Game Character Creation in Maya
File List
- 2 - Insect Character Creation - Modeling the Body/4 - Building the body and a wing/83095_02_04_SC12_body.mp4 61.5 MB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/4 - Rigging the legs and feet/83095_04_04_SC12_rigging-feet.mp4 44.2 MB
- 3 - Insect Character Creation - Texturing/3 - UV mapping the face/83095_03_03_SC12_UV-face.mp4 40.2 MB
- 3 - Insect Character Creation - Texturing/2 - UV mapping the body parts/83095_03_02_SC12_UV-bodypart.mp4 39.6 MB
- 2 - Insect Character Creation - Modeling the Body/5 - Forming the limbs/83095_02_05_SC12_limb.mp4 37.6 MB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/7 - Rigging the face and head/83095_04_07_SC12_rigging-head.mp4 35.0 MB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/3 - Finishing the skeleton/83095_04_03_SC12_wrapUp-skel.mp4 31.0 MB
- 2 - Insect Character Creation - Modeling the Body/3 - Crafting the eyes/83095_02_03_SC12_eye.mp4 29.3 MB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/9 - Skin binding and weight painting/83095_04_09_SC12_skinBind.mp4 28.8 MB
- 2 - Insect Character Creation - Modeling the Body/6 - Adding finishing touches/83095_02_06_SC12_finishing.mp4 26.7 MB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/5 - Rigging the torso/83095_04_05_SC12_rigging-torso.mp4 26.1 MB
- 1 - Overview of Maya Modeling Tools/6 - Importing reference sketches/83095_01_06_SC12_reference.mp4 24.1 MB
- 1 - Overview of Maya Modeling Tools/5 - Sculpting geometry/83095_01_05_SC12_sculpt.mp4 24.0 MB
- 2 - Insect Character Creation - Modeling the Body/1 - Modeling the head and nose/83095_02_01_SC12_face.mp4 23.2 MB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/6 - Rigging the arms and hands/83095_04_06_SC12_rigging-armsHands.mp4 22.8 MB
- 3 - Insect Character Creation - Texturing/5 - Mirroring/83095_03_05_SC12_mirrorTex.mp4 21.5 MB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/1 - Setting up the skeleton/83095_04_01_SC12_skeleton.mp4 21.3 MB
- 5 - Importing into Unity/3 - Controlling animations with scripts - Third-person character controller/83095_05_03_SC12_charControl.mp4 19.2 MB
- 3 - Insect Character Creation - Texturing/7 - Normal mapping/83095_03_07_SC12_normalMap.mp4 18.6 MB
- 2 - Insect Character Creation - Modeling the Body/2 - Creating the mouth/83095_02_02_SC12_mouth.mp4 18.3 MB
- 3 - Insect Character Creation - Texturing/4 - UV mapping wrap-up/83095_03_04_SC12_UV-wrapUp.mp4 17.7 MB
- 1 - Overview of Maya Modeling Tools/3 - Using symmetry/83095_01_03_SC12_symmetry.mp4 16.4 MB
- 15.8 MB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/10 - Animating in Maya/83095_04_10_SC12_animating.mp4 15.3 MB
- 1 - Overview of Maya Modeling Tools/4 - Extruding geometry/83095_01_04_SC12_extrude.mp4 15.0 MB
- 5 - Importing into Unity/2 - Importing character and animations into Unity/83095_05_02_SC12_importing.mp4 13.5 MB
- 5 - Importing into Unity/1 - Exploring the Unity interface/83095_05_01_SC12_unityIntro.mp4 13.3 MB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/2 - Building the spine/83095_04_02_SC12_spine.mp4 13.2 MB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/8 - Rigging wrap-up/83095_04_08_SC12_rigging-wrapUp.mp4 12.9 MB
- 3 - Insect Character Creation - Texturing/6 - Texturing/83095_03_06_SC12_texture.mp4 12.6 MB
- 5 - Importing into Unity/6 - Controlling scripts with animations events/83095_05_06_SC12_events.mp4 11.6 MB
- 5 - Importing into Unity/4 - Controlling animations with scripts - Third-person camera controller/83095_05_04_SC12_camera.mp4 11.6 MB
- 5 - Importing into Unity/5 - Making read-write animations using UnityScript Editor/83095_05_05_SC12_RWanimations.mp4 10.9 MB
- 3 - Insect Character Creation - Texturing/1 - UV mapping overview/83095_03_01_SC12_UV-overview.mp4 10.2 MB
- 1 - Overview of Maya Modeling Tools/1 - Setting up scene folders (Maya and Unity)/83095_01_01_SC12_setup.mp4 10.0 MB
- 1 - Overview of Maya Modeling Tools/2 - Optimizing Geometry/83095_01_02_SC12_poly.mp4 9.1 MB
- 0 - Introduction/1 - Welcome/83095_00_01_SC03_welcome.mp4 6.4 MB
- 0 - Introduction/3 - Understanding game asset creation/83095_00_03_SC12_assetA.mp4 1.8 MB
- 0 - Introduction/2 - What you need to know before watching this course/83095_00_02_SC12_prereq.mp4 1.8 MB
- 0 - Introduction/4 - Using the exercise files/83095_00_04_SC12_exercise.mp4 1.1 MB
- 6 - Conclusion/0 - Additional Resources/83095_06_01_SC12_whatsNext.mp4 639.5 KB
- 2 - Insect Character Creation - Modeling the Body/4 - Building the body and a wing/script.txt 9.2 KB
- 3 - Insect Character Creation - Texturing/2 - UV mapping the body parts/script.txt 8.7 KB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/4 - Rigging the legs and feet/script.txt 7.8 KB
- 2 - Insect Character Creation - Modeling the Body/5 - Forming the limbs/script.txt 7.4 KB
- 3 - Insect Character Creation - Texturing/3 - UV mapping the face/script.txt 6.7 KB
- 5 - Importing into Unity/3 - Controlling animations with scripts - Third-person character controller/script.txt 6.4 KB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/9 - Skin binding and weight painting/script.txt 5.6 KB
- 5 - Importing into Unity/2 - Importing character and animations into Unity/script.txt 5.5 KB
- 1 - Overview of Maya Modeling Tools/6 - Importing reference sketches/script.txt 5.2 KB
- 3 - Insect Character Creation - Texturing/7 - Normal mapping/script.txt 5.0 KB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/1 - Setting up the skeleton/script.txt 4.8 KB
- 2 - Insect Character Creation - Modeling the Body/1 - Modeling the head and nose/script.txt 4.8 KB
- 3 - Insect Character Creation - Texturing/5 - Mirroring/script.txt 4.7 KB
- 2 - Insect Character Creation - Modeling the Body/3 - Crafting the eyes/script.txt 4.4 KB
- 5 - Importing into Unity/6 - Controlling scripts with animations events/script.txt 4.4 KB
- 5 - Importing into Unity/4 - Controlling animations with scripts - Third-person camera controller/script.txt 4.2 KB
- 5 - Importing into Unity/5 - Making read-write animations using UnityScript Editor/script.txt 4.2 KB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/10 - Animating in Maya/script.txt 4.1 KB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/3 - Finishing the skeleton/script.txt 4.1 KB
- 2 - Insect Character Creation - Modeling the Body/2 - Creating the mouth/script.txt 4.0 KB
- 1 - Overview of Maya Modeling Tools/4 - Extruding geometry/script.txt 4.0 KB
- 1 - Overview of Maya Modeling Tools/3 - Using symmetry/script.txt 3.9 KB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/7 - Rigging the face and head/script.txt 3.8 KB
- 3 - Insect Character Creation - Texturing/4 - UV mapping wrap-up/script.txt 3.8 KB
- 2 - Insect Character Creation - Modeling the Body/6 - Adding finishing touches/script.txt 3.6 KB
- 1 - Overview of Maya Modeling Tools/5 - Sculpting geometry/script.txt 3.5 KB
- 1 - Overview of Maya Modeling Tools/2 - Optimizing Geometry/script.txt 3.4 KB
- 1 - Overview of Maya Modeling Tools/1 - Setting up scene folders (Maya and Unity)/script.txt 3.3 KB
- 5 - Importing into Unity/1 - Exploring the Unity interface/script.txt 3.1 KB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/5 - Rigging the torso/script.txt 3.0 KB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/2 - Building the spine/script.txt 2.9 KB
- 3 - Insect Character Creation - Texturing/1 - UV mapping overview/script.txt 2.9 KB
- 3 - Insect Character Creation - Texturing/6 - Texturing/script.txt 2.5 KB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/6 - Rigging the arms and hands/script.txt 2.3 KB
- 4 - Insect Chracter Creation - Rigging and Animating/8 - Rigging wrap-up/script.txt 1.9 KB
- 0 - Introduction/3 - Understanding game asset creation/script.txt 1.5 KB
- 0 - Introduction/2 - What you need to know before watching this course/script.txt 1.3 KB
- info.txt 964 bytes
- 0 - Introduction/4 - Using the exercise files/script.txt 736 bytes
- 0 - Introduction/1 - Welcome/script.txt 700 bytes
- 6 - Conclusion/0 - Additional Resources/script.txt 425 bytes
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