Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp
File List
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/2. Testing/4. Integration Tests.mp4 232.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/10. Creating a Yaml Reader.mp4 226.0 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/3. Database Migrations.mp4 221.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/12. Improving All Workers and Adding Monitoring.mp4 215.6 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/11. Improving Our Wiki Worker.mp4 213.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/7. Caching/2. Adding Caching Into Our Application.mp4 209.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/2. Creating Database Models in Python.mp4 204.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/7. Caching/5. Adding Hash Caching to Pagination Endpoint.mp4 196.0 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/15. Mocking.mp4 194.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/39. Directory Structure.mp4 194.6 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/8. Linting/1. MyPy Configurations.mp4 183.9 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/2. Testing/3. Fixtures.mp4 178.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/4. Docker/4. Docker compose.mp4 174.9 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/7. Caching/1. Redis Intro.mp4 174.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/6. Updating our Application to Read From the Database.mp4 174.0 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/30. String Subsets and Concatenations.mp4 172.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/44. Exceptions.mp4 164.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/34. Query Parameters.mp4 161.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/8. Integrating the Postgres Worker.mp4 159.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/48. Headers and Dependencies.mp4 158.9 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/4. Docker/2. Creating a Dockerfile.mp4 155.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/33. Request Bodies.mp4 146.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/14. SQLite for Testing.mp4 144.2 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/30. Response Models.mp4 143.0 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/38. Inner Join.mp4 139.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/7. Creating a Postgres Worker.mp4 138.2 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/2. Testing/2. Writing Our First Service Test.mp4 131.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/2. Testing/6. Sending Requests in Python.mp4 126.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/24. Classes.mp4 123.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/9. Yaml File Intro.mp4 120.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/9. Github/9. Github CI.mp4 120.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/38. Async Functions.mp4 119.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/4. Docker/3. Multistage Build.mp4 118.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/9. Github/7. Pull Request.mp4 117.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/29. Typing.mp4 115.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/5. Creating a Database Client.mp4 114.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/31. Expanded Field Information.mp4 112.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/9. Github/10. Tagged Release.mp4 112.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/5. Creating a Yahoo Finance Reader.mp4 112.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/1. Threading, Multiprocessing, Async Intro.mp4 109.2 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/7. Caching/6. Python Object Serialization.mp4 108.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/4. SQLAlchemy ORM Intro.mp4 107.6 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/39. Left, Right, and Outer Joins.mp4 106.2 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/37. Docstrings.mp4 103.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/4. Creating a Wikipedia Reader.mp4 102.9 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/3. Intro to the Terminal/4. Basic Navigation.mp4 101.0 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/26. Decorators.mp4 100.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/45. Window Functions and Aliases.mp4 99.9 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/7. Caching/3. Redis Hash Intro.mp4 97.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/45. Logging.mp4 97.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/42. HTTP Status Codes.mp4 95.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/6. Queues and Master Scheduler.mp4 94.0 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/22. Virtual Environments.mp4 92.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/10. Async Database Queries.mp4 92.6 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/2. Threading in Python.mp4 92.0 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/3. Intro to the Terminal/1. Digital Ocean Setup.mp4 91.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/12. Updating Unit Tests to Work With the Database.mp4 90.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/2. Testing/8. Testing Synchronous Requests.mp4 90.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/19. Function Parameters.mp4 85.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/13. Updating Integration Tests to Work With the Database.mp4 84.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/47. Custom Exception Handlers.mp4 83.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/35. Put and Delete.mp4 82.2 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/28. Manipulating Strings.mp4 81.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/7. Caching/8. Data Compression.mp4 81.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/37. Grouping and Filtering Aggregations.mp4 80.9 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/9. Github/11. Reading Documentation.mp4 79.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/14. Locking.mp4 78.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/8. Database Updates.mp4 78.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/2. Testing/1. Pytest Intro.mp4 78.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/18. Aliases and Ordering.mp4 77.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/20. Conditional Filtering Grouped Comparisons.mp4 76.9 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/47. Using Other Rows with Window Functions.mp4 76.9 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/3. Creating a Threading Class.mp4 76.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/32. Path Prameters.mp4 76.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/28. JSON and Text Response.mp4 76.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/25. Classes Inheritance.mp4 75.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/28. Combining Async and Multiprocessing.mp4 73.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/23. Launching Our First Application.mp4 73.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/2. Testing/9. Testing Async Requests.mp4 72.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/1. Adding Postgres into our Docker Compose.mp4 72.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/2. Data Types and Schemas.mp4 72.2 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/3. Intro to the Terminal/8. Moving, Renaming, Copying Files and Folders.mp4 72.0 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/26. Using Asynchronous Libraries.mp4 71.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/8. Linting/2. Import Sorting.mp4 71.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/7. Database Inserts.mp4 71.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/7. Caching/7. Cache Flushing.mp4 71.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/9. Lists.mp4 70.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/15. Elif and Else Statements.mp4 70.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/29. String Positional Information.mp4 70.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/1. Intro to Relational Databases.mp4 69.6 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/46. Logging Formatter.mp4 69.6 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/9. Github/4. Pushing a Local Repository to Github.mp4 69.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/9. Github/8. Precommit Hooks.mp4 68.2 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/2. Testing/7. Sending Async Requests.mp4 68.2 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/12. Dictionaries.mp4 65.9 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/18. Functions.mp4 65.0 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/17. Multiprocessing Pool.mp4 63.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/21. Intro to Writing Asynchronous Programs.mp4 62.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/13. Formatting Strings and Writing Comments.mp4 60.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/4. Docker/1. Docker Intro.mp4 60.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/21. File Handling.mp4 60.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/3. Intro to the Terminal/5. Creating Folders.mp4 59.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/31. String Replacements.mp4 58.9 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/27. The Async Wait Statement.mp4 58.6 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/27. Generators.mp4 58.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/16. For Loops.mp4 58.0 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/3. Intro to the Terminal/12. Executables and Modifying Permissions.mp4 57.6 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/5. String.mp4 57.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/6. Integers, Floats, and Type Casting.mp4 56.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/44. CTEs.mp4 56.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/4. Docker/5. Makefile.mp4 55.6 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/14. If Statements.mp4 54.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/21. Joining Conditionals.mp4 53.9 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/16. Multiprocessing Queues.mp4 53.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/41. Environment Variables.mp4 52.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/40. Self Joins.mp4 51.2 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/2. Testing/5. Testing For Exceptions.mp4 51.0 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/33. Date and Time Intervals.mp4 49.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/24. Creating New Columns and Arithmetics.mp4 49.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/11. Async Updates.mp4 48.6 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/40. API Routers Continued.mp4 48.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/42. Subqueries.mp4 48.0 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/15. Multiprocessing Intro.mp4 47.9 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/3. Intro to the Terminal/7. Removing Folders and Files.mp4 47.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/9. Github/5. Reverting and Squashing Commits.mp4 47.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/36. Aggregation Functions.mp4 47.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/8. Linting/4. Additional Code Checking.mp4 45.0 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/13. Final Program Cleanup.mp4 44.9 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/27. Logic Statements.mp4 44.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/3. Intro to the Terminal/6. Creating Files.mp4 44.6 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/10. Creating Tables.mp4 44.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/23. Async Gather Method.mp4 42.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/20. Multiprocessing Checking Elements in List in Certain Ranges.mp4 41.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/32. Date and Time.mp4 40.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/9. Github/6. GitHub Branches.mp4 40.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/3. Intro to the Terminal/2. SSH on Windows.mp4 40.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/25. Datatype Conversions.mp4 40.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/35. Comments.mp4 39.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/15. Reading Data.mp4 38.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/14. Running an SQL Script.mp4 37.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/22. Negating Conditionals.mp4 36.9 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/13. Inserting Values.mp4 36.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/22. Asynchronous Tasks.mp4 36.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/2. Testing/11. MyPy Round 2.mp4 36.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/19. Conditional Filtering Direct Comparisons.mp4 36.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/9. Github/1. Github Credentials Setup.mp4 35.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/17. Creating Tables Using Query Results.mp4 35.2 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/5. [Mac] SQL Editor Postico.mp4 34.6 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/8. Creating and Removing a Database.mp4 34.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/17. While Loops.mp4 33.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/6. SQL Editor DataGrip.mp4 32.9 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/3. [Mac] Setting Up a Local PostgreSQL Server.mp4 31.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/41. Unions.mp4 31.2 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/46. Row Numbers and Ranks.mp4 30.9 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/3. Intro to the Terminal/9. Environment Variables.mp4 29.9 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/4. [Windows] Setting Up a Local PostgreSQL Server.mp4 29.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/1. Setting Up Our Coding Environment.mp4 29.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/2. Installing Python.mp4 28.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/3. Intro to the Terminal/10. Piping and Redirecting.mp4 28.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/2. Testing/10. Test Coverage.mp4 27.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/3. Intro to the Terminal/3. Connecting With SSH.mp4 26.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/7. Booleans and Boolean Operations.mp4 26.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/11. Tuples.mp4 26.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/18. Multiprocessing Pool Map Multiple Arguments.mp4 25.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/19. Multiprocessing Multiple Varying Arguments.mp4 25.6 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/8. Linting/3. Automatic Code Formatting.mp4 24.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/20. Global Variables.mp4 24.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/9. Database Deletes.mp4 24.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/48. NTiles.mp4 23.2 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/7. Caching/4. Redis Sets Intro.mp4 22.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/12. Enumerated Types.mp4 21.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/4. Variables.mp4 20.2 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/9. Github/3. Cloning A Repository.mp4 19.7 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/9. Creating Schemas.mp4 18.6 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/24. Using Async Timeouts.mp4 17.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/49. Understanding Query Performance.mp4 17.6 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/25. Creating Asynchronous For Loops.mp4 17.3 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/3. Intro to the Terminal/13. Sending Requests.mp4 15.2 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/3. Intro to the Terminal/11. Super User and Running Pythons Scripts.mp4 13.4 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/11. Altering Tables.mp4 13.1 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/23. Filtering Null Values.mp4 11.5 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/3. Writing Our First Program.mp4 10.0 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/9. Github/2. Github Desktop Setup.mp4 8.8 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/8. None Types.mp4 6.9 MB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/7. SQL Editor CLI.mp4 6.3 MB
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- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/14.1 Chinook_PostgreSql.sql 1.8 MB
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- .pad/122 76.1 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/2. Creating Database Models in 55.4 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/4. Docker/2. Creating a 51.5 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/4. Docker/4. Docker 47.9 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/3. Database 44.6 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/15. 42.8 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/7. Caching/1. Redis 42.7 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/7. Caching/2. Adding Caching Into Our 41.3 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/39. Directory 41.1 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/10. Creating a Yaml 40.5 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/44. 39.7 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/12. Improving All Workers and Adding 39.0 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/7. Caching/5. Adding Hash Caching to Pagination 37.7 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/2. Testing/4. Integration 37.6 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/11. Improving Our Wiki 36.3 KB
- .pad/14 35.9 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/48. Headers and 35.6 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/29. 35.5 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/30. Response 35.5 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/6. Updating our Application to Read From the 35.3 KB
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- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/2. Testing/3. 33.3 KB
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- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/9. Github/4. Pushing a Local Repository to 18.9 KB
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- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/4. Docker/5. 17.4 KB
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- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/14. 17.2 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/37. Grouping and Filtering 17.1 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/27. 17.0 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/6. Integrating Databases into our Application/13. Updating Integration Tests to Work With the 16.5 KB
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- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/28. Combining Async and 16.4 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/47. Using Other Rows with Window 16.3 KB
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- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/17. While 15.0 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/4. Docker/1. Docker 14.7 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/2. Testing/9. Testing Async 14.5 KB
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- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/3. Intro to the Terminal/11. Super User and Running Pythons 10.4 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/4. 10.3 KB
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- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/13. Final Program 9.8 KB
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- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/17. Creating Tables Using Query 9.1 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/3. Intro to the Terminal/10. Piping and 9.0 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/2. Testing/5. Testing For 9.0 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/6. SQL Editor 9.0 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/8. Creating and Removing a 8.9 KB
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- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/1. Introduction/20. Global 8.8 KB
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- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/3. Intro to the Terminal/2. SSH on 8.2 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/32. Date and 8.1 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/20. Multiprocessing Checking Elements in List in Certain 8.1 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/2. Testing/11. MyPy Round 8.1 KB
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- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/5. [Mac] SQL Editor 7.3 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/4. [Windows] Setting Up a Local PostgreSQL 7.0 KB
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- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/19. Conditional Filtering Direct 6.8 KB
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- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/22. Negating 6.3 KB
- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/10. Concurrent and Parallel Programming/19. Multiprocessing Multiple Varying 6.1 KB
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- [] - Python for Software Engineering Bootcamp/5. SQL/50. Exercise Sheet 5.html 186 bytes
- .pad/1 98 bytes
- .pad/0 92 bytes
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