Gide, André
File List
- Journals (3 vols.)/Volume 1_ 1889-1913/Gide, André - Journals, Vol. 1, 1889-1913 (Knopf, 1947).pdf 29.6 MB
- Journals (3 vols.)/Volume 3_ 1928-1939/Gide, André - Journals, Vol. 3, 1928-1939 (Knopf, 1949).pdf 18.9 MB
- Travels in the Congo/Gide, André - Travels in the Congo (Modern Age, 1937).pdf 15.4 MB
- If It Die/Gide, André - If It Die (Secker & Warburg, 1951).pdf 12.5 MB
- Journals (3 vols.)/Volume 2_ 1914-1927/Gide, André - Journals, Vol. 2, 1914-1927 (Knopf, 1948).pdf 12.0 MB
- Counterfeiters, The/Gide, André - Counterfeiters (Vintage, 1973).pdf 11.9 MB
- Fruits of the Earth/Gide, André - Fruits of the Earth (Secker & Warburg, 1949).pdf 9.7 MB
- Afterthoughts on the USSR/Gide, André - Afterthoughts on the USSR (Dial, 1938).pdf 6.8 MB
- Vatican Cellars, The/Gide, André - Vatican Cellars (Penguin, 1969).pdf 5.3 MB
- Lafcadio's Adventures/Gide, André - Lafcadio's Adventures (Vintage, 1953).pdf 5.2 MB
- God That Failed, The [ed. Crossman]/Crossman, Richard (ed.) - The God That Failed (Harper & Row, 1963).pdf 4.9 MB
- Dostoevsky/Gide, André - Dostoevsky (New Directions, 1961).pdf 4.4 MB
- Two Symphonies/Gide, André - Two Symphonies (Vintage, 1977).pdf 4.4 MB
- Marshlands : Prometheus Misbound/Gide, André - Marshlands & Prometheus Misbound (Secker & Warburg, 1953).pdf 4.4 MB
- Two Legends_ Oedipus & Theseus/Gide, André - Two Legends (Vintage, 1950).pdf 3.3 MB
- Madeleine/Gide, André - Madeleine (Knopf, 1952).pdf 2.6 MB
- My Theater/Gide, André - My Theater (Knopf, 1952).pdf 2.3 MB
- Back from the USSR/Gide, André - Back From the USSR (Secker & Warburg, 1937).pdf 2.3 MB
- Immoralist, The/Gide, André - Immoralist (Vintage, 1958).pdf 2.2 MB
- Counterfeiters, The/Gide, André - Counterfeiters (Vintage, 1973).epub 2.0 MB
- If It Die/Gide, André - If It Die (Vintage, 2001).epub 2.0 MB
- Lafcadio's Adventures/Gide, André - Lafcadio's Adventures (Vintage, 2003).epub 1.8 MB
- Oscar Wilde_ A Study/Gide, André - Oscar Wilde (Holywell, 1905).pdf 1.8 MB
- Corydon/Gide, André - Corydon (FSG, 1950).pdf 1.6 MB
- School of Women, The/Gide, André - School of Women, Part 1 (The Forum, Jan. 1929, pp. 10-15, 59-64).pdf 1.5 MB
- Oscar Wilde/Gide, André - Oscar Wilde (Philosophical Library, 1949).pdf 1.5 MB
- Trial, The [with Jean-Louis Barrault]/Gide, André - The Trial (Schocken, 1963).pdf 1.4 MB
- School of Women, The/Gide, André - School of Women, Part 2 (The Forum, Feb. 1929, pp. 118-123).pdf 913.2 KB
- Prometheus Illbound/Gide, André - Prometheus Illbound (Chatto & Windus, 1919).pdf 780.9 KB
- Oscar Wilde/Gide, André - Oscar Wilde (Open Road, 2011).epub 705.5 KB
- School of Women, The/Gide, André - School of Women, Part 3 (The Forum, Mar. 1929, pp. 188-192).pdf 697.8 KB
- Autumn Leaves/Gide, André - Autumn Leaves (Open Road, 2011).epub 590.7 KB
- Strait is the Gate/Gide, André - Strait is the Gate (Penguin, 1969).epub 300.3 KB
- White Notebook, The/Gide, André - White Notebook (Open Road, 2012).epub 256.0 KB
- Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech/Gide, André - Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech (Nobel Foundation, 1947).pdf 247.6 KB
- Urien's Voyage/Gide, André - Urien's Voyage (Open Road, 2012).epub 187.8 KB
- Strait is the Gate/Gide, André - Strait is the Gate (Penguin, 1969).jpg 178.2 KB
- Travels in the Congo/Gide, André - Travels in the Congo (Modern Age, 1937).jpg 152.6 KB
- Lafcadio's Adventures/Gide, André - Lafcadio's Adventures (Vintage, 1953).jpg 151.8 KB
- Oscar Wilde/Gide, André - Oscar Wilde (Open Road, 2011).jpg 144.2 KB
- Immoralist, The/Gide, André - Immoralist (Vintage, 1958).jpg 143.3 KB
- Two Symphonies/Gide, André - Two Symphonies (Vintage, 1977).jpg 133.9 KB
- Trial, The [with Jean-Louis Barrault]/Gide, André - The Trial (Schocken, 1963).jpg 123.2 KB
- Pastoral Symphony, The/Gide, André - Pastoral Symphony (Ballenberger, 2013).epub 122.9 KB
- If It Die/Gide, André - If It Die (Vintage, 2001).jpg 122.2 KB
- God That Failed, The [ed. Crossman]/Crossman, Richard (ed.) - The God That Failed (Harper & Row, 1963).jpg 118.3 KB
- Oscar Wilde/Gide, André - Oscar Wilde (Philosophical Library, 1949).jpg 116.1 KB
- My Theater/Gide, André - My Theater (Knopf, 1952).jpg 100.5 KB
- Marshlands : Prometheus Misbound/Gide, André - Marshlands & Prometheus Misbound (Secker & Warburg, 1953).jpg 98.5 KB
- Journals (3 vols.)/Volume 3_ 1928-1939/Gide, André - Journals, Vol. 3, 1928-1939 (Knopf, 1949).jpg 92.6 KB
- Madeleine/Gide, André - Madeleine (Knopf, 1952).jpg 91.8 KB
- Corydon/Gide, André - Corydon (FSG, 1950).jpg 70.8 KB
- Journals (3 vols.)/Volume 1_ 1889-1913/Gide, André - Journals, Vol. 1, 1889-1913 (Knopf, 1947).jpg 66.7 KB
- If It Die/Gide, André - If It Die (Secker & Warburg, 1951).jpg 64.5 KB
- Journals (3 vols.)/Volume 2_ 1914-1927/Gide, André - Journals, Vol. 2, 1914-1927 (Knopf, 1948).jpg 63.6 KB
- Fruits of the Earth/Gide, André - Fruits of the Earth (Secker & Warburg, 1949).jpg 62.7 KB
- Two Legends_ Oedipus & Theseus/Gide, André - Two Legends (Vintage, 1950).jpg 58.6 KB
- Autumn Leaves/Gide, André - Autumn Leaves (Open Road, 2011).jpg 54.4 KB
- Lafcadio's Adventures/Gide, André - Lafcadio's Adventures (Vintage, 2003).jpg 51.0 KB
- Back from the USSR/Gide, André - Back From the USSR (Secker & Warburg, 1937).jpg 37.9 KB
- Pastoral Symphony, The/Gide, André - Pastoral Symphony (Ballenberger, 2013).jpg 37.0 KB
- Vatican Cellars, The/Gide, André - Vatican Cellars (Penguin, 1969).jpg 36.6 KB
- Dostoevsky/Gide, André - Dostoevsky (New Directions, 1961).jpg 33.8 KB
- White Notebook, The/Gide, André - White Notebook (Open Road, 2012).jpg 29.9 KB
- Counterfeiters, The/Gide, André - Counterfeiters (Vintage, 1973).jpg 28.7 KB
- Urien's Voyage/Gide, André - Urien's Voyage (Open Road, 2012).jpg 15.9 KB
- Corydon/Gide, André - Corydon (FSG, 1950).opf 4.7 KB
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