File List
- The Uzi Submachine Gun (WPN 12) 72.9 MB
- 26.2 MB
- 8.7 MB
- Uzi_text.pdf 6.6 MB
- UZI Receiver (Group Industries), Milling & Machining.pdf 6.4 MB
- UZI Receiver (Group Industries), Milling & 4.7 MB
- The Uzi Submachine Gun (WPN 12)_hocr.html 4.2 MB
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- UZI Receiver (Group Industries), Milling & Machining_djvu.xml 420.2 KB
- UZI Receiver (Group Industries), Milling & Machining_chocr.html.gz 381.6 KB
- Uzi Blueprints.pdf 258.5 KB
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- IMI_UZI_Full-Auto_Conversion_chocr.html.gz 176.1 KB
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- Uzi Blueprints_hocr_pageindex.json.gz 118 bytes
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