Level Design Basics in Unity
File List
- Ex_Files_LvlDes_Unity.zip 341.1 MB
- 3 - Laying Out Levels/1 - Using modular elements/133341_03_01_3D15_modules.mp4 52.1 MB
- 1 - Planning the Level/4 - Sharing the sandbox - Laying out an open world/133341_01_04_3D151_sandbox.mp4 43.3 MB
- 5 - Implementing User Interaction Elements/3 - Adding physics to objects/133341_05_03_3D15_particles.mp4 40.1 MB
- 2 - Designing the Building Blocks/1 - Planning atlas textures and a modular approach/133341_02_01_3D15_texsheet.mp4 38.7 MB
- 4 - Adding Animation to Bring the World to Life/1 - Creating animation in Unity/133341_04_01_3D15_animation.mp4 38.4 MB
- 5 - Implementing User Interaction Elements/1 - Opening doors/133341_05_01_3D151_Door.mp4 33.9 MB
- 2 - Designing the Building Blocks/2 - Defining player scale and field of view/133341_02_02_3D15_FOV.mp4 33.6 MB
- 5 - Implementing User Interaction Elements/2 - Making stairs walkable/133341_05_02_3D151_Stairs.mp4 32.7 MB
- 4 - Adding Animation to Bring the World to Life/4 - Changing animation timing/133341_04_04_3D15_Doorswing.mp4 31.7 MB
- 1 - Planning the Level/2 - Planning the player path in a directed level/133341_01_02_3D15_path.mp4 30.7 MB
- 3 - Laying Out Levels/4 - Inserting unique areas/133341_03_04_3D15_unique.mp4 28.4 MB
- 1 - Planning the Level/1 - Setting goals for the player/133341_01_01_3D15_drawing.mp4 27.9 MB
- 3 - Laying Out Levels/2 - Joining modular elements/133341_03_02_3D15_joining.mp4 25.8 MB
- 2 - Designing the Building Blocks/4 - Designing wayfinding systems/133341_02_04_3D15_wayfinding.mp4 24.2 MB
- 2 - Designing the Building Blocks/5 - Crafting pinch points and strong points/133341_02_05_3D15_pinch.mp4 22.6 MB
- 4 - Adding Animation to Bring the World to Life/2 - Animating materials/133341_04_02_3D15_materials.mp4 22.1 MB
- 3 - Laying Out Levels/5 - Populating with props/133341_03_05_3D15_props.mp4 21.1 MB
- 2 - Designing the Building Blocks/3 - Designing semi-autonomous systems/133341_02_03_3D15_Semi.mp4 19.0 MB
- 1 - Planning the Level/3 - Bounding the world invisibly/133341_01_03_3D15_bounding.mp4 16.4 MB
- 4 - Adding Animation to Bring the World to Life/3 - Animating lights/133341_04_03_3D15_lightanim.mp4 15.1 MB
- 3 - Laying Out Levels/3 - Setting up prefabs/133341_03_03_3D15_prefabs.mp4 13.4 MB
- 0 - Introduction/1 - Welcome/133341_00_01_WX30_Welcome.mp4 9.6 MB
- 0 - Introduction/3 - Using the exercise files/133341_00_03_3D15_Exercises.mp4 4.7 MB
- 6 - Conclusion/1 - Next steps/133341_06_01_3D15_next_steps.mp4 2.3 MB
- 0 - Introduction/2 - What you should know before watching this course/133341_00_02_3D15_Needtoknow.mp4 1.4 MB
- 3 - Laying Out Levels/1 - Using modular elements/script.txt 14.0 KB
- 2 - Designing the Building Blocks/1 - Planning atlas textures and a modular approach/script.txt 13.5 KB
- 1 - Planning the Level/4 - Sharing the sandbox - Laying out an open world/script.txt 13.1 KB
- 1 - Planning the Level/2 - Planning the player path in a directed level/script.txt 11.9 KB
- 2 - Designing the Building Blocks/2 - Defining player scale and field of view/script.txt 11.0 KB
- 5 - Implementing User Interaction Elements/3 - Adding physics to objects/script.txt 10.7 KB
- 1 - Planning the Level/1 - Setting goals for the player/script.txt 10.7 KB
- 4 - Adding Animation to Bring the World to Life/1 - Creating animation in Unity/script.txt 10.3 KB
- 5 - Implementing User Interaction Elements/1 - Opening doors/script.txt 9.9 KB
- 4 - Adding Animation to Bring the World to Life/4 - Changing animation timing/script.txt 9.8 KB
- 5 - Implementing User Interaction Elements/2 - Making stairs walkable/script.txt 8.5 KB
- 2 - Designing the Building Blocks/4 - Designing wayfinding systems/script.txt 8.1 KB
- 3 - Laying Out Levels/4 - Inserting unique areas/script.txt 7.7 KB
- 4 - Adding Animation to Bring the World to Life/2 - Animating materials/script.txt 7.0 KB
- 3 - Laying Out Levels/2 - Joining modular elements/script.txt 6.7 KB
- 1 - Planning the Level/3 - Bounding the world invisibly/script.txt 6.4 KB
- 2 - Designing the Building Blocks/3 - Designing semi-autonomous systems/script.txt 6.3 KB
- 2 - Designing the Building Blocks/5 - Crafting pinch points and strong points/script.txt 5.8 KB
- 3 - Laying Out Levels/5 - Populating with props/script.txt 5.4 KB
- 4 - Adding Animation to Bring the World to Life/3 - Animating lights/script.txt 5.1 KB
- 3 - Laying Out Levels/3 - Setting up prefabs/script.txt 4.4 KB
- 0 - Introduction/3 - Using the exercise files/script.txt 1.8 KB
- info.txt 1.5 KB
- 0 - Introduction/1 - Welcome/script.txt 942 bytes
- 6 - Conclusion/1 - Next steps/script.txt 694 bytes
- 0 - Introduction/2 - What you should know before watching this course/script.txt 623 bytes
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