The Bears (Adrian Belew) - Discography 1987-2007 (4CD) FLAC (Jamal The Moroccan)
File List
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/13 - As You Are.flac 33.2 MB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/06 - Dave.flac 31.7 MB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/08 - Waiting Room.flac 30.9 MB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/02 - Under the Volcano.flac 30.8 MB
- 2007 - The Bears - Eureka!/02 - Veneer.flac 29.4 MB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/04 - Mr. Bonaparte.flac 28.2 MB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/10 - Safe in Hell.flac 28.0 MB
- 1987 - The Bearss - The Bears/02 - fear is never boring.flac 27.2 MB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/09 - 117 Valley Drive.flac 26.9 MB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/01 - Life in a Nutshell.flac 26.5 MB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/03 - When She moves.flac 26.4 MB
- 2007 - The Bears - Eureka!/05 - Normal.flac 26.0 MB
- 2007 - The Bears - Eureka!/08 - Keep Your Own Counsel.flac 25.6 MB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/07 - Caveman.flac 25.5 MB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/11 - Success.flac 25.0 MB
- 2007 - The Bears - Eureka!/06 - We Never Close.flac 24.1 MB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/02 - Save Me.flac 24.0 MB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/03 - Robobo's Beef.flac 23.8 MB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/15 - Man Behind the Curtain (revisited).flac 23.6 MB
- 1987 - The Bearss - The Bears/06 - trust.flac 23.4 MB
- 1987 - The Bearss - The Bears/04 - man behind the curtain.flac 23.1 MB
- 1987 - The Bearss - The Bears/10 - figure it out.flac 23.1 MB
- 2007 - The Bears - Eureka!/03 - On.flac 22.9 MB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/16 - Figure It Out.flac 22.8 MB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/04 - Not Worlds Apart.flac 22.1 MB
- 2007 - The Bears - Eureka!/10 - Doodle.flac 22.1 MB
- 2007 - The Bears - Eureka!/01 - Zelda Fitzgerald.flac 21.8 MB
- 2007 - The Bears - Eureka!/07 - Think.flac 21.5 MB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/01 - Aches And Pains.flac 21.5 MB
- 1987 - The Bearss - The Bears/08 - superboy.flac 21.4 MB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/05 - What's the Good of Knowing.flac 20.9 MB
- 1987 - The Bearss - The Bears/03 - honey bee.flac 20.7 MB
- 1987 - The Bearss - The Bears/07 - raining.flac 20.5 MB
- 1987 - The Bearss - The Bears/01 - none of the above.flac 20.5 MB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/09 - Holy Mack.flac 20.4 MB
- 2007 - The Bears - Eureka!/04 - Troubled Beauty.flac 20.1 MB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/12 - Sooner or Later.flac 19.8 MB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/14 - Girl With Clouds.flac 19.7 MB
- 2007 - The Bears - Eureka!/09 - Idiot in the Sky.flac 19.6 MB
- 1987 - The Bearss - The Bears/09 - meet me in the dark.flac 19.6 MB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/08 - Rabbit Manor.flac 18.7 MB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/07 - Little Blue River.flac 18.3 MB
- 2007 - The Bears - Eureka!/11 - Comin' Round the Mountain.flac 18.0 MB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/13 - Old Fat Cadillac.flac 18.0 MB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/11 - You Can Buy Friends.flac 17.1 MB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/05 - Nobody's Fool.flac 17.0 MB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/10 - Complicated Potatoes.flac 16.3 MB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/12 - The Best Laid Plans.flac 15.7 MB
- 1987 - The Bearss - The Bears/05 - wavelength.flac 14.5 MB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/06 - Highway 2.flac 4.0 MB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/Scans/Booklet02.jpg 644.0 KB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/Scans/Back.jpg 523.3 KB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/Scans/Booklet01.jpg 460.5 KB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/Scans/CD.jpg 292.6 KB
- 1987 - The Bearss - The Bears/Scans/Tray.jpg 231.3 KB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/Scans/front.jpg 144.1 KB
- 1987 - The Bearss - The Bears/Scans/Inside.jpg 113.2 KB
- 1987 - The Bearss - The Bears/Scans/Cover Open.jpg 110.3 KB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/Scans/cd.jpg 96.0 KB
- 1987 - The Bearss - The Bears/Scans/Disc.jpg 87.9 KB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/Scans/back.jpg 77.5 KB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/Front.jpg 77.0 KB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/Scans/book1.jpg 67.9 KB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/Scans/book3.jpg 60.3 KB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/Scans/book2.jpg 59.4 KB
- 2007 - The Bears - Eureka!/Front.jpg 57.7 KB
- 2001 - Adrian Belew & The Bears - Car Caught Fire/Scans/book4.jpg 55.2 KB
- 1987 - The Bearss - The Bears/Front.jpg 29.0 KB
- 1988 - The Bears - Rise and Shine/Front.jpg 28.0 KB
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