Microprocessors & Microcontrollers
File List
- 68K/0534948227 Microprocessor Systems Design; 68000 Hardware, Software, and Interfacing (3rd ed.) [Clements 1997-03-21] {BE443592}.pdf 297.0 MB
- 8051/8131710262 The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems; using Assembly and C (2nd ed.) [Mazidi, Mazidi & McKinlay 2005-01-01] (photos, writing) {62FFE21D}.pdf 118.1 MB
- PIC/0071451420 123 PIC Microcontroller Experiments for the Evil Genius [Predko 2005-06-24] {0E67E064}.pdf 117.2 MB
- PIC/1401837484 Embedded C Programming and the Microchip PIC [Barnett, Cox & O'Cull 2003-11-03] {6D25514A}.pdf 112.6 MB
- 8188152250 51 Exciting Microcontroller Based Projects (2nd ed.) [2014-07-05] {4EC86B58}.pdf 101.9 MB
- X86/1418038458 The Intel Microprocessor Family; Hardware and Software Principles and Applications [Antonakos 2006-08-17] {E65EE65A}.pdf 92.3 MB
- AVR/1418039594 Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR (2nd ed.) [Barnett, Cox & O'Cull 2006-06-05] {B61B4864}.pdf 80.6 MB
- PIC/0071361723 Programming and Customizing PICmicro Microcontrollers (2nd ed.) [Predko 2000-12-04] {ABE28720}.pdf 79.1 MB
- 6502, 6510, 65802, 65816/0893037893 Programming the 65816; Including the 6502, 65C02 and 65802 [Eyes & Lichty 2015-11-04] {41DD0CD5}.pdf 72.9 MB
- 1584503688 Modern Microprocessors (3rd ed.) [Komeev & Kiselev 2004-08-24] {F67B4C24}.pdf 70.6 MB
- X86/0138027455 The Intel Microprocessors; Architecture, Programming, and Interfacing (4th ed.) [Brey 1997] {D32A79B9}.pdf 69.0 MB
- AVR/1449355781 Make; AVR Programming; Learning to Write Software for Hardware [Williams 2014-02-17] {2319CFC7}.pdf 66.2 MB
- ARM/0124080820 The Definitive Guide to ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 Processors (3rd ed.) [Yiu 2013-11-01] {94EA47E3}.pdf 65.0 MB
- PIC/0071606165 Making PIC Microcontroller Instruments & Controllers [Sandhu 2009-01-13] {670056C7}.pdf 63.8 MB
- X86/1566860164 Assembly Language for the PC (3rd ed.) [Socha & Norton 1992-12-01] {35855FD3}.pdf 62.0 MB
- PIC/0136009026 PIC Microcontroller and Embedded Systems; using Assembly and C for PIC18 [Mazidi, McKinlay & Causey 2008] {EDA46C2F}.pdf 59.4 MB
- PIC/1119448417 Microcontroller Theory and Applications with the PIC18F (2nd ed.) [Rafiquzzaman 2018-01-11] {9148C1A0}.pdf 53.5 MB
- ARM/1119052378 Practical Microcontroller Engineering with ARM Technology [Bai 2015-12-29] {98685D93}.pdf 51.6 MB
- MIPS/0131420445 MIPS Assembly Language Programming [Britton 2003-06-07] {84E11AC5}.pdf 51.3 MB
- 68K/0672224054 68000, 68010, 68020 Primer [Kelly-Bootle & Fowler 1985-12-01] {700D7572}.pdf 48.8 MB
- PIC/1856177505 Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers; Principles and Applications (2nd ed.) [Wilmshurst 2009-12-17] {236064C3}.pdf 48.5 MB
- X86/0131219758 The 80x86 IBM PC and Compatible Computers; Assembly Language, Design, and Interfacing (vols. 1 & 2) (4th ed.) [Mazidi & Mazidi] {45A93FA3}.pdf 42.9 MB
- 0905705750 Microcontroller Systems Engineering (PIC, AVR, ARM) [van Dam 2009-01-01] {EC73251B}.pdf 42.2 MB
- PIC/185233309X The Quintessential PIC Microcontroller [Katzen 2003-09-16] {CD95D395}.pdf 41.8 MB
- 6502, 6510, 65802, 65816/0931988594 6502 Assembly Language Subroutines [Leventhal & Saville 1982-01-01] {1C194C39}.pdf 40.9 MB
- 68HC12/0124518303 Single- and Multi-Chip Microcontroller Interfacing for the Motorola 68HC12 [Lipovski 1999-04-30] {86DAA3B0}.pdf 40.0 MB
- X86/0672305267 Mastering Turbo Assembler (2nd ed.) [Swan 1995-04-10] {AC4E671D}.pdf 38.7 MB
- PIC/0071420843 Programming and Customizing the OOPic Microcontroller [Clark 2003-06-20] {DB4A6CF4}.pdf 38.4 MB
- X86/0128091940 Intel Xeon Phi Processor High Performance Programming; Knights Landing Edition [Jeffers, Reinders & Sodani 2016-07-01] {16B23391}.pdf 36.5 MB
- 6502, 6510, 65802, 65816/053104923X 6502 Assembly-Language Programming for Apple, Commodore, and Atari Computers [Lampton 1985-01-01] {4F66F5D8}.pdf 35.6 MB
- 8080, Z80/0471081248 8080-Z80 Assembly Language; Techniques for Improved Programming [Miller 1981-01-26] {DE6172CD}.pdf 35.2 MB
- ARM/0128000562 Digital Design and Computer Architecture; ARM Edition [Harris & Harris 2015-05-06] {4D80FDC5}.pdf 34.2 MB
- X86/1259006131 Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals (X86, 8051) (3rd ed.) [Bhurchandi & Ray 2012-01-01] {512534D2}.pdf 33.5 MB
- ARM/3030013812 Classical and Modern Controls with Microcontrollers; Design, Implementation, and Applications (TM4C123GH6PM, ARM) [Bai & Roth 2018-12-14] {D2A8170D}.pdf 33.1 MB
- 6502, 6510, 65802, 65816/0942386531 The Second Book of Machine Language (6502) [Mansfield 1984-11-01] {6C5A0CDA}.pdf 31.8 MB
- 0750676981 Networking and Internetworking with Microcontrollers [Eady 2004-02-18] {B67A2D3A}.pdf 31.0 MB
- PIC/0071373241 PIC Robotics; A Beginner's Guide to Robotics Projects using the PICmicro [Iovine 2004-01-23] {8CAC1DA9}.pdf 30.8 MB
- PIC/1401839673 PIC Microcontroller; An Introduction to Software & Hardware Interfacing [Huang 2004-07-01] {66843379}.pdf 30.1 MB
- RISC-V/0128122757 Computer Organization and Design; The Hardware-Software Interface; RISC-V Edition [Patterson & Hennessy 2017-04-27] {DC05A5C2}.pdf 29.8 MB
- 68HC12/0124518311 Introduction to Microcontrollers; Architecture, Programming, and Interfacing for the Motorola 68HC12 [Lipovski 1999-10-01] {6E1EEAE2}.pdf 28.2 MB
- PIC/090570570X PIC Microcontrollers; 50 Projects for Beginners and Experts [van Dam 2008-01-01] {3F9FD72C}.pdf 28.1 MB
- MSP430/0071830030, 9387572706 Programmable Microcontrollers with Applications; MSP430 LaunchPad with CCS and Grace [Ünsalan & Gürhan 2013-09-17] {A3529396}.pdf 25.2 MB
- 8080, Z80/0931988918 Z80 Assembly Language Subroutines [Leventhal & Saville 1983-01-01] {CD6FC44C}.pdf 25.1 MB
- 0470380314 Microprocessor Theory and Applications with 68000-68020 and Pentium [Rafiquzzaman 2008-09-09] {08589EA8}.pdf 24.6 MB
- ARM/1119363993 Designing Embedded Systems and the Internet of Things (IoT) with the ARM Mbed [Xiao 2018-07-23] {7EA05DCA}.pdf 24.6 MB
- 6502, 6510, 65802, 65816/0942386116 Machine Language for Beginners (6502) [Mansfield 1983-01-01] {D38D22EF}.pdf 24.3 MB
- X86/0130910139 Assembly Language for Intel-based Computers (4th ed.) [Irvine 2002-07-25] {2BCB732D}.pdf 24.2 MB
- AVR/1439820643 Some Assembly Required; Assembly Language Programming with the AVR Microcontroller [Margush 2011-08-05] {3B07B2A8}.pdf 23.9 MB
- 6502, 6510, 65802, 65816/0895881357 Programming the 6502 [Zaks 1983-01-01] {DA2FF4DD}.pdf 22.2 MB
- PIC/0750686154 PIC Microcontrollers; Know It All [di Jasio et al. 2007-07-30] {4E2CE7AF}.pdf 22.1 MB
- MSP430/0123970121 MSP430-Based Robot Applications; A Guide to Developing Embedded Systems [Harres 2013-03-29] {9971358A}.pdf 20.5 MB
- X86/3319064851 High-Performance Computing on the Intel Xeon Phi; How to Fully Exploit MIC Architectures [Wang, Zhang, Shen, Zhang, Lu, Wu & Wang 2014-06-26] {6461FC2C}.pdf 19.7 MB
- 68HC11/0750658029 Practical Embedded Controllers; Design and Troubleshooting with the Motorola 68HC11 [Park 2003-08-11] {4DAE77A9}.pdf 18.9 MB
- 8080, Z80/0931988217 Z80 Assembly Language Programming [Leventhal 1979-01-01] {C90C9126}.pdf 18.0 MB
- X86/1484240626 Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming (X86-64, AVX, AVX2, AVX-512) (2nd ed.) [Kusswurm 2018-12-07] {1FC08C8F}.pdf 17.4 MB
- AVR/1430244461 Practical AVR Microcontrollers; Games, Gadgets, and Home Automation with the Microcontroller used in the Arduino [Trevennor 2012-10-15] {F8076885}.pdf 17.2 MB
- 8184311257 Microprocessors and Interfacing (8085, 8086, 8051, 8255) [Godse & Godse 2008-01-01] {9640B446}.pdf 17.1 MB
- ARM/0080982964 The Designer's Guide to the Cortex-M Processor Family; A Tutorial Approach (ARM) [Martin 2013-05-27] {55B3B7F2}.pdf 17.0 MB
- PIC/1466566655 Microcontrollers; High-Performance Systems and Programming (PIC18) [Sanchez & Canton 2013-10-28] {9A020FE4}.pdf 16.2 MB
- 8051/013119402X The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems; using Assembly and C (2nd ed.) [Mazidi, Mazidi & McKinlay 2005-10-06] {9667EFE6}.pdf 16.2 MB
- 8184313071 Microprocessor & Microcontroller System (8085, 8051, 8255, 89C51, AVR, PIC) [Godse & Godse 2007] {FF0FF673}.pdf 16.1 MB
- PIC/146658985X Building a Programmable Logic Controller with a PIC16F648A Microcontroller [Uzam 2013-08-28] {C9E8399F}.pdf 15.6 MB
- MSP430/1461431425 Introduction to Embedded Systems; using Microcontrollers and the MSP430 [Jiménez, Palomera & Couvertier 2013-09-11] {17CF30BE}.pdf 15.3 MB
- X86/0124104142 Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor High Performance Programming [Jeffers & Reinders 2013-03-01] {23018092}.pdf 15.2 MB
- ARM/0123820901 The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3 (2nd ed.) [Yiu 2010] {12AE4D2D}.pdf 14.9 MB
- 0672214598 How to Program Microcomputers (8080, 6800, 6502) [Barden 1977-01-01] {BCD9A54E}.pdf 14.8 MB
- PIC/0470947691 Microcontroller Theory and Applications with the PIC18F [Rafiquzzaman 2011-02-15] {B58BB1B3}.pdf 14.6 MB
- X86/0070726922 Assembly Language Programming and Organization of the IBM PC [Yu & Marut 1992-02-01] {A90926C7}.pdf 14.3 MB
- ARM/3319117033 ARM Assembly Language with Hardware Experiments [Elahi & Arjeski 2014-12-09] {1C037CB2}.pdf 14.1 MB
- 6800/0931988128 6800 Assembly Language Programming [Leventhal 1978-01-01] {6A96778B}.pdf 13.9 MB
- AVR/0750656352 AVR; an Introductory Course [Morton 2002-12-20] (duplex) {F432FE86}.pdf 13.8 MB
- X86/1430261307 Android on X86; An Introduction to Optimizing for Intel Architecture [Krajci & Cummings 2013-12-31] {8A0A6BF8}.pdf 13.7 MB
- 0071664505 Programming and Customizing the Multicore Propeller Microcontroller [Avery et al. 2010-02-03] {1C602123}.pdf 13.6 MB
- X86/0988523426 Parallel Programming and Optimization with Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessors (2nd ed.) [Vladimirov, Asai & Karpusenko] {4B17F7D7}.pdf 13.5 MB
- 8080, Z80/0895880571 How to Program the Z80 (3rd ed.) [Zaks 1979-01-01] {664C5301}.pdf 13.4 MB
- 0830679855, 083066985X Programming Microprocessors (6800, 8080, PPS-8) [McMurran 1977-01-01] {59FA8C37}.pdf 13.4 MB
- ARM/1463590156 Embedded Systems; Real-Time Interfacing to ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (vol. 2) (4th ed.) [Valvano 2011-11-10] {6B3F40EB}.pdf 13.2 MB
- 0521769922 Microprocessor Architecture; from Simple Pipelines to Chip Multiprocessors (Alpha 21264, Pentium P6) [Baer 2009-12-07] {28229AE1}.pdf 13.1 MB
- PIC/0750686111 Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C; From USB to RTOS with the PIC18F Series [Ibrahim 2008-04-09] {1A95C580}.pdf 13.0 MB
- 8051/158961237X C and the 8051 (3rd ed.) [Schultz 2004-06-08] {18F0DFBA}.pdf 13.0 MB
- 033343692X Introduction to Low Level Programming for Microprocessors (6800, Z80, 6502, 8086, Z8000, 68000) [Cluley 1987-11-01] {28D99730}.pdf 12.6 MB
- 8080, Z80/0070109621 Build Your Own Z80 Computer; Design Guidelines and Application Notes [Ciarcia 1981-10-01] {5D726777}.pdf 12.5 MB
- ARM/111878894X Professional Embedded ARM Development [Langbridge 2014-03-10] {67798163}.pdf 12.3 MB
- PIC/0071354794 PIC Microcontroller Project Book [Iovine 2000-05-18] {C4DF1A4C}.pdf 12.3 MB
- PIC/0750667559 Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers; Principles and Applications [Wilmshurst 2006-11-13] {02CF7318}.pdf 12.2 MB
- X86/0452257115 Assembly Language Primer for the IBM PC & XT [Lafore 1984-05-29] {9E11B614}.pdf 12.0 MB
- PIC/0071472878 Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller (3rd ed.) [Predko 2007-10-16] {327D3F98}.pdf 11.9 MB
- AVR/0071744541 tinyAVR Microcontroller Projects for the Evil Genius [Gadre & Malhotra 2011-02-08] {1ADDE729}.pdf 11.8 MB
- ARM/0081008805 Fast and Effective Embedded Systems Design; Applying the ARM mbed (2nd ed.) [Toulson & Wilmshurst 2016-10-31] {FF98F453}.pdf 11.6 MB
- X86/0133769402 Assembly Language for X86 Processors (7th ed.) [Irvine 2014-03-21] {73FB0581}.pdf 11.5 MB
- PIC/1119940702 Using LEDs, LCDs and GLCDs in Microcontroller Projects (PIC18F2410) [Ibrahim 2012-11-05] {732FF620}.pdf 11.5 MB
- PIC/0872590895 PIC Programming for Beginners [Spencer 2010-04-22] {8C73CAF9}.pdf 11.4 MB
- AVR/007134666X Programming and Customizing the AVR Microcontroller [Gadre 2000-10-09] {B6238DAA}.pdf 11.1 MB
- ARM/1466468866 Embedded Systems; Real Time Operating Systems for ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (vol. 3) (4th ed.) [Valvano 2012-01-03] {02BFAA0D}.pdf 11.0 MB
- PIC/1589950011 Programming PIC Microcontrollers with PICBASIC [Hellebuyck 2002-12-06] {1C8802F7}.pdf 10.9 MB
- X86/1543138845 Introduction to 64 Bit Windows Assembly Programming [Seyfarth 2017-02-14] {3A0C423B}.pdf 10.5 MB
- HCS12/1435427424 The HCS12-9S12; An Introduction to Software and Hardware Interfacing (2nd ed.) [Huang 2009-03-25] {9DC9855E}.pdf 10.3 MB
- X86/0387258973 Guide to Assembly Language Programming in Linux [Dandamudi 2005-07-15] {7333C598}.pdf 10.2 MB
- AVR/1598295411 Atmel AVR Microcontroller Primer; Programming and Interfacing [Barrett & Pack 2007-12-15] {CEBEE7FC}.pdf 10.2 MB
- ARM/178328157X Getting Started with Cubieboard (ARM) [Schinagl 2014-12-17] {CBFF1231}.pdf 10.1 MB
- 8051/3319764381 8051 Microcontrollers; Fundamental Concepts, Hardware, Software and Applications in Electronics [Gimenez 2018-05-23] {EBB10DB6}.pdf 9.9 MB
- 1593271042 Inside the Machine; An Illustrated Introduction to Microprocessors and Computer Architecture (Pentium, PowerPC) [Stokes 2006-11-30] {928389E6}.pdf 9.8 MB
- PIC/0071703268 PICAXE Microcontroller Projects for the Evil Genius [Hackett 2010-09-02] {473C8859}.pdf 9.6 MB
- PIC/1584503785 Microprocessors; From Assembly Language to C using the PICI8Fxx2 [Reese 2005-08-04] {EF7509E6}.pdf 9.6 MB
- X86/0971786135 Intel Integrated Performance Primitives; How to Optimize Software Applications using Intel IPP [Taylor 2004-04-01] {1DA42504}.pdf 9.4 MB
- 8051/0750657596 8051 Microcontroller; An Applications Based Introduction [Braithwaite, Cowan & Parchizadeh 2004-04-16] {97BDF102}.pdf 9.3 MB
- 6800/0810462818 6800 Software Gourmet Guide & Cookbook [Findley 1982-09-01] {6215C69C}.pdf 9.2 MB
- PIC/1420077678 Microcontrollers; Fundamentals and Applications with PIC [Valdes-Perez & Pallas-Areny 2009-02-11] {2D24E8F7}.pdf 9.1 MB
- X86/087930474X Windows Assembly Language & System Programming; 16- and 32-bit Low-Level Programming for the PC and Windows (2nd ed.) [Kauler 1997-01-11] {E8447BA3}.pdf 8.9 MB
- X86/0135026458 Intel Microprocessors; Architecture, Programming, and Interfacing (8th ed.) [Brey 2008-06-28] {9C38A9C9}.pdf 8.8 MB
- 8085, 8086/0810451654 The 8086 Primer; An Introduction to its Architecture, System Design, and Programming [Morse 1980-01-01] {92B9D5E0}.pdf 8.6 MB
- X86/1484921968 Introduction to 64 Bit Windows Assembly Programming [Seyfarth 2014-10-06] {A7FB3A8F}.pdf 8.5 MB
- X86/0137566107 IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming (4th ed.) [Abel 1998] {1233924C}.pdf 8.5 MB
- X86/1484200659 Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming; 32-Bit, 64-Bit, SSE, and AVX [Kusswurm 2014-11-25] {0DFDA42D}.pdf 8.3 MB
- ARM/1911531190 System-on-Chip Design; with ARM Cortex-M Processors [Yiu] {7458F228}.pdf 8.0 MB
- PIC/1584505834 Microcontrollers; From Assembly Language to C using the PIC24 Family [Reese, Bruce & Jones 2008-12-29] {5CAA721E}.pdf 7.9 MB
- X86/0471578142 Assembly Language Step-by-Step [Duntemann 1992-09-01] {B9C75CC2}.pdf 7.6 MB
- PIC/1118855795 Fundamentals of Digital Logic and Microcontrollers (PIC18F4321) (6th ed.) [Rafiquzzaman 2014-09-15] {0C0E3FA6}.pdf 7.5 MB
- 6502, 6510, 65802, 65816/0471861200 6502 Assembly Language Programming [Fernandez, Tabler & Ashley 1983-01-01] {AF9DA799}.pdf 7.3 MB
- PIC/1856178706 Programming 16-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C; Learning to Fly the PIC 24 (2nd ed.) [di Jasio 2011-12-28] {13144096}.pdf 7.0 MB
- ARM/0128036982 Modern Assembly Language Programming with the ARM Processor [Pyeatt 2016-05-11] {4D4A8938}.pdf 7.0 MB
- ARM/1782176500 ARM Cortex M4 Cookbook [Fisher 2016-03-16] {83FF820A}.pdf 6.8 MB
- X86/0764579010 Professional Assembly Language [Blum 2005-02-11] {382CA5D3}.pdf 6.6 MB
- 8051/0314772782 The 8051 Microcontroller; Architecture, Programming, and Applications [Ayala 1991-04-01] {E4967120}.pdf 6.6 MB
- ARM/3319667742 Computer Systems; Digital Design, Fundamentals of Computer Architecture and Assembly Language (ARM) [Elahi 2017-11-10] {E764C336}.pdf 6.5 MB
- PIC/0750682922 Programming 16-Bit Microcontrollers in C; Learning to Fly the PIC 24 [di Jasio 2007-03-30] {52B2C3B2}.pdf 6.5 MB
- AVR/0138003319 The AVR Microcontroller and Embedded System; using Assembly and C [Mazidi, Naimi & Naimi 2010-01-31] {98CB7A5B}.pdf 6.5 MB
- 0470320230 Robotics and Microprocessors [Mohr & Chairman 1984] {5934B7AF}.pdf 6.4 MB
- 1449393578 Getting Started with the Internet of Things; Connecting Sensors and Microcontrollers to the Cloud (Atmel SAM7) [Pfister 2011-06-05] {7B44F829}.pdf 6.2 MB
- PIC/0750668792 PIC BASIC Projects; 30 Projects using PIC BASIC and PIC BASIC Pro [Ibrahim 2006-09-27] {E5419983}.pdf 5.9 MB
- 8051/0023736607 The 8051 Microcontroller [MacKenzie 1994-08-01] {939D79AB}.pdf 5.9 MB
- ARM/0954998812 The Insider's Guide to the Philips ARM7-Based Microcontrollers [Martin 2005] {D97A31CC}.pdf 5.9 MB
- AVR/1484209028 Experimenting with AVR Microcontrollers [Trevennor 2014-11-27] {A4B0B258}.pdf 5.8 MB
- MIPS/3319139053 LNCS 9000; A Pipelined Multi-Core MIPS Machine; Hardware Implementation and Correctness Proof [Kovalev, Müller & Paul 2014-11-19] {8B9FEABD}.pdf 5.5 MB
- PIC/0470863358 Microcontroller Based Applied Digital Control (PIC) [Ibrahim 2006-04-14] {4EF5025F}.pdf 5.4 MB
- PIC/0750687096 Programming 32-Bit Microcontrollers in C; Exploring the PIC32 [di Jasio 2008-04-17] {88D4F5A0}.pdf 5.3 MB
- X86/1593272073 The Art of Assembly Language (2nd ed.) [Hyde 2010-03-01] {D1DCC627}.pdf 5.2 MB
- MIPS/0120884216 See MIPS Run (2nd ed.) [Sweetman 2006-10-31] {4927D1DC}.pdf 5.1 MB
- 8051/0132059754 The 8051 Microcontroller (4th ed.) [Mackenzie & Phan 2007] {C298849F}.pdf 5.0 MB
- 6800/0827358490 Microprocessors; Experiments for the Motorola 6800 [Urbaniak 1994-10-01] {2BF705FF}.pdf 5.0 MB
- X86/0763717738 Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture [Detmer 2001-02-01] {4D0C126C}.pdf 4.9 MB
- X86/1466470038 Introduction to 64 Bit Intel Assembly Language Programming for Linux [Seyfarth 2011-10-24] {455157DD}.pdf 4.9 MB
- PIC/0849371899 Microcontroller Programming; The Microchip PIC [Sanchez & Canton 2006-12-19] {9D230114}.pdf 4.8 MB
- X86/143026148X Intel Trusted Execution Technology for Server Platforms; A Guide to More Secure Datacenters [Futral & Greene 2013-11-22] {78192AC1}.pdf 4.7 MB
- 8051/3642136354 Embedded Microcontroller Interfacing; Designing Integrated Projects (C8051F020) [Gupta & Mukhopadhyay 2010-06-22] {0C34F561}.pdf 4.7 MB
- ARM/0128003421 Embedded Systems; ARM Programming and Optimization [Bakos 2015-10-09] {B9CD3EC0}.pdf 4.7 MB
- AVR/1305509994 Programming and Interfacing ATMEL AVR Microcontrollers [Grace 2015-07-29] {9E33DE87}.pdf 4.7 MB
- 1118787315 Practical Reverse Engineering; X86, X64, ARM, Windows Kernel, Reversing Tools, and Obfuscation [Dang, Gazet, Bachaalany & Josse 2014-02-17] {611C74B8}.pdf 4.6 MB
- PIC/0750662670 PIC Microcontrollers; An Introduction to Microelectronics (2nd ed.) [Bates 2004-08-09] {913E52A7}.pdf 4.5 MB
- PIC/0071633510 Running Small Motors with PIC Microcontrollers [Sandhu 2009-08-13] {6D1BD616}.pdf 4.5 MB
- HCS12/049541137X Introduction to Embedded Systems; Interfacing to the Freescale 9S12 (HCS12) [Valvano 2009-04-23] {08DE3C24}.pdf 4.5 MB
- MSP430/0750678100 Analog and Digital Circuits for Electronic Control System Applications; using the TI MSP430 Microcontroller [Luecke 2004-10-08] {B30ABFCF}.pdf 4.3 MB
- X86/0471375233 Assembly Language Step-by-Step; Programming with DOS and Linux (2nd ed.) [Duntemann 2000-05-24] {7ADC3BB7}.pdf 4.2 MB
- PIC/0750680288 Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers; Embedded Design by Interactive Simulation [Bates 2006-10-04] {E84C4AC1}.pdf 4.2 MB
- MIPS/0201398281 Introduction to RISC Assembly Language Programming (MIPS) [Waldron 1998-10-21] {FDEF39E1}.pdf 4.1 MB
- ARM/1848213298 Assembly Language Programming; ARM Cortex-M3 [Mahout 2012-02-13] {3B483232}.pdf 4.1 MB
- MSP430/0750682760 MSP430 Microcontroller Basics [Davies 2008-09-04] {4E6BE0A2}.pdf 4.1 MB
- X86/143026571X Platform Embedded Security Technology Revealed; Safeguarding the Future of Computing with Intel Embedded Security and Management Engine [Ruan 2014-08-09] {9C89BEBD}.pdf 4.0 MB
- X86/0470497025 Assembly Language Step-by-Step; Programming with Linux (3rd ed.) [Duntemann 2009-10-05] {A8BD610A}.pdf 4.0 MB
- 8085, 8086/8122429742 Understanding 8085-8086 Microprocessors and Peripheral ICs; through Questions and Answers (2nd ed.) [Sen 2010] {E9F9F011}.pdf 4.0 MB
- ARM/1482229854 ARM Assembly Language; Fundamentals and Techniques (2nd ed.) [Hohl & Hinds 2014-10-20] {D056D8D6}.pdf 3.9 MB
- PIC/0750689609 Programming 8-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C with Interactive Hardware Simulation [Bates 2008-07-29] {55DEF8F6}.pdf 3.8 MB
- 0750659890 Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers (Pentium, PowerPC, Athlon XP, PIC 16) (2nd ed.) [Crisp 2004-01-29] {D7BE8088}.pdf 3.8 MB
- 6502, 6510, 65802, 65816/0444424075 Microprocessor Programming and Applications for Scientists and Engineers (6502) [Smardzewski 1984-01-01] {15B0132C}.pdf 3.8 MB
- PIC/9400711182 Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers to Peripherial Devices [Borowik 2011-02-25] {6DB8CF4F}.pdf 3.7 MB
- X86/1466568240 X86 Assembly Language and C Fundamentals [Cavanagh 2013-01-22] {06F6FE85}.pdf 3.7 MB
- 0071411976 Stamp 2 Communications and Control Projects [Petruzzellis 2003-03-21] {FAB7B7C0}.pdf 3.7 MB
- X86/1430259264 Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor Architechture and Tools; The Guide for Application Developers [Ranman 2013-11-22] {03D4D3B6}.pdf 3.3 MB
- ARM/1558608745 ARM System Developer's Guide; Designing and Optimizing System Software [Sloss, Symes & Wright 2004-04-08] {B9516FA6}.pdf 3.3 MB
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