LIBRARY OF AMERICA - Various Authors, Collection no. 1 (134 books)
File List
- Agee, James - Let Us Now Praise Famous Men & Shorter Fiction [ed. Sragow] (Library of America #159, 2005).pdf 84.4 MB
- Ward, Lynd - Gods' Man, Madman's Drum, Wild Pilgrimage [ed. Spiegelman] (Library of America #210, 2010).epub 73.0 MB
- O'Neill, Eugene - Complete Plays, 1932-1943 [ed. Bogard] (Library of America #42, 1988).pdf 61.1 MB
- O'Neill, Eugene - Complete Plays, 1920-1931 [ed. Bogard] (Library of America #41, 1988).pdf 43.5 MB
- Williams, Tennessee - Plays 1957-1980 [ed. Gussow & Holditch] (Library of America #120, 2000).pdf 37.1 MB
- James, William - Writings, 1902-1910 [ed. Kutlick] (Library of America #38, 1992).pdf 35.6 MB
- Faulkner, William - Novels, 1936-1940 [ed. Blotner & Polk] (Library of America #48, 1990).pdf 31.0 MB
- Pound, Ezra - Poems and Translations [ed. Sieburth] (Library of America #144, 2003).pdf 28.9 MB
- Farrell, James T. - Studs Lonigan_ A Trilogy [ed. Hamill] (Library of America #148, 2004).pdf 28.7 MB
- Faulkner, William - Novels, 1930-1935 [ed. Blotner & Polk] (Library of America #25, 1985).pdf 28.0 MB
- Wright, Richard - Later Works [ed. Rampersad] (Library of America #56, 1991).pdf 27.4 MB
- Dos Passos, John - U.S.A [ed. Luddington & Aaron] (Library of America #85, 1996).pdf 27.0 MB
- O'Neill, Eugene - Complete Plays, 1913-1920 [ed. Bogard] (Library of America #40, 1988).pdf 26.9 MB
- James, William - Writings, 1878-1899 [ed. Myers] (Library of America #58, 1992).pdf 26.6 MB
- Baldwin, James - Collected Essays [ed. Morrison] (Library of America #98, 1998).pdf 23.8 MB
- Williams, Tennessee - Plays 1937-1955 [ed. Gussow & Holditch] (Library of America #119, 2000).pdf 23.2 MB
- Baldwin, James - Early Novels and Stories [ed. Morrison] (Library of America #97, 1998).pdf 23.2 MB
- Frost, Robert - Collected Poems, Prose, and Plays [ed. Poirier & Richardson] (Library of America #81, 1995).pdf 22.0 MB
- Adams, Henry - Democracy, Esther, Mont Saint Michel, The Education [ed. Samuels] (Library of America #14, 1983).pdf 21.7 MB
- Nabokov, Vladimir - Novels and Memoirs, 1941-1951 [ed. Boyd] (Library of America #87, 1996).pdf 21.0 MB
- Crane, Hart - Complete Poems and Selected Letters [ed. Hammer] (Library of America #168, 2006).pdf 20.9 MB
- Dos Passos, John - Travel Books and Other Writings, 1916-1941 [ed. Ludington] (Library of America #143, 2003).pdf 20.0 MB
- Kerouac, Jack - Road Novels, 1957-1960 [ed. Brinkley] (Library of America #174, 2007).pdf 18.7 MB
- Faulkner, William - Novels, 1942-1954 [ed. Blotner & Polk] (Library of America #73, 1994).pdf 18.2 MB
- Wright, Richard - Early Works [ed. Rampersad] (Library of America #55, 1991).pdf 17.5 MB
- Nabokov, Vladimir - Novels, 1955-1962 [ed. Boyd] (Library of America #88, 1996).pdf 17.3 MB
- Art in America, 1945-1970 [ed. Perl] (Library of America #259, 2014).epub 17.3 MB
- Roth, Philip - Novels, 1967-1972 [ed. Miller] (Library of America #158, 2005).pdf 17.2 MB
- Bowles, Paul - The Sheltering Sky, Let It Come Down, The Spider's House [ed. Halpern] (Library of America #134, 2002).pdf 16.8 MB
- Black Writers of the Founding Era [ed. Basker & Seary] (Library of America #366, 2023).epub 16.4 MB
- Thurber, James - Writings and Drawings [ed. Keillor] (Library of America #90, 1996).epub 15.3 MB
- Dos Passos, John - Novels, 1920-1925 [ed. Ludington] (Library of America #142, 2003).pdf 14.8 MB
- Faulkner, William - Novels, 1957-1962 [ed. Polk & Blotner] (Library of America #112, 1999).pdf 14.8 MB
- Carver, Raymond - Collected Stories [ed. Stull & Carroll] (Library of America #195, 2009).pdf 13.6 MB
- Nabokov, Vladimir - Novels, 1969-1974 [ed. Boyd] (Library of America #89, 1996).pdf 13.3 MB
- American Women's Suffrage_ The Long Struggle for the Vote, 1776–1965 [ed. Ware] (Library of America #332, 2020).epub 12.9 MB
- Hearn, Lafcadio - American Writings [ed. Benfey] (Library of America #190, 2009).epub 12.6 MB
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Collected Poems and Translations [ed. Bloom & Kane] (Library of America #70, 1994).pdf 12.5 MB
- Burnett, Frances Hodgson - The Secret Garden, Little Lord Fauntleroy [ed. Gerzina] (Library of America #323, 2019).epub 11.7 MB
- McCullers, Carson - Complete Novels [ed. Dews] (Library of America #128, 2001).pdf 11.6 MB
- West, Nathanael - Novels and Other Writings [ed. Bercovitch] (Library of America #93, 1997).pdf 10.8 MB
- Sherman, William Tecumseh - Memoirs [ed. Royster] (Library of America #51, 1990).epub 10.3 MB
- Jefferson, Thomas - Writings [ed. Peterson] (Library of America #17, 2011).epub 9.7 MB
- Thomson, Virgil - The State of Music and Other Writings [ed. Page] (Library of America #277, 2016).epub 9.5 MB
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Always Coming Home [ed. Attebery] (Library of America #315, 2019).epub 8.8 MB
- Douglass, Frederick - Autobiographies [ed. Gates] (Library of America #68, 1994).epub 8.4 MB
- Olmsted, Frederick Law - Writings on Landscape, Culture, and Society [ed. Beveridge] (Library of America #270, 2015).epub 7.7 MB
- Plymouth Colony [ed. Brooks & Wisecup] (Library of America #337, 2020).epub 7.1 MB
- Muir, John - Nature Writings [ed. Cronin] (Library of America #92, 1997).epub 6.1 MB
- American Antislavery Writings_ Colonial Beginnings to Emancipation [ed. Basker] (Library of America #233, 2012).epub 5.8 MB
- Leopold, Aldo - A Sand County Almanac and Other Writings [ed. Meine] (Library of America #238, 2013).epub 5.3 MB
- Grant, Ulysses S. - Memoirs and Selected Letters [ed. McFeeley] (Library of America #50, 1990).epub 5.2 MB
- Barthelme, Donald - Collected Stories [ed. McGrath] (Library of America #343, 2021).epub 5.1 MB
- Alcott, Louisa May - Work, Eight Cousins, Stories & Other Writings [ed. Cheever] (Library of America #256, 2014).epub 5.1 MB
- Shakespeare in America_ An Anthology from the Revolution to Now [ed. Shapiro] (Library of America #251, 2014).epub 4.9 MB
- War No More_ Three Centuries of American Antiwar and Peace Writing [ed. Rosenwald] (Library of America #278, 2016).epub 4.6 MB
- Swenson, May - Collected Poems [ed. Hammer] (Library of America #239, 2013).epub 4.2 MB
- Alcott, Louisa May - Little Women, Little Men, Jo's Boys [ed. Showalter] (Library of America #156, 2005).epub 4.2 MB
- Cooper, James Fenimore - Two Novels of the American Revolution [ed. Taylor] (Library of America #312, 2018).epub 4.2 MB
- Crime Novels_ Four Classic Thrillers, 1964-1969 [ed. O'Brien] (Library of America #371, 2023).epub 3.9 MB
- The Civil War_ The Third Year Told by Those Who LIved It [ed. Sinpson] (Library of America #234, 2013).epub 3.9 MB
- The War of 1812_ Writings from America's Second War of Independence [ed. Hickey] (Library of America #232, 2012).pdf 3.5 MB
- The American Revolution_ Writings from the Pamphlet Debate, 1773-1776 [ed. Wood] (Library of America #266, 2015).epub 3.3 MB
- Lardner, Ring - Stories and Other Writings [ed. Frazier] (Library of America #244, 2013).epub 3.2 MB
- The American Revolution_ Writings from the Pamphlet Debate, 1764-1772 [ed. Wood] (Library of America #265, 2015).epub 3.2 MB
- Brown, William Wells - Clotel and Other Writings [ed. Greenspan] (Library of America #247, 2014).epub 3.0 MB
- Berry, Wendell - Port William Novels and Stories_ The Civil War to WWII [ed. Shoemaker] (Library of America #302, 2018).epub 2.9 MB
- The Civil War_ The Second Year Told by Those Who LIved It [ed. Sears] (Library of America #221, 2012).epub 2.7 MB
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Five Novels [ed. Attebery] (Library of America #379, 2024).epub 2.7 MB
- Poe, Edgar Allan - Poetry and Tales [ed. Quinn] (Library of America #20, 1984).epub 2.7 MB
- The Civil War_ The Final Year Told by Those Who LIved It [ed. Sheehan-Dean] (Library of America #250, 2014).epub 2.7 MB
- The Civil War_ The First Year Told by Those Who LIved It [ed. Simpson et al.] (Library of America #212, 2011).epub 2.6 MB
- L'Engle, Madeleine - The Wrinkle in Time Quartet [ed. Marcus] (Library of America #309, 2018).epub 2.5 MB
- World War I and America_ Told by the Americans Who Lived It [ed. Berg] (Library of America #289, 2017).epub 2.5 MB
- Adams, Abigail - Letters [ed. Gelles] (Library of America #275, 2016).epub 2.4 MB
- Women Crime Writers_ Four Suspense Novels of the 1950s [ed. Weinman] (Library of America #269, 2015).epub 2.4 MB
- Women Crime Writers_ Four Suspense Novels of the 1940s [ed. Weinman] (Library of America #268, 2015).epub 2.3 MB
- The War of 1812_ Writings from America's Second War of Independence [ed. Hickey] (Library of America #232, 2012).epub 2.3 MB
- The Debate on the Constitution, Part 1 [ed. Bailyn] (Library of America #62, 1993).epub 2.2 MB
- Melville, Herman - Complete Poems [ed. Parker] (Library of America #320, 2019).epub 2.0 MB
- McCarthy, Mary - Novels and Stories, 1963-1979 [ed. Mallon] (Library of America #291, 2017).epub 1.9 MB
- Niebuhr, Reinhold - Major Works on Religion and Politics [ed. Sifton] (Library of America #263, 2015.epub 1.8 MB
- Mailer, Norman -The Naked and the Dead & Selected Letters, 1945-1946 [ed. Lennon] (Library of America #364, 2023).epub 1.7 MB
- L'Engle, Madeleine - The Polly O'Keefe Quartet [ed. Marcus] (Library of America #310, 2018).epub 1.7 MB
- Melville, Herman - Typee, Omoo, Mardi [ed. Tanselle] (Library of America #1, 1982).epub 1.7 MB
- James, Henry - Autobiographies [ed. Horne] (Library of America #274, 2016).epub 1.6 MB
- Kerouac, Jack - The Unknown Kerouac [ed. Tietchen] (Library of America #283, 2016).epub 1.6 MB
- Thomson, Virgil - Music Chronicles, 1940-1954 [ed. Page] (Library of America #258, 2014).epub 1.6 MB
- Berry, Wendell - Essays, 1993-2017 [ed. Shoemaker] (Library of America #317, 2019).epub 1.6 MB
- American Science Fiction_ Four Classic Novels, 1968-69 [ed. Wolfe] (Library of America #322, 2019).epub 1.6 MB
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Collected Novels [ed. Bell] (Library of America #10, 1983).epub 1.6 MB
- American Science Fiction_ Four Classic Novels, 1960-1966 [ed. Wolfe] (Library of America #321, 2019).epub 1.6 MB
- McCarthy, Mary - Novels and Stories, 1942-1963 [ed. Mallon] (Library of America #290, 2017).epub 1.5 MB
- Twain, Mark - Collected Tales, Sketches, Speeches and Essays, 1852-1890 [ed. Budd] (Library of America #60, 1992).epub 1.5 MB
- The American Revolution_ Writings from the War of Independence, 1775-1783 [ed. Rhodehamel] (Library of America #123, 2001).epub 1.5 MB
- Paine, Thomas - Collected Writings [ed. Foner] (Library of America #76, 1995).epub 1.5 MB
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott- The Great Gatsby, All the Sad Young Men & Other Writings, 1920–26 [ed. West] (Library of America #353, 2022).epub 1.5 MB
- Adams, John - Writings from the New Nation, 1784-1826 [ed. Wood] (Library of America #276, 2016).epub 1.4 MB
- James, Henry - Novels, 1901-1902 [ed. Bersani] (Library of America #162, 2006).epub 1.4 MB
- Cooper, James Fenimore - The Leatherstocking Tales, Vol. 1 [ed. Nevius] (Library of America #26, 1985).epub 1.4 MB
- Berry, Wendell - Essays, 1969-1990 [ed. Shoemaker] (Library of America #316, 2019).epub 1.3 MB
- The Debate on the Constitution, Part 2 [ed. Bailyn] (Library of America #63, 1993).epub 1.3 MB
- Adams, John Quincy - Diaries, 1779-1821 [ed. Waldstreicher] (Library of America #293, 2017).epub 1.3 MB
- Lincoln, Abraham - Speeches and Writings, 1859-1865 [ed. Fehrenbacher] (Library of America #46, 1989).epub 1.3 MB
- Adams, John Quincy - Diaries, 1821-1848 [ed. Waldstreicher] (Library of America #294, 2017).epub 1.2 MB
- Lincoln, Abraham - Speeches and Writings, 1832-1858 [ed. Fehrenbacher] (Library of America #45, 1989).epub 1.2 MB
- Goodis, David - Five Noir Novels of the 1940s and 50s [ed. Polito] (Library of America #225, 2012).epub 1.2 MB
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - The Complete Orsinia [ed. Attebery] (Library of America #281, 2016).epub 1.2 MB
- Slave Narratives [ed. Andrews & Gates] (Library of America #114, 2000).epub 1.2 MB
- McCullers, Carson - Stories, Plays and Other Writings [ed. Dews] (Library of America #287, 2017).epub 1.2 MB
- Douglass, Frederick - Speeches and Writings [ed. Blight] (Library of America #358, 2022).epub 1.2 MB
- Porter, Katherine Anne - Collected Stories and Other Writings [ed. Unrue] (Library of America #186, 2008).epub 1.2 MB
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Collected Poems [ed. Bloom] (Library of America #368, 2023).epub 1.2 MB
- Petry, Ann - The Street, The Narrows [ed. Griffin] (Library of America #314, 2019).epub 1.2 MB
- Anderson, Sherwood - Collected Stories [ed. Baxter] (Library of America #235, 2012).epub 1.2 MB
- Tocqueville, Alexis de - Democracy in America [ed. Zunz] (Library of America #147, 2004).epub 1.1 MB
- Edwards, Jonathan - Writings from the Great Awakening [ed. Gura] (Library of America #245, 2013).epub 1.1 MB
- Lovecraft, H. P. - Tales [ed. Straub] (Library of America #155, 2005).epub 1.1 MB
- Henry, O. - 101 Stories [ed. Yagoda] (Library of America #345, 2021).epub 1.1 MB
- Spencer, Elizabeth - Novels and Stories [ed. Gorra] (Library of America #344, 2021).epub 1.1 MB
- Tarkington, Booth - Novels and Stories [ed. Mallon] (Library of America #319, 2019).epub 1.1 MB
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott - Novels and Stories, 1920-1922 [ed. Bryer] (Library of America #117, 2000).epub 1.1 MB
- Cooper, James Fenimore - The Leatherstocking Tales, Vol. 2 [ed. Nevius] (Library of America #27, 1985).epub 1.1 MB
- Gilman, Charlotte Perkins - Novels, Stories, and Poems [ed. Bendixen] (Library of America #356, 2022).epub 1.0 MB
- Wharton, Edith - Collected Stories, 1891-1910 [ed. Howard] (Library of America #121, 2001).epub 1.0 MB
- Reconstruction_ Voices from America's First Great Struggle for Racial Equality [ed. Simpson] (Library of America #303, 2018).epub 993.7 KB
- Merwin, W. S. - Collected Poems, 1952-1993 [ed. McClatchy] (Library of America #240, 2013).epub 977.9 KB
- Bierce, Ambrose - The Devil's Dictionary, Tales, and Memoirs [ed. Joshi] (Library of America #219, 2011).epub 957.7 KB
- Crime Novels_ Four Classic Thrillers, 1961-1964 [ed. O'Brien] (Library of America #370, 2023).epub 953.5 KB
- Russ, Joanna - Novels and Stories [ed. Rudick] (Library of America #373, 2023).epub 908.6 KB
- Perelman, S. J. - Writings [ed. Gopnick] (Library of America #346, 2021).epub 896.2 KB
- Le Guin, Ursula K. - Annals of the Western Shore [ed. Attebery] (Library of America #335, 2020).epub 882.3 KB
- Woolson, Constance Fenimore - Collected Stories [ed. Rioux] (Library of America #327, 2020).epub 829.8 KB
- Taylor, Peter - Complete Stories, 1960-1992 [ed. Beattie] (Library of America #299, 2017).epub 826.1 KB
- Taylor, Peter - Complete Stories, 1938-1959 [ed. Beattie] (Library of America #298, 2017).epub 817.2 KB
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