[OneHack.Us] Motion Design School - Rigging and Animation with Moho
File List
- Moho- 512.5 MB
- 21 main scene - animating the scene/animating the scene.mp4 66.3 MB
- 27 hand & bonus illustrations/hand.mp4 39.4 MB
- 20 main scene - rigging the girl/rigging the girl.mp4 32.1 MB
- 18 basics of animation - body movements/body movements.mp4 28.6 MB
- 19 main scene - mixing the rig/mixing the rig.mp4 27.5 MB
- 27 hand & bonus illustrations/BONUS ILLUSTRATIONS.zip 21.3 MB
- 15 basics of animation - head movement up/head movement up.mp4 16.6 MB
- 25 main scene - animating the dog/animating the dog.mp4 16.4 MB
- 2 rigging - binding box man/binding box man.mp4 15.3 MB
- 5 rigging - binding layers to bones/binding layers to bones.mp4 15.0 MB
- 6 rigging - actions & masking/actions & masking.mp4 13.2 MB
- 22 main scene - rigging dog/rigging dog.mp4 13.2 MB
- 11 smart bones - 2.5D head turn left_right/2.5D head turn left_right.mp4 12.1 MB
- 16 basics of animation - head movement right/head movement right.mp4 11.0 MB
- 3 rigging - import layers/import layers.mp4 10.0 MB
- 7 rigging - mouth rig and switch layers/mouth rig and switch layers.mp4 8.6 MB
- 1 introduction to moho/introduction.mp4 8.5 MB
- 27 hand & bonus illustrations/1 footage.zip 8.5 MB
- 12 smart bones - 2.5D head turn up_down/2.5D head turn up_down.mp4 7.2 MB
- 10 smart bones - squash & stretch/squash & stretch.mp4 6.4 MB
- 26 main scene - cat/cat.mp4 6.4 MB
- 9 smart bones - closing eyes/closing eyes.mp4 5.8 MB
- 14 basics of animation - timeline & interpolation/timeline & interpolation.mp4 5.4 MB
- 23 main scene - dog head turn/dog head turn.mp4 5.4 MB
- 4 rigging - bones/bones.mp4 5.2 MB
- 13 smart bones - body turn/body turn.mp4 4.7 MB
- 17 basics of animation - lockbones/lockbones.mp4 3.1 MB
- 8 rigging - bone dynamics/bone dynamics.mp4 3.0 MB
- 24 main scene - animating the tail/fa76efe50539876ea46ab5928860f800c0295dc3.mp4 3.0 MB
- 19 main scene - mixing the rig/assets.zip 1.9 MB
- 20 main scene - rigging the girl/assets.zip 1.9 MB
- 21 main scene - animating the scene/assets.zip 1.9 MB
- 22 main scene - rigging dog/assets.zip 1.9 MB
- 23 main scene - dog head turn/assets.zip 1.9 MB
- 24 main scene - animating the tail/assets.zip 1.9 MB
- 25 main scene - animating the dog/assets.zip 1.9 MB
- 26 main scene - cat/assets.zip 1.9 MB
- скрины.zip 1.5 MB
- 26 main scene - cat/3. animating the scene E. Cat.zip 1.1 MB
- 25 main scene - animating the dog/animated dog MOHO.zip 1018.4 KB
- 23 main scene - dog head turn/ Rigged dog MOHO.zip 985.3 KB
- 20 main scene - rigging the girl/2. girl left right MOHO.zip 833.4 KB
- 19 main scene - mixing the rig/1 mixing the rig.moho 605.4 KB
- 3 rigging - import layers/test_guy_layered.ai 564.2 KB
- 12 smart bones - 2.5D head turn up_down/C D left right up down.moho 526.5 KB
- 11 smart bones - 2.5D head turn left_right/c. 2.5 D LEFT AND RIGHT moho.moho 518.3 KB
- 21 main scene - animating the scene/animating the scene MOHO.zip 452.7 KB
- 15 basics of animation - head movement up/2 head right.moho 412.9 KB
- 16 basics of animation - head movement right/2 head right.moho 412.9 KB
- 1 introduction to moho/test_guy.ai 402.4 KB
- 27 hand & bonus illustrations/moho.zip 245.2 KB
- 18 basics of animation - body movements/4. Full body movements.moho 219.0 KB
- 18 basics of animation - body movements/4. Full body movements finished.moho 218.1 KB
- 17 basics of animation - lockbones/3. lock bones.moho 214.3 KB
- 13 smart bones - body turn/E. 2.5d bodyturn.moho 208.8 KB
- 7 rigging - mouth rig and switch layers/F. mouth rig and switch layers.moho 197.1 KB
- 10 smart bones - squash & stretch/B. SQUASH AND STRETCH.moho 196.6 KB
- 9 smart bones - closing eyes/A. CLOSING EYES.moho 194.0 KB
- 6 rigging - actions & masking/E Actions and masking.moho 190.3 KB
- 5 rigging - binding layers to bones/D binding layers to bones.moho 190.0 KB
- 4 rigging - bones/C bones.moho 182.5 KB
- 3 rigging - import layers/B import layers.moho 176.5 KB
- 11 smart bones - 2.5D head turn left_right/Images.zip 94.4 KB
- 12 smart bones - 2.5D head turn up_down/Images.zip 94.4 KB
- 3 rigging - import layers/guy.zip 42.6 KB
- 3 rigging - import layers/MultiExporter.jsx 37.0 KB
- 11 smart bones - 2.5D head turn left_right/reference up.PNG 25.1 KB
- 11 smart bones - 2.5D head turn left_right/reference right.PNG 24.5 KB
- 11 smart bones - 2.5D head turn left_right/reference down.PNG 24.1 KB
- 11 smart bones - 2.5D head turn left_right/reference Left.PNG 23.1 KB
- 2 rigging - binding box man/A.Box man.moho 16.8 KB
- 1 introduction to moho/test_guy.svg 12.4 KB
- 15 basics of animation - head movement up/.DS_Store 6.0 KB
- 2 rigging - binding box man/.DS_Store 6.0 KB
- 25 main scene - animating the dog/.DS_Store 6.0 KB
- 7 rigging - mouth rig and switch layers/.DS_Store 6.0 KB
- 3 rigging - import layers/script locations.rtf 847 bytes
- сброс триала .rtf 550 bytes
- 3 rigging - import layers/Export Illustrator Layers to SVG files _ Thomas Byrne.webloc 113 bytes
- 1 introduction to moho/00. Support - Onehack.Us.txt 94 bytes
- 9 smart bones - closing eyes/01. Support - Onehack.Us.txt 94 bytes
- Support - Onehack.Us.txt 94 bytes
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