Samples/FX/Subject 3 - The Whip Cream Was Murdured (Reaktor).wav 129.9 MB
Samples/Melodic/Subject 3 - Violin Instrumental For Skylight (AKG C200B, Guitar Rigg)[ Sounds] I have lots more ill give out soon.wav 110.9 MB
Samples/Bass/Euph & DEEM - Reeseypoopants.wav 3.8 MB
Samples/Melodic/Subject 3 - Violin Instrumental For Skylight (AKG C200B, Guitar Rigg)[ Sounds] I have lots more ill give out soon - Part_2.wav 3.8 MB
Samples/Bass/Euph - Obese Singing Wasp.wav 3.8 MB
Samples/Melodic/DEEM - Harimau.wav 3.8 MB
Samples/Melodic/LogiSpark_Ghost in a machine guitar.wav 3.7 MB
Samples/Foley/N3Z-3 - McDonald Coke cup and drill - Marker #3.wav 2.6 MB
Samples/Bass/Spire - Too much distortion.wav 2.5 MB
Samples/Bass/Spire - Sine Compression 2.1.wav 2.5 MB
Samples/Melodic/Subject 3 - Violin Instrumental For Skylight (AKG C200B, Guitar Rigg)[ Sounds] I have lots more ill give out soon - Part_1.wav 2.5 MB
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