4000 Hollywood Sound Effects Library
File List
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/48 Cartoon, Horse Trotting & Galloping On Gravel, Dirt & Hard Surface, Running & Jumping, Galloping & Fire Pistol, Rubber Horse.aif 50.4 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/20 Cartoon, Train Steam Exterior Pulling Out Of Station, Interior Running Along, Tracks, Passing Between Cars, Ext_ Observation From Last Car, Ext_ Passing By Crossing, Steam Into Station.aif 43.8 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/34 1 Cartoon, Snore Rapid Snoring And Whistling, Human _14 4003 34-2 Cartoon, Snore Loud, Funny Snoring, Human _32 4003 34-3 Cartoon, Snore Loud Snoring And Breathing, Human _23 4003 34-4 Cartoon, Snore Funny Snoring, Human _43 4003 34-5 Cartoon, Sn.aif 35.7 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/35 1 Cartoon, Hiccup Single Hiccup, Human _01 4003 35-2 Cartoon, Hiccup Single Hic, Human _01 4003 35-3 Cartoon, Hiccup Single Hiccup, Human _01 4003 35-4 Cartoon, Hiccup Hiccupping, Human _37 4003 35-5 Cartoon, Hiccup Hiccupping, Human _52 4003 35-.aif 24.9 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/19 Cartoon, Airplane Small Prop Plane, Large Prop Plane, Small Touch Down.aif 24.8 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/97 1 Explosion Large Blast, Debris _15 4003 97-2 Explosion Large Blast, Debris _12 4003 97-3 Explosion Large Blast, Debris _16 4003 97-4 Explosion Large, Short Blast, Glass, Debris.aif 22.6 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/13 Cartoon, Auto Engine Starters.aif 22.6 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/17 Full Mix, Fanfare _15 4005 17-2 March, Music Theme 3a_ Drums, Fanfare _15 4005 17-3 March, Music Theme 3a_ Drums, Piccolo, Fanfare _15 4005 17-4 March, Music Theme 3a_ Drums, Trumpet, Fanfare _15 4005 17-5 March, Music Theme 3a.aif 22.0 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/22 Full Mix, Punchy, 50's Era, Fast Tempo _18 4005 22-2 Rock, Music Theme 4a_ Alternate Mix _18 4005 22-3 Rock, Music Theme 4a_ Piano _18 4005 22-4 Rock, Music Theme 4a_ Piano, Lead.aif 21.0 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/80 Cartoon, Whistle Long Fall Whistle And Scream _13 4001 80-2 Cartoon, Whistle Lo.aif 20.2 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/21 Cartoon, TrainYard Locomotive, Moving Back & Forth, Coupling To Car, Shunting Cars.aif 20.2 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/48 Classical, Music Theme 2, Pleasant, Restful, Relaxed_ Full Mix; Piano; Woodwinds; Piano, Bassoons; Piano, Clarinet; Piano, Oboe.aif 19.8 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/46 Circus, Music Theme 2, Toe Tapping, Marching, Fast_ Full Mix; Alt Mix; Percussion; Drums, Bass Trombone; Trombone, Bass, French Horn.aif 19.7 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/25 Full Mix _16 4005 25-2 Space, Music Theme 2_ Effect _15 4005 25-3 Space, Music Theme 2_ Effect.aif 19.6 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/36 Cartoon, Chicken Clucking, Contented, Nursing, Squawks, Distressed Squawks, Baby Chicks.aif 19.3 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/24 Full Mix _19 4005 24-2 Space, Music Theme 1_ Effect _19 4005 24-3 Space, Music Theme 1_ Effect _19 4005 24-4 Space, Music Theme 1_ Effect _19 4005 24-5 Space, Music Theme 1_ Effect.aif 19.0 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/11 Full Mix, Cool, Lazy, Medium Tempo _17 4005 11-2 Jazz, Music Theme 1a_ Alternate Mix _16 4005 11-3 Jazz, Music Theme 1a_ Bass, Drum _15 4005 11-4 Jazz, Music Theme 1a_ Vibes _10 4005 11-5 Jazz, Music Theme 1a_ Vibes, Bass _16 40.aif 19.0 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/27 Cartoon, Gong Small Gong, Music, Percussion, Crash _10 4001 27-2 Cartoon, Gong.aif 18.6 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/89 Space Liftoff, Cartoon _07 4001 89-2 Space Liftoff, Cartoon _05 4001 89-3 Space.aif 18.6 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/12 Full Mix, Cool, Lazy, Medium Tempo _16 4005 12-2 Jazz, Music Theme 1b_ Bass, Drums, Piano _14 4005 12-3 Jazz, Music Theme 1b_ Bass, Piano _14 4005 12-4 Jazz, Music Theme 1b_ Bass, Drums _14 4005 12-5 Jazz, Music Theme 1b_ Vibes.aif 18.3 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/03 1 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Belly Laugh, Human _12 4003 3-2 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Hard Laugh, Human _04 4003 3-3 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Hard Laugh, Human _20 4003 3-4 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Belly Laugh, Human _09 4003 3-5 Cartoon, Laughter Male.aif 18.2 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/23 Full Mix, Punchy, 50's Era, Fast Tempo _18 4005 23-2 Rock, Music Theme 4b_ Piano.aif 18.1 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/27 Full Mix _18 4005 27-2 Space, Music Theme 4_ Effect _18 4005 27-3 Space, Music Theme 4_ Effect.aif 17.8 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/28 Full Mix _17 4005 28-2 Space, Music Theme 5_ Effect _17 4005 28-3 Space, Music Theme 5_ Effect.aif 17.8 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/46 1 Cartoon, Footsteps Walking Munchkin, Squishy Footsteps _30 4003 46-2 Cartoon, Footsteps Walking In Mud, Squishy Footsteps _22 4003 46-3 Cartoon, Footsteps Soldiers Marching _21 4003 46-4 Cartoon, Footsteps Soldiers Marching With Snare Drum.aif 17.5 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/03 Cartoon, Music Theme 2, Confusion, Busy, Fast_ Full Mix; Piano; Honky Tonk Piano, Harpsichord, Piano; Harpsichord, Piano, Bass; Bass, Drums.aif 17.4 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/23 Cartoon, Motor Run, Squeaky, Bubbly, Short Run.aif 17.0 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/06 1 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Sinister Laugh, Human _03 4003 6-2 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Sinister Laugh, Human _03 4003 6-3 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Sinister Laugh, Human _03 4003 6-4 Cartoon, Laughter Witch's Laugh, Human _05 4003 6-5 Cartoon, Laught.aif 16.6 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/20 Full Mix, Fresh, Bright, Exciting, Medium Tempo _15 4005 20-2 Rock, Music Theme 2_ Drums, Bass _15 4005 20-3 Rock, Music Theme 2_ Drums, Bass, Piano _15 4005 20-4 Rock, Music Theme 2_ Drums, Bass, Guitar _15 4005 20-5 Rock, Music.aif 15.5 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/18 Full Mix, Fanfare _12 4005 18-2 March, Music Theme 3b_ Drums, Fanfare _11 4005 18-3 March, Music Theme 3b_ Drums, Piccolo, Fanfare _11 4005 18-4 March, Music Theme 3b_ Drums, Trumpets, Fanfare _11 4005 18-5 March, Music Theme 3.aif 15.2 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/02 Cartoon, Music Theme 1, Cool, Jazzy_ Bass, Drums, Rhodes, Sax; Bass, Drums, Brass; Brass; Bass, Piano, Ride; Bass, Piano, Sax.aif 15.1 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/09 1 Cartoon, Yell Yee Haw, Human _02 4003 9-2 Cartoon, Yell Yahoo, Human _02 4003 9-3 Cartoon, Yell Yee Haw, Human _02 4003 9-4 Cartoon, Yell Yippee, Human _03 4003 9-5 Cartoon, Yell Cowboy Roundup Yells, Human _11 4003 9-6 Cartoon, Yell Yahoo, Hum.aif 15.1 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/01 Cartoon, Music Theme 1, Cool, Jazzy_ Full Mix; Bass, Drums; Bass, Ride Cymbal; Bass; Bass Drums, Rhodes.aif 15.0 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/14 Cartoon, Auto Comedy Car Start, Idle, Cough, Wheeze, Rev, Pop & Wheeze.aif 14.9 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/30 Cartoon, Music Theme 13b, Brunk On Broadway, Slow_ Full Mix; Brass; Trumpet; Trombone; Xylophone.aif 14.7 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/20 Cartoon, Music Theme 8, Chase, Fast_ Xylophone; Piano; Woodwinds_ Woodwinds, Tuba.aif 14.6 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/24 Cartoon, Wind Up Camera, Start, Run & Stop.aif 14.4 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/19 Cartoon, Music Theme 8, Chase, Fast_ Full Mix; Alternative Mix; Percussion; Percussion Piano; Percussion, Tuba; Percussion, Xylophone.aif 14.3 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/45 Circus, Music Theme 1b, Bright Exciting, Fast_ Full Mix; Piano; Piano, Percussion, Bass; Brass; Brass, Cymbals; Stinger, End Bar.aif 14.2 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/96 1 Explosion Large Blast _12 4003 96-2 Explosion Large Blast _16 4003 96-3 Explosion Large Blast _14 4003 96-4 Explosion Large Blast _16 4003 96-5 Explosion Large Blast.aif 14.2 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/19 Cartoon, Bounce Rubber Bounce _04 4001 19-2 Cartoon, Bounce Electronic, Ball Be.aif 14.2 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/56 Cartoon, Bell Dull Metal Chimes, Single Shake, Wind Chimes _02 4001 56-2 Cartoo.aif 14.1 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/10 Full Mix, Music _12 4005 10-2 Fanfare Theme 7_ Piano, Strings, Music _11 4005 10-3 Fanfare Theme 7_ Piano, Strings, Percussion, Music _11 4005 10-4 Fanfare Theme 7_ Brass, Percussion, Music _10 4005 10-5 Fanfare Theme 7_ Percussion,.aif 14.1 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/34 Full Mix _17 4005 34-2 Horror, Music Theme 5_ Alternate Mix.aif 13.9 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/58 Cartoon, Bell Metal Xylophone, Gliss Up, Music, Percussion _05 4001 58-2 Cartoo.aif 13.9 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/97 Cartoon, Accent Smack And Zing _03 4001 97-2 Cartoon, Accent Bong, Horn, Squawk.aif 13.7 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/94 1 Explosion Medium Blast _16 4003 94-2 Explosion Medium Blast _12 4003 94-3 Explosion Medium Blast _14 4003 94-4 Explosion Medium Blast _15 4003 94-5 Explosion Medium, Short Blast _05 4003 94-6 Explosion Medium, Short Blast.aif 13.6 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/28 Cartoon, Gong Heavy Thud With Large Gong, Music, Percussion, Crash _16 4001 28-.aif 13.4 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/25 Cartoon, Cymbal Cymbal, Crash, Music, Percussion _09 4001 25-2 Cartoon, Cymbal.aif 13.3 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/06 Cartoon, Accent Barney's Dance Music, Percussion.aif 13.2 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/49 Classical, Music Theme 3a, Graceful, Flowing_ Full Mix; Woodwinds; Woodwinds, Basses; Woodwinds, Basses, Glockenspiel.aif 13.2 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/21 Full Mix, Aggressive, Hard Driving, Medium Tempo _15 4005 21-2 Rock, Music Theme 3_ Bass, Drums _16 4005 21-3 Rock, Music Theme 3_ Bass, Guitars _16 4005 21-4 Rock, Music Theme 3_ Sting, Full Mix.aif 13.1 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/62 1 Horror, Music Theme 33 Organ Stinger.aif 13.1 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/06 Cartoon, Music Theme 3b, Bouncy, Happy Go Lucky_ Full Mix; Woodwinds; Bassoons; Flute; Pizzicato, Strings.aif 13.1 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/88 1 Horror Body Being Crushed, Slow, Human _30 4003 88-2 Horror Body Being Crushed, Medium, Human _06 4003 88-3 Horror Body Being Crushed, Fast, Human _03 4003 88-4 Horror Twisting Off Head, Human _06 4003 88-5 Horror Ripping Out Heart, Human.aif 13.0 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/09 Cartoon, Percussion Weird Little Machine Music, Rhythmic Machinery, Drum Effect, Train With Whistle.aif 13.0 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/40 Cartoon, Dog Growl, Small Dog, Large Dog, Growling, Barking, Whining, Howling, Barking In Distress.aif 12.9 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/06 Full Mix, Music _09 4005 6-2 Fanfare Theme 4_ Trumpets, Music _07 4005 6-3 Fanfare Theme 4_ Four Trumpets, Music _07 4005 6-4 Fanfare Theme 4_ Percussion, Music _09 4005 6-5 Fanfare Theme 4_ Stinger, Alternative Mix, Music _04 4005 6-.aif 12.9 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/43 Circus, Music Theme 1a, Bright, Exciting, Intro, Fast_ Full Mix; Piano; Piano, Percussion, Bass; Brass.aif 12.9 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/81 Cartoon, Whistle Short Fall Whistle And Scream _06 4001 81-2 Cartoon, Whistle S.aif 12.9 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/48 Full Mix _22 4005 48-2 Horror, Music Theme 19_ Alternate Mix _22 4005 48-3 Horror, Music Theme 19_ Piano.aif 12.8 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/98 1 Explosion, War War_ Explosions, Gunfire, Helicopter, Ambience, Battle, Military.aif 12.7 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/65 1 Drop, Coin Single Coin Falling On Concrete, Money _04 4003 65-2 Drop, Coin Single Coin Falling On Concrete, Money _02 4003 65-3 Drop, Coin Two Coins Falling On Concrete, Money.aif 12.6 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/11 Cartoon, Music Theme 5, Up_Down Stirs, Hit, Med-Fast_ Full Mix; Piano; Woodwinds; Woodwinds, Piano.aif 12.5 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/50 Cartoon, Pig Grunting, Snorting, Squealing, Eating & Squealing.aif 12.5 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/14 1 Scream Female, Short, Human, Horror.aif 12.5 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/33 Cartoon, Bird Crow, Cawing, Squawking, Crowing, Squawk.aif 12.2 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/35 Cartoon, Drip Water Dripping, Drop _33 4001 35-2 Cartoon, Drip Varied, Rapid Dr.aif 12.2 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/51 Classical, Music Theme 3b, Graceful, Flowing_ Full Mix; Woodwinds; Woodwinds, Basses; Woodwinds, Basses, Glockenspiel.aif 12.2 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/08 Cartoon, Music Theme 4a, Falling, Repeated Hits, Med_ Full Mix; Piano; Piano, Drums; Woodwinds.aif 11.8 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/03 Cartoon, Accent Log Drums & Blocks, Running, Siren Whistle & Log Drums, Running.aif 11.8 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/53 Classical, Music Theme 4, Elegant, Tasteful_ Full Mix; Piano; Woodwinds; Piano, Bass.aif 11.7 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/18 Cartoon, Boing Thin Metal Ping And Warble _03 4001 18-2 Cartoon, Boing Thin Met.aif 11.5 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/95 1 Explosion Large Blast _14 4003 95-2 Explosion Large Blast _16 4003 95-3 Explosion Large Blast _16 4003 95-4 Explosion Small Blast.aif 11.5 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/09 Full Mix, Music _14 4005 9-2 Fanfare Theme 6_ Brass, Music _12 4005 9-3 Fanfare Theme 6_ Percussion, Music _14 4005 9-4 Fanfare Theme 6_ Trumpets, Music.aif 11.5 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/27 Cartoon, Music Theme 12a, Menacing, Pondering_ Full Mix; Trumpet, Woodwinds; Muted Trumpet; Clarinet; Bassoon; Bassoon, Clarinet; Stinger, Horror Jab.aif 11.4 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/12 1 Cartoon, Yell Karate Yell, Male, Human _02 4003 12-2 Cartoon, Yell Karate Yell, Male, Human _02 4003 12-3 Cartoon, Yell Karate Yell, Male, Human _02 4003 12-4 Cartoon, Yell Karate Yell, Male, Human _01 4003 12-5 Cartoon, Yell Karate Yell, Male,.aif 11.4 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/92 1 Explosion Small Blast _04 4003 92-2 Explosion Small Blast _09 4003 92-3 Explosion Small Blast _08 4003 92-4 Explosion Small Blast _08 4003 92-5 Explosion Two Small Blasts _07 4003 92-6 Explosion Small Blast On Glass _03 4003 92-7 Explosion Smal.aif 11.3 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/90 Cartoon, Accent Whiz, Bonks _01 4001 90-2 Cartoon, Accent Whiz, Pops, Horn _01.aif 11.2 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/29 Cartoon, Music Theme 13a, Broadway Fanfare_ Full Mix; 2 Alt Mixes; Trumpet, Trombone; Xylophone, Piano; Xylophone.aif 10.9 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/16 Full Mix, Fanfare _20 4005 16-2 March, Music Theme 2_ Drums, Fanfare _19 4005 16-3 March, Music Theme 2_ Trumpet, Fanfare.aif 10.9 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/34 Cartoon, Music Theme 15b, Mysterious, Pondering, Slow_ Full Mix; Woodwinds; Flutes; Flutes, Clarinet.aif 10.8 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/89 1 Horror Ripping Off Arm, Human _03 4003 89-2 Horror Ripping Out Eyes, Human _03 4003 89-3 Horror Monster Eating Flesh, Human.aif 10.7 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/16 1 Cartoon, Groan Male, Agony, Human, Horror.aif 10.7 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/09 Cartoon, Music Theme 4a, Falling, Repeated Hits, Med_ Woodwinds, Drums; Drums, Bass; Piano, Bass, Woodwinds; Pings.aif 10.7 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/38 Cartoon, Music Theme 18, Descending Run, Fast_ Full Mix; Piano; Piano, Bass; Marimba; Piano, Marimba; Instrument Fall; Stinger.aif 10.7 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/01 Cartoon, Accent Xylophone Gliss, Run, Sneaky, Combo, Trill.aif 10.7 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/07 Cartoon, Music Theme 3b, Bouncy, Happy Go Lucky_ Pizzicato, Strings, Flute, Violins; Pizzicato, Strings, Glockenspiel.aif 10.7 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/61 Cartoon, Horn Party Horn, Two Toots _03 4001 61-2 Cartoon, Horn Party Horn, Lon.aif 10.6 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/99 Cartoon, Accent Pots And Pans, Short, Crash _04 4001 99-2 Cartoon, Accent Pots.aif 10.6 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/08 1 Cartoon, Cry Child_ Bawling, Human _11 4003 8-2 Cartoon, Cry Female_ Crying, Sobbing, Human _21 4003 8-3 Cartoon, Cry Female_ Bawling, Human.aif 10.5 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/21 Cartoon, Warble Warble Sheet _02 4001 21-2 Cartoon, Warble Electronic Warble.aif 10.5 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/45 1 Footsteps, Spurs Cowboy Boots With Spurs.aif 10.5 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/47 Cartoon, Grind Ratchet, Short, Slow _01 4001 47-2 Cartoon, Grind Ratchet, Slow.aif 10.4 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/04 Cartoon, Music Theme 3a, Bouncy, Happy Go Lucky_ Full Mix; Woodwinds; Bassons; Flute; Pizzicatio, Strings.aif 10.4 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/16 Cartoon, Boing Short Sprong _01 4001 16-2 Cartoon, Boing Short Sprong _01 4001.aif 10.4 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/22 Cartoon, Boat Outboard, Pulling Starter, Start Idle, Stop.aif 10.4 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/71 Cartoon, Zip.aif 10.3 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/29 Full Mix _17 4005 29-2 Space, Music Theme 6_ Effect _17 4005 29-3 Space, Music Theme 6_ Effect.aif 10.2 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/05 Cartoon, Bong Metal Bong _02 4001 5-2 Cartoon, Bong Metal Bong _02 4001 5-3 Car.aif 10.2 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/11 Cartoon, Boing Timpani, Long Gliss Up, Percussion, Music, Drums _04 4001 11-2 C.aif 10.2 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/28 Cartoon, Music Theme 12b, Sneaky To Surprise, Slow_ Full Mix; Trumpet Woodwinds; Clarinet; Bassoon; Bassoon, Clarinet; Horror Jab.aif 10.1 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/83 1 Rip, Paper Short Tear _01 4003 83-2 Rip, Paper Medium Tear _02 4003 83-3 Rip, Paper Long Tear _04 4003 83-4 Rip, Paper Long, Uneven Tear _12 4003 83-5 Rip, Paper Starting To Tear _17 4003 83-6 Rip, Paper Tearing Up A Sheet Of Paper.aif 10.1 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/37 Cartoon, Music Theme 17, Run, Fall, Med-Fast_ Full Mix; Piano; Piano, Bass; Marimba; Marimba, Piano; Fall.aif 10.0 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/15 Cartoon, Auto Model T, Engine Cranking, With Hiccup, Backfire, In Gear, Pull Away.aif 9.9 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/50 Classical, Music Theme 3a, Graceful, Flowing_ Strings, Basses; Strings, Basses, Glockenspiel; Strings, Woodwinds, Glockenspiel.aif 9.8 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/33 1 Cartoon, Yawn Male_ Large Yawn, Human _05 4003 33-2 Cartoon, Yawn Male_ Large Yawn, Human _04 4003 33-3 Cartoon, Yawn Baby Yawn, Human _01 4003 33-4 Cartoon, Yawn Male_ Large Sleepy Yawn, Human _08 4003 33-5 Cartoon, Yawn Male_ Large Sleepy Yaw.aif 9.8 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/62 Cartoon, Horn Bicycle Horn, Single Toot _01 4001 62-2 Cartoon, Horn Bicycle Hor.aif 9.8 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/19 Full Mix, Punchy, Exhilarating, Med. _Fast Tempo _12 4005 19-2 Rock, Music Theme 1_ Bass, Drums _10 4005 19-3 Rock, Music Theme 1_ Bass, Drums, Guitar _10 4005 19-4 Rock, Music Theme 1_ All Guitars.aif 9.8 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/17 Cartoon, Music Theme 7b Tumbling W_ Hits_ Full Mix; Flute; Bssoon; Woodwinds; Xylophone; Percussion.aif 9.6 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/57 Cartoon, Bell Small Bell Chime, Single Hit, Music, Percussion, Idea, Accent _05.aif 9.6 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/88 Space, Zap Large Sputtering Zap, Gun _04 4001 88-2 Space, Zap Repeating Laser,.aif 9.6 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/10 1 Cartoon, Yell 'ouch!', Human _02 4003 10-2 Cartoon, Yell Drowning Person Yelling, Human _08 4003 10-3 Cartoon, Yell Falling Down Stairs Yell, Human _09 4003 10-4 Cartoon, Yell 'help!', Human _06 4003 10-5 Cartoon, Yell 'yow!', Human _03 4003 10.aif 9.6 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/15 Cartoon, Music Theme 7a, Tumbling W_ Hits_ Full Mix; Flute; Bassoon; Woodwinds; Xylophone; Percussion.aif 9.5 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/11 1 Cartoon, Yell Falling Yell, Male, Human _06 4003 11-2 Cartoon, Yell Falling Yell, Male, Human _09 4003 11-3 Cartoon, Yell Falling Yell, Male, Human _05 4003 11-4 Cartoon, Yell Falling Yell, Male, Human _06 4003 11-5 Cartoon, Yell Falling Yell,.aif 9.5 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/12 Cartoon, Drums Roll Down & Up, Rapid, With Cymbal, Roll Down Music, Fall Down Music.aif 9.5 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/52 Cartoon, Bell Small Chimes, Idea, Accent _04 4001 52-2 Cartoon, Bell Small Bell.aif 9.3 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/49 Cartoon, Monkey Chattering, Screeching, Chatter, Screech, Excited.aif 9.3 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/52 Classical, Music Theme 3b, Graceful, Flowing_ Strings, Basses; Strings, Basses, Glockenspiel; Strings, Woodwinds, Glockenspiel.aif 9.2 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/38 1 Cartoon, Baby Baby Crying, Human _13 4003 38-2 Cartoon, Baby Baby Bawling, Human, Cry _20 4003 38-3 Cartoon, Baby Baby Bawling, Human, Cry.aif 9.2 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/93 Cartoon, Clock Clock Ticking _21 4001 93-2 Cartoon, Clock Clock Ticking _21 400.aif 9.2 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/47 Classical, Music Theme 1, Light To Sad Bridge, Slow_ Full Mix; Piano; Clarinet; Clarinet, Trombone, Oboe.aif 9.1 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/55 Gun, Airgun Pump Action, Specialty Airgun Valve Slide, Single Shot, Rapid Fire, Short Burst, Long Burst, Several Short Bursts.aif 9.1 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/38 Full Mix _13 4005 38-2 Horror, Music Theme 9_ Alternate Mix _13 4005 38-3 Horror, Music Theme 9_ Piano.aif 9.1 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/49 Full Mix _24 4005 49-2 Horror, Music Theme 20_ Tremolo Violins.aif 9.1 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/30 Full Mix _18 4005 30-2 Horror, Music Theme 1_ Piano, Percussion _06 4005 30-3 Horror, Music Theme 1_ Percussion.aif 9.1 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/64 1 Drop, Coin Single Coin Falling On Wood, Money _02 4003 64-2 Drop, Coin Single Coin Falling On Wood, Money _03 4003 64-3 Drop, Coin Two Coins Falling On Wood, Money _02 4003 64-4 Drop, Coin Two Coins Falling On Wood, Money _02 4003 64-5 Drop, Co.aif 9.1 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/10 Cartoon, Music Theme 4b Tumble & Hit, Med-Fast_ Full Mix; Piano; Piano, Drums; Woodwinds; Woodwinds, Drums; Woodwinds, Piano, Bass.aif 9.0 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/07 Cartoon, Drums Snare Rolls.aif 9.0 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/23 Cartoon, Music Theme 10, Uphill Chase, Fast_ Full Mix; Alt Mix; Percussion; Percussion, Xylophone; Percussion, Piano.aif 8.8 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/09 Cartoon-Boing.aif 8.8 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/33 Full Mix _14 4005 33-2 Horror, Music Theme 4_ Strings _14 4005 33-3 Horror, Music Theme 4_ Piano.aif 8.8 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/01 Cartoon, Bonk Snap _01 4001 1-2 Cartoon, Bonk Hollow Wood Bonk _01 4001 1-3 Car.aif 8.8 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/05 Cartoon, Music Theme 3a, Bouncy, Happy Go Lucky_ Pizzicato, Strings, Flute; Pizzicato, Strings, Glockenspiel X2; Pizzicato, Strings, Flute, Glockenspiel.aif 8.7 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/32 Full Mix _14 4005 32-2 Horror, Music Theme 3_ Strings _14 4005 32-3 Horror, Music Theme 3_ Piano.aif 8.7 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/24 Cartoon, Music Theme 10, Uphill Chase, Fast_ Percussion, Piano, Xylophone; Xylophone; Trombone; Trombone W_ 1st Xylophone; Trombone W_ 2nd Xylophone.aif 8.6 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/54 Cartoon, Bell Telephone Bell Ring _05 4001 54-2 Cartoon, Bell Telephone Bell Ri.aif 8.6 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/77 Cartoon, Twang Zip, Twang _03 4001 77-2 Cartoon, Twang Zip, Twang _02 4001 77-3.aif 8.5 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/70 Gun, Shot Gun 12 Guage Load 6 Shells, Pump Action, Dry Fire & Pump, Pump & Dry Fire.aif 8.5 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/26 1 Cartoon, Sneeze Male_ Large Sneeze, Human _04 4003 26-2 Cartoon, Sneeze Male_ Large Sneeze, Human _04 4003 26-3 Cartoon, Sneeze Child_ Funny Sneeze, Human _01 4003 26-4 Cartoon, Sneeze Child_ Funny Sneeze, Human _04 4003 26-5 Cartoon, Sneeze Ma.aif 8.5 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/15 1 March, MFull Mix, Fanfare _16 4005 15-2 March, Music Theme 1c_ Drums, Fanfare _16 4005 15-3 March, Music Theme 1c_ Muted Trumpet, Fanfareusic Theme 1c.aif 8.4 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/39 Cartoon, Music Theme 19, Elephant Walk, Slow_ Full Mix_ Bass; Synth.aif 8.4 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/64 Gun, Hand Gun .38 Smith & Wesson Load, Close Cylinder, Dry Fire, Unload Shells Into Hand.aif 8.4 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/21 Cartoon, Music Theme 9, Lively, Fanfare_ Full Mix; Alt Mix; Percussion; Brass; Brass, Xylophone; Xylophone.aif 8.3 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/25 Cartoon, Music Theme 11a, Falling Down Stairs, Med-Fast_ Full Mix; Percussion; Xylophone; Xylophone, Percussion; Descending Instruments; Descending Insturments W_ Xylophone; Descending Instruments W_ Percussion.aif 8.3 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/41 Cartoon, Dog Howl & Bark, Howls.aif 8.2 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/52 Full Mix _22 4005 52-2 Horror, Music Theme 23_ Electric Piano, Voices.aif 8.2 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/65 Cartoon, Whistle Slide Whistle, Down _01 4001 65-2 Cartoon, Whistle Slide Whist.aif 8.2 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/42 Cartoon, Music Theme 22, Sad Lonely, Slow_ Full Mix; Trombone; Clarinet.aif 8.1 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/26 Cartoon, Music Theme 11b, Ascending Staircase_ Full Mix; Percussion; Xylophone; PErcussion, Xylophone; Ascending INstruments; Ascending Instruments W_ Xylophone; Ascending Instruments W_ Percussion.aif 8.1 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/11 Cartoon, Drums Trip, Trip & Fall, Accent With Whistle, Gong, Drum Accent With Whistle And Bell Rattle.aif 8.1 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/59 Cartoon, Bell Small Brass Chimes, Gliss Up, Music, Percussion _10 4001 59-2 Car.aif 8.1 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/40 Cartoon, Bubble Single Bubble _01 4001 40-2 Cartoon, Bubble Single Bubble _01 4.aif 8.0 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/26 Cartoon, Cymbal Drum Hit With Cymbal, Music, Percussion, Crash _03 4001 26-2 CA.aif 7.9 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/44 Cartoon, Rattle Electronic Rattling, Metallic, Short _01 4001 44-2 Cartoon, Rat.aif 7.9 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/85 1 Grind, Stone Stone Block Grinding, Short _02 4003 85-2 Grind, Stone Stone Block Grinding, Medium.aif 7.9 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/10 Cartoon, Drums _Take My Wife Please_ Music, Stumble & Fall, Accents, Jungle Beat, Funny Accent.aif 7.8 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/60 Full Mix _08 4005 60-2 Horror, Music Theme 31_ Piano, Percussion _08 4005 60-3 Horror, Music Theme 31_ Strings, Percussion _08 4005 60-4 Horror, Music Theme 31_ Strings.aif 7.8 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/37 Full Mix _12 4005 37-2 Horror, Music Theme 8_ Alternate Mix _12 4005 37-3 Horror, Music Theme 8_ Piano.aif 7.8 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/42 Cartoon, Rattle Short Rattle, Wood _01 4001 42-2 Cartoon, Rattle Rattling, Wood.aif 7.8 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/62 1 Drop, Can Large Tin Can, Fall _02 4003 62-2 Drop, Can Large Tin Can, Fall _02 4003 62-3 Drop, Can Medium Tin Can, Fall.aif 7.7 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/04 1 Cartoon, Laughter Female_ Laughter With Snorting, Human _11 4003 4-2 Cartoon, Laughter Female_ Laugh, Human _10 4003 4-3 Cartoon, Laughter Female_ Belly Laugh, Human _09 4003 4-4 Cartoon, Laughter Female_ Hee Hee, Human.aif 7.7 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/14 Drums, Fanfare _11 4005 14-3 March, Music Theme 1b_ Full Mix With Muted Trumpet, Fanfare.aif 7.6 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/94 Cartoon, Accent Slide Down, Boing, Fall _03 4001 94-2 Cartoon, Accent Slide Dow.aif 7.6 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/29 1 Cartoon, Cough Female_ Heavy Cough, Human _04 4003 29-2 Cartoon, Cough Female_ Light Cough, Human _03 4003 29-3 Cartoon, Cough Female_ Light Cough, Human _03 4003 29-4 Cartoon, Cough Female_ Coughing, Human _12 4003 29-5 Cartoon, Cough Female_.aif 7.6 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/44 Cartoon, Duck Quacking, Quack, Squawking, Drowning Duck, Chuckling Duck.aif 7.5 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/93 Gun, Hand Gun Single Shot, Pistol, 3 Shots, 6 Shots.aif 7.4 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/49 Cartoon, Grind Tension Grind _04 4001 49-2 Cartoon, Grind Tension Grind _06 400.aif 7.4 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/79 1 Rip, Fabric Heavy Cotton, Short Tear.aif 7.4 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/58 1 Horror, Music Theme 29 Full Mix _10 4005 58-2 Horror, Music Theme 29_ Strings, Percussion _08 4005 58-3 Horror, Music Theme 29_ Piano, Percussion _06 4005 58-4 Horror, Music Theme 29_ Stinger.aif 7.3 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/46 Full Mix _14 4005 46-2 Horror, Music Theme 17_ Piano _14 4005 46-3 Horror, Music Theme 17_ Stinger, Piano.aif 7.3 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/91 Gun, Machine Gun M-60, Short Burst, Medium Burst, Long Burst.aif 7.3 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/91 Cartoon, Accent Short Fall Whistle, Splat _03 4001 91-2 Cartoon, Accent Short F.aif 7.3 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/76 Cartoon, Twang Whistle Twang _02 4001 76-3 Cartoon, Twang Long Twang _02 4001 7.aif 7.3 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/07 1 Cartoon, Cry Male_ Crying, Human _12 4003 7-2 Cartoon, Cry Male_ Sobbing, Human _12 4003 7-3 Cartoon, Cry Male_ Weeping, Human.aif 7.2 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/55 Cartoon, Bell Sleigh Bells, Single Shake _05 4001 55-2 Cartoon, Bell Sleigh Bel.aif 7.2 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/84 Gun, Machine Gun M-16 Single Shot, Short Burst, Medium Burst, Long Burst.aif 7.2 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/47 Full Mix _14 4005 46-2 Horror, Music Theme 17_ Piano _14 4005 46-3 Horror, Music Theme 17_ Stinger, Piano.aif 7.2 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/54 1 Horror, Music Theme 25 Full Mix.aif 7.2 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/31 Cartoon, Music Theme 14, Ascending To Climax, Fast_ Full Mix; Alt Mix; Bass, Piano, Percussion; Bass, Percussion; Piano.aif 7.1 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/53 1 Hit, Human Body Hit With Weapon _01 4003 53-2 Hit, Human Body Hit With Weapon _01 4003 53-3 Hit, Human Body Hit With Weapon _01 4003 53-4 Hit, Human Head Mush With Weapon _01 4003 53-5 Hit, Human Head Hit With Blackjack _01 4003 53-6 Hit, Human.aif 7.1 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/43 1 Fart Large Fart, Human _01 4003 43-2 Fart Large Fart, Human _01 4003 43-3 Fart Medium Fart, Human _01 4003 43-4 Fart Medium Fart, Human.aif 7.1 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/46 Cartoon, Frog Croaking.aif 7.1 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/55 1 Hit, Human Swoosh And Head Hit With Wood _01 4003 55-2 Hit, Human Swoosh And Head Hit _01 4003 55-3 Hit, Human Swoosh And Skull Crack _01 4003 55-4 Hit, Human Swoosh And Body Hit _01 4003 55-5 Hit, Human Swoosh And Head Mush _01 4003 55-6 Hit,.aif 7.0 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/15 1 Scream Female, Long, Human, Horror _05 4003 15-2 Scream Female, Long, Human, Horror _04 4003 15-3 Scream Female, Medium, Human, Horror.aif 7.0 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/58 Gun, Hand Gun .32 Berretta Load Clip, Dry Fire, Remove Empty Clip, Reload.aif 7.0 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/33 Cartoon, Music Theme 15a, Mysterious, Pondering, Slow_ Full Mix; Woodwinds; Clarinet.aif 6.9 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/03 Cartoon, Bonk Metal Bonk And Slosh _02 4001 3-2 Cartoon, Bonk Wood Bonk And Rat.aif 6.9 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/57 1 Horror, Music Theme 28 Full Mix _11 4005 57-2 Horror, Music Theme 28_ Strings, Piano _09 4005 57-3 Horror, Music Theme 28_ Strings.aif 6.9 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/28 1 Cartoon, Cough Male_ Coughing, Human _06 4003 28-2 Cartoon, Cough Male_ Heavy Coughing, Human _07 4003 28-3 Cartoon, Cough Male_ Hacking Cough, Human _07 4003 28-4 Cartoon, Cough Male_ Coughing, Human _04 4003 28-5 Cartoon, Cough Light Cough, H.aif 6.9 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/31 Cartoon, Squish Bork _01 4001 31-2 Cartoon, Squish Short Squish _01 4001 31-3 C.aif 6.9 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/13 1 Scream Male, Terror, Human, Horror _03 4003 13-2 Scream Male, Agony, Human, Horror _04 4003 13-3 Scream Male, Agony, Human, Horror _03 4003 13-4 Scream Male, Long, Human, Horror _04 4003 13-5 Scream Male, Long, Human, Horror _04 4003 13-6 Screa.aif 6.9 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/76 1 Crash, Garbage Large Garbage Crash, Human, Bodyfall.aif 6.8 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/67 Gun, Rifle Single Shot, Bolt Action & Single Shot, Shot & Bolt Pulls.aif 6.8 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/25 Cartoon, Drill Pneumatic Drill, Drilling Motor.aif 6.8 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/81 Gun, Machine Gun M-16 Lock & Load, Load Clip, Remove Clip, Pull Bolt.aif 6.8 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/35 Full Mix _17 4005 35-2 Horror, Music Theme 6_ Piano.aif 6.8 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/54 Cartoon, Growl Short Menacing Lion, Low Menacing Animal, Horror.aif 6.8 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/44 Circus, Music Theme 1a, Bright, Exciting, Intro, Fast_ Brass, Tympani, Cymbals; Stinger Full Mix X3.aif 6.7 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/26 Full Mix _12 4005 26-2 Space, Music Theme 3_ Effect _12 4005 26-3 Space, Music Theme 3_ Effect.aif 6.7 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/13 Cartoon, Music Theme 6b, Sad To Happy, Med_ Full Mix; Piano, Trumpet; Trumpet.aif 6.7 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/64 1 Horror, Music Theme 35 Full Mix _10 4005 64-2 Horror, Music Theme 35_ Piano _09 4005 64-3 Horror, Music Theme 35_ Low Strings.aif 6.7 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/17 Cartoon, Boing Spring Sprong _02 4001 17-2 Cartoon, Boing Vocal Sprong _02 4001.aif 6.7 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/07 Full Mix, Music _05 4005 7-2 Fanfare Theme 5a_ Trumpets, Music _05 4005 7-3 Fanfare Theme 5a_ Trombones, Music _05 4005 7-4 Fanfare Theme 5a_ Percussion, Music _05 4005 7-5 Fanfare Theme 5a_ Stinger End, Full Mix, Music.aif 6.6 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/63 Cartoon, Horn Taxi Horn, Single Honk _01 4001 63-2 Cartoon, Horn Taxi Horn, Dou.aif 6.6 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/04 Full Mix, Music _05 4005 4-2 Fanfare Theme 2b_ Brass, Music _05 4005 4-3 Fanfare Theme 2b_ Trumpet, Music _05 4005 4-4 Fanfare Theme 2b_ Trombone, Music _04 4005 4-5 Fanfare Theme 2b_ Stinger, Full Mix, Music.aif 6.6 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/92 Gun, Machine Gun M-60, Short Burst, Medium Burst, Long Burst.aif 6.6 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/54 Classical, Music Theme 4, Elegant, Tasteful_ Piano, Strings; Woodwinds, Strings; Stinger, Full Mix.aif 6.5 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/31 Full Mix _10 4005 31-2 Horror, Music Theme 2_ Alternate Mix _10 4005 31-3 Horror, Music Theme 2_ Strings, Piano.aif 6.5 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/38 Cartoon, Pop Zip, Pop, Donk _01 4001 38-2 Cartoon, Pop Zip, Pop, Donk _01 4001.aif 6.5 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/14 Cartoon, Boing String Pluck _04 4001 14-2 Cartoon, Boing Poing _01 4001 14-3 CA.aif 6.4 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/87 1 Horror Ripping Flesh Grab, Human _05 4003 87-2 Horror Ripping Flesh Grab, Human _12 4003 87-3 Horror, Vampire Vampire Sucking Blood, Human.aif 6.4 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/96 Cartoon, Accent Clank And Whirl _02 4001 96-2 Cartoon, Accent Clank And Grind _.aif 6.4 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/12 Cartoon, Music Theme 6a, Happy To Sad, Med_ Full Mix; Piano, Trumpet; Trumpet.aif 6.4 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/39 Cartoon, Dog Barking, Large Dog, Small Dog.aif 6.3 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/13 Cartoon, Boing Dull Boing _02 4001 13-2 Cartoon, Boing Dull Boing _01 4001 13-3.aif 6.3 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/53 Cartoon, Bell Large Chime Ring, Percussion, Music _13 4001 53-2 Cartoon, Bell L.aif 6.3 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/83 Gun, Machine Gun M-16 Single Shot, Short Burst, Medium Burst, Long Burst.aif 6.3 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/65 1 Horror, Music Theme 36 Full Mix _10 4005 65-2 Horror, Music Theme 36_ Piano _10 4005 65-3 Horror, Music Theme 36_ Low Strings.aif 6.3 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/36 Full Mix _09 4005 36-2 Horror, Music Theme 7_ Alternate Mix _09 4005 36-3 Horror, Music Theme 7_ Piano.aif 6.3 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/75 Cartoon, Whizz Quick Whizz _01 4001 75-2 Cartoon, Whizz Fast Whoosh _02 4001 75.aif 6.3 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/78 Cartoon, Whistle Fall Whistle, Long _16 4001 78-2 Cartoon, Whistle Fall Whistle.aif 6.2 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/20 Cartoon, Bounce Hollow, Space Bounce _01 4001 20-2 Cartoon, Bounce Hollow, Spac.aif 6.2 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/57 1 Whip Whip Crack.aif 6.2 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/44 1 Fart Large Fart, Human.aif 6.1 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/73 Cartoon, Zip Rising Zips _02 4001 73-3 Cartoon, Zip Falling Zips _03 4001 73-4.aif 6.1 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/92 Cartoon, Accent Ascending Zip Gliss _02 4001 92-2 Cartoon, Accent Descending Zi.aif 6.1 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/56 Gun, Hand Gun Colt 45 Turn Cylinder, Pull Back Hammer, Dry Fire.aif 6.1 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/39 Cartoon, Bubble Large Bubble Rise _01 4001 39-2 Cartoon, Bubble Large Bubble Ri.aif 6.1 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/39 Full Mix _08 4005 39-2 Horror, Music Theme 10_ Alternate Mix _08 4005 39-3 Horror, Music Theme 10_ Piano.aif 6.0 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/93 1 Explosion Large Blast _06 4003 93-2 Explosion Large Bomb Blast _06 4003 93-3 Explosion Large Blast, Metal And Glass _05 4003 93-4 Explosion Small Blast.aif 6.0 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/61 Full Mix _13 4005 61-2 Horror, Music Theme 32_ Stinger _05 4005 61-3 Horror, Music Theme 32_ Stinger.aif 6.0 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/30 Cartoon, Squish Short, Hard Squish _02 4001 30-2 Cartoon, Squish Short Rubbery.aif 6.0 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/68 Cartoon, Whistle Cuckoo Whistle, Single _02 4001 68-2 Cartoon, Whistle Cuckoo W.aif 5.9 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/16 Cartoon, Music Theme 7a, Tumbling W_ Hits_ Woodwinds, Xylophone; Stinger, Full Mix, Stinger, Xylophone, Woodwinds; Stinger Woodwinds; Stinger, Bassoon.aif 5.9 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/41 Cartoon, Music Theme 21, Sad, Slow_ Full Mix; Clarinet.aif 5.9 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/85 Gun, Machine Gun Ak-47 Load Clip, Pull Bolt, Remove Clip, Dry Fire.aif 5.9 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/87 Gun, Machine Gun Ak-47 Single Shot, Long Burst.aif 5.9 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/18 Cartoon, Music Theme 7b Tumbling W_ Hits_ Woodwinds, Xylophone; Stinger, Full Mix; Stinger, Xylophone, Woodwinds; Stinger, Woodwinds; Stinger, Bassoon.aif 5.9 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/40 Cartoon, Music Theme 20, Ponderous To Hits_ Full Mix; 3 Stingers.aif 5.8 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/45 Cartoon, Rattle Metal Rattling _03 4001 45-2 Cartoon, Rattle Metal Rattling _04.aif 5.8 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/81 1 Rip, Fabric Polyester, Short Tear _01 4003 81-2 Rip, Fabric Polyester, Medium Tear.aif 5.8 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/74 Cartoon, Whizz Pass By, Fast, Auto _03 4001 74-2 Cartoon, Whizz Pass By, Fast,.aif 5.8 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/50 Cartoon, Squeak Rubber Squeak, Balloon _04 4001 50-2 Cartoon, Squeak Rubber Squ.aif 5.8 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/71 Gun, Shot Gun 12 Guage Single Shot, Single Shot With Punp Action, Five Shots Quickly With Punp Action.aif 5.8 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/54 1 Hit, Human Small Head Hit _01 4003 54-2 Hit, Human Body Hit _01 4003 54-3 Hit, Human Head Hit, Mush With Wood _01 4003 54-4 Hit, Human Head Hit, Mush.aif 5.7 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/23 Cartoon, Impact Arrow Impact.aif 5.7 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/82 Cartoon, Whistle Zing Whistle, Long _03 4001 82-2 Cartoon, Whistle Zing Whistle.aif 5.7 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/12 Cartoon, Boing Small Drum Boing, Percussion, Music, Drums _03 4001 12-2 Cartoon.aif 5.7 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/80 1 Rip, Fabric Cotton Sheet, Short Tear.aif 5.6 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/51 Full Mix _17 4005 51-2 Horror, Music Theme 22_ Percussion.aif 5.6 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/98 Cartoon, Crash Metal Crash _04 4001 98-2 Cartoon, Crash Metal Crash _04 4001 98.aif 5.6 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/32 Cartoon, Music Theme 14, Ascending To Climax, Fast_ Piano, Bass; Piano, Woodwinds; Flute; Clarinet.aif 5.6 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/88 Gun, Machine Gun Ak-47 Single Shot, Long Burst.aif 5.5 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/30 Cartoon, Bat Wings Flapping, Squeals, Animal, Bird.aif 5.5 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/39 1 Cartoon, Baby Baby Sneeze, Human _01 4003 39-2 Cartoon, Baby Baby Sneeze, Human _01 4003 39-3 Cartoon, Baby Baby Sneeze, Human _01 4003 39-4 Cartoon, Baby Baby Sneeze, Human _01 4003 39-5 Cartoon, Baby Baby Coughing, Human _05 4003 39-6 Cartoon.aif 5.5 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/29 Cartoon, Gun Anti-Aircraft Gun 4-Shots, 105mm Howitzer, Single Shot.aif 5.5 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/69 Cartoon, Zip High _01 4001 69-2 Cartoon, Zip Medium _01 4001 69-3 Cartoon, Zip.aif 5.5 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/31 1 Cartoon, Nose Blow Male_ Blowing Nose, Human _02 4003 31-2 Cartoon, Nose Blow Male_ Single Blow, Human _02 4003 31-3 Cartoon, Nose Blow Funny Comedic Nose Blow, Human _02 4003 31-4 Cartoon, Nose Blow Female_ Blowing Nose, Human _05 4003 31-5 Ca.aif 5.4 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/41 Cartoon, Bubble Hollow Bubbling In Bowl.aif 5.4 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/48 Cartoon, Grind Bow Tension _02 4001 48-2 Cartoon, Grind Bow Tension _02 4001 48.aif 5.4 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/37 Cartoon, Pop Cork Squeak And Pop _03 4001 37-2 Cartoon, Pop Cork Squeak And Pop.aif 5.3 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/60 Gun, Hand Gun 380 Makarov Load Clip, Load, Remove Clip, Reload.aif 5.3 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/50 Full Mix _15 4005 50-2 Horror, Music Theme 21_ Alternate Mix.aif 5.3 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/18 1 Cartoon, Head Shake Comical Vocal Head Shake.aif 5.3 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/02 Cartoon, Bonk Flat Wood Bonk _01 4001 2-2 Cartoon, Bonk Vocal Bonk _01 4001 2-3.aif 5.3 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/60 Cartoon, Horn Funny Car Horn, High Pitched _01 4001 60-2 Cartoon, Horn Funny CA.aif 5.2 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/97 Gun, Shell Single Shell Fall Concrete, 2 Shells Falling, Many Shells Falling.aif 5.2 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/53 Full Mix _13 4005 53-2 Horror, Music Theme 24_ Alternate Mix.aif 5.2 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/59 Gun, Hand Gun .32 Berretta Single Shot, 2 Shots, 3 Shots.aif 5.2 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/72 1 Glass, Smash Large Glass Shatter, Crash _02 4003 72-2 Glass, Smash Large Glass Shatter, Crash _02 4003 72-3 Glass, Smash Large Glass Pane Shatter, Crash _03 4003 72-4 Glass, Smash Large Glass Pane Shattering, Crash _03 4003 72-5 Glass, Smash La.aif 5.2 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/40 1 Burp Small Burp, Human.aif 5.2 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/62 Gun, Hand Gun 9mm Berretta Load, Last Shot Remove Chamber, Remove Empty Clip, Release Chamber, Reload, Dry Fire.aif 5.1 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/30 1 Cartoon, Wheeze Single Wheeze, Human _02 4003 30-2 Cartoon, Wheeze Wheeze And Cough, Human _08 4003 30-3 Cartoon, Wheeze Many Wheezes, Human, Cough _04 4003 30-4 Cartoon, Cough Cough, Wheeze, Human _02 4003 30-5 Cartoon, Wheeze Cough, Wheeze, H.aif 5.1 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/79 Cartoon, Whistle Rising Whistle, Long _11 4001 79-2 Cartoon, Whistle Rising Whi.aif 5.1 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/83 Cartoon, Whistle Step Tone, Down And Up, Slow _07 4001 83-2 Cartoon, Whistle St.aif 5.1 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/82 1 Rip, Fabric Silk, Short Tear _01 4003 82-2 Rip, Fabric Silk, Long Tear _02 4003 82-3 Rip, Fabric Silk, Long, Uneven Tear _05 4003 82-4 Rip, Fabric Silk, Starting To Tear.aif 5.0 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/05 1 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ High Pitched, Human _04 4003 5-2 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ High Pitched, Human _03 4003 5-3 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Comical Laugh, Human _02 4003 5-4 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Wheeze And Laugh, Human _04 4003 5-5 Cartoon, La.aif 5.0 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/58 1 Whip Whip Crack.aif 5.0 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/51 Cartoon, Squeak Squeaky Screw _04 4001 51-2 Cartoon, Squeak Squeaky Screw _05 4.aif 4.9 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/36 Cartoon, Pop Large Cork Pop _02 4001 36-2 Cartoon, Pop Large Cork Pop _01 4001.aif 4.9 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/77 Gun, Machine Gun Mini Uzi, Load Clip, Pull Bolt, Remove Clip.aif 4.9 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/36 1 Cartoon, Kiss Big Smack, Human _02 4003 36-2 Cartoon, Kiss Big Smack, Human _02 4003 36-3 Cartoon, Kiss Big Kiss, Human _01 4003 36-4 Cartoon, Kiss Big Kiss With Vocal, Human _03 4003 36-5 Cartoon, Kiss Big Kiss, Human _02 4003 36-6 Cartoon, Ki.aif 4.9 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/52 1 Slap, Face Hard Face Slap, Human.aif 4.8 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/31 Cartoon, Bird Chirping, Cooing.aif 4.8 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/02 1 Cartoon, Laughter Female_ Hilarious Laughter, Human _08 4003 2-2 Cartoon, Laughter Female_ Hilarious Laughter, Human _10 4003 2-3 Cartoon, Laughter Female_ Hilarious Laughter, Human.aif 4.8 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/75 Gun, Machine Gun 9mm Uzi Short Burst, Medium Burst, Long Burst.aif 4.8 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/84 1 Chain, Rattle Chain Rattling And Dragging On Floor, Horror.aif 4.8 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/08 Full Mix, Music _06 4005 8-2 Fanfare Theme 5b_ Brass, Music _06 4005 8-3 Fanfare Theme 5b_ Percussion, Music.aif 4.8 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/73 1 Glass, Smash Bottle Break Over Head, Crash, Human, Hit.aif 4.7 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/84 Cartoon, Whistle Step Tone, Down And Up, Medium _05 4001 84-2 Cartoon, Whistle.aif 4.7 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/22 Cartoon, Music Theme 9, Lively, Fanfare_ Stinger, Full Mix; Stinger; Brass; Stinger, Trombone; Stinger, Piano, Xylophone; Stinger Piano, Xylophone, Percussion.aif 4.7 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/79 Gun, Machine Gun Mini Uzi Short Burst, Medium Burst, Long Burst.aif 4.7 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/67 1 Spin, Coin Large Coin Spin And Fall On Wood, Cartoon, Money _15 4003 67-2 Spin, Coin Large Coin Spin And Fall On Concrete, Cartoon, Money.aif 4.7 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/13 Full Mix, Fanfare _13 4005 13-2 March, Music Theme 1a_ Trumpet, Fanfare _06.aif 4.6 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/43 Cartoon, Rattle Metal Chime Rattle _01 4001 43-2 Cartoon, Rattle Metal Chime Ra.aif 4.6 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/14 Cartoon, Music Theme 6c, Happy, Care Free, Med_ Full Mix; Piano, Trumpet; Trumpet.aif 4.6 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/66 1 Drop, Coin Single Coin Dropping Into Tin Can, Money _03 4003 66-2 Drop, Coin Single Coin Dropping Into Tin Can, Money _01 4003 66-3 Drop, Coin Two Coins Dropping Into Tin Can, Money _02 4003 66-4 Drop, Coin Many Coins Dropping Into Tin Can, Mon.aif 4.6 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/27 Cartoon, Gun Single Shot, Double Shot, Shots With Ricochet.aif 4.6 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/70 Cartoon, Zip Zing, High _01 4001 70-2 Cartoon, Zip Zing, High _01 4001 70-3 Car.aif 4.6 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/43 Cartoon, Donkey Hee-Hawing, Single Hee Haw.aif 4.5 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/80 Gun, Machine Gun Mini Uzi Short Burst, Medium Burst, Long Burst.aif 4.5 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/29 Cartoon, Fall Musical Fall Accent _03 4001 29-2 Cartoon, Fall Musical Fall Acce.aif 4.5 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/35 Cartoon, Cat Meow, Swipe & Meow.aif 4.5 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/61 Gun, Hand Gun 380 Makarov, Single Shot, 2 Shots Quickly.aif 4.5 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/34 Cartoon, Drip Single Drip, Water, Drop _01 4001 34-2 Cartoon, Drip Single Drip,.aif 4.5 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/77 1 Crash, Auto Large Auto Crash, Metal And Glass _03 4003 77-2 Crash, Auto Large Auto Crash, Metal _03 4003 77-3 Crash, Auto Large Auto Crash, Metal And Glass.aif 4.4 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/70 1 Glass, Smash Small Glass Shatter And Tinkle, Crash _03 4003 70-2 Glass, Smash Small Glass Shatter And Tinkle, Crash _02 4003 70-3 Glass, Smash Small Pane Of Glass Shattering, Crash _02 4003 70-4 Glass, Smash Small Glass Shatter, Crash _01 4003.aif 4.4 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/66 Cartoon, Whistle Siren Whistle _03 4001 66-2 Cartoon, Whistle Siren Whistle, Co.aif 4.3 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/36 Cartoon, Music Theme 16b, Slide To Crash, Break Up_ Stinger; Vibraphone.aif 4.3 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/18 Cartoon, Auto Tire Skid, Skid & Crash, Crash.aif 4.3 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/38 Cartoon, Cow Moo.aif 4.2 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/15 Cartoon, Boing Space Boing, High _02 4001 15-2 Cartoon, Boing Space Boing, Medi.aif 4.2 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/56 1 Horror, Music Theme 27 Full Mix _09 4005 56-2 Horror, Music Theme 27_ Strings.aif 4.2 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/47 Cartoon, Horse Neighing, Snorting.aif 4.2 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/05 Full Mix, Music 5-2 Fanfare Theme 3_1st Trumpet, Music _04 4005 5-3 Fanfare Theme 3_ Percussion, Music.aif 4.2 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/85 Cartoon, Whistle Step Tone, Down And Up, Medium _05 4001 85-2 Cartoon, Whistle.aif 4.2 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/68 Gun, Rifle Winchester 44-40 Load, Lever Action.aif 4.2 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/55 1 Horror, Music Theme 26 Full Mix _09 4005 55-2 Horror, Music Theme 26_ Strings.aif 4.2 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/73 Gun, Machine Gun 9mm Uzi Load Clip, Pull Bolt, Remove Clip.aif 4.1 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/25 1 Cartoon, Vocal 'oops!', Human _01 4003 25-2 Cartoon, Vocal 'oops!', Human _01 4003 25-3 Cartoon, Vocal 'oops!', Human _01 4003 25-4 Cartoon, Vocal 'ooooooo!', Human _02 4003 25-5 Cartoon, Vocal 'ooooo!', Ghostlike, Human.aif 4.1 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/03 Full Mix, Music _05 4005 3-2 Fanfare Theme 2a_ Brass, Music _05 4005 3-3 Fanfare Theme 2a_ Flutes, Music.aif 4.1 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/50 1 Punch, Face Arm Swing And Jaw Sock, Human.aif 4.0 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/98 Gun, Shell Single Shell Fall Wood, 2 Shells Falling, A Few Shells Falling, Many Shells Falling.aif 4.0 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/53 Cartoon, Turkey Gobbling.aif 4.0 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/51 1 Punch, Face Jaw Sock, Human.aif 4.0 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/52 Cartoon, Sheep Baaing.aif 4.0 MB
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/35 Cartoon, Music Theme 16a, Ascent To Slide W_ Hit_ Full Mix; End Stinger; Vibraphone.aif 4.0 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/01 1 Cartoon, Laughter Low, Throaty Laugh, Human _06 4003 1-2 Cartoon, Laughter Chipmunk Laugh, Human _03 4003 1-3 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Comical Laugh, Human.aif 4.0 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/02 Full Mix, Music _05 4005 2-2 Fanfare Theme 1b_ Trumpet, Music _04 4005 2-3 Fanfare Theme 1b_ Trombone, Music.aif 3.9 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/76 Gun, Machine Gun 9mm Uzi Short Burst, Medium Burst, Long Burst.aif 3.9 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/71 1 Glass, Smash Medium Glass Crash, Crash _02 4003 71-2 Glass, Smash Medium Glass Crash, Crash _02 4003 71-3 Glass, Smash Medium Glass Shatter, Crash _02 4003 71-4 Glass, Smash Medium Glass Shatter, Crash _02 4003 71-5 Glass, Smash Medium Glass Sh.aif 3.9 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/01 Full Mix, Music _05 1-2 Fanfare Theme 1a_ Trumpet, Music _04 4005 1-3 Fanfare Theme 1a_ Snare Roll, Music.aif 3.9 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/91 1 Horror, Stinger Musical Horror Stinger.aif 3.9 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/69 1 Coin, Rustle Short Rustling Of Coins, Sack, Money _02 4003 69-2 Coin, Rustle Medium Rustling Of Coins, Sack, Money _03 4003 69-3 Coin, Rustle Long Rustling Of Coins, Sack, Money.aif 3.9 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/63 1 Horror, Music Theme 34 Full Mix.aif 3.8 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/72 Cartoon, Zip Pwanng _01 4001 72-2 Cartoon, Zip Ptwang _01 4001 72-3 Cartoon, Zi.aif 3.8 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/78 1 Crash, Metal Large Metal Crash.aif 3.8 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/42 1 Horror, Music Theme 13 Organ.aif 3.7 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/20 1 Cartoon, Vocal 'huh_!', Human _01 4003 20-2 Cartoon, Vocal 'huh_!', Human _01 4003 20-3 Cartoon, Vocal 'huh_!', Human _01 4003 20-4 Cartoon, Vocal 'what_!', Human.aif 3.7 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/63 Gun, Hand Gun 9mm Berretta Single Shot, 10 Shots In A Row.aif 3.7 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/42 Cartoon, Dog Small Dog Panting, Large Dog Panting.aif 3.7 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/95 Cartoon, Accent Siren Whistle, Brake Drum Hit _02 4001 95-2 Cartoon, Accent Sho.aif 3.6 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/94 Gun, Machine Gun Single Shot, Short Burst, Medium Burst, Long Burst.aif 3.6 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/90 Gun, Machine Gun M-60, Short Burst, Medium Burst, Long Burst.aif 3.6 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/66 Gun, Rilfe Bolt Action, Dry Fire, Pull Bolt, Push Bolt, Dry Fire.aif 3.6 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/02 Cartoon, Accent Xylophone Head Shake, Bell Head Shake.aif 3.5 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/86 Cartoon, Whistle Step Tone, Down And Up, Fast _04 4001 86-2 Cartoon, Whistle St.aif 3.5 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/17 1 Cartoon, Groan Female, Agony, Human, Horror _05 4003 17-2 Cartoon, Groan Female, Agony, Human, Horror.aif 3.5 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/48 1 Punch, Body Arm Swing And Punch, Human _01 4003 48-2 Punch, Body Arm Swing And Punch, Human _01 4003 48-3 Punch, Body Arm Swing And Punch, Human.aif 3.4 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/33 Cartoon, Splat Wet Sploosh And Splat _02 4001 33-2 Cartoon, Splat Large Splat _.aif 3.4 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/89 Gun, Machine Gun M-60 Load.aif 3.4 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/32 Cartoon, Splat Sharp Splat _02 4001 32-2 Cartoon, Splat Wet Thud _02 4001 32-3.aif 3.4 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/49 1 Punch, Body Punch Impact, Human.aif 3.4 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/60 1 Bodyfall, Human Bodyfall On Dirt _01 4003 60-2 Bodyfall, Human Bodyfall On Dirt _01 4003 60-3 Bodyfall, Human Bodyfall On Dirt _02 4003 60-4 Bodyfall, Human Bodyfall On Dirt _01 4003 60-5 Bodyfall, Human Bodyfall On Grass.aif 3.4 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/16 Cartoon, Auto Pass By.aif 3.3 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/32 1 Cartoon, Gargle Male_ Gargling, Human _02 4003 32-2 Cartoon, Gargle Male_ Gargling, Human.aif 3.3 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/72 Gun, Musket Brown Bess Cock, Dry Fire, Pull Hammer Back, Dry Fire, Firing Of Flintlock.aif 3.3 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/04 Cartoon, Accent Blocks, Tip-Toe, Wood, Metal Tip-Toe.aif 3.2 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/28 Cartoon, Gun Machine Gun, 2 Short Bursts, Long Burst, Short Burst.aif 3.2 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/10 Cartoon, Boing Razz, Medium, Rattle _04 4001 10-2 Cartoon, Boing Razz, Short, R.aif 3.2 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/87 Cartoon, Whistle Step Tone, Down And Up, Fast _03 4001 87-2 Cartoon, Whistle St.aif 3.2 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/90 1 Horror Small Head Crush, Human _10 4003 90-2 Horror Monster Bite, Human, Eating.aif 3.2 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/68 1 Drop, Coin Sack Of Coins Dropping On Concrete, Cartoon, Money, Crash, Bag _01 4003 68-2 Drop, Coin Sack Of Coins Dropping On Wood, Cartoon, Money, Crash, Bag _01 4003 68-3 Drop, Coin Sack Of Coins Picked Up Off Concrete, Bag, Money _01 4003 68-.aif 3.1 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/64 Cartoon, Horn Whiz, Honk _01 4001 64-2 Cartoon, Horn Horn Hee Haws _03 4001 64-.aif 3.1 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/34 Cartoon, Bird Goose Honks.aif 3.0 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/24 Cartoon, Impact Arrow Impact And Wobble.aif 3.0 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/69 Gun, Rifle Winchester 44-40 Single Shot, 6 Shots In A Row.aif 3.0 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/46 Cartoon, Grind Short Washboard Zip _01 4001 46-2 Cartoon, Grind Washboard Zip _.aif 3.0 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/37 1 Cartoon, Spit Single Spit, Human _01 4003 37-2 Cartoon, Vomit Throwing Up, Human, Sick.aif 2.9 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/04 Cartoon, Bonk Rapid Bonks, Drums, Running.aif 2.9 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/27 1 Cartoon, Sneeze Female_ Light Sneeze, Human _01 4003 27-2 Cartoon, Sneeze Female_ Muffled Sneeze, Human _02 4003 27-3 Cartoon, Sneeze Female_ Stifled Sneeze, Human.aif 2.9 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/23 1 Cartoon, Vocal 'yeah!', Human _02 4003 23-2 Cartoon, Vocal 'yeah!', Human _01 4003 23-3 Cartoon, Vocal 'yeah!', Human _02 4003 23-4 Cartoon, Vocal 'uh, Yeah!', Human.aif 2.9 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/05 Cartoon, Accent Running Drums, Music Percussion, Footsteps.aif 2.8 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/44 1 Horror, Music Theme 15 Organ.aif 2.8 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/82 Gun, Machine Gun M-16 Single Shot, Short Burst, Medium Burst, Long Burst.aif 2.8 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/24 1 Cartoon, Vocal 'no!', Human _01 4003 24-2 Cartoon, Vocal 'no!', Human _01 4003 24-3 Cartoon, Vocal 'oh No!', Human _01 4003 24-4 Cartoon, Vocal 'oh No!', Human.aif 2.7 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/65 Gun, Hand Gun .38 Smith & Wesson Single Shot, Two Shots.aif 2.7 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/32 Cartoon, Bird Owl, Single Hoot.aif 2.7 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/42 1 Burp Large Burp, Human _02 4003 42-2 Burp Large Burp, Human _01 4003 42-3 Burp Large Burp, Human.aif 2.7 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/22 1 Cartoon, Vocal 'oh!', Human _02 4003 22-2 Cartoon, Vocal 'hey!', Human.aif 2.7 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/61 1 Bodyfall, Human Bodyfall On Metal _02 4003 61-2 Bodyfall, Human Bodyfall On Metal _01 4003 61-3 Bodyfall, Human Bodyfall On Metal _01 4003 61-4 Bodyfall, Human Bodyfall On Metal.aif 2.6 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/45 1 Horror, Music Theme 16 Full Mix.aif 2.6 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/07 Cartoon, Bing High _01 4001 7-2 Cartoon, Bing Medium _01 4001 7-3 Cartoon, Bing.aif 2.6 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/63 1 Drop, Wood Wooden Bat, Fall _02 4003 63-2 Drop, Wood Wooden Bat, Fall _02 4003 63-3 Drop, Wood Wooden Bat, Fall.aif 2.6 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/99 1 Explosion Electronic _06 4003 99-2 Explosion Electronic.aif 2.5 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/37 Cartoon, Chipmunk Chatter, Animal, Rodent.aif 2.4 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/86 Gun, Machine Gun Ak-47 Single Shot, Medium Burst, Long Burst.aif 2.4 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/21 1 Cartoon, Vocal 'wow!', Human _02 4003 21-2 Cartoon, Vocal 'wow!', Human _02 4003 21-3 Cartoon, Vocal Small Laugh, Human.aif 2.4 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/56 1 Stab, Human Knife Stab _01 4003 56-2 Stab, Human Knife Stab _01 4003 56-3 Stab, Human Swoosh And Stab _01 4003 56-4 Stab, Human Swoosh And Stab.aif 2.3 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/74 Gun, Machine Gun 9mm Uzi Short Burst, Medium Burst, Long Burst.aif 2.3 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/86 1 Stone, Grind Large Stone Castle Door Close.aif 2.3 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/95 Gun, Machine Gun, Short Burst, Medium Burst, Long Burst.aif 2.2 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/08 Cartoon, Drums _Wilma You Sexy Devil_ Music, Percussion.aif 2.2 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/47 1 Swish Arm Or Weapon Swing Through Air, Swoosh _01 4003 47-2 Swish Arm Or Weapon Swing Through Air, Swoosh _01 4003 47-3 Swish Arm Or Weapon Swing Through Air, Swoosh _01 4003 47-4 Swish Arm Or Weapon Swing Through Air, Swoosh.aif 2.2 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/96 Gun, Machine Gun, Short Burst, Medium Burst, Long Burst.aif 2.1 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/43 1 Horror, Music Theme 14 Organ.aif 2.1 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/22 Cartoon, Warble Rapid Sputter _01 4001 22-2 Cartoon, Warble Rapid Sputter _01 4.aif 2.1 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/78 Gun, Machine Gun Mini Uzi Short Burst, Medium Burst, Long Burst.aif 2.1 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/26 Cartoon, Gun Nail Gun, Pneumatic Wrench.aif 2.0 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/41 1 Horror, Music Theme 12 Organ.aif 1.9 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/59 1 Bodyfall, Human Bodyfall On Wood.aif 1.9 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/45 Cartoon, Elephant Trumpeting.aif 1.8 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/08 Cartoon, Bing Vocal, Hammer On Anvil _01 4001 8-2 Cartoon, Bing Vocal, Hammer O.aif 1.8 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/41 1 Burp Medium Burp, Human _01 4003 41-2 Burp Medium Burp, Human _01 4003 41-3 Burp Medium Burp, Human _01 4003 42-1 Burp Large Burp, Human.aif 1.8 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/40 1 Horror, Music Theme 11-Organ.aif 1.7 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/17 Cartoon, Auto Broken Skid.aif 1.7 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/75 1 Clay Breaking Clay Shattering, Crash, Pottery, Smash.aif 1.7 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/06 Cartoon, Dit Small Smack.aif 1.6 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/51 Cartoon, Seal Barking.aif 1.5 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/74 1 Glass, Smash Stepping On A Pair Of Glasses, Crash.aif 1.5 MB
- 4001 Cartoon/67 Cartoon, Whistle Take Off Zip.aif 1.5 MB
- 4003 Cartoon/19 1 Cartoon, Vocal Gasp, Human.aif 1.3 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/57 Gun, Hand Gun Colt 45 Single Shot.aif 1.2 MB
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/59 1 Horror, Music Theme 30 Full Mix.aif 1.1 MB
- 4002 Cartoon & Firearms/99 Gun, Holster Draw From Holster, Return To Holster.aif 1.0 MB
- 4000.pdf 117.0 KB
- 4003 Cartoon/._03 1 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Belly Laugh, Human _12 4003 3-2 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Hard Laugh, Human _04 4003 3-3 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Hard Laugh, Human _20 4003 3-4 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Belly Laugh, Human _09 4003 3-5 Cartoon, Laughter Male.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._04 1 Cartoon, Laughter Female_ Laughter With Snorting, Human _11 4003 4-2 Cartoon, Laughter Female_ Laugh, Human _10 4003 4-3 Cartoon, Laughter Female_ Belly Laugh, Human _09 4003 4-4 Cartoon, Laughter Female_ Hee Hee, Human.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._05 1 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ High Pitched, Human _04 4003 5-2 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ High Pitched, Human _03 4003 5-3 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Comical Laugh, Human _02 4003 5-4 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Wheeze And Laugh, Human _04 4003 5-5 Cartoon, La.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._06 1 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Sinister Laugh, Human _03 4003 6-2 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Sinister Laugh, Human _03 4003 6-3 Cartoon, Laughter Male_ Sinister Laugh, Human _03 4003 6-4 Cartoon, Laughter Witch's Laugh, Human _05 4003 6-5 Cartoon, Laught.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._09 1 Cartoon, Yell Yee Haw, Human _02 4003 9-2 Cartoon, Yell Yahoo, Human _02 4003 9-3 Cartoon, Yell Yee Haw, Human _02 4003 9-4 Cartoon, Yell Yippee, Human _03 4003 9-5 Cartoon, Yell Cowboy Roundup Yells, Human _11 4003 9-6 Cartoon, Yell Yahoo, Hum.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._10 1 Cartoon, Yell 'ouch!', Human _02 4003 10-2 Cartoon, Yell Drowning Person Yelling, Human _08 4003 10-3 Cartoon, Yell Falling Down Stairs Yell, Human _09 4003 10-4 Cartoon, Yell 'help!', Human _06 4003 10-5 Cartoon, Yell 'yow!', Human _03 4003 10.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._11 1 Cartoon, Yell Falling Yell, Male, Human _06 4003 11-2 Cartoon, Yell Falling Yell, Male, Human _09 4003 11-3 Cartoon, Yell Falling Yell, Male, Human _05 4003 11-4 Cartoon, Yell Falling Yell, Male, Human _06 4003 11-5 Cartoon, Yell Falling Yell,.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._12 1 Cartoon, Yell Karate Yell, Male, Human _02 4003 12-2 Cartoon, Yell Karate Yell, Male, Human _02 4003 12-3 Cartoon, Yell Karate Yell, Male, Human _02 4003 12-4 Cartoon, Yell Karate Yell, Male, Human _01 4003 12-5 Cartoon, Yell Karate Yell, Male,.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._13 1 Scream Male, Terror, Human, Horror _03 4003 13-2 Scream Male, Agony, Human, Horror _04 4003 13-3 Scream Male, Agony, Human, Horror _03 4003 13-4 Scream Male, Long, Human, Horror _04 4003 13-5 Scream Male, Long, Human, Horror _04 4003 13-6 Screa.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._25 1 Cartoon, Vocal 'oops!', Human _01 4003 25-2 Cartoon, Vocal 'oops!', Human _01 4003 25-3 Cartoon, Vocal 'oops!', Human _01 4003 25-4 Cartoon, Vocal 'ooooooo!', Human _02 4003 25-5 Cartoon, Vocal 'ooooo!', Ghostlike, Human.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._26 1 Cartoon, Sneeze Male_ Large Sneeze, Human _04 4003 26-2 Cartoon, Sneeze Male_ Large Sneeze, Human _04 4003 26-3 Cartoon, Sneeze Child_ Funny Sneeze, Human _01 4003 26-4 Cartoon, Sneeze Child_ Funny Sneeze, Human _04 4003 26-5 Cartoon, Sneeze Ma.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._28 1 Cartoon, Cough Male_ Coughing, Human _06 4003 28-2 Cartoon, Cough Male_ Heavy Coughing, Human _07 4003 28-3 Cartoon, Cough Male_ Hacking Cough, Human _07 4003 28-4 Cartoon, Cough Male_ Coughing, Human _04 4003 28-5 Cartoon, Cough Light Cough, H.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._29 1 Cartoon, Cough Female_ Heavy Cough, Human _04 4003 29-2 Cartoon, Cough Female_ Light Cough, Human _03 4003 29-3 Cartoon, Cough Female_ Light Cough, Human _03 4003 29-4 Cartoon, Cough Female_ Coughing, Human _12 4003 29-5 Cartoon, Cough Female_.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._30 1 Cartoon, Wheeze Single Wheeze, Human _02 4003 30-2 Cartoon, Wheeze Wheeze And Cough, Human _08 4003 30-3 Cartoon, Wheeze Many Wheezes, Human, Cough _04 4003 30-4 Cartoon, Cough Cough, Wheeze, Human _02 4003 30-5 Cartoon, Wheeze Cough, Wheeze, H.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._31 1 Cartoon, Nose Blow Male_ Blowing Nose, Human _02 4003 31-2 Cartoon, Nose Blow Male_ Single Blow, Human _02 4003 31-3 Cartoon, Nose Blow Funny Comedic Nose Blow, Human _02 4003 31-4 Cartoon, Nose Blow Female_ Blowing Nose, Human _05 4003 31-5 Ca.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._33 1 Cartoon, Yawn Male_ Large Yawn, Human _05 4003 33-2 Cartoon, Yawn Male_ Large Yawn, Human _04 4003 33-3 Cartoon, Yawn Baby Yawn, Human _01 4003 33-4 Cartoon, Yawn Male_ Large Sleepy Yawn, Human _08 4003 33-5 Cartoon, Yawn Male_ Large Sleepy Yaw.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._34 1 Cartoon, Snore Rapid Snoring And Whistling, Human _14 4003 34-2 Cartoon, Snore Loud, Funny Snoring, Human _32 4003 34-3 Cartoon, Snore Loud Snoring And Breathing, Human _23 4003 34-4 Cartoon, Snore Funny Snoring, Human _43 4003 34-5 Cartoon, Sn.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._35 1 Cartoon, Hiccup Single Hiccup, Human _01 4003 35-2 Cartoon, Hiccup Single Hic, Human _01 4003 35-3 Cartoon, Hiccup Single Hiccup, Human _01 4003 35-4 Cartoon, Hiccup Hiccupping, Human _37 4003 35-5 Cartoon, Hiccup Hiccupping, Human _52 4003 35-.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._36 1 Cartoon, Kiss Big Smack, Human _02 4003 36-2 Cartoon, Kiss Big Smack, Human _02 4003 36-3 Cartoon, Kiss Big Kiss, Human _01 4003 36-4 Cartoon, Kiss Big Kiss With Vocal, Human _03 4003 36-5 Cartoon, Kiss Big Kiss, Human _02 4003 36-6 Cartoon, Ki.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._39 1 Cartoon, Baby Baby Sneeze, Human _01 4003 39-2 Cartoon, Baby Baby Sneeze, Human _01 4003 39-3 Cartoon, Baby Baby Sneeze, Human _01 4003 39-4 Cartoon, Baby Baby Sneeze, Human _01 4003 39-5 Cartoon, Baby Baby Coughing, Human _05 4003 39-6 Cartoon.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._46 1 Cartoon, Footsteps Walking Munchkin, Squishy Footsteps _30 4003 46-2 Cartoon, Footsteps Walking In Mud, Squishy Footsteps _22 4003 46-3 Cartoon, Footsteps Soldiers Marching _21 4003 46-4 Cartoon, Footsteps Soldiers Marching With Snare Drum.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._47 1 Swish Arm Or Weapon Swing Through Air, Swoosh _01 4003 47-2 Swish Arm Or Weapon Swing Through Air, Swoosh _01 4003 47-3 Swish Arm Or Weapon Swing Through Air, Swoosh _01 4003 47-4 Swish Arm Or Weapon Swing Through Air, Swoosh.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._53 1 Hit, Human Body Hit With Weapon _01 4003 53-2 Hit, Human Body Hit With Weapon _01 4003 53-3 Hit, Human Body Hit With Weapon _01 4003 53-4 Hit, Human Head Mush With Weapon _01 4003 53-5 Hit, Human Head Hit With Blackjack _01 4003 53-6 Hit, Human.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._55 1 Hit, Human Swoosh And Head Hit With Wood _01 4003 55-2 Hit, Human Swoosh And Head Hit _01 4003 55-3 Hit, Human Swoosh And Skull Crack _01 4003 55-4 Hit, Human Swoosh And Body Hit _01 4003 55-5 Hit, Human Swoosh And Head Mush _01 4003 55-6 Hit,.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._60 1 Bodyfall, Human Bodyfall On Dirt _01 4003 60-2 Bodyfall, Human Bodyfall On Dirt _01 4003 60-3 Bodyfall, Human Bodyfall On Dirt _02 4003 60-4 Bodyfall, Human Bodyfall On Dirt _01 4003 60-5 Bodyfall, Human Bodyfall On Grass.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._64 1 Drop, Coin Single Coin Falling On Wood, Money _02 4003 64-2 Drop, Coin Single Coin Falling On Wood, Money _03 4003 64-3 Drop, Coin Two Coins Falling On Wood, Money _02 4003 64-4 Drop, Coin Two Coins Falling On Wood, Money _02 4003 64-5 Drop, Co.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._66 1 Drop, Coin Single Coin Dropping Into Tin Can, Money _03 4003 66-2 Drop, Coin Single Coin Dropping Into Tin Can, Money _01 4003 66-3 Drop, Coin Two Coins Dropping Into Tin Can, Money _02 4003 66-4 Drop, Coin Many Coins Dropping Into Tin Can, Mon.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._68 1 Drop, Coin Sack Of Coins Dropping On Concrete, Cartoon, Money, Crash, Bag _01 4003 68-2 Drop, Coin Sack Of Coins Dropping On Wood, Cartoon, Money, Crash, Bag _01 4003 68-3 Drop, Coin Sack Of Coins Picked Up Off Concrete, Bag, Money _01 4003 68-.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._70 1 Glass, Smash Small Glass Shatter And Tinkle, Crash _03 4003 70-2 Glass, Smash Small Glass Shatter And Tinkle, Crash _02 4003 70-3 Glass, Smash Small Pane Of Glass Shattering, Crash _02 4003 70-4 Glass, Smash Small Glass Shatter, Crash _01 4003.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._71 1 Glass, Smash Medium Glass Crash, Crash _02 4003 71-2 Glass, Smash Medium Glass Crash, Crash _02 4003 71-3 Glass, Smash Medium Glass Shatter, Crash _02 4003 71-4 Glass, Smash Medium Glass Shatter, Crash _02 4003 71-5 Glass, Smash Medium Glass Sh.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._72 1 Glass, Smash Large Glass Shatter, Crash _02 4003 72-2 Glass, Smash Large Glass Shatter, Crash _02 4003 72-3 Glass, Smash Large Glass Pane Shatter, Crash _03 4003 72-4 Glass, Smash Large Glass Pane Shattering, Crash _03 4003 72-5 Glass, Smash La.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._83 1 Rip, Paper Short Tear _01 4003 83-2 Rip, Paper Medium Tear _02 4003 83-3 Rip, Paper Long Tear _04 4003 83-4 Rip, Paper Long, Uneven Tear _12 4003 83-5 Rip, Paper Starting To Tear _17 4003 83-6 Rip, Paper Tearing Up A Sheet Of Paper.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._88 1 Horror Body Being Crushed, Slow, Human _30 4003 88-2 Horror Body Being Crushed, Medium, Human _06 4003 88-3 Horror Body Being Crushed, Fast, Human _03 4003 88-4 Horror Twisting Off Head, Human _06 4003 88-5 Horror Ripping Out Heart, Human.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._92 1 Explosion Small Blast _04 4003 92-2 Explosion Small Blast _09 4003 92-3 Explosion Small Blast _08 4003 92-4 Explosion Small Blast _08 4003 92-5 Explosion Two Small Blasts _07 4003 92-6 Explosion Small Blast On Glass _03 4003 92-7 Explosion Smal.aif 82 bytes
- 4003 Cartoon/._94 1 Explosion Medium Blast _16 4003 94-2 Explosion Medium Blast _12 4003 94-3 Explosion Medium Blast _14 4003 94-4 Explosion Medium Blast _15 4003 94-5 Explosion Medium, Short Blast _05 4003 94-6 Explosion Medium, Short Blast.aif 82 bytes
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/._05 Cartoon, Music Theme 3a, Bouncy, Happy Go Lucky_ Pizzicato, Strings, Flute; Pizzicato, Strings, Glockenspiel X2; Pizzicato, Strings, Flute, Glockenspiel.aif 82 bytes
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/._16 Cartoon, Music Theme 7a, Tumbling W_ Hits_ Woodwinds, Xylophone; Stinger, Full Mix, Stinger, Xylophone, Woodwinds; Stinger Woodwinds; Stinger, Bassoon.aif 82 bytes
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/._18 Cartoon, Music Theme 7b Tumbling W_ Hits_ Woodwinds, Xylophone; Stinger, Full Mix; Stinger, Xylophone, Woodwinds; Stinger, Woodwinds; Stinger, Bassoon.aif 82 bytes
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/._22 Cartoon, Music Theme 9, Lively, Fanfare_ Stinger, Full Mix; Stinger; Brass; Stinger, Trombone; Stinger, Piano, Xylophone; Stinger Piano, Xylophone, Percussion.aif 82 bytes
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/._25 Cartoon, Music Theme 11a, Falling Down Stairs, Med-Fast_ Full Mix; Percussion; Xylophone; Xylophone, Percussion; Descending Instruments; Descending Insturments W_ Xylophone; Descending Instruments W_ Percussion.aif 82 bytes
- 4004 Great Selection of Cartoon, Circus, and Classical Music/._26 Cartoon, Music Theme 11b, Ascending Staircase_ Full Mix; Percussion; Xylophone; PErcussion, Xylophone; Ascending INstruments; Ascending Instruments W_ Xylophone; Ascending Instruments W_ Percussion.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._04 Full Mix, Music _05 4005 4-2 Fanfare Theme 2b_ Brass, Music _05 4005 4-3 Fanfare Theme 2b_ Trumpet, Music _05 4005 4-4 Fanfare Theme 2b_ Trombone, Music _04 4005 4-5 Fanfare Theme 2b_ Stinger, Full Mix, Music.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._06 Full Mix, Music _09 4005 6-2 Fanfare Theme 4_ Trumpets, Music _07 4005 6-3 Fanfare Theme 4_ Four Trumpets, Music _07 4005 6-4 Fanfare Theme 4_ Percussion, Music _09 4005 6-5 Fanfare Theme 4_ Stinger, Alternative Mix, Music _04 4005 6-.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._07 Full Mix, Music _05 4005 7-2 Fanfare Theme 5a_ Trumpets, Music _05 4005 7-3 Fanfare Theme 5a_ Trombones, Music _05 4005 7-4 Fanfare Theme 5a_ Percussion, Music _05 4005 7-5 Fanfare Theme 5a_ Stinger End, Full Mix, Music.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._09 Full Mix, Music _14 4005 9-2 Fanfare Theme 6_ Brass, Music _12 4005 9-3 Fanfare Theme 6_ Percussion, Music _14 4005 9-4 Fanfare Theme 6_ Trumpets, Music.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._10 Full Mix, Music _12 4005 10-2 Fanfare Theme 7_ Piano, Strings, Music _11 4005 10-3 Fanfare Theme 7_ Piano, Strings, Percussion, Music _11 4005 10-4 Fanfare Theme 7_ Brass, Percussion, Music _10 4005 10-5 Fanfare Theme 7_ Percussion,.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._11 Full Mix, Cool, Lazy, Medium Tempo _17 4005 11-2 Jazz, Music Theme 1a_ Alternate Mix _16 4005 11-3 Jazz, Music Theme 1a_ Bass, Drum _15 4005 11-4 Jazz, Music Theme 1a_ Vibes _10 4005 11-5 Jazz, Music Theme 1a_ Vibes, Bass _16 40.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._12 Full Mix, Cool, Lazy, Medium Tempo _16 4005 12-2 Jazz, Music Theme 1b_ Bass, Drums, Piano _14 4005 12-3 Jazz, Music Theme 1b_ Bass, Piano _14 4005 12-4 Jazz, Music Theme 1b_ Bass, Drums _14 4005 12-5 Jazz, Music Theme 1b_ Vibes.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._13 Full Mix, Fanfare _13 4005 13-2 March, Music Theme 1a_ Trumpet, Fanfare _06.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._14 Drums, Fanfare _11 4005 14-3 March, Music Theme 1b_ Full Mix With Muted Trumpet, Fanfare.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._15 1 March, MFull Mix, Fanfare _16 4005 15-2 March, Music Theme 1c_ Drums, Fanfare _16 4005 15-3 March, Music Theme 1c_ Muted Trumpet, Fanfareusic Theme 1c.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._17 Full Mix, Fanfare _15 4005 17-2 March, Music Theme 3a_ Drums, Fanfare _15 4005 17-3 March, Music Theme 3a_ Drums, Piccolo, Fanfare _15 4005 17-4 March, Music Theme 3a_ Drums, Trumpet, Fanfare _15 4005 17-5 March, Music Theme 3a.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._18 Full Mix, Fanfare _12 4005 18-2 March, Music Theme 3b_ Drums, Fanfare _11 4005 18-3 March, Music Theme 3b_ Drums, Piccolo, Fanfare _11 4005 18-4 March, Music Theme 3b_ Drums, Trumpets, Fanfare _11 4005 18-5 March, Music Theme 3.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._19 Full Mix, Punchy, Exhilarating, Med. _Fast Tempo _12 4005 19-2 Rock, Music Theme 1_ Bass, Drums _10 4005 19-3 Rock, Music Theme 1_ Bass, Drums, Guitar _10 4005 19-4 Rock, Music Theme 1_ All Guitars.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._20 Full Mix, Fresh, Bright, Exciting, Medium Tempo _15 4005 20-2 Rock, Music Theme 2_ Drums, Bass _15 4005 20-3 Rock, Music Theme 2_ Drums, Bass, Piano _15 4005 20-4 Rock, Music Theme 2_ Drums, Bass, Guitar _15 4005 20-5 Rock, Music.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._21 Full Mix, Aggressive, Hard Driving, Medium Tempo _15 4005 21-2 Rock, Music Theme 3_ Bass, Drums _16 4005 21-3 Rock, Music Theme 3_ Bass, Guitars _16 4005 21-4 Rock, Music Theme 3_ Sting, Full Mix.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._22 Full Mix, Punchy, 50's Era, Fast Tempo _18 4005 22-2 Rock, Music Theme 4a_ Alternate Mix _18 4005 22-3 Rock, Music Theme 4a_ Piano _18 4005 22-4 Rock, Music Theme 4a_ Piano, Lead.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._24 Full Mix _19 4005 24-2 Space, Music Theme 1_ Effect _19 4005 24-3 Space, Music Theme 1_ Effect _19 4005 24-4 Space, Music Theme 1_ Effect _19 4005 24-5 Space, Music Theme 1_ Effect.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._57 1 Horror, Music Theme 28 Full Mix _11 4005 57-2 Horror, Music Theme 28_ Strings, Piano _09 4005 57-3 Horror, Music Theme 28_ Strings.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._58 1 Horror, Music Theme 29 Full Mix _10 4005 58-2 Horror, Music Theme 29_ Strings, Percussion _08 4005 58-3 Horror, Music Theme 29_ Piano, Percussion _06 4005 58-4 Horror, Music Theme 29_ Stinger.aif 82 bytes
- 4005 Music - Wide Variety of Fanfares, Jazz, Marches, Rock, Horror and Space Music/._60 Full Mix _08 4005 60-2 Horror, Music Theme 31_ Piano, Percussion _08 4005 60-3 Horror, Music Theme 31_ Strings, Percussion _08 4005 60-4 Horror, Music Theme 31_ Strings.aif 82 bytes
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