The Decemberists [Discography]
File List
- The Decemberists - 2006 - The Crane Wife (320)/02 .The Island- Come and See - The Landlord's Daughter - You'll Not Feel the Drowning.mp3 28.5 MB
- The Decemberists - 2006 - The Crane Wife (320)/09 .The Crane Wife 1 & 2.mp3 25.9 MB
- The Decemberists - 2002 - Castaways and Cutouts (320)/10.California One - Youth and Beauty Brigade.mp3 22.5 MB
- The Decemberists - 2005 - Picaresque (320)/10.The Mariner's Revenge Song.mp3 20.1 MB
- The Decemberists - 2003 - Her Majesty (320)/04.The Gymnast, High Above The Ground.mp3 16.5 MB
- The Decemberists - 2005 - Picaresque (320)/05.The Bagman's Gambit.mp3 16.1 MB
- The Decemberists - 2003 - Her Majesty (320)/10.I Was Meant For The Stage.mp3 16.1 MB
- The Decemberists - 2002 - Castaways and Cutouts (320)/06.Cocoon.mp3 15.6 MB
- The Decemberists - 2009 - The Hazards of Love (320)/08.The Wanting Comes in Waves-Repaid.mp3 14.7 MB
- The Decemberists - 2005 - Picaresque (320)/09.On The Bus Mall.mp3 13.9 MB
- The Decemberists - 2009 - The Hazards of Love (320)/17.The Hazards of Love 4 (The Drowned).mp3 13.6 MB
- The Decemberists - 2003 - Her Majesty (320)/01.Shanty For The Arethusa.mp3 12.9 MB
- The Decemberists - 2006 - The Crane Wife (320)/05 .The Perfect Crime #2.mp3 12.7 MB
- The Decemberists - 2002 - Castaways and Cutouts (320)/05.Odalisque.mp3 12.2 MB
- The Decemberists - 2006 - The Crane Wife (320)/10 .Sons & Daughters.mp3 12.0 MB
- The Decemberists - 2009 - The Hazards of Love (320)/13.Annan Water.mp3 11.9 MB
- The Decemberists - 2005 - Picaresque (320)/01.The Infanta.mp3 11.8 MB
- The Decemberists - 2006 - The Crane Wife (320)/06 .When the War Came.mp3 11.7 MB
- The Decemberists - 2005 - Picaresque (320)/07.16 Military Wives.mp3 11.2 MB
- The Decemberists - 2002 - Castaways and Cutouts (320)/08.The Legionnaire's Lament.mp3 10.9 MB
- The Decemberists - 2006 - The Crane Wife (320)/07 .Shankill Butchers.mp3 10.7 MB
- The Decemberists - 2005 - Picaresque (320)/04.The Sporting Life.mp3 10.6 MB
- The Decemberists - 2002 - Castaways and Cutouts (320)/02.Here I Dreamt I Was an Architect.mp3 10.3 MB
- The Decemberists - 2002 - Castaways and Cutouts (320)/07.Grace Cathedral Hill.mp3 10.2 MB
- The Decemberists - 2009 - The Hazards of Love (320)/05.The Hazards of Love 2 (Wager All).mp3 10.1 MB
- The Decemberists - 2006 - The Crane Wife (320)/03 .Yankee Bayonet (I Will Be Home Then).mp3 9.9 MB
- The Decemberists - 2009 - The Hazards of Love (320)/02.The Hazards of Love 1 (The Prettiest Whistles Won't Wrestle the Thistle Undone).mp3 9.9 MB
- The Decemberists - 2006 - The Crane Wife (320)/01 .The Crane Wife 3.mp3 9.9 MB
- The Decemberists - 2003 - Her Majesty (320)/03.Los Angeles, I'm Yours.mp3 9.8 MB
- The Decemberists - 2005 - Picaresque (320)/08.The Engine Driver.mp3 9.7 MB
- The Decemberists - 2003 - Her Majesty (320)/05.The Bachelor And The Bride.mp3 9.7 MB
- The Decemberists - 2002 - Castaways and Cutouts (320)/01.Leslie Anne Levine.mp3 9.6 MB
- The Decemberists - 2003 - Her Majesty (320)/02.Billy Liar.mp3 9.5 MB
- The Decemberists - 2002 - Castaways and Cutouts (320)/09.Clementine.mp3 9.4 MB
- The Decemberists - 2009 - The Hazards of Love (320)/04.Won't Want for Love (Margaret in the Taiga).mp3 9.4 MB
- The Decemberists - 2009 - The Hazards of Love (320)/12.The Queen's Rebuke-The Crossing.mp3 9.0 MB
- The Decemberists - 2003 - Her Majesty (320)/07.The Soldiering Life.mp3 8.7 MB
- The Decemberists - 2006 - The Crane Wife (320)/04 .O Valencia!.mp3 8.7 MB
- The Decemberists - 2005 - Picaresque (320)/06.From My Own True Love (Lost At Sea).mp3 8.5 MB
- The Decemberists - 2009 - The Hazards of Love (320)/07.Isn't It a Lovely Night_.mp3 8.4 MB
- The Decemberists - 2003 - Her Majesty (320)/06.Song For Myla Goldberg.mp3 8.2 MB
- The Decemberists - 2006 - The Crane Wife (320)/08 .Summersong.mp3 8.1 MB
- The Decemberists - 2003 - Her Majesty (320)/08.Red Right Ankle.mp3 8.0 MB
- The Decemberists - 2009 - The Hazards of Love (320)/15.The Hazards of Love (Revenge!).mp3 7.7 MB
- The Decemberists - 2009 - The Hazards of Love (320)/10.The Rake's Song.mp3 7.5 MB
- The Decemberists - 2005 - Picaresque (320)/03.Eli, The Barrow Boy.mp3 7.3 MB
- The Decemberists - 2002 - Castaways and Cutouts (320)/04.A Cautionary Song.mp3 7.2 MB
- The Decemberists - 2009 - The Hazards of Love (320)/14.Margaret in Captivity.mp3 7.2 MB
- The Decemberists - 2005 - Picaresque (320)/02.We Both Go Down Together.mp3 7.0 MB
- The Decemberists - 2009 - The Hazards of Love (320)/01.Prelude.mp3 7.0 MB
- The Decemberists - 2003 - Her Majesty (320)/09.The Chimbley Sweep.mp3 6.6 MB
- The Decemberists - 2002 - Castaways and Cutouts (320)/03.July, July!.mp3 6.6 MB
- The Decemberists - 2005 - Picaresque (320)/11.Of Angels And Angles.mp3 5.6 MB
- The Decemberists - 2003 - Her Majesty (320)/11.As I Rise.mp3 5.1 MB
- The Decemberists - 2009 - The Hazards of Love (320)/03.A Bower Scene.mp3 4.9 MB
- The Decemberists - 2009 - The Hazards of Love (320)/11.The Abduction of Margaret.mp3 4.8 MB
- The Decemberists - 2009 - The Hazards of Love (320)/09.An Interlude.mp3 3.8 MB
- The Decemberists - 2009 - The Hazards of Love (320)/16.The Wanting Comes in Waves (reprise).mp3 3.5 MB
- The Decemberists - 2009 - The Hazards of Love (320)/06.The Queen's Approach.mp3 1.1 MB
- The Decemberists - 2005 - Picaresque (320)/R-1144762-1195701897.jpeg 183.5 KB
- The Decemberists - 2009 - The Hazards of Love (320)/R-1752927-1241099943.jpeg 154.2 KB
- The Decemberists - 2003 - Her Majesty (320)/R-1087714-1194493541.jpeg 55.2 KB
- The Decemberists - 2002 - Castaways and Cutouts (320)/R-754858-1220123143.jpeg 41.7 KB
- The Decemberists - 2006 - The Crane Wife (320)/R-803778-1253043836.jpeg 31.9 KB
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