Perry Marshall - Google Ads Mastery 2021-22
File List
- Perry Marshall - Google Ads Mastery 2021-22 Update 1/How to use Keyword Planner.mp4 294.9 MB
- Perry Marshall - Google Ads Mastery 2021-22 Update 1/Module-2.mp4 253.2 MB
- Perry Marshall - Google Ads Mastery 2021-22 Update 1/Module-5.mp4 252.2 MB
- Perry Marshall - Google Ads Mastery 2021-22 Update 1/Module-3.mp4 251.6 MB
- Perry Marshall - Google Ads Mastery 2021-22 Update 1/Module-6.mp4 237.9 MB
- Perry Marshall - Google Ads Mastery 2021-22 Update 1/Module-4.mp4 212.8 MB
- Perry Marshall - Google Ads Mastery 2021-22 Update 1/Module-1.mp4 204.5 MB
- M04 - Bidding/3-How much should you spend.mp4 159.8 MB
- M07 - Optimisation/3-Everything starts with a question.mp4 158.0 MB
- M07 - Optimisation/4-Where to from here- -Mastery or Agency-.mp4 154.8 MB
- M04 - Bidding/1-What is a -Bid- -amp- why should you care.mp4 138.6 MB
- M05 - Structure/6-Putting it all together - build your first campaign.mp4 122.7 MB
- M05 - Structure/4-Campaigns -amp- Ad groups explained.mp4 116.0 MB
- M05 - Structure/2-What are the main controls you have- -location- budget- network-.mp4 100.8 MB
- M02 - Messaging/3-Ad components_ Headlines- body -amp- Calls to Action.mp4 100.7 MB
- M01 - Introduction/3-What-s in this course.mp4 95.3 MB
- M01 - Introduction/4-Start with your business goal.mp4 94.5 MB
- M07 - Optimisation/2-My Optimisation Framework AdAID.mp4 86.8 MB
- M03 - Targeting/1-What is Targeting -amp- Why do you need it.mp4 78.0 MB
- M04 - Bidding/2-What do CPM- CPC- CPA- CPL -amp- ROAS mean.mp4 77.3 MB
- M03 - Targeting/3-What are the two main types of Keyword.mp4 76.0 MB
- M06 - Measurement/3-What should you track when starting out-.mp4 73.2 MB
- M06 - Measurement/4-What-s a _tracking pixel_ and where do you put it-.mp4 66.6 MB
- M05 - Structure/1-What is a campaign-.mp4 65.1 MB
- M03 - Targeting/4-How many keywords do you need.mp4 62.8 MB
- M06 - Measurement/2-Gut feel vs making decisions based on accurate data.mp4 62.1 MB
- M02 - Messaging/1-What type of Ads should you use_.mp4 61.1 MB
- M04 - Bidding/4-Should you control Bids or let the Machine do it.mp4 58.3 MB
- M06 - Measurement/1-The single biggest difference between Google -amp- -branding-.mp4 58.3 MB
- M06 - Measurement/5-New columns- Conversions- Cost-Conv- Conv Rate.mp4 56.4 MB
- M07 - Optimisation/1-The Key to the whole game.mp4 55.5 MB
- M01 - Introduction/5-Who are you -amp- why did you create this course_.mp4 49.5 MB
- M05 - Structure/5-How many Ad groups do you need-.mp4 48.5 MB
- M03 - Targeting/5-Do you need fancy tools to find -hidden- keywords.mp4 48.5 MB
- M01 - Introduction/1-What you-ll get from this course.mp4 40.5 MB
- M05 - Structure/3-You-ll need to setup Billing before running ads.mp4 40.1 MB
- M02 - Messaging/4-Write an ad -or 2- for each -thing- you sell.mp4 39.7 MB
- M01 - Introduction/2-How can Google Ads help your business.mp4 39.3 MB
- M03 - Targeting/2-What are the two main types of Targeting.mp4 37.3 MB
- M02 - Messaging/2-What-s your main offer_ -you can add more later.mp4 36.3 MB
- Read Me.txt 759 bytes
- 116 bytes
- M01 - Introduction/ 116 bytes
- M02 - Messaging/ 116 bytes
- M03 - Targeting/ 116 bytes
- M04 - Bidding/ 116 bytes
- M05 - Structure/ 116 bytes
- M06 - Measurement/ 116 bytes
- M07 - Optimisation/ 116 bytes
- Discord Community.url 116 bytes
- Perry Marshall - Google Ads Mastery 2021-22 Update 1/ 116 bytes
- Telegram Channel for Business Courses.url 114 bytes
- M01 - Introduction/Telegram Channel for Business Courses.url 114 bytes
- M02 - Messaging/Telegram Channel for Business Courses.url 114 bytes
- M03 - Targeting/Telegram Channel for Business Courses.url 114 bytes
- M04 - Bidding/Telegram Channel for Business Courses.url 114 bytes
- M05 - Structure/Telegram Channel for Business Courses.url 114 bytes
- M06 - Measurement/Telegram Channel for Business Courses.url 114 bytes
- M07 - Optimisation/Telegram Channel for Business Courses.url 114 bytes
- Perry Marshall - Google Ads Mastery 2021-22 Update 1/Telegram Channel for Business Courses.url 114 bytes
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