VA - Baku - Symphony of Sirens. Sound Experiments in the Russian Avant Garde
File List
- cd1/01 Arseny Avraamov - Symphony of Sirens (public event, Baku 1922).flac 132.0 MB
- clothbound book.pdf 55.9 MB
- cd1/20 Vladimir Kasyanov & The Futurist Circle - Drama in the Futurists' Cabaret No. 13 (excerpts 'Futurist Tango' & 'Futuredance of death' 1913-14).flac 23.2 MB
- cd1/02 Velimir Khlebnikov - The Radio of the Future (radio project, 1921).flac 21.1 MB
- cd2/11 Alexander Mossolov - Zavod, Symphony of Machines - Steel Foundry (movement from the ballet 'Steel', op. 19, 1926-28).flac 18.8 MB
- cd2/10 Dziga Vertov - Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (soundtrack excerpts, 1930).flac 18.8 MB
- cd1/11 Nikolai Foregger & His Orchestra of Noises - Mechanical Dances (ballet excerpt, 1923).flac 18.4 MB
- cd2/09 Dziga Vertov - Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (soundtrack excerpts, 1930).flac 18.3 MB
- cd2/25 Leon Trotsky - 10th Anniversary of the Left Opposition (political speech, ca. 1938).flac 18.0 MB
- cd2/12 Julius Meytuss - Dnieprostroi, The Dnieper Hydro-Electric Power Station (1930).flac 15.2 MB
- cd2/20 Vasily Kamensky - The Way I Live (extract from autobiography).flac 14.9 MB
- cd2/08 Dziga Vertov - Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (soundtrack excerpts, 1930).flac 14.7 MB
- cd1/12 Sergei Prokofiev & Georgi Yakoulov - Factory (excerpt from the ballet 'Le Pas d'Acier', 1925-27.flac 14.3 MB
- cd1/13 Dziga Vertov - Radio Ear - Radio Pravda (radio project, 1925).flac 13.4 MB
- cd2/01 Dziga Vertov - Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (soundtrack excerpts, 1930).flac 12.9 MB
- cd2/23 Anatoli Lunacharsky - On people's education (political speech, ca. 1919).flac 12.8 MB
- cd2/30 Naum Gabo & Noton Pevsner - The Realistic Manifesto (manifesto extract, 1920).flac 12.7 MB
- cd2/24 Alexandra Kollontay - To the Workers (political speech, ca. 1920).flac 12.6 MB
- cd1/27 Nothingists ('Nichevoki') - Manifesto from Nothingism (manifesto fragment, 1920).flac 11.6 MB
- cd1/10 Arseny Avraamov - The March of the Worker's Funeral (excerpt included in the version of 'Symphony of Sirens' in Moscow, 1923).flac 11.5 MB
- cd1/14 Konstantin Melnikov - Sonata of Sleep ('SONnaia SONata', sound pavilion in his utopian 'Green City', 1929-30).flac 10.5 MB
- cd1/07 Mikhail Matiushin, Alexei Kruchenykh & Kazimir Malevich - Victory over the Sun (excerpts of the cubo-futurist opera, 1913).flac 9.2 MB
- cd1/16 Igor Severyanin - Overture (poem from book 'Pineapples and Champagne', 1915).flac 8.4 MB
- cd2/06 Dziga Vertov - Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (soundtrack excerpts, 1930).flac 8.3 MB
- cd2/26 Boris Pasternak - Night (poem).flac 7.6 MB
- cd1/06 Mikhail Matiushin, Alexei Kruchenykh & Kazimir Malevich - Victory over the Sun (excerpts of the cubo-futurist opera, 1913). Act 2 - 'Petit ...'.flac 7.4 MB
- cd1/03 Ivan Ignatyev & Ego Futurists Group - The First Spring Concert of Universal Futurism (musical excerpt, 1912).flac 7.3 MB
- cd2/32 Dmitri Shostakovich - Radio broadcast of the Leningrad Symphony (excerpt, 1942).flac 7.2 MB
- cd2/15 Alexei Kruchenykh - Winter (sound poem, 1926).flac 7.0 MB
- cd2/04 Dziga Vertov - Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (soundtrack excerpts, 1930).flac 6.7 MB
- cd2/22 Lenin - What is Soviet power (political speech, 1919-20).flac 6.2 MB
- cd2/17 Lili Brik reads Vladimir Mayakovsky - From Street to Street (poem, 1913).flac 6.1 MB
- cd1/29 Vasily Kandinsky - To See (sound poem, 1912).flac 5.5 MB
- cd1/22 Elena Guro - Finland (sound poem, 1910).flac 4.9 MB
- cd1/09 Dziga Vertov - Laboratory of Hearing - From the rumor of a sawmill (phonogram, 1916).flac 4.6 MB
- cd2/28 Osip Mandelshtam - Gypsy Girl (poem, 1925).flac 4.4 MB
- cd2/19 19 Sergei Esenin - Confessions of a Hooligan (poem, 1921).flac 4.3 MB
- cd2/05 Dziga Vertov - Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (soundtrack excerpts, 1930).flac 4.1 MB
- cd1/39 Roman Jakobson 'Aliagrov' - Distraction (zaum poem from the book 'Trans-rational Boog', 1916.flac 3.8 MB
- cd2/03 Dziga Vertov - Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (soundtrack excerpts, 1930).flac 3.6 MB
- cd1/23 El Lisitzsky - About Two Squares - A Suprematist Story (children's book, 1920-22).flac 3.6 MB
- cd1/37 Varvara Stepanova - Rtny Khomle (4 sound-paintings from the book 'Rtny Khomle', 1918).flac 3.4 MB
- cd2/02 Dziga Vertov - Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (soundtrack excerpts, 1930).flac 3.3 MB
- cd1/21 David Burliuk - The Family of Vowels, Laughingly (poem, 1915).flac 3.0 MB
- cd1/05 Mikhail Matiushin, Alexei Kruchenykh & Kazimir Malevich - Victory over the Sun (excerpts of the cubo-futurist opera, 1913). Act 1 - 'Bully's Song'.flac 2.9 MB
- cd1/34 Mikhail Larionov - Ozz... (sound transcription of the illustration for 'World Backwards', 1912).flac 2.9 MB
- cd1/24 Olga Rozanova - [Spain] (sound poem, ca. 1916-18).flac 2.8 MB
- cd2/16 Vladimir Mayakovsky - Naval Romance (poem, 1915).flac 2.8 MB
- cd1/32 Daniil Harms - Lapa-Paw (fragment of the work 'Lapa' or 'Paw', 1930).flac 2.7 MB
- cd2/29 Ilya Ehrenburg reads Marina Tsvetaeva - You walk, resembling me... (poem, 1913).flac 2.5 MB
- cd1/38 Roman Jakobson 'Aliagrov' - mglybzhvuo (zaum poem from the book 'Trans-rational Book', 1916).flac 2.3 MB
- cd2/21 Semen Kirsanov reads Velimir Khlebnikov - Not to Panel! (poem, 1922).flac 2.2 MB
- cd2/14 Roman Jakobson reads Velimir Khlebnikov - Incantation by Laughter (poem, 1908-09).flac 2.0 MB
- cd1/08 Dziga Vertov - Laboratory of Hearing - From the rumor of a cascade (phonogram, 1916).flac 2.0 MB
- cd1/33 Igor' Terent'ev - Endless toast in honor of Sofia Georgievna (sound poem from the book 'To Sofia Georgievna Melnikova - The Fantastic Tavern', 1919.flac 2.0 MB
- cd2/07 Dziga Vertov - Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (soundtrack excerpts, 1930).flac 1.8 MB
- cd1/17 Igor Severyanin - Echo (poem from the book 'Zlatolira', 1914).flac 1.8 MB
- cd2/31 Dmitri Shostakovich - Radio message broadcast (1941).flac 1.7 MB
- cd1/30 Kasimir Malevich - Poem (sound poem from article 'O poezii', 1919).flac 1.6 MB
- cd1/36 Vasily Kamensky - Poem to letter 'K' (poem from the album '1918', 1917).flac 1.6 MB
- cd1/28 Nothingists ('Nichevoki') - Decree about the Nothingness of Poetry (fragment, decree no. 6, 1920).flac 1.4 MB
- cd1/25 H2SO4 Group - Dada (from journal H2SO4, 1924).flac 1.4 MB
- cover.jpg 1.4 MB
- cd2/27 Anna Akhmatova - To the Muse (poem, 1924.flac 1.3 MB
- cd2/18 David Burliuk - House-Painter (poem, 1913).flac 1.2 MB
- cd1/26 Simon Chikovani - Tsira (sound poem, ca. 1920s).flac 1.1 MB
- cd1/04 Mikhail Matiushin, Alexei Kruchenykh & Kazimir Malevich - Victory over the Sun (excerpts of the cubo-futurist opera, 1913). 'Introduction'.flac 1.1 MB
- cd1/19 Alexei Kruchenykh - Dyr bul schyl (zaum poem from book 'Pomade', 1913).flac 1.1 MB
- cd1/31 Olga Rozanova - Poem without title (sound poem, 1916).flac 990.9 KB
- cd2/spectrum/capture_14042011_171000.jpg 928.9 KB
- cd1/spectrum/capture_14042011_171613.jpg 870.3 KB
- cd2/spectrum/capture_14042011_170935.jpg 867.1 KB
- cd2/spectrum/capture_14042011_170954.jpg 863.6 KB
- cd2/spectrum/capture_14042011_170950.jpg 855.1 KB
- cd2/spectrum/capture_14042011_170933.jpg 835.1 KB
- cd2/spectrum/capture_14042011_170958.jpg 816.1 KB
- cd2/spectrum/capture_14042011_171004.jpg 810.7 KB
- cd2/spectrum/capture_14042011_170926.jpg 796.0 KB
- cd2/spectrum/capture_14042011_171006.jpg 785.2 KB
- cd2/spectrum/capture_14042011_170918.jpg 772.9 KB
- cd2/spectrum/capture_14042011_170930.jpg 766.5 KB
- cd2/spectrum/capture_14042011_170928.jpg 758.7 KB
- cd2/spectrum/capture_14042011_170956.jpg 754.3 KB
- cd2/spectrum/capture_14042011_171002.jpg 743.7 KB
- cd2/spectrum/capture_14042011_170952.jpg 743.5 KB
- cd1/cover.jpg 715.6 KB
- cd2/cover.jpg 715.6 KB
- cd1/spectrum/capture_14042011_171617.jpg 696.1 KB
- cd1/35 Psycho-Futurists Group - Zatirlikali lirlyuki (poem from almanac 'Me - Futuro-Miscellany of Universal Selfhood', 1914).flac 667.0 KB
- cd1/spectrum/capture_14042011_171615.jpg 610.1 KB
- cd1/18 Vasilisk Gnedov - Poem 14 (poem of the collection 'Death to Art', 1913).flac 544.8 KB
- cd1/40 Vasilisk Gnedov - Poem of the End (poem of the collection 'Death to Art', 1913).flac 439.0 KB
- i.txt 12.1 KB
- cd1/15 Pause - Sleep....flac 6.8 KB
- cd2/13 Pause.flac 6.8 KB
- cd1/audiochecker.log 4.8 KB
- cd2/audiochecker.log 3.3 KB
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