (Anniversary ed) (retail) (epub).epub 304.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Chris Karlsen - [Knights in Time 02] - Journey in Time (epub).epub 304.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Donina Lynn - [Rock Services 01] - Arms of Serenity [Evernight] (epub).epub 304.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/R E Butler - [Hyena Heat 02] - Every Dawn Forever [MF] (epub).epub 304.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Lauren Carr - [Mac Faraday Mystery 03] - Shades of Murder (mobi).mobi 304.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Jeffrey Quyle - [Alchemy's Apprentice 01] - The Gorgon's Blood Solution (epub).epub 304.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tessa Hainsworth - Up with the Larks- Starting Again in Cornwall (retail) (epub).epub 304.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Debra Salonen - His Real Father [HS-1279, Twins] (epub).epub 304.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Lisa Fisher - Home Again (mobi).mobi 304.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Amanda Ashley - [Vampire 02] - After Sundown (v5.0) (epub).epub 304.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Lynn Viehl - [Disenchanted & Co 02] - His Lordship Possessed (epub).epub 304.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Mindy Klasky - Fright Court (epub).epub 304.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Leslie Meier - [Lucy Stone 21] - Christmas Carol Murder (epub).epub 304.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Anne Fraser - The Wife He Never Forgot [HMED-619, Men of Honor] (epub).epub 304.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Jennifer Davis - [Sway 01] - Sway (epub).epub 304.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Chelsea Camaron - [Daddy's Girls 02] - Salvaged (epub).epub 304.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/S A Bodeen - [The Compound 02] - The Fallout (epub).epub 304.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Leo Bonanno - The Hunt Chronicles Volume 1 (epub).epub 303.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Charles Grodin (ed) - If I Only Knew Then- Learning from Our Mistakes (retail) (epub).epub 303.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 10] - Our Lady of Darkness (epub).epub 303.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Vanessa Devereaux - [Perfect Pairing 05] - Seeing Forever [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 303.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lorraine Wilson - [Ski Season 02] - Secrets of a Chalet Girl (epub).epub 303.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Seleste deLaney - Seducing Her Rival (epub).epub 303.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jeffrey A Carver - [Star Rigger 01] - Seas of Ernathe (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 303.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Vanessa Devereaux - [Perfect Pairing 05] - Seeing Forever [Evernight] (epub).epub 303.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Michael E Bell - Onekka- The Tragedy of Jaqui Fennet (epub).epub 303.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Alan Gordon - [Fools' Guild Mystery 07] - The Moneylender of Toulouse (retail) (epub).epub 303.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/K W Jeter - [Kim Oh 03] - Real Dangerous People (mobi).mobi 303.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Ryk Brown - [The Frontiers Saga 09] - Resistance (epub).epub 303.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/H M Ward - [Arrangement 11] - The Arrangement 11 (epub).epub 303.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Jade C Jamison - [Bullet 03] - Feverish (epub).epub 302.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Sarah Gilman - Ghosts of the Falls (azw3).azw3 302.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Lena Goldfinch - The Language of Souls (mobi).mobi 302.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Vanessa Carvo - Alone on the Oregon Trail (mobi).mobi 302.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Patricia Hall - [Thackeray and Ackroyd 13] - Death in a Far Country (v5.0) (epub).epub 302.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Disney - [Club Penguin - Pick Your Path 07] - PH's Great Puffle Search - Tracey West (retail) (epub).epub 302.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Alexis Morgan - [Snowberry Creek 00.5] - A Soldier's Heart (epub).epub 302.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Douglas C Jones - Winding Stair (retail) (epub).epub 302.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Ralph Compton - [Danny Duggin 01] - Death Rides a Chestnut Mare (retail) (epub).epub 302.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Charles Finch - [Charles Lenox Mysteries 04.5] - An East End Murder (mobi).mobi 302.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Aileen Wuornos - Monster- My True Story (retail) (epub).epub 302.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Thomas G LaCorte - 6 Miles With Courage (epub).epub 302.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Tyler Whitesides - [Janitors 03] - Curse of the Broomstaff (epub).epub 302.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/David Brin - Otherness (epub).epub 301.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 18 [MF] (epub).epub 301.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Helen Conrad - [The Ranchers 01] - Native Silver (mobi).mobi 301.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Melissa Solis - [Soul Keeper 03] - My Soul to Save (epub).epub 301.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Delia Rosen - [Deadly Deli Mystery 04] - From Herring to Eternity (epub).epub 301.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Terry Towers - [Coffee Shop Girls] - The Rock Star and the Girl from the Coffee Shop 2- Under Pressure [MF] (epub).epub 301.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Tanya Goodwin - [Dr Gabriella Van Court 01] - Fang Hospital (mobi).mobi 301.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Tracey Ward - [Quarantined 01] - Until the End (epub).epub 301.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/James Hilton - Goodbye, Mr Chips (retail) (epub).epub 301.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Brooke Jaxsen - [Club Grit 02] - Throb (mobi).mobi 301.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/L M Preston - [Explorer X 01] - Explorer X-Alpha (retail) (epub).epub 301.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Doris O'Connor - The Housewife and the Film Star [Evernight] (epub).epub 301.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Ava Smith - Cursed (epub).epub 301.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Wendy Mass - [Willow Falls 03] - 13 Gifts (mobi).mobi 301.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Phil Sloan - Cigarettes and Alcohol- Confessions of a Stag Weekend (epub).epub 301.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Amanda Ashley - A Whisper of Eternity (v5.0) (epub).epub 301.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Dorothy Cannell - [Ellie Haskell 09] - The Trouble with Harriet (retail) (epub).epub 301.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Willow Sears - Witch Hunter (epub).epub 301.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Jenna Blu - Desire [MF] (mobi).mobi 300.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Carlene Thompson - You Can Run (retail) (epub).epub 300.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Caris Roane - [Men in Chains 01] - Born in Chains (epub).epub 300.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Greg Krehbiel - The Witch's Promise (mobi).mobi 300.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Cara Layton - Breaking Sophie [MF] (mobi).mobi 300.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Emily Jane Trent - [Touched By You 02] - Naked Submission [MF] (epub).epub 300.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Thomas Snowder - The Legend of Princess Wildheart (azw3).azw3 300.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Leigh Talbert Moore - [Dragonfly 03] - Watercolor (epub).epub 300.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Sarah Adams - [Crushing on You 03] - Crushing On the Wrong Joshua (mobi).mobi 300.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Kelly Gendron - [TroubleMaker 01] - Broken Fences (epub).epub 300.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Gina Linko - Indigo (epub).epub 300.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Sara Rosett - [On the Run 02] - Secretive (mobi).mobi 300.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Cristin Harber - [Titan 02] - Garrison's Creed (epub).epub 300.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Susan Oloier - Outcast (epub).epub 300.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Milly Taiden - [Federal Paranormal Unit 01] - Wolf Protector (mobi).mobi 300.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Opal Carew as Amber Carew - The Cinderella Obsession (epub).epub 299.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Miranda P Charles - [Secret Dreams 01] - Secret Words (epub).epub 299.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Alicia Howard - [Duffle Bag Bitches 01] - Duffle Bag Bitches (mobi).mobi 299.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Kate Pearce - [Soul Justice 02] - Death Bringer (epub).epub 299.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/C M Hutton - Loving Her (mobi).mobi 299.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Khelsey Jackson - [Black and Blue 01] - Black and Blue (mobi).mobi 299.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/J C Reed - [Surrender Your Love 03] - Treasure Your Love (epub).epub 299.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Harlan H Howard - In the Shadow of the Beast (epub).epub 299.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/C J Hockenberry - [Southern Romance Monthly 03] - December Frost (mobi).mobi 299.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Siena Colmer - Flight (epub).epub 299.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Faye Avalon - [Brighton Heat 03] - Turn Me On [Evernight] (epub).epub 299.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Blaithin O'Reilly Murphy - The Meaning of Purple Tulips (retail) (epub).epub 299.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/M H O'Hara - Sex and the Confession Box [MF] (epub).epub 299.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Trish Milburn - Out of the Night [NOCT-170] (epub).epub 298.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Rakesh Satyal - Blue Boy (epub).epub 298.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/B D Rowe - Crashing Into You (epub).epub 298.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Erik Christian - [The Original Vampire 01] - OV (mobi).mobi 298.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/M K Elliott - [Some Love It 01] - Some Love It Hot [MF] (epub).epub 298.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Sabrina Elkins - Stir Me Up (epub).epub 298.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Marcus A Eden-Ellis - [Charlie Watts 01] - Charlie Watts and the Rip in Time (retail) (epub).epub 298.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Howard Engel - [Benny Cooperman 04] - Murder Sees the Light (retail) (epub).epub 298.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Emma Rose - [Shared 01] - Shared, Book 1 (mobi).mobi 298.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Gillian Linscott - [Nell Bray 11] - Blood on the Wood (retail) (epub).epub 297.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Danielle Lewis - [Lost Love 04] - Something Old Something New [MF] (mobi).mobi 297.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Cora Harrison - [Debutantes 02] - In Love (epub).epub 297.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Evelyn Waugh - Scoop (ARC) (epub).epub 297.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kat VonSant - [The Millionaire's Social Club 01] - Sinful Knowledge [MF] (mobi).mobi 297.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Josie Belle - [Good Buy Girls 03] - Buried in Bargains (epub).epub 297.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Amber Lynn Natusch - Undertow (epub).epub 297.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jonathan Randall - [Cave Dwellers 01] - Cave Dwellers (epub).epub 297.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Megan Crane - English as a Second Language (retail) (epub).epub 297.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Shamini Flint - [Inspector Singh Investigates 03] - The Singapore School of Villainy (retail) (epub).epub 297.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Nicola Cornick - [Scottish Brides 02] - One Night with the Laird (epub).epub 297.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Bill Carson - Nemesis- John Kane's Revenge (epub).epub 296.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Meg Gray - The Teacher (epub).epub 296.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/T Gephart - [Lexi 02] - A Leap of Faith (epub).epub 296.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Denise Daisy - [Haret 01] - The Haret (epub).epub 296.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Dorothy Eden - Whistle for the Crows (v5.0) (epub).epub 296.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Aleah Barley - Leaving Las Vegas (epub).epub 296.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Kaitlyn Oruska - [Haven 02] - The Heart of a Girl (epub).epub 296.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Tara Taylor Quinn - [Shelter Valley Stories 14] - Second Time's the Charm [HS-1871] (epub).epub 296.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Kristi Gold - [Delta Secrets 01] - The One She Left Behind [HS-1732] (epub).epub 295.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/K J Bell - [Irreparable 02] - Irreversible Damage (epub).epub 295.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Rachel Sabor - Never Too Late (mobi).mobi 295.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Heather A Buchman - [Crested Butte 01] - And Then You Fall (epub).epub 295.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Raine Anthony - Phoenix (epub).epub 295.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Pamela Crane - The Admirer's Secret (epub).epub 295.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/K R Caverly - Shards of Us (epub).epub 295.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Jeff Ross - The Drop (retail) (epub).epub 295.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Sandi Ault - [Wild 03] - Wild Sorrow (retail) (epub).epub 295.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/J'aimee Brooker - Rescued (mobi).mobi 295.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Audrey Stover - Coming Home (azw3).azw3 295.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Adrian Stephens - In My Shoes (retail) (epub).epub 295.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Beth Ciotta - [Cupcake Lovers 03] - Anything but Love (epub).epub 294.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Tiffany Nicole Smith - [The Silver Scythe Chronicles 01.02] - Naomi Grim Part 2 (epub).epub 294.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Gillian Roberts - [Amanda Pepper 05] - How I Spent My Summer Vacation (v5.0) (epub).epub 294.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Sarah Dalton - My Daylight Monsters (mobi).mobi 294.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Evelyn Waugh - Put Out More Flags (ARC) (epub).epub 294.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/K T Roberts - [Gerard-Kensington 01] - The Last Witness (epub).epub 294.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Jenny Lane - Family Secrets (epub).epub 294.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Paul Adam - [Gianni Castiglione 01] - The Rainaldi Quartet (Sleeper) (retail) (epub).epub 294.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sarah Pinneo - Julia's Child (retail) (epub).epub 294.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Carol Massey - [Diana Scott 01] - Beyond Betrayal [MF] (mobi).mobi 294.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Becca Jameson - [Wolf Gathering 02] - Dominated (mobi).mobi 294.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Melissa Luznicky Garrett - Blood Type (epub).epub 294.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Deborah Bedford - If I Had You (retail) (epub).epub 294.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/John Christopher - [Tripods 01] - The White Mountains (azw3).azw3 294.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/M M Kin - Seeds - vol 03 (epub).epub 293.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Sloan Johnson - [Isthmus Alliance 02] - Unexpected Protector (epub).epub 293.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Alex James - Bit of a Blur- The Autobiography (epub).epub 293.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Rachel Harris - [Love and Games 02] - Seven Day Fiance (epub).epub 293.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Grae McTavish - [Smoky Mountain Motorcycles 01] - Breaking Free [Siren Classic] (mobi).mobi 293.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Tiece - Dope Boys and the Women that Love 'Em (epub).epub 293.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Ursula Whistler - Big Bad Easy (azw3).azw3 293.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Debra Webb - Bone Deep (epub).epub 293.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Cait London - [Freedom Valley 03] - Gabriel's Gift [SD-1357, Man of the Month] (epub).epub 293.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Clare O'Donohue - [Kate Conway Mystery 01] - Missing Persons (epub).epub 293.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Charlene Weir - [Susan Wren 03] - Family Practice (retail) (epub).epub 293.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Gillian Andrews - [Ammonite Galaxy 01] - Valhai (epub).epub 293.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Alison Cherry - Red (epub).epub 293.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Samanthe Beck - [McCade Brothers 02] - Falling for the Marine (epub).epub 293.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Lydia Michaels - Simple Man [Secret Cravings] (epub).epub 293.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jeannie Watt - A Difficult Woman [HS-1379] (epub).epub 292.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Claudy Conn - [Legend 00.2] - Prince, Prelude (epub).epub 292.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Kristina Shook - Girl Act (epub).epub 292.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Lee Moore - [The Gardeners 01] - Sister in Law [MF] (azw3).azw3 292.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Peter Brandvold - [Lou Prophet 10] - The Devil's Laughter (retail) (epub).epub 292.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Michele G Miller - Last Call (epub).epub 292.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jarkko Sipila - [Helsinki Homicide 01] - Against the Wall (v5.0) (epub).epub 292.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/P J Day - [King's Blood 03] - Vampire Lust (mobi).mobi 292.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Red Phoenix - [Brie After Graduation 08] - Brie Surrenders her Heart [MF] (epub).epub 292.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Brent Acuff - [Undead Nation 01] - Outbreak (epub).epub 292.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Rosie Rushton - [Leehampton 02] - I Think I'll Just Curl Up and Die! (retail) (epub).epub 292.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Joan Bauer - Squashed (retail) (epub).epub 291.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Michael Craft - [Claire Gray Mystery 04] - Desert Spring (retail) (epub).epub 291.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Nigel Findley - [The Possibility Wars] - Out of Nippon (epub).epub 291.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/C N Lary - [Atlantis Unearthed 01] - Touched by Fire (epub).epub 291.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Katie Hayoz - Untethered (epub).epub 291.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Derek Jackson - A Man Inspired (retail) (epub).epub 291.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Karina Halle - [Artists 03] - Bold Tricks (epub).epub 291.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Cara Colter - A Bride Worth Waiting For [SR-1388] (epub).epub 291.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Sky Corgan - [His Indecent Lessons 02] - His Indecent Lessons 2 [MF] (epub).epub 291.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/E Hughes - Business as Usual (azw3).azw3 291.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Mitchell Bartoy - [Pete Caudill 02] - The Devil's Only Friend (retail) (epub).epub 291.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Vanessa Devereaux - Dreaming [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (mobi).mobi 290.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/London Miller - [Volkov Bratva 01] - In the Beginning (epub).epub 290.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Tonya Burrows - [Wilde Security 02] - Wilde for Her (epub).epub 290.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Amanda Flower - [India Hayes Mystery 02] - Murder in a Basket (epub).epub 290.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Maddie Taylor - [Club Decadence 02] - You Said Forever [Blushing] (epub).epub 290.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Erica Cope - [Lark 02] - In the Shadows (mobi).mobi 290.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Barbara Freethy - [Callaways 04] - Between Now and Forever (epub).epub 290.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Melanie Codina - [Real Love 02] - Love Resisted (epub).epub 290.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Gillian Linscott - [Nell Bray 10] - Dead Man Riding (retail) (epub).epub 290.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Brandy Jeffus Corona - Love, Kinsey (epub).epub 289.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Lisa Rae - [Savage 02] - The Angel's Devil (mobi).mobi 289.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 12] - The Haunted Abbot (epub).epub 289.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Magan Vernon - Off the Market [The 12 NA's of Christmas] (mobi).mobi 289.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/D H Sidebottom - [Room 103 03] - Denying Heaven- Bulk's Story [MF] (epub).epub 289.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Darlene Ryan - Cuts Like a Knife (retail) (epub).epub 289.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Howard Engel - [Benny Cooperman 08] - There Was an Old Woman (retail) (epub).epub 289.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Alexia Stark - [Halloween's Forbidden Lust 01] - Blaze [MF] (mobi).mobi 289.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jake Logan - [Slocum 394] - Slocum and the Fool's Errand (retail) (epub).epub 289.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/K S Martin - Her Alpha (epub).epub 289.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Laurie London - [Iron Portal 01] - Assassin's Touch (epub).epub 289.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Elle O'Brien - [Show Me 01] - Show Me (mobi).mobi 289.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Patricia Keyson - The Magic Touch (epub).epub 289.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Tiffany Nicole Smith - [The Silver Scythe Chronicles 01.04] - Naomi Grim Part 4 (epub).epub 289.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Debra Webb - See Her Die (epub).epub 289.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Karla Akins - The Pastor's Wife Wears Biker Boots (retail) (epub).epub 289.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Red Phoenix - [Brie After Graduation 08] - Brie Surrenders her Heart [MF] (mobi).mobi 289.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Adrienne Torrisi - Accidental Crush (epub).epub 289.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Beth Yarnall - [Pleasure at Home] - Rush (epub).epub 289.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Becca Van - [Elite Dragoons 03] - Loving Prue [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 289.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 19 [MF] (epub).epub 289.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Erica Matthews - Falling for the Boss (mobi).mobi 289.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Sara Hoskinson Frommer - [Joan Spencer Mystery 06] - Death Climbs a Tree (retail) (epub).epub 288.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Beth Ciotta - [Cupcake Lovers 03.5] - Some Kind of Wonderful (epub).epub 288.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Jenika Snow - [Wylde Bears 01] - Bared for Her Bear [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 288.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Megan Flint - [Firecracker 03] - Firecracker Under Pressure [MF] (mobi).mobi 288.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Kyle West - [The Wasteland Chronicles 01] - Apocalypse (azw3).azw3 288.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Liv Bennett - [Pursuit 01] - An Illicit Pursuit (epub).epub 288.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Lani Diane Rich - [Daly Sisters 02] - Wish You Were Here (epub).epub 288.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Lani Diane Rich - [Daly Sisters 01] - Crazy In Love (epub).epub 288.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Liia Ann White - Her First White Christmas [Decadent, 1NS 64] (epub).epub 288.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Mina Carter - [Paranormal Protection Agency 06] - Dragon's Honor (azw3).azw3 288.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Shelley Shepard Gray - [Days of Redemption 03] - Eventide (epub).epub 288.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Christine Poulson - [Cambridge Mystery with Cassandra James 01] - Murder Is Academic (Dead Letters) (retail) (epub).epub 288.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Andy Szpuk - Sliding On the Snow Stone (epub).epub 288.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Robert Elmer - [Young Underground 08] - Touch the Sky (epub).epub 288.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Lilian Darcy - Balancing Act [SSE-1552, MSE-1582] (epub).epub 287.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Christopher Maddox - [Mrs Jones' Secret Life 01] - Mrs Jones' Secret Life [MF] (azw3).azw3 287.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Patricia Gaffney - Mad Dash (epub).epub 287.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Shirley Jump - Simply the Best (epub).epub 287.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/J A Jance - After the Fire- A Memoir in Poetry and Prose (retail) (epub).epub 287.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/S Celi - The Palms (epub).epub 287.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Megan Squires - The Rules of Regret (epub).epub 287.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Michael Goins - Killer Diamonds (azw3).azw3 287.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/John Christopher - [Tripods 00] - When the Tripods Came (epub).epub 287.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/J L Weil - [Divisa 02.5] - Breaking Emma (mobi).mobi 287.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Tobin Wells - [A Porter Brown Journey 01] - The Hand of Mercy (epub).epub 287.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Jennifer Seasons - [Diamonds and Dugouts 03] - Throwing Heat (epub).epub 287.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Bijou Hunter - [Damaged 03] - Damaged and the Cobra (mobi).mobi 286.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Lisa Wingate - [Tending Roses 01] - Tending Roses (retail) (epub).epub 286.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Georgina Walker - Dearly Departed- Everything You Want to Know About the Afterlife (epub).epub 286.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Lauren K McKellar - Finding Home (epub).epub 286.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Margo Lanagan - Walking Through Albert (retail) (epub).epub 286.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Mari Carr - [Second Chances 03] - Status Update [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 286.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/T A Hardenbrook - Running Home (epub).epub 286.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Senayda Pierre - [Irresistible 01] - Attraction (mobi).mobi 286.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Tim Meyer - Less Than Human (epub).epub 286.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jarkko Sipila - [Helsinki Homicide 02] - Vengeance (v5.0) (epub).epub 286.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Roseanne Dowell - It's Only Make Believe (epub).epub 286.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Sharon Poppen - Hannah (epub).epub 286.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/K S Martin - The New Alpha (epub).epub 286.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Bria Quinlan - [RVHS Secrets 01] - Secret Girlfriend (epub).epub 285.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Cambria Hebert - [Take It Off 03] - Tempt (epub).epub 285.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Heather Long - [Always a Marine 18] - A Candle for a Marine [Decadent] (mobi).mobi 285.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Amy Myers - [Car Detective 03] - Classic In the Clouds (v5.0) (epub).epub 285.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Patrice Sarath - [Gordath 03] - The Crow God's Girl (epub).epub 285.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/P S Brown - Hide and Seek (epub).epub 285.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Tish Cohen - The Break-In (v5.0) (epub).epub 285.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Brent Acuff - [Undead Nation 01] - Outbreak (mobi).mobi 285.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jean Hart Stewart - [Passionate Pursuits 01] - Fiery Pursuit [EC Twilight] (mobi).mobi 285.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Michael E Bell - Onekka- The Tragedy of Jaqui Fennet (azw3).azw3 285.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Lee Davidson - [Satellite 01] - Satellite (epub).epub 285.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Randy and Riley Messer - Circle of Seven- Meeting of the Keepers (epub).epub 285.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Nico Rosso - [Demon Rock 01] - Heavy Metal Heart (mobi).mobi 285.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Helen Karol - [Choices 00.5] - The Plan (mobi).mobi 285.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Valerie Bowman - [Secret Brides 03.5] - It Happened Under the Mistletoe (epub).epub 285.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Elise Marion - The Groom (epub).epub 285.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Nick Kelly - Catwalk- Messiah (epub).epub 285.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/John Christopher - [Tripods 03] - The Pool of Fire (epub).epub 285.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Cheryl Persons - [Love Conquers All 03] - Love From the Ashes (epub).epub 285.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Georgia Hill - In a Class of His Own (mobi).mobi 285.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/John Katzenbach - Red 1-2-3 (bad conversion) (epub).epub 285.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Esi Edugyan - The Second Life of Samuel Tyne (epub).epub 285.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Thomas Greanias - [The Alignment 01] - Ingress (epub).epub 284.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Cheyenne McCray - [Riding Tall 07] - Hot For You (epub).epub 284.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Zoe Dawson - Brave [The 12 NA's of Christmas] (epub).epub 284.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tim Robinson - Tales and Imaginings (retail) (epub).epub 284.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Alanna Knight - [Inspector Faro 17] - Murders Most Foul (retail) (epub).epub 284.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Barbara Elsborg - On the Right Track [Decadent, 1NS 73] (epub).epub 284.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Christian Moerk - Darling Jim (v5.0) (epub).epub 284.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Hermann Ungar - The Maimed (mobi).mobi 284.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Elle Kennedy - [Welcome to Paradise 04] - Since You've Been Gone [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 284.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Christopher Maddox - [Mrs Jones' Secret Life 01] - Mrs Jones' Secret Life [MF] (mobi).mobi 284.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Marlys Millhiser - [Charlie Greene Mystery 06] - Killer Commute (retail) (epub).epub 284.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Ella Price - Indecent Temptations (mobi).mobi 284.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Priscilla Masters - [Martha Gunn 02] - Slipknot (v5.0) (epub).epub 284.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jackie Nacht - [Holiday Jobs That Don't Suck 06] - But I Look Terrible in Green [eXtasy MM] (pdf).pdf 284.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Dale Furse - [Wexkia 01] - Curse (epub).epub 284.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Tara Brown - [Light 01] - The Light of the World (epub).epub 284.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Brighton Hill - [Watermagic 04] - Blueisland (epub).epub 284.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Renae Jones - Taste of Passion (mobi).mobi 283.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/L Marie Adeline - [SECRET 02] - SECRET Shared [MF] (epub).epub 283.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Dr Who - [BBC New Series 48] - Borrowed Time - Naomi A Alderman (mobi).mobi 283.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/P J Day - [King's Blood 04] - Vampire Descent (epub).epub 283.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Selene Chardou - [Lovers 02] - In Too Deep (epub).epub 283.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jana Richards - First and Again (epub).epub 283.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Liz Langdon - [Sunsets in Europe 01] - A Sunset in Paris (mobi).mobi 283.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Laurie London - [Iron Portal 02] - Rogue's Passion (epub).epub 283.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Jude Pittman - [Healing Spirits 01] - Bad Medicine (b) (mobi).mobi 283.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Mardi Oakley Medawar - [Tay-Bodal Mystery 03] - Murder at Medicine Lodge (retail) (epub).epub 283.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/John Christopher - [Tripods 02] - The City of Gold and Lead (epub).epub 283.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Georgia Cates - [Vampire Agape 03] - Blood Doll (epub).epub 283.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Ayaan Hirsi Ali - The Caged Virgin - An Emancipation Proclamation for Women and Islam (epub).epub 283.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Janice Kay Johnson - [Wakefield College 02] - From This Day On [HS-1867] (epub).epub 283.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Robert Hicks (ed) - A Guitar and a Pen- Stories by Country Music's Greatest Songwriters (retail) (epub).epub 282.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Love Letters - Volume 6 - Cowboy's Command - Maggie Wells, Ginny Glass, Emily Cale, Christina Thacher [Carina] (epub).epub 282.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Frederik Pohl - Alternating Currents (v1.0) (html).rar 282.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/G G Vandagriff - Rescuing Rosalind (epub).epub 282.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Patricia Hall - [Thackeray and Ackroyd 12] - Sins of the Fathers (v5.0) (epub).epub 282.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Tori Minard - [Avery's Crossing] - Rush (epub).epub 282.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/F Paul Wilson - [Repairman Jack - Early Years 02] - Dark City (html).rar 282.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Colin Falconer - Harem (epub).epub 282.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Katie Rose - [Appleton Sisters 02.5] - Mistletoe and Magic (mobi).mobi 282.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Dawn Steele - The Pretend Marriage (mobi).mobi 282.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Joyce and Jim Lavene - [Renaissance Faire Mystery 05.5] - Perilous Pranks (mobi).mobi 281.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Jennifer Dellerman - [The Orchard 03] - Haze of Heat [Ravenous] (epub).epub 281.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Erica Jong - Seducing the Demon- Writing for My Life (v5.0) (epub).epub 281.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Karen and Lauren King - Addicted Like Me- A Mother-Daughter Story of Substance Abuse and Recovery (retail) (epub).epub 281.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/James Carlos Blake - The Killings of Stanley Ketchel (epub).epub 281.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Aubrey Rose - [Werewolf 02] - Perfect Mate (epub).epub 281.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Rachel Dunning - [Naive Mistakes 02] - East Rising [MF] (epub).epub 281.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Alanna Knight - [Rose McQuinn 04] - Ghost Walk (retail) (epub).epub 281.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Joshua Dalzelle - [Omega Force 03] - Savage Homecoming (epub).epub 281.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Amy Gregory - [Racing to Love 04] - Alex's Destiny (epub).epub 281.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/John R Tunis - Silence Over Dunkerque (retail) (epub).epub 281.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Amanda Bennett - Faithless (epub).epub 281.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Martha Ockley - [Faith Morgan Mystery 02] - The Advent of Murder (epub).epub 281.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Trish Ryan - He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not- A Memoir of Finding Faith, Hope, and Happily Ever After (retail) (epub).epub 281.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/P J Day - [King's Blood 03] - Vampire Lust (azw3).azw3 281.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/David Vann - Goat Mountain (epub).epub 281.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Lara Sweety - [MacClain Family 01] - Faded Cotton [MF] (epub).epub 280.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Michael Grant - [BZRK 02] - BZRK Reloaded (epub).epub 280.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jo Leigh - [101 02] - Daddy 101 [HAR-736] (epub).epub 280.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Kyle West - [The Wasteland Chronicles 01] - Apocalypse (epub).epub 280.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Eric Walters - The Hydrofoil Mystery (retail) (epub).epub 280.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Chelsea Camaron - [Daddy's Girls 00.5] - Crash and Burn (mobi).mobi 280.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Nancy Werlin - Extraordinary (retail) (epub).epub 280.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/J J Holden - [Life After 04] - Life After- Episode Four (epub).epub 280.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Amy Myers - [Car Detective 02] - Classic Calls the Shots (v5.0) (epub).epub 279.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/R S Burnett - [Finding My Way 02] - Bet Me (epub).epub 279.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Lee Moore - [The Gardeners 03] - Sharing Sisters [MF] (epub).epub 279.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Thomas Snowder - The Legend of Princess Wildheart (epub).epub 279.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Marcia Evanick - A Father's Promise [SIM-874, MIA-454] (v4.0) (epub).epub 279.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Ally Forbes - The Gardens of Blackfell (mobi).mobi 279.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Celina Reyer - Reclaiming Her Alpha (azw3).azw3 279.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/D M Sharp - [Olivia Carter 01] - Olivia's Trek (epub).epub 279.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/John Shirley - Splendid Chaos (v1.1) (epub).epub 279.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Karen Erickson - [Game for It 02] - Game for Trouble (epub).epub 279.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Francis Haven - Love Is Relative (epub).epub 279.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Gem Sivad - [Unlikely Gentlemen 01] - River's Edge (epub).epub 279.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Gayla Twist - The Art of Love (epub).epub 279.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Joan Bauer - [Jenna Boller 01] - Rules of the Road (retail) (epub).epub 279.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Marcus Johnson - [Freedom Saga 02] - Freedom's Bell (epub).epub 279.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/John R Tunis - [Brooklyn Dodgers 04] - Rookie of the Year (retail) (epub).epub 278.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Chris Greenhalgh - Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky (retail) (epub).epub 278.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/J Lee Coulter - Spirit of McEwen Keep (epub).epub 278.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Sophia Gray - [Blue Ridge 01-04] - The New Boy; The Search; Escape; Last Chance (epub).epub 278.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Jeanette Ingold - Airfield (retail) (epub).epub 278.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Judy Blume - Smart Women (epub).epub 278.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Lissa Kasey - [Dominion 04] - Ascendance [Dreamspinner MM] (epub).epub 278.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Joanna Wilson - Reunion with Her Alpha (azw3).azw3 278.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Melissa Rolka - The Perfect Distraction Volume 1 (epub).epub 278.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Eliza Jane - [In Too Deep 01] - In Too Deep (epub).epub 278.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Jamie Canosa - [Fight or Flight 02] - Now or Never (epub).epub 278.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Casey Peeler - [Full Circle 01] - No Turning Back (epub).epub 278.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Kelli Scott - Catered Affair [Decadent, The Edge] (mobi).mobi 278.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Neil S Plakcy as Scarlett Jacobs - Soul Kiss (retail) (epub).epub 277.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Heather McLaren - [Mer Chronicles 01] - Mythos (epub).epub 277.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Roxy Mews - [Hart Clan Hybrids 01] - A Love Worth Biting For [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 277.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Danger in Amish Country - Marta Perry, Diane Burke, Kit Wilkinson [LIS-359] (epub).epub 277.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Crystal Cierlak - [The Romance of Nick and Layla 01-03] - Walk Away; Sorry; White Flag (epub).epub 277.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Laura Wright - [Wicked Ink Chronicles 01] - First Ink - Rush (mobi).mobi 277.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/K T Hastings - Fame and Glory (epub).epub 277.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 349] - Riverboat Blaze (mobi).mobi 277.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Janice Carter - The Beekeeper's Daughter (When Love Comes Home) [HS-1295] (epub).epub 277.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Crystal Blue - [Heart of Steele 01] - Steele Trap (mobi).mobi 277.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Micalea Smeltzer - [Outsider 01] - Outsider (epub).epub 276.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Rachel Waldman - The Difference of Life (mobi).mobi 276.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Ann H Gabhart - [Shaker 01] - The Outsider (v5.0) (epub).epub 276.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Rick Stein - Under a Mackerel Sky- A Memoir (corruption) (epub).epub 276.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/K L Middleton - Tangled Mess (epub).epub 276.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/S B Roozenboom - A Taste of Silver (b) (epub).epub 276.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Cheryl Wyatt - [Eagle Point Emergency 03] - The Nurse's Secret Suitor [LI-808] (retail) (epub).epub 276.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Mimi Foster - [Thunder On the Mountain 01] - Thunder Snow (epub).epub 276.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Katia Lief as Kate Pepper - One Cold Night (epub).epub 276.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Chloe Young - The Beach House (epub).epub 276.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Audrey Stover - Coming Home (epub).epub 276.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Felicity Young - [Doctor Dody McCleland 01] - The Anatomy of Death (A Dissection of Murder) (epub).epub 276.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Helene Tursten - [Inspector Irene Huss 06] - The Fire Dance (ARC) (epub).epub 276.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Ariana Gael - [Braving Love 01] - Cornered (azw3).azw3 275.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/George R R Martin - The Lonely Songs of Laren Dorr (v5.0) (epub).epub 275.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jennifer Haymore - [House of Trent 01.5] - His for Christmas (epub).epub 275.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ralph W Cotton - Lawman from Nogales (retail) (epub).epub 275.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Callie Sparks - Hot Water (epub).epub 275.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Victor Methos - [Plague 02] - Pestilence (mobi).mobi 275.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jim DeFelice as James Ferro - [Hogs 05] - Target Saddam (epub).epub 275.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Ross Thomas - [Mac McCorkle 01] - The Cold War Swap (epub).epub 275.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Cecily White - [Angel Academy 01] - Prophecy Girl (retail) (epub).epub 275.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Heather Long - [Always a Marine 17] - A Marine of Plenty [Decadent] (mobi).mobi 275.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Kelly Jamieson - [Rule of Three 02] - Rhythm of Three [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 274.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Elizabeth Otto - [Paint River Ranch 01] - Tempting the Cowboy (epub).epub 274.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Elizabeth J Duncan - [Penny Brannigan 05] - Never Laugh as a Hearse Goes By (epub).epub 274.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Joan Aiken - The Five-Minute Marriage [WAR-1] (epub).epub 274.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Tori Brooks - [Lexi Frost 02] - Flynn's In (epub).epub 274.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Larisa Anderson - The Millionaire's Convenient Bride [Evernight] (epub).epub 274.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Nancy Kricorian - All the Light There Was (epub).epub 274.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Holly S Roberts - [Completion 01] - Play (epub).epub 274.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Celina Reyer - Reclaiming Her Alpha (epub).epub 274.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Amber L Johnson - Where We Fell (mobi).mobi 274.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Alexia Stark - Clint [MF] (mobi).mobi 274.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Lani Diane Rich - Ex and the Single Girl (epub).epub 274.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Erin Mayes - [Nicky Beets 01] - Bigger (epub).epub 274.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Bill Rees - The Loneliness of the Long Distance Book Runner (retail) (epub).epub 274.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Elliott James - [Pax Arcana 00.6] - Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls (epub).epub 274.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Lissa Kasey - [Dominion 02] - Reclamation [Dreamspinner MM] (epub).epub 273.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Aileen Fish - [Danby Summons] - The Viscount's Sweet Temptation (epub).epub 273.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Bruce Alexander - [Sir John Fielding 10] - The Price of Murder (retail) (epub).epub 273.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Lorelei James - [Rough Riders 14.5] - Short Rides (King of Hearts; Rough Road; All Knocked Up) (mobi).mobi 273.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Bianca D'Arc - [Tales of the Were - Redstone Clan 02] - Red [MF] (epub).epub 273.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Hazel Gower - [Sin City Shifters 01] - Sasha's Lion [Evernight] (epub).epub 273.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Megan Flint - [Firecracker 03] - Firecracker Under Pressure [MF] (azw3).azw3 273.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Megan Hart - Tear You Apart (v5.0) (epub).epub 273.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Libby Sparks - Cupid's Daughter (mobi).mobi 272.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Elle Jordan - Infatuated (epub).epub 272.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Cecil R Cross II - First Semester [TRU] (retail) (epub).epub 272.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Shelley Shepard Gray - [Sisters of the Heart 04] - Grace (epub).epub 272.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Mark London Williams - [Danger Boy 04] - City of Ruins (retail) (epub).epub 272.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jayne Castle - [Guinevere Jones 01] - The Desperate Game (epub).epub 272.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Taylor Storm - [Who 03] - Who Loves Her (epub).epub 272.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Lani Lynn Vale - [FreeBirds 02] - Highway Don't Care (epub).epub 272.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Valerie S Malmont - [Tori Miracle 01] - Death Pays the Rose Rent (epub).epub 272.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Lisa Swann - Rocked by a Billionaire - vol 01 [MF] (epub).epub 272.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Opal Carew - [Three 02] - Three Men and a Bride [MF] (mobi).mobi 272.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Carol A Spradling - Shades of Gray (epub).epub 272.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Rebecca Lee Smith - A Shadow on the Ground (epub).epub 272.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Kathleen Collins - [Realm Walker 01] - Realm Walker (epub).epub 272.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Belinda Elkaim - [Has Cupid Gone Mad 01] - Surviving the War of Hearts (azw3).azw3 272.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Sarah Smiley - Going Overboard- The Misadventures of a Military Wife (retail) (epub).epub 272.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Charlene Newberg - Hide and Seek (mobi).mobi 272.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Faith Price - Scarred (mobi).mobi 271.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mischa Hiller - Sabra Zoo (retail) (epub).epub 271.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Ed Baldwin - The Devil On Chardonnay (epub).epub 271.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/April Brookshire - [Beware of Bad Boy 01] - Beware of Bad Boy (epub).epub 271.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jane Porter & Tanya Michaels - My Cowboy Valentine (Be Mine, Cowboy; Hill Country Cupid) [HAR-1438] (retail) (epub).epub 271.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Love N Joy - Honey Flavored Tears (azw3).azw3 271.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Lisa Mondello - [Dakota Hearts 01] - Her Dakota Man (epub).epub 271.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Robin Bielman - [Secret Wishes 02] - Her Accidental Boyfriend (epub).epub 271.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 339] - The Lady Doctor's Alibi (mobi).mobi 271.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Ivory Lei - How to Wed an Earl (epub).epub 271.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Michael Wallace - [Righteous 03] - The Wicked (epub).epub 271.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Marcus Johnson - [Freedom Saga 01] - Heaven's Light (epub).epub 270.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Natalie Dieudonne - Worth the Risk (mobi).mobi 270.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Charlene Weir - [Susan Wren 01] - The Winter Widow (retail) (epub).epub 270.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Alexx Andria - [Leverage 01] - Leverage- Part 1 [MF] (mobi).mobi 270.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Karen Rose - [Baltimore 03.5] - Broken Silence (epub).epub 270.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Taryn A Taylor - Mr Wrong (epub).epub 270.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Julia Buckley - [Madeline Mann Mystery 03] - One Fool at Least (mobi).mobi 270.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Allyson Lindt - [A Working Girl's Guide 01] - Unconventional Fling [LSB] (mobi).mobi 270.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Robert Paine - [The Dead Road 01-04] - The Complete Collection (Isolation; Maybridge; Stockton; Survival) (azw3).azw3 269.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Linda Sue Park - Project Mulberry (retail) (epub).epub 269.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Curtis G Richardson - The Cellar (mobi).mobi 269.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Frank Baldwin - Jake & Mimi (retail) (epub).epub 269.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Dorothy Eden - Waiting for Willa (v5.0) (epub).epub 269.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/John Dummer - Son of Serge Bastarde- Mayhem in the Antiques Markets of Rural France (retail) (epub).epub 269.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jory Sherman - [Sidewinder 02] - Snake Eyes (retail) (epub).epub 269.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Suzanne D Williams - Glass (epub).epub 269.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Michael Goins - Killer Diamonds (epub).epub 269.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Charlene Weir - [Susan Wren 02] - Consider the Crows (retail) (epub).epub 269.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Emily Jane Trent - [Touched By You 06] - Forbidden Pleasures [MF] (mobi).mobi 269.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Joanna Wilson - Reunion with Her Alpha (mobi).mobi 269.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/J F Jenkins - [Vala 01] - Agendas (retail) (epub).epub 268.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Roselynn Reyes - [Touched by an Angel 01] - My Sweet Escape (epub).epub 268.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Ella Dominguez - [Continental Affair 02] - Continental Beginnings [MF] (epub).epub 268.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Brandy Jeffus Corona - Love, Kinsey (mobi).mobi 268.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/The Three Doctors (Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, Rameck Hunt) - The Bond- Three Young Men Learn to Forgive Their Fathers (epub).epub 268.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Merrill Joan Gerber - You Are Always Safe With Me (v5.0) (epub).epub 268.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Pamela Bauer - Mail Order Cowboy [HAR-718] (epub).epub 268.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Alannah Carbonneau - Enraptured (epub).epub 268.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Ginny Baird - [Holiday Brides 05] - Baby, Be Mine (mobi).mobi 268.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jeffrey A Carver - [Star Rigger 03] - Panglor (epub).epub 268.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Martin V Parece II - [Cor Chronicles 02] - Fire and Steel (epub).epub 268.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/C J Cherryh - [Rusalka 03] - Yvgenie (v1.1) (epub).epub 268.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Jenika Snow - [Wylde Bears 01] - Bared for Her Bear [Evernight] (epub).epub 267.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Mary Ellen Gorry - [Vampire Chronicle 01] - After the Fall (azw3).azw3 267.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/J D McKenna - [Winterhaven 01] - The Dead Familiar (epub).epub 267.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lolita Lopez - [Dragon Heat 02] - Red Hot Dragon [MF] (mobi).mobi 267.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Stanislaw Lem - A Perfect Vacuum (v5.0) (epub).epub 267.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Lucinda DuBois - [The DeLuca Brothers 01] - One Step Closer [MF] (mobi).mobi 266.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Alicia Bessette - Pinch of Love (Simply from Scratch) (retail) (epub).epub 266.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Joanna Scott - Liberation (retail) (epub).epub 266.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Rachel Schurig - Escape In You (epub).epub 266.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Kelly McCrady - Hearts in Bloom (mobi).mobi 266.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Clarissa Wild - [The Billionaire's Bet 03] - A Risky Raise [MF] (mobi).mobi 266.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/James Gunn - Transcendental (v5.0) (epub).epub 266.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Howard Engel - [Benny Cooperman 02] - The Ransom Game (retail) (epub).epub 266.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Andrew Kaufman - The Waterproof Bible (epub).epub 266.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Rhonda Gibson - Stuck on You (mobi).mobi 265.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Natalie Dae - [What's Her Secret 01] - The Submissive's Secret [TEB] (mobi).mobi 265.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Miranda Rush - [Amish Heart 01] - Amish Heart [MF] (epub).epub 265.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Sabrina York - [Tryst Island 04] - Heart of Ash [MF] (epub).epub 265.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Samantha Holt - To Steal a Highlander's Heart (mobi).mobi 265.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Anna Goldfarb - Clearly, I Didn't Think This Through- The Story of One Tall Girl's Irresponsible Life Decisions (retail) (epub).epub 265.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Robert Olen Butler - Mr Spaceman (epub).epub 265.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Lee Moore - [The Gardeners 01] - Sister in Law [MF] (epub).epub 265.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Vanessa Devereaux - Dreaming [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (epub).epub 265.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Michael Wallace - [Dark Citadel 01] - The Dark Citadel (epub).epub 265.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Erin M Leaf - Mr Rockstar [Evernight] (epub).epub 265.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Joanna Wilson - A Wolf of Wall Street (mobi).mobi 265.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 344] - Anatomy of a Lawman (mobi).mobi 264.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Chloe Young - The Beach House (azw3).azw3 264.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Thierry Jonquet - Tarantula- The Skin I Live In (mobi).mobi 264.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Benjamin Black - [Quirke 06] - Holy Orders (epub).epub 264.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Tanya Goodwin - [Dr Gabriella Van Court 01] - Fang Hospital (azw3).azw3 264.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Allyson Young - Virile [Evernight] (epub).epub 264.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Wenguang Huang - The Little Red Guard- A Family Memoir (azw3).azw3 264.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Tia Louise - One to Hold (mobi).mobi 264.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Beverly Preston - [Mathews-Clemmins Family 01] - Shayla's Story (epub).epub 264.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Sarah Gilman - Ghosts of the Falls (epub).epub 264.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Howard Engel - [Benny Cooperman 03] - Murder on Location (retail) (epub).epub 264.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Linda Weaver Clarke - [Bear Lake Family Saga 01] - Melinda and the Wild West (epub).epub 264.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Joffre White - [Frog 01] - Frog (retail) (epub).epub 264.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Kim Allison - Dare to be Mine (epub).epub 264.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Laura Wright - [Wicked Ink Chronicles 02] - Shattered Ink - Addison (mobi).mobi 264.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Mary Burton - Heart of the Storm [HH-757] (epub).epub 263.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Joanna Wilson - A Wolf of Wall Street (azw3).azw3 263.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Miel Vermeulen - The Loverboy (epub).epub 263.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Emma Miller - [Hannah's Daughters 05] - Redeeming Grace (retail) (epub).epub 263.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Nikki Pink - [Sons of Mayhem 03] - War and Vengeance (mobi).mobi 263.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Trinity Blacio - [Masters of the Cats 02] - Dee's Hard Limits [MF] (epub).epub 263.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Nickie Seidler - A Tattered Love (epub).epub 263.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Olivia Mayfield - [Inheritance 03] - The Inheritance Part III (epub).epub 263.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Kristina Knight - Mr Right Now [Lyrical] (epub).epub 262.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/John R Tunis - [Brooklyn Dodgers 01] - The Kid from Tomkinsville (retail) (epub).epub 262.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Michael M Farnsworth - Diary of an Angel (epub).epub 262.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Emma Brown - [Sweet Harmony 01-04] - Sweet Harmony- The Complete Collection (The Intro; The Verse; The Chorus; The Encore) (azw3).azw3 262.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Rogue Jones - [The Givers 01-02] - The Givers & Forcible Return (mobi).mobi 262.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jackie Nacht - [Knavish Sprites 01] - Taming Sweet Puck [eXtasy MM] (mobi).mobi 261.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Ella Price - [Romeo's Secrets 03] - Romeo's Secrets- vol 3 [MF] (mobi).mobi 261.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Becca Jameson - [Wolf Gathering 01] - Tarnished (mobi).mobi 261.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jenna Allen - [Happily Bedded Bliss 01] - Desire Renewed [MF] (mobi).mobi 261.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Doranna Durgin - [Demon Blade 02] - Claimed by the Demon [NOCT-169] (epub).epub 261.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Dan Chaon - Fitting Ends- Stories (epub).epub 261.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Judith K Ivie - [Kate Lawrence 06] - Auld Lang Syne (epub).epub 261.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Melanie Schuster - [Cochran-Deveraux 02] - Until the End of Time [Arabesque] (epub).epub 261.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Caryl Phillips - In the Falling Snow (retail) (epub).epub 261.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Christina Adam - Love and Country (retail) (epub).epub 261.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Curtis G Richardson - The Cellar (azw3).azw3 261.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Fiona McFarlane - The Night Guest (epub).epub 261.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Meg Perry - [Jamie Brodie Mystery 02] - Hoarded to Death (epub).epub 261.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Alexia Stark - [Halloween's Forbidden Lust 01] - Blaze [MF] (epub).epub 261.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Sienna Stapleton - Reckless Curves [MF] (mobi).mobi 261.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Wafa Sultan - A God Who Hates- The Courageous Woman Who Inflamed the Muslim World Speaks Out Against the Evils of Islam (epub).epub 261.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Emma Weylin - [Secret Blood 01] - Dark Forest [LSB] (mobi).mobi 260.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Cindy Jacks - Wilder's Fantasies [MF] (mobi).mobi 260.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Clyde Burleson - Kursk Down- The Shocking True Story of the Sinking of a Russian Nuclear Submarine (retail) (epub).epub 260.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Dale Mayer - [Gemma Stone Mystery 01] - Gem Stone (retail) (epub).epub 260.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Yasushi Inoue - The Izu Dancer and Other Stories (The Counterfeiter; Obasute; The Full Moon) (epub).epub 260.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Rosie Rushton - [Leehampton 01] - Just Don't Make a Scene, Mum! (retail) (epub).epub 260.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Heather Thurmeier - Stuck on You (epub).epub 260.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Kayla Perrin - [Harts in Love 02] - Surrender My Heart [HKR-285] (retail) (epub).epub 260.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Katia Lief - [Karin Schaeffer 01] - You Are Next (epub).epub 260.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Clarissa Wild - [The Billionaire's Bet 02] - A Hot Call [MF] (mobi).mobi 260.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Lauren Carr - [Mac Faraday Mystery 01] - It's Murder, My Son (epub).epub 259.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jennifer L Armentrout as J Lynn - [Wait for You 01.5] - Trust in Me (epub).epub 259.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Ronald Wintrick - The Vampire-Alien Chronicles (epub).epub 259.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Betty McBride - Ugly (mobi).mobi 259.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Charlene Weir - [Susan Wren 05] - A Cold Christmas (retail) (epub).epub 259.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Will Self - Tough, Tough Toys for Tough, Tough Boys (epub).epub 259.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Louis Auchincloss - Honorable Men (v5.0) (epub).epub 259.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Eric Walters - [Camp X 03] - Fool's Gold (retail) (epub).epub 259.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Miranda Rush - [Amish Heart 01] - Amish Heart [MF] (azw3).azw3 259.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Patricia Halloff - Sisypuss- Memoirs of a Vagabond Cat (azw3).azw3 259.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Eric Bishop-Potter - Jimmy, Mrs Fisher and Me (epub).epub 258.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/MaryJanice Davidson - Under Cover (v1.1) (epub).epub 258.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Ally Forbes - Harkett's Haven (mobi).mobi 258.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Shane Jeffery - Skarzy (mobi).mobi 258.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Loucinda McGary - Dead Girl in a Green Dress (epub).epub 258.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Carolyne Aarsen - [The Heart of Main Street 01] - The Bachelor Baker [LI-793] (retail) (epub).epub 258.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/J A Huss - [Rook and Ronin 03] - Panic (epub).epub 258.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Kate Hanney - Someone Different (epub).epub 258.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Cassandra Clark - [Abbess of Meaux Mystery 04] - A Parliament of Spies (epub).epub 258.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Shirley Martin - Midnight for Morgana (epub).epub 258.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Don Aker - The First Stone (retail) (epub).epub 258.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Roseanne Dowell - All In the Family (epub).epub 258.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Sadie Matthews - [Season of Desire 02] - A Lesson of Intensity (mobi).mobi 258.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Bill Pronzini & Jeffrey Wallmann as William Jeffrey - Border Fever (retail) (epub).epub 257.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Fabio Bueno - [Singularity 02] - Broken Spell (epub).epub 257.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Gail Koger - [Coletti Warlords 03] - Vexing Voss [Loose Id] (epub).epub 257.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Megan Noelle - [For You 02] - Fighting for You (epub).epub 257.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Adriana Hunter - Better Mate Than Never (mobi).mobi 257.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Melissa Wright - [Frey Saga 02] - Pieces of Eight (retail) (epub).epub 257.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Amy Sparling - [Summer Unplugged 02] - Autumn Unlocked (mobi).mobi 257.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Evan Roskos - Dr Bird's Advice for Sad Poets (epub).epub 257.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Helen Karol - [Choices 00.5] - The Plan (epub).epub 257.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Nimmu - Wings (epub).epub 257.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Amity Hope - Fighting Fate (epub).epub 257.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Erica Jong - What Do Women Want- Essays (v5.0) (epub).epub 257.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Jamie Begley - [The VIP Room 01] - Teased [MF] (epub).epub 257.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Marta Perry - [Pleasant Valley 03] - Anna's Return (epub).epub 256.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Lee Smith - Black Mountain Breakdown (v5.0) (epub).epub 256.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Debie Esmeralda - [Unlikely 01] - Unlikely To Fall In Love (epub).epub 256.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tabor Evans - [Longarm 396] - Longarm and the Castle of the Damned (retail) (epub).epub 256.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Nancy J Cohen - [Bad Hair Day 10] - Shear Murder (epub).epub 256.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 01] - Absolution by Murder (epub).epub 256.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Louis Auchincloss - The Golden Calves (v5.0) (epub).epub 256.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Deni D'Amore - A Cold Day in Hell [MF] (mobi).mobi 256.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/N Kuhn - Love's Interception (mobi).mobi 256.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Judy Blume - Wifey (retail) (epub).epub 256.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Victoria Blisse - Sharing Nicely [MF] (epub).epub 256.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Dana Mentink - [Stormswept 01] - Shock Wave [LI-352] (retail) (epub).epub 256.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Jeanne Harrell - [Rancher 02] - Whisperer (epub).epub 255.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Linda Weaver Clarke - [Bear Lake Family Saga 02] - Edith and the Mysterious Stranger (epub).epub 255.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Charles Finch - [Charles Lenox Mysteries 04.5] - An East End Murder (epub).epub 255.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Ava Rush - [Toyboy Lover 01] - Sleeping With the Help (mobi).mobi 255.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Eric Walters - [Camp X 04] - Shell Shocked (retail) (epub).epub 255.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jean Brashear - Millionaire in Disguise [SSE-1416, MSE-1517] (epub).epub 255.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/John R Tunis - [Brooklyn Dodgers 05] - The Kid Comes Back (retail) (epub).epub 255.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lucy J Whittaker - Someone Perfect for Mr Moore (mobi).mobi 254.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Vicky Loebel - Speakeasy Dead (epub).epub 254.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Lisa James - Mummy Knew (epub).epub 254.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Kit Pearson - [Guests of War 01] - The Sky is Falling (retail) (epub).epub 254.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/September Roberts - Sweet Chemistry [LSB] (epub).epub 254.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Belinda Elkaim - [Has Cupid Gone Mad 02] - Round N Around We Go (epub).epub 254.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Elizabeth Power - Visconti's Forgotten Heir [HP-3191, MMR-1341] (epub).epub 254.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kristine Rolofson - [Willing to Wed 01] - The Husband School [HHW] (epub).epub 254.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jaime Rush - [Hidden 00.6] - Dragon Rising (epub).epub 254.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/T K Rapp - Being There (epub).epub 254.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Susan Wiggs - [Lakeshore Chronicles 10] - Candlelight Christmas (epub).epub 254.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Ann Lauterbach - Or to Begin Again (v5.0) (epub).epub 254.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/K A Mitchell - [Bad in Baltimore 03] - Bad Attitude [Samhain MM] (mobi).mobi 254.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Chris Crutcher - [Stotan 01] - Stotan (retail) (epub).epub 254.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Lindsay Jayne Ashford - Strange Blood (retail) (epub).epub 254.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Silvia Moreno-Garcia - Other Lives (mobi).mobi 254.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Martin Hengst - [Swordmage 03] - The Pegasus's Lament (epub).epub 254.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Christine Poulson - [Cambridge Mystery with Cassandra James 02] - Stage Fright (retail) (epub).epub 253.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Donna Jo Napoli - [Stones in Water 02] - Fire in the Hills (retail) (epub).epub 253.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Mary M Hall-Rayford - My Father's Gift (epub).epub 253.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/R D Abruzzese - [Professor McCauley Mystery 01] - The Instrumental Rabbi (mobi).mobi 253.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner 060] - Sold for Slaughter - Don Pendleton (fb2).fb2 253.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Mary L Farmer - Dark Lightning, Part 01 (ch 01-14) (epub).epub 253.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Michael G Thomas - [Star Crusades Nexus 06] - Call to Arms (epub).epub 253.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Julia Buckley - [Madeline Mann Mystery 02] - Lovely, Dark, and Deep (mobi).mobi 253.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Warhammer 40,000 - [Lords of the Space Marines 01.5] - Mephiston- Lord of Death - David Annandale (mobi).mobi 252.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Gwen Knight - Her Alpha Protector [NOCT Cravings] (mobi).mobi 252.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Michael Armstrong - The Hidden War (retail) (epub).epub 252.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Greyhawk - Night Watch - Robin Wayne Bailey (epub).epub 252.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Emme Rollins - [Dear Rockstar 02] - Lucky Girl (epub).epub 252.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/R D Abruzzese - [Professor McCauley Mystery 01] - The Instrumental Rabbi (azw3).azw3 252.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Nicole Hildreth - 186 Miles (epub).epub 251.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Robert Brumm - Black Water Creek (epub).epub 251.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Sabrina Devonshire - Seaside Seduction (mobi).mobi 251.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jonathan Yanez - [Elite 02] - The Trials (epub).epub 251.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Christa Wick - [A Billionaire's BBW 01] - Smothered [MF] (mobi).mobi 250.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Krista Lakes - Burned (epub).epub 250.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Megan Flint - [Firecracker 03] - Firecracker Under Pressure [MF] (epub).epub 250.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Robert Spencer - Not Peace but a Sword- The Great Chasm Between Christianity and Islam (epub).epub 250.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Ralph Compton - Slaughter Canyon - Joseph A West (retail) (epub).epub 250.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Elizabeth Rose - [Greek Myth Fantasy] - The Oracle of Delphi (epub).epub 250.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/H J Bellus - [My Way 02] - My Today (epub).epub 250.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Jennifer Lyon - [Plus One Chronicles 03] - Obsession [MF] (epub).epub 250.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Kristina Ludwig - A First Time for Everything (mobi).mobi 250.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jordan Silver - His Xmas Surprise [MF] (mobi).mobi 250.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Greg Krehbiel - The Witch's Promise (epub).epub 250.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Katia Lief - Waterbury (epub).epub 250.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Vanessa Devereaux - Baby, It's Cold Outside [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (mobi).mobi 249.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Emily Jane Trent - [Adam & Ella 03] - Cherished (epub).epub 249.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Felicity Young - A Certain Malice (epub).epub 249.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Debbie Macomber - Starry Night (epub).epub 249.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Guy Adams - [Heaven's Gate 02] - Once Upon a Time in Hell (epub).epub 249.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Marilyn Baron - Significant Others (epub).epub 249.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Ginny Atkinson - [Savioe Family 01] - Tangled Up In You (epub).epub 249.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Alaska Angelini - [Masters of Darkness 01] - Their Dark Hunter [Evernight] (epub).epub 249.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Blair Mastbaum - Clay's Way (epub).epub 249.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jayne Castle - [Guinevere Jones 04] - The Fatal Fortune (epub).epub 248.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/John Dummer - Serge Bastarde Ate My Baguette- On the Road in the Real Rural France (retail) (epub).epub 248.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Lucy Kevin - [Four Weddings and a Fiasco 01] - The Wedding Gift (mobi).mobi 248.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Taylor Morris - [Hello, Gorgeous! 01] - Blowout (retail) (epub).epub 248.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Tamar Myers - [Pennsylvania Dutch 03] - No Use Dying Over Spilled Milk (epub).epub 248.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Carol Massey - [Diana Scott 01] - Beyond Betrayal [MF] (azw3).azw3 248.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Zoey Foster - [Crimson 01] - Her Love Ran Crimson (epub).epub 248.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Johnny B Truant - [Fat Vampire 06] - Survival of the Fattest (epub).epub 248.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Geraldine O'Hara - [What's Her Secret 01] - Secret Seductress [MF] (mobi).mobi 248.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Paul Adam - [Gianni Castiglione 02] - Paganini's Ghost (retail) (epub).epub 248.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Jacquie Underdown - Beautiful Illusion (epub).epub 248.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Maddie Taylor - [Club Decadence 04] - Little Light of Mine [Blushing] (epub).epub 248.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Raine English - [Tempted 01] - Date with a Vampire (epub).epub 248.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/K S Martin - The Reluctant Alpha (epub).epub 248.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Martha McPhee - Bright Angel Time (epub).epub 248.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Jonathan J Drake - Zombie Mage (epub).epub 247.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Lee Moore - [The Gardeners 03] - Sharing Sisters [MF] (azw3).azw3 247.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Thomma Lyn Grindstaff - Maestro (epub).epub 247.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Sarra Cannon - [Fairhope 02.5] - A Season for Hope [The 12 NA's of Christmas] (epub).epub 247.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Scarlet Rose - [Veronica's Secret 01] - Falling Hard (mobi).mobi 247.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Alison Tyler - [A Story of Submission 01] - Dark Secret Love [Black Lace] (epub).epub 247.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Rose Pressey - [Halloween LaVeau 03] - Third Time's a Charm (epub).epub 247.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/David Bowker - [Rawhead 03] - I Love My Smith & Wesson (retail) (epub).epub 247.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Summer Jordan - A Tangled Web [MF] (epub).epub 247.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Elizabeth Goddard - Riptide [LIS-350] (retail) (epub).epub 246.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jennifer Ransom - Hand-Me-Down Love (epub).epub 246.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Donnee Patrese - Diary of a Wanted Woman [MF] (epub).epub 246.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Debora Dennis - [Starlight Hills 01] - Muffins and Mistletoe (mobi).mobi 246.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Maggie Shayne - Zombies! A Love Story (mobi).mobi 246.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Kimberly Raye - Gettin' Lucky [HLAL-50] (epub).epub 246.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/C S Janey - [Love 01] - Love Renewed (epub).epub 246.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Olga Toprover - The President is No More [russian-english] (azw3).azw3 246.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lucy Ellis - A Dangerous Solace [HP-3189, MMR-1343] (epub).epub 246.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Victora Ashley - Wake Up Call (epub).epub 246.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/E Hughes - Business as Usual (epub).epub 246.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Patricia A McKillip - Fool's Run (v1.1) (epub).epub 246.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Diane Roth - [Texas Wildfire 01] - The Other Brooks Boy (epub).epub 246.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Amber Garza - Winning Me Over (epub).epub 246.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Pulp - 10-Story Detective.46.11.Hot News from Satan - Ken Lewis (pdf).pdf 245.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Kirsten McCurran - Swinging Saved Our Marriage [MF] (epub).epub 245.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Ralph Compton - [Sundown Riders 10] - Nowhere, TX - David Robbins (retail) (epub).epub 245.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Jenika Snow - [Wylde Bears 02] - A Fox Between the Bear's Sheets [Evernight] (epub).epub 245.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Natasha Sparks - [French Affair 01-04] - The French Affair; The French General; The French Marquis; The French Emperor (epub).epub 245.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Cynthia Harrison - [Blue Lake 01] - Blue Heaven (epub).epub 245.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Shar Dimick - [Lake of the Pines] - Take a Deep Breath (epub).epub 245.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Robert Wilson - [Bruce Medway 02] - The Big Killing (v5.0) (epub).epub 245.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Meghan Quinn - [Hot-Lanta 01] - Caught Looking (epub).epub 245.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Richard Kadrey - Dead Set (epub).epub 245.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Erika Rhys - [On the Brink 01] - On the Brink (epub).epub 245.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Tracy Black - Never a Hero to Me (epub).epub 245.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Anthony Hyde - A Private House (retail) (epub).epub 245.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Richard Price - Bloodbrothers (v5.0) (epub).epub 244.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Rick Gualtieri - [The Tome of Bill] - Sunset Strip (epub).epub 244.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Emma Michaels - [Society of Feathers 01] - Owlet (epub).epub 244.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jez Strider - Lovely (epub).epub 244.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Kristine Dalton - Looking Out for Lexy (epub).epub 244.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Sorell Oates - [British Billionaires 01] - Exclusive Love (epub).epub 244.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Linda Wisdom - [Jazz Tremaine 04.5] - Hotel Hex (mobi).mobi 244.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Christine Bell - [Dare Me 02.5] - Down the Aisle (mobi).mobi 244.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Christine D'Abo - [Friends and Benefits 02] - Club Wonderland [MF] (epub).epub 244.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Sarah Ann Walker - [I am Her 02] - This Is Me (epub).epub 244.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Chelsea Scott - Hungry for More (epub).epub 244.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Aldous Huxley - Crome Yellow (retail) (epub).epub 243.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Carol Massey - [Diana Scott 01] - Beyond Betrayal [MF] (epub).epub 243.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Julie Rowe - [War Girls 03] - Aiding the Enemy (mobi).mobi 243.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Amanda Sandton - [Coup de Foudre 02] - Waking the Wolf (epub).epub 243.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Meghan Quinn - [Warbler's Point 01] - Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (epub).epub 243.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Shauna McGuiness - Frankie in Paris (epub).epub 243.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Bruce Jay Bloom - Nice Place for a Murder (epub).epub 243.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Jill Sanders - [Pride 06] - Red Hot Christmas (epub).epub 243.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Heather Thurmeier - [Meadow Ridge 03] - Love or Luxury (epub).epub 243.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Cassie Allee - Taking Risks (epub).epub 243.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Anna Kristell - If You Love Me (epub).epub 243.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Nancy Werlin - Double Helix (retail) (epub).epub 243.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Michele Shriver - Finding Forever (epub).epub 243.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Helen Harper - [Blood Destiny 05] - Bloodlust (epub).epub 242.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Marta Perry - [Pleasant Valley 01] - Leah's Choice (epub).epub 242.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Jennifer Smith - Ghostly Touch (mobi).mobi 242.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Shelli Stevens - [Savage 03] - Savage Revenge [Samhain] (epub).epub 242.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Sam Crescent - [Cape Falls 05] - Moving On [Evernight] (epub).epub 242.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Martha Conway - 12 Bliss Street (retail) (epub).epub 242.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Kathi S Barton - [Samuel's Pride 01] - Samuel (epub).epub 242.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Maryrose Wood - [Morgan Rawlinson 03] - What I Wore to Save the World (retail) (epub).epub 242.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Emma Lai - [Star-Taken 01] - First Take (epub).epub 242.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/J Lee Coulter - Lokai's Curse (epub).epub 242.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Taylor Brooks - The Philanthropist and the Paratrooper [Siren Everlasting Classic ManLove] (mobi).mobi 242.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Kevin J Anderson - Dark Labyrinth 1 (v5.0) (epub).epub 242.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Carol Anshaw - Lucky in the Corner (v5.0) (epub).epub 241.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Olivia Rigal - Jade (mobi).mobi 241.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Rebecca M Hale - [Quirky Tales from the Caribbean 01] - Ode to a Fish Sandwich (v5.0) (epub).epub 241.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Ruby Laska - [The Boomtown Boys 01] - Black Gold (epub).epub 241.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Lila Munro - [At Your Service 01] - Tammer (mobi).mobi 241.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/J L Weil - [Divisa 02.5] - Breaking Emma (epub).epub 241.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/K Rowe - [Dar's Adventures in Space 01] - Space Crazy (epub).epub 241.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/John R Tunis - All-American (retail) (epub).epub 241.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Dale Mayer - In Cassie's Corner (epub).epub 241.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Ella Elias - [The Dragons 01] - Captivated (mobi).mobi 241.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jennifer Smith - GRRR! [MF] (mobi).mobi 241.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Heather Chase - In Service to the Billionaire (epub).epub 241.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Tanya Goodwin - [Dr Gabriella Van Court 01] - Fang Hospital (epub).epub 241.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Brooke Jaxsen - [Club Grit 02] - Throb (epub).epub 240.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Katie Welsby - [Blaisdell Chronicles 01] - In the Shadows (epub).epub 240.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Alan Dean Foster - [Pip and Flinx 08] - Flinx's Folly (epub).epub 240.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Brent Acuff - [Undead Nation 02] - Rescue (mobi).mobi 240.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Cassandra Clare - [The Bane Chronicles 05] - The Rise of the Hotel Dumort - Maureen Johnson (epub).epub 240.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Erica Stevens - [The Kindred 05] - Phoenix Rising (epub).epub 240.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Eliza Hastings - [Hot Blooded Episode 01] - The Prodigal Prince (mobi).mobi 240.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/N J Walters - [Hades' Carnival 04] - Howl of the Wolf [Samhain] (epub).epub 240.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Rebecca A Rogers - [Dead 01] - Almost Dead (epub).epub 240.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Lori Pescatore - [Blend 01] - Human Blend (retail) (epub).epub 240.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Howard Engel - [Benny Cooperman 11] - Memory Book (retail) (epub).epub 240.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Tianna Xander - [Dragon Bound 05] - The Water Dragon [eXtasy] (epub).epub 240.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Brenda Whiteside - Amanda in the Summer (mobi).mobi 240.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Rogue Jones - [The Givers 01-02] - The Givers & Forcible Return (azw3).azw3 239.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Kenzi Costello - Misguided [MF] (mobi).mobi 239.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Haleigh Lovell - [Vivian's List 01] - Vivian's List [MF] (epub).epub 239.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Anna Mackenzie - [Sea-wreck Stranger 02] - Ebony Hill (epub).epub 239.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Bernard Schaffer - [Guns of Seneca 6 Saga 03] - Magnificent Guns of Seneca 6 (epub).epub 239.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Kirsten DeMuzio - Fourth Down (epub).epub 239.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Tracie Puckett - [Just a Little 08] - Just a Little Reminder (epub).epub 239.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Vanessa Devereaux - Baby, It's Cold Outside [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (epub).epub 239.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jackie Nacht - [Knavish Sprites 01] - Taming Sweet Puck [eXtasy MM] (epub).epub 239.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Jennifer Dellerman - [The Orchard 01] - Hot Licks [Ravenous] (epub).epub 239.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Jackie Ivie - [Vampire Assassin League 15] - Hold Their Peace (mobi).mobi 239.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Annie Seaton - [Affair 03] - Outback Affair (epub).epub 238.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Trish Milburn - Out of the Night [NOCT-170] (html).rar 238.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Brooklyn Skye - [Stripped 01] - Stripped (epub).epub 238.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Cat Devon - [Entity 02.5] - The Entity Who Came for Christmas (epub).epub 238.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tabor Evans - [Longarm 397] - Longarm and the Doomed Beauty (retail) (epub).epub 238.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Crissy Smith - [Were Chronicles 07] - Pack Daughter [TEB] (mobi).mobi 238.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jon Sharpe - [The Trailsman 361] - Utah Deadly Double (retail) (epub).epub 238.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Emily Jane Trent - [Touched By You 04] - Bound By Love [MF] (epub).epub 238.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Mercy Amare - Char (epub).epub 238.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jonathan Goldstein - Ladies and Gentlemen, the Bible! (retail) (epub).epub 238.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Cynthia Eden - [Mine 03] - Mine To Hold (epub).epub 238.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sydney Alykxander Walker - [Breaking Bonds 01] - To Be Free (epub).epub 238.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Chelsea Camaron - [Daddy's Girls 02.5] - Full Throttle (epub).epub 237.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Christyne Butler - The Maverick's Summer Love [SSE-2275, Montana Mavericks- Rust Creek Cowboys 02] (epub).epub 237.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/S J Morris - Finding Alice (epub).epub 237.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Heather Peters - This Time, Forever (mobi).mobi 237.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/James Cox - Eat, Sleep, Fuck- The Wit & Wisdom of the World Wide Web - Vol 04 (epub).epub 237.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Sabrina Darby - Private Research [MF] (epub).epub 237.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Kate Avery Ellison - [Frost Chronicles 05] - Aeralis (epub).epub 237.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Jordan Silver - [The Mancini Way 01] - Catch Me If You Can (mobi).mobi 237.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Fritz Leiber - [Fafhrd and Gray Mouser 06] - Swords and Ice Magic (epub).epub 237.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Sadie Matthews - [Season of Desire 01] - A Lesson in the Storm (mobi).mobi 237.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Alaska Angelini - The 30 Day Sub [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 236.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Julia Buckley - [Teddy Thurber Mystery 01] - The Ghosts of Lovely Women (epub).epub 236.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Ken Pelham - Tales of Old Brigands Key (mobi).mobi 236.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Joyce and Jim Lavene - [Renaissance Faire Mystery 05.5] - Perilous Pranks (epub).epub 236.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Raven McAllan - [Dance Studio 03] - Bow to Your Partner [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 236.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Mark Edwards - Chrissel's Fire (azw3).azw3 236.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Sara Rosett - [On the Run 03] - Deceptive (epub).epub 235.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Komal Kant - Wrong Side of Town (epub).epub 235.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Alix Kirsta - Island of the Damned (mobi).mobi 235.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Alaska Angelini - Two Doms, One Night [MF] (mobi).mobi 235.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/James McBride - Miracle at St Anna (retail) (epub).epub 235.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Becky Andrews - My Brother's Best Friend (epub).epub 235.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Cera D Colby - Dark DNA (mobi).mobi 235.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/J A Konrath & Tracy Sharp - [Jack Daniels-Leah Ryan] - Jacked Up! (azw3).azw3 235.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Michele Callahan - [Timewalker Chronicles 01] - Red Night (epub).epub 235.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Hayley Nelson - [Swift 01] - Fearless (mobi).mobi 235.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Debbie Gould - Second Chance [Decadent, 1NS 082] (epub).epub 235.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Debra Webb - [Faces of Evil 00.5] - Silence (mobi).mobi 234.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Nenia Campbell - [The IMA 03] - Locked and Loaded (epub).epub 234.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/K A Mitchell - [Bad in Baltimore 03] - Bad Attitude [Samhain MM] (epub).epub 234.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Sarah M Anderson - [The Bolton Brothers 03] - Expecting a Bolton Baby [SD-2267] (epub).epub 234.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Anthony Bryan - The Suicide Princess (epub).epub 234.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Paul Theroux - The Stranger at the Palazzo d'Oro and Other Stories (v5.0) (epub).epub 234.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Ella Fox - [Catch 01] - Catch My Fall (epub).epub 234.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Mischief - Paranormal Erotica - Rose de Fer, Scarlet Rush, Giselle Renarde, et al [MF] (epub).epub 234.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Lori Copeland - Forever Ashley (epub).epub 234.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Tiffany Nicole Smith - [The Silver Scythe Chronicles 01.03] - Naomi Grim Part 3 (azw3).azw3 234.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Mark London Williams - [Danger Boy 03] - Trail of Bones (retail) (epub).epub 234.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/P L Baldwin - Being Invisible (epub).epub 233.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Neicey Ford - All I Want is Forever (epub).epub 233.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Robin Hathaway - [Jo Banks 03] - Sleight of Hand (retail) (epub).epub 233.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Nicole Flockton - Seducing Phoebe (epub).epub 233.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jeffrey A Carver - [Star Rigger 01] - Seas of Ernathe (v5.0) (epub).epub 233.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Ebony Lowe - Family Scandal (mobi).mobi 233.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Azure Boone - [Broken 04] - Broken Free [MF] (epub).epub 233.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Grae McTavish - [Smoky Mountain Motorcycles 01] - Breaking Free [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 233.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Linda Sue Park - Archer's Quest (retail) (epub).epub 233.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/John R Tunis - His Enemy, His Friend (retail) (epub).epub 233.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Mark London Williams - [Danger Boy 02] - Dragon Sword (Dino Sword) (retail) (epub).epub 233.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Ralph Compton - The Ghost of Apache Creek - Joseph A West (retail) (epub).epub 233.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Ellen Potter - Pish Posh (retail) (epub).epub 232.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Matt Christopher - The Great Quarterback Switch (retail) (epub).epub 232.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jeffrey A Carver - [Star Rigger 02] - Star Rigger's Way (v5.0) (epub).epub 232.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Victor Methos - [Plague 02] - Pestilence (epub).epub 232.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Lacey Wolfe - [Brookfield 04] - Growing Love (epub).epub 232.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Juli Alexander - [Stirring Up Trouble 02] - Trouble's Brewing (epub).epub 232.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Alex Carlsbad - [The Emperor's Obsession 02] - Slave of Rome [MF] (mobi).mobi 232.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Lindsay Jayne Ashford - Frozen (retail) (epub).epub 232.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Silence Welder - Seven Days [MF] (epub).epub 232.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Steve Voake - Dark Woods (retail) (epub).epub 232.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Lexi Buchanan - [McKenzie Brothers 02] - Rapture [MF] (epub).epub 232.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/John Christopher - [Tripods 01] - The White Mountains (epub).epub 232.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Greta van der Rol - [Morgan Selwood 00.5] - Supertech (mobi).mobi 232.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Vanessa Carvo - Alone on the Oregon Trail (epub).epub 231.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Sara Reinke - [Netherworlde 01] - Forsaken (epub).epub 231.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Shadonna Richards - [Whirlwind Romance 01] - Accidentally Flirting with the CEO (b) (mobi).mobi 231.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Eve Meridian - Sam's Learning Curve [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (mobi).mobi 231.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Evans Light - Whatever Possessed You (2e) (mobi).mobi 231.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Silver Smyth - [String Quartet 01] - The Eunuch's Ward [MF] (epub).epub 231.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Emma Brown - [Sweet Harmony 01-04] - Sweet Harmony- The Complete Collection (The Intro; The Verse; The Chorus; The Encore) (epub).epub 231.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Larry Watson - Let Him Go (epub).epub 231.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Niamh O'Connor - [Jo Birmingham 01] - If I Never See You Again (bad conversion) (epub).epub 231.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Heather Thurmeier - Bunny Hills and Bikinis (epub).epub 231.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Rebecca Avery - [Riding With Honor 05] - Unexpected Ride (epub).epub 231.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Giulia Melucci - I Loved, I Lost, I Made Spaghetti (retail) (epub).epub 231.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Melissa Pearl - [Betwixt 01.5] - Beyond (epub).epub 231.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Ceri Clark - Children of the Elementi (epub).epub 231.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Georgia Hill - In a Class of His Own (azw3).azw3 231.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Charlene Sands - [The Slades of Sunset Ranch 03] - The Secret Heir of Sunset Ranch [SD-2263] (epub).epub 230.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Maryrose Wood - [Morgan Rawlinson 02] - How I Found the Perfect Dress (retail) (epub).epub 230.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/David Bowker - How to Be Bad (retail) (epub).epub 230.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Joanna Wilson - A Wolf of Wall Street (epub).epub 230.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 360] - The Mad Scientist of the West (retail) (epub).epub 230.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Renee Andrews - Bride Wanted [LI-797] (retail) (epub).epub 230.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Jon Sharpe - [The Trailsman 360] - Texas Lead Slingers (retail) (epub).epub 230.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Terry Spear - [Highlander Medieval 04] - Taming the Wild Highlander (epub).epub 230.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Janice Repka - The Clueless Girl's Guide to Being a Genius (retail) (epub).epub 230.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Sean Rowe - Fever (retail) (epub).epub 229.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 362] - Buffalo Soldiers (retail) (epub).epub 229.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Tara Brown - [Light 02] - The Four Horsemen (epub).epub 229.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Emily Jane Trent - [Adam & Ella 02] - Charmed (epub).epub 229.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Cara B Connor - A Girl's Best Friend [MF] (mobi).mobi 229.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Cooper McKenzie - [Cougarlicious 02] - Cougar Needs [Siren Classic] (prc).prc 229.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Aline Hunter - [The Wolf's Den 02] - Changed [EC Twilight] (epub).epub 229.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Olga Toprover - The President is No More [russian-english] (epub).epub 229.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Emily Jane Trent - [Touched By You 08] - Desperately Entwined [MF] (kf8 mobi).mobi 229.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Iris Murdoch - Sartre- Romantic Rationalist (retail) (mobi).mobi 229.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Betsy Byars - [Herculeah Jones Mystery 02] - Tarot Says Beware (retail) (epub).epub 229.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Desiree Holt - [Night Seekers 04] - Branded by Lust [EC Twilight] (epub).epub 229.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/C K Laurence - The Mystery of Jessica Benson (epub).epub 229.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Sophie Swift - [Smart Girls Finish First 01.5] - Caught Up in You (mobi).mobi 228.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Sarah Tork - [Xander Barns 02] - Wanted Always (epub).epub 228.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Jackie Barbosa - [Working It 01] - Can't Take the Heat (epub).epub 228.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Paula Roe - The Pregnancy Plot [SD-2268] (epub).epub 228.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Michael Dalrymple - [Mistakes Return 01] - Shaping Magic (epub).epub 228.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Melanie Shawn - [Red Hot Private Eye 02] - Friction (epub).epub 228.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Milly Taiden - [Federal Paranormal Unit 01] - Wolf Protector (epub).epub 228.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/S C Edward - Velvet Ink [MF] (mobi).mobi 228.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Ann Collins - Battlescars (epub).epub 228.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Joanna Wilson - Reunion with Her Alpha (epub).epub 228.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Ian Mackenzie - City of Strangers (retail) (epub).epub 228.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Aphrodite Hunt - [Romanced by the Damaged Millionaire 01] - Damaged Beauties [MF] (mobi).mobi 227.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/J M Fosberg - [Half-Dwarf Prince 02] - The Dwarf War (epub).epub 227.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Scott McElhaney - Dominion (epub).epub 227.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Nancy Fornataro - Nicky's Fire (epub).epub 227.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Clarissa Wild - First Dance With You [MF] (mobi).mobi 227.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Janet Louise Roberts as Janette Radcliffe - The Azure Castle [CR-204] (epub).epub 227.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Coleen Kwan - Baiting the Boss (epub).epub 227.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Christy Barritt - [Security Experts 02] - Lifeline [LIS-349] (retail) (epub).epub 227.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Bijou Hunter - [Damaged 03] - Damaged and the Cobra (epub).epub 227.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Sam Crescent - [Shifters 01] - Against All Odds [Evernight] (epub).epub 227.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Faith Sullivan - [Heartbeat 03] - I Am Yours (epub).epub 226.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Janet Grace - A Most Unusual Lady [HRE-71, MHR-277] (epub).epub 226.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Mike Cooley - Alpha Male (mobi).mobi 226.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jina Bacarr - Naked Sushi [Cosmo] (mobi).mobi 226.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/Maggie Casper - [Kinky Campers 01] - In the Woods [EC Exotika Quickies] (epub).epub 226.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Evie Knight - [In Bed with the Enemy 01] - Ariel's Song [Evernight] (epub).epub 226.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Kevin J Anderson - [Dan Shamble, Zombie PI 02.5] - Road Kill (v5.0) (epub).epub 226.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Gloria Bevan - Always a Rainbow [HR-1923, MB-1050] (epub).epub 226.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Christopher Maddox - [Mrs Jones' Secret Life 01] - Mrs Jones' Secret Life [MF] (epub).epub 226.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/J L Fynn - [American Gypsy 01] - The Long Game (epub).epub 226.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Kennedy Kovit - [Blazing Hearts 03] - The Lover (mobi).mobi 226.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 04] - Dead End (Grave Music) (epub).epub 226.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Ana Vela - [A Billionaire Romance 02] - Greene's Riches 2 (mobi).mobi 226.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jane Eliza - [In Too Deep 02] - Tempted (epub).epub 226.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Megan A Hepler - [Demona 01] - The Mythos Unveiled (epub).epub 225.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Shane Jeffery - Skarzy (epub).epub 225.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Dakota Madison - [Fire on Ice 02] - The Playmaker (epub).epub 225.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Khelsey Jackson - [Black and Blue 01] - Black and Blue (epub).epub 225.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Peggy Bird - [Second Chances 05] - Believing Again (epub).epub 225.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Charlotte Louise Dolan - The Counterfeit Gentleman [SRR] (epub).epub 225.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Graham Landrum - [Borderville 02] - The Rotary Club Murder Mystery (retail) (epub).epub 225.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Delaina Lake - [The Best Days 01] - Catalyst (epub).epub 224.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Astrid Cielo - [Pinewood Creek Shifters 01] - A Game of Cat and Mouse [MF] (epub).epub 224.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Kary English - [Farthane] - The Minder's Bond (mobi).mobi 224.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Olivia Gates - Claiming His Own [SD-2265, Billionaires and Babies] (epub).epub 224.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Cara Layton - Breaking Sophie [MF] (epub).epub 224.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Ella Morris - Forever Entwined (epub).epub 224.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Jodi Thomas - Easy on the Heart (epub).epub 224.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Amy Sparling - [Summer Unplugged 02] - Autumn Unlocked (epub).epub 224.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Eric Walters - [Camp X 02] - Camp 30 (retail) (epub).epub 224.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Suzie Carr - A New Leash on Life (epub).epub 224.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Sandra Robbins - [Cold Case Files 01] - Dangerous Waters [LIS-353] (retail) (epub).epub 224.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Eliza DeGaulle - A Dark & Creamy Night [MF] (mobi).mobi 224.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Martha Ockley - [Faith Morgan Mystery 01] - The Reluctant Detective (epub).epub 224.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Kevin J Anderson - Dark Labyrinth 2 (v5.0) (epub).epub 224.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Crystal-Rain Love - [Cook County 02] - Lucky in Love (mobi).mobi 223.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Suzanne Enoch - [Scandalous Highlanders 00.5] - One Hot Scot (epub).epub 223.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Raven McAllan - [Dance Studio 03] - Bow to Your Partner [Evernight] (epub).epub 223.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/LaVerne Thompson - Come To Me (epub).epub 223.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Chris Grabenstein - [John Ceepak 06.5] - Ring Toss (mobi).mobi 223.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Felicia Tatum - [Intoxicating Passion 01] - Masked Encounters (mobi).mobi 223.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Opal Carew - [His to Command 01-06] - His to Command Complete [MF] (epub).epub 223.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Samantha Darling - Revenge in Rio (epub).epub 223.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Kelly Hunter - [The West Family 01] - What the Bride Didn't Know [KISS-38] (epub).epub 223.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Carla Jablonski - Thicker Than Water (retail) (epub).epub 223.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Kathryn Meyer Griffith - [Spooky Stories 01] - Ghost Brother (mobi).mobi 223.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Susan G Charles - [Animal Sagas 04] - Animal Desire (mobi).mobi 223.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Tiffany Nicole Smith - [The Silver Scythe Chronicles 01.02] - Naomi Grim Part 2 (azw3).azw3 223.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Lindsay Paige - [Bold As Love 03] - Whatever It Takes (mobi).mobi 222.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Patricia Briggs - [Alpha and Omega 00] - Alpha and Omega (retail) (epub).epub 222.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Michelle M Pillow - [Dragon Lords 07] - The Reluctant Lord (epub).epub 222.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Ella Sheridan - Dirty Little Secret [Loose Id] (epub).epub 222.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Ashley Christine - [Meadowlarks 03] - Endless (epub).epub 222.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Kimberly Kaye Terry - [Wilde in Wyoming 05] - To Tame a Wilde [HKR-341] (epub).epub 222.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 349] - Riverboat Blaze (epub).epub 222.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Lynn Red - [The Alpha's Kiss 01] - Change For Me (epub).epub 222.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lorraine Wilson - [Ski Season 01] - Confessions of a Chalet Girl (epub).epub 222.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Jon Sharpe - [The Trailsman 362] - Range War (retail) (epub).epub 222.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/K W Jeter - [Kim Oh 03] - Real Dangerous People (epub).epub 222.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Angela Jordan - [Dark Angel 03] - A Violent Love Affair [MF] (epub).epub 222.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Katie Matthews - I Remember, Daddy- The Harrowing True Story (epub).epub 222.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/L G Castillo - [Broken Angel 02] - After the Fall (epub).epub 222.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/L Sprague de Camp & Fletcher Pratt - [Incompleat Enchanter] - The Wall of Serpents & The Green Magician (epub).epub 222.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Steve Hamilton - Night Work (epub).epub 221.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Alison Lurie - Truth and Consequences (v5.0) (epub).epub 221.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Georgia Hill - In a Class of His Own (epub).epub 221.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Tabitha Levin - Trance (epub).epub 221.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Michelle Bennett - Known By My Heart (mobi).mobi 221.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Emme Rollins - Meeting Trouble (epub).epub 221.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Michael A R Co - The God Equation and Other Stories (mobi).mobi 221.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Isabella Rae - [Atlanta Affair 01] - A Workplace Affair (epub).epub 221.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Krystal Shannan - Just Right [Decadent, 1NS 194] (epub).epub 220.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/R D Abruzzese - [Professor McCauley Mystery 01] - The Instrumental Rabbi (epub).epub 220.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Alaska Angelini - The 30 Day Sub [Evernight] (epub).epub 220.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Nigel Bird - Mr Suit (retail) (epub).epub 220.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/J Lee Coulter - Highland Christmas (epub).epub 220.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jarkko Sipila - [Helsinki Homicide 04] - Cold Trail (v5.0) (epub).epub 220.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Catherine Wolffe - [Western Werewolf Legend 03] - Wolfen Secrets (epub).epub 219.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Becca Jameson - [Wolf Gathering 02] - Dominated (epub).epub 219.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Helen Conrad - [The Ranchers 01] - Native Silver (epub).epub 219.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Jeffery Deaver - Triple Threat (retail) (epub).epub 219.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Jude Pittman - [Healing Spirits 01] - Bad Medicine (b) (epub).epub 219.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Sara Rosett - [On the Run 02] - Secretive (epub).epub 219.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Ella Col - [Save Me 02] - Broken (epub).epub 219.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Kristine Rolofson - [Boots and Booties 04] - The Wrong Man in Wyoming [HT-692, MBT-647] (epub).epub 219.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Cassie Harte - I Did Tell, I Did- The True Story of a Little Girl Betrayed (epub).epub 219.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Noelle Adams - Seducing the Enemy (epub).epub 219.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Eva Hore - Without Inhibitions [MF] (mobi).mobi 219.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Lexxie Couper - [Heart of Fame 04] - Steady Beat [Samhain] (epub).epub 218.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Krystal Shannan - Just Right [Decadent, 1NS 194] (mobi).mobi 218.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Richard Price - The Wanderers (v5.0) (epub).epub 218.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Kenya Wright - [Bad for You 01] - Sexual Deception [MF] (mobi).mobi 218.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Jules Bennett - To Tame a Cowboy [SD-2264, Texas Cattleman's Club- The Missing Mogul 05] (epub).epub 218.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Kristine Dalton - Austin's Pleasure (epub).epub 218.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/E E Montgomery - In Another Life (v5.0) (epub).epub 218.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Kimberly Kaye Terry - [Wilde in Wyoming 04] - To Have a Wilde [HKR-337] (epub).epub 217.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Jamie DeBree - The Biker's Wench (epub).epub 217.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Cassie Black - Trapped (mobi).mobi 217.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Greta van der Rol - [Morgan Selwood 01.5] - A Victory Celebration (mobi).mobi 217.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lolita Lopez - [Dragon Heat 02] - Red Hot Dragon [MF] (epub).epub 217.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Tiffany Nicole Smith - [The Silver Scythe Chronicles 01.04] - Naomi Grim Part 4 (azw3).azw3 217.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Jessica Harry - Love's Cold Burn (epub).epub 217.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Barbara Weitz - Operation Christmas (mobi).mobi 217.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Lourdes Bernabe - [Jolene 01] - All of Her Men [MF] (epub).epub 217.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Sramana Mitra - [Kolkata Memoirs] - Kajori (mobi).mobi 217.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Take Me Out - Elley Arden, Alicia Hunter Pace, Leslie P Garcia, Bea Moon (epub).epub 217.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/MaryJanice Davidson - [Fred the Mermaid 01] - Sleeping with the Fishes (v1.1) (epub).epub 216.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Mary Brennan - Love and Secrets (mobi).mobi 216.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Abigail Snow - [Royal Expat 01] - Seduced (epub).epub 216.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Rhonda Gibson - Stuck on You (epub).epub 216.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Karen Rivers - [XYZ 02] - Y in the Shadows (retail) (epub).epub 216.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Debra Webb - [Faces of Evil 00.5] - Silence (epub).epub 216.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Sean Black - [Ryan Lock 04.5] - Lock & Load (epub).epub 216.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Violet Blue (ed) - Best Women's Erotica 2011 [MF] (retail) (epub).epub 216.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/P J Day - [King's Blood 03] - Vampire Lust (epub).epub 215.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Michelle Celmer - Best Man's Conquest [SD-1799] (retail) (epub).epub 215.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Elle Kennedy - [Welcome to Paradise 04] - Since You've Been Gone [Samhain] (epub).epub 215.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/George Bishop - Letter to My Daughter (epub).epub 215.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Sara Orwig - [Lone Star Legacy 04] - One Texas Night [SD-2266] (epub).epub 215.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Julia Buckley - [Madeline Mann Mystery 02] - Lovely, Dark, and Deep (epub).epub 215.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Roxy Mews - [Hart Clan Hybrids 01] - A Love Worth Biting For [Samhain] (epub).epub 215.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Erik Christian - [The Original Vampire 01] - OV (epub).epub 214.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Carrie Ann Ryan - [Dante's Circle 03] - An Unlucky Moon [MF] (epub).epub 214.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Nancy Fornataro - [Romance In 01] - Romance in Vegas- Showgirl! (epub).epub 214.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Mackenzie Harper - What Fools Believe (mobi).mobi 214.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Jennifer Dellerman - [The Orchard 02] - Drawing Deep [Ravenous] (epub).epub 214.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/M L Young - Tethered (epub).epub 214.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Zenina Masters - [Shifting Crossroads 09] - Little Prick [eXtasy] (epub).epub 213.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Tim O'Brien - July, July (v5.0) (epub).epub 213.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Ariana Gael - [Braving Love 01] - Cornered (epub).epub 213.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Brenda Whiteside - Amanda in the Summer (epub).epub 213.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Sorell Oates - I Kissed a Playboy (epub).epub 213.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Stella Starke - [Big Bang 01] - Backstabber (mobi).mobi 213.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Christi Snow - [When the Mission Ends 04] - When Love Intrudes (epub).epub 213.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Mari Carr - [Second Chances 03] - Status Update [Samhain] (epub).epub 213.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Verna Clay - [Romance on the Ranch 02] - Honey Kisses (epub).epub 213.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/J Larsen - A Forbidden Storm (mobi).mobi 213.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Michael Cadnum - The Dragon Throne (retail) (epub).epub 213.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Devon Herrera - [Universe 02] - Dark Universe (epub).epub 213.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Teresa Carpenter - [Princess Camp 02] - Baby Under the Christmas Tree [HR-4355] (retail) (epub).epub 213.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/P J Day & Elizabeth Basque - [Mercedes Cruz 01] - Mercy's Magic (epub).epub 213.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Megan West - Kristen's Surprise [MF] (mobi).mobi 213.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Stephanie Beck - [Poppy's Place] - Poppy's Picnic [MF] (mobi).mobi 212.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Gwen Knight - Her Alpha Protector [NOCT Cravings] (epub).epub 212.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Jackie Barbosa - [Working It 01] - Can't Take the Heat (mobi).mobi 212.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Ryan David Jahn - Low Life (v5.0) (epub).epub 212.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jennifer Anne - As Luck Would Have It [MF] (epub).epub 212.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Storm Constantine - [Wraeththu Mythos] - The Hienama- A Story of the Sulh (retail) (epub).epub 212.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/J M Christopher - Head Over Heels [MF] (mobi).mobi 212.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/David and Shan Weaver - Blackout- Stand Your Ground (mobi).mobi 212.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Diana Nixon - Hate at First Sight (epub).epub 212.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Doranna Durgin - [Demon Blade 02] - Claimed by the Demon [NOCT-169] (html).rar 212.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Robert J Crane - [The Girl in the Box 06] - Broken (epub).epub 212.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Kristin Flynn - Saving Georgia (epub).epub 212.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 339] - The Lady Doctor's Alibi (epub).epub 212.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jardine Libaire - Here Kitty Kitty (retail) (epub).epub 212.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Curtis G Richardson - The Cellar (epub).epub 212.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Lori Pescatore - [Blend 02] - Earth Blend (retail) (epub).epub 212.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Roman Koidl - The Eternal Intern (epub).epub 211.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Alanna Knight - [Inspector Faro 09] - The Bull Slayers (epub).epub 211.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Scarlet Rose - [Veronica's Secret 01] - Falling Hard (epub).epub 211.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Emily Jane Trent - [Touched By You 07] - Raw Burn [MF] (kf8 mobi).mobi 211.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Edie Harris - [city2city 01] - Stripped (epub).epub 211.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Evans Light - Whatever Possessed You (2e) (azw3).azw3 211.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Tianna Xander - [Dragon Bound 05] - The Water Dragon [eXtasy] (mobi).mobi 211.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist (10th Anniversary ed) (retail) (mobi).mobi 211.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Eve Meridian - Sam's Learning Curve [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (epub).epub 211.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Penny Jackson - Becoming the Butlers (retail) (epub).epub 210.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Isabella Brooke - [Love Is The Law 01] - Hidden Heart (epub).epub 210.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Colleen Masters - [Revved 01] - Full Throttle (epub).epub 210.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Bianca D'Arc - [Dragon Knights 02.5] - Master at Arms (mobi).mobi 210.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Matt Christopher - Long Arm Quarterback (retail) (epub).epub 210.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Anthony Powell - [Dance to the Music of Time 06] - The Kindly Ones (epub).epub 210.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Vanessa Devereaux - [Love Cowboy Style 01] - Courted by a Cowboy [Evernight, Romand on the Go] (epub).epub 209.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/A A King - [Precious Gems] - Diamond in the Rough (epub).epub 209.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Daniel J Barnes - The Lady of the Forest (mobi).mobi 209.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/James Moore - [Subject Seven 02] - Run (retail) (epub).epub 209.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Eric Walters - Elixir (retail) (epub).epub 209.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Carolyn R Scheidies - A Proper Guardian (retail) (epub).epub 209.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jane Livingston - One with the Wind [MF] (epub).epub 209.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Julia Buckley - [Madeline Mann Mystery 03] - One Fool at Least (epub).epub 209.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Kelly Jamieson - [Rule of Three 02] - Rhythm of Three [Samhain] (epub).epub 209.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Alexia Stark - Angel (mobi).mobi 208.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/L L Hunter - Treacherous (epub).epub 208.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/Mel McKinney - Where There's Smoke (retail) (epub).epub 208.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Iris Johansen - [Santa Flores 02] - No Red Roses [LS-44] (epub).epub 208.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Ann B Harrison - Outback Thunder (epub).epub 208.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Ava Marie - One More Moment Alone (mobi).mobi 208.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Kathryn Erskine - Quaking (retail) (epub).epub 208.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Lauren Carr - [Mac Faraday Mystery 02] - Old Loves Die Hard (epub).epub 208.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/J Larsen - A Forbidden Storm (epub).epub 208.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Joan Aiken - [Wolves Chronicles 06] - Midnight is a Place (retail) (epub).epub 208.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Sarah Elizabeth - [Misjudged 02] - Misplaced Trust (epub).epub 208.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Ashe Barker - [The Dark Side 03] - Darkest [TEB] (epub).epub 208.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Harper Bentley - [True Love 01] - Discovering Us (epub).epub 208.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Juliet Armstrong - Nurse in India [HR-689] (epub).epub 208.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Deborah A Rogers - A Trick of Light (epub).epub 208.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Margaret Mahy - The Changeover- A Supernatural Romance (v1.0) (epub).epub 208.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Isabella Bearden - [Chance 01] - A Second Chance (epub).epub 207.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Alexia Stark - [Caught Stripping 02] - Julia's Daddy (Julia) [MF] (mobi).mobi 207.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Kai Michaels - Breaking the Bro Code (mobi).mobi 207.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Ellie R Hunter - [Incurable Hearts 02] - Eternal Hearts (epub).epub 207.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Nico Rosso - [Demon Rock 01] - Heavy Metal Heart (epub).epub 207.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 344] - Anatomy of a Lawman (epub).epub 207.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/James Gunn - Gift from the Stars (epub).epub 207.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Rhys Bowen - [Molly Murphy 12.5] - The Face in the Mirror (epub).epub 207.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Jeffery Deaver - An Acceptable Sacrifice [BiblioMystery] (retail) (epub).epub 206.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Scarlet Rose - [Veronica's Secret 01] - Falling Hard (azw3).azw3 206.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Matt Stuart - Liquid Fire (mobi).mobi 206.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Cherie Reich - [The Fate Challenges 00.5] - Magna's Plea (epub).epub 206.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Eric Walters - The Pole (retail) (epub).epub 206.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Erica Cope - [Lark 02] - In the Shadows (epub).epub 206.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Jaye Wells - [Sabina Kane 05.5] - Rusted Veins (mobi).mobi 205.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Alanna Knight - [Inspector Faro 10] - Murder by Appointment (epub).epub 205.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Elizabeth Nicholl - Memoirs of an Emergency Nurse (mobi).mobi 205.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Drew Adams - Ghost Reaper Episode 1 (mobi).mobi 205.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jake Logan - [Slocum 395] - Slocum and the Trail to Yellowstone (retail) (epub).epub 205.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Elizabeth Rose & Tina Pollick - Shadow of Hope (epub).epub 204.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Isabella Kole - Accepting His Terms (epub).epub 204.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Blake Crouch - [Letty Dobesh] - Confidence Girl (epub).epub 204.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Rebecca Elise - [Subzero 02] - Always in my Heart (epub).epub 204.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/James Gunn - This Fortress World (epub).epub 204.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Warhammer 40,000 - [Lords of the Space Marines 01.5] - Mephiston- Lord of Death - David Annandale (epub).epub 204.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Halo [eXtasy] (html).html 204.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/J Gordon Smith - [Southern California Wine Country 02] - Crushing (epub).epub 204.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Stefan Zweig - The Governess and Other Stories (epub).epub 204.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lauren Keller - [Contractual Obligation 01-03] - The Contract; Closing the Deal; High Risk (epub).epub 204.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Cheryl Dragon - [Fantasy Castle 01] - Kat's Karma [TEB] (epub).epub 203.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/N Kuhn - [Tucked In 02] - Jessica (mobi).mobi 203.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Alexia Stark - Evaleigh [MF] (mobi).mobi 203.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Leah Moore - Kismet (epub).epub 203.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/C M Hutton - Loving Her (epub).epub 203.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Hazel St James - [Redemption 02] - Being With You (epub).epub 203.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Carol Steward - [In the Line of Fire 01] - Guardian of Justice [LIS-83] (epub).epub 203.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jeff Rud - [South Side Sports 03] - First and Ten (retail) (epub).epub 203.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Ken Pelham - Tales of Old Brigands Key (epub).epub 203.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Regina Tittel - [Ozark Durham 01] - Abandoned Hearts (epub).epub 203.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/S Anders - Just a Couple Ex's Blindsided (epub).epub 203.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Kate Pearce - [Triad 01] - The Power of Three [MF] (epub).epub 202.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Evelyn Waugh - The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold (ARC) (epub).epub 202.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Eve Langlais - Crazy- Vampire Love (revised) (epub).epub 202.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Robert Vickers - Raped Captives [BC-2008, BH-8075] (epub).epub 202.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Avenging Enjel [eXtasy] (epub).epub 202.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/J B Leigh - An Impossible Secret (epub).epub 202.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Rogue Jones - [The Givers 01-02] - The Givers & Forcible Return (epub).epub 202.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Doyle Mills - Down Low Adam [MM] (mobi).mobi 202.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Mina Carter - [Paranormal Protection Agency 06] - Dragon's Honor (mobi).mobi 202.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Silvia Moreno-Garcia - Other Lives (epub).epub 201.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Brad Parks - [Carter Ross 02.5] - The Nightgown (epub).epub 201.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Maggie Shayne - Zombies! A Love Story (epub).epub 201.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Tianna Xander - [Dragon Bound 06] - The Spirit Dragon [eXtasy] (mobi).mobi 201.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Marques Lewis & Jamila Gomez - Good Men Still Exist [MF] (azw3).azw3 201.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Mark Slouka - Lost Lake- Stories (retail) (mobi).mobi 201.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Jackie Ivie - [Vampire Assassin League 15] - Hold Their Peace (epub).epub 201.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Lisa Fisher - Home Again (epub).epub 201.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Harley Callahan - Discovering Desires- Erotic Adventures [MF] (mobi).mobi 201.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Michael Erickston - [Voyages of the Solar Wind 01] - A Fire in Heaven (epub).epub 201.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Katheryn Lane - [The Desert Sheikh] - A Bride for the Sheikh (epub).epub 201.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Mia Grandy - One Shot Bargain (epub).epub 201.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lucy Covington - [Addicted To You 08] - Completely Consumed (epub).epub 201.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Eliza Hastings - [Hot Blooded Episode 01] - The Prodigal Prince (azw3).azw3 200.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Evie North - [Knights of Passion II 05] - Knight of Deceit (mobi).mobi 200.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Linda O Johnston - [Alpha Force] - Hawk's Challenge [NOCT Bites] (mobi).mobi 200.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Lorelei James - [Rough Riders 14.5] - Short Rides (King of Hearts; Rough Road; All Knocked Up) (epub).epub 200.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Cyndi Friberg - [Ontarian Chronicles (Beyond Ontariese) 06] - Consort [MF] (epub).epub 200.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/H Ward - Helpless (mobi).mobi 200.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Karolyn James - [Brothers of Rock 05] - Last Song (epub).epub 200.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Billie Rae - Summer Fling (epub).epub 199.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Alicia Howard - [Duffle Bag Bitches 01] - Duffle Bag Bitches (epub).epub 199.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Lexie Ray - [Runaway 01] - Stronger (epub).epub 199.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Ally Forbes - The Gardens of Blackfell (epub).epub 199.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Adriana Hunter - [Wild Obsession 02] - Claiming the Alpha (epub).epub 199.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Anthony Powell - [Dance to the Music of Time 04] - At Lady Molly's (epub).epub 199.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Lauren Carr - [Lovers in Crime Mystery 01] - Dead on Ice (epub).epub 199.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Emma Brown - [The Madison Files 04] - Case Closed (azw3).azw3 199.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Cheryl Persons - [Love Conquers All 04] - Forever Love (epub).epub 199.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/David and Shan Weaver - Blackout- Stand Your Ground (epub).epub 199.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Chelsea Ballinger - [Pierce Family 01] - Love and Hate (epub).epub 199.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Martin Fossum - Beyond Asimios- Part 4 (azw3).azw3 198.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Jessica Pine - Just a Small Town Girl (epub).epub 198.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Alex Carlsbad - [The Emperor's Obsession 02] - Slave of Rome [MF] (epub).epub 198.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Amelia Jones - [Swanson Sisters 01] - Getting Away (mobi).mobi 198.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/S E Smith - [Lords of Kassis 03.1] - Rescuing Mattie (epub).epub 198.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Rosanna Cole - Rock Star Groupie 1 [MF] (mobi).mobi 198.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Samantha Holt - To Steal a Highlander's Heart (epub).epub 198.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Jayne Ann Krentz - [Ladies and Legends 02] - The Adventurer [HT-293, MBT-239] (v2.1) (epub).epub 198.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Diane Leyne - [Libertine Island 03] - The Runaway Sub [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 198.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Yajna Ramnath - Worthy of Me (mobi).mobi 197.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Melanie Milburne - [Those Scandalous Caffarellis 03] - Never Gamble with a Caffarelli [HP-3188, MMR-1345] (epub).epub 197.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Joanna Neil - Sheltered by Her Top-Notch Boss [HMED-623] (epub).epub 197.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Jon Jacks - Dragonsapien (epub).epub 197.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tabitha Gibson - [Bodyguards, Inc 01] - Guarding Madison (mobi).mobi 196.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/N Kuhn - [Tucked In 01] - Lianna (mobi).mobi 196.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Kennedy Kovit - [Blazing Hearts 03] - The Lover (epub).epub 196.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/David Niall Wilson - [DeChance Chronicles 05] - Nevermore (epub).epub 196.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Stephanie Witter - By My Side (epub).epub 196.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Heather Peters - This Time, Forever (azw3).azw3 195.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Brooklyn Skye - [Stripped 02] - Without You (epub).epub 195.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/R A MacAvoy - [Black Dragon 01] - Tea With the Black Dragon (v1.4) (epub).epub 195.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/C J Hockenberry - [Southern Romance Monthly 01] - October Ghosts (epub).epub 195.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tabor Evans - [Longarm 398] - Longarm and the Range War (retail) (epub).epub 195.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Kathryn Blair - Dear Adversary [HR-823, MB-708] (epub).epub 195.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Locklyn Marx - Tell Me Lies (mobi).mobi 195.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Eliza Hastings - [Hot Blooded Episode 01] - The Prodigal Prince (epub).epub 195.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Ebony Lowe - Family Scandal (azw3).azw3 195.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Gwen Knight - Her Alpha Protector [NOCT Cravings] (html).rar 195.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Viola Grace - [Nexus Chronicles] - Turning Night [eXtasy] (html).html 194.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Hayley Nelson - [Swift 01] - Fearless (azw3).azw3 194.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/HelenKay Dimon - Everything You Need to Know (epub).epub 194.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Dean Koontz - Wilderness (mobi).mobi 194.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Fiona McArthur - Two Tiny Heartbeats [HMED-626, Gold Coast Angels] (epub).epub 194.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Angela Jordan - [Dark Angel 02] - His Dark Desires [MF] (epub).epub 194.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Kary English - [Farthane] - The Minder's Bond (epub).epub 194.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jennifer Taylor - The Motherhood Mix-Up [HMED-628] (epub).epub 193.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Erica Matthews - Falling for the Boss (epub).epub 193.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Annette Broadrick - Mystery Wife [SSE-877, That Special Woman!] (epub).epub 193.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Olivia Mayfield - [Inheritance 01] - The Inheritance Part I (epub).epub 193.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Sarah Cate Anstey - Dion- His Life and Mine (epub).epub 193.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Jackie French Koller - Nothing to Fear (retail) (epub).epub 193.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/David Leavitt - Page Turner (v5.0) (epub).epub 193.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Natasha Moore - [Her Royal Romance 01] - Her Royal Masquerade (epub).epub 193.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Shelley Shepard Gray - [Sisters of the Heart 03] - Forgiven (epub).epub 192.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Cat Johnson - [Red, Hot & Blue 10] - Bull (mobi).mobi 192.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Jill Paterson - [Fitzjohn Mystery 03] - Once Upon a Lie (epub).epub 192.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Louisa Bacio - A Dance With Death [Decadent, 1NS 195] (epub).epub 192.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Ava Rush - [Toyboy Lover 01] - Sleeping With the Help (epub).epub 192.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Naughty Tricks and Sinful Treats - Milly Taiden, April Angel, Rachel Firasek, Jennifer James (epub).epub 192.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/J B Peterson - [Wahaya 01] - Birth of the Wolf (epub).epub 192.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Mike Cooley - Alpha Male (epub).epub 192.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Callee Raye - Snatched (azw3).azw3 192.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Pulp - 10-Story Detective.46.11.Put a Lid on Lora - Dave Grinnell (pdf).pdf 191.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Heather Hiestand & Eilis Flynn - [Wear Black] - Dancing in Red (mobi).mobi 191.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Heather Peters - This Time, Forever (epub).epub 191.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Kathryn Meyer Griffith - [Spooky Stories 01] - Ghost Brother (epub).epub 191.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lucy Covington - [Addicted To You 09] - Desperately Devastated (mobi).mobi 191.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Ebony Lowe - Family Scandal (epub).epub 191.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Lucy Clark - Resisting the New Doc In Town [HMED-618, MMED-1670] (epub).epub 191.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Tara Pammi - [The Sensational Stanton Sisters 02] - A Touch of Temptation [HP-3192, MMR-1342] (epub).epub 191.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Will McIntosh - The Heist (v5.0) (epub).epub 191.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Edwina J White - Those Angstrom Men! (epub).epub 190.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Rachel Lyndhurst - Kidnapped by the Greek Billionaire (epub).epub 190.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Laurent Seksik - The Last Days (v5.0) (epub).epub 190.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Brent Acuff - [Undead Nation 02] - Rescue (epub).epub 190.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Merlot Montana - Sunrise for Two [MF] (epub).epub 190.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Hayley Nelson - [Swift 01] - Fearless (epub).epub 190.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jennie Lucas - The Consequences of That Night [HP-3187, MMR-1340, At His Service 05] (epub).epub 190.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Michelle Bennett - Known By My Heart (epub).epub 190.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Sylvia Thorpe - The House at Bell Orchard [COV-9] (epub).epub 190.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Tracy Cooper-Posey - [Destiny's Trinities 02] - Mia's Return (epub).epub 189.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Charlene Newberg - Hide and Seek (epub).epub 189.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Sadie Matthews - [Season of Desire 02] - A Lesson of Intensity (epub).epub 189.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Elizabeth Nicholl - Memoirs of an Emergency Nurse (azw3).azw3 189.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Tanwen Coyne - The Dreamers (mobi).mobi 189.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Thierry Jonquet - Tarantula- The Skin I Live In (epub).epub 189.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/M Leighton - [Wild Ones 01.5] - Wild Child (epub).epub 189.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Doris O'Connor - Under the Alpha's Protection [Evernight] (epub).epub 189.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Michelle Bennett - Known By My Heart (azw3).azw3 188.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Lucy Kevin - [Four Weddings and a Fiasco 01] - The Wedding Gift (epub).epub 188.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Destiny Blaine - Naughty Neighbors [Carnal Passions] (epub).epub 188.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Sabrina Devonshire - Seaside Seduction (epub).epub 188.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Marion Lennox - Miracle on Kaimotu Island [HMED-613, Earthquake!] (retail) (epub).epub 188.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Alix Kirsta - Island of the Damned (epub).epub 188.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Tracy Cooper-Posey - [Destiny's Trinities 01] - Beth's Acceptance (epub).epub 187.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jessie M - Eighteen Summers [MF] (epub).epub 187.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Kenya Wright - [Bad for You 01] - Sexual Deception [MF] (epub).epub 187.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jackie Nacht - [Knavish Sprites 02] - Enamored to a Fool [eXtasy MM] (mobi).mobi 187.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Eliza DeGaulle - A Dark & Creamy Night [MF] (epub).epub 187.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/John Grisham - [Theodore Boone 01] - Theodore Boone, Kid Lawyer (retail) (epub).epub 187.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/J G Sandom - Kiss Me, I'm Dead (mobi).mobi 187.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Ayr Bray - Magnetic (epub).epub 187.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Megan West - Kristen's Surprise [MF] (azw3).azw3 186.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Tracy Cooper-Posey - [Destiny's Trinities 03] - Sera's Gift (epub).epub 186.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Alex Carlsbad - [The Emperor's Obsession 02] - Slave of Rome [MF] (azw3).azw3 186.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Karen Rivers - [XYZ 01] - X in Flight (retail) (epub).epub 186.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Marques Lewis & Jamila Gomez - Good Men Still Exist [MF] (mobi).mobi 186.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Amelia Rose - [Longren Family 03] - Cowboy Heart (epub).epub 186.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Olivia Rigal - Jade (epub).epub 185.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Kennedy Kovit - [Blazing Hearts 03] - The Lover (azw3).azw3 185.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Claire Firth - [Regency Undone] - The Reluctant Bride [MF] (epub).epub 185.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/J M Christopher - Head Over Heels [MF] (azw3).azw3 185.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Eric Walters - [Camp X 01] - Camp X (retail) (epub).epub 185.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Mark Edwards - Chrissel's Fire (mobi).mobi 185.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Mark London Williams - [Danger Boy 01] - Ancient Fire (retail) (epub).epub 185.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/L A Shorter - [Across the Pond 01] - Sunrise in Bali (epub).epub 185.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Thomas Keneally - Abraham Lincoln- A Life (retail) (epub).epub 185.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Jordan Belcher - [Status 01] - Status (epub).epub 184.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Jenn Vakey - Diary of the Pirate Killer (mobi).mobi 184.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Callee Raye - Snatched (mobi).mobi 184.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Dianne Drake - A Child to Heal Their Hearts [HMED-621, MMED-1671] (epub).epub 184.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Kary English - [Farthane] - The Minder's Bond (azw3).azw3 184.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Viola Grace - Bride of Fire [eXtasy] (epub).epub 184.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jean Hart Stewart - [Passionate Pursuits 01] - Fiery Pursuit [EC Twilight] (epub).epub 184.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Jordanna Fraiberg - In Your Room (retail) (epub).epub 184.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Anna J Evans - [Wickedly Ever After 01] - Wickedly Ever After [MF] (epub).epub 183.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jose Rodriguez - [Guardians 01] - The Guardians of Rhea (retail) (epub).epub 183.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Linda Wisdom - [Jazz Tremaine 04.5] - Hotel Hex (epub).epub 183.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jessica Gray - Destroyed Dreams (epub).epub 183.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Kristin Miller - [Isle of Feralon 04] - The Mermaid's Mate [HNC] (mobi).mobi 183.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 359] - Two Guns for Vengeance (retail) (epub).epub 183.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Arya Cole - [In The Fast Lane 01] - Boosted (epub).epub 183.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Kiera Zane - [My Sweet Billionaire Love Story 01] - Paris Was The Place I Met My Billionaire Lover (epub).epub 182.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jordan Cooke - [The Show 03] - I'm with Cupid (retail) (epub).epub 182.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Courtney B Jones - The Corollaria (epub).epub 182.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Sara K - The Darkness Within (epub).epub 182.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Rachel Sabor - Never Too Late (epub).epub 182.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Sara Wolf - [Arranged 02] - Disarranged (epub).epub 182.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Locklyn Marx - No Good for Anyone (mobi).mobi 182.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Fran Louise - Having Nathan's Baby (epub).epub 182.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Stephen Moore - Tooth and Claw (retail) (epub).epub 182.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Garrison Keiller - A Prairie Home Companion- The Screenplay (retail) (epub).epub 181.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Madeleine L'Engle - And Both Were Young (retail) (epub).epub 181.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Stella Starke - [Big Bang 01] - Backstabber (epub).epub 181.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Alice Toby - The Accidental Honeymoon (epub).epub 181.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Tina Beckett - [Men of Honor 01] - The Lone Wolf's Craving [HMED-620] (epub).epub 180.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/J R Roberts - [The Gunsmith 361] - The Letter of the Law (retail) (epub).epub 180.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Chris J Randolph - [Biotech Legacy 01.5] - Out in the Styx (mobi).mobi 180.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Ashley Suzanne - [Destined 01.5] - Inception (epub).epub 180.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Jennifer Leeland - Declaration to Submit [Loose Id] (epub).epub 180.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Lacey Thorn - [Pleasures 05] - Roped for Pleasure [Resplendence] (epub).epub 179.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Alanna Knight - [Inspector Faro 07] - The Evil That Men Do (epub).epub 179.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Tianna Xander - [Dragon Bound 06] - The Spirit Dragon [eXtasy] (epub).epub 179.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Nancy Thayer - A Nantucket Christmas (epub).epub 179.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Ellie Bay - [Borealis 01] - Outlander [MF] (epub).epub 179.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Ally Forbes - Harkett's Haven (epub).epub 179.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jordan Silver - [Taking What He Wants 01] - Taking What He Wants [MF] (mobi).mobi 178.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Richard Peck - Strays Like Us (retail) (epub).epub 178.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Vanessa Carvo - Facing the Storm Along the Oregon Trail (mobi).mobi 178.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Julie Rowe - [War Girls 03] - Aiding the Enemy (epub).epub 178.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Emily Jane Trent - [Touched By You 03] - The Heart's Domination [MF] (epub).epub 178.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mark Allan Gunnells - Asylum (mobi).mobi 178.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/James Martins - Loved by a Devil (mobi).mobi 178.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Evie Matthews - Accidental Parents (epub).epub 178.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Sramana Mitra - [Kolkata Memoirs] - Kajori (azw3).azw3 178.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Dawn Steele - The Pretend Marriage (epub).epub 178.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Fiona Phillips - A Day to Remember (retail) (epub).epub 178.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mary Gordon - Joan of Arc- A Life (retail) (epub).epub 178.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Jack Parker - [Alexa Graham 01] - Washed Away (epub).epub 178.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Bronwen Maddox - In Defense of America (retail) (epub).epub 177.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Elizabeth Gilzean - Yankee Surgeon [HR-581] (epub).epub 177.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Jane Yolen - Twelve Impossible Things Before Breakfast- Stories (retail) (epub).epub 177.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Shadonna Richards - [Whirlwind Romance 01] - Accidentally Flirting with the CEO (b) (epub).epub 177.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Sramana Mitra - [Kolkata Memoirs] - Kajori (epub).epub 177.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Pulp - Secret Agent X.36.08.Green-Eyed Vengeance - Arthur J Burks (pdf).pdf 177.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Emma Michaels - [Society of Feathers 02] - Eyrie (epub).epub 177.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/M H Young - Close (epub).epub 177.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Pulp - Black Book Detective.48.02.Mementos of Murder - John L Benton (pdf).pdf 176.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Sarah Adams - [Crushing on You 03] - Crushing On the Wrong Joshua (epub).epub 176.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Kassanna - Claws [Sugar and Spice] (mobi).mobi 176.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Crystal White - The Boss's One Condition [MF] (mobi).mobi 176.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Cassie Black - Trapped (epub).epub 176.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Ava Marie - One More Moment Alone (epub).epub 176.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Shane Morgan - [Impossibly 01] - Impossibly Love (epub).epub 176.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lucy J Whittaker - Look At Your Future (epub).epub 176.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Alfred C Martino - Over the End Line (retail) (epub).epub 175.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Steve Weddle - Country Hardball (epub).epub 175.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Storm Constantine - [Wraeththu Mythos] - Student of Kyme (retail) (epub).epub 175.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Sorcha Mowbray - Mergers and Acquisitions [Decadent, The Edge] (epub).epub 175.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Drew Adams - Ghost Reaper Episode 1 (epub).epub 175.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Ava Marie - One More Moment Alone (azw3).azw3 175.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Sadie Matthews - [Season of Desire 01] - A Lesson in the Storm (epub).epub 175.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Lauren Carr - [Mac Faraday Mystery 03] - Shades of Murder (epub).epub 175.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Linda Sue Park - When My Name Was Keoko (retail) (epub).epub 175.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/David R Bennett - [Destiny Phoenix 02] - Cry of the Wolf (epub).epub 175.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Alexia Stark - Angel (azw3).azw3 174.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Drew Adams - Ghost Reaper Episode 2 (azw3).azw3 174.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Tia Louise - One to Hold (epub).epub 174.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-22/J M Christopher - Head Over Heels [MF] (epub).epub 174.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Evans Light - Whatever Possessed You (2e) (epub).epub 174.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Lilian Peake - The Tender Night [HP-150, MB-1020] (epub).epub 174.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/E E Burke - Kate's Outlaw [Steam! Romance and Rails] (epub).epub 174.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Dr Who - [BBC New Series 48] - Borrowed Time - Naomi A Alderman (epub).epub 174.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Dominique Wilkins - 7-10 (epub).epub 173.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Nancy Fornataro - [Romance In 02] - Romance in Dallas- Tycoon! (epub).epub 173.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Daniel Dickson - The Long Way Home (epub).epub 173.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Taylor Storm - [Who 02] - Who Loves Them (epub).epub 173.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Locklyn Marx - [Alexis and Reid 02] - Break Me Down (mobi).mobi 173.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Amelia Jones - [Swanson Sisters 02] - Stepping Out (mobi).mobi 173.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Alexia Stark - Evaleigh [MF] (epub).epub 173.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Kathryn Lasky - Broken Song (retail) (epub).epub 172.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Frederik Pohl - Alternating Currents - 05 - The Mapmakers (v1.0) (html).html 172.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Isabella Alan - [Amish Quilt Shop Mystery 00.5] - Plainly Murder (epub).epub 172.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Renee Rose - The Reddington Scandal [Stormy Night] (epub).epub 172.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Alexia Stark - Evaleigh [MF] (azw3).azw3 171.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/J A Bailey - [SinSity Stories] - Saved By Sex [MF] (mobi).mobi 171.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Stella Starke - [Big Bang 01] - Backstabber (azw3).azw3 171.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Helen Styles - [Love- Lost & Found 01] - A Sudden Engagement (epub).epub 171.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Marion Lennox - A Doctor's Redemption [HMED-625, Gold Coast Angels] (epub).epub 171.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Drew Adams - Ghost Reaper Episode 1 (azw3).azw3 171.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Daniel J Barnes - The Lady of the Forest (azw3).azw3 171.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Alexia Stark - [Caught Stripping 02] - Julia's Daddy (Julia) [MF] (epub).epub 171.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Rachel Dunning - [Naive Mistakes 03] - West-End Boys [MF] (epub).epub 171.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Emily Forbes - Daring to Date Dr Celebrity [HMED-617, MMED-1669] (epub).epub 171.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Jack Gantos - [Joey Pigza 02] - Joey Pigza Loses Control (retail) (epub).epub 171.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Elle Dawson - [Re-Connections 01] - The Anniversary Gift (epub).epub 170.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Morgan Garrity - [Sweet Jealousy 02] - Sweet Surrender [MF] (mobi).mobi 170.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Eve Vaughn - [Dated, Mated & Wed 02] - Dated and Sated [EC Twilight] (epub).epub 170.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Heather Thurmeier - [Meadow Ridge 01] - Love and Lattes (epub).epub 170.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Alexia Stark - [Caught Stripping 02] - Julia's Daddy (Julia) [MF] (azw3).azw3 170.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Dawne Dominique - Cream of the Crop [MF] (epub).epub 170.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Chloe Kale - [Billionaire Bared 01] - Rush [MF] (mobi).mobi 170.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Saranna DeWylde - Claimed by the Alpha [HNC] (mobi).mobi 169.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Liliana Rhodes - Charming the Alpha (epub).epub 169.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jessica Florence - Surviving Valentine (epub).epub 169.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jina Bacarr - Naked Sushi [Cosmo] (epub).epub 169.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Lucy Lacefield - The Season of Shay and Dane (epub).epub 169.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/C J Hockenberry - [Southern Romance Monthly 03] - December Frost (epub).epub 168.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Doyle Mills - Down Low Adam [MM] (epub).epub 168.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Teri Fowler - One Night in His Custody [Evernight] (epub).epub 168.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Christine Bell - [Dare Me 02.5] - Down the Aisle (epub).epub 168.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Alexia Stark - Angel (epub).epub 168.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Susan G Charles - [Animal Sagas 04] - Animal Desire (epub).epub 168.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/J Lee Coulter - Portals of Time (epub).epub 168.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Jean Ferris - [Marigold 02] - Twice Upon a Marigold (retail) (epub).epub 168.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Daniel J Barnes - The Lady of the Forest (epub).epub 168.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Chelsea Camaron - [Daddy's Girls 00.5] - Crash and Burn (epub).epub 167.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Ana Vela - [European Secrets 02] - Paris (mobi).mobi 167.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Stewart O'Nan - The Odds- A Love Story (retail) (epub).epub 167.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/J L Edwards - Cottage Country [MF] (mobi).mobi 167.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Frederik Pohl - Alternating Currents - 09 - The Tunnel Under the World (v1.0) (html).html 167.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jordan Silver - [Taking What He Wants 00.5] - His Wants [MF] (mobi).mobi 167.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Elizabeth Nicholl - Memoirs of an Emergency Nurse (epub).epub 167.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jayna Elcock - [Fate 01] - Rescued by Fate [MF] (mobi).mobi 166.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Kelly Favor - [For His Pleasure 17] - Under His Command [MF] (epub).epub 166.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jane Arbor - Dear Intruder [HR-919, MB-1070] (epub).epub 166.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Jordan Silver - [The Mancini Way 01] - Catch Me If You Can (epub).epub 166.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Delphine - Clockwork Countess (mobi).mobi 165.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Doyle Mills - Down Low Adam [MM] (azw3).azw3 165.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Anne Kyle - Touch Me Once (epub).epub 165.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Sophie Shearer - [Naughty Nights House Party 01] - The Red Shoes- Alison's Story [MF] (mobi).mobi 164.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/J Lee Coulter - Fractured Love, Broken Promises (epub).epub 164.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Cera D Colby - Dark DNA (epub).epub 164.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Elizabeth Hoy - To Win a Paradise [HR-532, MB-489] (epub).epub 164.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Crystal-Rain Love - [Cook County 02] - Lucky in Love (epub).epub 164.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Stefan Zweig - Burning Secret (epub).epub 164.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Maggie Mitchell - [Muses Across Time 01] - Chasing Terpsichore [TEB] (epub).epub 164.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Kendall Pearce - [Blood Lust Plague 01] - Rise of the Dark Sun (epub).epub 164.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Crystal Harms - Desired Affliction 1- Haunted by Her Past (mobi).mobi 164.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lia Marsh - Shared by Seven Strangers [MF] (mobi).mobi 164.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Ana Blaze - A Late Thaw (epub).epub 164.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Selena Wolfcastlin - [Gothos 01] - A Kiss of Darkness (epub).epub 163.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jami Davenport - [Seattle Lumberjacks 04.5] - Christmas Break (epub).epub 163.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Olivia Mayfield - [Inheritance 02] - The Inheritance Part II (epub).epub 163.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Megan West - Kristen's Surprise [MF] (epub).epub 163.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Clara Bayard - [Rockstar 07] - Rocked in the Dark [MF] (epub).epub 163.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Kai Michaels - Breaking the Bro Code (epub).epub 162.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Faith Price - Scarred (epub).epub 162.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Bianca D'Arc - [Dragon Knights 02.5] - Master at Arms (epub).epub 162.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Linda O Johnston - [Alpha Force] - Hawk's Challenge [NOCT Bites] (epub).epub 162.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Dean Koontz - Wilderness (epub).epub 161.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Sierra Rose - [Ashly Roberts Saga 01] - My Despicable Ex (epub).epub 160.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/N Kuhn - Love's Interception (epub).epub 160.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Jaye Wells - [Sabina Kane 05.5] - Rusted Veins (epub).epub 160.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Theodore Taylor - The Maldonado Miracle (retail) (epub).epub 160.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Serenity Woods - Two Passionate Proposals (epub).epub 160.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Jackie French - [Hitler 01] - Hitler's Daughter (epub).epub 160.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Isobel Chace - The House of the Scissors [HR-1750] (epub).epub 159.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Serena Jennings, Ann Sanam - Summer Nights (mobi).mobi 159.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Jordan Silver - Fervor (epub).epub 159.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Kevin Hardman - [Warden 02] - Lure of the Lamia (epub).epub 159.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Heather Hiestand & Eilis Flynn - [Wear Black] - Dancing in Red (epub).epub 159.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Cosmo's Sexiest Stories Ever - Jane Green, Jennifer Weiner, Meg Cabot (v5.0) (epub).epub 159.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Viola Grace - [Nexus Chronicles] - Turning Night [eXtasy] (mobi).mobi 159.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Hazel St James - [Redemption 01] - Fighting For You (epub).epub 159.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Marques Lewis & Jamila Gomez - Good Men Still Exist [MF] (epub).epub 159.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Mellie George - [Bad Blooded Rebel 01] - Rebel (epub).epub 158.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Han Nolan - Send Me Down a Miracle (retail) (epub).epub 158.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Karen Rivers - [XYZ 03] - What Z Sees (retail) (epub).epub 158.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Anne Weale - Separate Bedrooms [HP-312, MB-1521] (epub).epub 158.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Barbara Weitz - Operation Christmas (epub).epub 158.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Teresa Mummert - [Honor 04] - Honor and Betray [MF] (epub).epub 158.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Jack Parker - Shooter (epub).epub 157.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Jane Arbor - Lake of Shadows [HR-887, MB-189] (epub).epub 157.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Sophie Shearer - [Naughty Nights House Party 01] - The Red Shoes- Alison's Story [MF] (azw3).azw3 157.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-18/David Leavitt - Arkansas (v5.0) (epub).epub 157.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Denise A Agnew - [Love Under Fire 01] - Sudden Heat [EC Breathless] (epub).epub 157.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Cristin Harber - [Titan 03.2] - Chased (epub).epub 156.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Ana Fawkes - [By His Command 10] - His Love [MF] (epub).epub 156.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Sook Nyul Choi - [Sookan 02] - Echoes of the White Giraffe (retail) (epub).epub 155.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Patricia Lee Macomber - Zombie- A Love Story (retail) (epub).epub 155.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Madelynne Ellis - Woe in Kabukicho (mobi).mobi 155.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Kristen Butcher - Cheat (retail) (epub).epub 155.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Anne McAllister - Lightning Storm [HP-844, MB-2429] (epub).epub 155.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Lauren Dane - [Visits to Petal 02] - Girls' Night Out [Samhain] (azw3).azw3 155.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Monica Corwin - The Midnight Masquerade [Decadent, The Edge] (epub).epub 155.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Abbey Polidori - [Wolf Call 02] - Clay's Instinct (epub).epub 154.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Elizabeth Lennox - [Thorpe Brothers 01] - His Captive Lover (epub).epub 154.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Annemarie Hartnett - All To Myself (epub).epub 153.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Crissy Smith - [Were Chronicles 07] - Pack Daughter [TEB] (epub).epub 153.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Jeff Holmes - Forever (epub).epub 152.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Lena Goldfinch - The Language of Souls (epub).epub 152.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Annette Broadrick - [Max 02] - A Love Remembered [MD-1317, SR-676] (epub).epub 152.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Ana Fawkes - [By His Command 08] - His Confession [MF] (epub).epub 152.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Betty McBride - Ugly (epub).epub 152.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pulp - Ten Detective Aces.40.11.Graveyard Shift - Don James Johnston (pdf).pdf 151.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Brent Acuff - [Undead Nation 03] - Revenge (mobi).mobi 151.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Lacey Thorn - Confined Love [EC Aeon] (epub).epub 150.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Callee Raye - Snatched (epub).epub 150.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Kate Richards - Gale Force Passion [Decadent, 1NS 72] (epub).epub 150.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Bethany-Kris - A Mile High [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 150.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 133 (mobi).mobi 149.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Elizabeth Kelly - [Tempted 02] - Twice Tempted [MF] (epub).epub 149.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Magan Vernon - Off the Market [The 12 NA's of Christmas] (epub).epub 148.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Ginny Baird - [Holiday Brides 05] - Baby, Be Mine (epub).epub 148.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Christa Wick - [A Billionaire's BBW 01] - Smothered [MF] (epub).epub 148.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Cristin Harber - [Titan 03.1] - Gambled (epub).epub 148.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-12/Megan Faust - [Full Throttle 01] - Race to Redemption (epub).epub 148.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Phaedra Weldon - [Zoe Martinique 06.1] - Dark Time (v5.0) (html).rar 148.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Crystal Harms - Desired Affliction 1- Haunted by Her Past (epub).epub 148.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jeanette Ingold - Paper Daughter (retail) (epub).epub 148.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Matt Stuart - Liquid Fire (epub).epub 147.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Sofia Paz - [The Stranger Master 02] - Total Control [MF] (mobi).mobi 147.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Kelly McCrady - Hearts in Bloom (epub).epub 147.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Vanessa Carvo - Facing the Storm Along the Oregon Trail (epub).epub 147.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Luke Alden - Happy Birthday Eternity (epub).epub 146.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Sophie Swift - [Smart Girls Finish First 01.5] - Caught Up in You (epub).epub 146.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jackie Nacht - [Knavish Sprites 02] - Enamored to a Fool [eXtasy MM] (epub).epub 146.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Cat Johnson - [Red, Hot & Blue 10] - Bull (epub).epub 146.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Pulp - Short Stories.48.02.10.Last Fling at River Bend - Ray Palmer Tracy (pdf).pdf 145.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Marilyn Sachs - [Nicole Nieman 01] - A Pocket Full of Seeds (retail) (epub).epub 145.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Yajna Ramnath - Worthy of Me (epub).epub 145.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Eden Myles - [The Dollhouse Society 07] - Isabelle [MF] (epub).epub 145.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Laura Wright - [Wicked Ink Chronicles 01] - First Ink - Rush (epub).epub 144.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Lia Marsh - The Price of Innocence (azw3).azw3 144.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Elizabeth Fensham - Goodbye Jamie Boyd (retail) (pdf).pdf 144.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Sarah Dalton - My Daylight Monsters (epub).epub 144.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Lauren Dane - [Visits to Petal 02] - Girls' Night Out [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 144.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Rhian Cahill - [Only You 01] - All Of You [MF] (epub).epub 143.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Kristin Miller - [Isle of Feralon 04] - The Mermaid's Mate [HNC] (epub).epub 143.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Marilyn Sachs - Underdog (retail) (epub).epub 143.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Marie Harte - [Wanton Witches 01] - When the Starrs Align [TEB] (epub).epub 143.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Pamela Clare - [I-Team 05.9] - First Strike (epub).epub 143.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Cathryn Fox - [Waves of Seduction] - Laid Bare (epub).epub 143.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Lauren Hawkeye - Some Like It Wicked [HNC] (mobi).mobi 143.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Alexx Andria - [Leverage 01] - Leverage- Part 1 [MF] (epub).epub 143.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/James Cox - Eat, Sleep, Fuck- The Wit & Wisdom of the World Wide Web - Vol 04 (mobi).mobi 142.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Tanwen Coyne - The Dreamers (epub).epub 142.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Jon Waldrep - Monkeys Wearing Pants (epub).epub 142.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/P J Lincoln - In the Sunshine (epub).epub 141.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Kelli Scott - Catered Affair [Decadent, The Edge] (epub).epub 141.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Alexander Maisey - [The Machinist 01] - Malevolence (epub).epub 141.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Rayne Bexley - Her Forbidden Affair [HDP] (epub).epub 141.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake 22.6] - Shutdown (html).rar 141.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Lia Marsh - Shared by Seven Strangers [MF] (epub).epub 140.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kate Spofford - Bethany Caleb (mobi).mobi 140.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Annette Broadrick - [Crawford-Duncan 02] - Come Be My Love [SR-609] (epub).epub 140.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Stephanie Beck - [Poppy's Place] - Poppy's Picnic [MF] (epub).epub 140.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Heather Long - [Always a Marine 18] - A Candle for a Marine [Decadent] (epub).epub 139.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Janelle Taylor - Straight From The Heart (epub).epub 139.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Mark Teppo - [The Court of Lies 01] - The Queen of Faith (v5.0) (epub).epub 139.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Daisy Fields - [The Amish of Lancaster County 01] - Faith and Hope in Lancaster (epub).epub 138.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Libby Sparks - Cupid's Daughter (epub).epub 138.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/J G Sandom - Kiss Me, I'm Dead (epub).epub 138.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Lex Valentine - Insolence [EC Moderne] (epub).epub 138.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Eliza Gayle - The Billionaire's Demon (Dirty Deeds) [MF] (epub).epub 138.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Jordan Silver - [Taking What He Wants 01] - Taking What He Wants [MF] (epub).epub 137.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/N Kuhn - Bar Tricks [MF] (epub).epub 137.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Amber L Johnson - Where We Fell (epub).epub 137.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Heather Long - [Always a Marine 17] - A Marine of Plenty [Decadent] (epub).epub 137.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Julia L Sauer - Fog Magic (retail) (epub).epub 137.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Locklyn Marx - Tell Me Lies (epub).epub 136.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Meg Perry - [Jamie Brodie Mystery 01] - Cited to Death (epub).epub 136.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Sienna Stapleton - Reckless Curves [MF] (epub).epub 136.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Ramsey Campbell - The Pretence (epub).epub 136.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Violet Gray - The Vampire's Submissive [MF] (epub).epub 136.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Ryan Hunt - [New Blood 01] - Dark Canticle (azw3).azw3 136.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Cindy Jacks - Wilder's Fantasies [MF] (epub).epub 136.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Tiffany Nicole Smith - [The Silver Scythe Chronicles 01.01] - Naomi Grim Part 1 (epub).epub 135.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/A J Carella - [The Game 02] - Game On (epub).epub 135.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jacqueline Woodson - [Jeremiah 01] - If You Come Softly (retail) (epub).epub 135.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/N Kuhn - [Tucked In 02] - Jessica (epub).epub 135.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Sky Corgan - [His Indecent Lessons 01] - His Indecent Lessons [MF] (mobi).mobi 135.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Howard Engel - [Benny Cooperman 13] - The Whole Megillah (retail) (epub).epub 135.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Nikki Pink - [Sons of Mayhem 03] - War and Vengeance (epub).epub 135.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Joyce Dingwell - The Man From the Valley [HR-1069, MB-222] (epub).epub 134.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Serena Grey - [A Dangerous Man 03] - Claim (epub).epub 134.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Journals 08 - Challys Argent 01] - The Treasure of Far Thallai - Robin D Laws (epub).epub 134.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Annette Broadrick - [Crawford-Duncan 01] - That's What Friends Are For [SR-544] (epub).epub 134.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Mark Edwards - Chrissel's Fire (epub).epub 134.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Sky Corgan - [Fifty Shades of BDSM 01-04] - Meeting; Resisting; Seducing; Taming Jack Kemble [MF] (epub).epub 134.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Ella Price - [Romeo's Secrets 02] - Romeo's Secrets- vol 2 [MF] (epub).epub 133.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Kevin Hardman - [Warden 01] - Wendigo Fever (epub).epub 133.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Delphine - Clockwork Countess (epub).epub 133.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Tabitha Levin - In His Sails (epub).epub 133.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Lia Marsh - The Price of Innocence (mobi).mobi 133.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Marisa Chenery - [Cougar Surrender 03] - A Cougar's Desire [EC Twilight] (epub).epub 132.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Sam Crescent - [Rock Wood Pack 02] - Bound to Be Taken [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 132.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner 060] - Sold for Slaughter - Don Pendleton (epub).epub 132.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Tawny Taylor - Triple Stud [MF] (epub).epub 132.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Journals 09 - Kostin 02] - Light of a Distant Star - Bill Ward (epub).epub 132.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jennifer Jagger - The Girl Who Can't Deny- A Story of Dominance and Submission [MF] (epub).epub 131.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Clarissa Wild - [The Billionaire's Bet 03] - A Risky Raise [MF] (epub).epub 131.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Alaska Angelini - Two Doms, One Night [MF] (epub).epub 131.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jordan Silver - [The Spitfire 03] - Beautiful Assassin [MF] (epub).epub 131.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Karen Jones - From My Window (epub).epub 130.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Saranna DeWylde - Claimed by the Alpha [HNC] (epub).epub 130.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/J L Coulter - Tarnished Honor (epub).epub 130.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Marilyn Sachs - What My Sister Remembered (retail) (epub).epub 130.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jenna Allen - [Happily Bedded Bliss 01] - Desire Renewed [MF] (epub).epub 130.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Jaspira Noel - [The Business Affair 01] - Forever Mine (epub).epub 130.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Web Fiction 06 - Norret & Orlin Gantier 01] - The Secret of the Rose and Glove - Kevin Andrew Murphy (epub).epub 129.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Jenn Vakey - Diary of the Pirate Killer (epub).epub 129.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Marguerite Duras - Yann Andrea Steiner (v5.0) (epub).epub 129.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Jane Yolen - [Tartan Magic 01] - The Wizard's Map (retail) (epub).epub 128.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Rashad Freeman - [Creature Kid 00] - Rise of the Elementals (epub).epub 128.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Mark Allan Gunnells - Asylum (epub).epub 128.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Lindsay Paige - [Bold As Love 03] - Whatever It Takes (epub).epub 128.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Ella Elias - [The Dragons 01] - Captivated (epub).epub 128.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Crystal Blue - [Heart of Steele 01] - Steele Trap (epub).epub 128.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 132 (epub).epub 127.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Aphrodite Hunt - [Romanced by the Damaged Millionaire 01] - Damaged Beauties [MF] (epub).epub 127.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Abbey Polidori - [Wolf Call 02] - Clay's Instinct (mobi).mobi 127.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Caitlin Moran - BAD Luck (epub).epub 127.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Opal Carew - [Three 02] - Three Men and a Bride [MF] (epub).epub 127.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Lucinda DuBois - [The DeLuca Brothers 01] - One Step Closer [MF] (epub).epub 126.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Kenzi Costello - Misguided [MF] (epub).epub 126.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Tara Chevrestt - Style Me Sexy (mobi).mobi 126.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Rhyme Devereux - [VIP- The Pink Collection 01] - At Your Mercy [MF] (mobi).mobi 126.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Viola Grace - [Nexus Chronicles] - Turning Night [eXtasy] (epub).epub 126.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Renae Jones - Taste of Passion (epub).epub 126.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Sophie Shearer - [Naughty Nights House Party 01] - The Red Shoes- Alison's Story [MF] (epub).epub 126.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Emma Weylin - [Secret Blood 01] - Dark Forest [LSB] (epub).epub 126.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Kristin Miller - [Isle of Feralon 04] - The Mermaid's Mate [HNC] (html).rar 126.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Eliza Brown - Saving Stella (epub).epub 125.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Web Fiction 12 - Bonali 01] - The Illusionist - Elaine Cunningham (epub).epub 125.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Cheryl Dragon - [Sweet Submission 01] - Savannah Secrets [EC Taboo] (epub).epub 125.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Jordan Silver - The Claiming [MF] (mobi).mobi 125.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Jen Frederick - [Woodlands 02.1] - Unspoken, the Epilogue (mobi).mobi 125.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Michelle L Levigne - [All's Fae in Love and Chocolate 03] - She Blinded Me With Science (retail) (epub).epub 125.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Marita A Hansen - [My Masters' Nightmare s01e01] - Taken [MF] (epub).epub 125.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Ana Vela - [European Secrets 01] - Madrid (mobi).mobi 124.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Andrew Clements - [Things 03] - Things That Are (epub).epub 124.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/James Martins - Loved by a Devil (epub).epub 124.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 133 (epub).epub 124.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Bess Norton - The Waiting Room [HR-653] (epub).epub 124.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Emily Jane Trent - [Touched By You 08] - Desperately Entwined [MF] (epub).epub 124.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/N Kuhn - [Tucked In 01] - Lianna (epub).epub 124.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Natalie Dae - [What's Her Secret 01] - The Submissive's Secret [TEB] (epub).epub 124.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Sadie Romero - [Complicity Cycle 01] - Eager to Learn (epub).epub 123.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jordan Silver - [Taken 02] - Bred (mobi).mobi 123.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Beverly Montgomery - A Burning Secret (epub).epub 123.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Mina Carter - [Paranormal Protection Agency 06] - Dragon's Honor (epub).epub 122.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Kat VonSant - [The Millionaire's Social Club 02] - Sinful Pleasure [MF] (epub).epub 122.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Juliette Jones - [Billionaire 05] - Billionaire - Part 5 [MF] (mobi).mobi 122.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Ryan Hunt - [New Blood 01] - Dark Canticle (mobi).mobi 122.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/Anne Conley - [Stories of Serendipity] - Falling for Him (epub).epub 122.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Lacey Daize - [Shaping Amber 01] - Chasing Amber [MF] (mobi).mobi 122.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-19/Jenna Blu - Desire [MF] (epub).epub 122.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Maddie James as Mia Jae - Sweet Temptation [MF] (epub).epub 122.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Chloe Kale - [Billionaire Bared 01] - Rush [MF] (epub).epub 121.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Allyson Lindt - [A Working Girl's Guide 01] - Unconventional Fling [LSB] (epub).epub 121.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-15/J'aimee Brooker - Rescued (epub).epub 121.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Laura Wright - [Wicked Ink Chronicles 02] - Shattered Ink - Addison (epub).epub 121.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Web Fiction 13 - Korm & Aebos 01] - Two Pieces of Tarnished Silver - Erik Mona (epub).epub 120.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lucy J Whittaker - Someone Perfect for Mr Moore (epub).epub 120.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Michael A R Co - The God Equation and Other Stories (epub).epub 120.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Ella Price - Indecent Temptations (epub).epub 120.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-30/Debora Dennis - [Starlight Hills 01] - Muffins and Mistletoe (epub).epub 119.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Saranna DeWylde - Claimed by the Alpha [HNC] (html).rar 119.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Clarissa Wild - [The Billionaire's Bet 04] - A Final Game [MF] (epub).epub 119.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-10/Jane Yolen - [Young Merlin 02] - Hobby (retail) (epub).epub 119.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Emma Rose - [Shared 01] - Shared, Book 1 (epub).epub 118.8 KB
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- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Web Fiction 10 - The Walkers from the Crypt 01] - The Walkers from the Crypt - Howard Andrew Jones (epub).epub 112.0 KB
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- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Web Fiction 25 - Ameyanda & Seyusth 01] - Hell or High Water - Ari Marmell (epub).epub 111.8 KB
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- 2013/2013-10-08/Kevin Moore - My Lovely Wife, Edith (mobi).mobi 104.0 KB
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- 2013/2013-10-09/Cristian Mihai - Remember (mobi).mobi 102.5 KB
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- 2013/2013-10-04/Rachel Waldman - The Difference of Life (epub).epub 101.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Web Fiction 01 - Count Varian Jeggare 03] - The Lost Pathfinder - Dave Gross (epub).epub 101.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Elle O'Brien - [Show Me 01] - Show Me (epub).epub 101.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Eva Hore - Without Inhibitions [MF] (epub).epub 101.1 KB
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- 2013/2013-10-01/Seamus Heaney - Human Chain- Poetry (retail) (epub).epub 100.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Web Fiction 20 - Salim 01] - Faithful Servants - James L Sutter (epub).epub 100.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Jennifer Smith - Ghostly Touch (epub).epub 100.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/J A Bailey - [SinSity Stories] - Saved By Sex [MF] (epub).epub 99.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Amelia Jones - [Swanson Sisters 01] - Getting Away (epub).epub 99.9 KB
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- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Web Fiction 21 - Darvin & Fife 01 - Fingers of Death-No, Doom! - Lucien Soulban (epub).epub 99.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/J D Anders - [Dale Jackson 02] - Red and the Roofers [MF] (epub).epub 99.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Lauren Hawkeye - Some Like It Wicked [HNC] (html).rar 99.4 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Cristian Mihai - Remember (azw3).azw3 99.0 KB
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- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Web Fiction 33 - Norret & Orlin Gantier 03] - Thieves Vinegar - Kevin Andrew Murphy (epub).epub 97.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Jayna Elcock - [Fate 01] - Rescued by Fate [MF] (epub).epub 97.5 KB
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- 2013/2013-10-15/J L Edwards - Cottage Country [MF] (epub).epub 96.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/K C Mason - [Craig Creates a Harem 01] - The Beginning [MF] (epub).epub 95.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Liz Langdon - [Sunsets in Europe 01] - A Sunset in Paris (epub).epub 95.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jennifer Smith - GRRR! [MF] (epub).epub 95.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Pulp - Secret Agent X.38.02.Eye of Death - William Benton Johnston (pdf).pdf 95.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Web Fiction 11 - Count Varian Jeggare 01] - A Lesson in Taxonomy - Dave Gross (epub).epub 94.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Helen Rosalyn - Love, Blood & Brimstone- Magic Awakening (epub).epub 94.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jordan Silver - [The Spitfire 02] - Lady Boss (La Principessa) [MF] (epub).epub 94.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Web Fiction 17 - Tibeth 01] - The Seventh Execution - Amber E Scott (epub).epub 94.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Web Fiction 24 - Jendara 01] - Mother Bears - Wendy N Wagner (epub).epub 94.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-26/Cara B Connor - A Girl's Best Friend [MF] (epub).epub 92.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-11/Rebecca J Clark - [Shameless 00.5] - Shameful (epub).epub 92.6 KB
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- 2013/2013-10-09/Jen Frederick - [Woodlands 02.1] - Unspoken, the Epilogue (epub).epub 91.2 KB
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- 2013/2013-10-01/Madelynne Ellis - Woe in Kabukicho (epub).epub 90.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-05/Tara Chevrestt - Style Me Sexy (epub).epub 90.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Web Fiction 29 - Hendregan 04] - In the Event of My Untimely Demise - Robin D Laws (epub).epub 88.9 KB
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- 2013/2013-10-24/Ana Vela - [European Secrets 02] - Paris (epub).epub 88.6 KB
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- 2013/2013-10-10/Jill Rubalcaba - The Wadjet Eye (retail) (epub).epub 87.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-07/Serena Jennings, Ann Sanam - Summer Nights (epub).epub 86.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Kevin Hardman - [Kid Sensation] - Extraction (epub).epub 85.2 KB
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- 2013/2013-10-20/S C Edward - Velvet Ink [MF] (epub).epub 83.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Kevin Moore - My Lovely Wife, Edith (epub).epub 83.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Alexia Stark - Clint [MF] (epub).epub 82.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Lauren Carr - [Mac Faraday Mystery] - Lucky Dog (mobi).mobi 82.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-16/Amelia Jones - [Swanson Sisters 02] - Stepping Out (epub).epub 81.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Clarissa Wild - First Dance With You [MF] (epub).epub 80.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-20/Morgan Garrity - [Sweet Jealousy 02] - Sweet Surrender [MF] (epub).epub 80.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-23/Mary Brennan - Love and Secrets (epub).epub 78.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Christine Sims & Alara Branwen - [Dinosaur Erotica] - Taken by the T-Rex (epub).epub 78.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Abbey Polidori - [Wolf Call 01] - Logan's Calling (epub).epub 78.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lois Lowry - [JP Tate 03] - Your Move, JP! (retail) (epub).epub 77.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-09/Cristian Mihai - Remember (epub).epub 75.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-29/Rosanna Cole - Rock Star Groupie 1 [MF] (epub).epub 72.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jordan Silver - Forbidden [MF] (epub).epub 71.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pathfinder Tales - [Web Fiction 28 - Hrokon & Xaven 01] - The Twelve-Hour Statue - Michael Kortes (epub).epub 71.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-01/Lois Lowry - [JP Tate 02] - Switcharound (retail) (epub).epub 70.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Locklyn Marx - [Alexis and Reid 02] - Break Me Down (epub).epub 70.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-13/Pulp - All-Story.13.09.Duty - Donald Francis McGrew (pdf).pdf 70.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Jordan Silver - Tease [MF] (epub).epub 69.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jordan Silver - [The Pregnancy Affair 01] - His One Sweet Thing [MF] (epub).epub 69.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-14/Jordan Silver - [Taken 02] - Bred [MF] (epub).epub 68.5 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Mackenzie Harper - What Fools Believe (epub).epub 68.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-27/Juliette Jones - [Billionaire 05] - Billionaire - Part 5 [MF] (epub).epub 68.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jordan Silver - [The Pregnancy Affair 02] - The Sweetest Revenge [MF] (epub).epub 67.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-28/Deni D'Amore - A Cold Day in Hell [MF] (epub).epub 67.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-03/Lacey Daize - [Shaping Amber 01] - Chasing Amber [MF] (epub).epub 66.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-24/Kristina Ludwig - A First Time for Everything (epub).epub 66.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jordan Silver - [The Pregnancy Affair 03] - Sweet Redemption [MF] (epub).epub 65.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Jacqueline Turner Banks - Egg-Drop Blues (retail) (epub).epub 65.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Frederik Pohl - Alternating Currents - 10 - What to do Until the Analyst Comes (v1.0) (html).html 65.2 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Frederik Pohl - Alternating Currents - 06 - Rafferty's Reasons (v1.0) (html).html 63.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Alexander Maisey - [The Machinist] - Making Time (epub).epub 61.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Frederik Pohl - Alternating Currents - 07 - Target One (v1.0) (html).html 59.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Frederik Pohl - Alternating Currents - 03 - Let the Ants Try (v1.0) (html).html 59.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-25/Taylor Grace - Chosen [MF] (epub).epub 56.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-04/Pulp - 10-Story Detective.47.10.Thief in the Cupboard - Ray Fulbright (pdf).pdf 53.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 131 - Alberto Yanez - The Coffinmaker's Love (html).html 51.8 KB
- 2013/2013-10-08/Lauren Carr - [Mac Faraday Mystery] - Lucky Dog (epub).epub 51.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Frederik Pohl - Alternating Currents - 02 - The Ghost-Maker (v1.0) (html).html 51.3 KB
- 2013/2013-10-06/Denise Swanson - [Scumble River Mystery] - Not a Monster of a Chance (epub).epub 44.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 133 - Matthew Kessel - Pheth's Aviary (html).rar 41.0 KB
- 2013/2013-10-31/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 133 - Alan Baxter - Not the Worst of Sins (html).rar 40.6 KB
- 2013/2013-10-02/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 131 - Richard Parks - Cherry Blossoms on the River of Souls (html).html 37.1 KB
- 2013/2013-10-21/Frederik Pohl - Alternating Currents - 08 - Grandy Devil (v1.0) (html).html 33.9 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 132 - Gemma Files - A Feast for Dust (html).html 33.7 KB
- 2013/2013-10-17/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 132 - Caleb Wilson - The Adventure of the Pyramid of Bacconyus (html).html 30.4 KB
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