Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0
File List
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 05_CICD/06. ND035 C04 L05 A06 Product Development Phases Problem Set V2-fNB2EFivAwY.mp4 63.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/11. Loop Counters-c-hzUnhSCKg.mp4 51.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/23. switch Statement-DukuxLs1gaI.mp4 45.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/09. ND035 C04 L02 A12.2 Mockito Example V3-QPDYREKOwR4.mp4 42.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/34. How Nested Loops Work-nRiRCf1zZKU.mp4 39.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/26. Rubik's Cube Championship-5pTu0ys3t1M.mp4 38.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/31. Iterating Over 2D Arrays-Z6VQHzIO_K8.mp4 35.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/05. ND035 C04 L02 A08.5 Basics Of Junits--DJ0_RCkECwk.mp4 33.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/02. Meet Chris-0ccflD9x5WU.mp4 32.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/07. Three Dice-MkVMJTb9pYw.mp4 30.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/25. Arrays and Loops-2YpyYufl498.mp4 30.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/15. Step Faster-O3uLxDpFfyY.mp4 29.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/08. Windows Hello Java!-ymx5AqYtFJA.mp4 28.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/06. It's a Match-5dTi-TF41MA.mp4 28.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 01-Module 01-Lesson 01_Nanodegree Introduction/05. Welcome How To Succeed FINAL-hVwUijsLKzw.mp4 28.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/19. Logical Operators Practice-JeYfO7AlwpY.mp4 27.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/03. While Loops-_jrlCI86qOQ.mp4 25.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/14. Interview with Art - Part 3-M6PKr3S1rPg.mp4 25.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 05_CICD/02. ND035 C04 L05 A02.2 Why Git-kYiI4sTGyUw.mp4 24.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/17. Logical Operators-FlUmtjTnB5E.mp4 24.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/22. Random Numbers-B-tP88rWxAQ.mp4 23.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/13. Not Just Increment-MUUSeckVQaM.mp4 23.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/10. else-if-hd_8nc6NfH8.mp4 22.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/16. Break-kClpJWOLGfY.mp4 22.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/12. Count the blocks-FfgYy5uLWdo.mp4 22.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/06. ND035 C04 L04 A13 Commands-SceItRuqsr8.mp4 22.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/11. ND035 C04 L01 A06.2 Implementation-ycKpZyZosq4.mp4 22.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/09. Warning Alert-3MNAkbASgQ8.mp4 22.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/05. Interview with Art - Part 1-ClLYamtaO-Q.mp4 21.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/05. ND035 C04 L02 A08.3 Basics Of Junits--pzUEW_mJnL8.mp4 21.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/10. ND035 C04 L01 A06.2 Code Walkthrough-8RjUWi5BTlc.mp4 21.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/03. Elevator Pitch-S-nAHPrkQrQ.mp4 20.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/19. Return Photo Likes-FBEaFuZl6gs.mp4 19.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/05. ND035 C04 L04 A12 Upload, Search And Monitor-Q7ks1vA6FqU.mp4 19.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/18. Popular Photos-UCGNvIMr-Nc.mp4 19.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/10. For Loops-27XY809Xj2o.mp4 19.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/12. Count the blocks-HRzTGMRcg6g.mp4 18.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/17. Know when to quit-s714sIsg6js.mp4 18.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/27. Java Documentation-YtBSsc7p23w.mp4 18.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/24. Press Conference Part 2-SQobESRmvUE.mp4 17.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/06. ND035 C04 L02 A09.2 How To Write A Junit, Example--DNPs_Jz9Xtg.mp4 17.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/21. Arrays-Xrjcge5lAT4.mp4 17.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/01. Why Network-exjEm9Paszk.mp4 17.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/06. ND035 C04 L02 A09.3 How To Write A Junit, Example--WyJcPLMcOOU.mp4 17.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/13. String Concatenation-euvUmlJd1H8.mp4 16.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/26. Power of Functions-wnSb4nZXjfc.mp4 16.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Java Persistence API/02. JavaND#305 C03 L02 A04 Cascade & Fetch-nl0BGMBtJ8E.mp4 16.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/23. Rolling Dice-3ipvETpwI40.mp4 16.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/28. What If There's a Tie-v82UtbCi_iE.mp4 16.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/05. Yahtzee-h7tzm7NDZOQ.mp4 16.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/29. 2D Arrays-Ylh7_JBeAao.mp4 16.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Java Persistence API/02. JavaND#305 C03 L02 A02 JPA Introduction-uExqq5otEVQ.mp4 16.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/11. ND035 C04 L01 A07 Solutions-lwCAIem7jqQ.mp4 16.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/03. If Statement-UZ8gEnPSHsw.mp4 15.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/05. ND035 C04 L02 A08.1 Basics Of Junits--6TdPhGKTUmM.mp4 15.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/04. ND035 C04 L04 A09 Installing Splunk On Aws V2-bfGFTV5Vzeo.mp4 15.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/07. Variable Scope-N5XYmlvWaOg.mp4 15.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/09. ND035 C04 L02 A12.1 Mockito Example-UPFUQOdm8zY.mp4 15.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/03. What is a Function-ePxfZhm0XHA.mp4 14.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/02. JAVA C2 L0 Course Intro-9sNj7tGyiSQ.mp4 14.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Security/06. JAVA C2 L5 06 Demo-qvIKMTcramM.mp4 14.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/21. Nested if Statements-wHZ9hOThwEU.mp4 14.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/21. The Grid-jLvuxAemokY.mp4 13.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/07. Calling Chorus-qJsv3cJ5g_k.mp4 13.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/05. Function Definition-OvJvPhxQU8M.mp4 13.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/09. Parameters and Arguments-fD95pvjMbpk.mp4 13.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/17. Tic Tac Toe-cJBsJE-8NZo.mp4 13.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/18. All the Maths-ddwQ8IOXY4E.mp4 13.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/05. ND035 C04 L04 A11 Splunk Data Sets--CLVMFCn8t68.mp4 13.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/01. Alarm-jr65lrpT5nc.mp4 13.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/10. Interview with Art - Part 2-Vvzl2J5K7-Y.mp4 13.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_NoSQL and MongoDB/03. JavaND#305 C03 L03 A03 Create Documents-GmiGhare8u0.mp4 12.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/12. Boolean Expressions-zPphSMCTh5Y.mp4 12.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/02. JDK-mPuBt8RwEls.mp4 12.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/15. Variable Names-p8naXcgIyZo.mp4 12.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/30. Java Documentation Comments--kVaTNFCvsc.mp4 12.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/07. Mac Hello Java!--lJKX9Q5TL8.mp4 12.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/12. Variables (Strings)-NGRBCm0Pxyg.mp4 12.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 08_Unit & Integration Tests/04. JAVA C2 L8 04 Demo - Unit Testing-gAUx-H2VTLs.mp4 11.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/14. Multiple Parameters-xvkbadMCp-o.mp4 11.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/35. Summary-NqwfQ-DhnT4.mp4 11.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/09. else Statement-V5iB3phYtSA.mp4 11.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 05_CICD/03. ND035 C04 L05 A03 Why Docker -E2QjRCyCo8c.mp4 11.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Logging/04. ND035 C04 L03 A05 Example Of Use Of Log4j-OVZuylA3zAE.mp4 11.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/02. Introducing Functions-vtYPptq5MgY.mp4 11.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/04. Googol-cYEvZSqQE-c.mp4 10.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/15. Tickets to the Museum-qLgBwHc1IGg.mp4 10.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/09. JavaND#305 C04 L01 A09 Database Migration-ibLQNsK6SuY.mp4 10.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/23. Winning Conditions-UChKBLG_XX0.mp4 10.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/10. IntelliJ-N9aWKAl6yDU.mp4 10.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/31. Complete the Doc--EaQ_yeBn-A.mp4 10.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/03. ND035 C04 L04 A06 Working With Splunk-4k0eTUaNh10.mp4 10.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Logging/02. ND035 C04 L03 A03 SLF4J-ksA0EZpwSZU.mp4 10.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 07_Documentation/06. JAVA C2 L7 06 Demo - Swagger Configuration-8PQOmdh5bnQ.mp4 10.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 01-Module 02-Lesson 01_Welcome to Udacity/06. Meet the Careers Team-cuKecPpZ7PM.mp4 10.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/04. Elevator Pitch-0QtgTG49E9I.mp4 10.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/01. Introducing Control Flow-MnNqMgiRJdY.mp4 10.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/05. The Memory Game-OdZcminmyro.mp4 9.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/15. Argument Order-P1cyT93rlTA.mp4 9.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 01-Module 01-Lesson 01_Nanodegree Introduction/01. Welcome To Your Nanodegree Experience V2-gd0Z0S58Y68.mp4 9.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 05_CICD/02. ND035 C04 L05 A02.1 Why Git V2-j4v7SkHFlko.mp4 9.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/11. Variable Temperature-MIqKTKEcp88.mp4 9.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/10. Remembering the Stops-wqiqaBkLMXs.mp4 9.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/02. Introduction-Vnj2VNQROtI.mp4 9.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/22. Track the Values-qoB_fvKQsrg.mp4 9.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/25. -rkeazApODkA.mp4 9.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/04. ND035 C04 L04 A08 Local Installation V2-yqo-fZZkwY0.mp4 9.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_REST APIs/09. JAVA C2 L2 03 Demo Pt 3-7h28NrYZ1RU.mp4 9.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Java Persistence API/04. Javand305-C03-L02-A06-Spring-Data-Jpa 1-Pn_QkiNj5SA.mp4 9.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 01-Module 02-Lesson 01_Welcome to Udacity/07. Career-Portal-Tutorial-qw4DImRF7dI.mp4 9.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/09. Displaying the Output-1TuuWTOviOg.mp4 9.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 04_Microservices/12. JAVA C2 L4 07 Demo - Registration-MMymv5LxfpQ.mp4 8.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/07. Three Dice-QA-8hmG-rgM.mp4 8.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/04. Pitching to a Recruiter-LxAdWaA-qTQ.mp4 8.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/04. Googol-TXeRINvO7o4.mp4 8.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 06_Consuming SOAP & REST/07. JAVA C2 L6 08 Demo - Client-HroekMKDKjQ.mp4 8.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/26. Debugging in IntelliJ-_fIKGfi6b48.mp4 8.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/12. 035ND C01 L01 A25 JAVA PROGRAMMING EXERCISE-LM8Uh5unBoA.mp4 8.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/19. Casting-c1oyLnugYdA.mp4 8.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/10. Weather Arguments-yVIOG4GyX1c.mp4 8.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/24. Consider All Sides-VfdhKp5ny58.mp4 8.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 04_MongoDB for Java/01. ND#305 C03 L04 A02 Java Driver-IDntpM3Q_us.mp4 8.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 01-Module 01-Lesson 01_Nanodegree Introduction/06. ND#305 C3 Interview-H3I2XfYeknQ.mp4 8.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 08_Unit & Integration Tests/06. JAVA C2 L8 06 Demo - Integration Testing-NuFStrYCTp4.mp4 8.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/08. Roll a Yahtzee-ZMabVBQwh7o.mp4 8.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/20. Comments-Y2c_rcI3iCU.mp4 8.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 04_MongoDB for Java/02. ND#305 C03 L04 A03 Create Documents-AGGOJeiUZ7I.mp4 8.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/11. The Bus Driver-0b4kkAd7n6M.mp4 8.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/09. ND035 C04 L01 A05 What Is JWT V2-Ea8T8fXsZlc.mp4 8.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/15. IntelliJ Environment-YMDEgfLhOBk.mp4 8.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 04_MongoDB for Java/02. ND#305 C03 L04 A04 Querying Documents-WnrTMQqL2tc.mp4 7.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/25. Conclusion-ZNhViTImZ-A.mp4 7.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_NoSQL and MongoDB/03. JavaND#305 C03 L03 A04 Querying Documents-KJfLKSVSKOs.mp4 7.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Java Persistence API/01. JavaND#305 C03 L02 A01 Object Relational Mapping (ORM)-z7g-hN4eBOU.mp4 7.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/10. ND035 C04 L01 A06.3 Code Walkthrough-UXN9DWkNmlE.mp4 7.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/14. Counting Down-7Rc8avKoaK8.mp4 7.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/08. ND035 C04 L04 A14 Dashboards-7dNl6rxzeO8.mp4 7.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/16. Data Types-u-MrueO6Di0.mp4 7.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 04_Microservices/04. JAVA C2 L4 04 Demo - Eureka Server-1dZvq2eAvOc.mp4 7.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_REST APIs/03. JAVA C2 L2 03 Demo Pt 1-Br5M86T4zek.mp4 7.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/03. 035ND C01 L02 A03 SPRINGBOOT INTRO-diNVJ2OXock.mp4 7.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/06. Windows Command Prompt-74BFSMTwoWc.mp4 7.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/29. Importance of Documentation-4Vai4YI2_wA.mp4 7.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/17. Return Values-v-_m3yM5Cfo.mp4 7.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 06_Consuming SOAP & REST/06. JAVA C2 L6 07 Demo - Code Generation-4RFI9B9tdlo.mp4 7.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 01-Module 01-Lesson 01_Nanodegree Introduction/02. JDND Welcome Neha-6JuZfm0v6mM.mp4 7.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/03. Hello World-kMrC8mt0m8A.mp4 6.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/09. Writing READMEs with Walter-DQEfT2Zq5_o.mp4 6.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/06. 035ND C01 L04 A27 SPRINGBOOT PACKAGING-b2BXo3ueifs.mp4 6.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/17. Data Types Quiz-7mjCHM44K4k.mp4 6.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/22. Restaurant Rating-CcGBLhY7l5g.mp4 6.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/05. Recognize Traffic Lights-QVQGMx6vB6E.mp4 6.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/14. The Art Museum-RBao6sZ8QbE.mp4 6.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 06_Consuming SOAP & REST/03. JAVA C2 L6 03 Demo - Consume REST-H-Kj9MvADg0.mp4 6.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/06. JavaND#305 C03 L01 A05 Working With Constraints-1HSy1I_58JQ.mp4 6.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/09. 035ND C01 L03 A29 VALIDATION DEMO-VMigHOlqGWI.mp4 6.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 06_Consuming SOAP & REST/01. JAVA C2 L6 01 Consuming-Intro-aqxNb_nbNwo.mp4 6.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Java Persistence API/02. Javand305-C03-L02-A03-Entity-Relationships-l2S1JwcX8s4.mp4 6.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/23. Summary-7q2RiO9nuEg.mp4 6.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/01. ND035 C04 L04 A03 Why Splunk V2-T4n5hi_pCWA.mp4 6.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/01. Introduction-3MSH9O_UW44.mp4 6.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 01-Module 01-Lesson 01_Nanodegree Introduction/img/feb-26-2019-16-19-56.gif 6.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_NoSQL and MongoDB/01. JavaND#305 C03 L03 A01 NoSQL Databases-Ux4IchWaF98.mp4 6.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A21 DEVTOOL EXAMPLE-osVq-QxOWrg.mp4 6.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/18. JAVA C2 L3 12 Demo - GraphiQL-ZEJOP4OeIBs.mp4 6.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/10. JAVA C2 L1 08 APIs Overview-Outro-esqHIYPSbA0.mp4 6.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 07_Documentation/01. JAVA C2 L7 01 Documentation Intro-Bh2uVKl0AOs.mp4 6.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/21. Making Change-oNcZD_EGv7Q.mp4 6.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/14. String Operations-bQmSlTMsR9g.mp4 6.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/02. ND035 C04 L01 A01.2 Authentication And Authorization-J6CfBpoUGj4.mp4 6.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/03. 035ND C01 L01 A01 MATH, DATE, STRING-imFeLfQ9Bh4.mp4 6.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/02. ND035 C04 L02 A05 Why Is It Important -kI8IGFCaz-U.mp4 6.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/01. Javand305-C03-L01-A01-Welcome 1-U6VFfZSOtZw.mp4 5.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/27. Find the longest name-xpKFHqIWwzU.mp4 5.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/04. 035ND C01 L02 A15 STATIC RESOURCES-Aeplyf1AmIA.mp4 5.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Java Persistence API/06. JavaND#305 C03 L02 A06 Recap-7EQlI3HAhDk.mp4 5.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/08. What's the Scope-fWwsK1XZ8OU.mp4 5.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/04. Self-Driving Car-azKRGy3NkwM.mp4 5.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/05. 035ND C01 L01 A05 RECURSION-VsJik0xa1cw.mp4 5.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Security/09. JAVA C2 L5 07 Security Outro-D-lGnr7VQEg.mp4 5.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/20. True or False-wslrySBw6q0.mp4 5.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/02. ND035 C04 L01 A01.1 Authentication And Authorization-XZgBIIs2Qeg.mp4 5.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/05. 035ND C01 L01 A04 BINARY SEARCH-uLZK2ArqIsc.mp4 5.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 05_CICD/01. ND035 C04 L05 A01 Definition Of CI-CD V2-7xIcv9ORvWs.mp4 5.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 04_Microservices/02. JAVA C2 L4 02 Microservices Architecture (MSA)-M9YlbhAHTzY.mp4 5.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/01. Introducing Functions-loAZIvBKWO0.mp4 5.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/08. 035ND C01 L01 A10 QUEUE AND STACK WALKTHROUGH-xSbFqX1QIX4.mp4 5.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/01. 035ND C01 L03 A01 WELCOME-Prbodc9EvZA.mp4 5.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/25. Which type of error-lD0-ni3bq1c.mp4 5.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 08_Unit & Integration Tests/01. JAVA C2 L8 01 Testing Intro-UEIb-ohnLW0.mp4 5.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Java Persistence API/05. JavaND#305 C03 L02 A05 DB Testing-ftmpdM-EdeY.mp4 5.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/13. Multiple Parameters Intro-d6huYDR2h1o.mp4 5.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/08. JavaND#305 C04 L01 A08 JDBC-fa6_DKg-1-0.mp4 5.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/13. JAVA C2 L3 09 Demo - Queries And Mutations-HK1eis29n-I.mp4 5.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/04. ND035 C04 L02 A06 Types Of Testing-YlCVrRHDhDg.mp4 5.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/08. Play Music-2uvpco3ELm0.mp4 5.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/14. Setup a Project-ZRIkiBeXjfs.mp4 5.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/04. Importance of Functions-iJJFYsIrJPs.mp4 5.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 04_MongoDB for Java/03. ND#305 C03 L04 A04 Spring Data Mongo-SQLeKmXKUes.mp4 5.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/21. JAVA C2 L3 13 GraphQL Outro-zk6uPym8eXc.mp4 5.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/16. Liking Photos-5E7dJ-S6EcY.mp4 5.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/32. Nested Loops-WFkVk2QCfl4.mp4 5.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 06_Consuming SOAP & REST/09. JAVA C2 L6 09 Consuming-Outro-98LtNbVjglU.mp4 5.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/07. JAVA C2 L3 07 Demo - Bootstrap And Configure Application-UOWLDm2FjdA.mp4 5.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 07_Documentation/08. JAVA C2 L7 08 Demo - Error Messages-GHXBLkJYNMg.mp4 4.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_REST APIs/06. JAVA C2 L2 03 Demo Pt 2-kW6jWuxtCfE.mp4 4.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 08_Unit & Integration Tests/08. JAVA C2 L8 07 Testing Outro-SVNNtbgbOtI.mp4 4.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/08. JavaND#305 C04 L01 A010 Connecting To A Database & Send SQL Statements-oDOYyBnrXrM.mp4 4.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/10. ND035 C04 L01 A06.1 Code Walkthrough-Masbxs2NJnQ.mp4 4.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/11. Mac Install IntelliJ-aSVG-fG4Qhs.mp4 4.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 04_Microservices/15. JAVA C2 L4 08 Microservices Outro-E54uVaedTY4.mp4 4.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/27. Find the longest name-bZ0pmat1nmE.mp4 4.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 06_Consuming SOAP & REST/05. JAVA C2 L6 06 Demo - WSDL-Mf70O-rqsL8.mp4 4.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/09. 035ND C01 L01 A12 MAP AND SET WALKTHROUGH-XkskFKGuvqI.mp4 4.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/10. Weather Arguments-rU2nMms01P4.mp4 4.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/20. What's Missing-S8uGEC-Xt8Y.mp4 4.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/04. Importance of Functions-2CSjOJT1tzQ.mp4 4.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/05. JavaND#305 C04 L01 A05 Create Tables-wj_gGeXKbxE.mp4 4.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/21. Making Change-mL_wZiheByA.mp4 4.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/03. ND035 C04 L02 A03 SDLC Environment-ENcxQZgWTKY.mp4 4.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/28. Read this Doc-mTHMUWsEePk.mp4 4.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/16. Liking Photos-oH5Vwcp-4vM.mp4 4.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/01. JAVA C2 L3 01 GraphQL Intro-gQnVdnCWBeU.mp4 4.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/07. ND035 C04 L02 A10 Code Coverage-L6GMayyvBNU.mp4 4.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Logging/03. ND035 C04 L03 A04 Log Levels-Ji9CeW7trDE.mp4 4.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/07. Updating Variables-JNAAR9ANRhs.mp4 4.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/02. JavaND#305 C04 L01 A02 RDBMS Introduction-cEc0E2r8TVc.mp4 4.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_NoSQL and MongoDB/04. JavaND#305 C03 L03 A05 Data Modeling-ZCFENvM9tuo.mp4 4.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/08. Third Bus Stop-yqRd09bO5IM.mp4 4.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/21. The 5th Subject-Bonom_L-OWo.mp4 4.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/12. Rollercoaster Parameters-g4ubHLvEP9M.mp4 4.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Security/01. JAVA C2 L5 01 Security Intro-xlceysbunI8.mp4 4.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A25 LOGGING DEMO-GvfdQdiKfBI.mp4 4.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/20. What's Missing-NfnJLph5uSk.mp4 4.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/06. 035ND C01 L03 A12 SCOPE EXAMPLE-gNJlVXaqxrg.mp4 4.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/11. Multiple else-if's-GUC_sIwJ8L0.mp4 4.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/04. 035ND C01 L01 A03 CODING EXERCISES SOLUTION-p8KQDmEElTk.mp4 4.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/08. JavaND#305 C04 L01 A011 Processing Results-RS193aij3GA.mp4 4.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/11. Multiple else-if's-z10hjm8xmJE.mp4 4.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/02. JavaND#305 C04 L01 A03 SQL Introduction-PGySJq1-j0A.mp4 4.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/06. Variables-TGw5szyZk88.mp4 4.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/07. Quick Fixes-Lb9e2KemR6I.mp4 4.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/13. Evaluate These Expressions-mkXPWXffZ54.mp4 4.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/01. 035ND C01 L04 A04 EXCEPTION HANDLER-cDRG6cgsgXY.mp4 4.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/10. JAVA C2 L3 08 Demo - Create A Schema-1lySj-AOyVg.mp4 4.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/08. ND035 C04 L04 A16 Reporting And Alerting--nRb08QoQhro.mp4 4.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_REST APIs/01. JAVA C2 L2 01 RestAPIs Intro-kzV3_EJM5TQ.mp4 3.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 05_CICD/05. ND035 C04 L05 A05 Why Jenkins V2-FINqfPE5C0E.mp4 3.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/16. Complete Museum Code-5cDdOBIQibw.mp4 3.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/14. String Operations-Lc5L5RY8Oco.mp4 3.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 04_Microservices/01. JAVA C2 L4 01 Microservices Intro-iuOL0IJguCI.mp4 3.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/06. ND035 C04 L01 A02.2 What Is Hashing-qfcENVs6Xks.mp4 3.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/03. JAVA C2 L1 01 APIs Overview-Intro-oAQJbdT1uaY.mp4 3.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/06. 035ND C01 L04 A29 ARTIFACT WITH FLAGS-omEH8O7nZtM.mp4 3.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_NoSQL and MongoDB/02. JavaND#305 C03 L03 A02 Mongo DB-5YPoe0LrL_U.mp4 3.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/05. Mac The Terminal-FZqigsFLf1c.mp4 3.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 01-Module 01-Lesson 01_Nanodegree Introduction/img/image-from-ios.png 3.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/08. ND035 C04 L01 A04.1 Authorization-fqTeO0JNGv4.mp4 3.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/01. JAVA C2 L0 Instructor Intro-NWTxxfy_uN8.mp4 3.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_REST APIs/12. JAVA C2 L2 04 RestAPIs Outro-D0HbGi4bgmg.mp4 3.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Java Persistence API/03. Javand305-C03-L02-A05-Java-Persistence-Query-Language-Jpql 1-N731xYU0HuA.mp4 3.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/04. Good GitHub repository-qBi8Q1EJdfQ.mp4 3.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/22. Track the Values-T6uYDAyPaUk.mp4 3.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/06. JAVA C2 L1 06 Web Services Vs APIs Vs Microservices-70g1Fn2AZpg.mp4 3.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/01. 035ND C01 L02 A01 SPRINGBOOT FRAMEWORK-5upExBYSUWw.mp4 3.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/22. Restaurant Rating-cp3Hs1cx8Ds.mp4 3.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/08. 035ND C01 L01 A09 QUEUE AND STACK-N37V31tViXE.mp4 3.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/32. Conclusion-ZMm09gGYOv0.mp4 3.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/25. -8eBV55yIXKI.mp4 3.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 07_Documentation/11. JAVA C2 L7 09 Documentation Outro-heO_D4rwsnU.mp4 3.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/03. 035ND C01 L02 A04 SPRINGBOOT PROJECT STRUCTURE-MPEsX8PZHOc.mp4 3.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/06. ND035 C04 L01 A03 Pictorial Represontation-Efh34cGDdVc.mp4 3.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/24. Detect a Win-yfyepqKtAmo.mp4 3.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/16. Starring interesting repositories-ZwMY5rAAd7Q.mp4 3.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/08. What's the Scope-7tr6x82rZ-0.mp4 3.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/22. 2D Coordinates-7aCZQw9wLsQ.mp4 3.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/03. GitHub profile important items-prvPVTjVkwQ.mp4 3.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/12. Rollercoaster Parameters-EUEfNDk1tYg.mp4 3.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/04. ND035 C04 L01 A01.4 Authentication And Authorization-gVOyzxvY4Lw.mp4 3.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/11. 035ND C01 L01 A20 FILE IO, STREAMS, FILE APIS-We5x0AnzJsg.mp4 3.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/09. 035ND C01 L03 A31 VALIDATION ANNOTATIONS EXAMPLE-d2CUJeeJmBI.mp4 3.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/15. Participating in open source projects 2-elZCLxVvJrY.mp4 3.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/10. ND035 C04 L01 A06.4 Code Walkthrough-gp-xtgquzfA.mp4 3.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/09. 035ND C01 L01 A11 MAP AND SET-vhM8ZhbdM40.mp4 3.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/24. Switch(month)-z9uCG3HCUo0.mp4 3.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/07. 035ND C01 L03 A14 URL EXAMPLE-3zPMvfX0SKU.mp4 3.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/06. 035ND C01 L04 A31 COURSE SUMMARY-Ex-fQ2GxmSU.mp4 3.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A09 WEBSOCKET-__dADUO5jrY.mp4 3.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/05. JavaND#305 C04 L01 A06 Alter Table-WDuUsKHf5ak.mp4 3.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/21. The 5th Subject-3U6_tokV5O8.mp4 3.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/16. Complete Museum Code-SLS6hCosVok.mp4 3.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/06. ND035 C04 L02 A09.1 How To Write A Junit, Example--VLuhu3OESuo.mp4 3.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 05_CICD/06. ND035 C04 L05 A07 Outro--4gG1POAdZA.mp4 3.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/03. 035ND C01 L04 A06 SIMPLE MAPPING RESOLVER-UghPypy54vA.mp4 3.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/28. What If There's a Tie-XWwXzeQfdk8.mp4 3.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/04. 035ND C01 L03 A07 THYMELEAF CONDITION EXAMPLE-OZJtDp4EVrM.mp4 3.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/03. ND035 C04 L02 A02 SDLC-7v6u8Rh_ugQ.mp4 3.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/14. JAVA C2 L3 10 Demo - Exception Handling-6RiCb4vMAm8.mp4 3.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/05. 035ND C01 L01 A06 BIG O NOTATION-kIrl3Ontm54.mp4 3.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/11. 035ND C01 L01 A18 HOW TO HANDLE EXCEPTION CODE-GSxAgljq0go.mp4 3.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/05. ND035 C04 L02 A08.4 Basics Of Junits--O6oUEGU1iBM.mp4 3.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A20 VIEW EXPLAIN-J7v34DJTfYE.mp4 3.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/11. 035ND C01 L01 A23 BUFFER V2 (Post Launch) 1-qYXwOZCw0z8.mp4 3.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/12. Reflect on your commit messages-_0AHmKkfjTo.mp4 3.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/11. 035ND C01 L01 A21 STREAM V@ (Post Launch) 1-MJoy3KtgA14.mp4 3.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/07. JAVA C2 L1 07 APIs Overview-Demo-uKfGF76arek.mp4 3.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/06. ND035 C04 L02 A09.4 How To Write A Junit, Example--H6_SHLZjwPw.mp4 3.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/08. Third Bus Stop-gkh7spDZvPc.mp4 3.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/07. ND035 C04 L01 A02.3 What Is Hashing-xsRtyjq0Mjk.mp4 3.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/10. ND035 C04 L02 A13 Best Practices-7jAekgd00PM.mp4 3.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/01. Intro-sK8lJ4uI9qE.mp4 3.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/08. Play Music-WsuzXnciahs.mp4 2.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/02. 035ND C01 L04 A05 @CONTROLLERADVICE + @EXCEPTIONHANDLER-sAQ_YCrCUlk.mp4 2.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/06. 035ND C01 L04 A30 LESSON SUMMARY-jRfMphSig8s.mp4 2.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A17 SPRINGBOOT UNIT TEST EXAMPLE-hIIvD6lgu5k.mp4 2.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/04. JAVA C2 L1 04 How Web Services Work-oSZjVTwQQmc.mp4 2.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 04_Microservices/07. JAVA C2 L4 06 Spring Data REST-MeHN-SWMjfc.mp4 2.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/01. 035ND C01 L04 A03 SPRINGBOOT EXAMPLE-5KveNO5V9f0.mp4 2.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/02. Decision Making-ROh95Sy2umk.mp4 2.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/13. Participating in open source projects-OxL-gMTizUA.mp4 2.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/07. ND035 C04 L04 A15 Forwarders-cdAc0l47yzI.mp4 2.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/02. JAVA C2 L3 02 Overview-HTTnP0Kgcrg.mp4 2.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 04_MongoDB for Java/03. ND#305 C03 L04 A01 Intro-5O9UPT_q6B0.mp4 2.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/03. ND035 C04 L04 A05 Deployment Models-nxqqldlHWnQ.mp4 2.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A24 LOGGING INTRO-lJho7ILgRCY.mp4 2.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/06. 035ND C01 L04 A24 WHY PACKAGE-a2E7T5UEBVY.mp4 2.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/24. Switch(month)-2sf_6oOtO8E.mp4 2.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/01. ND035 C04 L01 A00 Intro-pi7sa00tVws.mp4 2.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/17. JAVA C2 L3 11 Demo - Testing-NQsnZAGRJ2Q.mp4 2.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/05. ND035 C04 L01 A02.1 What Is Hashing-zyRoz2ziTow.mp4 2.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/05. JAVA C2 L1 05 Benefits-XXv_D0aBjrU.mp4 2.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A17 WEBSOCKET CONFIG DEMO-klKJkneUJn4.mp4 2.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/16. Starring interesting repositories-U3FUxkm1MxI.mp4 2.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/02. 035ND C01 L01 A00 COURSE INTRO-IVOZ_SYVnp4.mp4 2.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 04_Microservices/03. JAVA C2 L4 03 Spring Cloud Eureka-cGKMR-Y_cg0.mp4 2.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/08. ND035 C04 L01 A04.2 Authorization-ryR_3u1lt0w.mp4 2.4 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/06. Practice with Syntax-wfL52DiEiy8.mp4 2.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/08. ND035 C04 L02 A11 Mockito-14Okwxla5l8.mp4 2.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/11. 035ND C01 L01 A22 FILE INPUT-ScNJx0_tvps.mp4 2.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/06. 035ND C01 L04 A28 RUN ARTIFACTS-kO3Ia8wkWJA.mp4 2.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A21 WEBSOCKET DEMO-eC_s9jiGeZU.mp4 2.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/08. Quick Fixes #2-It6AEuSDQw0.mp4 2.3 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/09. 035ND C01 L03 A28 VALIDATION EXAMPLE EXPLAIN-h85_6bQ8tWI.mp4 2.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/33. Inside a Nested Loop-tWWgq5ev4wk.mp4 2.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A22 WEBSOCKET IMPLEMENTATION SUMMARY-LoJlpMwIAfo.mp4 2.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A11 STOMP COMMANDS-O55DixiEg_0.mp4 2.2 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/24. Detect a Win-ffr80iHNLGI.mp4 2.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/10. JavaND#305 C03 L01 A08 Recap-9Pz8BdS_bzE.mp4 2.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Logging/01. ND035 C04 L03 A01 Logging-Zek2MbmVtKs.mp4 2.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A16 WEBSOCKET CONFIG-F-On61H0Irg.mp4 2.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/10. 035ND C01 L01 A15 INSTALL MAVEN-rD6WpD-z04k.mp4 2.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 05_CICD/04. ND035 C04 L05 A04 Why AWS -3PK5Nv4Fe5w.mp4 2.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Logging/02. ND035 C04 L03 A02 SLF4J Or Log4j-SyLVZsE3_UQ.mp4 2.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/11. 035ND C01 L01 A17 EXCEPTION AND HANDLE EXCEPTION-aK0UlU5VI9k.mp4 2.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 04_MongoDB for Java/05. ND#305 C03 L04 A05 Recap-OOT2Gyk36aM.mp4 2.1 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A15 WEBSOCKET CONTROLLER DEMO-fG8Tpdj2gew.mp4 2.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/04. ND035 C04 L02 A07 Unit Testing-CV2BCTewG28.mp4 2.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A19 HOTSWAP-483OGTkNJTE.mp4 2.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 08_Unit & Integration Tests/03. JAVA C2 L8 03 Unit Testing-X4EQiHQC-_I.mp4 2.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/02. How Many Repeats-2KKlbUuq3TI.mp4 2.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/04. 035ND C01 L02 A13 HELLO LISTENER-6B7w5kFLevg.mp4 2.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/20. Press Conference-N2lINxKw2QE.mp4 2.0 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/17. Data Types Quiz-R8baXQ2eoEU.mp4 1.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/05. 035ND C01 L03 A09 THYMELEAF LOOP EXAMPLE-HaVVQjr3ucU.mp4 1.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/01. ND035 C04 L04 A01 Splunk-EQg0xJswATI.mp4 1.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A18 WEBSOCKET SCHEDULER-v-vxQiAmz0g.mp4 1.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/10. Remembering the Stops-9g-aMXGqkis.mp4 1.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/06. Practice with Syntax--k_tPm6O8t0.mp4 1.9 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_NoSQL and MongoDB/05. JavaND#305 C03 L03 A05 Recap-V5Q3IeuSxFs.mp4 1.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/12. 035ND C01 L01 A24 JAVA PROGRAMMING INTRO-qTzYgQWua4w.mp4 1.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/09. 035ND C01 L03 A27 VALIDATION-WL6kbDDFQgU.mp4 1.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 06_Consuming SOAP & REST/02. JAVA C2 L6 02 REST API-Gf8IzEXaut0.mp4 1.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/01. 035ND C01 L03 A02 SPRINGBOOT WITH FREEMARKER-Cdqb1sX8xBA.mp4 1.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/10. ND035 C04 L02 A14 Further Reading-mSXHlyKXlno.mp4 1.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/04. ND035 C04 L04 A07 Splunk Licensing-FjlyhX5Wb4w.mp4 1.8 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/03. ND035 C04 L01 A01.3 Authentication And Authorization-NPIO7_4sZbg.mp4 1.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/05. ND035 C04 L02 A08.2 Basics Of Junits--gc58Hm-NK_M.mp4 1.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/11. 035ND C01 L01 A16 EXCEPTION AND JAVA IO V2 (Post Launch) 1-o9yikSy7D2I.mp4 1.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_REST APIs/02. JAVA C2 L2 02 REST Architecture Style-672a5lB093o.mp4 1.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/02. 035ND C01 L03 A03 SPRINGBOOT WITH THYMELEAF INTRO-JdKz6nBnBn8.mp4 1.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/04. JAVA C2 L1 03 Web Service Communication-OvWyj9R-Ab8.mp4 1.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/04. 035ND C01 L02 A11 HELLO SERVLET EXAMPLE V2 (Post Launch) 1-Qyp77hbTYbc.mp4 1.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A26 LOGGING ANOTHER OPTION-IIausERcN4E.mp4 1.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/img/screen-shot-2018-09-21-at-11.36.43-am.png 1.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A19 WEBSOCKET VIEW-7u9VPX6TDfQ.mp4 1.7 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A18 ANNOTATIONS-PGncNhZiH3Y.mp4 1.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/02. 035ND C01 L02 A02.1 MVC FRAMEWORK INTRO-qRWMn9lD2_4.mp4 1.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/06. Windshield Wipers-IsP0uPD1tP4.mp4 1.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/06. Identify fixes for example “bad” profile-ncFtwW5urHk.mp4 1.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A22 HOTSWAP SUMMARY-vIVCCAVLGfs.mp4 1.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 07_Documentation/02. JAVA C2 L7 02 Documentation Overview-yFYWLriBZrM.mp4 1.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A12 WEBSOCKET-tNHP_Z4OOV4.mp4 1.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/04. 035ND C01 L01 A02 STRINGBUILDER, STRING, REGEX-ogLjqwe3WWk.mp4 1.6 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/05. 035ND C01 L03 A08 THYMELEAF LOOP-hyndTT_NU0M.mp4 1.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 01-Module 02-Lesson 02_Get Help with Your Account/img/screen-shot-2019-07-31-at-9.18.41-am.png 1.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 07_Documentation/03. JAVA C2 L7 03 Swagger-iQhT4-7GCJU.mp4 1.5 MB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/04. ND035 C04 L04 A10 Installing Splunk On Microsoft Azure V2-ezUQvkGwUfk.mp4 1.5 MB
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- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Logging/index.html 4.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 01-Module 02-Lesson 01_Welcome to Udacity/06. Meet the Careers Team-cuKecPpZ7PM.ja-JP.vtt 4.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/04. ND035 C04 L04 A08 Local Installation V2-yqo-fZZkwY0.en.vtt 4.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/03. Hello World-kMrC8mt0m8A.zh-CN.vtt 4.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/29. 2D Arrays-Ylh7_JBeAao.pt-BR.vtt 4.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 01-Module 02-Lesson 02_Get Help with Your Account/index.html 4.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/05. 035ND C01 L01 A04 BINARY SEARCH-uLZK2ArqIsc.en.vtt 4.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/12. Boolean Expressions-zPphSMCTh5Y.zh-CN.vtt 4.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/19. Casting-c1oyLnugYdA.en.vtt 4.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/14. Interview with Art - Part 3-M6PKr3S1rPg.en.vtt 4.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/16. Data Types-u-MrueO6Di0.zh-CN.vtt 4.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/04. ND035 C04 L02 A06 Types Of Testing-YlCVrRHDhDg.en.vtt 4.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/02. JDK-mPuBt8RwEls.zh-CN.vtt 4.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/07. Variable Scope-N5XYmlvWaOg.en.vtt 4.0 KB
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- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/05. Interview with Art - Part 1-ClLYamtaO-Q.pt-BR.vtt 4.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/03. What is a Function-ePxfZhm0XHA.en.vtt 4.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/12. Count the blocks-FfgYy5uLWdo.pt-BR.vtt 3.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/21. The Grid-jLvuxAemokY.en.vtt 3.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/03. GitHub profile important items-prvPVTjVkwQ.ar.vtt 3.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/17. Know when to quit-s714sIsg6js.pt-BR.vtt 3.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Java Persistence API/04. Javand305-C03-L02-A06-Spring-Data-Jpa 1-Pn_QkiNj5SA.en.vtt 3.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/07. Variable Scope-N5XYmlvWaOg.pt-BR.vtt 3.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/03. ND035 C04 L02 A03 SDLC Environment-ENcxQZgWTKY.en.vtt 3.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/17. Know when to quit-s714sIsg6js.zh-CN.vtt 3.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/07. Calling Chorus-qJsv3cJ5g_k.zh-CN.vtt 3.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 01-Module 02-Lesson 01_Welcome to Udacity/06. Meet the Careers Team-cuKecPpZ7PM.pt-BR.vtt 3.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/05. Interview with Art - Part 1-ClLYamtaO-Q.en.vtt 3.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/03. If Statement-UZ8gEnPSHsw.zh-CN.vtt 3.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/05. Function Definition-OvJvPhxQU8M.en.vtt 3.8 KB
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- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/03. If Statement-UZ8gEnPSHsw.pt-BR.vtt 3.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/25. Which type of error-lD0-ni3bq1c.zh-CN.vtt 3.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 06_Consuming SOAP & REST/03. JAVA C2 L6 03 Demo - Consume REST-H-Kj9MvADg0.en.vtt 3.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/07. Variable Scope-N5XYmlvWaOg.zh-CN.vtt 3.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/14. Interview with Art - Part 3-M6PKr3S1rPg.zh-CN.vtt 3.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/30. Java Documentation Comments--kVaTNFCvsc.zh-CN.vtt 3.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/15. Tickets to the Museum-qLgBwHc1IGg.en.vtt 3.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 01-Module 02-Lesson 01_Welcome to Udacity/06. Meet the Careers Team-cuKecPpZ7PM.en.vtt 3.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 05_CICD/03. ND035 C04 L05 A03 Why Docker -E2QjRCyCo8c.en.vtt 3.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Java Persistence API/02. JavaND#305 C03 L02 A04 Cascade & Fetch-nl0BGMBtJ8E.en.vtt 3.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/09. ND035 C04 L01 A05 What Is JWT V2-Ea8T8fXsZlc.en.vtt 3.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/12. Count the blocks-HRzTGMRcg6g.ar.vtt 3.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/02. ND035 C04 L02 A05 Why Is It Important -kI8IGFCaz-U.en.vtt 3.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 08_Unit & Integration Tests/06. JAVA C2 L8 06 Demo - Integration Testing-NuFStrYCTp4.en.vtt 3.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/21. The Grid-jLvuxAemokY.zh-CN.vtt 3.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/08. JavaND#305 C04 L01 A08 JDBC-fa6_DKg-1-0.en.vtt 3.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/03. Elevator Pitch-S-nAHPrkQrQ.es-MX.vtt 3.6 KB
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- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/09. Displaying the Output-1TuuWTOviOg.en.vtt 3.5 KB
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- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 06_Consuming SOAP & REST/06. JAVA C2 L6 07 Demo - Code Generation-4RFI9B9tdlo.en.vtt 3.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Java Persistence API/01. JavaND#305 C03 L02 A01 Object Relational Mapping (ORM)-z7g-hN4eBOU.en.vtt 3.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 04_MongoDB for Java/01. ND#305 C03 L04 A02 Java Driver-IDntpM3Q_us.en.vtt 3.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/03. Elevator Pitch-S-nAHPrkQrQ.zh-CN.vtt 3.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/01. Why Network-exjEm9Paszk.en.vtt 3.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/05. Interview with Art - Part 1-ClLYamtaO-Q.zh-CN.vtt 3.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/08. Roll a Yahtzee-ZMabVBQwh7o.ar.vtt 3.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/03. What is a Function-ePxfZhm0XHA.zh-CN.vtt 3.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/06. JavaND#305 C03 L01 A05 Working With Constraints-1HSy1I_58JQ.en.vtt 3.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/27. Find the longest name-xpKFHqIWwzU.ar.vtt 3.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/13. JAVA C2 L3 09 Demo - Queries And Mutations-HK1eis29n-I.en.vtt 3.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 04_MongoDB for Java/02. ND#305 C03 L04 A03 Create Documents-AGGOJeiUZ7I.en.vtt 3.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/01. Why Network-exjEm9Paszk.zh-CN.vtt 3.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/09. else Statement-V5iB3phYtSA.pt-BR.vtt 3.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/04. Googol-TXeRINvO7o4.ar.vtt 3.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/03. GitHub profile important items-prvPVTjVkwQ.ja-JP.vtt 3.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/11. Variable Temperature-MIqKTKEcp88.en.vtt 3.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/06. Windows Command Prompt-74BFSMTwoWc.en.vtt 3.3 KB
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- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_NoSQL and MongoDB/01. JavaND#305 C03 L03 A01 NoSQL Databases-Ux4IchWaF98.en.vtt 3.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/06. JAVA C2 L1 06 Web Services Vs APIs Vs Microservices-70g1Fn2AZpg.en.vtt 3.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/07. JAVA C2 L3 07 Demo - Bootstrap And Configure Application-UOWLDm2FjdA.en.vtt 3.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/02. JavaND#305 C04 L01 A02 RDBMS Introduction-cEc0E2r8TVc.en.vtt 3.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/12. Count the blocks-HRzTGMRcg6g.en.vtt 3.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/01. Why Network-exjEm9Paszk.es-MX.vtt 3.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/01. Why Network-exjEm9Paszk.pt-BR.vtt 3.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/05. Recognize Traffic Lights-QVQGMx6vB6E.ar.vtt 3.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/15. Tickets to the Museum-qLgBwHc1IGg.zh-CN.vtt 3.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/07. Updating Variables-JNAAR9ANRhs.en.vtt 3.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/03. GitHub profile important items-prvPVTjVkwQ.pt-BR.vtt 3.1 KB
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- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Logging/04. ND035 C04 L03 A05 Example Of Use Of Log4j-OVZuylA3zAE.en.vtt 3.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/05. Mac The Terminal-FZqigsFLf1c.en.vtt 3.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/09. Displaying the Output-1TuuWTOviOg.zh-CN.vtt 3.0 KB
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- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/06. Variables-TGw5szyZk88.en.vtt 3.0 KB
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- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/06. Windows Command Prompt-74BFSMTwoWc.zh-CN.vtt 3.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/14. Multiple Parameters-xvkbadMCp-o.en.vtt 3.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/17. Return Values-v-_m3yM5Cfo.en.vtt 3.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/23. Winning Conditions-UChKBLG_XX0.en.vtt 3.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/05. 035ND C01 L01 A05 RECURSION-VsJik0xa1cw.en.vtt 3.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/11. Mac Install IntelliJ-aSVG-fG4Qhs.en.vtt 3.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/10. Remembering the Stops-wqiqaBkLMXs.en.vtt 2.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/03. GitHub profile important items-prvPVTjVkwQ.en.vtt 2.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/05. Mac The Terminal-FZqigsFLf1c.zh-CN.vtt 2.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/08. 035ND C01 L01 A10 QUEUE AND STACK WALKTHROUGH-xSbFqX1QIX4.en.vtt 2.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/07. Three Dice-QA-8hmG-rgM.ar.vtt 2.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/05. The Memory Game-OdZcminmyro.en.vtt 2.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/03. 035ND C01 L02 A03 SPRINGBOOT INTRO-diNVJ2OXock.en.vtt 2.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/04. Googol-TXeRINvO7o4.pt-BR.vtt 2.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Java Persistence API/02. Javand305-C03-L02-A03-Entity-Relationships-l2S1JwcX8s4.en.vtt 2.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/12. Count the blocks-HRzTGMRcg6g.zh-CN.vtt 2.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/10. JAVA C2 L3 08 Demo - Create A Schema-1lySj-AOyVg.en.vtt 2.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_NoSQL and MongoDB/04. JavaND#305 C03 L03 A05 Data Modeling-ZCFENvM9tuo.en.vtt 2.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_NoSQL and MongoDB/03. JavaND#305 C03 L03 A04 Querying Documents-KJfLKSVSKOs.en.vtt 2.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/10. Interview with Art - Part 2-Vvzl2J5K7-Y.ar.vtt 2.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/23. Winning Conditions-UChKBLG_XX0.zh-CN.vtt 2.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/11. Variable Temperature-MIqKTKEcp88.zh-CN.vtt 2.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/03. ND035 C04 L02 A02 SDLC-7v6u8Rh_ugQ.en.vtt 2.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/08. Roll a Yahtzee-ZMabVBQwh7o.en.vtt 2.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/06. Variables-TGw5szyZk88.zh-CN.vtt 2.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/04. Googol-TXeRINvO7o4.en.vtt 2.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/02. JAVA C2 L0 Course Intro-9sNj7tGyiSQ.en.vtt 2.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/06. ND035 C04 L01 A02.2 What Is Hashing-qfcENVs6Xks.en.vtt 2.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/26. Power of Functions-wnSb4nZXjfc.en.vtt 2.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/07. Updating Variables-JNAAR9ANRhs.zh-CN.vtt 2.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 06_Consuming SOAP & REST/05. JAVA C2 L6 06 Demo - WSDL-Mf70O-rqsL8.en.vtt 2.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/27. Find the longest name-xpKFHqIWwzU.en.vtt 2.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/15. Argument Order-P1cyT93rlTA.zh-CN.vtt 2.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/04. Googol-cYEvZSqQE-c.en.vtt 2.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/03. GitHub profile important items-prvPVTjVkwQ.zh-CN.vtt 2.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 01-Module 01-Lesson 01_Nanodegree Introduction/02. JDND Welcome Neha-6JuZfm0v6mM.en.vtt 2.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/12. Count the blocks-HRzTGMRcg6g.pt-BR.vtt 2.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/07. Quick Fixes-Lb9e2KemR6I.ar.vtt 2.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/11. Mac Install IntelliJ-aSVG-fG4Qhs.zh-CN.vtt 2.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/27. Find the longest name-bZ0pmat1nmE.ar.vtt 2.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/17. Return Values-v-_m3yM5Cfo.zh-CN.vtt 2.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/14. Multiple Parameters-xvkbadMCp-o.zh-CN.vtt 2.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/20. True or False-wslrySBw6q0.ar.vtt 2.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/04. Good GitHub repository-qBi8Q1EJdfQ.ar.vtt 2.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/04. Googol-TXeRINvO7o4.zh-CN.vtt 2.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 01-Module 01-Lesson 01_Nanodegree Introduction/06. ND#305 C3 Interview-H3I2XfYeknQ.en.vtt 2.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/09. 035ND C01 L03 A29 VALIDATION DEMO-VMigHOlqGWI.en.vtt 2.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/04. Googol-cYEvZSqQE-c.pt-BR.vtt 2.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/20. Comments-Y2c_rcI3iCU.zh-CN.vtt 2.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/08. Roll a Yahtzee-ZMabVBQwh7o.zh-CN.vtt 2.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_REST APIs/06. JAVA C2 L2 03 Demo Pt 2-kW6jWuxtCfE.en.vtt 2.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/02. JAVA C2 L3 02 Overview-HTTnP0Kgcrg.en.vtt 2.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/10. Interview with Art - Part 2-Vvzl2J5K7-Y.ja-JP.vtt 2.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/31. Complete the Doc--EaQ_yeBn-A.zh-CN.vtt 2.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/10. Remembering the Stops-wqiqaBkLMXs.zh-CN.vtt 2.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/27. Find the longest name-xpKFHqIWwzU.pt-BR.vtt 2.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/05. The Memory Game-OdZcminmyro.zh-CN.vtt 2.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/27. Find the longest name-xpKFHqIWwzU.zh-CN.vtt 2.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/22. Track the Values-qoB_fvKQsrg.en.vtt 2.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/08. Roll a Yahtzee-ZMabVBQwh7o.pt-BR.vtt 2.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 04_MongoDB for Java/03. ND#305 C03 L04 A04 Spring Data Mongo-SQLeKmXKUes.en.vtt 2.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/03. ND035 C04 L04 A06 Working With Splunk-4k0eTUaNh10.en.vtt 2.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/02. Introducing Functions-vtYPptq5MgY.en.vtt 2.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/11. Multiple else-if's-z10hjm8xmJE.ar.vtt 2.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/05. Recognize Traffic Lights-QVQGMx6vB6E.en.vtt 2.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/04. Elevator Pitch-0QtgTG49E9I.ja-JP.vtt 2.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/05. Yahtzee-h7tzm7NDZOQ.ar.vtt 2.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/04. Googol-cYEvZSqQE-c.zh-CN.vtt 2.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/09. 035ND C01 L01 A12 MAP AND SET WALKTHROUGH-XkskFKGuvqI.en.vtt 2.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/35. Summary-NqwfQ-DhnT4.ar.vtt 2.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/10. ND035 C04 L02 A13 Best Practices-7jAekgd00PM.en.vtt 2.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 07_Documentation/08. JAVA C2 L7 08 Demo - Error Messages-GHXBLkJYNMg.en.vtt 2.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/10. Interview with Art - Part 2-Vvzl2J5K7-Y.pt-BR.vtt 2.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/26. Power of Functions-wnSb4nZXjfc.zh-CN.vtt 2.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 04_Microservices/07. JAVA C2 L4 06 Spring Data REST-MeHN-SWMjfc.en.vtt 2.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/02. JavaND#305 C04 L01 A03 SQL Introduction-PGySJq1-j0A.en.vtt 2.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/04. JAVA C2 L1 04 How Web Services Work-oSZjVTwQQmc.en.vtt 2.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/04. Pitching to a Recruiter-LxAdWaA-qTQ.ja-JP.vtt 2.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/08. JavaND#305 C04 L01 A010 Connecting To A Database & Send SQL Statements-oDOYyBnrXrM.en.vtt 2.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/05. Recognize Traffic Lights-QVQGMx6vB6E.pt-BR.vtt 2.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/08. 035ND C01 L01 A09 QUEUE AND STACK-N37V31tViXE.en.vtt 2.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/01. 035ND C01 L03 A01 WELCOME-Prbodc9EvZA.en.vtt 2.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/21. The 5th Subject-Bonom_L-OWo.en.vtt 2.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/04. Elevator Pitch-0QtgTG49E9I.ar.vtt 2.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/02. Introduction-Vnj2VNQROtI.ar.vtt 2.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/07. Three Dice-QA-8hmG-rgM.en.vtt 2.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/03. 035ND C01 L02 A04 SPRINGBOOT PROJECT STRUCTURE-MPEsX8PZHOc.en.vtt 2.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/01. 035ND C01 L02 A01 SPRINGBOOT FRAMEWORK-5upExBYSUWw.en.vtt 2.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/04. Good GitHub repository-qBi8Q1EJdfQ.ja-JP.vtt 2.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/05. Recognize Traffic Lights-QVQGMx6vB6E.zh-CN.vtt 2.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/08. What's the Scope-fWwsK1XZ8OU.ar.vtt 2.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/05. JavaND#305 C04 L01 A06 Alter Table-WDuUsKHf5ak.en.vtt 2.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/04. Pitching to a Recruiter-LxAdWaA-qTQ.ar.vtt 2.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/17. Data Types Quiz-7mjCHM44K4k.en.vtt 2.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/02. Introducing Functions-vtYPptq5MgY.zh-CN.vtt 2.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/07. Quick Fixes-Lb9e2KemR6I.ja-JP.vtt 2.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/17. Tic Tac Toe-cJBsJE-8NZo.en.vtt 2.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/15. Participating in open source projects 2-elZCLxVvJrY.ar.vtt 2.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/10. Interview with Art - Part 2-Vvzl2J5K7-Y.en.vtt 2.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/20. True or False-wslrySBw6q0.en.vtt 2.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/03. ND035 C04 L04 A05 Deployment Models-nxqqldlHWnQ.en.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/27. Find the longest name-bZ0pmat1nmE.en.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 01-Module 01-Lesson 01_Nanodegree Introduction/01. Welcome To Your Nanodegree Experience V2-gd0Z0S58Y68.en.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/22. Restaurant Rating-CcGBLhY7l5g.ar.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/25. -rkeazApODkA.en.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/01. Introducing Control Flow-MnNqMgiRJdY.ar.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/02. ND035 C04 L01 A01.2 Authentication And Authorization-J6CfBpoUGj4.en.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/27. Find the longest name-bZ0pmat1nmE.pt-BR.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/07. JAVA C2 L1 07 APIs Overview-Demo-uKfGF76arek.en.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/17. JAVA C2 L3 11 Demo - Testing-NQsnZAGRJ2Q.en.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/07. Three Dice-QA-8hmG-rgM.pt-BR.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/21. Making Change-oNcZD_EGv7Q.en.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/20. True or False-wslrySBw6q0.pt-BR.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/17. Tic Tac Toe-cJBsJE-8NZo.zh-CN.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/10. Interview with Art - Part 2-Vvzl2J5K7-Y.zh-CN.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_NoSQL and MongoDB/02. JavaND#305 C03 L03 A02 Mongo DB-5YPoe0LrL_U.en.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/04. Good GitHub repository-qBi8Q1EJdfQ.pt-BR.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/04. Elevator Pitch-0QtgTG49E9I.en.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/07. Quick Fixes-Lb9e2KemR6I.pt-BR.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/05. JAVA C2 L1 05 Benefits-XXv_D0aBjrU.en.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 08_Unit & Integration Tests/03. JAVA C2 L8 03 Unit Testing-X4EQiHQC-_I.en.vtt 2.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/04. 035ND C01 L01 A03 CODING EXERCISES SOLUTION-p8KQDmEElTk.en.vtt 2.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/22. Track the Values-qoB_fvKQsrg.zh-CN.vtt 2.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/01. ND035 C04 L04 A03 Why Splunk V2-T4n5hi_pCWA.en.vtt 2.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/08. ND035 C04 L04 A16 Reporting And Alerting--nRb08QoQhro.en.vtt 2.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/07. Three Dice-QA-8hmG-rgM.zh-CN.vtt 2.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/04. Elevator Pitch-0QtgTG49E9I.es-MX.vtt 2.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/04. Elevator Pitch-0QtgTG49E9I.zh-CN.vtt 2.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/02. ND035 C04 L01 A01.1 Authentication And Authorization-XZgBIIs2Qeg.en.vtt 2.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/02. Introduction-Vnj2VNQROtI.ja-JP.vtt 2.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 04_Microservices/03. JAVA C2 L4 03 Spring Cloud Eureka-cGKMR-Y_cg0.en.vtt 2.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/21. The 5th Subject-Bonom_L-OWo.zh-CN.vtt 2.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/09. 035ND C01 L01 A11 MAP AND SET-vhM8ZhbdM40.en.vtt 2.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/27. Find the longest name-bZ0pmat1nmE.zh-CN.vtt 1.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/06. Identify fixes for example “bad” profile-ncFtwW5urHk.ar.vtt 1.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/35. Summary-NqwfQ-DhnT4.en.vtt 1.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/04. Elevator Pitch-0QtgTG49E9I.pt-BR.vtt 1.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/04. Pitching to a Recruiter-LxAdWaA-qTQ.en.vtt 1.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/04. Good GitHub repository-qBi8Q1EJdfQ.en.vtt 1.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/20. True or False-wslrySBw6q0.zh-CN.vtt 1.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/04. Good GitHub repository-qBi8Q1EJdfQ.zh-CN.vtt 1.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/06. 035ND C01 L04 A27 SPRINGBOOT PACKAGING-b2BXo3ueifs.en.vtt 1.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/14. JAVA C2 L3 10 Demo - Exception Handling-6RiCb4vMAm8.en.vtt 1.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/07. Quick Fixes-Lb9e2KemR6I.en.vtt 1.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Logging/03. ND035 C04 L03 A04 Log Levels-Ji9CeW7trDE.en.vtt 1.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/07. Quick Fixes-Lb9e2KemR6I.zh-CN.vtt 1.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/04. ND035 C04 L02 A07 Unit Testing-CV2BCTewG28.en.vtt 1.9 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/20. What's Missing-S8uGEC-Xt8Y.en.vtt 1.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/35. Summary-NqwfQ-DhnT4.pt-BR.vtt 1.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/35. Summary-NqwfQ-DhnT4.zh-CN.vtt 1.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A21 DEVTOOL EXAMPLE-osVq-QxOWrg.en.vtt 1.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Java Persistence API/03. Javand305-C03-L02-A05-Java-Persistence-Query-Language-Jpql 1-N731xYU0HuA.en.vtt 1.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/15. Participating in open source projects 2-elZCLxVvJrY.ja-JP.vtt 1.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Java Persistence API/05. JavaND#305 C03 L02 A05 DB Testing-ftmpdM-EdeY.en.vtt 1.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/17. Data Types Quiz-7mjCHM44K4k.zh-CN.vtt 1.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/11. Multiple else-if's-z10hjm8xmJE.zh-CN.vtt 1.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/05. Yahtzee-h7tzm7NDZOQ.en.vtt 1.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/11. Multiple else-if's-z10hjm8xmJE.en.vtt 1.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/02. Introduction-Vnj2VNQROtI.pt-BR.vtt 1.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/16. Complete Museum Code-5cDdOBIQibw.ar.vtt 1.8 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 02_Java Persistence API/06. JavaND#305 C03 L02 A06 Recap-7EQlI3HAhDk.en.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/21. Making Change-oNcZD_EGv7Q.zh-CN.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/10. Weather Arguments-yVIOG4GyX1c.en.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/11. Multiple else-if's-GUC_sIwJ8L0.ar.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/08. JavaND#305 C04 L01 A011 Processing Results-RS193aij3GA.en.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/04. Pitching to a Recruiter-LxAdWaA-qTQ.zh-CN.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/25. -rkeazApODkA.zh-CN.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/06. ND035 C04 L01 A03 Pictorial Represontation-Efh34cGDdVc.en.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 06_Consuming SOAP & REST/02. JAVA C2 L6 02 REST API-Gf8IzEXaut0.en.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/22. Restaurant Rating-CcGBLhY7l5g.en.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/05. ND035 C04 L02 A08.4 Basics Of Junits--O6oUEGU1iBM.en.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/08. Third Bus Stop-yqRd09bO5IM.en.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/10. IntelliJ-N9aWKAl6yDU.en.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/08. What's the Scope-fWwsK1XZ8OU.en.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/15. Participating in open source projects 2-elZCLxVvJrY.pt-BR.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/01. 035ND C01 L04 A04 EXCEPTION HANDLER-cDRG6cgsgXY.en.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/11. 035ND C01 L01 A20 FILE IO, STREAMS, FILE APIS-We5x0AnzJsg.en.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/07. ND035 C04 L02 A10 Code Coverage-L6GMayyvBNU.en.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/01. Introducing Control Flow-MnNqMgiRJdY.en.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/06. 035ND C01 L03 A12 SCOPE EXAMPLE-gNJlVXaqxrg.en.vtt 1.7 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/04. 035ND C01 L02 A15 STATIC RESOURCES-Aeplyf1AmIA.en.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/05. Yahtzee-h7tzm7NDZOQ.pt-BR.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/05. Yahtzee-h7tzm7NDZOQ.zh-CN.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A21 WEBSOCKET DEMO-eC_s9jiGeZU.en.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/01. Intro-sK8lJ4uI9qE.en.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/08. What's the Scope-fWwsK1XZ8OU.pt-BR.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/02. Introduction-Vnj2VNQROtI.zh-CN.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/06. Identify fixes for example “bad” profile-ncFtwW5urHk.ja-JP.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_REST APIs/02. JAVA C2 L2 02 REST Architecture Style-672a5lB093o.en.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 08_Unit & Integration Tests/10. JAVA C2 L0 Course Outro-qQISqzsE6HY.en.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/13. Evaluate These Expressions-mkXPWXffZ54.ar.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/11. Multiple else-if's-z10hjm8xmJE.pt-BR.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/22. Restaurant Rating-CcGBLhY7l5g.zh-CN.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/05. 035ND C01 L01 A06 BIG O NOTATION-kIrl3Ontm54.en.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/20. What's Missing-S8uGEC-Xt8Y.zh-CN.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 07_Documentation/02. JAVA C2 L7 02 Documentation Overview-yFYWLriBZrM.en.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/02. Introduction-Vnj2VNQROtI.en.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/04. JAVA C2 L1 03 Web Service Communication-OvWyj9R-Ab8.en.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Logging/02. ND035 C04 L03 A03 SLF4J-ksA0EZpwSZU.en.vtt 1.6 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/32. Nested Loops-WFkVk2QCfl4.ar.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/08. What's the Scope-fWwsK1XZ8OU.zh-CN.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/06. 035ND C01 L04 A31 COURSE SUMMARY-Ex-fQ2GxmSU.en.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/22. Restaurant Rating-CcGBLhY7l5g.pt-BR.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/08. Third Bus Stop-yqRd09bO5IM.zh-CN.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/20. Press Conference-N2lINxKw2QE.ar.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/10. IntelliJ-N9aWKAl6yDU.zh-CN.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/09. 035ND C01 L03 A31 VALIDATION ANNOTATIONS EXAMPLE-d2CUJeeJmBI.en.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/08. Play Music-2uvpco3ELm0.en.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/09. Writing READMEs with Walter-DQEfT2Zq5_o.ar.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/07. ND035 C04 L04 A15 Forwarders-cdAc0l47yzI.en.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/11. 035ND C01 L01 A18 HOW TO HANDLE EXCEPTION CODE-GSxAgljq0go.en.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 04_MongoDB for Java/02. ND#305 C03 L04 A04 Querying Documents-WnrTMQqL2tc.en.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 06_Consuming SOAP & REST/01. JAVA C2 L6 01 Consuming-Intro-aqxNb_nbNwo.en.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/07. 035ND C01 L03 A14 URL EXAMPLE-3zPMvfX0SKU.en.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/09. Writing READMEs with Walter-DQEfT2Zq5_o.ja-JP.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Logging/01. ND035 C04 L03 A01 Logging-Zek2MbmVtKs.en.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/06. Identify fixes for example “bad” profile-ncFtwW5urHk.pt-BR.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/14. Counting Down-7Rc8avKoaK8.ar.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/01. Introducing Control Flow-MnNqMgiRJdY.pt-BR.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Security/03. JAVA C2 L5 03 Authentication Vs Authorization-yCVRQgBPwqQ.en.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A09 WEBSOCKET-__dADUO5jrY.en.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/15. Participating in open source projects 2-elZCLxVvJrY.en.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/01. Introducing Control Flow-MnNqMgiRJdY.zh-CN.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/21. Making Change-mL_wZiheByA.en.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/24. Consider All Sides-VfdhKp5ny58.en.vtt 1.5 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/10. Weather Arguments-yVIOG4GyX1c.zh-CN.vtt 1.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/16. Liking Photos-oH5Vwcp-4vM.en.vtt 1.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/08. ND035 C04 L01 A04.1 Authorization-fqTeO0JNGv4.en.vtt 1.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/04. Pitching to a Recruiter-LxAdWaA-qTQ.es-MX.vtt 1.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/04. Importance of Functions-iJJFYsIrJPs.en.vtt 1.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/01. Intro-sK8lJ4uI9qE.zh-CN.vtt 1.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 07_Documentation/03. JAVA C2 L7 03 Swagger-iQhT4-7GCJU.en.vtt 1.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/24. Switch(month)-z9uCG3HCUo0.ar.vtt 1.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/02. 035ND C01 L04 A05 @CONTROLLERADVICE + @EXCEPTIONHANDLER-sAQ_YCrCUlk.en.vtt 1.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 02-Lesson 01_Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedIn/04. Pitching to a Recruiter-LxAdWaA-qTQ.pt-BR.vtt 1.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/06. Identify fixes for example “bad” profile-ncFtwW5urHk.en.vtt 1.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/03. 035ND C01 L04 A06 SIMPLE MAPPING RESOLVER-UghPypy54vA.en.vtt 1.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/06. ND035 C04 L02 A09.1 How To Write A Junit, Example--VLuhu3OESuo.en.vtt 1.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Security/04. JAVA C2 L5 04 Basic Authentication-AFqFZS-6NW8.en.vtt 1.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/14. Counting Down-7Rc8avKoaK8.en.vtt 1.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 05_CICD/05. ND035 C04 L05 A05 Why Jenkins V2-FINqfPE5C0E.en.vtt 1.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/13. Evaluate These Expressions-mkXPWXffZ54.en.vtt 1.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/16. Complete Museum Code-SLS6hCosVok.ar.vtt 1.4 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/06. 035ND C01 L04 A29 ARTIFACT WITH FLAGS-omEH8O7nZtM.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/11. 035ND C01 L01 A17 EXCEPTION AND HANDLE EXCEPTION-aK0UlU5VI9k.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/11. Multiple else-if's-GUC_sIwJ8L0.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/09. Writing READMEs with Walter-DQEfT2Zq5_o.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/04. Self-Driving Car-azKRGy3NkwM.ar.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 04_MongoDB for Java/03. ND#305 C03 L04 A01 Intro-5O9UPT_q6B0.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/14. The Art Museum-RBao6sZ8QbE.ar.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/01. ND035 C04 L01 A00 Intro-pi7sa00tVws.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/07. ND035 C04 L01 A02.3 What Is Hashing-xsRtyjq0Mjk.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/08. What's the Scope-7tr6x82rZ-0.ar.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/06. Identify fixes for example “bad” profile-ncFtwW5urHk.zh-CN.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/21. Making Change-mL_wZiheByA.zh-CN.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/10. JavaND#305 C03 L01 A08 Recap-9Pz8BdS_bzE.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 08_Unit & Integration Tests/09. JAVA C2 L8 Importance Of Testing-uKgTF5whmtU.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/03. JAVA C2 L3 03 Schemas-C-TtBoSBOMM.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/13. Evaluate These Expressions-mkXPWXffZ54.pt-BR.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/15. Participating in open source projects 2-elZCLxVvJrY.zh-CN.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/06. ND035 C04 L02 A09.4 How To Write A Junit, Example--H6_SHLZjwPw.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/20. What's Missing-NfnJLph5uSk.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/29. Importance of Documentation-4Vai4YI2_wA.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/10. JAVA C2 L1 08 APIs Overview-Outro-esqHIYPSbA0.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/04. Importance of Functions-2CSjOJT1tzQ.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Security/02. JAVA C2 L5 02 Security Overview-s3QU5kbUtes.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/16. Complete Museum Code-5cDdOBIQibw.pt-BR.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/08. ND035 C04 L02 A11 Mockito-14Okwxla5l8.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/16. Complete Museum Code-5cDdOBIQibw.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/13. Evaluate These Expressions-mkXPWXffZ54.zh-CN.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 04_MongoDB for Java/05. ND#305 C03 L04 A05 Recap-OOT2Gyk36aM.en.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/08. Play Music-2uvpco3ELm0.zh-CN.vtt 1.3 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/14. String Operations-bQmSlTMsR9g.en.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A17 WEBSOCKET CONFIG DEMO-klKJkneUJn4.en.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/11. Multiple else-if's-GUC_sIwJ8L0.pt-BR.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/11. Multiple else-if's-GUC_sIwJ8L0.zh-CN.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/16. Liking Photos-oH5Vwcp-4vM.zh-CN.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/28. Read this Doc-mTHMUWsEePk.en.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/09. Writing READMEs with Walter-DQEfT2Zq5_o.pt-BR.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/24. Consider All Sides-VfdhKp5ny58.zh-CN.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/25. Conclusion-ZNhViTImZ-A.en.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A16 WEBSOCKET CONFIG-F-On61H0Irg.en.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/16. Complete Museum Code-5cDdOBIQibw.zh-CN.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/04. Importance of Functions-iJJFYsIrJPs.zh-CN.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/04. 035ND C01 L03 A07 THYMELEAF CONDITION EXAMPLE-OZJtDp4EVrM.en.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/20. Press Conference-N2lINxKw2QE.pt-BR.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/14. Counting Down-7Rc8avKoaK8.pt-BR.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 05_CICD/06. ND035 C04 L05 A07 Outro--4gG1POAdZA.en.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/09. Writing READMEs with Walter-DQEfT2Zq5_o.zh-CN.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/25. Conclusion-ZNhViTImZ-A.pt-BR.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/01. 035ND C01 L04 A03 SPRINGBOOT EXAMPLE-5KveNO5V9f0.en.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 07_Documentation/01. JAVA C2 L7 01 Documentation Intro-Bh2uVKl0AOs.en.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/02. Decision Making-ROh95Sy2umk.ar.vtt 1.2 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/12. Rollercoaster Parameters-g4ubHLvEP9M.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/05. ND035 C04 L01 A02.1 What Is Hashing-zyRoz2ziTow.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/29. Importance of Documentation-4Vai4YI2_wA.zh-CN.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 08_Unit & Integration Tests/01. JAVA C2 L8 01 Testing Intro-UEIb-ohnLW0.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/16. Complete Museum Code-SLS6hCosVok.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/03. ND035 C04 L01 A01.3 Authentication And Authorization-NPIO7_4sZbg.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/25. Which type of error-yVorV2fmk84.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/14. Counting Down-7Rc8avKoaK8.zh-CN.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/25. Conclusion-ZNhViTImZ-A.zh-CN.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/20. What's Missing-NfnJLph5uSk.zh-CN.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/24. Switch(month)-z9uCG3HCUo0.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/20. Press Conference-N2lINxKw2QE.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/24. Switch(month)-z9uCG3HCUo0.zh-CN.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/04. Importance of Functions-2CSjOJT1tzQ.zh-CN.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/02. 035ND C01 L01 A00 COURSE INTRO-IVOZ_SYVnp4.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/32. Nested Loops-WFkVk2QCfl4.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Security/09. JAVA C2 L5 07 Security Outro-D-lGnr7VQEg.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/08. Roll a Yahtzee-vAKB5s_ahMs.ar.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/06. 035ND C01 L04 A24 WHY PACKAGE-a2E7T5UEBVY.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/11. The Bus Driver-0b4kkAd7n6M.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/28. What If There's a Tie-XWwXzeQfdk8.ar.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/04. 035ND C01 L02 A06 SPRINGBOOT DEVELOPMENT-Grnjq19EcvU.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/16. Liking Photos-5E7dJ-S6EcY.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/10. 035ND C01 L01 A15 INSTALL MAVEN-rD6WpD-z04k.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/16. Complete Museum Code-SLS6hCosVok.zh-CN.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/28. Read this Doc-mTHMUWsEePk.zh-CN.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/25. -8eBV55yIXKI.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/20. Press Conference-N2lINxKw2QE.zh-CN.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/14. String Operations-bQmSlTMsR9g.zh-CN.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A24 LOGGING INTRO-lJho7ILgRCY.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/01. ND035 C04 L04 A02 What Is Splunk--sGuMwIiI7lI.en.vtt 1.1 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/31. Complete the Doc-FpaNWDIMQCQ.en.vtt 1.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/22. Restaurant Rating-cp3Hs1cx8Ds.ar.vtt 1.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/21. The 5th Subject-3U6_tokV5O8.en.vtt 1.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/01. Introduction-3MSH9O_UW44.en.vtt 1.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/32. Nested Loops-WFkVk2QCfl4.zh-CN.vtt 1.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/25. Which type of error-yVorV2fmk84.zh-CN.vtt 1.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A11 STOMP COMMANDS-O55DixiEg_0.en.vtt 1.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/23. Summary-7q2RiO9nuEg.en.vtt 1.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/21. JAVA C2 L3 13 GraphQL Outro-zk6uPym8eXc.en.vtt 1.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/16. Complete Museum Code-SLS6hCosVok.pt-BR.vtt 1.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/10. ND035 C04 L02 A14 Further Reading-mSXHlyKXlno.en.vtt 1.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A15 WEBSOCKET CONTROLLER DEMO-fG8Tpdj2gew.en.vtt 1.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/10. Weather Arguments-rU2nMms01P4.en.vtt 1.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/32. Nested Loops-WFkVk2QCfl4.pt-BR.vtt 1.0 KB
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A20 VIEW EXPLAIN-J7v34DJTfYE.en.vtt 1013 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/04. ND035 C04 L01 A01.4 Authentication And Authorization-gVOyzxvY4Lw.en.vtt 1013 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/22. Track the Values-T6uYDAyPaUk.en.vtt 1013 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/04. Self-Driving Car-azKRGy3NkwM.en.vtt 1004 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/24. Switch(month)-z9uCG3HCUo0.pt-BR.vtt 1004 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/12. Rollercoaster Parameters-g4ubHLvEP9M.zh-CN.vtt 1004 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/08. Play Music-WsuzXnciahs.en.vtt 1002 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/06. 035ND C01 L04 A30 LESSON SUMMARY-jRfMphSig8s.en.vtt 997 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/08. What's the Scope-7tr6x82rZ-0.en.vtt 991 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_REST APIs/01. JAVA C2 L2 01 RestAPIs Intro-kzV3_EJM5TQ.en.vtt 988 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/01. JAVA C2 L3 01 GraphQL Intro-gQnVdnCWBeU.en.vtt 982 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/12. Rollercoaster Parameters-EUEfNDk1tYg.en.vtt 978 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 08_Unit & Integration Tests/05. JAVA C2 L8 05 Integration Testing-LXOIVFISNmE.en.vtt 972 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/02. ND035 C04 L02 A04 What Is Testing -7MB4QHK4Ssk.en.vtt 971 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 01_Authentication and Authorization/08. ND035 C04 L01 A04.2 Authorization-ryR_3u1lt0w.en.vtt 969 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/01. Introduction-3MSH9O_UW44.zh-CN.vtt 966 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/01. 035ND C01 L03 A02 SPRINGBOOT WITH FREEMARKER-Cdqb1sX8xBA.en.vtt 959 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/21. The 5th Subject-3U6_tokV5O8.zh-CN.vtt 954 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/14. The Art Museum-RBao6sZ8QbE.zh-CN.vtt 951 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/14. The Art Museum-RBao6sZ8QbE.en.vtt 949 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 08_Unit & Integration Tests/08. JAVA C2 L8 07 Testing Outro-SVNNtbgbOtI.en.vtt 946 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/02. How Many Repeats-2KKlbUuq3TI.ar.vtt 945 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/09. 035ND C01 L03 A28 VALIDATION EXAMPLE EXPLAIN-h85_6bQ8tWI.en.vtt 943 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A18 WEBSOCKET SCHEDULER-v-vxQiAmz0g.en.vtt 941 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/11. The Bus Driver-0b4kkAd7n6M.zh-CN.vtt 941 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/28. What If There's a Tie-XWwXzeQfdk8.en.vtt 938 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Security/01. JAVA C2 L5 01 Security Intro-xlceysbunI8.en.vtt 936 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/06. Windshield Wipers-IsP0uPD1tP4.ar.vtt 936 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 04_Microservices/01. JAVA C2 L4 01 Microservices Intro-iuOL0IJguCI.en.vtt 932 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/08. Third Bus Stop-gkh7spDZvPc.en.vtt 931 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/23. Summary-7q2RiO9nuEg.zh-CN.vtt 931 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/06. 035ND C01 L04 A28 RUN ARTIFACTS-kO3Ia8wkWJA.en.vtt 930 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/04. ND035 C04 L04 A07 Splunk Licensing-FjlyhX5Wb4w.en.vtt 930 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A17 SPRINGBOOT UNIT TEST EXAMPLE-hIIvD6lgu5k.en.vtt 928 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/13. Multiple Parameters Intro-d6huYDR2h1o.en.vtt 923 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/08. What's the Scope-7tr6x82rZ-0.zh-CN.vtt 921 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/09. 035ND C01 L03 A32 LESSON RECAP V2-VuRK_KEqQr8.en.vtt 919 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/25. -8eBV55yIXKI.zh-CN.vtt 917 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/02. 035ND C01 L03 A03 SPRINGBOOT WITH THYMELEAF INTRO-JdKz6nBnBn8.en.vtt 916 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/11. 035ND C01 L01 A22 FILE INPUT-ScNJx0_tvps.en.vtt 901 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/02. Decision Making-ROh95Sy2umk.en.vtt 899 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/08. What's the Scope-7tr6x82rZ-0.pt-BR.vtt 899 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/28. What If There's a Tie-XWwXzeQfdk8.zh-CN.vtt 899 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 06_Consuming SOAP & REST/09. JAVA C2 L6 09 Consuming-Outro-98LtNbVjglU.en.vtt 897 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A22 WEBSOCKET IMPLEMENTATION SUMMARY-LoJlpMwIAfo.en.vtt 895 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/31. Complete the Doc-FpaNWDIMQCQ.zh-CN.vtt 895 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/02. 035ND C01 L02 A02.3 MVC FRAMEWORK - VIEW-ap-94SXjk3A.en.vtt 891 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/22. Track the Values-T6uYDAyPaUk.zh-CN.vtt 890 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/10. Remembering the Stops-9g-aMXGqkis.en.vtt 883 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/04. Self-Driving Car-azKRGy3NkwM.zh-CN.vtt 883 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 03_Logging/02. ND035 C04 L03 A02 SLF4J Or Log4j-SyLVZsE3_UQ.en.vtt 877 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/02. Decision Making-ROh95Sy2umk.zh-CN.vtt 877 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/16. Liking Photos-5E7dJ-S6EcY.zh-CN.vtt 875 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 01_RDBMS & JDBC/03. JavaND#305 C03 L01 A03 MySQL-781l1aOKBro.en.vtt 872 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/05. 035ND C01 L03 A09 THYMELEAF LOOP EXAMPLE-HaVVQjr3ucU.en.vtt 867 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/01. JAVA C2 L0 Instructor Intro-NWTxxfy_uN8.en.vtt 867 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/02. Decision Making-WwSjnc4xfeA.ar.vtt 867 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/04. 035ND C01 L02 A16 SPRINGBOOT FILE UPLOAD-tG9H4pHlY90.en.vtt 863 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/28. What If There's a Tie-XWwXzeQfdk8.pt-BR.vtt 862 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/10. Weather Arguments-rU2nMms01P4.zh-CN.vtt 856 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/12. 035ND C01 L01 A24 JAVA PROGRAMMING INTRO-qTzYgQWua4w.en.vtt 854 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/04. 035ND C01 L02 A13 HELLO LISTENER-6B7w5kFLevg.en.vtt 852 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/03. JAVA C2 L1 01 APIs Overview-Intro-oAQJbdT1uaY.en.vtt 848 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A18 ANNOTATIONS-PGncNhZiH3Y.en.vtt 842 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 04_Microservices/15. JAVA C2 L4 08 Microservices Outro-E54uVaedTY4.en.vtt 842 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 05_CICD/04. ND035 C04 L05 A04 Why AWS -3PK5Nv4Fe5w.en.vtt 837 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/12. Rollercoaster Parameters-EUEfNDk1tYg.zh-CN.vtt 837 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/09. 035ND C01 L03 A30 VALIDATION ANNOTATIONS V2-SXcOm-NJ1cM.en.vtt 833 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/img/spring.svg 833 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 04_Microservices/11. JAVA C2 L4 05 Microservice Creation Registration-ozWskAAllkw.en.vtt 833 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/01. Introducing Functions-loAZIvBKWO0.en.vtt 832 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/08. Play Music-WsuzXnciahs.zh-CN.vtt 832 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 01-Lesson 03_NoSQL and MongoDB/05. JavaND#305 C03 L03 A05 Recap-V5Q3IeuSxFs.en.vtt 830 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/13. Multiple Parameters Intro-d6huYDR2h1o.zh-CN.vtt 818 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 07_Documentation/04. JAVA C2 L7 04 Swagger UI-xAQn6pgDqg8.en.vtt 817 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/04. Self-Driving Car-azKRGy3NkwM.pt-BR.vtt 815 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/14. The Art Museum-RBao6sZ8QbE.pt-BR.vtt 814 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/16. Starring interesting repositories-ZwMY5rAAd7Q.ar.vtt 812 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/22. Restaurant Rating-cp3Hs1cx8Ds.en.vtt 812 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/05. ND035 C04 L02 A08.2 Basics Of Junits--gc58Hm-NK_M.en.vtt 811 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/24. Detect a Win-yfyepqKtAmo.en.vtt 807 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/02. ND035 C04 L04 A04 Indexing In Splunk-0mctvNViWoE.en.vtt 806 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/08. Third Bus Stop-gkh7spDZvPc.zh-CN.vtt 806 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/14. String Operations-Lc5L5RY8Oco.en.vtt 801 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A10 STOMP INTRO-mHzKP8cklBw.en.vtt 798 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/02. Decision Making-ROh95Sy2umk.pt-BR.vtt 790 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/24. Switch(month)-2sf_6oOtO8E.ar.vtt 788 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/22. Restaurant Rating-cp3Hs1cx8Ds.zh-CN.vtt 787 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A19 HOTSWAP-483OGTkNJTE.en.vtt 786 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/01. 035ND C01 L04 A01 SPRINGBOOT EXCEPTION-hAYKm2LlqIU.en.vtt 785 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/06. 035ND C01 L01 A07 COLLECTIONS-CSRW_EX61uE.en.vtt 784 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/22. Restaurant Rating-cp3Hs1cx8Ds.pt-BR.vtt 784 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A25 LOGGING DEMO-GvfdQdiKfBI.en.vtt 783 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/02. 035ND C01 L02 A02.1 MVC FRAMEWORK INTRO-qRWMn9lD2_4.en.vtt 778 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/16. Starring interesting repositories-ZwMY5rAAd7Q.ja-JP.vtt 777 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/08. Roll a Yahtzee-vAKB5s_ahMs.pt-BR.vtt 776 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/13. Participating in open source projects-OxL-gMTizUA.ar.vtt 768 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/04. 035ND C01 L02 A14 HELLO BEAN-D_XGjM2FL4I.en.vtt 765 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/10. Remembering the Stops-9g-aMXGqkis.zh-CN.vtt 765 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 02_REST APIs/12. JAVA C2 L2 04 RestAPIs Outro-D0HbGi4bgmg.en.vtt 761 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 06_Consuming SOAP & REST/04. JAVA C2 L6 04 SOAP Web Service-zL6rOA0c1Ak.en.vtt 758 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/14. String Operations-Lc5L5RY8Oco.zh-CN.vtt 758 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/01. Introducing Functions-loAZIvBKWO0.zh-CN.vtt 755 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/08. Roll a Yahtzee-vAKB5s_ahMs.zh-CN.vtt 752 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/04. 035ND C01 L01 A02 STRINGBUILDER, STRING, REGEX-ogLjqwe3WWk.en.vtt 751 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/06. Windshield Wipers-TEttmOWcLJU.ar.vtt 750 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/04. JAVA C2 L3 04 Operations-iAQOimeLzfg.en.vtt 749 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/22. 2D Coordinates-7aCZQw9wLsQ.en.vtt 749 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/24. Detect a Win-yfyepqKtAmo.zh-CN.vtt 749 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/03. 035ND C01 L04 A07 HANDLER EXCEPTION RESOLVER EXAMPLE-mFrBqrzNIVk.en.vtt 746 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/06. Windshield Wipers-IsP0uPD1tP4.en.vtt 743 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/08. Roll a Yahtzee-vAKB5s_ahMs.en.vtt 742 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/01. ND035 C04 L04 A01 Splunk-EQg0xJswATI.en.vtt 740 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/13. 035ND C01 L01 A26 JAVA REFRESH SUMMARY-iF4LOYd5ZkQ.en.vtt 734 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/02. How Many Repeats-2KKlbUuq3TI.en.vtt 731 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A22 HOTSWAP SUMMARY-vIVCCAVLGfs.en.vtt 721 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 07_Documentation/11. JAVA C2 L7 09 Documentation Outro-heO_D4rwsnU.en.vtt 720 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 05_Security/05. JAVA C2 L5 05 Spring Security-5U6qpTtV7vo.en.vtt 717 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/02. How Many Repeats-2KKlbUuq3TI.zh-CN.vtt 710 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/16. Starring interesting repositories-ZwMY5rAAd7Q.pt-BR.vtt 705 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/24. Detect a Win-ffr80iHNLGI.en.vtt 703 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/22. 2D Coordinates-7aCZQw9wLsQ.zh-CN.vtt 701 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A26 LOGGING ANOTHER OPTION-IIausERcN4E.en.vtt 696 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 03_GraphQL APIs/06. JAVA C2 L3 06 Demo Steps-5oJZRnbJpe8.en.vtt 695 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A20 DEVTOOL-NVxakFcFmvY.en.vtt 694 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/32. Conclusion-ZMm09gGYOv0.en.vtt 692 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/06. Windshield Wipers-IsP0uPD1tP4.zh-CN.vtt 691 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/12. Reflect on your commit messages-_0AHmKkfjTo.ar.vtt 678 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 04_Splunk/04. ND035 C04 L04 A10 Installing Splunk On Microsoft Azure V2-ezUQvkGwUfk.en.vtt 677 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/06. Windshield Wipers-IsP0uPD1tP4.pt-BR.vtt 674 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/02. Decision Making-WwSjnc4xfeA.en.vtt 673 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/06. Practice with Syntax--k_tPm6O8t0.en.vtt 670 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/02. How Many Repeats-2KKlbUuq3TI.pt-BR.vtt 668 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/04. 035ND C01 L02 A18 LESSON RECAP-rLQEvPm7NQY.en.vtt 667 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/04. 035ND C01 L02 A10 HELLO SERVLET-hUgS4sTepmk.en.vtt 666 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/06. Practice with Syntax-wfL52DiEiy8.en.vtt 656 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/07. 035ND C01 L01 A08 LIST-Z_i3-sMRLKU.en.vtt 652 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/24. Switch(month)-2sf_6oOtO8E.pt-BR.vtt 647 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/32. Conclusion-ZMm09gGYOv0.zh-CN.vtt 643 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/24. Switch(month)-2sf_6oOtO8E.en.vtt 637 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/24. Detect a Win-ffr80iHNLGI.zh-CN.vtt 636 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/16. Starring interesting repositories-ZwMY5rAAd7Q.en.vtt 634 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/04. 035ND C01 L03 A06 THYMELEAF CONDITION-xjAUZyP-Zq8.en.vtt 632 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/09. 035ND C01 L03 A27 VALIDATION-WL6kbDDFQgU.en.vtt 632 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/01. 035ND C01 L04 A02 EXCEPTION HANDLING-oAcGe3jHbN8.en.vtt 622 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A13 WEBSOCKET MESSAGE DEMO-gAXppfO_ljs.en.vtt 618 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/02. Decision Making-WwSjnc4xfeA.zh-CN.vtt 618 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/12. Reflect on your commit messages-_0AHmKkfjTo.ja-JP.vtt 610 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/06. Windshield Wipers-TEttmOWcLJU.en.vtt 609 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/08. Quick Fixes #2-It6AEuSDQw0.ar.vtt 608 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/13. Participating in open source projects-OxL-gMTizUA.ja-JP.vtt 599 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/24. Switch(month)-2sf_6oOtO8E.zh-CN.vtt 599 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 08_Unit & Integration Tests/02. JAVA C2 L8 02 Testing Overview-UVRpUx5zuIs.en.vtt 597 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/33. Inside a Nested Loop-tWWgq5ev4wk.ar.vtt 594 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/28. Read this Doc-FGK4G1ijZIM.en.vtt 589 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A19 WEBSOCKET VIEW-7u9VPX6TDfQ.en.vtt 587 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 05-Module 01-Lesson 02_Testing/01. ND035 C04 L02 A01 Curriculum V2-jfRlA1ZxWUM.en.vtt 580 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/22. 2D Coordinates-Yf7MeU4WTdc.en.vtt 567 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/06. Practice with Syntax--k_tPm6O8t0.zh-CN.vtt 565 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/03. 035ND C01 L03 A05 THYMELEAF VARIABLE-3F5LN8q-Wh4.en.vtt 562 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/02. Decision Making-WwSjnc4xfeA.pt-BR.vtt 560 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 06_Consuming SOAP & REST/04. JAVA C2 L6 05 Spring Web Service-762L27E_mUo.en.vtt 559 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A14 WEBSOCKET CONTROLLER-xxeMizdCgqE.en.vtt 557 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/06. Windshield Wipers-TEttmOWcLJU.zh-CN.vtt 557 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/16. Starring interesting repositories-ZwMY5rAAd7Q.zh-CN.vtt 556 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/06. Practice with Syntax-wfL52DiEiy8.zh-CN.vtt 555 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/13. Participating in open source projects-OxL-gMTizUA.pt-BR.vtt 551 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/02. 035ND C01 L01 A00 LESSON INTRO-AmfSMqwot6A.en.vtt 548 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/05. 035ND C01 L03 A08 THYMELEAF LOOP-hyndTT_NU0M.en.vtt 543 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/16. Starring interesting repositories-U3FUxkm1MxI.ar.vtt 542 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/06. Windshield Wipers-TEttmOWcLJU.pt-BR.vtt 542 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/12. Reflect on your commit messages-_0AHmKkfjTo.pt-BR.vtt 538 bytes
- Course Downloaded from coursedrive.org.txt 538 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/04. 035ND C01 L02 A08 CREATE SIMPLE SPRINGBOOT CONTROLLER-Wb_UAvy3NYQ.en.vtt 536 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/04. 035ND C01 L02 A12 HELLO FILTER-o5PZqD-7bOI.en.vtt 523 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/05. 035ND C01 L04 A12 WEBSOCKET-tNHP_Z4OOV4.en.vtt 518 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 01_Overview/04. JAVA C2 L1 02 What Is A Web Service--1EELvkp3UX0.en.vtt 517 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 05_IntelliJ and Debugging/22. 2D Coordinates-Yf7MeU4WTdc.zh-CN.vtt 517 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/10. 035ND C01 L01 A13 ENVIRONMENT SETUP-r9zgAOvcrLo.en.vtt 515 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/02. 035ND C01 L03 A04 SPRINGBOOT WITH THYMELEAF-kz7Du8N4mmM.en.vtt 513 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/17. Data Types Quiz-R8baXQ2eoEU.en.vtt 505 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/12. Reflect on your commit messages-_0AHmKkfjTo.en.vtt 501 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/33. Inside a Nested Loop-tWWgq5ev4wk.en.vtt 493 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/16. Starring interesting repositories-U3FUxkm1MxI.ja-JP.vtt 492 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/11. 035ND C01 L01 A19 EXCEPTION SUMMARY-3tMnWgLyqqY.en.vtt 491 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A23 SPRINGBOOT SUMMARY-UN9qQ2cYCp8.en.vtt 491 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/06. 035ND C01 L04 A25 INTELLIJ MAVEN PLUGIN-fd1XCpV9EoI.en.vtt 490 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/06. Identify fixes for example “bad” profile-AF07y1oAim0.ar.vtt 490 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 03_Functions/28. Read this Doc-FGK4G1ijZIM.zh-CN.vtt 488 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/08. Quick Fixes #2-It6AEuSDQw0.ja-JP.vtt 487 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 03-Module 01-Lesson 07_Documentation/07. JAVA C2 L7 07 Customizing Swagger-929vxDvLCUY.en.vtt 477 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/04. 035ND C01 L02 A07 CREATE CONTROLLER-bj7CCah2eqY.en.vtt 476 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/13. Participating in open source projects-OxL-gMTizUA.en.vtt 476 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/06. Identify fixes for example “bad” profile-AF07y1oAim0.ja-JP.vtt 473 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/12. Reflect on your commit messages-_0AHmKkfjTo.zh-CN.vtt 473 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/06. 035ND C01 L04 A26 SPRINGBOOT PACKAGE TYPES-6X-RQ8ryXoc.en.vtt 470 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/33. Inside a Nested Loop-tWWgq5ev4wk.pt-BR.vtt 462 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A15 SPRINGBOOT-o38XEevy2Qw.en.vtt 461 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/16. Starring interesting repositories-U3FUxkm1MxI.pt-BR.vtt 460 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/06. Identify fixes for example “bad” profile-AF07y1oAim0.pt-BR.vtt 457 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/20. True or False-T-SJm62-JY4.ar.vtt 457 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/08. Quick Fixes #2-It6AEuSDQw0.pt-BR.vtt 453 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/07. 035ND C01 L03 A13 THYMELEAF URL-M4TfYmMJqrI.en.vtt 450 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/02. 035ND C01 L02 A02.2 MVC FRAMEWORK - CONTROLLER-YPGpqd-sVd4.en.vtt 444 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/13. Evaluate These Expressions-XIPU0pcCS_g.ar.vtt 442 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/13. Participating in open source projects-OxL-gMTizUA.zh-CN.vtt 438 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/02. How Many Repeats-H5AynrtulUw.ar.vtt 436 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/08. Quick Fixes #2-It6AEuSDQw0.en.vtt 435 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/06. 035ND C01 L03 A10 THYMELEAF SCOPE-uMpY7aEkawM.en.vtt 430 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 02_Introduction to the Spring Boot framework/04. 035ND C01 L02 A09 REST CONTROLLER-8nvncBhj9xI.en.vtt 427 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/14. Counting Down-HJiLS9t9f58.pt-BR.vtt 427 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/33. Inside a Nested Loop-tWWgq5ev4wk.zh-CN.vtt 424 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/16. Starring interesting repositories-U3FUxkm1MxI.en.vtt 419 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 01_Java Refresher Course/10. 035ND C01 L01 A14 WHAT IS MAVEN--cHzqeuKoDX8.en.vtt 417 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/08. Quick Fixes #2-It6AEuSDQw0.zh-CN.vtt 410 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 01_Variables and Data Types/17. Data Types Quiz-R8baXQ2eoEU.zh-CN.vtt 407 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 03_Spring Boot template engine/08. 035ND C01 L03 A16 CREATE SPRINGBOOT-gz2UQHcGjfU.en.vtt 403 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 02-Module 01-Lesson 04_Spring Boot - continued/04. 035ND C01 L04 A08 EXCEPTION SUMMARY-8pmuu4IPGvk.en.vtt 402 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 04_Loops/14. Counting Down-HJiLS9t9f58.ar.vtt 398 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/16. Starring interesting repositories-U3FUxkm1MxI.zh-CN.vtt 392 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 06-Module 01-Lesson 02_Control Flow and Conditionals/20. True or False-T-SJm62-JY4.en.vtt 375 bytes
- Udacity - Java Developer Nanodegree v1.0.0/Part 04-Module 02-Lesson 01_Optimize Your GitHub Profile/06. Identify fixes for example “bad” profile-AF07y1oAim0.en.vtt 371 bytes
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