Gollancz Fantasy Masterworks
File List
- Elric/Elric - Michael Moorcock.mobi 3.5 MB
- Elric/Elric - Michael Moorcock.epub 3.4 MB
- The Chronicles of Amber/The Chronicles of Amber - Roger Zelazny.mobi 2.2 MB
- The Dragon Waiting/The Dragon Waiting.rar 1.5 MB
- The Chronicles of Amber/The Chronicles of Amber - Roger Zelazny.epub 1.5 MB
- The Dragon Waiting/The Dragon Waiting - John M. Ford.mobi 1.4 MB
- The Worm Ouroboros/The Worm Ouroboros - E. R. Eddison.mobi 1.3 MB
- Time and Again/Time and Again - Jack Finney.mobi 1.3 MB
- The Mark of the Beast and Other Fantastical Stories/The Mark of the Beast and Other Fantasti - Rudyard Kipling.mobi 1.1 MB
- Lyonesse II - The Green Pear and Madouc/Lyonesse II - The Green Pear and Madouc - Jack Vance.mobi 1.1 MB
- Time and Again/Time and Again - Jack Finney.epub 1.1 MB
- Tales of the Dying Earth/Tales of the Dying Earth - Jack Vance.mobi 1.1 MB
- The First Book of Lankhmar/The First Book of Lankhmar - Fritz Leiber.mobi 1.1 MB
- The Worm Ouroboros/The Worm Ouroboros - E. R. Eddison.epub 1.1 MB
- The Second Book of Lankhmar/The Second Book of Lankhmar - Fritz Leiber.mobi 1.0 MB
- The History of the Runestaff/The History of the Runestaff - Michael Moorcock.mobi 954.9 KB
- Sea Kings of Mars and Otherworldly Stories/Sea Kings of Mars and Otherworldly Stori - Leigh Brackett.mobi 943.8 KB
- The Book of the New Sun Volume 1 _ Shadow/The Book of the New Sun Volume 1 _ Shad - Gene Wolfe.mobi 937.4 KB
- Riddlemaster of Hed/Riddlemaster of Hed - Patricia A. McKillip.mobi 904.8 KB
- Little, Big/Little, Big - John Crowley.mobi 867.3 KB
- The Book of the New Sun Volume 2 _ Sword/The Book of the New Sun Volume 2 _ Swor - Gene Wolfe.mobi 828.8 KB
- The Mark of the Beast and Other Fantastical Stories/The Mark of the Beast and Other Fantasti - Rudyard Kipling.epub 811.9 KB
- Darker Than You Think/Darker Than You Think - Jack Williamson.mobi 809.7 KB
- Riddlemaster of Hed/Riddlemaster of Hed - Patricia A. McKillip.epub 806.7 KB
- The Conan Chronicles, Vol. 2_ The Hour/The Conan Chronicles, Vol. 2_ The Hour o - Robert E. Howard.mobi 804.1 KB
- The Book of the New Sun Volume 1 _ Shadow/The Book of the New Sun Volume 1 _ Shad - Gene Wolfe.epub 797.3 KB
- Viriconium/Viriconium - M. John Harrison.mobi 795.8 KB
- Emperor of Dreams/Emperor of Dreams - Clark Ashton Smith.mobi 790.3 KB
- The History of the Runestaff/The History of the Runestaff - Michael Moorcock.epub 779.9 KB
- Lyonesse II - The Green Pear and Madouc/Lyonesse II - The Green Pear and Madouc - Jack Vance.epub 758.6 KB
- Black Gods and Scarlet Dreams/Black Gods and Scarlet Dreams - C. L. Moore.mobi 757.6 KB
- The Conan Chronicles, Vol. 1_ The People/The Conan Chronicles, Vol. 1_ The People - Robert E. Howard.mobi 752.2 KB
- The Book of the New Sun Volume 2 _ Sword/The Book of the New Sun Volume 2 _ Swor - Gene Wolfe.epub 749.9 KB
- The Compleat Enchanter_ The Magical Misadventures/The Compleat Enchanter_ The Magical Misa - L Sprague De Camp.mobi 745.9 KB
- Sea Kings of Mars and Otherworldly Stories/Sea Kings of Mars and Otherworldly Stori - Leigh Brackett.epub 720.5 KB
- Gloriana/Gloriana - Michael Moorcock.mobi 709.4 KB
- Tales of the Dying Earth/Tales of the Dying Earth - Jack Vance.epub 701.3 KB
- Lyonesse I - Suldrun's Garden/Lyonesse I - Suldrun's Garden - Jack Vance.mobi 687.7 KB
- The First Book of Lankhmar/The First Book of Lankhmar - Fritz Leiber.epub 687.2 KB
- The Second Book of Lankhmar/The Second Book of Lankhmar - Fritz Leiber.epub 682.0 KB
- Darker Than You Think/Darker Than You Think - Jack Williamson.epub 654.3 KB
- The Anubis Gates/The Anubis Gates - Tim Powers.mobi 606.4 KB
- The Chronicles of Corum/The Chronicles of Corum - Michael Moorcock.mobi 602.9 KB
- The Conan Chronicles, Vol. 1_ The People/The Conan Chronicles, Vol. 1_ The People - Robert E. Howard.epub 602.5 KB
- Viriconium/Viriconium - M. John Harrison.epub 592.0 KB
- Beauty/Beauty - Sheri S. Tepper.mobi 589.6 KB
- Little, Big/Little, Big - John Crowley.epub 583.7 KB
- The Iron Dragon's Daughter/The Iron Dragon's Daughter - Michael Swanwick.mobi 568.1 KB
- Fevre Dream/Fevre Dream - George R. R. Martin.mobi 560.5 KB
- The Conan Chronicles, Vol. 2_ The Hour/The Conan Chronicles, Vol. 2_ The Hour o - Robert E. Howard.epub 559.1 KB
- Emperor of Dreams/Emperor of Dreams - Clark Ashton Smith.epub 555.1 KB
- Well of the Unicorn/Well of the Unicorn - Fletcher Pratt.mobi 551.4 KB
- Black Gods and Scarlet Dreams/Black Gods and Scarlet Dreams - C. L. Moore.epub 549.1 KB
- WAS/WAS - Geoff Ryman.mobi 541.4 KB
- Song of Kali/Song of Kali - Dan Simmons.mobi 530.4 KB
- Mistress of Mistresses/Mistress of Mistresses - E R Eddison.mobi 524.2 KB
- Replay/Replay - Ken Grimwood.mobi 508.9 KB
- Drawing of the Dark/Drawing of the Dark - Tim Powers.mobi 495.9 KB
- The Chronicles of Corum/The Chronicles of Corum - Michael Moorcock.epub 470.6 KB
- The Dragon Waiting/The Dragon Waiting - John M. Ford.epub 456.5 KB
- The Compleat Enchanter_ The Magical Misadventures/The Compleat Enchanter_ The Magical Misa - L Sprague De Camp.epub 444.2 KB
- Lyonesse I - Suldrun's Garden/Lyonesse I - Suldrun's Garden - Jack Vance.epub 442.5 KB
- The Mabinogion/The Mabinogion - Evangeline Walton.mobi 439.2 KB
- Peace/Peace - Gene Wolfe.mobi 415.4 KB
- Gloriana/Gloriana - Michael Moorcock.epub 411.2 KB
- A Voyage to Arcturus/A Voyage to Arcturus - David Lindsay.mobi 408.3 KB
- Lud-In-The-Mist/Lud-In-The-Mist - Hope Mirrlees.mobi 399.7 KB
- Fevre Dream/Fevre Dream - George R. R. Martin.epub 396.8 KB
- The Iron Dragon's Daughter/The Iron Dragon's Daughter - Michael Swanwick.epub 396.5 KB
- Something Wicked This Way Comes/Something Wicked This Way Comes - Ray Bradbury.mobi 391.4 KB
- The Anubis Gates/The Anubis Gates - Tim Powers.epub 387.5 KB
- Replay/Replay - Ken Grimwood.epub 373.7 KB
- Mistress of Mistresses/Mistress of mistresses - E R Eddison.epub 371.2 KB
- Beauty/Beauty - Sheri S. Tepper.epub 369.6 KB
- Drawing of the Dark/Drawing of the Dark - Tim Powers.epub 368.1 KB
- The Broken Sword/The Broken Sword - Poul Anderson.mobi 358.1 KB
- Well of the Unicorn/Well of the Unicorn - Fletcher Pratt.epub 354.8 KB
- WAS/WAS - Geoff Ryman.epub 352.7 KB
- Three Hearts and Three Lions/Three Hearts and Three Lions - Poul Anderson.mobi 348.9 KB
- The Land of Laughs/The Land of Laughs - Jonathan Carroll.mobi 345.0 KB
- The Forgotten Beasts of Eld/The Forgotten Beasts of Eld - Patricia A. McKillip.mobi 338.2 KB
- Song of Kali/Song of Kali - Dan Simmons.epub 329.7 KB
- Peace/Peace - Gene Wolfe.epub 303.6 KB
- Lud-In-The-Mist/Lud-In-The-Mist - Hope Mirrlees.epub 295.5 KB
- Something Wicked This Way Comes/Something Wicked This Way Comes - Ray Bradbury.epub 294.2 KB
- A Voyage to Arcturus/A Voyage to Arcturus - David Lindsay.epub 285.4 KB
- King of Elflands Daughter/King of Elflands Daughter - Lord Dunsany.mobi 282.8 KB
- The Broken Sword/The Broken Sword - Poul Anderson.epub 271.4 KB
- Voice of Our Shadow/Voice of Our Shadow - Jonathan Carroll.mobi 269.6 KB
- The Mabinogion/The Mabinogion - Evangeline Walton.epub 268.3 KB
- Grendel/Grendel - John William Gardner.mobi 259.7 KB
- King of Elflands Daughter/King of Elflands Daughter - Lord Dunsany.epub 253.0 KB
- Three Hearts and Three Lions/Three Hearts and Three Lions - Poul Anderson.epub 250.9 KB
- The House on the Borderland and Other No/The House on the Borderland and Other No - William Hope Hodgson.mobi 248.5 KB
- The Land of Laughs/The Land of Laughs - Jonathan Carroll.epub 244.6 KB
- The Forgotten Beasts of Eld/The Forgotten Beasts of Eld - Patricia A. McKillip.epub 218.4 KB
- Grendel/Grendel - John William Gardner.epub 206.3 KB
- Voice of Our Shadow/Voice of Our Shadow - Jonathan Carroll.epub 198.7 KB
- The House on the Borderland and Other No/The House on the Borderland and Other No - William Hope Hodgson.epub 194.7 KB
- Time and the Gods/Time and the Gods - Lord Dunsany.mobi 183.0 KB
- Time and the Gods/Time and the Gods - Lord Dunsany.epub 170.1 KB
- Replay/cover.jpg 88.4 KB
- Drawing of the Dark/cover.jpg 71.2 KB
- Three Hearts and Three Lions/cover.jpg 70.8 KB
- The Forgotten Beasts of Eld/cover.jpg 69.7 KB
- The Book of the New Sun Volume 1 _ Shadow/cover.jpg 67.7 KB
- Lud-In-The-Mist/cover.jpg 49.5 KB
- The Broken Sword/cover.jpg 48.7 KB
- The Iron Dragon's Daughter/cover.jpg 47.8 KB
- Peace/cover.jpg 46.5 KB
- The Chronicles of Corum/cover.jpg 45.7 KB
- The History of the Runestaff/cover.jpg 44.1 KB
- A Voyage to Arcturus/cover.jpg 43.1 KB
- The Anubis Gates/cover.jpg 42.8 KB
- Song of Kali/cover.jpg 41.3 KB
- The Compleat Enchanter_ The Magical Misadventures/cover.jpg 40.8 KB
- Gloriana/cover.jpg 40.7 KB
- The Conan Chronicles, Vol. 1_ The People/cover.jpg 40.2 KB
- King of Elflands Daughter/cover.jpg 39.7 KB
- The Conan Chronicles, Vol. 2_ The Hour/cover.jpg 39.7 KB
- Little, Big/cover.jpg 38.6 KB
- The Mabinogion/cover.jpg 38.0 KB
- Riddlemaster of Hed/cover.jpg 37.4 KB
- The Worm Ouroboros/cover.jpg 36.8 KB
- Elric/cover.jpg 36.2 KB
- Beauty/cover.jpg 36.1 KB
- The Chronicles of Amber/cover.jpg 36.0 KB
- Tales of the Dying Earth/cover.jpg 35.6 KB
- Time and the Gods/cover.jpg 35.4 KB
- The Book of the New Sun Volume 2 _ Sword/cover.jpg 35.4 KB
- Time and Again/cover.jpg 35.4 KB
- Voice of Our Shadow/cover.jpg 35.2 KB
- Sea Kings of Mars and Otherworldly Stories/cover.jpg 34.2 KB
- Emperor of Dreams/cover.jpg 33.6 KB
- The Mark of the Beast and Other Fantastical Stories/cover.jpg 32.3 KB
- The First Book of Lankhmar/cover.jpg 32.2 KB
- The Second Book of Lankhmar/cover.jpg 32.0 KB
- Lyonesse II - The Green Pear and Madouc/cover.jpg 31.3 KB
- The Land of Laughs/cover.jpg 31.3 KB
- The Dragon Waiting/cover.jpg 30.2 KB
- Black Gods and Scarlet Dreams/cover.jpg 30.1 KB
- Fevre Dream/cover.jpg 30.0 KB
- The House on the Borderland and Other No/cover.jpg 29.9 KB
- Viriconium/cover.jpg 29.8 KB
- Lyonesse I - Suldrun's Garden/cover.jpg 29.5 KB
- Darker Than You Think/cover.jpg 27.5 KB
- Mistress of Mistresses/cover.jpg 27.1 KB
- Something Wicked This Way Comes/cover.jpg 26.9 KB
- Grendel/cover.jpg 25.4 KB
- WAS/cover.jpg 22.8 KB
- Well of the Unicorn/cover.jpg 15.5 KB
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- Drawing of the Dark/metadata.opf 8.4 KB
- The Land of Laughs/metadata.opf 8.2 KB
- The Book of the New Sun Volume 2 _ Sword/metadata.opf 8.1 KB
- Fevre Dream/metadata.opf 8.0 KB
- The Book of the New Sun Volume 1 _ Shadow/metadata.opf 7.9 KB
- Peace/metadata.opf 7.9 KB
- The First Book of Lankhmar/metadata.opf 7.8 KB
- Replay/metadata.opf 7.7 KB
- Beauty/metadata.opf 7.6 KB
- WAS/metadata.opf 7.3 KB
- Little, Big/metadata.opf 7.3 KB
- The History of the Runestaff/metadata.opf 7.2 KB
- King of Elflands Daughter/metadata.opf 7.0 KB
- Viriconium/metadata.opf 6.9 KB
- Song of Kali/metadata.opf 6.8 KB
- Time and the Gods/metadata.opf 6.7 KB
- The Worm Ouroboros/metadata.opf 6.5 KB
- Well of the Unicorn/metadata.opf 6.5 KB
- Tales of the Dying Earth/metadata.opf 6.4 KB
- Lud-In-The-Mist/metadata.opf 6.4 KB
- Lyonesse I - Suldrun's Garden/metadata.opf 6.4 KB
- Time and Again/metadata.opf 6.3 KB
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- The Second Book of Lankhmar/metadata.opf 6.2 KB
- Elric/metadata.opf 6.2 KB
- Lyonesse II - The Green Pear and Madouc/metadata.opf 6.2 KB
- The Forgotten Beasts of Eld/metadata.opf 6.2 KB
- Emperor of Dreams/metadata.opf 6.2 KB
- Black Gods and Scarlet Dreams/metadata.opf 6.1 KB
- Something Wicked This Way Comes/metadata.opf 6.1 KB
- Riddlemaster of Hed/metadata.opf 6.1 KB
- The Mabinogion/metadata.opf 6.1 KB
- The Dragon Waiting/metadata.opf 6.0 KB
- The Chronicles of Corum/metadata.opf 5.9 KB
- Darker Than You Think/metadata.opf 5.9 KB
- The Conan Chronicles, Vol. 1_ The People/metadata.opf 5.9 KB
- Mistress of Mistresses/metadata.opf 5.8 KB
- The Compleat Enchanter_ The Magical Misadventures/metadata.opf 5.7 KB
- Three Hearts and Three Lions/metadata.opf 5.7 KB
- A Voyage to Arcturus/metadata.opf 5.7 KB
- Gloriana/metadata.opf 5.7 KB
- Sea Kings of Mars and Otherworldly Stories/metadata.opf 5.6 KB
- The Iron Dragon's Daughter/metadata.opf 5.6 KB
- The House on the Borderland and Other No/metadata.opf 5.6 KB
- Voice of Our Shadow/metadata.opf 5.6 KB
- The Broken Sword/metadata.opf 5.6 KB
- The Anubis Gates/metadata.opf 5.5 KB
- The Mark of the Beast and Other Fantastical Stories/metadata.opf 5.3 KB
- Grendel/metadata.opf 5.1 KB
- The Iron Dragon's Daughter/temp_%1%2 0 bytes
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