Драгослав Павле Аксентиевич - Псалмы - 1990
File List
- 09. Dragoslav Pavle Aksentijevic - The rulers (of the earth) take counsel together against Lord and his anointed and Serve the Lord with fear.flac 40.4 MB
- 05. Dragoslav Pavle Aksentijevic - Praise the Lord! (Joachim Domestikos of Serbia, 14th century).flac 20.5 MB
- 06. Dragoslav Pavle Aksentijevic - Kratima (Domestikos Dokeianos, 14th century).flac 20.0 MB
- 02. Dragoslav Pavle Aksentijevic - Lift up your heads, o gates (Unknown, 13th century).flac 19.9 MB
- 03. Dragoslav Pavle Aksentijevic - Lord's steadfast love endures for ever (John Koukouzeles, 14th century).flac 17.8 MB
- 08. Dragoslav Pavle Aksentijevic - The heavens are telling the glory of God (Unknown, 13th century).flac 17.0 MB
- 07. Dragoslav Pavle Aksentijevic - (Lord) Smote many nations (Xenus Korinos, 14th century).flac 15.9 MB
- 10. Dragoslav Pavle Aksentijevic - My mouth is filled with the praise (Andrew Protopsaltes, 14th century).flac 12.6 MB
- 01. Dragoslav Pavle Aksentijevic - Alleluja (Unknown, 13th century).flac 10.2 MB
- 11. Dragoslav Pavle Aksentijevic - Kratima (Unknown, 14th century).flac 8.8 MB
- 04. Dragoslav Pavle Aksentijevic - Alleluia.flac 8.4 MB
- SCANS/Cover2.jpg 5.1 MB
- SCANS/Cover1.jpg 4.2 MB
- Dragoslav Pavle Aksentijevic - Psalms.log 5.0 KB
- Dragoslav Pavle Aksentijevic - Psalms.cue 3.0 KB
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