William Shakespeare [FreePaidBooks.online]
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- Henry IV, Part 2 (9026)/Henry IV, Part 2 - William Shakespeare.epub 4.5 MB
- Othello (9044)/Othello - William Shakespeare.epub 4.1 MB
- Henry IV,Part 1 (9025)/Henry IV,Part 1 - William Shakespeare.epub 2.0 MB
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- Romeo and Juliet (9047)/Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare.epub 618.3 KB
- Much Ado About Nothing (9043)/Much Ado About Nothing - William Shakespeare.epub 587.7 KB
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- The Winter's Tale (9056)/The Winter's Tale - William Shakespeare.epub 541.0 KB
- Coriolanus (9022)/Coriolanus - William Shakespeare.epub 127.0 KB
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- King Lear (9034)/King Lear - William Shakespeare.epub 124.2 KB
- Henry VIII (9031)/Henry VIII - William Shakespeare.epub 123.9 KB
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- Henry V (9027)/Henry V - William Shakespeare.epub 121.9 KB
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- Henry VI, Part 3 (9030)/Henry VI, Part 3 - William Shakespeare.epub 115.9 KB
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- Henry VI, Part 1 (9028)/Henry VI, Part 1 - William Shakespeare.epub 111.6 KB
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- Julius Caesar (9032)/Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare.epub 107.9 KB
- King Richard II (9035)/King Richard II - William Shakespeare.epub 106.1 KB
- Macbeth (9038)/Macbeth - William Shakespeare.epub 105.9 KB
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- Midsummer Night's Dream (9042)/Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare.epub 94.4 KB
- Two Gentlemen of Verona (9054)/Two Gentlemen of Verona - William Shakespeare.epub 94.1 KB
- Twelfth Night (9053)/Twelfth Night - William Shakespeare.epub 94.0 KB
- As You Like It (9020)/As You Like It - William Shakespeare.epub 88.7 KB
- Shakespeare's Sonnets & Poems (9048)/Shakespeare's Sonnets & Poems - William Shakespeare.epub 84.3 KB
- Rape of Lucrece (9046)/Rape of Lucrece - William Shakespeare.epub 83.5 KB
- Comedy of Errors (9021)/Comedy of Errors - William Shakespeare.epub 73.9 KB
- Venus and Adonis (9055)/Venus and Adonis - William Shakespeare.epub 69.5 KB
- Merry Wives of Windsor (9041)/cover.jpg 52.0 KB
- All's Well That Ends Well (9018)/cover.jpg 49.6 KB
- Macbeth (9038)/cover.jpg 45.3 KB
- Henry VIII (9031)/cover.jpg 44.2 KB
- King John (9033)/cover.jpg 43.5 KB
- Love's Labour's Lost (9036)/cover.jpg 42.7 KB
- Measure for Measure (9039)/cover.jpg 42.5 KB
- Titus Andronicus (9051)/cover.jpg 42.3 KB
- Lover's Complaint (9037)/Lover's Complaint - William Shakespeare.epub 42.3 KB
- Much Ado About Nothing (9043)/cover.jpg 42.1 KB
- Venus and Adonis (9055)/cover.jpg 41.6 KB
- Rape of Lucrece (9046)/cover.jpg 40.6 KB
- Julius Caesar (9032)/cover.jpg 40.4 KB
- Coriolanus (9022)/cover.jpg 40.0 KB
- King Lear (9034)/cover.jpg 39.9 KB
- Henry IV, Part 2 (9026)/cover.jpg 39.6 KB
- Henry VI, Part 3 (9030)/cover.jpg 38.4 KB
- Henry VI, Part 1 (9028)/cover.jpg 37.7 KB
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- Two Gentlemen of Verona (9054)/cover.jpg 37.1 KB
- Antony and Cleopatra (9019)/cover.jpg 37.0 KB
- Cymbeline (9023)/cover.jpg 36.1 KB
- Henry VI, Part 2 (9029)/cover.jpg 36.1 KB
- Shakespeare's Sonnets & Poems (9048)/cover.jpg 36.0 KB
- Henry IV,Part 1 (9025)/cover.jpg 35.5 KB
- The Tempest (9050)/cover.jpg 34.6 KB
- King Richard II (9035)/cover.jpg 33.8 KB
- Romeo and Juliet (9047)/cover.jpg 33.1 KB
- Lover's Complaint (9037)/cover.jpg 33.0 KB
- The Merchant of Venice (9040)/cover.jpg 32.2 KB
- Taming of the Shrew (9049)/cover.jpg 30.1 KB
- Twelfth Night (9053)/cover.jpg 30.0 KB
- Othello (9044)/cover.jpg 29.6 KB
- Troilus and Cressida (9052)/cover.jpg 28.3 KB
- Henry V (9027)/cover.jpg 27.6 KB
- Passionate Pilgrim (9045)/Passionate Pilgrim - William Shakespeare.epub 27.0 KB
- Comedy of Errors (9021)/cover.jpg 23.9 KB
- As You Like It (9020)/cover.jpg 19.8 KB
- Passionate Pilgrim (9045)/cover.jpg 17.6 KB
- Hamlet (9024)/cover.jpg 14.8 KB
- The Winter's Tale (9056)/cover.jpg 6.2 KB
- Titus Andronicus (9051)/metadata.opf 3.7 KB
- Henry IV, Part 2 (9026)/metadata.opf 3.4 KB
- Merry Wives of Windsor (9041)/metadata.opf 2.6 KB
- King Lear (9034)/metadata.opf 2.4 KB
- As You Like It (9020)/Free Paid Books Online Must See!!!!.txt 253 bytes
- As You Like It (9020)/www.freepaidbooks.online.txt 253 bytes
- Merry Wives of Windsor (9041)/Free Paid Books Online Must See!!!!.txt 253 bytes
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- The Winter's Tale (9056)/Free Paid Books Online Must See!!!!.txt 253 bytes
- The Winter's Tale (9056)/www.freepaidbooks.online.txt 253 bytes
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