ventoy 1.0.98
File List
- ventoy/ventoy.disk.img.xz 12.7 MB
- ventoy/plugson.tar.xz 994.1 KB
- altexe/Ventoy2Disk_X64.exe 633.0 KB
- altexe/Ventoy2Disk_ARM64.exe 623.5 KB
- Ventoy2Disk.exe 589.5 KB
- altexe/Ventoy2Disk_ARM.exe 564.0 KB
- altexe/VentoyPlugson_X64.exe 450.0 KB
- boot/core.img.xz 444.5 KB
- VentoyPlugson.exe 364.0 KB
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- VentoyVlnk.exe 148.0 KB
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- plugin/ventoy/theme/slider_c.png 99 bytes
- Смотреть!.url 49 bytes
- ventoy/version 7 bytes
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