Axe Maiden Vana
File List
- ! 64.4 MB
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- Fonts/Gen Jyuu Gothic Monospace Heavy.ttf 11.4 MB
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- Audio/BGM/Sneaky Snake.ogg 4.2 MB
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- Fonts/VL-Gothic-Regular.ttf 3.7 MB
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- Audio/BGM/New Handsup Project.ogg 3.7 MB
- Audio/BGM/Volt Vault.ogg 3.6 MB
- Audio/ME/Midnight.ogg 3.6 MB
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- Audio/BGM/KLV IS DEAD.ogg 3.0 MB
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- Graphics/Titles1/Background DDR.pdn 2.8 MB
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- Audio/BGM/tukito287_fly_to_the_sky.mp3 2.5 MB
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- Audio/ME/Elicia trumpets.wav 2.5 MB
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- Audio/SE/[DR]Vana BJ.ogg 2.5 MB
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- Graphics/Animations/30FPS_AC3T018_Tempest.png 2.2 MB
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- Audio/SE/Idol.ogg 2.2 MB
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- Audio/BGM/tukito_theme_of_icesan.mp3 2.1 MB
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- Graphics/Parallaxes/MINESHIFT2 copy.png 1.9 MB
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- Audio/SE/[DR]Mira BJ.ogg 1.9 MB
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- Audio/BGM/tukito_neppu_fukisusabu.mp3 1.9 MB
- Audio/BGM/tukito_no_cure for_fool.mp3 1.9 MB
- Audio/SE/Victory ManicMagic.wav 1.8 MB
- Audio/ME/Victory ManicMagic.wav 1.8 MB
- Audio/BGM/tukito_chikara_matsuro.mp3 1.8 MB
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- Graphics/Animations/30FPS_AC3T019_Torrent.png 1.8 MB
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- Audio/BGM/tukito287_gorgeous_moment_acoustic.mp3 1.8 MB
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- Audio/BGM/tukito_imperial_order.mp3 1.8 MB
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- Audio/BGM/tukito_inabikari.mp3 1.8 MB
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- Graphics/Parallaxes/ground54-1.png 1.8 MB
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- Graphics/Parallaxes/MINESHIFT1.png 1.7 MB
- Graphics/Parallaxes/Overlay/ground3-1.png 1.7 MB
- Graphics/Animations/30FPS_ACCK024_Decimate.png 1.7 MB
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- Audio/BGM/tukito_encounter.mp3 1.7 MB
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- Graphics/Pictures/ZONEQT 10-DP.pdn 1.7 MB
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- Audio/BGM/tukito287_cross_heart_acoustic.mp3 1.7 MB
- Audio/BGM/tukito_senpu_fukiareru_gojin.mp3 1.7 MB
- Audio/BGM/tukito_dangerous_conflict.mp3 1.7 MB
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- Graphics/Parallaxes/MINESHIFT.png 1.6 MB
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- Audio/SE/ManicMagicStart.wav 1.6 MB
- Audio/ME/PL181_ジングル3[ロック].wav 1.6 MB
- Audio/ME/PL181_ジングル7[ロック,クール].wav 1.6 MB
- Audio/ME/PL181_ジングル5[ピアノ,やさしげ].wav 1.6 MB
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- Graphics/Animations/30FPS_ASLight_10_Maelstrom.png 1.6 MB
- Graphics/Animations/30FPS_AC4N024_Overture.png 1.6 MB
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- Audio/BGM/tukito_make_a_lover.mp3 1.6 MB
- Audio/BGM/Intro Theme 2.mp3 1.6 MB
- Audio/BGM/Lect Sand Town.mp3 1.6 MB
- Audio/BGM/Nobel-Emotion.mp3 1.6 MB
- Audio/BGM/tukito_beautiful_winter.mp3 1.6 MB
- Audio/BGM/Alex Theme True Battle Theme.mp3 1.6 MB
- Audio/BGM/Deontae Final Fight.mp3 1.6 MB
- Audio/BGM/Battle-Dawn(Seraph).mp3 1.5 MB
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- Audio/BGM/Isidore Theme.mp3 1.5 MB
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- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_10.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_11.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_12.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_13.png 1.5 MB
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- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_16.png 1.5 MB
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- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_19.png 1.5 MB
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- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_22.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_23.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_24.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_25.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_26.png 1.5 MB
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- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_28.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_29.png 1.5 MB
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- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_30.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_31.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_32.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_33.png 1.5 MB
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- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_36.png 1.5 MB
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- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_38.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_39.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_4.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_40.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_41.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_42.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_43.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_44.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_45.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_46.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_47.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_48.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_49.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_5.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_6.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_7.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_8.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_9.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_15.png 1.5 MB
- Graphics/System/Red Bunny/Elicia_Red_Bunny_0.png 1.5 MB
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- Audio/BGM/Grandiflora.ogg 1.5 MB
- Audio/BGM/tukito_our_last_war.mp3 1.5 MB
- Audio/ME/PL181_ジングル4[ロック,スピード感].wav 1.5 MB
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- Audio/BGM/tukito_soul_blade.mp3 1.4 MB
- Graphics/Animations/Haste2.png 1.4 MB
- Audio/BGM/Battle-05.mp3 1.4 MB
- Graphics/Animations/30FPS_ASThunder_09_Voltage.png 1.4 MB
- Graphics/Animations/30FPS_ASLight_08_Twinkle.png 1.4 MB
- Graphics/Parallaxes/tournamenthall.png 1.4 MB
- Audio/BGM/tukito_fear_kills_everything.mp3 1.4 MB
- Graphics/Pictures/[FIXED]FinalSMtown.png 1.4 MB
- Audio/ME/lovecolouredmasterspark.ogg.ogg 1.4 MB
- Audio/BGM/tukito_sparring_regimen.mp3 1.4 MB
- Graphics/Characters/Movies/final_animation.avi 1.4 MB
- Audio/BGM/Guitar.ogg 1.4 MB
- Audio/BGM/tukito_murder_machine.mp3 1.4 MB
- Audio/BGM/tukito_returns_doom.mp3 1.4 MB
- Graphics/Parallaxes/richdistrictnew.png 1.4 MB
- Audio/BGM/Encounter.mp3 1.4 MB
- Graphics/Animations/30FPS_AC4N023_Whiteout MELIS.png 1.4 MB
- Graphics/Animations/Haste3.png 1.4 MB
- Audio/BGM/sword-of-bravery.mp3 1.4 MB
- Graphics/Parallaxes/new tournamenthall.png 1.4 MB
- Audio/BGM/DLC_FMP1_Scene4.ogg 1.3 MB
- Audio/BGM/Vise Battle Music.ogg 1.3 MB
- Graphics/Parallaxes/richdistrict.png 1.3 MB
- Audio/BGM/ZoneAMV- Miner Town .mp3 1.3 MB
- Audio/BGM/Lect2 Boss Theme.mp3 1.3 MB
- Audio/BGM/ZoneAMV- Ayumi Rave.mp3 1.3 MB
- Audio/BGM/tukito_noble_battle_x1.mp3 1.3 MB
- Graphics/Animations/30FPS_ACCK032_Carnage.png 1.3 MB
- Graphics/Parallaxes/poordistrict.png 1.3 MB
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- Graphics/Parallaxes/poordistrictnew.png 1.3 MB
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- Graphics/Tilesets/Rename/Gold 2.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/Tilesets/Gold 2.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/Animations/[Reena] Windo 2.png 1.2 MB
- Audio/BGM/SS Champion Theme.mp3 1.2 MB
- Graphics/Animations/30FPS_ACCK031_Blossom.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/Animations/30FPS_ASWind_09_Updraft.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/Animations/30FPS_ASWater_05_Whirl.png 1.2 MB
- Audio/BGM/Axe Maiden Main Theme.wav 1.2 MB
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- Audio/BGM/ZoneAMV- A Class 2.mp3 1.2 MB
- Audio/BGM/ZoneAMV- A Class 1.mp3 1.2 MB
- Fonts/851Gkktt_004.ttf 1.2 MB
- Audio/ME/Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind.ogg 1.2 MB
- Audio/ME/Border.ogg 1.2 MB
- Audio/BGM/AMV Opeaning1.mp3 1.2 MB
- Graphics/Animations/30FPS_AC4N025_Annihilation.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/Animations/DEATHBALL EX.png 1.2 MB
- Audio/BGM/tukito_realize.mp3 1.2 MB
- Audio/BGM/AMV Opeaning.mp3 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_13.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_14.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_15.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_16.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_17.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_37.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_18.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_19.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_2.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_9.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_8.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_38.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_39.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_20.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_21.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_4.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_11.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_40.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_23.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_43.png 1.2 MB
- Graphics/System/Gold Bunny/Vana_Gold_Bunny_42.png 1.2 MB
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- Graphics/Characters/Slimes Master File.png 16.3 KB
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- Graphics/Characters/$Mira.png 16.0 KB
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- Graphics/Battlers/Vauhn (2).png 16.0 KB
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- Graphics/Characters/$Chair Sitting Siders Test.png 15.9 KB
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- Graphics/System/BattleSkillNames/308L.png 15.8 KB
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- Graphics/Battlebacks1/BCAVE1.png 15.5 KB
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