Windows Manager AIO 5in1 + Yamicsoft Patch
File List
- 5. Windows 10 & 11 Manager v2.1.0/windowsmanager.exe 36.4 MB
- 4. Windows 8 Manager v2.2.8/windows8manager.exe 15.2 MB
- 3. Windows 7 Manager v5.2.0/windows7manager.exe 14.1 MB
- 2. Windows Vista Manager v4.1.6/vistamanager.exe 9.2 MB
- 1. Windows XP Manager v8.0.1/xpmanager.exe 5.7 MB
- Yamicsoft AIO 6in1 Patch v3.2 by DFoX/Yamicsoft_AIO_6in1_Patch_Keygen_v3.2_By_DFoX.exe 2.0 MB
- 3. Windows 7 Manager v5.2.0/win7.png 175.0 KB
- 4. Windows 8 Manager v2.2.8/win8.png 175.0 KB
- 2. Windows Vista Manager v4.1.6/vista.png 174.4 KB
- 1. Windows XP Manager v8.0.1/XP.png 173.5 KB
- Yamicsoft AIO 6in1 Patch v3.2 by DFoX/Yamicsoft_AIO_6in1_Patch_Keygen_v3.0_By_DFoX.jpg 63.5 KB
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