[FreeCoursesOnline.Me] CBTNuggets - Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Linux Foundation Certification Training
File List
- 63. Common Types of Kubernetes Cluster Failures.mp4 678.7 MB
- 18. Intro to CoreDNS in Kubernetes.mp4 551.4 MB
- 43. Intro to Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler.mp4 492.2 MB
- 10. Intro to Kubernetes Manifest Files.mp4 485.0 MB
- 22. Intro to Kubernetes Pod Liveness Probes.mp4 470.0 MB
- 23. Create a Sample Web Application for Probes.mp4 414.5 MB
- 86. Create a Kubernetes PersistentVolume using Amazon EBS Plugin.mp4 402.0 MB
- 84. Introduction to Kubernetes Storage Volumes.mp4 391.7 MB
- 85. Share Data Across Pod Containers with Ephemeral Volumes.mp4 361.7 MB
- 77. Intro to Etcd for Kubernetes Clusters.mp4 358.2 MB
- 45. Overview of Autoscaler Install and OIDC Setup.mp4 357.4 MB
- 14. Intro to Networking in Kubernetes.mp4 348.6 MB
- 64. Missing Container Network Interface on Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 346.8 MB
- 19. Understanding CoreDNS Deployment Objects.mp4 310.2 MB
- 72. Intro to Highly Available K8S Clusters with Kubeadm.mp4 304.1 MB
- 58. Intro to Advanced Kubectl Usage.mp4 304.0 MB
- 48. Intro to Kubernetes Ingress Controllers.mp4 281.6 MB
- 52. Intro to Network Policy in Kubernetes.mp4 275.1 MB
- 28. Intro to Kubernetes Deployments.mp4 271.0 MB
- 24. Add Liveness Probe with Shell Command.mp4 260.8 MB
- 88. Define Custom Storage Classes in Kubernetes.mp4 260.1 MB
- 2. Prepare Amazon VPC and EC2 Instance for Kubeadm.mp4 247.0 MB
- 65. Simulating Kubelet Failure on Kubernetes Worker Node.mp4 234.8 MB
- 67. Intro to Upgrading Kubeadm Clusters.mp4 223.1 MB
- 8. Create KubeConfig File for Kubernetes User.mp4 212.4 MB
- 6. Intro to Role-Based Access Control in Kubernetes.mp4 198.8 MB
- 68. Create Kubernetes Cluster Infrastructure.mp4 194.0 MB
- 44. Demo of Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler.mp4 187.7 MB
- 13. Create Kubernetes Manifests with Trial and Error.mp4 181.2 MB
- 1. Deploy a Kubernetes Cluster using Kubeadm.mp4 179.8 MB
- 33. Intro to Building Container Images on K8S Clusters.mp4 172.4 MB
- 70. Upgrade Kubernetes Master Node.mp4 168.2 MB
- 15. Create NodePort Services in Kubernetes.mp4 163.7 MB
- 4. Initialize Kubernetes Master Node with Kubeadm.mp4 163.1 MB
- 71. Upgrade Kubernetes Worker Nodes.mp4 153.7 MB
- 74. Installing Kubeadm on Kubernetes Master Nodes.mp4 134.8 MB
- 69. Configure Kubernetes Cluster with Older Version.mp4 134.7 MB
- 38. Intro to Scaling Options on Kubernetes.mp4 133.8 MB
- 87. Bind PV to Pod with Persistent Volume Claim in Kubernetes.mp4 133.3 MB
- 7. Create Certificate Credentials for Kubernetes User.mp4 131.3 MB
- 11. Use Kubernetes API Reference to Understand Manifests.mp4 130.8 MB
- 76. Join Second Kubernetes Master Node to Cluster.mp4 128.7 MB
- 9. Create Roles and RoleBindings in Kubernetes.mp4 118.3 MB
- 46. Install Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler.mp4 117.1 MB
- 51. Deploy NGINX Ingress Resource.mp4 116.0 MB
- 41. Create Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Resource.mp4 110.7 MB
- 35. Configure Kaniko to Push to Private Amazon ECR Repository.mp4 110.6 MB
- 42. Increase Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Limits.mp4 107.9 MB
- 60. Access Services in Kubernetes using Kubectl Port Forwarding.mp4 107.8 MB
- 49. Set up Amazon EKS Cluster for NGINX Ingress Controller.mp4 106.4 MB
- 21. Testing CoreDNS from Application Pod.mp4 104.4 MB
- 80. Generate Etcd Certificates and Configs.mp4 102.4 MB
- 47. Validate Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler Functionality.mp4 98.6 MB
- 79. Set Up Etcd Cluster Prerequisites.mp4 94.3 MB
- 73. Prepare Kubernetes Master Node Virtual Machines.mp4 87.4 MB
- 20. Explore the Default CoreDNS Configuration.mp4 85.8 MB
- 83. Backup and Restore Commands for Etcd.mp4 85.4 MB
- 36. Configure Kaniko Authentication to GitLab Private Repository.mp4 85.3 MB
- 66. Exhausting Kubernetes Cluster Worker Node Resources.mp4 85.2 MB
- 32. Use Service Controller to Route Traffic.mp4 84.9 MB
- 81. Install Etcd Static Pod Manifests for Kubelet.mp4 84.6 MB
- 5. Install Project Calico Container Network Interface.mp4 84.5 MB
- 75. Configure Load Balancer for Kubernetes Master Nodes.mp4 77.1 MB
- 57. Using Egress Rules in Kubernetes Network Policy.mp4 74.0 MB
- 16. Expose Services on Internal Cluster Network.mp4 73.8 MB
- 3. Install Kubeadm and Dependencies for Kubernetes.mp4 73.8 MB
- 29. Exploring ReplicaSet Resources in Kubernetes.mp4 73.2 MB
- 40. Create Deployment and Service Controllers.mp4 72.5 MB
- 12. Kubernetes API Groups and Resources.mp4 69.5 MB
- 27. Use Readiness Probes to Temporarily Take Pods Offline.mp4 69.2 MB
- 61. Filtering Resource Results and Controlling Output with Kubec.mp4 68.0 MB
- 78. Create Infrastructure for Etcd Cluster.mp4 66.9 MB
- 50. Install NGINX Ingress Controller on EKS.mp4 65.6 MB
- 25. Using Built-in Kubernetes HttpGet Probe.mp4 65.5 MB
- 17. Expose Services Externally via Cloud Load Balancer.mp4 64.8 MB
- 34. Create a Web Application in GitLab Repository.mp4 64.3 MB
- 39. Install Kubernetes Metrics Server.mp4 61.7 MB
- 59. Using Kubectl Exec to Debug Kubernetes Pods.mp4 61.0 MB
- 31. Deploy Multiple Versions of Applications.mp4 57.4 MB
- 56. Use IPBlock Rules to Control Access to Pods.mp4 57.2 MB
- 53. Set up Namespace and MySQL Test Pod.mp4 55.8 MB
- 30. Create a Kubernetes Deployment.mp4 51.0 MB
- 55. Create Network Policy Resource for MySQL Pod.mp4 49.3 MB
- 62. Using Kubectl Kustomize to Apply Templates.mp4 46.8 MB
- 82. Use Etcdctl to Validate Connectivity.mp4 46.0 MB
- 37. Test Deployment of Application to Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 39.6 MB
- 26. Use Container Startup Probes to Validate Pod Initialization.mp4 33.9 MB
- 54. Verify Connectivity from Client Pod to MySQL.mp4 32.0 MB
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