Abletunes - Starlight Progressive House
File List
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Processed/Reverse/Impact R.aif 2.5 MB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Processed/Consolidate/Impact.aif 2.5 MB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Abletunes - Starlight.als 1.6 MB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Processed/Consolidate/Chorus FX (Freeze).wav 969.0 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Processed/Consolidate/Fill Ins.aif 646.0 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Processed/Consolidate/Reverse Noise.aif 646.0 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Recorded/0001 10-Audio.aif 582.2 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Recorded/0001 4-Audio.aif 222.8 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Processed/Consolidate/Tom Fill ins.aif 151.5 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Imported/Closed Hihats 2.wav 141.3 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Imported/Snares 14.wav 44.0 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Imported/Bassdrum 2.wav 42.0 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Processed/Consolidate/Impact.aif.asd 32.5 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Processed/Reverse/Impact R.aif.asd 32.4 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Ableton Project Info/AProject.ico 26.1 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Imported/Snares 9.wav 19.3 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Imported/Closed Hihats 6.wav 14.6 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Imported/Closed Hihats 4.wav 14.3 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Processed/Consolidate/Reverse Noise.aif.asd 10.8 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Processed/Consolidate/Fill Ins.aif.asd 10.8 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Processed/Consolidate/Chorus FX (Freeze).wav.asd 10.7 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Recorded/0001 10-Audio.aif.asd 10.0 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Recorded/0001 4-Audio.aif.asd 5.9 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Processed/Consolidate/Tom Fill ins.aif.asd 5.3 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Imported/Closed Hihats 2.wav.asd 4.9 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Imported/Bassdrum 2.wav.asd 3.6 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Imported/Snares 14.wav.asd 3.6 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Imported/Snares 9.wav.asd 3.3 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Imported/Closed Hihats 6.wav.asd 3.3 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Samples/Imported/Closed Hihats 4.wav.asd 3.2 KB
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Ableton Project Info/Project8_1.cfg 535 bytes
- Abletunes - Starlight Project/Desktop.ini 106 bytes
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