!Калибровочная теория поля
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- Cheng T.-P., Li L.-F. Kalibrovochnye teorii v fizike e#lementarnyh chastic (ru)(T)(644s).djvu 7.2 MB
- Manton N., Sutcliffe P. Topological Solitons (CUP, 2004)(400dpi)(L)(T)(253s)_PQgf_.djvu 5.5 MB
- Pokorski S. Gauge Field Theories (2ed., Cambridge, 2000)(K)(T)(625s).djvu 4.9 MB
- Aitchison I., Hey A. Gauge Theories in Particle Physics.. A Practical Introduction. Volume 1 (3rd.pdf 4.5 MB
- Aitchison I., Hey A. Gauge Theories in Particle Physics.. A Practical Introduction. Volume 2 (3rd.pdf 4.3 MB
- Shnir Y. Magnetic Monopoles (ISBN 3540252770)(Springer, 2005)(534s)_PQgf_.pdf 4.0 MB
- Naber G.L. Topology, Geometry and Gauge Fields (Springer, 2000)(100dpi)(no p.386-387)(KA)(T)(459s.djv 3.8 MB
- Montvay I., Muenster G. Quantum fields on a lattice (CUP, 1994)(ISBN 0521404320)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(5.djv 3.4 MB
- Burgess C., Moore G. The Standard Model.. A Primer (CUP, 2006)(ISBN 0521860369)(558s)_PQgf_.pdf 2.4 MB
- Cheng T.P., Li L.F. Gauge theory of elementary particle physics (Oxford, 2000)(100dpi)(T)(315s)(K.djv 2.1 MB
- Drechsler W., Mayer M.E. Fiber bundle techniques in gauge theories(LNP0067, Springer, 1977)(T)(25.djv 1.8 MB
- Makeenko Yu.M. Non-perturbative methods in gauge theory (Lecture notes, 1995)(600dpi)(KA)(T)(322s.djv 1.7 MB
- Aitchison I.J.R. Informal introduction to gauge field theories (CUP, 1984)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(184s)_P.djv 1.7 MB
- Achucarro, Vachaspati. Semilocal and electroweak strings (PR327, p347, 2000)(80s).pdf 1.5 MB
- Saller H. Vereinheitlichte Feldtheorien der Elementarteilchen.. eine Einfuehrung(de)(LNP0223, Spr.djv 1.3 MB
- Kogut A. Introduction to lattice gauge theory and spin systems (RMP 51, 1979)(T)(55s)_PQgf_.djvu 1.2 MB
- Moriyasu K. Elementary primer for gauge theory (WS, 1983)(ISBN 9971950839)(KA)(T)(187s)_PQgf_.djvu 1008.9 KB
- Tyutin I.V. Kalibrovochnaya invariantnost# v teorii polya i statisticheskoj fizike v operatornoj .djv 936.6 KB
- Becchi C., Rouet A., Stora R. Renormalization of gauge theories (Ann.Phys.98, p287, 1976)(T)(35s).djv 499.0 KB
- Ueno. Introduction to conformal field theory with gauge symmetries(121s).ps.gz 378.2 KB
- Viallet C.-M. The geometry of the space of fields in Yang-Mills theory (Karpacz lectures, 1986)(T.djv 150.7 KB
- Drinfeld V.G., Manin Yu.I. Description of instantons (Comm.Math.Phys.63, p177, 1978)(600dpi)(T)(1.djv 148.5 KB
- Zenn-Justin. Anomalies in gauge theories(41s).ps.gz 140.8 KB
- van Holten J.W. The BRST Complex and the Cohomology of Compact Lie Algebras (lectures, 1990)(T)(2.djv 124.6 KB
- Veltman M.J.G. Nobel lecture.. from weak interactions to gravitation (RMP72, 2000)(9s).pdf 96.5 KB
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