Gabriel Dropout_TV+OVA+Manga+CD+Other dub jpn sub chs (2024-10-13)
File List
- TV (1S12E)+OVA (2S2E)_BDrip_1080P_x264_flac_dub jpn/Gabriel Dropout (BD_1080P_x264_flac)/ 4.3 GB
- TV (1S12E)+OVA (2S2E)_BDrip_1080P_x264_flac_dub jpn/Gabriel Dropout (BD_1080P_x264_flac)/Gabriel Dropout. TV 02 (BD_1080P_x264_flac).mkv 1.4 GB
- TV (1S12E)+OVA (2S2E)_BDrip_1080P_x264_flac_dub jpn/Gabriel Dropout (BD_1080P_x264_flac)/Gabriel Dropout. TV 01 (BD_1080P_x264_flac).mkv 1.3 GB
- TV (1S12E)+OVA (2S2E)_BDrip_1080P_x264_flac_dub jpn/Gabriel Dropout (BD_1080P_x264_flac)/Gabriel Dropout. TV 09 (BD_1080P_x264_flac).mkv 1.2 GB
- TV (1S12E)+OVA (2S2E)_BDrip_1080P_x264_flac_dub jpn/Gabriel Dropout (BD_1080P_x264_flac)/Gabriel Dropout. TV 08 (BD_1080P_x264_flac).mkv 1.2 GB
- TV (1S12E)+OVA (2S2E)_BDrip_1080P_x264_flac_dub jpn/Gabriel Dropout (BD_1080P_x264_flac)/Gabriel Dropout. TV 04 (BD_1080P_x264_flac).mkv 1.2 GB
- TV (1S12E)+OVA (2S2E)_BDrip_1080P_x264_flac_dub jpn/Gabriel Dropout (BD_1080P_x264_flac)/Gabriel Dropout. TV 06 (BD_1080P_x264_flac).mkv 1.2 GB
- TV (1S12E)+OVA (2S2E)_BDrip_1080P_x264_flac_dub jpn/Gabriel Dropout (BD_1080P_x264_flac)/Gabriel Dropout. TV 03 (BD_1080P_x264_flac).mkv 1.2 GB
- TV (1S12E)+OVA (2S2E)_BDrip_1080P_x264_flac_dub jpn/Gabriel Dropout (BD_1080P_x264_flac)/Gabriel Dropout. TV 11 (BD_1080P_x264_flac).mkv 1.2 GB
- TV (1S12E)+OVA (2S2E)_BDrip_1080P_x264_flac_dub jpn/Gabriel Dropout (BD_1080P_x264_flac)/Gabriel Dropout. TV 12 (BD_1080P_x264_flac).mkv 1.2 GB
- TV (1S12E)+OVA (2S2E)_BDrip_1080P_x264_flac_dub jpn/Gabriel Dropout (BD_1080P_x264_flac)/Gabriel Dropout. TV 10 (BD_1080P_x264_flac).mkv 1.2 GB
- Manga (2S2B)_zip-jpg_sub jpn/ガヴリールドロップアウト (15巻);著者:うかみ;日本語 (jpg).zip 1.1 GB
- TV (1S12E)+OVA (2S2E)_BDrip_1080P_x264_flac_dub jpn/Gabriel Dropout (BD_1080P_x264_flac)/Gabriel Dropout. TV 07 (BD_1080P_x264_flac).mkv 1.1 GB
- TV (1S12E)+OVA (2S2E)_BDrip_1080P_x264_flac_dub jpn/Gabriel Dropout (BD_1080P_x264_flac)/Gabriel Dropout. TV 05 (BD_1080P_x264_flac).mkv 1.0 GB
- TV (1S12E)+OVA (2S2E)_BDrip_1080P_x264_flac_dub jpn/Gabriel Dropout (BD_1080P_x264_flac)/Gabriel Dropout. OVA 2017-05-24 (BD_1080P_x264_flac).mkv 786.8 MB
- TV (1S12E)+OVA (2S2E)_BDrip_1080P_x264_flac_dub jpn/Gabriel Dropout (BD_1080P_x264_flac)/Gabriel Dropout. OVA 2017-03-24 (BD_1080P_x264_flac).mkv 746.3 MB
- TV (1S12E)+OVA (2S2E)_BDrip_1080P_x264_flac_dub jpn/Gabriel Dropout (BD_1080P_x264_flac)/ 625.1 MB
- Manga (2S2B)_zip-jpg_sub jpn/タプリスシュガーステップ (3巻);原作:うかみ/漫画:ばふぁこ;日本語 (jpg).zip 184.0 MB
- CD (2S)_zip-mp3_dub jpn/[2017.04.26] ガヴリールドロップアウト. 天使と悪魔のキャラソン&サントラ CD (mp3).zip 176.6 MB
- Fonts.chn,jpn (8F)_zip-ttf,ttc/Fonts.chn,jpn (8F)_ttf, 48.3 MB
- CD (2S)_zip-mp3_dub jpn/[2017.02.22] ガヴリールドロップアウト. OP テーマ ガヴリールドロップキック (mp3).zip 36.6 MB
- Wikipedia (jpn×12 chs×12 eng×9)/Wikipedia (jpn×12 chs×12 eng×9).zip 14.9 MB
- ReNamer Lite_6.2.0.2 8.7 MB
- Danmu.chs (TV+OVA) (incomplete)_zip-xml,ass/Danmu.chs (TV+OVA) (incomplete)_xml, 6.7 MB
- Subtitle.chs (TV+OVA)_zip-ass/Subtitle.chs (TV+OVA) 1.1 MB
- CD (2S)_zip-mp3_dub jpn/[2017.02.22] ガヴリールドロップアウト. OP テーマ ガヴリールドロップキック (mp3).zip 来源.txt 548 bytes
- CD (2S)_zip-mp3_dub jpn/[2017.04.26] ガヴリールドロップアウト. 天使と悪魔のキャラソン&サントラ CD (mp3).zip 来源.txt 397 bytes
- TV (1S12E)+OVA (2S2E)_BDrip_1080P_x264_flac_dub jpn/Gabriel Dropout (BD_1080P_x264_flac) 来源.txt 396 bytes
- Manga (2S2B)_zip-jpg_sub jpn/ガヴリールドロップアウト (15巻);著者:うかみ;日本語 (jpg).zip 来源.txt 368 bytes
- Manga (2S2B)_zip-jpg_sub jpn/タプリスシュガーステップ (3巻);原作:うかみ/漫画:ばふぁこ;日本語 (jpg).zip 来源.txt 324 bytes
- Danmu.chs (TV+OVA) (incomplete)_zip-xml,ass/Danmu.chs (TV+OVA) (incomplete)_xml, 来源.txt 251 bytes
- Wikipedia (jpn×12 chs×12 eng×9)/Wikipedia (jpn×12 chs×12 eng×9).zip 来源.txt 152 bytes
- Subtitle.chs (TV+OVA)_zip-ass/Subtitle.chs (TV+OVA) 来源.txt 81 bytes
- Fonts.chn,jpn (8F)_zip-ttf,ttc/Fonts.chn,jpn (8F)_ttf, 来源.txt 65 bytes
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