Emma Shapplin Discography (1997-2009)
File List
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/08. Spesso, Sprofondo.mp3 13.7 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/16. Cuerpo Sin Alma (Remix).mp3 13.3 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/17. Cuerpo Sin Alma (Remix).mp3 13.3 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/04. La Notte Etterna.mp3 13.3 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/08. Cuerpo Sin Alma (Remix).mp3 13.1 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/17. Spente Le Stelle (Live Version).mp3 12.8 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/16. Spente Le Stelle (Live).mp3 12.7 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2004 - El Concierto de Caesarea/03. Spente Le Stelle.mp3 12.7 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/23. Spente Le Stelle (Live Version).mp3 12.3 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2004 - El Concierto de Caesarea/01. Vedi, Maria....mp3 12.2 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/10. Nell' Aria Brunna.mp3 12.0 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2009 - Macadam Flower/03 L'Absolu.mp3 12.0 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2004 - El Concierto de Caesarea/07. Spente Le Stelle.mp3 11.8 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/06. Celtica.mp3 11.7 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/06. Vedi, Maria....mp3 11.6 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/03. Vedi, Maria....mp3 11.6 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/03. Vedi, Maria ....mp3 11.6 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2009 - Macadam Flower/02 The Hours on The Fields.mp3 11.1 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2004 - El Concierto de Caesarea/05. Cuor Senza Sangue.mp3 11.0 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/02. La Notte Etterna.mp3 11.0 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2004 - El Concierto de Caesarea/08. Alleluia.mp3 10.6 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2004 - El Concierto de Caesarea/02. Ira Di Dio.mp3 10.5 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/14. Fera Ventura.mp3 10.4 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/14. Fera Ventura.mp3 10.4 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/10. Ira Di Dio.mp3 10.4 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/10. Ira Di Dio.mp3 10.4 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/06. Favola Breve.mp3 10.4 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/06. Favola Breve.mp3 10.4 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/03. Fera Ventura.mp3 10.4 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/13. Ira Di Dio.mp3 10.4 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/09. Favola Breve.mp3 10.3 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2004 - El Concierto de Caesarea/10. Fera Ventura.mp3 10.3 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/05. Spente Le Stelle.mp3 10.2 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/02. Spente Le Stelle....mp3 10.2 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/02. Spente Le Stelle.mp3 10.2 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/20. Fera Ventura.mp3 10.2 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/06. Spente Le Stelle.mp3 10.2 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/03. Da Me Non Venni.mp3 10.1 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/16. Ira Di Dio.mp3 9.8 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/04. Carmine Meo.mp3 9.8 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/04. Carmine Meo.mp3 9.8 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/07. Carmine Meo.mp3 9.8 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/09. Mai Piu Serena.mp3 9.7 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/14. Carmine Meo.mp3 9.7 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/13. Dolce Veneno.mp3 9.7 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/13. Dolce Veneno.mp3 9.7 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/01. Un Sospir'Di Voi.mp3 9.7 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/02. Dolce Veneno.mp3 9.6 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2004 - El Concierto de Caesarea/06. Lucifero, Quel Giorno.mp3 9.6 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/02. Aedeus.mp3 9.6 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2004 - El Concierto de Caesarea/09. Dolce Veneno.mp3 9.6 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/12. Da Me Non Venni.mp3 9.6 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/11. Dolce Veneno.mp3 9.5 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/13. Mai Piu Serena.mp3 9.4 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/04. Cuor Senza Sanque.mp3 9.3 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/05. Cuor Senza Sangue.mp3 9.3 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/05. Cuor Senza Sanque.mp3 9.3 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/08. Cour Senza Sangue.mp3 9.3 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/07. Un Sospir'di Voi.mp3 9.3 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2004 - El Concierto de Caesarea/04. Miserere, Venere.mp3 9.1 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2009 - Macadam Flower/07 My Soul.mp3 9.1 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/09. Aedeus.mp3 9.1 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/05. Leonora.mp3 9.0 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/11. Miserere, Venere....mp3 8.9 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/11. Miserere, Venere ....mp3 8.9 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/14. Miserere, Venere....mp3 8.9 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/07. La Silente Riva.mp3 8.9 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/21. Leonora.mp3 8.9 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2004 - El Concierto de Caesarea/11. Discovering Yourself.mp3 8.7 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/15. Discovering Yourself.mp3 8.7 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/15. Discovering Yourself.mp3 8.7 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/01. Discovering Yourself.mp3 8.7 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/22. Discovering Yourself.mp3 8.6 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/07. Reprendo Mai Piu....mp3 8.6 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/07. Reprendo Mai Piu ...mp3 8.6 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/10. Reprendo Mai Piu.mp3 8.6 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/17. Miserere Venere....mp3 8.5 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/10. Reprendo Mai Piu....mp3 8.5 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/12. La Notte Etterna.mp3 8.4 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2009 - Macadam Flower/06 White Sail.mp3 8.4 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/09. Lucifero, Quel Giorno....mp3 8.3 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/12. Lucifer, Aquel Dia.mp3 8.3 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/09. Lucifero, Quel Giorno ....mp3 8.3 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/19. La Notte Etterna (Remix).mp3 8.3 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2009 - Macadam Flower/10 La Promenade De San.mp3 8.2 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2009 - Macadam Flower/08 Sur L'eau.mp3 8.1 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2009 - Macadam Flower/12 Adeus Variations.mp3 8.1 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2009 - Macadam Flower/11 Jealousy Yours.mp3 7.9 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2009 - Macadam Flower/04 Reptile.mp3 7.8 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2009 - Macadam Flower/01 Nothing Wrong.mp3 7.2 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/12. A La Frontiere Du Reve....mp3 3.8 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/Covers/SWScan00167.jpg 3.4 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/12. A La Frontiere Du Reve.mp3 3.1 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/15. A La Frontiere Du Reve.mp3 3.0 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/11. Finale.mp3 2.9 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/01. De L'abime Au Rivage....mp3 2.7 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/01. De L'abime Au Rivage ....mp3 2.7 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/04. De L'abime Au Rivage.mp3 2.7 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/15. Finale.mp3 2.6 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/11. Une Ombre Dans Le Ciel.mp3 2.2 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/08. Une Ombre Dans Le Ciel.mp3 2.2 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/08. Une Ombre Dans Le Ciel.mp3 2.2 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/01. Intro Mysteries Cathedrall.mp3 2.1 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/Covers/shapplin inlay.jpg 2.0 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/Covers/shapplin front.jpg 2.0 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/Covers/shapplin inlay 1.jpg 1.9 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/05. De L'abime Au Rivage....mp3 1.9 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/Covers/shapplin back.jpg 1.7 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/03. Spesso, Sprofondo.mp3 1.7 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/Covers/SWScan001677.jpg 1.3 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2009 - Macadam Flower/05 Number 5.mp3 1.3 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2009 - Macadam Flower/09 Number 9.mp3 1.2 MB
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/Covers/beck1.jpg 775.6 KB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/18. A La Frontiere Du Reve.mp3 684.6 KB
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/Covers/front down.jpg 578.4 KB
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/Covers/cd.jpg 540.1 KB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/Covers/CD.jpg 538.1 KB
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/Covers/beck.jpg 534.8 KB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/Covers/Back.jpg 509.6 KB
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/Covers/front beck.jpg 488.3 KB
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/Covers/front down1.jpg 435.6 KB
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/Covers/front.jpg 312.9 KB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/Covers/Inside.jpg 263.8 KB
- Emma Shapplin - 2004 - El Concierto de Caesarea/Covers/Back.jpg 229.4 KB
- Emma Shapplin - 2004 - El Concierto de Caesarea/Covers/Front.jpg 192.1 KB
- Emma Shapplin - 2004 - El Concierto de Caesarea/Covers/Inside.jpg 182.7 KB
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/Covers/Front.jpg 134.6 KB
- Emma Shapplin - 2009 - Macadam Flower/cover.jpg 42.7 KB
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/Cover.jpg 23.6 KB
- Emma Shapplin - 2006 - Masters Of Chants Relax & Spirits Sounds (The Greatest Hits)/Tracklist.txt 868 bytes
- Emma Shapplin - 1999 - Discovering Yourself (Platinum Collection)/Tracklist.txt 678 bytes
- Emma Shapplin - 2000 - Forever Gold/Tracklist.txt 672 bytes
- Emma Shapplin - 1997 - Carmine Meo/Tracklist.txt 589 bytes
- Emma Shapplin - 2002 - Etterna/Tracklist.txt 454 bytes
- Emma Shapplin - 2004 - El Concierto de Caesarea/Tracklist.txt 454 bytes
- Emma Shapplin - 2009 - Macadam Flower/Tracklist.txt 449 bytes
- Torrent downloaded from Demonoid.com.txt 47 bytes
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