MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App
File List
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/5. User Authentication/6. Success , Error , Loading components.mp4 264.5 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/10. Deployment/1. Final CSS.mp4 233.6 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/4. Cart Functionality/1. Adding Pizzas to Cart.mp4 231.4 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/4. Cart Functionality/2. Cart screen design.mp4 213.7 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/7. Update Pizza - FrontEnd Logic.mp4 212.0 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/5. User Authentication/5. User Login.mp4 196.5 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/7. Working with Orders/4. Orders screen.mp4 196.4 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/2. Admin Screen Design.mp4 194.9 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/1. Front End React Setup/4. Working with static data - part1.mp4 193.3 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/7. Working with Orders/3. Get user orders.mp4 192.9 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/12. Users List.mp4 188.1 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/6. Payment Gateway Integration - Stripe/4. Stripe Backend.mp4 175.4 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/10. Deployment/3. Pushing To HEROKU.mp4 168.6 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/5. Add Pizza Logic.mp4 163.3 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/6. Update Pizza - Actions and Reducers.mp4 157.3 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/8. Filtering Pizzas/2. Filter Component Logic.mp4 155.9 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/4. Cart Functionality/3. Updating Pizza Quantity.mp4 147.4 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/6. Payment Gateway Integration - Stripe/2. Stripe - Front End.mp4 147.2 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/5. User Authentication/1. Register Screen Design.mp4 146.9 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/10. Orders List.mp4 144.2 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/1. Front End React Setup/5. Working with static data - part2.mp4 143.2 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/7. Working with Orders/2. Save Orders in Database.mp4 142.6 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/4. Add Pizza Screen Design.mp4 139.2 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/11. Deliver Order.mp4 138.4 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/8. Update Pizza - Backend Logic.mp4 127.3 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/3. Pizzas List Screen.mp4 126.1 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/1. Front End React Setup/6. Pizza Description Modal.mp4 124.7 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/10. Deployment/2. Pushing To Github.mp4 110.8 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/3. Working with Redux , Actions , Reducers , Store/4. Bring State to Homepage.mp4 108.2 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/8. Filtering Pizzas/1. Filter Component Design.mp4 105.6 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/3. Working with Redux , Actions , Reducers , Store/1. Setup Actions and Reducers.mp4 105.4 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/5. User Authentication/4. User Registration Backend.mp4 100.2 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/4. Cart Functionality/4. Delete From Cart.mp4 97.9 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/6. Payment Gateway Integration - Stripe/3. Stripe - Actions and Reducers.mp4 95.5 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/3. Working with Redux , Actions , Reducers , Store/3. Get all pizzas - Backend.mp4 91.5 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/1. Front End React Setup/3. Navbar.mp4 91.1 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/2. Backend Node Setup/2. Mongo DB Connection.mp4 90.2 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/9. Delete Pizza.mp4 84.4 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/3. Working with Redux , Actions , Reducers , Store/2. Setup Redux Store.mp4 76.8 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/1. Front End React Setup/1. Promo.mp4 71.9 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/5. User Authentication/2. User Registration Actions and Reducers.mp4 67.2 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/2. Backend Node Setup/4. Pizza Model.mp4 57.6 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/7. Working with Orders/1. Order Model.mp4 52.7 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/4. Cart Functionality/5. Calculate Sub Total.mp4 50.2 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/6. Payment Gateway Integration - Stripe/1. Payment Demo.mp4 49.1 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/2. Backend Node Setup/3. Adding static JSON data in Mongo DB.mp4 37.6 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/1. Admin Screen Demo.mp4 36.4 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/2. Backend Node Setup/1. Node + Express Sever Setup.mp4 31.4 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/5. User Authentication/3. Creating User Model.mp4 28.4 MB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/1. Front End React Setup/2. React Setup.mp4 22.0 MB
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- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/4. Cart Functionality/1. Adding Pizzas to 29.0 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/5. User Authentication/6. Success , Error , Loading 27.3 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/4. Cart Functionality/2. Cart screen 27.2 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/1. Front End React Setup/4. Working with static data - 26.4 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/10. Deployment/1. Final 25.5 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/10. Deployment/3. Pushing To 24.7 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/6. Payment Gateway Integration - Stripe/4. Stripe 23.9 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/6. Payment Gateway Integration - Stripe/2. Stripe - Front 22.9 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/7. Update Pizza - FrontEnd 22.6 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/7. Working with Orders/4. Orders 21.0 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/5. User Authentication/5. User 20.7 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/4. Cart Functionality/3. Updating Pizza 20.0 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/2. Admin Screen 19.9 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/7. Working with Orders/3. Get user 19.0 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/6. Update Pizza - Actions and 18.4 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/7. Working with Orders/2. Save Orders in 18.1 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/12. Users 16.0 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/5. User Authentication/1. Register Screen 15.1 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/10. Deployment/2. Pushing To 15.1 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/8. Filtering Pizzas/2. Filter Component 15.0 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/1. Front End React Setup/5. Working with static data - 14.8 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/11. Deliver 14.7 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/8. Update Pizza - Backend 14.1 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/1. Front End React Setup/6. Pizza Description 13.8 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/5. Add Pizza 13.7 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/2. Backend Node Setup/2. Mongo DB 13.6 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/1. Front End React Setup/3. 13.4 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/1. Front End React Setup/1. 13.1 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/10. Orders 12.7 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/4. Cart Functionality/4. Delete From 12.7 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/3. Working with Redux , Actions , Reducers , Store/1. Setup Actions and 12.3 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/3. Pizzas List 12.2 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/4. Add Pizza Screen 12.2 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/3. Working with Redux , Actions , Reducers , Store/4. Bring State to 12.2 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/8. Filtering Pizzas/1. Filter Component 11.3 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/5. User Authentication/4. User Registration 10.9 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/6. Payment Gateway Integration - Stripe/1. Payment 10.8 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/3. Working with Redux , Actions , Reducers , Store/3. Get all pizzas - 9.6 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/6. Payment Gateway Integration - Stripe/3. Stripe - Actions and 9.5 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/9. Delete 9.0 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/7. Working with Orders/1. Order 8.3 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/3. Working with Redux , Actions , Reducers , Store/2. Setup Redux 7.8 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/9. Admin Panel/1. Admin Screen 6.9 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/2. Backend Node Setup/4. Pizza 6.9 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/2. Backend Node Setup/3. Adding static JSON data in Mongo 6.6 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/5. User Authentication/2. User Registration Actions and 6.4 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/4. Cart Functionality/5. Calculate Sub 5.9 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/2. Backend Node Setup/1. Node + Express Sever 5.5 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/1. Front End React Setup/2. React 4.3 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/1. Front End React Setup/4.1 pizzasdata.js 3.4 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/2. Backend Node Setup/4.1 pizzasdata.json 3.2 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/5. User Authentication/3. Creating User 3.1 KB
- .pad/4 3.1 KB
- .pad/0 1.3 KB
- [] - MERN Stack React, Redux, Node, Mongo - Pizza Delivery App/10. Deployment/3.1 heroku-scripts.txt 366 bytes
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