X-Men - Days of Future Past - All Stories (1981-1998) (Marvel Comics) 2 Trades Plus Tie-Ins
File List
- 3. Days of Future Present (1990)/X-MEN - DAYS OF FUTURE PRESENT (1991) (MARVEL) (MinuteMen-Syl3ntBob).cbz 154.0 MB
- 1. Days of Future Past (1981)/X-MEN - DAYS OF FUTURE PAST (2011 edition) (MARVEL) (Bchry-DCP).cbr 81.5 MB
- 7. Extras/Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe - Alternate Universes 2005.cbr 31.2 MB
- 2. flashbacks and tie-ins - Uncanny X-Men (1984-1986)/Uncanny X-Men 192 (1985).cbz 11.3 MB
- 2. flashbacks and tie-ins - Uncanny X-Men (1984-1986)/Uncanny X-Men 199 (1985).cbz 11.1 MB
- 2. flashbacks and tie-ins - Uncanny X-Men (1984-1986)/Uncanny X-Men 188 (1984).cbz 11.0 MB
- 2. flashbacks and tie-ins - Uncanny X-Men (1984-1986)/Uncanny X-Men 202 (1986).cbz 11.0 MB
- 2. flashbacks and tie-ins - Uncanny X-Men (1984-1986)/Uncanny X-Men 189 (1985).cbz 10.6 MB
- 6. flashbacks and tie-ins - Wolverine -Days of Future Past (1997-1998)/Wolverine - Days of Future Past 003 (1998).cbz 10.0 MB
- 4. flashbacks and tie-ins - Excalibur (1991-1992)/Excalibur 035 (1991).cbz 9.7 MB
- 6. flashbacks and tie-ins - Wolverine -Days of Future Past (1997-1998)/Wolverine - Days of Future Past 001 (1997).cbr 9.5 MB
- 6. flashbacks and tie-ins - Wolverine -Days of Future Past (1997-1998)/Wolverine - Days of Future Past 002 (1998).cbr 9.4 MB
- 5. Days of Futures Yet to Come (1993)/Excalibur 067 (1993).cbz 6.3 MB
- 5. Days of Futures Yet to Come (1993)/Excalibur 066 (1993).cbz 5.7 MB
- 4. flashbacks and tie-ins - Excalibur (1991-1992)/Excalibur 052 (1992).cbz 5.7 MB
- 7. Extras/Marvel Age Preview 01 (DoFPresent article and Marc Silvestri promo art only).jpg 289.3 KB
- 7. Extras/X-Men 141 New Angle (Cover only) pencils and inks by John Byrne.jpg 144.7 KB
- 7. Extras/Marvel Collectible Classics - X-Men 002 (1998) (chromium cover only).jpg 68.8 KB
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