[www.gameternity.com] Roms - Thomson MO5 (391 Roms Complete)
File List
- Anglais (1984) (Vifi-Nathan).zip 160.0 KB
- Espagnol (198x).zip 156.2 KB
- Orthographe Lexicale (1984) (CNDP).zip 91.1 KB
- Sport d'ete (1988) (Wise Owl Software).zip 84.5 KB
- Premier pas vers le BASIC 1 (1984) (Vifi-Nathan).zip 80.5 KB
- Premier pas vers le BASIC 2 (1984) (Vifi-Nathan).zip 79.9 KB
- Felonies (1986) (Ere Informatique) [a1].zip 56.5 KB
- Felonies (1986) (Ere Informatique).zip 56.2 KB
- Auto-initiation au BASIC MO5 (1984) (Cedic-Nathan).zip 52.1 KB
- Signes dans l'espace, Des (1983) (Vifi-Nathan).zip 51.8 KB
- Temple de Quauthli, Le (1986) (Loriciels) [b1].zip 50.9 KB
- Cube Basique, Le (1984) (Infogrames) (Part 1 of 4).zip 46.0 KB
- Monte Carlo (1984) (Loriciels).zip 45.1 KB
- Cube Basique, Le (1984) (Infogrames) (Part 1 of 4) [a1].zip 44.0 KB
- Dossier Boerhaave (1986) (Infogrames).zip 42.1 KB
- Cube Basique, Le (1984) (Infogrames) (Part 3 of 4).zip 41.5 KB
- 5eme Axe, Le (1985) (Loriciels) [b1].zip 41.5 KB
- Geste d'Artillac, La (1985) (Infogrames) (Part 2 of 3) [b1].zip 40.1 KB
- Cube Basique, Le (1984) (Infogrames) (Part 3 of 4) [a1].zip 38.7 KB
- HMS Cobra (198x) (Cobra Soft).zip 38.4 KB
- Slap Fight (1987) (FIL).zip 37.3 KB
- Histoire de France (198x) (MPS Diffusion).zip 37.2 KB
- Cap sur Dakar (1985) (Coktel Vision).zip 36.0 KB
- Pour 20 Millions de Dollars (198x) (SoftBook).zip 34.5 KB
- Mon General (198x) (Loriciels).zip 34.2 KB
- Geste d'Artillac, La (1985) (Infogrames) (Part 3 of 3) [b1].zip 34.2 KB
- Renegade (1988) (Ocean) (Part 1 of 2).zip 33.4 KB
- Jungle Hero (198x) (SoftBook).zip 33.3 KB
- Espagnol (198x) (Part 1 of 3).zip 31.8 KB
- Monopoly (198x) (Leisure Genius) [a1].zip 31.5 KB
- Espagnol (198x) (Part 2 of 3).zip 31.2 KB
- Temple de Quauthli, Le (1986) (Loriciels) (Part 1 of 2).zip 30.0 KB
- Preterit star (198x) (Hatier).zip 30.0 KB
- Affaire Vera Cruz, L' (198x) (Infogrames) [b1].zip 28.8 KB
- Duel au Colorado (198x) (Chip).zip 28.6 KB
- Toutankhamon (1985) (No Man's Land).zip 27.6 KB
- Monopoly (198x) (Leisure Genius).zip 27.3 KB
- Malediction de Thaar, La (Italian Version) (198x) (Coktel Vision).zip 27.1 KB
- Island (1984) (Micro Application & Informatics).zip 27.1 KB
- 5eme Axe, Le (1985) (Loriciels) [b2].zip 26.7 KB
- Tyrann (1985) (Norsoft) [b1].zip 26.7 KB
- Vampire (1986) (Infogrames) [b1].zip 26.5 KB
- Vampire (1986) (Infogrames).zip 26.3 KB
- Toutankhamon (1985) (No Man's Land) [b1].zip 25.5 KB
- Planete Inconnue, La (198x) (FIL).zip 25.4 KB
- Aigle d'or, L' (1985) (Loriciels) [b1].zip 25.3 KB
- James Debug - Le Grand Saut (198x) (Coktel Vision) [b1].zip 25.2 KB
- Geodyssee (1985) (Coktel Vision).zip 25.2 KB
- Asterix et la Potion Magique (198x) (Vifi-Nathan).zip 24.8 KB
- Aigle d'or, L' (1985) (Loriciels).zip 24.4 KB
- Espagnol (198x) (Part 3 of 3).zip 24.1 KB
- Carte de France, La (1983) (Vifi-Nathan).zip 24.1 KB
- Coliseum (1985) (Loriciels) [b1].zip 24.1 KB
- Sorcery (1986) (Virgin Games) [b1].zip 24.0 KB
- Coliseum (1985) (Loriciels).zip 23.6 KB
- Corps Humain, Le (1985) (Infogrames).zip 23.4 KB
- Colocalc (1985) (FIL) (Cart).zip 23.2 KB
- Sortileges (1986) (Infogrames) [b1].zip 23.1 KB
- Khronos (1986) (Coktel Vision).zip 23.1 KB
- Malediction de Thaar, La (198x) (Coktel Vision) [a1].zip 23.0 KB
- Planete Inconnue, La (198x) (Coktel Vision).zip 22.9 KB
- Mandragore (1984) (Infogrames) (Part 2 of 3) [b1].zip 22.8 KB
- Mandragore (1984) (Infogrames) (Part 1 of 3) [b1].zip 22.8 KB
- Pascal base v1.0 (1985) (Free Game Blot).zip 22.8 KB
- MO5 Compilation Disk (198x) (PD).zip 22.8 KB
- Sapiens (1986) (Loriciels) [b].zip 22.8 KB
- Poseidon (Italian Version) (1986) (Coktel Vision).zip 22.6 KB
- A Demi Mot (1985) (Nathan Ecoles).zip 22.5 KB
- Game Over (1987) (FIL).zip 22.2 KB
- Malediction de Thaar, La (198x) (Coktel Vision).zip 22.2 KB
- Enduro Racer (1988) (Sega) [b1].zip 21.9 KB
- Temple de Quauthli, Le (1986) (Loriciels) (Part 2 of 2).zip 21.8 KB
- Business by Daniel Coulom (198x) (PD).zip 21.3 KB
- Business by Daniel Coulom (198x) (PD) [a1].zip 21.1 KB
- Lorann (1985) (Loriciels).zip 21.1 KB
- Yeti (1984) (Loriciels).zip 21.1 KB
- Micro Scrabble (1985) (Leisure Genius).zip 21.1 KB
- Enduro Racer (1988) (FIL).zip 21.0 KB
- Stone Zone (198x) (SoftBook) [a1].zip 21.0 KB
- Stone Zone (198x) (SoftBook).zip 21.0 KB
- Pour 20 Millions de Dollars (198x) (SoftBook) [a1].zip 21.0 KB
- Poseidon (1986) (Coktel Vision).zip 20.7 KB
- Wizball (1988) (FIL).zip 20.7 KB
- Cube Basique, Le (1984) (Infogrames) (Part 4 of 4).zip 20.6 KB
- Avenger (1986) (FIL).zip 20.4 KB
- Renegade (1988) (Ocean) (Part 2 of 2).zip 20.0 KB
- Jumpman (1997) (Alexandre Pukall) [b1].zip 20.0 KB
- Missions en Rafale (1987) (FIL).zip 20.0 KB
- Cube Basique, Le (1984) (Infogrames) (Part 4 of 4) [a1].zip 19.9 KB
- Melodimus (1984) (Logimus).zip 19.8 KB
- Megawatt (1987) (EDF) (Part 1 of 2).zip 19.8 KB
- Melodimus (1984) (Logimus) [a1].zip 19.8 KB
- Calcul Algebrique (1985) (Edumicro).zip 19.7 KB
- Rythmamus (1984) (Logimus) [a1].zip 19.6 KB
- Rythmamus (1984) (Logimus).zip 19.6 KB
- En allant a l'ecole, Cycliste (1985) (Cedic) (Part 1 of 2).zip 19.6 KB
- Angles, Les (1985) (Vifi-Nathan Ecoles).zip 19.6 KB
- Coq inn (1984) (Vifi-Nathan).zip 19.6 KB
- Cube Basique, Le (1984) (Infogrames) (Part 2 of 4).zip 19.4 KB
- Multiplications casse-tete (1984) (Vifi-Nathan).zip 19.3 KB
- Mission en Rafale (1987) (FIL).zip 19.2 KB
- Multiplications casse-tete (1984) (Vifi-Nathan) [a1].zip 19.2 KB
- Karate (1985) (Infogrames) [b1].zip 19.1 KB
- Indiana Thom (198x) (Sprites).zip 19.0 KB
- Mandragore (1984) (Infogrames) (Part 3 of 3) [b1].zip 19.0 KB
- Chateau Noir et Dragon Rouge (1985) (Vifi-Nathan).zip 19.0 KB
- Formule 1 (1987) (FIL).zip 18.9 KB
- Cartciel (1984) (Answare).zip 18.9 KB
- Equichim (198x) (CNDP).zip 18.9 KB
- Cube Basique, Le (1984) (Infogrames) (Part 2 of 4) [a1].zip 18.8 KB
- Karate (1985) (Infogrames).zip 18.5 KB
- Barry McGuigan Championship Boxing (198x) (Microids).zip 18.4 KB
- Super Tennis (1985) (Answare).zip 18.4 KB
- Air Attack (1985) (Microids).zip 18.0 KB
- Securite Sociale en jeu, La (198x) (PD).zip 17.9 KB
- Astromus (1984) (Logimus).zip 17.7 KB
- Astromus (1984) (Logimus) [a1].zip 17.7 KB
- Beachhead (1985) (Access Software).zip 17.7 KB
- Conte (1985) (Alain Lambert) (PD) [h1].zip 17.6 KB
- Plus beau puzzle, Le (1985) (Cedic-Nathan).zip 17.5 KB
- Nuit des Templiers, La (1986) (FIL).zip 17.3 KB
- Invasion des chiffres, L' (198x) (Nathan Ecoles).zip 17.3 KB
- Quadrille (198x) (Francoise Monnet).zip 17.2 KB
- Nuit des Templiers, La (198x) (Coktel Vision) [b1].zip 17.1 KB
- Nuit des Templiers, La (198x) (Coktel Vision).zip 17.1 KB
- Aire (1985) (Nathan Ecoles).zip 17.1 KB
- Monopolic (198x) (Free Game Blot).zip 17.1 KB
- Grsang (198x) (CNDP).zip 16.9 KB
- Balthazar (1987) (Titus).zip 16.8 KB
- Concours d'geometrie (198x).zip 16.8 KB
- Flipper (1984) (Loriciels).zip 16.4 KB
- Megawatt (1987) (EDF) (Part 2 of 2).zip 16.4 KB
- Allemand (Sich Vorstellen) (1985) (FIL).zip 16.3 KB
- Jeu de Boole (198x) (Hatier).zip 16.3 KB
- Allemand (Sich Vorstellen) (1985) (FIL) [a1].zip 16.2 KB
- Initiation aux Echecs (1984) (Vifi-Nathan).zip 16.1 KB
- Yie Ar Kung Fu 2 (1986) (FIL).zip 16.1 KB
- Yie Ar Kung Fu 2 (1986) (FIL) [a1].zip 16.1 KB
- Division, Les (198x) (Nathan Ecoles).zip 15.8 KB
- Torann Mission Blue 5 (198x) (Loriciels).zip 15.8 KB
- Numero 10, Mexico 86 (1986) (FIL).zip 15.7 KB
- Ordre de grandeur (198x) (Nathan Ecoles).zip 15.7 KB
- Tresor du Pirate, Le (1984) (Free Game Blot).zip 15.6 KB
- Ludo OP1 (1985) (Edumicro).zip 15.6 KB
- Dianne, Mission Rubidiums (198x) (Loriciels).zip 15.6 KB
- Krakout (1987) (FIL).zip 15.6 KB
- 7 Magiciens, Les (1984) (To Tek) (M5).zip 15.6 KB
- Mine aux Diamants, La (198x) (Infogrames) [b1].zip 15.5 KB
- Green Beret (1986) (FIL) [a1].zip 15.3 KB
- Compte est rond, Le (1984) (Hatier).zip 15.3 KB
- Devant Derriere (198x) (CNDP).zip 15.1 KB
- Entrainement au calcul (198x) (CNDP) (Part 08 of 10).zip 15.1 KB
- Concours d'algebre (198x) (C & D Missenard).zip 15.1 KB
- Carre Magique (1984) (Nathan Ecoles).zip 14.9 KB
- Green Beret (1986) (FIL).zip 14.9 KB
- F-15 Strike Eagle (1987) (FIL).zip 14.7 KB
- Carre Magique (1984) (Nathan Ecoles) [a1].zip 14.6 KB
- Equations de droites (1986) (FIL).zip 14.4 KB
- Minotaure Educatif (1984) (Hatier).zip 14.3 KB
- 6809 Language Module v1.0 (1984) (Microsoft) (Cart).zip 14.3 KB
- Nombre cache, Le (198x) (PD).zip 14.2 KB
- Top Gun (1987) (FIL).zip 13.9 KB
- Top Chrono (1985) (Loriciels).zip 13.9 KB
- 3D Sub (1985) (Loriciels) www.gameternity.com.zip 13.7 KB
- Mes premiers mots croises v1.1 (1983) (Vifi-Nathan).zip 13.7 KB
- Minotaure Educatif (1984) (Hatier) [a1].zip 13.7 KB
- Minotaure Educatif (1984) (Hatier) [a2].zip 13.7 KB
- Top Chrono (1985) (Loriciels) [a1].zip 13.5 KB
- Numero 10 (1985) (FIL) [a2].zip 13.5 KB
- Geste d'Artillac, La (1985) (Infogrames) (Part 1 of 3) [b1].zip 13.5 KB
- Course aux Lettres, La (198x) (Loriciels).zip 13.1 KB
- Logo v1.0 (1984) (Soli) (Cart).zip 13.1 KB
- Atomik (1987) (FIL).zip 13.0 KB
- Blitz (1985) (To Tek) (Cart).zip 12.9 KB
- Sauts (1985) (Francoise Monnet).zip 12.8 KB
- Vol Solo (1985) (FIL).zip 12.8 KB
- Dieux du Stade, Les (1985) (Infogrames).zip 12.8 KB
- Runway 2 (1986) (FIL).zip 12.7 KB
- Numero 10 (1985) (FIL).zip 12.6 KB
- Numero 10 (1985) (FIL) [a1].zip 12.6 KB
- Entrainement au calcul (198x) (CNDP) (Part 10 of 10).zip 12.5 KB
- Diamant and Fractions (1986) (Christopher Lesur).zip 12.5 KB
- Fox (1997) (CFX).zip 12.4 KB
- Mission pas Possible (198x) (Infogrames).zip 12.4 KB
- Vision Tester (1995) (Part 2 of 2) (PD).zip 12.4 KB
- Voyage au Centre du MO5 (1985) (Hebdogiciel) (PD).zip 12.2 KB
- Fox (198x) (CFX) [b1].zip 12.2 KB
- Imperialis (1985) (Coktel Vision).zip 12.1 KB
- Conte (1985) (Alain Lambert) (PD).zip 12.0 KB
- Europe Facts (1985) (Vifi-Nathan).zip 11.9 KB
- Geometrie (1985) (Vifi-Nathan).zip 11.8 KB
- Votez Pour Moi (1985) (Coktel Vision).zip 11.7 KB
- Cocotte (1985) (FIL).zip 11.6 KB
- Cyprien dans la Course aux Lettres (1984) (Loriciels).zip 11.6 KB
- Cap Horn (198x) (Coktel Vision).zip 11.6 KB
- Entrainement au calcul (198x) (CNDP) (Part 06 of 10).zip 11.5 KB
- Mot pour le compte, Un (1983) (Vifi-Nathan).zip 11.1 KB
- Prologic (1985) (FIL).zip 11.1 KB
- Arkanoid (1987) (FIL).zip 10.9 KB
- Dakar 4x4 (198x) (Coktel Vision).zip 10.9 KB
- Buds 1 2 3 (1984) (To Tek).zip 10.8 KB
- Arkanoid (1987) (FIL) [t1].zip 10.7 KB
- Inequations (198x).zip 10.7 KB
- Dialogue avec une sauterelle (1983) (Nathan Ecoles).zip 10.6 KB
- Tarot (1986) (DC) (PD).zip 10.4 KB
- Mes premiers mots croises v1.2 (1983) (Vifi-Nathan) [a1].zip 10.4 KB
- Mes premiers mots croises v1.2 (1983) (Vifi-Nathan).zip 10.4 KB
- Microscillo (1984) (Infogrames).zip 10.4 KB
- Equations (198x).zip 10.4 KB
- Electricite (1984).zip 10.3 KB
- FBI (1984) (Infogrames).zip 10.3 KB
- Minotaure 3D (1985) (Loriciels) [f1].zip 10.2 KB
- Interieur Exterieur (198x) (Francoise Monnet).zip 10.2 KB
- Miner 2049er (1985) (International Computer Group) [b1].zip 10.0 KB
- Taquin+ (1984) (To Tek).zip 9.9 KB
- Panique Atomique chez Novasprite (1985) (Novasoft).zip 9.9 KB
- Energic (1985) (Guy Dechelette).zip 9.9 KB
- Crocky 2 (1984) (Loriciels) [a1].zip 9.8 KB
- Crocky 2 (1984) (Loriciels).zip 9.8 KB
- Marathon Cosmicque (1985) (Julien Campagne) (PD).zip 9.7 KB
- Mystery de Ming-Fonko, Le (1986) (PD).zip 9.5 KB
- Entrainement au calcul (198x) (CNDP) (Part 07 of 10).zip 9.4 KB
- Isabelle et le Dragon (Hebdogiciel) (PD).zip 9.4 KB
- Poker (198x) [b1].zip 9.4 KB
- Ascens (1985) (Collectif d'Idee Irem).zip 9.3 KB
- Energic (1985) (Guy Dechelette) [a1].zip 9.3 KB
- 1000 Bornes (1985) (Free Game Blot).zip 9.3 KB
- Minotaure 3D (1985) (Loriciels).zip 9.2 KB
- Frises (1985) (Cedic-Nathan).zip 9.2 KB
- Affaire en Or, Une (198x) (Free Game Blot).zip 9.1 KB
- Pulsar (198x) (Loriciels).zip 9.1 KB
- Monster mine (1985) (FIL).zip 9.0 KB
- Backgammon (1984) (Vifi-Nathan).zip 8.9 KB
- Ranger des Nombres (1985) (Cedic-Nathan).zip 8.8 KB
- Vision Tester (1995) (Part 1 of 2) (PD).zip 8.7 KB
- Runway (1986) (FIL) [a1].zip 8.7 KB
- Ensemble Z (198x).zip 8.7 KB
- Pilot et Pingo (198x).zip 8.7 KB
- Entrainement au calcul (198x) (CNDP) (Part 09 of 10).zip 8.7 KB
- Yeti (1984) (Loriciels) [a1].zip 8.6 KB
- Entrainement au calcul (198x) (CNDP) (Part 04 of 10).zip 8.5 KB
- Vox Basic (1984) (Ere Informatique) [a1].zip 8.4 KB
- Runway (1986) (FIL).zip 8.4 KB
- Vox Basic (1984) (Ere Informatique).zip 8.4 KB
- Repere (1985) (USTL).zip 8.4 KB
- Politique Economique (1984) (Answare).zip 8.4 KB
- Pulsar II (1984) (Loriciels) [b1].zip 8.2 KB
- Entrainement au calcul (198x) (CNDP) (Part 03 of 10).zip 8.2 KB
- Mission U-72 (1986) (Hebdogiciel) (PD).zip 8.2 KB
- Jeu de Dames Americain (1987) (FIL).zip 8.1 KB
- Mesure du Temps (1985) (Cedic-Nathan).zip 8.1 KB
- Dribble (1985) (FIL).zip 8.1 KB
- Multiplication (1985) (Cedic-Nathan).zip 8.0 KB
- En allant a l'ecole, Cycliste (1985) (Cedic) (Part 2 of 2).zip 8.0 KB
- Yeti (1984) (Loriciels) [b1].zip 7.9 KB
- Entrainement au calcul (198x) (CNDP) (Part 05 of 10).zip 7.9 KB
- Identite (1985) (USTL).zip 7.8 KB
- Kanicula (1984) (To Tek).zip 7.8 KB
- Eliminator (1984) (Loriciels) [b1].zip 7.7 KB
- Gravitron (1985) (FIL) [a1].zip 7.7 KB
- Gravitron (1985) (FIL).zip 7.7 KB
- Mongolfiere (1985) (Cedic-Nathan).zip 7.7 KB
- Androides (1985) (Infogrames) [b2].zip 7.6 KB
- Echecs v3.7 (198x) (Cobra Soft).zip 7.6 KB
- Mpendu (1984) (CNDP).zip 7.4 KB
- Entrainement au calcul (198x) (CNDP) (Part 02 of 10).zip 7.3 KB
- Thermometre (1985) (USTL).zip 7.3 KB
- Blitzkrieg (198x) (Francis Mallard).zip 7.2 KB
- Pendu, Le (1982) (CNDP).zip 7.2 KB
- Quiliquili by Alain Glees (1986) (PD).zip 7.2 KB
- Vecteurs (1985) (USTL).zip 7.2 KB
- Androides (1985) (Infogrames).zip 6.9 KB
- Etude de la vitesse instantannee (1984) (CNDP).zip 6.9 KB
- Golf (198x).zip 6.8 KB
- Eliminator (1984) (Loriciels).zip 6.8 KB
- Navire (1985) (USTL).zip 6.7 KB
- Meteo 7 (1984) (Infogrames).zip 6.6 KB
- Escalier pour l'infini (198x) (CNDP).zip 6.6 KB
- Chiffres et les Lettres, Les (198x) (Vifi-Nathan) [b1].zip 6.5 KB
- Eliminator (1984) (Loriciels) [a1].zip 6.3 KB
- Roger & Paulo (1984) (Infogrames) [b1].zip 6.1 KB
- Androides (1985) (Infogrames) [b1].zip 6.1 KB
- Traitement de Texte (198x) (PD).zip 6.0 KB
- Strip 21 by Patrick Lahbib (198x) (PD).zip 6.0 KB
- Reverse by Daniel Coulom (198x) (PD) [b1].zip 5.8 KB
- Bowling Fou by Bruno Laurence (1985) (PD).zip 5.8 KB
- Reverse by Daniel Coulom (198x) (PD).zip 5.7 KB
- Baladins (198x) (CNDP).zip 5.7 KB
- Histogra (1985) (FIL).zip 5.7 KB
- Baladins (198x) (CNDP) (PD).zip 5.7 KB
- Pac-man 2 (1985-98) (Remi Coulom) (PD).zip 5.6 KB
- Ordidactic (1984) (Ere Informatique).zip 5.5 KB
- Spix (1984) (Infogrames).zip 5.4 KB
- Ghostbuster (1989) (Christopher Lesur).zip 5.4 KB
- Amperemetre (198x) (CNDP).zip 5.4 KB
- Voyage au Centre du MO5 (1985) (Hebdogiciel) (PD) [a1].zip 5.3 KB
- Labyrinthe Survie (1984) (Vifi-Nathan).zip 5.2 KB
- Affine (1984) (USTL).zip 5.2 KB
- Pourcentages (198x) (PD).zip 5.1 KB
- Pingo (198x) (Infogrames).zip 5.0 KB
- Calcul Mental (1984) (CNDP).zip 4.9 KB
- Jauge (1984) (CNDP).zip 4.8 KB
- Equation de droite (198x) (CNDP).zip 4.8 KB
- Quaero (1985) (Hebdogiciel) (PD).zip 4.7 KB
- Third World War (198x) (Free Game Blot).zip 4.4 KB
- Teledomino (198x) (PD).zip 4.3 KB
- Cible (1984) (CNDP).zip 4.3 KB
- Yahtzee (1986) (Hebdogiciel) (PD).zip 4.2 KB
- Memory (1985) (Daniel Coulom) (PD).zip 4.2 KB
- Scrontch (1985) (Vifi-Nathan) [b1].zip 4.2 KB
- Bomber (1986) (Hebdogiciel) (PD).zip 4.2 KB
- Minidesa (198x) (PD).zip 4.1 KB
- Horloge (1984) (USTL).zip 4.1 KB
- Extension BASIC MO5 (1986) (D.G. Vevy) [a1].zip 4.1 KB
- Delos Attack (1989) (Christopher Lesur).zip 4.0 KB
- Pac-man (1986) (Theophile).zip 3.9 KB
- Entrainement au calcul (198x) (CNDP) (Part 01 of 10).zip 3.7 KB
- Recherche dans un Dictionnaire (198x) (CNDP).zip 3.6 KB
- Cartes du Temps, Les (198x) (Les Vagabonds du Temps) (PD).zip 3.5 KB
- Labyrinthe (1986) (DC) (PD).zip 3.5 KB
- Resolution de systemes d'equations (198x) (PD).zip 3.4 KB
- Devin (1984) (CNDP).zip 3.3 KB
- Defi (1984) (CNDP).zip 3.2 KB
- Cassebrique (1986) (Christophe Vaillant) (PD).zip 3.2 KB
- Carre Magique (1984) (CNDP).zip 3.1 KB
- Star War (198x) (PD).zip 3.1 KB
- Memo7 by Jean-Yves Le Friec (1983) (PD).zip 3.1 KB
- Satel (198x) (CNDP).zip 2.9 KB
- Divisibilite (198x) (CDDP).zip 2.8 KB
- Triangle Quelconque (198x) (PD).zip 2.8 KB
- Puissance 4 (198x) (PD).zip 2.8 KB
- Araignees by Microtom (1985) (PD).zip 2.8 KB
- Desassembleur Dump & Patch v4.0 (1986) (Daniel Coulom) (PD) [a1].zip 2.6 KB
- Desassembleur Dump & Patch v4.0 (1986) (Daniel Coulom) (PD).zip 2.6 KB
- Desassembleur Dump & Patch v4.0 (1986)(Daniel Coulom) (DCDASM4.USR) (PD).zip 2.5 KB
- Extension BASIC MO5 (1986) (D.G. Vevy).zip 2.5 KB
- Desassembleur Dump & Patch v4.0 (1986)(Daniel Coulom) (DCDASM4.GET) (PD).zip 2.5 KB
- Glouton (1986) (Patrick Abbati) (PD).zip 2.5 KB
- 3D-Dimensions (1983) (PD).zip 2.4 KB
- EmplMO5 (198x) (PD).zip 2.3 KB
- Popeye (1988) (Christopher Lesur) (PD).zip 2.3 KB
- Mcass (1985) (PD).zip 2.3 KB
- Mdsk (1985) (PD).zip 2.3 KB
- Fichier des Animaux, Le (198x) (CNDP) (PD).zip 2.2 KB
- Glouton (1986) (Patrick Abbati) (PD) (Cart) [a1].zip 2.2 KB
- Animaux (1985) (Infogrames).zip 2.2 KB
- Glouton (1986) (Patrick Abbati) (PD) (Cart).zip 2.1 KB
- Chateau des Sphinx, Le (198x) (PD).zip 2.1 KB
- Frontier (198x) (CDDP).zip 2.0 KB
- Black Bart (198x) (PD).zip 2.0 KB
- 3-D USS (198x) (PD).zip 1.8 KB
- Grignote 2, La (1989) (Remi Coulom) (PD).zip 1.7 KB
- Concordance des Temps (198x) (CNDP) [a1].zip 1.7 KB
- Emploi du Subjonctif (198x) (CNDP).zip 1.7 KB
- Concordance des Temps (198x) (CNDP).zip 1.7 KB
- Pluriel des noms simples (198x) (CNDP).zip 1.7 KB
- Departge (1986) (Ecole Jules Ferry) (PD).zip 1.7 KB
- Banque (198x) (PD) [b1].zip 1.7 KB
- Liratt (198x) (PD).zip 1.7 KB
- Depart (198x) (PD).zip 1.6 KB
- ScrutMO5 (198x) (PD).zip 1.5 KB
- Addresses Ninaires K7 (198x) (Deplombsoft) (PD).zip 1.4 KB
- Chenille (198x) (PD).zip 1.2 KB
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