Criticism of the Bible - Collection 60
File List
- Fassberg (Ed.) - Hebrew Texts and Language of the Second Temple Period. Proc. 8th Symp. on the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Ben Sira (2021).pdf 60.2 MB
- Ellinghaus & Remmert (Eds.) - Manipulating the Sun. Picturing Astronomical Miracles from the Bible in the Early Modern Era (2024).pdf 50.6 MB
- Thianto (Ed.) - The Old Testament, Calvin and the Reformed Tradition (2024).pdf 29.1 MB
- Wright - Inventing God’s Law. How the Covenant Code of the Bible Used and Revised the Laws of Hammurabi (2009).epub 25.6 MB
- Longenecker et al (Eds.) - Behind the Scenes of the New Testament. Cultural, Social, and Historical Contexts (2024).epub 23.3 MB
- Kashiro - Perspectives on the Syriac Bible in Honor of Andreas Juckel (2024).pdf 18.1 MB
- Schniedewind - Who Really Wrote the Bible. The Story of the Scribes (2024).mobi 16.4 MB
- Newman - Before the Bible. The Liturgical Body and the Formation of Scriptures in Early Judaism (2018).pdf 8.4 MB
- Heidel - The Babylonian Genesis. A Complete Translation of All the Published Cuneiform Tablets of the Various Babylonian Creation Stories, 2e (1951).epub 7.1 MB
- Biglino & Bolognesi (Tr.) - Gods of the Bible. A New Interpretations of the Bible Reveals the Oldest Secret in History (2023).epub 6.7 MB
- Waller - The Bible in the Bowls. A Catalogue of Biblical Quotations in Published Jewish Babylonian Aramaic Magic Bowls (2022).pdf 6.2 MB
- Crawford - Scribes and Scrolls at Qumran (2019).epub 5.7 MB
- Lossl & Watt (Eds.) - Interpreting the Bible and Aristotle in Late Antiquity. The Alexandrian Commentary Tradition between Rome and Baghdad (2011).epub 4.3 MB
- Campbell & Cilliers - Preaching Fools. The Gospel as a Rhetoric of Folly (2012).pdf 3.9 MB
- Allen - Words Are Not Enough. Paratexts, Manuscripts, and the Real New Testament (2024).epub 3.6 MB
- Murphy - Deification in Classical Greek Philosophy and the Bible (2024).pdf 2.8 MB
- Flynn - Children in the Bible and the Ancient World. Comparative and Historical Methods in Reading Ancient Children (2019).epub 2.8 MB
- Jones - Slavery Sanctioned by the Bible - I (1861).pdf 2.4 MB
- Jones - Slavery Sanctioned by the Bible - II (1861).pdf 2.4 MB
- Stone - The Geneva Bible Odyssey. A Journey through History, Influence and Legacy (2024).epub 2.2 MB
- Ehrman - Journeys to Heaven and Hell. Tours of the Afterlife in the Early Christian Tradition (2022).pdf 2.2 MB
- Kaminski - Was Noah Good. Finding Favour in the Flood Narrative (2014).pdf 1.8 MB
- Twining - The Limits of Erudition. The Old Testament in Post-Reformation Europe (2024).pdf 1.7 MB
- Kling - The Bible in History. How the Texts Have Shaped the Times (2023).mobi 1.6 MB
- Szram & Wysocki (Eds.) - The Bible in the Patristic Period (2021).pdf 1.4 MB
- Strommen - The Bibles of the Far Right (2024).epub 1.3 MB
- Shalev - American Zion. The Old Testament as a Political Text from the Revolution to the Civil War (2013).pdf 1.3 MB
- Casey - An Aramaic Approach to Q. Sources for the Gospels of Matthew and Luke (2002).pdf 1.1 MB
- Biale - Jewish Culture Between Canon and Heresy (2023).epub 999.2 KB
- Mandurah - Another 25 Testimonies Against the Bible. #26 to #50 (2024).pdf 935.5 KB
- Bird - Limping with God. Jacob & The Old Testament Guide to Messy Discipleship (2022).epub 898.2 KB
- Pleins - When the Great Abyss Opened. Classic and Contemporary Readings of Noah’s Flood (2003).epub 695.5 KB
- Zlotnick - Dinah’s Daughters. Gender and Judaism from the Hebrew Bible to Late Antiquity (2002).epub 373.0 KB
- Madison - Ten Things Christians Wish Jesus Hadn’t Taught. And Other Reasons to Question his Words (2021).epub 250.8 KB
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