Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Gregorian Chant
File List
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Oratio Jeremiae Prophetae - The Prayer of Jeremiah.mp3 25.2 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Arbs Beata Jerusalem - Blessed City, Heavenly Salem.mp3 13.1 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - A Solis Ortus Cardine - Let all the World Sing.mp3 11.5 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Kyrie eleison.mp3 11.5 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Gloria, Laus, et Honor - All Glory, Praise and Honor.mp3 10.9 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Aurea Luce - With golden Light.mp3 10.8 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Halleluja - Psalm 117.mp3 10.5 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Hic est dies verus Dei - This is the true Day of God.mp3 10.4 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Beata Nobis Guadia - The yearly round has brought us.mp3 10.0 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Aeterne Retum Conditor - Eternal Creator of the World.mp3 9.7 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Ave, Maris Stella - Hail, Star of the Sea.mp3 9.7 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Sancti, Venite, Christi Corpus - Come eat the Body of Christ.mp3 9.6 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Gloria in Excelsis Deo - Glory to God in the Highest.mp3 8.9 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Alleluia, Dulce Carmen - Alleluia, sweet Song of Joy.mp3 8.5 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Congregavit nos in unum Christi Amor - Where true Love is, there is God.mp3 8.2 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Mediae Noctis Tempus Est - It is the Time of Midnight.mp3 8.2 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Pange Lingua - Sing, my Tongue.mp3 7.9 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Inventor Rutili - Creator of shining Light, O Good Leader.mp3 7.9 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Te Decet Laus - To you belongs our Praise.mp3 5.3 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - O Quanta, Gualia - O what their Joy and Glory must be.mp3 5.1 MB
- Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland - Ut queant laxis - Free, from Guilt.mp3 4.9 MB
- Scans/Back.jpg 4.3 MB
- Scans/Booklet 01.jpg 3.5 MB
- Scans/Booklet 02.jpg 3.3 MB
- Scans/CD.jpg 3.1 MB
- Scans/Thumbnail.jpg 297.1 KB
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