Lynda - Creating a Quiz with AngularJS
File List
- 1. Creating the Layout and Interaction States/373557_01_10_MM30_progressbar.mp4 34.3 MB
- 3. Manipulating the HTML Based on the JSON Data/373557_03_10_MM30_results.mp4 29.1 MB
- 3. Manipulating the HTML Based on the JSON Data/373557_03_11_MM30_sharelinks.mp4 28.3 MB
- 3. Manipulating the HTML Based on the JSON Data/373557_03_01_MM30_progressintro.mp4 22.9 MB
- 2. Preparing the Scripts and Data/373557_02_02_MM30_json.mp4 22.8 MB
- 1. Creating the Layout and Interaction States/373557_01_08_MM30_feedback.mp4 22.6 MB
- 1. Creating the Layout and Interaction States/373557_01_06_MM30_answerstates.mp4 21.3 MB
- 3. Manipulating the HTML Based on the JSON Data/373557_03_12_MM30_responsive.mp4 20.8 MB
- 1. Creating the Layout and Interaction States/373557_01_09_MM30_results.mp4 20.8 MB
- 3. Manipulating the HTML Based on the JSON Data/373557_03_03_MM30_questions.mp4 19.1 MB
- 1. Creating the Layout and Interaction States/373557_01_03_MM30_introstyle.mp4 18.4 MB
- 3. Manipulating the HTML Based on the JSON Data/373557_03_05_MM30_questionstates.mp4 17.8 MB
- 2. Preparing the Scripts and Data/373557_02_01_MM30_jssetup.mp4 17.8 MB
- 3. Manipulating the HTML Based on the JSON Data/373557_03_06_MM30_answerstates.mp4 16.7 MB
- 3. Manipulating the HTML Based on the JSON Data/373557_03_07_MM30_answerimages.mp4 15.7 MB
- 1. Creating the Layout and Interaction States/373557_01_05_MM30_stylequestions.mp4 15.6 MB
- 3. Manipulating the HTML Based on the JSON Data/373557_03_04_MM30_customfunction.mp4 15.5 MB
- 3. Manipulating the HTML Based on the JSON Data/373557_03_08_MM30_feedback.mp4 14.7 MB
- 2. Preparing the Scripts and Data/373557_02_03_MM30_loadingjson.mp4 13.9 MB
- 1. Creating the Layout and Interaction States/373557_01_07_MM30_questionstate.mp4 13.1 MB
- 3. Manipulating the HTML Based on the JSON Data/373557_03_02_MM30_clickevent.mp4 12.2 MB
- 3. Manipulating the HTML Based on the JSON Data/373557_03_09_MM30_progressbar.mp4 9.9 MB
- 0. Introduction/373557_00_01_WL30_intro.mp4 8.9 MB
- 1. Creating the Layout and Interaction States/373557_01_04_MM30_styleheading.mp4 8.3 MB
- 1. Creating the Layout and Interaction States/373557_01_01_MM30_maincontainer.mp4 7.1 MB
- 0. Introduction/373557_00_04_MM30_exercisefiles.mp4 7.1 MB
- 1. Creating the Layout and Interaction States/373557_01_02_MM30_maincontainers.mp4 5.2 MB
- 0. Introduction/373557_00_03_MM30_requirements.mp4 4.7 MB
- 0. Introduction/373557_00_02_MM30_about.mp4 4.2 MB
- 4. Conclusion/373557_04_01_MM30_conlcusion.mp4 2.0 MB
- Exercise Files/Ch01/01_01/js/angular.min.js 123.4 KB
- Exercise Files/Ch01/01_01/images/background.jpg 28.7 KB
- Exercise Files/Ch01/01_01/images/close_up_03.jpg 5.6 KB
- Exercise Files/Ch01/01_01/images/close_up_02.jpg 4.5 KB
- Exercise Files/Ch01/01_01/images/close_up_04.jpg 4.1 KB
- Exercise Files/Ch01/01_01/images/close_up_01.jpg 2.7 KB
- Exercise Files/Ch01/01_01/images/icon_twitter.svg 1.2 KB
- Exercise Files/Ch02/02_02/snippet.txt 1.1 KB
- Exercise Files/Ch01/01_01/images/ring.svg 1.0 KB
- Exercise Files/Ch01/01_01/images/icon_correct.svg 716 bytes
- Exercise Files/Ch01/01_01/images/icon_incorrect.svg 702 bytes
- Exercise Files/Ch01/01_01/images/icon_email.svg 593 bytes
- Exercise Files/Ch01/01_01/index.html 345 bytes
- Exercise Files/Ch01/01_01/css/quiz.css 222 bytes
- Exercise Files/Ch01/01_01/js/quiz.js 41 bytes
- Exercise Files/Ch01/01_01/quiz_data.json 0 bytes
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