File List
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/08 - Farewell To The Ocean Boulevard.flac 107.2 MB
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/07 - Handful of Stars.flac 73.5 MB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/10 - Handful Of Stars.flac 68.9 MB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/09 - Song Of Freedom.flac 67.2 MB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/06 - Shade Of Grey.flac 65.4 MB
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/02 - Like A Giant In A Cage.flac 54.4 MB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/03 - A Place For The Sun.flac 51.2 MB
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/03 - A Grave Is The River.flac 47.4 MB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/04 - Rainbow Highway.flac 43.7 MB
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/04 - Mother.flac 43.5 MB
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/05 - Flaming Telepaths.flac 41.7 MB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/02 - Liar.flac 40.8 MB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/05 - The Golden King.flac 39.4 MB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/07 - The World Behind Your Eyes.flac 36.9 MB
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/06 - Rainbow Demon.flac 28.3 MB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/Scans/booklet_04.jpg 13.5 MB
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/Scans/booklet_01.jpg 12.5 MB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/Scans/booklet_02.jpg 10.6 MB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/Scans/inlay.jpg 9.1 MB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/Scans/booklet_05.jpg 9.1 MB
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/Scans/inlay.jpg 8.6 MB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/Scans/booklet_03.jpg 8.5 MB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/Scans/back.jpg 8.3 MB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/Scans/booklet_01.jpg 7.8 MB
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/Scans/back.jpg 7.8 MB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/01 - Prelude.flac 7.4 MB
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/Scans/booklet_04.jpg 6.7 MB
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/01 - Presentation- Under The Willow.flac 6.6 MB
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/Scans/cd.jpg 6.0 MB
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/Scans/booklet_03jpg.jpg 5.6 MB
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/Scans/booklet_02.jpg 5.5 MB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/Scans/booklet_06.jpg 5.0 MB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/Scans/cd.jpg 1.8 MB
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- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/front.jpg 108.5 KB
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- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/Witchwood - Litanies From The Woods.log 11.3 KB
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/Witchwood - Handful of Stars.log 9.8 KB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 4.4 KB
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 3.3 KB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/Litanies From The Woods.cue 1.6 KB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/foo_dr.txt 1.5 KB
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/Handful of Stars.cue 1.4 KB
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/foo_dr.txt 1.3 KB
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/Litanies From The Woods.txt 850 bytes
- Witchwood - Litanies from the Woods (2015, Jolly Roger)/Witchwood - Litanies From The Woods.m3u8 713 bytes
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/Handful of Stars.txt 630 bytes
- Witchwood - Handful of Stars (2016, Jolly Roger)/Witchwood - Handful of Stars.m3u8 525 bytes
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