David Bowie 24bit Vinyl Pack Vol 2
File List
- David Bowie - Station to Station (1976) [24~96 FLAC] {RCA, CPL1-1327, vinyl}/A01 - Station To Station.flac 229.6 MB
- David Bowie - Space Oddity [RCA LSP 4813] Vinyl 24-96 FLAC/A4 - Cygnet Committee.flac 195.1 MB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (UK RCA Original) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/A1 Station to Station.flac 193.1 MB
- David Bowie - 2016 - Blackstar (Vinyl 24-96 FLAC)/A1 - Blackstar.flac 185.5 MB
- David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World - 1970 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/A1 The Width of a Circle.flac 167.6 MB
- David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1980] [24-96]/B1 Teenage Wildlife.flac 148.0 MB
- David Bowie - Space Oddity [RCA LSP 4813] Vinyl 24-96 FLAC/B5 - Memory Of A Free Festival.flac 142.7 MB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (1976) [24~96 FLAC] {RCA, CPL1-1327, vinyl}/B02 - Stay.flac 141.5 MB
- Scary Monsters [Vinyl - 24-96]/B1 - Teenage Wildlife.flac 136.9 MB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (1976) [24~96 FLAC] {RCA, CPL1-1327, vinyl}/A03 - Words On A Wing.flac 135.7 MB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (1976) [24~96 FLAC] {RCA, CPL1-1327, vinyl}/B03 - Wild Is The Wind.flac 135.6 MB
- David Bowie - Space Oddity [RCA LSP 4813] Vinyl 24-96 FLAC/A2 - Unwashed And Somewhat Slightly Dazed.flac 135.3 MB
- David Bowie - Young Americans (UK RCA 1st Pressing A1B1 ) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/B1 Somebody Up There Likes Me.flac 133.8 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes (Original UK) [1977] [24-96]/A3 Heroes.flac 130.9 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes - 1977 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/A3 Heroes.flac 125.8 MB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (1976) [24~96 FLAC] {RCA, CPL1-1327, vinyl}/B01 - TVC15.flac 124.6 MB
- David Bowie - Young Americans (UK RCA 1st Pressing A1B1 ) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/A3 Fascination.flac 120.0 MB
- David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World - 1970 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/A2 All the Madmen.flac 118.4 MB
- David Bowie - 2016 - Blackstar (Vinyl 24-96 FLAC)/A3 - Lazarus.flac 117.4 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/B1 Warszawa.flac 116.9 MB
- David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1980] [24-96]/A3 Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps).flac 116.3 MB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (UK RCA Original) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/B2 Stay.flac 115.0 MB
- David Bowie - 2016 - Blackstar (Vinyl 24-96 FLAC)/B4 - I Can't Give Everything Away.flac 111.3 MB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (UK RCA Original) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/B3 Wild Is the Wind.flac 111.2 MB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (UK RCA Original) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/A3 Word on a Wing.flac 110.8 MB
- Scary Monsters [Vinyl - 24-96]/A3 - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps).flac 109.1 MB
- David Bowie - Space Oddity [RCA LSP 4813] Vinyl 24-96 FLAC/A1 - Space Oddity.flac 108.7 MB
- David Bowie - Young Americans (UK RCA 1st Pressing A1B1 ) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/A1 Young Americans.flac 107.1 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/15 - The Bewlay Brothers (alt mix).flac 106.6 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24 96 what/08 Warszawa.flac 104.2 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/B4 Subterraneans.flac 102.8 MB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (UK RCA Original) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/B1 TVC 15.flac 102.5 MB
- David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1980] [24-96]/B4 Because You're Young.flac 101.8 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/11 - The Bewlay Brothers.flac 100.9 MB
- David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (1972) (24-96 FLAC) {1981 MFSL 1-064}/a3 - Moonage Daydream.flac 99.7 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/06 - Quicksand.flac 99.3 MB
- David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1980] [24-96]/A5 Fashion.flac 98.5 MB
- David Bowie - Young Americans (UK RCA 1st Pressing A1B1 ) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/B3 Can You Hear Me.flac 97.7 MB
- David Bowie - 2016 - Blackstar (Vinyl 24-96 FLAC)/A2 - 'Tis A Pity She Was A Whore.flac 97.0 MB
- David Bowie - The Next Day [Columbia 88765461861 Vinylrip 24bit96kHz][FLAC]/11 How Does The Grass Grow.flac 96.0 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24 96 what/11 Subterraneans.flac 95.9 MB
- David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (1972) (24-96 FLAC) {1981 MFSL 1-064}/a1 - Five Years.flac 95.8 MB
- David Bowie - The Next Day [Columbia 88765461861 Vinylrip 24bit96kHz][FLAC]/13 You Feel So Lonely You Could Die.flac 95.2 MB
- Scary Monsters [Vinyl - 24-96]/B4 - Because You're Young.flac 94.8 MB
- David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1980] [24-96]/A1 It's No Game (No. 1).flac 94.6 MB
- Scary Monsters [Vinyl - 24-96]/A5 - Fashion.flac 94.0 MB
- David Bowie - Space Oddity [RCA LSP 4813] Vinyl 24-96 FLAC/B3 - The Wild Eyed Boy From Freecloud.flac 93.7 MB
- David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1980] [24-96]/A4 Ashes To Ashes.flac 93.6 MB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (1976) [24~96 FLAC] {RCA, CPL1-1327, vinyl}/A02 - Golden Years.flac 93.4 MB
- David Bowie - Young Americans (UK RCA 1st Pressing A1B1 ) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/A2 Win.flac 93.4 MB
- David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World - 1970 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/B3 She Shook Me Cold.flac 91.9 MB
- David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World - 1970 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/B2 Saviour Machine.flac 91.4 MB
- David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (1972) (24-96 FLAC) {1981 MFSL 1-064}/a4 - Starman.flac 91.4 MB
- David Bowie - Young Americans (UK RCA 1st Pressing A1B1 ) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/B2 Across the Universe.flac 91.4 MB
- David Bowie - 2016 - Blackstar (Vinyl 24-96 FLAC)/B1 - Sue (Or In A Season Of Crime).flac 91.1 MB
- David Bowie - 2016 - Blackstar (Vinyl 24-96 FLAC)/B2 - Girl Loves Me.flac 90.4 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes (Original UK) [1977] [24-96]/B3 Moss Garden.flac 89.8 MB
- David Bowie - 2016 - Blackstar (Vinyl 24-96 FLAC)/B3 - Dollar Days.flac 89.6 MB
- David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1980] [24-96]/B5 It's No Game (No. 2).flac 89.1 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes - 1977 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/B3 Moss Garden.flac 87.9 MB
- David Bowie - The Next Day [Columbia 88765461861 Vinylrip 24bit96kHz][FLAC]/14 Heat.flac 87.8 MB
- Scary Monsters [Vinyl - 24-96]/A4 - Ashes to Ashes.flac 87.7 MB
- Scary Monsters [Vinyl - 24-96]/A1 - It's No Game (Part 1).flac 87.5 MB
- David Bowie - The Next Day [Columbia 88765461861 Vinylrip 24bit96kHz][FLAC]/09 Boss Of Me.flac 86.6 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/09 - Song for Bob Dylan.flac 85.5 MB
- David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World - 1970 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/B4 The Man Who Sold the World.flac 84.0 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes (Original UK) [1977] [24-96]/A5 Blackout.flac 83.8 MB
- David Bowie - The Next Day [Columbia 88765461861 Vinylrip 24bit96kHz][FLAC]/03 The Stars (Are Out Tonight).flac 83.1 MB
- Scary Monsters [Vinyl - 24-96]/B5 - It's No Game (Part 2).flac 83.1 MB
- David Bowie - Young Americans (UK RCA 1st Pressing A1B1 ) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/A4 Right.flac 82.4 MB
- David Bowie - The Next Day [Columbia 88765461861 Vinylrip 24bit96kHz][FLAC]/04 Love Is Lost.flac 81.1 MB
- David Bowie - Young Americans (UK RCA 1st Pressing A1B1 ) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/B4 Fame.flac 80.6 MB
- David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1980] [24-96]/B3 Kingdom Come.flac 80.4 MB
- David Bowie - The Next Day [Columbia 88765461861 Vinylrip 24bit96kHz][FLAC]/05 Where Are We Now.flac 80.3 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes - 1977 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/A5 Blackout.flac 80.2 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes (Original UK) [1977] [24-96]/B4 Neuköln.flac 79.6 MB
- David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1980] [24-96]/B2 Scream Like A Baby.flac 79.5 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes - 1977 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/B4 Neuköln.flac 79.3 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/08 - Andy Warhol.flac 79.1 MB
- David Bowie - The Next Day [Columbia 88765461861 Vinylrip 24bit96kHz][FLAC]/08 I'd Rather Be High.flac 78.5 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes (Original UK) [1977] [24-96]/A1 Beauty And The Beast.flac 78.4 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes (Original UK) [1977] [24-96]/B5 The Secret Life Of Arabia.flac 78.3 MB
- David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World - 1970 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/A4 After All.flac 77.7 MB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (UK RCA Original) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/A2 Golden Years.flac 77.2 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/04 - Life On Mars_.flac 76.8 MB
- David Bowie - The Next Day [Columbia 88765461861 Vinylrip 24bit96kHz][FLAC]/12 (You Will) Set The World On Fire.flac 76.2 MB
- David Bowie - The Next Day [Columbia 88765461861 Vinylrip 24bit96kHz][FLAC]/01 The Next Day.flac 75.8 MB
- Scary Monsters [Vinyl - 24-96]/B3 - Kingdom Come.flac 75.7 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes - 1977 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/A1 Beauty and the Beast.flac 75.6 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes - 1977 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/B5 The Secret Life of Arabia.flac 75.4 MB
- David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (1972) (24-96 FLAC) {1981 MFSL 1-064}/a2 - Soul Love.flac 75.1 MB
- David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World - 1970 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/A3 Black Country Rock.flac 75.0 MB
- David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (1972) (24-96 FLAC) {1981 MFSL 1-064}/b5 - Suffragette City.flac 74.7 MB
- David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World - 1970 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/B5 The Supermen.flac 73.9 MB
- David Bowie - The Next Day [Columbia 88765461861 Vinylrip 24bit96kHz][FLAC]/10 Dancing Out In Space.flac 72.8 MB
- Scary Monsters [Vinyl - 24-96]/B2 - Scream Like a Baby.flac 72.8 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes (Original UK) [1977] [24-96]/B2 Sense Of Doubt.flac 71.6 MB
- David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1980] [24-96]/A2 Up The Hill Backwards.flac 70.5 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes (Original UK) [1977] [24-96]/A4 Sons Of The Silent Age.flac 70.3 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/B2 Art Decade.flac 69.3 MB
- David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (1972) (24-96 FLAC) {1981 MFSL 1-064}/b1 - Lady Stardust.flac 69.2 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/10 - Queen Bitch.flac 68.9 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes - 1977 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/B2 Sense of Doubt.flac 68.8 MB
- David Bowie - Space Oddity [RCA LSP 4813] Vinyl 24-96 FLAC/B1 - Janine.flac 68.8 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/01 - Changes.flac 68.5 MB
- David Bowie - The Next Day [Columbia 88765461861 Vinylrip 24bit96kHz][FLAC]/07 If You Can See Me.flac 68.1 MB
- David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (1972) (24-96 FLAC) {1981 MFSL 1-064}/b4 - Ziggy Stardust.flac 68.1 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/A5 Always Crashing in the Same Car.flac 67.8 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes - 1977 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/A4 Sons of the Silent Age.flac 67.1 MB
- David Bowie - Space Oddity [RCA LSP 4813] Vinyl 24-96 FLAC/B4 - God Knows I'm Good.flac 66.9 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes (Original UK) [1977] [24-96]/A2 Joe The Lion.flac 66.9 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes (Original UK) [1977] [24-96]/B1 V-2 Schneider.flac 65.9 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/B3 Weeping Wall.flac 65.2 MB
- Scary Monsters [Vinyl - 24-96]/A2 - Up the Hill Backwards.flac 65.2 MB
- David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World - 1970 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/B1 Running Gun Blues.flac 64.9 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes - 1977 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/A2 Joe the Lion.flac 63.8 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes - 1977 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/B1 V-2 Schneider.flac 63.6 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24 96 what/05 Always Crashing In The Same Car.flac 63.3 MB
- David Bowie - The Next Day [Columbia 88765461861 Vinylrip 24bit96kHz][FLAC]/06 Valentine's Day.flac 62.3 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24 96 what/09 Art Decade.flac 61.9 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/A4 Sound and Vision.flac 61.0 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/02 - Oh! You Pretty Things.flac 60.9 MB
- David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (1972) (24-96 FLAC) {1981 MFSL 1-064}/a5 - It Ain't Easy.flac 60.7 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/07 - Fill Your Heart.flac 60.3 MB
- David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (1972) (24-96 FLAC) {1981 MFSL 1-064}/b6 - Rock 'n' Roll Suicide.flac 59.9 MB
- David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (1972) (24-96 FLAC) {1981 MFSL 1-064}/b2 - Star.flac 59.6 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/A6 Be My Wife.flac 59.2 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24 96 what/10 Weeping Wall.flac 59.1 MB
- David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (1972) (24-96 FLAC) {1981 MFSL 1-064}/b3 - Hang On to Yourself.flac 58.7 MB
- David Bowie - The Next Day [Columbia 88765461861 Vinylrip 24bit96kHz][FLAC]/17 I'll Take You There.flac 57.6 MB
- David Bowie - The Next Day [Columbia 88765461861 Vinylrip 24bit96kHz][FLAC]/02 Dirty Boys.flac 57.0 MB
- David Bowie - Space Oddity [RCA LSP 4813] Vinyl 24-96 FLAC/B2 - An Occasional Dream.flac 56.8 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24 96 what/04 Sound And Vision.flac 56.6 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/12 - Bombers.flac 56.2 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/A1 Speed of Life.flac 56.1 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24 96 what/06 Be My Wife.flac 55.6 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/13 - The Supermen.flac 55.2 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/05 - Kooks.flac 55.2 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/14 - Quicksand (demo version).flac 54.9 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/A7 A New Career in a New Town.flac 52.8 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24 96 what/01 Speed Of Life.flac 51.9 MB
- David Bowie - Space Oddity [RCA LSP 4813] Vinyl 24-96 FLAC/A3 - Letter To Hermoine.flac 50.5 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24 96 what/07 A New Career In A New Town.flac 50.1 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/03 - Eight Line Poem.flac 49.0 MB
- David Bowie - The Next Day [Columbia 88765461861 Vinylrip 24bit96kHz][FLAC]/15 So She.flac 48.8 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/A3 What in the World.flac 48.3 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24 96 what/03 What In The World.flac 44.8 MB
- David Bowie - The Next Day [Columbia 88765461861 Vinylrip 24bit96kHz][FLAC]/16 Plan.flac 39.3 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/A2 Breaking Glass.flac 35.9 MB
- David Bowie - Low 24 96 what/02 Breaking Glass.flac 33.0 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes (Original UK) [1977] [24-96]/rear.jpg 19.0 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/Artwork/Front Cover.jpg 16.5 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/Artwork/Untitled-3.jpg 16.5 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes (Original UK) [1977] [24-96]/front.jpg 16.5 MB
- David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1980] [24-96]/front.jpg 16.2 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes (Original UK) [1977] [24-96]/sleeve-1.jpg 14.8 MB
- David Bowie - Heroes (Original UK) [1977] [24-96]/sleeve-2.jpg 14.1 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/Artwork/Clear LP.jpg 13.7 MB
- David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1980] [24-96]/sleeve-1.jpg 11.4 MB
- David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1980] [24-96]/sleeve-2.jpg 10.9 MB
- David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1980] [24-96]/back.jpg 6.1 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/Artwork/Lyric sheet.jpg 5.5 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/Artwork/Rear Cover.jpg 2.9 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/Artwork/Side 2 label.jpg 1.9 MB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/Artwork/Side 1 Label.jpg 1.8 MB
- David Bowie - Space Oddity [RCA LSP 4813] Vinyl 24-96 FLAC/Bowie_SpaceOddity_Back.jpg 1.7 MB
- David Bowie - Space Oddity [RCA LSP 4813] Vinyl 24-96 FLAC/Bowie_SpaceOddity_Front.jpg 1.5 MB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (UK RCA Original) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/Artwork/Sleeve.jpg 1.2 MB
- David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (1972) (24-96 FLAC) {1981 MFSL 1-064}/The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars.jpg 1.0 MB
- David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World - 1970 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/Sleeve2.jpg 1.0 MB
- David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World - 1970 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/Sleeve1.jpg 1010.9 KB
- David Bowie - Heroes - 1977 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/Back.jpg 834.8 KB
- David Bowie - Heroes - 1977 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/Sleeve.jpg 790.8 KB
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/Cover.jpg 783.3 KB
- David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1980] [24-96]/cover.jpg 775.5 KB
- David Bowie - Heroes - 1977 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/Sleeve-2.jpg 763.0 KB
- David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1980] [24-96]/label 1.jpg 748.5 KB
- David Bowie - Heroes (Original UK) [1977] [24-96]/label 2.jpg 735.3 KB
- David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World - 1970 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/Back.jpg 732.0 KB
- David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1980] [24-96]/label 2.jpg 721.9 KB
- David Bowie - Heroes (Original UK) [1977] [24-96]/label 1.jpg 696.8 KB
- David Bowie - Heroes - 1977 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/Cover.jpg 671.2 KB
- David Bowie - Young Americans (UK RCA 1st Pressing A1B1 ) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/Artwork/Cover.jpg 604.0 KB
- David Bowie - Heroes (Original UK) [1977] [24-96]/cover.jpg 597.9 KB
- David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World - 1970 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/Cover.jpg 595.0 KB
- David Bowie - Young Americans (UK RCA 1st Pressing A1B1 ) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/Artwork/Back.jpg 591.3 KB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (UK RCA Original) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/Artwork/Cover.jpg 541.0 KB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (UK RCA Original) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/Artwork/Back.jpg 536.4 KB
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/Back.jpg 514.9 KB
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/Inlay.jpg 452.6 KB
- David Bowie - Space Oddity [RCA LSP 4813] Vinyl 24-96 FLAC/Bowie_SpaceOddity_LabelA.jpg 404.9 KB
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/Inlay-2.jpg 387.2 KB
- David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World - 1970 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/folder.jpg 362.9 KB
- David Bowie - Space Oddity [RCA LSP 4813] Vinyl 24-96 FLAC/Bowie_SpaceOddity_LabelB.jpg 307.8 KB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/Artwork/Side 3 Label.jpg 267.2 KB
- David Bowie - Heroes - 1977 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/2.jpg 256.5 KB
- David Bowie - Heroes - 1977 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/Disc.jpg 238.9 KB
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/Front.jpg 236.0 KB
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/Side 1 label.jpeg 225.7 KB
- David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World - 1970 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/2.jpg 208.0 KB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (1976) [24~96 FLAC] {RCA, CPL1-1327, vinyl}/folder.png 204.0 KB
- David Bowie - Young Americans (UK RCA 1st Pressing A1B1 ) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/Artwork/Disc.jpg 192.2 KB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (UK RCA Original) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/Artwork/Side2.jpg 190.1 KB
- David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World - 1970 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/Front.jpg 190.0 KB
- David Bowie - Young Americans (UK RCA 1st Pressing A1B1 ) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/Artwork/2.jpg 189.1 KB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (UK RCA Original) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/Artwork/Side1.jpg 181.4 KB
- David Bowie - Young Americans (UK RCA 1st Pressing A1B1 ) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/Artwork/Front.jpg 181.0 KB
- David Bowie - Heroes - 1977 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/Front.jpg 179.9 KB
- David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World - 1970 - Vinyl - 24 bit FLAC/Disc.jpg 167.2 KB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (UK RCA Original) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/Artwork/Front.jpg 162.8 KB
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/folder.jpg 93.1 KB
- David Bowie - 2016 - Blackstar (Vinyl 24-96 FLAC)/folder.jpg 26.2 KB
- Scary Monsters [Vinyl - 24-96]/folder.jpg 24.6 KB
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/Thumbs.db 7.5 KB
- David Bowie - Station to Station (UK RCA Original) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/info.txt 2.2 KB
- Scary Monsters [Vinyl - 24-96]/Scary Monsters.log 2.1 KB
- David Bowie - Young Americans (UK RCA 1st Pressing A1B1 ) Vinyl rip 24Bit-96Khz/info.txt 2.0 KB
- David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) [1980] [24-96]/foo_dr.txt 1.4 KB
- David Bowie - 2016 - Blackstar (Vinyl 24-96 FLAC)/info.txt 1.4 KB
- David Bowie - Heroes (Original UK) [1977] [24-96]/foo_dr.txt 1.4 KB
- David Bowie - Space Oddity [RCA LSP 4813] Vinyl 24-96 FLAC/Space Oddity.cue 1.4 KB
- David Bowie - Low 24 96 what/David Bowie -Low - Info.txt 767 bytes
- David Bowie - Low 24:96 1st press vinyl/ripping info.txt 504 bytes
- David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971) {24-96 Ryko Analoque vinyl 1990}/Playlist.m3u 265 bytes
- David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (1972) (24-96 FLAC) {1981 MFSL 1-064}/The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars.log 196 bytes
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