Lynda - Project Management for Designers [AhLaN]
File List
- 1 - Introduction/01 - Project management for designers~.mp4 28.6 MB
- 2 - 1. It Starts Before You Start/02 - The value of a project well managed~.mp4 23.3 MB
- 2 - 1. It Starts Before You Start/03 - What are you good at~.mp4 22.8 MB
- 4 - 3. Your Culture/12 - What is your plan for project management~.mp4 21.9 MB
- 3 - 2. Your Process/09 - Problem predicting~.mp4 21.2 MB
- 4 - 3. Your Culture/14 - Make this a job requirement~.mp4 21.2 MB
- 3 - 2. Your Process/06 - Onboarding - The lay of the land~.mp4 18.7 MB
- 5 - 4. Your Clients/17 - Structured and unstructured~.mp4 17.2 MB
- 4 - 3. Your Culture/11 - Do you have a standard~.mp4 16.7 MB
- 3 - 2. Your Process/07 - The schedule~.mp4 16.3 MB
- 4 - 3. Your Culture/13 - Do you have project and post-project reviews~.mp4 16.1 MB
- 2 - 1. It Starts Before You Start/04 - It's more than money~.mp4 15.9 MB
- 3 - 2. Your Process/10 - Finishing strong~.mp4 15.4 MB
- 5 - 4. Your Clients/15 - Identifying Challenges In The Beginning~.mp4 15.3 MB
- 5 - 4. Your Clients/18 - The review, the feedback, and the breakup~.mp4 14.4 MB
- 2 - 1. It Starts Before You Start/05 - Control what you can~.mp4 13.6 MB
- 3 - 2. Your Process/08 - The milestones~.mp4 13.4 MB
- 5 - 4. Your Clients/16 - The Askers And The Takers~.mp4 12.9 MB
- 6 - Conclusion/19 - Next steps~.mp4 11.4 MB
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