Lynda - Python Projects
File List
- 4. 4. Creating a GUI Application with Tkinter/12. NOAA weather data.mp4 47.0 MB
- 5. 5. Writing a Windows Scheduling Service/17. TaskSchedulerSvc.mp4 29.9 MB
- 3. 3. Using Design Patterns/09. Creating the maze in Python using the Factory Prototype design pattern.mp4 28.6 MB
- 4. 4. Creating a GUI Application with Tkinter/11. Simple GUI.mp4 26.9 MB
- 3. 3. Using Design Patterns/06. Creational design patterns - The maze labyrinth game in Python.mp4 21.4 MB
- 3. 3. Using Design Patterns/08. Creating the maze in Python using the Builder design pattern.mp4 19.5 MB
- 4. 4. Creating a GUI Application with Tkinter/13. OpenWeatherMap.mp4 18.5 MB
- 1. 1. Installation and Setup/02. Setting up the Python development environment.mp4 18.4 MB
- 3. 3. Using Design Patterns/07. Creating the maze in Python using the Abstract Factory design pattern.mp4 17.2 MB
- 2. 2. Running Python Programs within Eclipse/05. Using the PyDev debugger.mp4 17.1 MB
- 1. 1. Installation and Setup/01. The course overview.mp4 15.8 MB
- 5. 5. Writing a Windows Scheduling Service/15. EmailingViaGmail.mp4 14.5 MB
- 5. 5. Writing a Windows Scheduling Service/14. GettingDataHtml.mp4 14.3 MB
- 4. 4. Creating a GUI Application with Tkinter/10. Introducing Tkinter.mp4 11.5 MB
- 2. 2. Running Python Programs within Eclipse/04. Setting breakpoints.mp4 11.3 MB
- 2. 2. Running Python Programs within Eclipse/03. Getting started with Python.mp4 10.4 MB
- 5. 5. Writing a Windows Scheduling Service/16. Scheduling the task.mp4 9.2 MB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video4/city.list.json.gz 3.8 MB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video3/weather_HTMLParser.txt 78.2 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video3/weather_cities_stationID.txt 77.5 KB
- Exercise Files/Section1 - Installation and Setup/Videos to Folders mapping.JPG 73.6 KB
- Exercise Files/Section3 - Using Design Patterns/Section3_Video4/Proto_Output.txt 25.7 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video4/ 22.1 KB
- 4. 4. Creating a GUI Application with Tkinter/12. NOAA weather 20.4 KB
- 4. 4. Creating a GUI Application with Tkinter/11. Simple 15.8 KB
- 3. 3. Using Design Patterns/09. Creating the maze in Python using the Factory Prototype design 15.1 KB
- Exercise Files/Section3 - Using Design Patterns/Section3_Video4/ 14.7 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video3/ 13.2 KB
- 5. 5. Writing a Windows Scheduling Service/17. 12.7 KB
- 3. 3. Using Design Patterns/08. Creating the maze in Python using the Builder design 11.9 KB
- 1. 1. Installation and Setup/02. Setting up the Python development 11.7 KB
- 3. 3. Using Design Patterns/06. Creational design patterns - The maze labyrinth game in 11.6 KB
- Exercise Files/Section3 - Using Design Patterns/Section3_Video4/ 11.5 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video3/ 10.1 KB
- 2. 2. Running Python Programs within Eclipse/05. Using the PyDev 10.0 KB
- 4. 4. Creating a GUI Application with Tkinter/13. 9.9 KB
- Exercise Files/Section3 - Using Design Patterns/Section3_Video4/ 8.7 KB
- Exercise Files/Section3 - Using Design Patterns/Section3_Video1_and_2/ 8.4 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video3/ 7.9 KB
- 3. 3. Using Design Patterns/07. Creating the maze in Python using the Abstract Factory design 7.9 KB
- 5. 5. Writing a Windows Scheduling Service/14. 7.8 KB
- 1. 1. Installation and Setup/01. The course 7.7 KB
- 5. 5. Writing a Windows Scheduling Service/15. 7.4 KB
- Exercise Files/Section3 - Using Design Patterns/Section3_Video1_and_2/ 7.3 KB
- Exercise Files/Section3 - Using Design Patterns/Section3_Video3/ 7.0 KB
- 4. 4. Creating a GUI Application with Tkinter/10. Introducing 6.8 KB
- 2. 2. Running Python Programs within Eclipse/03. Getting started with 6.7 KB
- 2. 2. Running Python Programs within Eclipse/04. Setting 6.6 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video2/ 6.5 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video2/ 6.2 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video2/ 6.2 KB
- Exercise Files/Section3 - Using Design Patterns/Section3_Video1_and_2/ 5.6 KB
- 5. 5. Writing a Windows Scheduling Service/16. Scheduling the 5.5 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video3/few_clouds.png 4.7 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video4/few_clouds.png 4.7 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video4/fair.png 4.7 KB
- Exercise Files/Section3 - Using Design Patterns/Section3_Video1_and_2/ 4.4 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video3/night_few_clouds.png 4.2 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video4/night_few_clouds.png 4.2 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video3/night_fair.png 3.7 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video4/night_fair.png 3.7 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video4/10d.png 3.7 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video2/ 2.9 KB
- Exercise Files/Section5 - Writing a Windows scheduling service/Section5_Video1_4/ 2.9 KB
- Exercise Files/Section3 - Using Design Patterns/Section3_Video4/Proto_Output_for_printing.txt 2.5 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video2/ 2.3 KB
- Exercise Files/Section5 - Writing a Windows scheduling service/Section5_Video1_4/Email_File.html 2.0 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video4/ 1.8 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video2/ 1.8 KB
- Exercise Files/Section5 - Writing a Windows scheduling service/Section5_Video1_4/ 1.6 KB
- Exercise Files/Section5 - Writing a Windows scheduling service/Section5_Video1_4/ 1.5 KB
- Exercise Files/Section5 - Writing a Windows scheduling service/Section5_Video1_4/ 1.3 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video3/ 1.2 KB
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video1/ 879 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video1/ 813 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section5 - Writing a Windows scheduling service/Section5_Video1_4/ 744 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video4/LAX json.txt 669 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section2 - Running Python programs within Eclipse/Section2_Video2_and_3/ 624 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section2 - Running Python programs within Eclipse/Section2_Video2_and_3/ 557 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section2 - Running Python programs within Eclipse/Section2_Video2_and_3/ 369 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video1/ 365 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section2 - Running Python programs within Eclipse/Section2_Video1/ 345 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section2 - Running Python programs within Eclipse/Section2_Video2_and_3/ 331 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video4/ 254 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section5 - Writing a Windows scheduling service/Refresh_to_see__Test_Email_File.html.txt 217 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section2 - Running Python programs within Eclipse/Section2_Video1/ 93 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section5 - Writing a Windows scheduling service/Section5_Video1_4/ 88 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section1 - Installation and Setup/ReadMe.txt 41 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section2 - Running Python programs within Eclipse/Section2_Video1/ 37 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section2 - Running Python programs within Eclipse/Section2_Video1/ 0 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section2 - Running Python programs within Eclipse/Section2_Video2_and_3/ 0 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section3 - Using Design Patterns/Section3_Video1_and_2/ 0 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section3 - Using Design Patterns/Section3_Video3/ 0 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section3 - Using Design Patterns/Section3_Video4/ 0 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video1/ 0 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video2/ 0 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video3/ 0 bytes
- Exercise Files/Section4 - Creating a GUI application with Tkinter/Section4_Video4/ 0 bytes
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