File List
- Mission Critical [b1] (1995)(Legend Entertainment Company) [Adventure, Strategy].zip 294.3 MB
- Monkey Island 2- LeChuck's Revenge (1994)(Kixx-XL) [kfx][1440k].zip 155.1 MB
- Monkey Island 2- LeChuck's Revenge (1991)(Lucasfilm Games LLC) [kfx][1200k].zip 140.6 MB
- Mixed-Up Mother Goose v2.000 (1992)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [kfx][1440k][!].zip 123.7 MB
- Mixed-Up Fairy Tales (VGA) (1992)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [kfx][1440k][!].zip 87.0 MB
- Mixed-Up Mother Goose (SCI) v1.011 [b1] (1990)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [kfx][720k].zip 34.8 MB
- Mixed-Up Mother Goose v1.011 (1990)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [kfx][720k][!].zip 30.6 MB
- Mixed-Up Mother Goose (1987)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [kfx][360k][!].zip 16.3 MB
- Money Bags- Beat the Gnome of Zurich (1988)(Cosmi Corporation) [kfx][360k][cp][!].zip 13.6 MB
- Mingjie Huanji (Ghost World Fantasy Woman) (Zh) [b1] (1994)(Tan Ton Nerw Information Co. Ltd.) [Role-Playing (RPG)].zip 9.8 MB
- Mingjie Huanji (Ghost World Fantasy Woman) (Ko) (1994)(Game Box Co., Ltd., Tan Ton Nerw Information Co. Ltd.) [Role-Playing (RPG)].zip 9.4 MB
- Mini-Putt (1987)(Accolade, Inc.) [kfx][360k][cp][!].zip 7.7 MB
- Mino-ui Moheom (Mino's Adventure) (Ko) (1997)(Virtual Wave, Impreso Team, KOGA) [Action].zip 7.7 MB
- Monkey Island 2- LeChuck's Revenge (De) (1991)(Lucasfilm Games LLC) [IMA][1440k][!].zip 6.9 MB
- Monkey Island 2- LeChuck's Revenge (1994)(Kixx-XL) [IMA][1440k].zip 6.9 MB
- Monkey Island 2- LeChuck's Revenge (1991)(Lucasfilm Games LLC) [IMA][1200k].zip 6.9 MB
- Mofa Shiji (Magic Century) (Ko) (1993)(Softstar Entertainment Inc.) [Role-Playing (RPG)].zip 6.3 MB
- Monkey Island 2- LeChuck's Revenge (De) (1991)(Lucasfilm Games LLC) [Adventure].zip 6.2 MB
- Mixed-Up Mother Goose v2.000 (1992)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [IMA][1440k][!].zip 5.1 MB
- Mission Pom-Bär (De) (1997)(Wolf Snack GmbH) [Action].zip 3.9 MB
- Ming - Born Emperor (奇門遁甲之九五真龍) (Zh) (1994)(Soft-World International) [Role-Playing (RPG)].zip 3.9 MB
- Mixed-Up Mother Goose (1987)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [Manual].zip 3.9 MB
- Mixed-Up Fairy Tales (VGA) (1992)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [Adventure, Educational].zip 3.8 MB
- Mixed-Up Fairy Tales (VGA) (1992)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [IMA][1440k][!].zip 3.8 MB
- Mixed-Up Fairy Tales (VGA) [a1] (1992)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [Adventure, Educational].zip 3.7 MB
- Misja Harolda (Harold's Mission) v1.0 (Pl) (1995)(MarkSoft) [Adventure].zip 3.2 MB
- Mini Rally (1999)(Dodgy Posse) [Action].zip 2.8 MB
- Mojing da Maoxian (魔境大冒險) (Zn) (1995)(Jack's Beans Studio) [Action, Strategy].zip 2.6 MB
- Misja Harolda (Harold's Mission) (Pl) (1995)(MarkSoft) [Manual].zip 2.6 MB
- Mixed-Up Fairy Tales (EGA) (1991)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [Adventure, Educational].zip 2.4 MB
- Mixed-Up Fairy Tales (EGA) [a1] (1991)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [Adventure, Educational].zip 2.3 MB
- Mini-Putt (1987)(Accolade, Inc.) [Manual].zip 2.3 MB
- Mise Quadam (Cs) (1995)(JRC Interactive) [Adventure].zip 2.2 MB
- MoleZ v1.10 [SWR] (1998)(FRACTiLE Games) [Action].zip 1.7 MB
- Mitad Oscura, La (Es) (1992)(Capstone Software) [Adventure].zip 1.7 MB
- Mission- Impossible v1.61 [h1] (1991)(Konami, Inc.) [Adventure, Strategy].zip 1.5 MB
- Mission- Impossible v1.61 (1991)(Konami, Inc.) [Adventure, Strategy].zip 1.5 MB
- Mixed-Up Mother Goose (SCI) v1.011 [b1] (1990)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [IMA][720k].zip 1.3 MB
- Mixed-Up Mother Goose v1.011 (1990)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [IMA][720k][!].zip 1.3 MB
- Mister Fruit Joy (It) (1995)(Simulmondo) [Action].zip 1.2 MB
- Mission UFO - A Solar System Odyssey (Installer) (1992)(J and B Associates) [Educational].zip 1.1 MB
- Mission Cobra 98 (1998)(Dodgy Posse) [Action].zip 1.1 MB
- Minigame (De) (1993)(Black Pencil AG) [Action].zip 1.1 MB
- Mission Supernova - Part 1- The Destiny of Walter Bumble v2.02 (Installer) [SW] (1994)(Thomas & Steffen Dingel) [Adventure].zip 1.1 MB
- Mission Supernova - Teil 1- Das Schicksal des Horst Hummel v2.02 (Installer) (De) [SW] (1994)(Steffen Dingel) [Adventure].zip 1.1 MB
- Mission Supernova - Teil 2- Der Doppelgaenger (De) [FW] (2002)(Thomas & Steffen Dingel) [Adventure].zip 1.1 MB
- Mission Supernova - Part 1- The Destiny of Walter Bumble v2.02 [SW] (1994)(Thomas & Steffen Dingel) [Adventure].zip 1.1 MB
- Mission Supernova - Teil 1- Das Schicksal des Horst Hummel v2.02 (De) [SW] (1994)(Thomas & Steffen Dingel) [Adventure].zip 1.1 MB
- Mission Supernova - Teil 1- Das Schicksal des Horst Hummel v2.0 (De) [SW] (1993)(Thomas & Steffen Dingel) [Adventure].zip 1.0 MB
- Mixed-Up Mother Goose (SCI) v1.011 (1990)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [Adventure, Educational].zip 1.0 MB
- Monkey Blast! (2001)(focus ZERO) [Action].zip 1014.9 KB
- Mixed-Up Fairy Tales Demo (1993)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [Adventure, Educational].zip 995.1 KB
- Mission Supernova - Teil 1- Das Schicksal des Horst Hummel (De) [SW] (1993)(Thomas & Steffen Dingel) [Adventure].zip 960.4 KB
- Mission UFO - A Solar System Odyssey (1992)(J and B Associates) [Educational].zip 926.2 KB
- Mixed-Up Mother Goose (SCI) v1.011 [a1] (1990)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [Adventure, Educational].zip 923.4 KB
- Mobile Rage Beta v1.2 (1998)(Technological Dimensions) [Action, Racing - Driving].zip 811.9 KB
- total-dos-collection-m_20240422_1103_meta.sqlite 596.0 KB
- Minority Fighter (2001)(Phat Games) [Action].zip 565.9 KB
- Molefest v1.05 [FW] (2001)(Robin Burrows) [Strategy, Puzzle].zip 525.3 KB
- Modern Grand Strategy EX (Ko) (1996)(SYSTEM Soft) [Strategy].zip 524.0 KB
- Miniwar v1.25 [SW] (1998)(Jussi Aittoniemi) [Action].zip 425.6 KB
- Mini RPG III v1.3 [FW] (1997)(Jaws-V Soft) [Role-Playing (RPG)].zip 362.6 KB
- MineSweeper (1998)(George Gardiner) [Strategy].zip 300.6 KB
- Mole- The Fighting Hero (두더지) (Ko) (1994)(Hicom Entertainment) [Action].zip 299.5 KB
- Mines of Titan (1989)(Infocom, Inc.) [Adventure, Role-Playing (RPG)].zip 287.1 KB
- Mini RPG 1 Board Game (2000)(Jaws-V Soft) [Role-Playing (RPG)].zip 281.4 KB
- Mixed-Up Mother Goose (1987)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [IMA][360k][!].zip 279.7 KB
- Mini RPG II v2.01 (1997)(Jaws-V Soft) [Role-Playing (RPG)].zip 271.1 KB
- Mission- Gone Away (1995)(Anonymous) [Action].zip 269.9 KB
- Mixed-Up Mother Goose (1987)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [Adventure][!].zip 264.1 KB
- Mister Kid (Fr) [FW] (2001)(Achraf Cherti) [Action].zip 258.4 KB
- Moebius- The Orb of Celestial Harmony (1987)(ORIGIN Systems, Inc.) [Adventure, Role-Playing (RPG)].zip 254.4 KB
- Modern Problems v5.0017 [SW] (1993)(Malcolm Michael, Joe Cassavaugh) [Strategy].zip 222.4 KB
- Monika's Tic Tac Toe [FW] (2006)(Mateusz Viste) [Strategy].zip 222.2 KB
- Moacroah (1998)(Ketchup Killers & Move) [Action].zip 219.4 KB
- Mix 'n Match (1999)(Alan Yap Ching Fatt) [Strategy].zip 214.3 KB
- Modern Conquest v2.1 [FW] (1994)(Several Dudes Holistic Games) [Strategy].zip 213.0 KB
- Mission, The (TADS) (1995)(Jim MacBrayne) [Adventure, Interactive Fiction].zip 212.2 KB
- Mirkwood - Middle Earth Tale III v3.0 [FW] (2001)(Jocke the Beast) [Adventure, Role-Playing (RPG)].zip 209.9 KB
- Mirkwood - Middle Earth Tale III v3.0 [FW][a1] (2001)(Jocke the Beast) [Adventure, Role-Playing (RPG)].zip 209.5 KB
- Mines (2003)(Michael Webster) [Strategy].zip 200.5 KB
- Minesweeper for DOS (1996)(Akarsha Vasant Kumar) [Strategy].zip 198.5 KB
- Minesweeper [FW] (2002)(High Voltz) [Strategy].zip 196.1 KB
- Mission, The v1.02 (1995)(Jim MacBrayne) [Adventure, Interactive Fiction].zip 194.6 KB
- Mine Sweeper (1998)(Harry Van Woerden) [Strategy].zip 193.7 KB
- Missiles (1999)(Karthik) [Strategy].zip 191.2 KB
- Minesweeper (1998)(Dominik Kaspar) [Strategy].zip 187.7 KB
- Mini-Reversi (De) (1990)(Andreas Meile) [Strategy].zip 187.4 KB
- Mission Too Possible (1996)(Ryan Bednar) [Action].zip 187.3 KB
- MineSweeper for QBasic v0.10 (1997)(Lennaert van der Linden) [Strategy].zip 187.2 KB
- Mission to Mars (1998)(Adam Buckley) [Strategy, Simulation].zip 185.5 KB
- Mini-Mini-Mini-Nibbles (Es) (2001)(Pablo Ezequiel Galván) [Action].zip 185.1 KB
- Miniature Golf (1995)(Jason Jackson) [Simulation, Sports].zip 183.0 KB
- Missile (1996)(Kenneth Green) [Strategy].zip 179.8 KB
- Mixed Word (En)(Fr) [SW] (1992)(Pro-Ciel Enr.) [Strategy, Educational].zip 176.2 KB
- MinTris v0.01 (1996)(Min S. Kwon ) [Strategy, Action].zip 162.6 KB
- Mingjie Huanji (Ghost World Fantasy Woman) (Ko) (1994)(Game Box, Tan Ton Nerw Information Co. Ltd.) [Copy Protection Codes].zip 155.6 KB
- Monkey (Ko) (1993)(NiST Software) [Strategy, Action].zip 154.0 KB
- Molecule- Chain-Reaction v1.1 [SW] (1996)(NecroBones Software) [Strategy].zip 149.8 KB
- Molecule- Chain-Reaction v1.1 [FW] (2007)(NecroBones Software) [Strategy].zip 149.6 KB
- Mini-Putt [b1] (1987)(Accolade, Inc.) [Sports].zip 149.3 KB
- Modem-3D v1.1 [SW] (1994)(Amazing Graphics) [Action].zip 145.6 KB
- Mini-Prince (2020)(Anne Bras) [Action].zip 136.7 KB
- Money Bags- Beat the Gnome of Zurich (1988)(Cosmi Corporation) [Simulation] 136.0 KB
- Mom's Math v4.3 [SWR] (1993)(Motes Educational Software) [Educational].zip 135.5 KB
- Minesweeper [SW] (1996)(David Faria) [Strategy, Puzzle].zip 128.3 KB
- Mofa Shiji (Magic Century) (Ko) (1993)(Softstar Entertainment Inc.) [Copy Protection Codes].zip 122.2 KB
- Modern Conquest v2.0 [SW] (1990)(Several Dudes Holistic Games) [Strategy].zip 118.1 KB
- Modem Wars (1988)(Electronic Arts, Inc.) [Strategy].zip 117.4 KB
- Mini-Putt (1987)(Accolade, Inc.) [Sports].zip 116.5 KB
- Mirage v15.26 (1994)(Yuri Shpeer, Vladimir Rybinkin) [Strategy, Chess].zip 114.9 KB
- Mirage-2 v2.07 (1998)(Yuri Shpeer, Vladimir Rybinkin) [Strategy, Chess].zip 114.7 KB
- Missing in Space (2004)(ForgedQB) [Action].zip 112.9 KB
- Money Hunt (2003)(Murat Elic) [Action].zip 112.9 KB
- Mirage v17.37 (1990)(Shpeer International) [Strategy, Chess].zip 109.3 KB
- Mom's Math v4.3 [SW][a1] (1993)(Motes Educational Software) [Educational].zip 109.0 KB
- Mom's Math v4.3 [SW] (1993)(Motes Educational Software) [Educational].zip 108.4 KB
- Min-ha-to v2.1 [SW] (1992)(Randy L. Pearson) [Strategy, Cards].zip 105.9 KB
- Misterio en la Torre (Es) (2000)(CAAD) [Adventure, Interactive Fiction].zip 102.2 KB
- Mini Space Empires v1.0b (2003)(Murat Elic) [Strategy].zip 100.8 KB
- Mold- Deep Space Awakening v1.1 (1990)(Declan Stanley) [Adventure, Interactive Fiction].zip 100.6 KB
- Minerva v1.0d (1993)(Jouni Miettunen) [Strategy].zip 100.0 KB
- Misadventure Of The Holy Grail, The v2.1 (1989)(Michael Detlefsen) [Adventure, Interactive Fiction].zip 99.5 KB
- Minerva v1.0e (1993)(Jouni Miettunen) [Strategy].zip 99.1 KB
- Mision en Espa (Es) (1985)(Idealogic S.A.) [Educational].zip 94.0 KB
- Mite v3.0 (1984)(Mycroft Labs, Inc.) [Application].zip 92.2 KB
- Mission's End - A Personalized Adventure Sample (1992)(L.R. Nogg) [Adventure, Interactive Fiction].zip 89.5 KB
- Mist, The [a1] (1985)(Mindscape, Inc.) [Adventure].zip 89.2 KB
- MISL Soccer - Major Indoor Soccer League [h1] (1988)(Mindscape (UK) Limited) [Sports].zip 88.3 KB
- Min-ha-to v2.7 (1993)(Randy L. Pearson) [Strategy, Cards].zip 86.8 KB
- Missing Letters (1983)(IBM) [Educational].zip 86.6 KB
- Miramar, Jet Fighter Simulator v2.0 [SW][h1] (1990)(Awesoft, Inc.) [Action, Simulation].zip 86.0 KB
- Mission- Mainframe v3.2 (1987)(Jerry Plemons, Brian Shankman) [Role-Playing (RPG), Strategy].zip 83.6 KB
- Mist, The (1985)(Mindscape, Inc.) [Adventure].zip 80.2 KB
- Mini-Adventures I- The Cave of Doom (1993)(Christian Mosbo) [Adventure, Role-Playing (RPG)].zip 79.3 KB
- Miramar, Jet Fighter Simulator v2.0 [SW] (1990)(Awesoft, Inc.) [Action, Simulation].zip 79.2 KB
- Miramar, Jet Fighter Simulator v2.0 [SW][a1] (1990)(Awesoft, Inc.) [Action, Simulation].zip 78.7 KB
- Miramar, Jet Fighter Simulator [SW] (1989)(Awesoft, Inc.) [Action, Simulation].zip 78.7 KB
- Minefield [SW] (1992)(Gene Carman) [Strategy].zip 78.3 KB
- Mold- Deep Space Awakening [SW] (1990)(Declan Stanley) [Adventure, Interactive Fiction].zip 77.9 KB
- MinerVGA v1.1 [h1] (1989)(FrodoSoft) [Simulation].zip 77.2 KB
- Mitsumi CD Driver (1994)(Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd.) [Driver].zip 76.6 KB
- Mission (Fr) (1987)(Loriciels) [Action].zip 76.5 KB
- MinerVGA v1.1 (1989)(FrodoSoft) [Simulation].zip 74.2 KB
- Minotavrs (1991)(Back Star Software) [Adventure, Action].zip 72.8 KB
- Missile Attack v3.0 [SW] (1991)(Soleau Software, Inc.) [Action].zip 71.6 KB
- MiniHEX v2.0 [SW] (1994)(Timber Valley Software) [Strategy].zip 71.4 KB
- Minesweeper for DOS (1997)(David Joffe) [Strategy].zip 71.0 KB
- Missile Attack [SW] (1990)(Soleau Software, Inc.) [Action].zip 70.9 KB
- Missile Command 386 v1.1 [SW] (1992)(Feynman Software) [Action].zip 69.6 KB
- Mix and Match v1.3 [SW] (1991)(Carr Software) [Strategy].zip 66.6 KB
- Minus 90 (1993)(ALO-Software) [Strategy].zip 66.4 KB
- Mix and Match v1.2 [SW] (1991)(Carr Software) [Strategy].zip 65.2 KB
- Mini-Westfront v45 (2004)(Paul Allen Panks) [Adventure, Interactive Fiction].zip 64.5 KB
- Mini-Zork I- The Great Underground Empire (sample) (1994)(Activision, Inc.) [Adventure, Interactive Fiction].zip 62.9 KB
- Mister Pizza (Es) (1995)(Anonymous) [Simulation, Strategy].zip 61.4 KB
- Minehunt PC [SW] (1994)(Jose Quinones) [Strategy].zip 61.4 KB
- Minnoe pole (Минное поле) (Ru) (1991)(Fedin A. A., Tereshchenko S. M.) [Strategy].zip 61.0 KB
- Mix-Words v1.2 [SW] (1994)(Sylvain Hogue) [Puzzle, Educational].zip 60.6 KB
- Missle Strike (1983)(John McCallon) [Action].zip 60.3 KB
- Mom's Math v1.1 [SW] (1992)(Motes Educational Software) [Educational].zip 57.8 KB
- Missile Attack (Es) (1994)(Carlos Esteve) [Action].zip 56.1 KB
- Minenfeld (De) (1991)(RGH-Soft) [Strategy].zip 53.5 KB
- Monad (2000)(George Crawshay) [Strategy].zip 51.9 KB
- Mine Sweeper (1994)(ALMI Software) [Strategy].zip 51.0 KB
- Missing Link [SW] (1991)(Nissen Ventures) [Strategy].zip 50.4 KB
- Minesweeper Beta 3 Clone (2000)(Frunkenstein) [Strategy].zip 49.8 KB
- Missiles (1993)(Vince Pelss) [Action].zip 49.7 KB
- Mini Golf (1983)(SoftSide Magazine) [Simulation, Sports].zip 49.0 KB
- Monkey Business v1.3 (1986)(Merit Software) [Educational].zip 48.5 KB
- Mole (1994)(Anonymous) [Action].zip 47.7 KB
- Minefield For Everybody v1.1 [SW] (1994)(Judah Warshaw) [Strategy].zip 47.5 KB
- Mirror Maze v2.0 [SW] (1991)(Edson Software) [Action, Strategy].zip 47.0 KB
- Missle Strike (1982)(International PC Owners) [Action].zip 46.9 KB
- Miner Robot v2.2 (1999)(Michael Luther) [Strategy].zip 46.8 KB
- Minefind (2003)(Folker Fritz) [Strategy].zip 46.8 KB
- Minefield For Everybody [SW] (1993)(Judah Warshaw) [Strategy].zip 45.9 KB
- Mission's End - A Personalized Adventure Sample (1992)(L.R. Nogg) [Source].zip 45.7 KB
- Mondo Math [SW] (1993)(Dan Illowsky) [Action, Educational].zip 42.0 KB
- Miser PC (1999)(Rene van Hasselaar, Mary Jean Winter) [Adventure, Interactive Fiction].zip 41.6 KB
- Mold- Deep Space Awakening v1.1 (1990)(Declan Stanley) [Source].zip 39.2 KB
- Minesweeper [FW] (1993)(Mudbutt) [Strategy].zip 38.7 KB
- Minehunt (1991)(Narimane Nabahi) [Strategy].zip 38.6 KB
- Mission in Solar System (2003)(Lukman Hakim) [Action].zip 38.5 KB
- Misadventure of the Holy Grail, The v2.1 (1989)(Michael Detlefsen) [Source].zip 37.7 KB
- Mine! [SW] (1991)(Richard Vannoy) [Strategy].zip 37.5 KB
- Monchr [FW] (2000)(Terry Washington) [Action].zip 36.4 KB
- Money Madness [SW] (1997)(William Jimerson) [Strategy, Educational].zip 36.4 KB
- Miser's House, The (1981)(M.J. Lansing, Tom Croley) [Adventure, Interactive Fiction].zip 35.6 KB
- Mines (1994)(Anonymous) [Strategy, Puzzle].zip 35.4 KB
- Mini Golf Mania (1987)(Paul Prejean) [Sports].zip 35.2 KB
- Minehunt (1994)(Anonymous) [Strategy].zip 34.3 KB
- Mines v2.3 (1992)(Polysoft) [Strategy].zip 33.6 KB
- Mission Mopreme 32K (1997)(The Black Hazard) [Action].zip 33.5 KB
- MineLayer v1.2 [SW] (1991)(Richard E. Carr) [Strategy].zip 33.2 KB
- Moeder Wat Is Het Heet! (Nl) (2001)(Greikje) [Adventure, Interactive Fiction].zip 33.0 KB
- MineLayer v1.1 [SW] (1991)(Richard E. Carr) [Strategy].zip 32.7 KB
- MineSweeper v1.2 (1991)(INIT Joint Venture) [Strategy].zip 32.2 KB
- MineSweeper v1.4 (1991)(INIT Joint Venture) [Strategy].zip 31.8 KB
- Minesweeper [FW][a1] (1993)(Mudbutt) [Strategy].zip 31.7 KB
- MineSweeper v1.4 [a1] (1991)(INIT Joint Venture) [Strategy].zip 30.3 KB
- Mines [FW] (2006)(James L. Dean) [Adventure, Interactive Fiction].zip 30.2 KB
- MODem Chess v3.4 (1990)(Robert F. Scott) [Strategy, Chess].zip 29.7 KB
- Mines - A Challenging Game of Deduction v2.0 [FW] (1988)(Mark VanKekerix) [Strategy].zip 29.5 KB
- Mister Gas (Es) (1989)(Xortrapa) [Action].zip 28.9 KB
- MKMAZ1 Make Maze (1994)(James L. Dean) [Strategy, Puzzle].zip 28.2 KB
- Miner (1987)(FrodoSoft) [Simulation].zip 27.5 KB
- Minesweeper [FW][a2] (1993)(Mudbutt) [Strategy].zip 26.7 KB
- Minefield [FW] (1992)(Paul Mills) [Strategy].zip 26.5 KB
- Miniera (It) (2001)(Phillip Booltrigan) [Action].zip 24.3 KB
- Monkey Island 2- LeChuck's Revenge (1991)(Lucasfilm Games LLC) [Solution].zip 23.9 KB
- Minute Magic [a1] (Pinball Construction Set) (1987)(Anonymous) [Action].zip 23.2 KB
- Mirage (Antichess) v15.42 (1990)(Shpeer International) [Strategy, Chess].zip 23.1 KB
- Mitsumi CD Driver v1.33 (1995)(Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd.) [Driver].zip 22.0 KB
- Minute Magic (Pinball Construction Set) (1987)(Anonymous) [Action].zip 21.5 KB
- Mister Mind v2.20 (1990)(Lance Micklus) [Strategy].zip 19.4 KB
- Mines of Titan (1989)(Infocom, Inc.) [Documentation].zip 17.5 KB
- Moebius- The Orb of Celestial Harmony (1987)(ORIGIN Systems, Inc.) [Docs].zip 16.6 KB
- Miner 2049er [DC] (1983)(Micro Fun) [Action].zip 16.1 KB
- Minefield (1991)(Anonymous) [Strategy].zip 8.2 KB
- Minesweeper [FW] (2003)(Dave Dunfield) [Strategy, Puzzle].zip 6.0 KB
- Mission- Impossible (1991)(Konami, Inc.) [Documentation].zip 5.7 KB
- Minesweeper in 3506 Bytes [FW] (2014)(musk) [Strategy].zip 5.4 KB
- Mine Shaft (1983)(IBM) [JRC].zip 5.2 KB
- Minesweeper [FW] (2003)(Dave Dunfield) [Source].zip 5.0 KB
- Mixed-Up Mother Goose (1987)(Sierra On-Line, Inc.) [Walkthrough].zip 2.6 KB
- Mist, The (1985)(Mindscape, Inc.) [Solution].zip 1.3 KB
- total-dos-collection-m_20240422_1103_meta.xml 784 bytes
- Mission UFO - A Solar System Odyssey (1992)(J and B Associates) [Codes].zip 277 bytes
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