Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]
File List
- 7 - 6. Route Traffic between Networks/23 - Routing lab overview.mp4 19.3 MB
- 3 - 2. Configure Networking with NetworkManager/08 - Using the NetworkManager tools.mp4 12.4 MB
- 6 - 5. Hostname and Firewall/20 - Firewall configuration with iptables.mp4 11.9 MB
- 7 - 6. Route Traffic between Networks/28 - Sync system time with a network peer.mp4 11.6 MB
- 7 - 6. Route Traffic between Networks/29 - Tunnels.mp4 11.3 MB
- 3 - 2. Configure Networking with NetworkManager/10 - Configure a static client.mp4 9.2 MB
- 7 - 6. Route Traffic between Networks/27 - Configure the router to forward DNS.mp4 8.9 MB
- 3 - 2. Configure Networking with NetworkManager/07 - Manage the connection.mp4 8.9 MB
- 2 - 1. Tools for Network Management/05 - Find device information with ip.mp4 8.6 MB
- 3 - 2. Configure Networking with NetworkManager/09 - Configure a dynamic address using DHCP.mp4 8.0 MB
- 3 - 2. Configure Networking with NetworkManager/11 - Configure WiFi.mp4 7.7 MB
- 6 - 5. Hostname and Firewall/22 - Monitor network port activity.mp4 7.2 MB
- 7 - 6. Route Traffic between Networks/24 - Configure a static route.mp4 7.0 MB
- 1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4 6.9 MB
- 7 - 6. Route Traffic between Networks/25 - Route traffic between networks with NAT.mp4 6.4 MB
- 6 - 5. Hostname and Firewall/21 - Firewall configuration with firewalld.mp4 5.9 MB
- 1 - Introduction/03 - Virtual environment setup.mp4 5.2 MB
- 4 - 3. Configure Networking Manually on Ubuntu and Debian/15 - Configure Wi-Fi.mp4 4.5 MB
- 7 - 6. Route Traffic between Networks/26 - Allow internet access through the router.mp4 4.3 MB
- 5 - 4. Configure Networking Manually on Red Hat and CentOS/16 - Locate network adapter settings.mp4 4.3 MB
- 5 - 4. Configure Networking Manually on Red Hat and CentOS/18 - Configure a static client.mp4 3.8 MB
- 7 - 6. Route Traffic between Networks/30 - Troubleshooting.mp4 3.4 MB
- 5 - 4. Configure Networking Manually on Red Hat and CentOS/17 - Configure a dynamic address using DHCP.mp4 3.3 MB
- 6 - 5. Hostname and Firewall/19 - Set the system hostname.mp4 3.2 MB
- 4 - 3. Configure Networking Manually on Ubuntu and Debian/13 - Configure a dynamic address using DHCP.mp4 3.0 MB
- 2 - 1. Tools for Network Management/06 - Predictable network interface names.mp4 2.8 MB
- 4 - 3. Configure Networking Manually on Ubuntu and Debian/14 - Configure a static client.mp4 2.8 MB
- 2 - 1. Tools for Network Management/04 - Explore NetworkManager and iproute.mp4 2.3 MB
- 4 - 3. Configure Networking Manually on Ubuntu and Debian/12 - Locate network adapter settings.mp4 2.1 MB
- 1 - Introduction/02 - What you should know.mp4 1.8 MB
- 8 - Conclusion/31 - Next steps.mp4 970.5 KB
- Seed Me!!.png 42.0 KB
- Ex_Files_Linux_Network_Config/Exercise Files/FAQ.txt 217 bytes
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