Stoney Creek Collection
File List
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- Book - 370 - Messengers Of Peace/SC Bk 370 - Messengers of Peace_26BC.jpg 4.6 MB
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- Book - 196 - Pride of the sea/3.2-Nautical Adventure.jpg 1.8 MB
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- Book - 240 - Beauty in bloom/05.jpg 1.7 MB
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- Book - 318 - The bride/stony wedding-09.jpg 1.7 MB
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- Book - 196 - Pride of the sea/5.1-The Voyage.jpg 1.6 MB
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- Book - 101 - Words of Promise/2.1-Lighted Path.jpg 1.6 MB
- Book - 240 - Beauty in bloom/03.jpg 1.6 MB
- Book - 119 - Crystal Samplers/Crystal Samplers Interior 2.jpg 1.6 MB
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- Book - 196 - Pride of the sea/4.2-Last Sail.jpg 1.5 MB
- Book - 369 - More Fun Flakes/More%20Fun%20Flakes%20Page%206.jpg 1.5 MB
- Book - 196 - Pride of the sea/5.2-The Voyage.jpg 1.5 MB
- Book - 119 - Crystal Samplers/Crystal Sampler Portada.jpg 1.5 MB
- Book - 365 - A Season Of Wonder/05.jpg 1.5 MB
- Book - 392 - Teddy Celebration/%23392%20Teddy%20celebration%204a.jpg 1.5 MB
- Book - 392 - Teddy Celebration/%23392%20Teddy%20celebration%2010a.jpg 1.5 MB
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- Book - 318 - The bride/stony wedding-06.jpg 1.4 MB
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- Book - 192 - Everlasting Florals/192 Everlasting Florals 1.jpg 1.4 MB
- Book - 101 - Words of Promise/5.4-Ten Commandments.jpg 1.4 MB
- Book - 119 - Crystal Samplers/Crystal Samplers Interior 1.jpg 1.4 MB
- Book - 392 - Teddy Celebration/%23392%20Teddy%20celebration%2018a.jpg 1.4 MB
- Book - 281 - Snuggly Quilted Snowmen/Snuggly Quilted Snowmen 00FC.jpg 1.4 MB
- Book - 365 - A Season Of Wonder/04.jpg 1.4 MB
- Book - 392 - Teddy Celebration/%23392%20Teddy%20celebration%207a.jpg 1.4 MB
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- Book - 148 - Quick And Easy Stitches/Quick & Easy Stitches Interior 1.jpg 1.3 MB
- Book - 363 - Tee-riffic Golf/#363 Tee-rrific Golf (4).jpg 1.3 MB
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- Book - 101 - Words of Promise/Words of Promise Interior 1.jpg 1.3 MB
- Book - 196 - Pride of the sea/Pride Of The Sea Tabla de Contenidos.jpg 1.3 MB
- Book - 363 - Tee-riffic Golf/#363 Tee-rrific Golf (9).jpg 1.3 MB
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- Book - 365 - A Season Of Wonder/06.jpg 1.2 MB
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- Book - 365 - A Season Of Wonder/12.jpg 1.2 MB
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- Book - 101 - Words of Promise/4.2-Loving Angels.jpg 1.2 MB
- Book - 363 - Tee-riffic Golf/#363 Tee-rrific Golf (8).jpg 1.2 MB
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- Book - 112 - Quilted with Love/2.2-Big Brother.jpg 1.2 MB
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- Book - 363 - Tee-riffic Golf/#363 Tee-rrific Golf (5).jpg 1.2 MB
- Book - 377 - Snow Buddies Collector's Series Afghan/Snow Buddies Collector's Series Afghan.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 363 - Tee-riffic Golf/#363 Tee-rrific Golf (3).jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 388 - Best of Christmas Stockings II/bk388-Best of Stoney Creek Stockings II-03.jpg 1.1 MB
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- Book - 086 - Treasured Towels/086 Treasured Towels 1.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 388 - Best of Christmas Stockings II/bk388-Best of Stoney Creek Stockings II-11.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 041 - Best of the West/best of the west 00fc.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 035 - Love brought us together/035 love brought us together 2.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 112 - Quilted with Love/3.2-Musical Comfort.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 175 - Christmas Memories/Christmas_Memories14.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 375 - Christmas At Home/Stoney Creek-#375-Christmas at Home-07 (K).jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 380 - Cats Rules/09.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 347 - Railroad memories/Railroad_memories_09.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 224 - Quick stitches for baby/09.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 388 - Best of Christmas Stockings II/bk388-Best of Stoney Creek Stockings II-07.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 387 - Best of Stoney Creek Stockings I/bk387-Best%20of%20Stoney%20Creek%20Stockings%20I-07.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 356 - Bears On Parade/SC-356 Bears on Parade page 03.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 194 - Songs of heaven/Songs Of Heaven - Doxology 2.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 281 - Snuggly Quilted Snowmen/Snuggly Quilted Snowmen 23bc.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 385 - Count Your Blessings/cover.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 358 - Cross Stitch & Verse/sc-358 cross stitch and verse fc.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 388 - Best of Christmas Stockings II/bk388-Best of Stoney Creek Stockings II-09.jpg 1.1 MB
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- Book - 080 - Especially at christmas/080 especially at christmas 4.jpg 1.1 MB
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- Book - 365 - A Season Of Wonder/13.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 360 - Fish City/0080e.jpg 1.1 MB
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- Book - 362 - Seaside Sentinels/#362 Seaside Sentinels (13).jpg 1.1 MB
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- Book - 360 - Fish City/0080o.jpg 1.1 MB
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- Book - 376 - Bookmarks for Everyday/STONEY CREEK 376 Bookmarks for Everyday front (20).jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 393 - Majesty In Motion/majesty in motion9.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 380 - Cats Rules/02.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 362 - Seaside Sentinels/#362 Seaside Sentinels (23).jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 175 - Christmas Memories/Christmas_Memories12.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 305 - Christmas Keepsakes/Christmas Keepsakes - 00fc.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 017 - The dreamland express/The Dreamland Express 14.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 365 - A Season Of Wonder/02.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 101 - Words of Promise/6.2-Bread Upon The Water.jpg 1.1 MB
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- Book - 380 - Cats Rules/05.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 040 - Table Elegance/Table Elegance - 12.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 375 - Christmas At Home/Stoney Creek-#375-Christmas at Home-03 (K).jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 053 -This The Seasons/7.1-Christmas 1988.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 362 - Seaside Sentinels/#362 Seaside Sentinels (19).jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 375 - Christmas At Home/Stoney Creek-#375-Christmas at Home(K) FC.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 023 - Traditional classics/Traditional Classics - 25bc.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 362 - Seaside Sentinels/#362 Seaside Sentinels (17).jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 112 - Quilted with Love/6.1-Storytime With Grandma.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 387 - Best of Stoney Creek Stockings I/bk387-Best%20of%20Stoney%20Creek%20Stockings%20I-17.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 053 -This The Seasons/Tis The Season Interior 1.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 053 -This The Seasons/16-Joy-Love-Peace.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 363 - Tee-riffic Golf/#363 Tee-rrific Golf (6).jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 393 - Majesty In Motion/majesty in motion12.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 362 - Seaside Sentinels/#362 Seaside Sentinels (9).jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 275 - Seaside Fantasy/275 Seaside Fantasy 1.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 194 - Songs of heaven/Songs Of Heaven - Birds Of The Air 1.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 387 - Best of Stoney Creek Stockings I/bk387-Best%20of%20Stoney%20Creek%20Stockings%20I-13.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 380 - Cats Rules/08.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 380 - Cats Rules/10.jpg 1.1 MB
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- Book - 101 - Words of Promise/1.2-Sing.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 360 - Fish City/0080c.jpg 1.1 MB
- Book - 365 - A Season Of Wonder/16.jpg 1.1 MB
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- Book - 086 - Treasured Towels/086 Treasured Towels 2.jpg 1.0 MB
- Book - 362 - Seaside Sentinels/#362 Seaside Sentinels (15).jpg 1.0 MB
- Book - 366 - Land Of Enchantment/bk 366-land of enchantment-11.jpg 1.0 MB
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- Book - 112 - Quilted with Love/1.3-Girl Talk 2.1-Big Brother.jpg 1.0 MB
- Book - 023 - Traditional classics/Traditional Classics - 00fc.jpg 1.0 MB
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- Book - 380 - Cats Rules/15.jpg 1.0 MB
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- Book - 224 - Quick stitches for baby/03.jpg 1.0 MB
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- Book - 175 - Christmas Memories/Christmas_Memories05.jpg 1.0 MB
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- Book - 194 - Songs of heaven/Songs Of Heaven - Birds Of The Air 2.jpg 1.0 MB
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- Book - 387 - Best of Stoney Creek Stockings I/bk387-Best%20of%20Stoney%20Creek%20Stockings%20I-03.jpg 1.0 MB
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- Book - 035 - Love brought us together/PAGE 6.jpg 1.0 MB
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- Book - 285 - Fun stitches/Fun Stitches Too - 00fc.jpg 1.0 MB
- Book - 236 - Gift of christmas/The Gift of Christmas - 00fc.jpg 1.0 MB
- Book - 040 - Table Elegance/Table Elegance - 00.jpg 1.0 MB
- Book - 175 - Christmas Memories/Christmas_Memories10.jpg 1.0 MB
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- Book - 360 - Fish City/0080d.jpg 1.0 MB
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- Book - 224 - Quick stitches for baby/04.jpg 1.0 MB
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- Book - 112 - Quilted with Love/7.1-My Lady`s Chamber.jpg 1.0 MB
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- Book - 224 - Quick stitches for baby/11.jpg 1023.5 KB
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- Book - 388 - Best of Christmas Stockings II/bk388-Best of Stoney Creek Stockings II-13.jpg 1019.4 KB
- Book - 041 - Best of the West/best of the west 13.jpg 1017.9 KB
- Book - 349 - Ghostly Treats/ghostly treats 13.jpg 1017.9 KB
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- Book - 366 - Land Of Enchantment/bk 366-land of enchantment-03.jpg 1014.9 KB
- Book - 074 - Finishing Touches/16.jpg 1014.1 KB
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- Book - 224 - Quick stitches for baby/16.jpg 1011.2 KB
- Book - 389 - Haunted Halloween/bc.jpg 1010.8 KB
- Book - 194 - Songs of heaven/Songs Of Heaven - Beneath The Cross 1.jpg 1009.5 KB
- Book - 194 - Songs of heaven/Songs Of Heaven - Just As I Am 1.jpg 1008.7 KB
- Book - 251- Towels for home & garden/SC- Towels for home and garden - 3.jpg 1007.4 KB
- Book - 359 - Welcome/Stoney Creek#359 Welcome(05).jpg 1007.2 KB
- Book - 361 - Birds For All Seasons/stoney creek #361 birds for all seasons (09) last.jpg 1006.5 KB
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- Book - 374 - Boowitching Hallowen/200610812411619.jpg 1004.2 KB
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- Book - 332 - more hard working vehicles/more hard working vehicles 11.jpg 798.2 KB
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- Book - 176 - Now I Know My ABC's/Now Is Know My ABC`s.jpg 794.2 KB
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- Book - 197 - Home sweet stiching/home sweet stitching pg 09.jpg 747.7 KB
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- Book - 377 - Snow Buddies Collector's Series Afghan/Snow Buddies Collector's Series Afghan (15).jpg 650.6 KB
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- Book - 057 - Dear Lord/Dear Lord pg 12.jpg 353.9 KB
- Book - 057 - Dear Lord/Dear Lord pg 11.jpg 353.8 KB
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- Book - 328 - Snug as a bug/Snug As A Bug pg 6.jpg 235.4 KB
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- Book - 383 - Car's Of The 50'S/S.C.Bk 383 Color Conversion chart.JPG 232.5 KB
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- Book - 045 - Who Said That/_IMVTemp_Show_Wonderful_wings_23.jpg 227.1 KB
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- Book - 021 - Gentle unity/Gentle Unity 17.jpg 226.6 KB
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- Book - 233 - To have and to hold/To Have & To Hold - 15.jpg 225.6 KB
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- Book - 029 - Gretchen & Whittenburg/Gretchen & Whittenburg pg 15.jpg 225.4 KB
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- Book - 329 - Terrific towels/Terrific Towel's pg 6.jpg 224.5 KB
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- Book - 379 - Born In The Wild/00.JPG 224.3 KB
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- Book - 048 - i owe..i owe/I Owe I Owe (13).jpg 222.8 KB
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- Book - 097 - Its all relative/16.jpg 220.9 KB
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- Book - 133 - Two hearts together/Two hearts together11pic.JPG 220.4 KB
- Book - 100 - Christmas splendor/Christmas Splendor 00fc.jpg 220.4 KB
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- Book - 140 - Beauty by the sea/Stitched Elegance 24.jpg 219.5 KB
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- Book - 328 - Snug as a bug/Snug As A Bug pg 16.jpg 218.7 KB
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- Book - 120 - Friendschip that keeps/FriendshipsThatKeep191.jpg 218.5 KB
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- Book - 384 - Teddies and Toys/Info Marching Band Bears & Teddies Playin House pic.JPG 217.8 KB
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- Book - 187 - Button up your stitches/Praise the children 04.jpg 216.9 KB
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- Book - 091 - Quick stitches/Quick Stitches - 09.jpg 213.1 KB
- Book - 296 - Let it snow/Let It Snow - 07.jpg 213.1 KB
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- Book - 234 - Heirloom Huck Towels/9-Summer.jpg 212.9 KB
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- Book - 104 - Thoughts of Wisdom/Touched by grace pg 06.jpg 212.8 KB
- Book - 329 - Terrific towels/Terrific Towel's pg 5.jpg 212.8 KB
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- Book - 230 - Decades to Remember/5.2-The 1940`s.JPG 211.7 KB
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- Book - 225 - Heavenly hymns/HH-16.jpg 210.2 KB
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- Book - 004 - For Hearth and Home/fhah19.jpg 210.0 KB
- Book - 296 - Let it snow/Let It Snow - 06.jpg 210.0 KB
- Book - 048 - i owe..i owe/I Owe I Owe (8).jpg 210.0 KB
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- Book - 137 - Beauty By The Sea/Beauty By The Sea Interior 1.jpg 209.9 KB
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- Book - 296 - Let it snow/Let It Snow - 20.jpg 209.5 KB
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- Book - 075 - Butterfly wings/butterfly wings 10.jpg 209.5 KB
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- Book - 045 - Who Said That/_IMVTemp_Show_Who_Said_That_-_18.jpg 209.3 KB
- Book - 048 - i owe..i owe/I Owe I Owe (20).jpg 209.3 KB
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- Book - 167 - Stitched paper dolls/Stitched Paper Doll's pg 24.jpg 209.2 KB
- Book - 230 - Decades to Remember/9.2-The 1980`s.JPG 209.1 KB
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- Book - 332 - more hard working vehicles/more hard working vehicles 01.jpg 208.2 KB
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- Book - 316 - Kitchen Combos/Kitchen_Combos_-_10.jpg 207.8 KB
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- Book - 148 - Quick And Easy Stitches/12.2-Tea Time Covers.jpg 207.7 KB
- Book - 082 - Purrfect Pets/Purr-fect Pets 07.jpg 207.7 KB
- Book - 072 - From this day forward/FTDF 3.jpg 207.6 KB
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- Book - 267 - Reflections/Reflections pg 3.JPG 207.3 KB
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- Book - 183 - Nature's best for bath/1.jpg 207.0 KB
- Book - 233 - To have and to hold/To Have & To Hold - 12.jpg 207.0 KB
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- Book - 148 - Quick And Easy Stitches/9.2-Simbols of the Seasons.jpg 206.7 KB
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- Book - 120 - Friendschip that keeps/FriendshipsThatKeep151.jpg 205.8 KB
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- Book - 156 - Garden Visitors/7.1-Garden Cat.jpg 205.7 KB
- Book - 236 - Gift of christmas/The Gift of Christmas - 02.jpg 205.6 KB
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- Book - 244 -Fruits Tarts and Towels/Fruit Tarts & Towels - 04.jpg 205.4 KB
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- Book - 242 - it's a dog's life/Pg 14.jpg 204.5 KB
- Book - 230 - Decades to Remember/4.1-The 1930`s.JPG 204.5 KB
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- Book - 025 - Cinnamon stick pantry/05.jpg 204.4 KB
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- Book - 176 - Now I Know My ABC's/7.G is for Goose.jpg 204.4 KB
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- Book - 336 - landmarks of america/landmarks of america 00.jpg 203.7 KB
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- Book - 097 - Its all relative/11.jpg 202.2 KB
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- Book - 001 - Easter Beading/00.jpg 200.6 KB
- Book - 073 - A cause for celebration/Celebration Lovebirds Still 2.jpg 200.6 KB
- Book - 252 - Let the music play/Let_The_Music_Play_-_14.jpg 200.6 KB
- Book - 176 - Now I Know My ABC's/1- A is for Apple.jpg 200.6 KB
- Book - 237 - Shoreline beacons/Heceta Head1º.jpg 200.6 KB
- Book - 313 - Bear Hugs/Bear Hugs FC.jpg 200.5 KB
- Book - 244 -Fruits Tarts and Towels/Fruit Tarts & Towels - 13.jpg 200.4 KB
- Book - 244 -Fruits Tarts and Towels/Fruit Tarts & Towels - 03.jpg 200.4 KB
- Book - 296 - Let it snow/Let It Snow - 12.jpg 200.4 KB
- Book - 221 - Stitching Safari/Stitching Safari Tabla de Conversion.jpg 200.3 KB
- Book - 063 - Captivating Cats/063 Captivating Cats 2.JPG 200.3 KB
- Book - 297 - The great outdoors/the great outdoors 09.jpg 200.3 KB
- Book - 125 - Mythical Moments/6.3-Dragon.jpg 200.3 KB
- Book - 067 - When this you see/2.jpg 200.2 KB
- Book - 269 - A Little Birdie Told/269 A Little Birdie Told 1.jpg 200.2 KB
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- Book - 182 - life's lessons/1.3-Lifes Lessons.jpg 200.0 KB
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- Book - 176 - Now I Know My ABC's/10-J is for Jacket.jpg 199.2 KB
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- Book - 297 - The great outdoors/the great outdoors 19.jpg 198.7 KB
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- Book - 329 - Terrific towels/Terrific Towel's pg 9.jpg 198.0 KB
- Book - 037 - Wish it/Wish It FC.JPG 198.0 KB
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- Book - 176 - Now I Know My ABC's/13-M is for Monkey.jpg 197.2 KB
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- Book - 094 - Hope life love/Hope Life Love - 23.jpg 197.0 KB
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- Book - 176 - Now I Know My ABC's/9-I is for Ice Cream.jpg 196.8 KB
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- Book - 023 - Traditional classics/Traditional Classics - 17.jpg 196.0 KB
- Book - 176 - Now I Know My ABC's/21-U is for Unbrella.jpg 196.0 KB
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- Book - 193 - Kitchen harvest/Kitchen Harvest - 25.jpg 195.7 KB
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- Book - 122 - Buttoned With Love/11-Friendship Sampler.jpg 195.3 KB
- Book - 176 - Now I Know My ABC's/18-R is for Rattle.jpg 195.3 KB
- Book - 115 - The Goos Ol`Days/The Good Ol`Days Tabla de Contenidos.jpg 195.3 KB
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- Book - 336 - landmarks of america/landmarks of america 01.jpg 194.7 KB
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- Book - 125 - Mythical Moments/5.1-Chivalty Sampler.jpg 194.2 KB
- Book - 156 - Garden Visitors/4-Hummingbird.jpg 194.1 KB
- Book - 176 - Now I Know My ABC's/17-Q is for Quilt.jpg 194.1 KB
- Book - 072 - From this day forward/FTDF 13.jpg 194.1 KB
- Book - 094 - Hope life love/Hope Life Love - 07.jpg 194.0 KB
- Book - 061 - Fast Action Sport's/Fast Action Sport's IFC.jpg 194.0 KB
- Book - 237 - Shoreline beacons/Massachusetts.jpg 193.9 KB
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- Book - 176 - Now I Know My ABC's/26-Z is for Zebra.jpg 193.7 KB
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- Book - 072 - From this day forward/FTDF 1.jpg 193.3 KB
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- Book - 234 - Heirloom Huck Towels/3-Peaches.jpg 193.0 KB
- Book - 237 - Shoreline beacons/Point Loma.jpg 193.0 KB
- Book - 230 - Decades to Remember/1.1-The 1900`s.JPG 193.0 KB
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- Book - 025 - Cinnamon stick pantry/03.jpg 192.7 KB
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- Book - 230 - Decades to Remember/7.2-The 1960`s.JPG 192.3 KB
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- Book - 171 - Bessie Pease Gutmann/BPG 01 Fc.jpg 191.9 KB
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- Book - 176 - Now I Know My ABC's/22-V is for Violin.jpg 191.8 KB
- Book - 072 - From this day forward/FTDF 12.jpg 191.8 KB
- Book - 176 - Now I Know My ABC's/20-T is for Turtle.jpg 191.6 KB
- Book - 283 - Country Roads/Country Roads - 05.jpg 191.6 KB
- Book - 070 - Far Eastern Floral/Far_Eastern_Floral_-_02.jpg 191.4 KB
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- Book - 126 - All Occasion Ties/Book - 114 - Sean And Sun Ok/11-Tropical Brights.jpg 191.4 KB
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- Book - 176 - Now I Know My ABC's/12-L is for Lollipop.jpg 191.4 KB
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- Book - 014 - In the woods/W 07.jpg 190.9 KB
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- Book - 297 - The great outdoors/the great outdoors 15.jpg 190.8 KB
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- Book - 176 - Now I Know My ABC's/5-E is for Egg.jpg 190.7 KB
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- Book - 091 - Quick stitches/Quick Stitches - 11.jpg 189.9 KB
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- Book - 384 - Teddies and Toys/Info Bears in a Wagon & Treats for Teddy pic.jpg 189.6 KB
- Book - 229 - Teddies of the year/STONEYCREEK -Teddies Of The Year xs-16.jpg 189.6 KB
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- Book - 031 - Forever after/Forever After (21).jpg 188.5 KB
- Book - 027 - Special Delivery/Special Delivery pg 05.jpg 188.4 KB
- Book - 195 - Timeless Memories/195 Timeless Memories 1.jpg 188.4 KB
- Book - 195 - Timeless Memories/195 Timeless Memories 2.jpg 188.3 KB
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- Book - 144 - World of sports/World of Sports 01 FC.jpg 188.0 KB
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- Book - 023 - Traditional classics/Traditional Classics - 18.jpg 188.0 KB
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- Book - 044 - Small Favor's/044 Small Favor's 2.jpg 187.9 KB
- Book - 048 - i owe..i owe/I Owe I Owe (18).jpg 187.8 KB
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- Book - 104 - Thoughts of Wisdom/104 Thoughts of Wisdom 2.jpg 187.8 KB
- Book - 151 - Together Forever/Together Forever Instrucciones 3.JPG 187.7 KB
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- Book - 296 - Let it snow/Let It Snow - 03.jpg 187.0 KB
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- Book - 275 - Seaside Fantasy/Seaside Fantasy - 12.jpg 186.9 KB
- Book - 187 - Button up your stitches/Noah ark stand up 10.jpg 186.8 KB
- Book - 296 - Let it snow/Let It Snow - 14.jpg 186.8 KB
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- Book - 266 - Kitchen stichin/Kitchen Stitchin - 06.jpg 185.6 KB
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- Book - 039 - Flowers of the Field/01.jpg 185.5 KB
- Book - 039 - Flowers of the Field/Flower's Of The Field FC.jpg 185.5 KB
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- Book - 252 - Let the music play/Let_The_Music_Play_-_06.jpg 185.2 KB
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- Book - 297 - The great outdoors/the great outdoors 06.jpg 184.8 KB
- Book - 233 - To have and to hold/To Have & To Hold - 20.jpg 184.8 KB
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- Book - 086 - Treasured Towels/Treasured Towels - 18.jpg 184.6 KB
- Book - 133 - Two hearts together/Two hearts together 18.JPG 184.5 KB
- Book - 252 - Let the music play/Let_The_Music_Play_-_04.jpg 184.5 KB
- Book - 086 - Treasured Towels/Treasured Towels - 16.jpg 184.5 KB
- Book - 082 - Purrfect Pets/Purr-fect Pets 03.jpg 184.5 KB
- Book - 230 - Decades to Remember/9.1-The 1980`s.JPG 184.5 KB
- Book - 128 - An Occasion To Celebrate/4-Happy Bithday Intrucciones.JPG 184.4 KB
- Book - 244 -Fruits Tarts and Towels/Fruit Tarts & Towels - 18.jpg 184.4 KB
- Book - 100 - Christmas splendor/Christmas Splendor 14.jpg 184.3 KB
- Book - 051 - A Touch of Heart/A Touch Of Heart - 00ifc.jpg 184.2 KB
- Book - 338 - flowers and verse/Flower's & Verse pg 01.jpg 184.2 KB
- Book - 140 - Beauty by the sea/Stitched Elegance 50.jpg 184.2 KB
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- Book - 286 - Cross stitch for the soul/Cross Stitch For The Soul pg 01.jpg 184.1 KB
- Book - 212 - A banner year/A Banner Year - 13.jpg 184.0 KB
- Book - 315 - For the woman's soul/02.jpg 183.9 KB
- Book - 139 - Specialty stitched quilts/Quilts_-_01.jpg 183.8 KB
- Book - 160 - Love & Lace/Love & Lace Interior 2.jpg 183.8 KB
- Book - 139 - Specialty stitched quilts/Quilts_-_bc.jpg 183.7 KB
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- Book - 011 - Jody's friends/10-The Meaning of Life.JPG 183.5 KB
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- Book - 139 - Specialty stitched quilts/Quilts_-_fc.jpg 183.4 KB
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- Book - 126 - All Occasion Ties/Book - 114 - Sean And Sun Ok/9.2-Beach Patrol.jpg 183.4 KB
- Book - 048 - i owe..i owe/I Owe I Owe (10).jpg 183.3 KB
- Book - 234 - Heirloom Huck Towels/1-Pears.jpg 183.3 KB
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- Book - 273 - Southwest Expressions/southwestexpressions08.jpg 183.2 KB
- Book - 014 - In the woods/W 03.jpg 183.2 KB
- Book - 267 - Reflections/Reflections pg 15.JPG 183.1 KB
- Book - 330 - Canine companions/Canine+companions+01.jpg 183.0 KB
- Book - 022 - Wild & free/Wild and free FC.JPG 183.0 KB
- Book - 042 - Home again Christmas/Home Again Christmas IFC.jpg 182.8 KB
- Book - 181 - Wedding Doves/Wedding Doves Contraportada.jpg 182.8 KB
- Book - 082 - Purrfect Pets/082 Purrfect Pets 4.jpg 182.8 KB
- Book - 104 - Thoughts of Wisdom/104 Thoughts of Wisdom 4.jpg 182.7 KB
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- Book - 004 - For Hearth and Home/fhah05.jpg 182.6 KB
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- Book - 072 - From this day forward/FTDF 15.jpg 182.4 KB
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- Book - 212 - A banner year/A Banner Year - 16.jpg 170.0 KB
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- Book - 121 - Promise Of Love/121The Promise Of Love 2.jpg 169.8 KB
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- Book - 033 - Comfort Station/ComfortStation02.jpg 168.8 KB
- Book - 072 - From this day forward/FTDF 17.jpg 168.8 KB
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- Book - 233 - To have and to hold/To Have & To Hold - 22.jpg 168.3 KB
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- Book - 156 - Garden Visitors/1.1-Tea Time.jpg 167.6 KB
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- Book - 091 - Quick stitches/Quick Stitches - 10.jpg 164.6 KB
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- Book - 011 - Jody's friends/9.1-The Challenge.JPG 164.4 KB
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- Book - 230 - Decades to Remember/3.1-The 1920`s.JPG 164.3 KB
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- Book - 070 - Far Eastern Floral/foto1.jpg 163.8 KB
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- Book - 297 - The great outdoors/the great outdoors 12.jpg 162.8 KB
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- Book - 072 - From this day forward/FTDF 4.jpg 162.7 KB
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- Book - 102 - The bridle path/10 pictures.jpg 161.6 KB
- Book - 167 - Stitched paper dolls/Stitched Paper Doll's BC.jpg 161.5 KB
- Book - 184 - Animals of the wild/Animals of the wild pg 17.jpg 161.5 KB
- Book - 156 - Garden Visitors/5-Watering Can and Flowers.jpg 161.5 KB
- Book - 285 - Fun stitches/Fun Stitches Too - 14.jpg 161.4 KB
- Book - 288 - The alphabet book/The Alphabet Book pg 01.jpg 161.4 KB
- Book - 075 - Butterfly wings/butterfly wings 24.jpg 161.3 KB
- Book - 252 - Let the music play/Let_The_Music_Play_-_18.jpg 161.2 KB
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- Book - 126 - All Occasion Ties/Book - 114 - Sean And Sun Ok/5-Flamingo Hat.jpg 161.1 KB
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- Book - 263 - Hen pecked/hen pecked 06.jpg 160.8 KB
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- Book - 263 - Hen pecked/hen pecked 08.jpg 160.5 KB
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- Book - 310 - Sunny side up/sunny side up 14.jpg 160.4 KB
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- Book - 285 - Fun stitches/Fun Stitches Too - 08.jpg 160.2 KB
- Book - 293 - Splish Splash Splendor/Splish Splash Splendor pg 01.jpg 160.2 KB
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- Book - 004 - For Hearth and Home/fhah08.jpg 159.4 KB
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- Book - 123 - Christmas Treasures/Christmas Treasures Intrucciones.jpg 159.4 KB
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- Book - 011 - Jody's friends/7-White Those I Love.JPG 159.0 KB
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- Book - 384 - Teddies and Toys/Info Tricycle pic.jpg 158.9 KB
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- Book - 105 - Sampler collection/22.jpg 158.7 KB
- Book - 267 - Reflections/Reflections pg 14.JPG 158.6 KB
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- Book - 020 - Relative love/It`s Relative Love Interior 2.jpg 157.5 KB
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- Book - 263 - Hen pecked/hen pecked 09.jpg 157.4 KB
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- Book - 138 - Petite sampler/138 Petite Samplers 2.jpg 157.1 KB
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- Book - 034 - Sunny morning happy days/Sunny Morning Happy Day - 14.jpg 156.7 KB
- Book - 115 - The Goos Ol`Days/The Good Ol`Days Interior 1.jpg 156.7 KB
- Book - 287 - That's a stitch!/That's A Stitch! IBC.jpg 156.6 KB
- Book - 297 - The great outdoors/the great outdoors 17.jpg 156.5 KB
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- Book - 048 - i owe..i owe/I Owe I Owe (15).jpg 156.4 KB
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- Book - 161 - Stacked just right/Stacked Just Right pg 22.jpg 156.2 KB
- Book - 317 - Patriotic Farmland/patriotic_farmland_05.jpg 156.2 KB
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- Book - 269 - A Little Birdie Told/269 A Little Birdie Told 2.jpg 155.9 KB
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- Book - 208 - Butterflies & Blossoms/Butterflies & Blossoms Instrucciones.jpg 155.8 KB
- Book - 102 - The bridle path/back.jpg 155.7 KB
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- Book - 341 - patriotic bear family/patriotic bear family 00.jpg 155.2 KB
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- Book - 262 - Snow like home/Snow Place Like Home FC.jpg 154.7 KB
- Book - 243 - Messages of faith/Messages Of Faith pg 20.jpg 154.6 KB
- Book - 219 - A Life Worth Stitching/A Life Worth Stitching Instrucciones.jpg 154.6 KB
- Book - 014 - In the woods/W 09.jpg 154.5 KB
- Book - 227 - A Job Well Done/A Job Well Done Tabla de Conversión.jpg 154.4 KB
- Book - 283 - Country Roads/Country Roads - 15.jpg 154.4 KB
- Book - 071 - Cuddles & snuggles/Soft & Sweet 2.jpg 154.4 KB
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- Book - 139 - Specialty stitched quilts/Quilts_-_19.jpg 154.2 KB
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- Book - 263 - Hen pecked/hen pecked 03.jpg 153.8 KB
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- Book - 014 - In the woods/W 04.jpg 153.7 KB
- Book - 011 - Jody's friends/4-Friends Bring Out.JPG 153.5 KB
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- Book - 159 - Snow parade/snowmanparade06.jpg 153.4 KB
- Book - 263 - Hen pecked/hen pecked 04.jpg 153.4 KB
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- Book - 273 - Southwest Expressions/southwestexpressions18.jpg 153.3 KB
- Book - 078 - Love is the music/Love Is The Music pg 10.jpg 153.2 KB
- Book - 181 - Wedding Doves/Wedding Doves Instrucciones 7.jpg 153.1 KB
- Book - 139 - Specialty stitched quilts/Quilts_-_20.jpg 153.0 KB
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- Book - 267 - Reflections/Reflections pg 16.JPG 152.8 KB
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- Book - 247 - Friends of nature/18.jpg 152.7 KB
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- Book - 167 - Stitched paper dolls/Stitched Paper Doll's pg 29.jpg 152.5 KB
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- Book - 125 - Mythical Moments/6.2-Dragon.jpg 152.4 KB
- Book - 168 - Beautiful bows/beautiful bows 01FC.JPG 152.3 KB
- Book - 124 - From Heaven's Light/5.3-Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep.jpg 152.3 KB
- Book - 206 - Holiday decor/Holiday Decor - 02.jpg 152.2 KB
- Book - 176 - Now I Know My ABC's/ABC's - 29.jpg 152.2 KB
- Book - 297 - The great outdoors/the great outdoors 04.jpg 152.2 KB
- Book - 043 - Hearts at home/SC Hearts at Home page 17.jpg 152.1 KB
- Book - 157 - Christmas Celebration/Christmas Celebration - 18.jpg 152.1 KB
- Book - 328 - Snug as a bug/Snug As A Bug pg 1.jpg 152.1 KB
- Book - 159 - Snow parade/snowmanparade02.jpg 151.9 KB
- Book - 125 - Mythical Moments/5.4-Chilvary Sampler.jpg 151.9 KB
- Book - 243 - Messages of faith/Messages Of Faith pg 21 IBC.jpg 151.9 KB
- Book - 160 - Love & Lace/Love & Lace Instrucciones 1.jpg 151.9 KB
- Book - 139 - Specialty stitched quilts/Quilts_-_27.jpg 151.8 KB
- Book - 094 - Hope life love/Hope Life Love - 36.jpg 151.8 KB
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- Book - 212 - A banner year/A Banner Year - 15.jpg 151.7 KB
- Book - 095 - Our special day/our special day pg 11.jpg 151.4 KB
- Book - 212 - A banner year/A Banner Year - 04.jpg 151.4 KB
- Book - 267 - Reflections/Reflections pg 8.JPG 151.4 KB
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- Book - 159 - Snow parade/snowmanparade07.jpg 151.3 KB
- Book - 029 - Gretchen & Whittenburg/Gretchen & Whittenburg pg 04.jpg 151.3 KB
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- Book - 297 - The great outdoors/the great outdoors 11.jpg 151.2 KB
- Book - 285 - Fun stitches/Fun Stitches Too - 07.jpg 151.2 KB
- Book - 078 - Love is the music/Love Is The Music pg 11.jpg 151.1 KB
- Book - 014 - In the woods/W 14.jpg 151.1 KB
- Book - 247 - Friends of nature/17.jpg 151.1 KB
- Book - 319 - Orient Expression's/319-Orient Expressions 2.jpeg 151.0 KB
- Book - 139 - Specialty stitched quilts/Quilts_-_30.jpg 150.8 KB
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- Book - 187 - Button up your stitches/Praise the children 07.jpg 150.7 KB
- Book - 277 - Little stiches/Little Stitches 23.jpg 150.7 KB
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- Book - 156 - Garden Visitors/8-Birds and Heart.jpg 150.6 KB
- Book - 122 - Buttoned With Love/3-Bluebirds & Houses 4-Little Teapot.jpg 150.4 KB
- Book - 071 - Cuddles & snuggles/All Our Days.jpg 150.4 KB
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- Book - 333 - out house collection/333 out house collection 00.jpg 150.3 KB
- Book - 344 - Historic Tall Ship's/344 Historic Tall Ship's (1).jpg 150.3 KB
- Book - 141 - Cherished Heritage/1.4-Little Red Schoolhouse.JPG 150.2 KB
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- Book - 070 - Far Eastern Floral/foto2.jpg 150.2 KB
- Book - 122 - Buttoned With Love/5-Carrot Patch 6-Tulips And Gingham.jpg 150.1 KB
- Book - 125 - Mythical Moments/5.2-Chilvary Sampler.jpg 150.0 KB
- Book - 033 - Comfort Station/ComfortStation22.jpg 149.9 KB
- Book - 159 - Snow parade/snowmanparade14.jpg 149.9 KB
- Book - 206 - Holiday decor/Holiday Decor - 09.jpg 149.8 KB
- Book - 238 - Cow pies/Cow Pies 0.jpg 149.8 KB
- Book - 034 - Sunny morning happy days/Sunny Morning Happy Day - 05.jpg 149.7 KB
- Book - 300 - Hardanger heirlooms/Hardanger Heirloom's pg 41 IBC.jpg 149.7 KB
- Book - 297 - The great outdoors/the great outdoors 20.jpg 149.7 KB
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- Book - 154 - Aunt Tizzy Talks/10-Getting Old.JPG 149.6 KB
- Book - 070 - Far Eastern Floral/Far_Eastern_Floral_-_00_fc.jpg 149.6 KB
- Book - 070 - Far Eastern Floral/foto.jpg 149.6 KB
- Book - 275 - Seaside Fantasy/Seaside Fantasy - 01toc.jpg 149.5 KB
- Book - 319 - Orient Expression's/Orient Expression's pg 21.jpg 149.5 KB
- Book - 151 - Together Forever/Together Forever Instrucciones 6.JPG 149.4 KB
- Book - 149 - Stitched For Comfort/Stitched for Comfort Tabla de Contenidos.jpg 149.4 KB
- Book - 093 - Home grown friendship/05.jpg 149.3 KB
- Book - 159 - Snow parade/snowmanparade05.jpg 149.1 KB
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- Book - 177 - Lighthouse welcome/lighthousewelcome_09.jpg 149.0 KB
- Book - 211 - Cool friends/Cool Friends -ifc.jpg 149.0 KB
- Book - 293 - Splish Splash Splendor/Splish Splash Splendor FOTO 1.jpg 149.0 KB
- Book - 337 - classic hot rods/classic hot rods 00.jpg 148.9 KB
- Book - 306 - Gardener's soul/cross stitch for the gardener's soul pg 21 ibc.jpg 148.8 KB
- Book - 141 - Cherished Heritage/7.1-Covered Bridge.JPG 148.8 KB
- Book - 212 - A banner year/A Banner Year - 18.jpg 148.7 KB
- Book - 297 - The great outdoors/the great outdoors 03.jpg 148.7 KB
- Book - 154 - Aunt Tizzy Talks/8-House Rules.JPG 148.7 KB
- Book - 124 - From Heaven's Light/8-Bunny 9-Goose 10-Teddy.jpg 148.7 KB
- Book - 225 - Heavenly hymns/HH-03.jpg 148.6 KB
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- Book - 212 - A banner year/A Banner Year - 05.jpg 148.4 KB
- Book - 277 - Little stiches/Little Stitches 01FC.jpg 148.4 KB
- Book - 218 - Images of the east/Images_East08.jpg 148.4 KB
- Book - 011 - Jody's friends/2.1-Fantastic Kingdom.JPG 148.3 KB
- Book - 075 - Butterfly wings/butterfly wings 23.jpg 148.2 KB
- Book - 027 - Special Delivery/Special Delivery pg 01.jpg 148.2 KB
- Book - 082 - Purrfect Pets/082 Purrfect Pets 5.jpg 148.2 KB
- Book - 086 - Treasured Towels/Treasured Towels - 01 toc.jpg 148.1 KB
- Book - 207 - Frankenstitches/Frankenstitches pat4.jpg 147.7 KB
- Book - 089 - Petals of Beauty/Petals of Beauty 01.jpg 147.6 KB
- Book - 328 - Snug as a bug/Snug As A Bug IFC.jpg 147.6 KB
- Book - 121 - Promise Of Love/The Promise Of Love pg 21IBC.jpg 147.4 KB
- Book - 285 - Fun stitches/Fun Stitches Too - 21.jpg 147.3 KB
- Book - 016 - And the Angels sang/8.2-And The Angels Sang.jpg 147.3 KB
- Book - 121 - Promise Of Love/121 Promise Of Love 1.jpg 147.3 KB
- Book - 121 - Promise Of Love/121The Promise Of Love 1.jpg 147.3 KB
- Book - 187 - Button up your stitches/Put your heart into it 16.jpg 147.3 KB
- Book - 273 - Southwest Expressions/southwestexpressions05.jpg 147.2 KB
- Book - 138 - Petite sampler/138 petite sampler 1.jpg 147.2 KB
- Book - 138 - Petite sampler/138 Petite Samplers 1.jpg 147.2 KB
- Book - 033 - Comfort Station/ComfortStation17.jpg 147.2 KB
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- Book - 382 - Jungle Babies/S.C.BK 382 Jungle Babies Afghan pic.JPG 146.9 KB
- Book - 198 - Christmas medley/Christmas Medley pg 02.jpg 146.8 KB
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- Book - 206 - Holiday decor/Holiday Decor - 22.jpg 146.5 KB
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- Book - 091 - Quick stitches/Quick Stitches - 21.jpg 146.4 KB
- Book - 236 - Gift of christmas/The Gift of Christmas - 21.jpg 146.3 KB
- Book - 043 - Hearts at home/SC Hearts at Home page 22.jpg 146.3 KB
- Book - 043 - Hearts at home/SC Hearts at Home page 28.jpg 146.2 KB
- Book - 014 - In the woods/W 01.jpg 146.1 KB
- Book - 182 - life's lessons/Lifes Lessons Instrucciones 4.jpg 146.0 KB
- Book - 072 - From this day forward/FTDF 2.jpg 145.9 KB
- Book - 182 - life's lessons/Lifes Lessons Instrucciones 6.jpg 145.8 KB
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- Book - 273 - Southwest Expressions/southwestexpressions14.jpg 145.4 KB
- Book - 285 - Fun stitches/Fun Stitches Too - 19.jpg 145.2 KB
- Book - 070 - Far Eastern Floral/Far_Eastern_Floral_-_20_bc.jpg 145.1 KB
- Book - 070 - Far Eastern Floral/foto3.jpg 145.1 KB
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- Book - 273 - Southwest Expressions/southwestexpressions03.jpg 145.1 KB
- Book - 139 - Specialty stitched quilts/Quilts_-_23.jpg 144.9 KB
- Book - 091 - Quick stitches/Quick Stitches - bc.jpg 144.9 KB
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- Book - 322 - Stitches for champions/Stitche's For Champion's IBC.jpg 144.7 KB
- Book - 034 - Sunny morning happy days/Sunny Morning Happy Day - 18.jpg 144.6 KB
- Book - 154 - Aunt Tizzy Talks/11-Unlisted Age.JPG 144.6 KB
- Book - 110 - Visions of Christmas/2.2-Merry Christmas Santas.jpg 144.5 KB
- Book - 247 - Friends of nature/11.jpg 144.5 KB
- Book - 299 - America at war/299 america at war 2.jpg 144.4 KB
- Book - 204 - Woodland Creatures/Woodland Creatures x-st~21.jpg 144.3 KB
- Book - 142 - Nature`s Bouquet/6.2-Daises.jpg 144.2 KB
- Book - 102 - The bridle path/front.jpg 144.0 KB
- Book - 212 - A banner year/A Banner Year - 07.jpg 144.0 KB
- Book - 285 - Fun stitches/Fun Stitches Too - 09.jpg 144.0 KB
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- Book - 218 - Images of the east/Images_East07.jpg 143.9 KB
- Book - 317 - Patriotic Farmland/patriotic_farmland_06.jpg 143.8 KB
- Book - 329 - Terrific towels/Terrific Towel's IFC.jpg 143.6 KB
- Book - 132 - Wildlife wonders/Stoney Creek Wildlife Wonders 15.jpg 143.6 KB
- Book - 223 - Prayers and blessings/Prayer's And Blessing's pg 1.jpg 143.6 KB
- Book - 011 - Jody's friends/5-Sisters Are Forever.JPG 143.3 KB
- Book - 034 - Sunny morning happy days/Sunny Morning Happy Day - 19.jpg 143.3 KB
- Book - 043 - Hearts at home/SC Hearts at Home page 26.jpg 143.2 KB
- Book - 313 - Bear Hugs/Bear Hugs pg 20.jpg 143.2 KB
- Book - 139 - Specialty stitched quilts/Quilts_-_25.jpg 143.1 KB
- Book - 124 - From Heaven's Light/3.1-From Heaven`s Light.jpg 142.9 KB
- Book - 125 - Mythical Moments/6.4-Dragon.jpg 142.6 KB
- Book - 178 - Things that go/Things That Go pg 08.jpg 142.6 KB
- Book - 124 - From Heaven's Light/6.1-Bundle of Joy.jpg 142.6 KB
- Book - 178 - Things that go/Things That Go pg 10 BC.jpg 142.5 KB
- Book - 258 - Quitler dream/A Quilter's dream 01.jpg 142.4 KB
- Book - 212 - A banner year/A Banner Year - 09.jpg 142.4 KB
- Book - 156 - Garden Visitors/3.1-Home Tweet Home.jpg 142.3 KB
- Book - 108 - Floral bouquet/24.jpg 142.2 KB
- Book - 097 - Its all relative/05.jpg 142.1 KB
- Book - 012 - Yesterday dream/Yesterday_dream_06.jpg 142.1 KB
- Book - 290 - Towels, towels, more towels/towels, towels, towels 01toc.jpg 142.0 KB
- Book - 124 - From Heaven's Light/1.1-Teddy`s Alphabet Train.jpg 142.0 KB
- Book - 154 - Aunt Tizzy Talks/12-Rat Race.JPG 141.9 KB
- Book - 157 - Christmas Celebration/Christmas Celebration - 19.jpg 141.9 KB
- Book - 126 - All Occasion Ties/5.2-Easter.jpg 141.8 KB
- Book - 178 - Things that go/Things That Go FC.jpg 141.6 KB
- Book - 277 - Little stiches/Little Stitches 03.jpg 141.6 KB
- Book - 043 - Hearts at home/SC Hearts at Home page 24.jpg 141.5 KB
- Book - 212 - A banner year/A Banner Year - 20.jpg 141.3 KB
- Book - 141 - Cherished Heritage/2.1-Old Farm Wagon.JPG 141.2 KB
- Book - 244 -Fruits Tarts and Towels/Fruit Tarts & Towels - 22.jpg 141.1 KB
- Book - 141 - Cherished Heritage/5.1-Village Church.JPG 141.0 KB
- Book - 273 - Southwest Expressions/southwestexpressions15.jpg 141.0 KB
- Book - 212 - A banner year/A Banner Year - 06.jpg 140.9 KB
- Book - 157 - Christmas Celebration/Christmas Celebration - 05.jpg 140.9 KB
- Book - 300 - Hardanger heirlooms/Hardanger Heirloom's pg 39.jpg 140.8 KB
- Book - 081 - Touches of love/Book 81 -Pag 20 .jpg 140.8 KB
- Book - 076 - Once upon a time/SLEEPING_BEAUTY_1.JPG 140.7 KB
- Book - 169 - Floral Garden/Floral Garden - 09.jpg 140.7 KB
- Book - 122 - Buttoned With Love/Buttoned With Love Intrucciones.jpg 140.7 KB
- Book - 172 - Atar occasion's/Altar Occasion's BC.jpg 140.6 KB
- Book - 016 - And the Angels sang/8.1-And The Angels Sang.jpg 140.4 KB
- Book - 317 - Patriotic Farmland/patriotic_farmland_03.jpg 140.3 KB
- Book - 010 - Merry christmas/Merry Christmas from 16.jpg 140.3 KB
- Book - 157 - Christmas Celebration/Christmas Celebration - 01 toc.jpg 140.3 KB
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- Book - 100 - Christmas splendor/Christmas Splendor 22.jpg 122.8 KB
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- Book - 229 - Teddies of the year/STONEYCREEK -Teddies Of The Year xs-15a.jpg 10.1 KB
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